Social Media as an Auxiliary News Source
Stephen Bradshaw
, Colm O’Riordan
and Riad Cheikh
School of Computer Science, National University Ireland Galway, Ireland
South Gloucestershire and Stroud College, U.K.
Data Mining, Information Extraction.
Obtaining a balanced view of an issue can be a time consