A Survey of Sensor Modalities for Human Activity Recognition
Bruce X. B. Yu
, Yan Liu
and Keith C. C. Chan
Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Keywords: IoT, Human Activity Recognition, Sensors.
Abstract: Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has been attempted by various sensor modalities like vision sensors,
ambient sensors, and wearable sensors. These heterogeneous sensors are usually used independently to
conduct HAR. However, there are few comprehensive studies in the previous literature that investigate the
HAR capability of various sensors and examine the gap between the existing HAR methods and their potential
application domains. To fill in such a research gap, this survey unfastens the motivation behind HAR and
compares the capability of various sensors for HAR by presenting their corresponding datasets and main
algorithmic status. To do so, we first introduce HAR sensors from three categories: vision, ambient and
wearable by elaborating their available tools and representative benchmark datasets. Then we analyze the
HAR capability of various sensors regarding the levels of activities that we defined for indicating the activity
complexity or resolution. With a comprehensive understanding of the different sensors, we review HAR
algorithms from perspectives of single modal to multimodal methods. According to the investigated
algorithms, we direct the future research on multimodal HAR solutions. This survey provides a panorama
view of HAR sensors, human activity characteristics and HAR algorithms, which will serve as a source of
references for developing sensor-based HAR systems and applications.
HAR research has been revitalized in recent years
with plenty of emerging big data technologies that
involve various Internet of Thing (IoT) sensors. HAR
is a broad field of study concerned with identifying
the specific movement or action of a person based on
sensor data. HAR could have a plenty of application
domains like healthcare, assisted living, surveillance
and computational behavioral science, etc. For
instance, the concept of cashier-free supermarket has
been emerged in recent years since the announcement
of Amazon Go and the release of its patents (Dilip,
2015; Gianna, 2015). Sensor technologies such as
Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), computer
vision, and sensor fusion have been collectively
attempted by companies for no-check stores to detect
activities of customers, but none of those
technologies has been popularized to mass production
due to their high implementation cost and intrinsic
limitations. Another important application domain of
HAR is healthcare where Applied Behavioral
Analysis (ABA) has been empirically verified as
effective treatment or prevention therapy for Autism
kids (Chouhan & Sharma, 2017). Besides, it could
also be applied to early screening of dementia
symptoms for the elderly to take effective prevention
therapies (Petersen et al., 2001).
In these application domains, HAR requires
varied levels of activity recognition resolutions to
tackle their specific core problems. If activities in a
grocery store or at a patient’s home could be detected
at a high resolution that supports advanced behavior
understanding, we could believe that it will breed
realistic benefits to our daily life. However, it remains
lack of studies examining the characteristics of
human activity and the required level of HAR for
landing them to those application domains. The
existing research of HAR usually focus on a single
sensor modality such as inertial sensor (Avci et al.,
2010; Bulling et al., 2014), vision sensor (Presti & La
Cascia, 2016), or WSN (Alemdar & Ersoy, 2010).
Although the use of single sensor modality has
Yu, B., Liu, Y. and Chan, K.
A Survey of Sensor Modalities for Human Activity Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0010145202820294
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 282-294
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
achieved some progresses on a few public datasets, it
might impede the potential progress of HAR area
since the real-world data source of HAR is
heterogeneously multimodal. To our best knowledge,
the effective data fusion strategies for multimodal
HAR solutions have not been thoroughly explored in
previous literatures. To identify the potential research
gaps, this survey disentangles HAR from three
aspects: activities, sensors and algorithms.
This survey is one of the first attempts to examine
the complexity levels of human activity and the state-
of-the-art levels of HAR achieved by different
sensors. Unlike most existing literatures of survey
that focus on a specific sensor modality, this paper
provides a systematic review of various IoT sensors
and their HAR capabilities. Main contributions of this
survey are threefold. First, it collectively compares
advantages and disadvantages of different sensors,
which can serve as a guidance to choose proper sensor
modalities for developing applicable holistic real-
world applications. Second, it provides a definition of
activity levels and a categorization scheme of HAR
that are used to analyze the HAR capability of
different sensor modalities. Third, it reviews
multimodal algorithms from both perspectives of
traditional and Deep Learning (DL) methods, and
direct the future research of HAR.
Regarding the structure of this survey, we start
with introducing different sensors in Section 2. We
then define the levels of human activity and analyze
the HAR capability of different sensors by using the
sample activities of a breakfast preparation activity
routine in Section 3. In Section 4, we explore the
future direction of HAR by reviewing data fusion and
processing methods of both single modal and
multimodal HARs. In Section 5, we draw a
conclusion and direct the future work.
Regarding IoT sensors used for HAR, some
researches classify them into two rough categories:
ambient sensors and wearable sensors (Acampora et
al., 2013; Chen, Hoey, et al., 2012). Ambient sensors
refer to sensors connected as a wireless mesh/dense
network that monitor the whole indoor environment
as well as human subjects. Wearable sensors are
attached to clothing and body, or even implanted
under the human skin. It is also common to classify
HAR sensors to three categories: vision, ambient and
wearable (Palumbo et al., 2014). Plenty of vision-
based behavior analysis technologies and
applications have immerged in recent years, among
which depth sensors remarkably attracts the interest
of researchers. Ambient sensors like RFID, pressure
sensor and inferred have been attempted but not as
popular as vision sensors. Wearable sensors like
accelerometer and gyroscope are popularly adopted
in both industrial and academic solutions. In the
remaining of this section, we extensively introduce
representative IoT sensors from three sensor
categories: vision, ambient and wearable sensors.
2.1 Vision Sensor
Vision sensors could be further grouped to two types:
representations based on local features (Gasparrini et
al., 2014; Elangovan et al., 2012) and body skeleton
(Wang, Liu, et al., 2012; Shahroudy, Liu, et al.,
2016). HAR methods based on local features are
independent to the choice of sensors as they only use
raw depth data and more robust to occlusion as depth
sensors are usually installed on ceiling. In (Gasparrini
et al., 2014), approaches using local features could be
capable for recognizing simple activities like fall and
hand gestures. Another approach (Elangovan et al.)
used local features to recognize three types of
interactions: human to human, human to object, and
human to vehicle, which is at a rough level and has
low generalization ability as the local features are
fixed. Although local feature-based methods could
not provide applicable fine-grained HAR solutions,
the performance of a DL method (Haque et al., 2017)
proposed to monitor hand hygiene compliance in a
hospital outperforms human accuracy.
Comparing with local feature-based approaches,
with a skeleton retrieval step, skeleton representation
of human activity data could significantly alleviate
the complexity of HAR. Vision sensors that allow 2D
or 3D skeleton retrieval including:
Motion Captures (MoCap): MoCaps can
provide very accurate skeletal data, but
suffered from high price and low flexibility for
general usage purpose;
Depth cameras: some off-the-shelf commercial
depth cameras like Microsoft Kinect v1/v2 and
Intel RealSense can retrieve skeleton data in a
significantly affordable way with acceptable
accuracy for HAR;
RGB cameras: 2D skeleton data could be
retrieved from RGB video data (Cao et al.,
2016) and even 3D skeleton data (Moreno-
Noguer, 2017; Pavlakos et al., 2017), which
requires more computational cost and
challenging for real-time detection. Detecting
2D skeleton from RGB image resembles the
COCO Keypoint Challenge (Lin et al., 2014).
A Survey of Sensor Modalities for Human Activity Recognition
With the capability of collecting skeleton data,
Kinect sensors dominate the area of vision-based
HAR. According to the list of public benchmark
datasets in (Han, Reily, Hoff, & Zhang, 2017), there
were 29 out of 41 datasets being collected by Kinect
sensors. Mocap ranked the second popular approach
in (Han et al., 2017). Other depth sensors like Xtion
Live Pro and Leap Motion have seldom been used for
data collection (Marin et al., 2014). Representative
big HAR datasets collected by Kinect sensors are
listed in Table 1. Currently, NTU RGB+D 120 (Liu,
Shahroudy, Perez, et al., 2019) has the largest number
of activities (NA) and subjects (NS) involved, which
is grouped into three categories: daily actions,
medicals actions and mutual actions.
Table 1: Benchmark datasets for vision-based HAR.
Dataset Sensor NS NA
(Wang et al., 2012) Kinect v1 10 16
(Wei et al., 2013) Kinect v1 8 8
(Rahmani et al., 2014) Kinect v1 10 30
(Shahroudy et al., 2016) Kinect v2 40 60
(Liu, Hu, et al., 2017) Kinect v2 66 51
(Liu, Shahroudy, Perez, et
al., 2019)
Kinect v2 106 120
2.2 Ambient Sensor
From the best of our knowledge, there are mainly four
types of ambient sensors as shown in Figure 1. Wi-Fi
and RFID tags have been claimed to be used for both
coarse-grained and fine-grained activity recognition
in (Wang, Zhang, et al., 2015) and (Patterson et al.,
2005), respectively. While state change sensors are
usually only capable for coarse-grained activity
recognition. There are also few attempts using audio
data for HAR, which is an area separated from speech
Figure 1: An IMU sensor with 6 degrees of freedom.
2.2.1 State Change Sensors
Various types of state change sensors could be used
for collecting ambient state changes of objects like
furniture, bathroom sanitary ware, kitchen utensils,
and electrical appliance. Figure 1(a) gives three
example of commonly used state sensors namely
pressure sensor, mercury contact and reed sensor.
These state sensors are binary and wireless and can
indicate binary states like switch on or off, and open
or closed through a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).
For data driven HAR model development and
evaluation purposes, self-reporting and camera
monitoring are two main methods of data annotation.
The HAR method proposed in (Van Kasteren, 2011)
used a wireless sensor network kits called RFM DM
1810 to connect various state change sensors includes
reed switch, pressure mat, and mercury contact
sensor, etc. Except RFM DM 1810, there are other
open-source hardware platforms, Udoo and
Raspberry Pi which are popular among researchers
for their low-cost and highly scalable in terms of both
the type and number of sensors. It is concluded in
(Maksimović et al., 2014) that the expensive Udoo
could achieve the best performance among other IoT
hardware platforms including Arduino Uno,
BeagleBone Black, Phidgets and Raspberry Pi.
2.2.2 RFID
RFID is a technology for reading information from a
distance from RFID-tags. RFID technology can be
subdivided into three categories: passive, semi-
passive, and active. Depending upon the application,
near-field RFID tags come in many form factors as
shown in Figure 1(b) (Chawla & Ha, 2007). RFID
technology is combined with data-mining techniques
and an inferencing engine to recognize activities
based on the objects used by people. (Patterson et al.,
2005) introduced a fine-grained HAR approach by
tagging 60 activity related objects for a morning
household routine. A user needs to take a RFID glove
as a reader in their approach. A similar job was
conducted earlier by (Philipose et al., 2004) for
inferring activities of elderlies and ADL collection.
RFID technology needs to attach tags to objects and
reader devices to users. It is suitable to tag some
movable objects as Patterson and Ma did. Meanwhile,
it could also be used together with wearable sensors
together (Hong et al., 2010; Stikic et al., 2008). The
data stream of this approach is similar with state
change sensors. In contrast to state change sensors, it
is easier to equip small objects, such as a toothbrush
or a dinner plate, with a sensing node. State sensors
in WSN can therefore only sense activities at
relatively limited granularities.
2.2.3 Wi-Fi
Since human bodies are good reflectors of wireless
signals, human activities can be recognized by
monitoring changes in Wi-Fi signals (Ma et al.,
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
2016). Recent Wi-Fi-based HAR uses the Channel
State Information (CSI) of commercial Wi-Fi systems
(Guo, 2017). To extract CSI, Intel Wi-Fi Wireless
Link 5300 is a frequently used Wi-Fi Network
Interface Card (NIC) which supports IEEE 802.11n
enabled by modulation methods of OFDM
(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) and
MIMO (multiple input multiple output) (Halperin et
al., 2011). The movement of the human body parts
cause variations in the Wi-Fi signal reflections, which
results in changes in CSIs. By analyzing the data
streams of CSIs of different activities and comparing
them against stored models, human behavior can be
recognized. This is done by extracting features from
CSI data streams and using machine learning
techniques to build models and classifiers. One
challenge of this approach is how to make a system
robust to environment change. Common device set up
is illustrated in Figure 2, which studies the impact of
environment differences in (Guo, 2017). Another
challenge is multi-user activity recognition, which
remains an open question and few solutions have
been attempted (Wang, Liu, et al., 2015). With the
advantages of low deployment cost, non-intrusive
sensing nature, wide coverage range (approximate
70m indoor and 250m outdoor), Wi-Fi based activity
recognition has become an emerging and promising
research area with the abilities of traverse through
wall for HAR and localization of static human
subjects and metallic objects (Adib & Katabi, 2013;
Pu et al., 2013; Huang, et al., 2014).
Figure 2: Wi-Fi and PC setups in experimental scenarios.
2.2.4 Sound
In parallel to other ambient sensors, sound produced
by objects, human, or human-object interactions
convey rich cognitive information about the ongoing
context, events, and conversations. Stork et al. (Stork
et al., 2012) attempted to recognize activities from
audio data by using the Mel Frequency Cepstral
Coefficient (MFCC) feature to build a Soundbook for
all activities. Stork created the Freiburg dataset as in
Table 2. Audio-based HAR is a rarely attempted area
separated from speech recognition, hence, there are
very few public datasets available. Another relevant
dataset is ESC-US Dataset (Piczak, 2015) which has
some labelled subsets like ESC-10 and ESC-50.
Representative public datasets for ambient sensor
based HAR are listed in Table 2. RFID sensors could
be used for fall action only. State-change sensors
could be used for some coarse-grained activities,
while Wi-Fi and audio signals have the ability for
inferring relatively more fine-grained activities.
Table 2: Datasets of ambient sensor-based HAR.
Dataset Sensor NS NA
(Van et al., 2008) State change 1 8
(Torres et al., 2013;
Wickramasinghe, Ranasinghe,
et al., 2017)
RFID 14 2
(Wickramasinghe, Torres, et
al., 2017)
RFID 13 2
(Guo et al., 2018) Wi-Fi 10 16
(Stork et al., 2012) Audio NA 22
2.3 Wearable Sensor
Wearable inertial sensors like accelerometer and
gyroscope have achieved popularity with their
advantage of long-term monitoring system (Li, Xu, et
al., 2016; Liu, Yen, et al., 2017). (Mukhopadhyay,
2015) introduced the sensors for human activity
monitoring could be body temperature, heart rate,
accelerometer, and Electrocardiogram (ECG). Except
inertial sensors, other physiological condition sensors
are more relates to various diseases directly instead of
HAR. For example, body temperature and heart rate
sensors could be used for detecting health problems
like stroke, heart attack and shock. (Parkka et al.,
2006) concluded that the accelerometer is the most
effective and accurate sensor for HAR. Besides,
comparing with accelerometer, the measurement of
those physiological condition data is not very relevant
to the task of HAR as proved by (Parkka et al., 2006).
Figure 3: An IMU sensor with 6 degrees of freedom.
An IMU is a Micro-Electro-Mechanical System
(MEMS) electronics module and is typically
comprised of 3 accelerometers, 3 gyroscopes, and
A Survey of Sensor Modalities for Human Activity Recognition
optionally 3 magnetometers. An accelerometer
measures changes in velocity and changes in position.
A gyroscope measures either changes in orientation
or changes in angular velocity. Magnetometers is
useful to determine absolute orientation of the sensor.
As Figure 3 shows, IMUs with 3 axis accelerometers
and 3 axis gyroscopes are commonly referred to as 6
degrees of freedom (DOF) IMU sensors. The
inclusion of a 3-axis magnetometer is sometimes
referred to as 9 DOF IMU sensors although
technically magnetometer should not be referred to as
inertial sensor. Table 3 provides some wearable
sensor based HAR datasets that use varied IMU
sensors from using 3-DOF IMUs to 9-DOF IMUs. All
of them are for coarse-grained HAR due to the
intrinsic characteristic of IMUs as it could not provide
sufficient information like appearance features in the
vision sensors.
Table 3: Datasets of wearable sensor-based HAR.
Dataset Sensor NS NA
(Reiss & Stricker, 2012) 3 3-DOF IMUs 9 18
(M. Zhang & Sawchuk,
6-DOF IMU 14 12
(Anguita, Ghio, Oneto,
Parra, & Reyes-Ortiz,
3-DOF IMU 30 12
(Baños et al., 2012) 9-DOF IMUs 17 33
2.4 Multiple Sensors
Although skeleton-based methods achieved
outstanding performances in HAR, common data
modalities like color, depth, face, and sound from
real-world scenarios have seldom been collectively
considered in existing HAR methods. (Chahuara et
al., 2016) attempted to fuse sound data with other
ambient sensor to recognized human activities in
smart homes. For some activities like talking, use
mobile phone, typing and eating, audio data might
provide some information which is independent with
other modalities yet informative for activity
recognition. As far as we know, this data modality
also has never been attempted together with vision
sensor. Given the complementary properties of these
signals, multimodal HAR attracts increasing research
attention in recent years. Intuitively, multimodal
HAR on one hand is more complex to process, on the
other hand it contributes the HAR accuracy as diverse
sensors can mutually compensate the shortcomings of
each other. Table 4 shows some representative
multimodal HAR datasets. According to the datasets
in Table 4, multimodal methods usually could lead to
better activity recognition performance. Hence, to
pursue more accurate and higher resolution HAR,
multimodal approaches that make use of the
complementary advantage of multiple data modalities
is the direction of future HAR.
Table 4: Datasets of multimodal HAR.
Dataset Sensor NS NA
(Hodgins & Macey,
Video, audio, Mocap,
18 5
(Sagha et al., 2011) IMUs, 72 sensors of
10 modalities
12 21
(Ofli et al., 2013) Mocap, Kinect v1,
camera, acc, audio
12 11
(Chen, Jafari, et al.,
Kinect v1, 6-DOF
8 27
In this section, we analyze the HAR capability of
various IoT sensors by proposing a definition scheme
of activity complexity.
3.1 Human Activity Characteristics
From the activity perspective, a clear definition of a
human activity complexity is crucial for evaluating
the HAR capabilities of different sensors. Human
activities vary in terms of many structural
characteristics like hierarchical structure, activity
duration, location, and the involved number of people
or objects. Previous research defined activity
complexity by considering the time span only (Bruce
& Chan, 2017), which is not adequate to reflect the
levels of activity complexity. Low-level activities
such as tracking and body posture analysis has been
surveyed by (Aggarwal & Cai, 1999). Considering
three aspects: object, time, and location, we come up
with a human activity categorization scheme as
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Our human activity categorization scheme that
groups activity levels into a hierarchical structure by
considering three main activity characteristics include
human-object interactions, durations, and locations.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 5: The HAR capability of different IoT sensor-based methods with corresponding to the hierarchical activity categories
labeled from 1 to 10. The activity category labels are spread out to the different IoT sensors on the left part of the figure.
3.2 Sensor Capability
Based on the reviewed popular datasets from each
IoT sensor category, the HAR capability of different
sensors are summarized in Figure 5 with the vision
sensor capable for all activity categories (from
categories 1 to 10). The activities highlighted with red
color and italic font on the right side of Figure 5 are
taking the activity examples of a breakfast
preparation routine in the job of (Lukowicz et al.,
2010). Ambient sensors like the RFID technology
used by (Torres et al., 2013; Wickramasinghe,
Ranasinghe, et al., 2017; Wickramasinghe, Torres, et
al., 2017) needs to install RFID tags on the entire floor
of a user’s living environment to detect if the user is
near the bed or not. RFID is also affected by noise
signals if two objects are very closely located. While
the use of state change sensors also needs to install a
quite number of sensors to all the related locations
and objects, but it could only do some coarse-grained
HAR. Wi-Fi CSI is emerged as a novel approach
which has the advantage of cross wall sensing ability,
but it remains lack of theoretical foundation that
proves the measurement accuracy for developing
reliable HAR method.
Comparing with ambient sensors, wearable
devices could be an appropriate choice for outdoor
activity recognition. Given that each sensor modality
has its own limitations, it has been surveyed that
fusing vision and inertial data improves the accuracy
of HAR (Chen, Jafari, et al., 2017). However, the
inertial sensor modality does not provide any context
information for fine-grained HAR that involves
human-object interactions. Besides, due to the
intrinsic battery limitation, it is intrusive for users to
wear sensor devices do long-term monitoring. One
recent trend for multimodal HAR is fusing inertial
sensor with vision sensor as reviewed in Section 2.4.
However, according to various modality combination
results of experiments on Berkeley MHAD, the
improvement of the performance by adding more data
modalities is very limited (from around 98% to
100%) (Ofli et al., 2013). Sometimes, adding extra
modality will even lower the HAR accuracy, which
renders the extra modality in vain. The increased
problem complexity and affected usability also make
multimodal HAR hard to be popularized among end
users as well as other stakeholders.
According to the surveyed datasets in Section 2. it
is noticeable that NTU RGB+D 120 (Jun Liu,
Shahroudy, Perez, et al., 2019) is by far the largest
one from perspectives like subjects involved, number
of activity classes, and number of viewpoints. Many
succeeding jobs have been emerged based on NTU
RGB+D 120. Some model activities with a spatial and
temporal networks by using CNN and LSTM
algorithms (Liu, Shahroudy, Xu, et al., 2016; Song et
al., 2017). While some attempt to model the most
informative joints in the skeleton data using the
context-aware LSTM algorithm (Liu, Wang, et al.,
2017) or remove the noise of the skeleton data for
view invariant recognition (Zhang et al., 2017; Liu,
Liu, et al., 2017). Another potential method is using
the contextual information to improve the HAR
accuracy by modeling human-object interaction (Wei
et al., 2017), which has not been attempted on large
datasets like NTU RGB-D 120 or PKU-MMD (Liu,
C., et al., 2017).
Given the above comparison, we believe vision
sensor could achieve the task of nonintrusive fine-
Local feature
Small activities
State sensor
Daily activities
Detail of
Take spoon, reach drawer, move
drawer, release drawer, reach
food, take food, take water
Open drawer,
fetch bread,
Desk, bed, sofa
Walking speed,
stand position,
Sleep time,
Inter activities relationship
Activity category
li hi
Sensor category relationship
2 3
A Survey of Sensor Modalities for Human Activity Recognition
grained HAR. The most controversial concern of
privacy could be avoided by using technologies like
blurring. Off-the-shelf sensors like RealSense and
Kinect could work even in poor illumination
condition, which makes them capable for 24-hour
activity monitoring. However, for vision sensors
being applied to healthcare, it remains some gaps to
be conquered as following:
As surveyed in Section 2, existing algorithm-
oriented and performance-oriented jobs usually
verify their models’ accuracy on benchmark
datasets with the activity duration limited to
seconds. This means that existing methods has
not been applied to applications domains.
For high resolution HAR, multimodal sensor
fusion methods need to be developed to
recognize more fine-grained activities that
reflect more details of the human behavior.
For common application domains like
healthcare and surveillance, it requires domain
experts to validate the feasibility and reliability
of the HAR resolution.
In the last decade, HAR methods based on single
sensor modality have experienced great progress
from version-based HAR (Poppe, 2010) to skeleton-
based methods (Presti & La Cascia, 2016), and from
ambient sensors (Rashidi & Mihailidis, 2013) to
wearable sensors (Lara & Labrador, 2013). Since the
data stream of sensor-based HAR has sequential
features, traditional algorithms like Dynamic Time
Warping (DTW) (Gavrila & Davis, 1995), Hidden
Markov Model (HMM) (Oliver, Horvitz, & Garg,
2002), and Support Vector Machine (SVM)
(Lublinerman et al., 2006) have been commonly used
(Aggarwal & Ryoo, 2011), which is recently
dominated by DL algorithms (Wang, Chen, et al.,
2017). Algorithms for multimodal HAR share a
similar trend of using DL models to extract latent
features. When it comes to multimodal HAR, sensor
fusion is the key issue that needs to be tackled.
According to (Elmenreich, 2002), there are three
main levels of sensor fusion approaches namely: 1)
data-level fusion, 2) feature-level fusion, and 3)
decision-level fusion, which is illustrated in Figure 6.
Multimodal methods have been attempted by both
traditional methods with a feature extraction step and
DL methods with end-to-end training manners. In this
section, we introduce both the traditional and DL
models form perspectives of single modal and
multimodal methods.
Figure 6: Common workflow of sensor-based HAR. Three
sensor fusion methods data-level fusion, feature-level
fusion, and decision-level fusion are labeled as 1, 2 and 3,
4.1 Traditional HAR Algorithms
Since input data types are intrinsically heterogeneous,
sensor fusion at data-level has seldom been attempted
by researchers. Sensor fusion conducted at feature-
level calculates popular features from input data and
further combines them into a fused feature vector for
inferring activity classes. For example, (Liu, Yang, et
al., 2010) fused quantized vocabulary of local spatial-
temporal volumes (cuboids and 2-D SIFT) and the
higher-order statistical models of interest points for
activity recognition using a hyper-sphere multi-class
SVM. Decision-level fusion uses multiple classifiers
for corresponding multiple features and makes the
classification by considering the complementary
results among classifiers. For instance, (Tran et al.,
2010) proposed a baseline approach using disparate
spatial features as an input vector to train multiple
HMM models within a fusion framework. Similar
fusion approach also used in skeleton-based method
by (Xia et al., 2012) that leans an HMM model for
each activity.
Traditional machine learning algorithms like
SVM, kernel machines, discriminant analysis, and
spectral clustering, concatenate all multiple views
into a single view to fit their learning settings.
However, this concatenation is not physically
meaningful as each view has specific statistical
properties and usually causes overfitting in case of
small dataset size. In contrast, multi-view learning as
another paradigm which uses one function to model a
particular view and simultaneously optimizes all the
functions to exploit the redundant views of the same
input data and improve the learning performance.
According to the categorization in (Xu et al., 2013),
multi-view learning is categorized into three main
types namely co-training, Multiple Kernel Learning
(MKL), and subspace learning.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Co-training was originally proposed for the
problem of semi-supervised learning, in which there
is access to labelled as well as unlabelled data. It
considers a setting in which each example can be
partitioned into two distinct views and makes three
main assumptions for its success: sufficiency,
compatibility, and conditional independence. The
original co-training job described experiments using
co-training to classify web pages into "academic
course home page" or not (Blum & Mitchell, 1998).
The classifier correctly categorized 95% of 788 web
pages with only 12 labelled web pages as training
data. Co-training is famous for its capability for
automatically learning two independent and
sufficient representations from data when only small
amounts of labelled data and large amounts of
unlabelled data are available. From the best of our
knowledge, seldom existing HAR tasks using the
semi-supervised co-training method. MKL has been
used by (Althloothi et al., 2014) and (Ofli et al.,
2013). MKL method fuses at kernel level to select
useful features based on weights. (Althloothi et al.,
2014) uses motion features and shape features of
skeleton and depth image to train multiclass-SVM
based classifiers for activity recognition. Another
popular MKL algorithm is Adaptive Boosting
(AdaBoost) (Lv & Nevatia, 2006), which relies on
constructing effective geometric features for
improving the HAR accuracy.
Subspace learning-based approaches aim to
obtain a latent subspace shared by multiple views by
assuming that the input views are generated from this
subspace. The well know subspace learning-based
approach is Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)
(Hardoon et al., 2004) and KCCA (Lai & Fyfe, 2000),
which gives the correlated form of input modalities as
a robust representation of multimodal data through
linear projections. The purpose of Correlation-
Independence Analysis (CIA) is to identify the
strength of respective modalities through teasing out
their common and independent components and to
utilize them for improving the classification accuracy
of human activities.
4.2 Deep Learning Approaches
4.2.1 Single Modal Approach
Recently, the advance of DL makes it possible to
perform automatic high-level feature extraction thus
achieves promising performance in many areas. Since
then, DL based methods have been widely adopted
for various sensor-based HAR tasks. (Wang et al.,
2017) reviewed DL models for HAR tasks, which
includes Deep neural network (DNN), Convolutional
Neural Network (ConvNets, or CNN), Stacked
autoencoder (SAE) etc. Representative DL models
are listed in Table 5. (Hammerla et al., 2016)
investigated the performance of DNN, CNN and
RNN through 4,000 experiments on some public
HAR datasets with a conclusion that RNN and LSTM
are recommended to recognize short activities that
have natural order while CNN is better at inferring
long term repetitive activities. The reason is that RNN
could make use of the time-order relationship
between sensor readings, and CNN is more capable
of learning deep features contained in recursive
patterns. (Zheng et al., 2014) summarized that CNN
is better for multimodal signals.
Table 5: Deep Learning models for HAR tasks.
DL Model Description
DNN Deep fully connected network, artificial
neural network with deep layers.
CNN Convolutional neural network, multiple
convolution operations for feature
RNN Recurrent neural network, network with
time correlations and LSTM.
DBN/RBM Deep belief network and restricted
Boltzmann machine.
SAE Stacked autoencoder, feature learning by
decoding-encoding autoencoder.
HCN Hierarchical cooccurrence network.
GCN Graph Convolutional Network.
Hybrid Combination of some deep models.
Concerning the popularity and capability of vision
sensor, we further examine the algorithms of vision-
based approaches. Existing researches of vision-
based HAR methods mainly focus on three directions
for the improvement of single modality HAR. The
first direction focuses on data pre-processing and data
cleaning. For example, (Liu, M., et al., 2017)
proposed a method that remove the noise data in
skeleton activity representations by learning a model
that reconstructs more accurate skeleton data. An
approach with this motivation has also been proposed
by (Zhang et al., 2017).
The second approach improves the HAR
benchmarks by proposing novel learning or
representing models. (Liu, Wang, et al., 2017)
proposed a context aware LSTM model that could
learn which part of joints contribute the HAR. (Yan
et al., 2018) introduced a Spatial Temporal-Graph
Convolutional Network (ST-GCN) that learns both
the spatial and temporal patterns from skeleton-based
activity data. Many enhanced versions of GCN
models has been proposed that improve the ST-GCN
A Survey of Sensor Modalities for Human Activity Recognition
by considering other physical prior knowledge. For
example, (Shi et al., 2018) proposed a non-local GCN
that leans the graph structure individually for
different layers and samples and achieved improved
performance than the manually designed
convolutional operation of ST-GCN. Another GCN
method proposed by (Li et al., 2019) tries to model
discriminative features from actional and structural
links of the skeleton graph. Except GCN, motivated
by cooccurrence learning, (Li et al., 2018) proposed
the hierarchical cooccurrence network (HCN) that
learns point-level features aggregated to
cooccurrence features with a hierarchical
methodology. The co-occurrence features refer to the
interactions and combinations of some subsets of
skeleton joints that characterizes an action (Zhu et al.,
2016). Considering both the graph and cooccurrence
characteristics, (Si et al., 2019) proposed an Attention
Enhanced Graph Convolutional LSTM Network
(AGC-LSTM) that achieved high accuracy on the
NTU-RGB-D dataset. However, the Directed Graph
Network (DGN) (Shi et al., 2019a) and achieved
higher accuracy than AGC-LSTM on the NTU-RGB-
D dataset with a small margin.
The third method is data augmentation that leans
data generation models to produce more training data
for the purpose of feeding more fuel to deep learning
models. (Barsoum et al., 2017) developed a sequence-
to-sequence model for probabilistic human motion
prediction, which predicts multiple plausible future
human poses from the same input. However, it has not
yet been evaluated if the generated data could be used
for improving the generalization power or accuracy
of HAR tasks. Focusing on the improvement of
accuracy on benchmark datasets might neglect the
improvement of HAR itself and its application
domains that needs higher activity resolution.
Another neglected issue of existing methods is
segmentation as deploying HAR methods to domain
applications needs simultaneously performing both
tasks of segmentation and classification.
4.2.2 Multimodal Approach
From the confusion matrix comparison of (Si et al.,
2019), skeleton modality cannot provide sufficient
information to discriminate action pairs that include
human-object interactions like “reading” and
“writing”, “writing” and “typing on a keyboard”,
“pointing to something with finger” and “pat on back
of other person”, which is due to the similar skeleton
motion patterns shared by those activity pairs.
Similarly, for activities that include interaction with
items in the PKU-MMD, skeleton modality might not
be capable to provide sufficient features from the
interacted items. Intuitively, these difficult activity
pairs have higher resolution than the well classified
ones, which might need more detailed contextual or
semantic features from other data modalities like
RGB and depth channels of the datasets like PKU-
The multimodal fusion analysis of (Ordóñez &
Roggen, 2016) on the Opportunity dataset (Sagha et
al., 2011) indicates that feeding more data channels to
its model called DeepConvLSTM would get
performance improvement. Similarly, experimental
results of (Jun Liu, Shahroudy, Perez, et al., 2019) on
NTU RGB+D 120 also indicates that extra data
modalities contribute the classification accuracy.
Hence, it is commonly accepted that multimodal
HAR approaches have the potential to improve the
activity resolution and recognize difficult activities.
Existing multimodal HAR methods could be roughly
categorized to two classes: vision-based multimodal
(Wei et al., 2017; Shahroudy, Ng, et al., 2017; Wu et
al., 2016) and vision-wearable based multimodal
(Sagha et al., 2011; Chen, Jafari, et al., 2015);
(Ordóñez & Roggen, 2016). The 4DHOI model
proposed by (Wei et al., 2017) attempts to represent
both 3D human poses and contextual objects in events
by using a hierarchical spatial temporal graph. The
fusion concept of (Wu et al.) has two approaches
namely late fusion and intermediate fusion. The late
approach simply combines the emission probabilities
from two modalities. In the intermediate fusion
scheme, each modality (skeleton and RGB-D) is first
pretrained separately, and their high-level
representation are concatenated to generate a shared
representation. The HAR tasks in (Wei et al., 2017)
include segmentation, recognition, and object
localization, which is not just recognition as what is
doing by most of the latest skeleton-based solutions
(Li, Chen, et al., 2019; Si et al., 2019; Shi et al.,
2019a; Liang et al., 2019) and (Shi et al., 2019b).
With segmentation, the solution might be capable of
doing HAR in an online mode. Another online
skeleton-based HAR solution was proposed by (Liu,
Shahroudy, Wang, et al., 2019).
This survey investigated IoT sensors for HAR that
could be applied to application domains like habit
perception, intervention performance evaluation,
disease prediction, and adaptive (automatic) smart
home. It provides a systematic view of the HAR
domain by disentangling the IoT sensors utilized and
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
their corresponding status in terms of their datasets
and algorithms. By reviewing the datasets of each
sensor modality and proposing a human activity
categorization scheme that groups human activities
based on their levels of complexity, we analyzed the
HAR capability of different IoT sensors and
concluded that vision sensors are relatively more
capable for HAR tasks. For HAR algorithms, we
investigated both traditional algorithms and DL
models. It is worth to note that the hard cases in the
NTU-RGB+D dataset could not be well recognized
by the skeleton modality only. Multimodal method
has the potential of recognizing more fine-grained
activities, but existing algorithms remain uncapable
to tackle multimodal data well.
For future jobs, as we summarized research gaps
in Section 3, although increasingly larger datasets
were collected, higher resolution HAR methods need
to be developed for landing domain applications like
healthcare, assistive technologies, and surveillance.
To do so, multimodal methods being capable of
higher resolution HAR need to be developed in the
future. Besides, the involvement of domain experts is
essential to validate the feasibility and reliability of
future HAR methods and applications.
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KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval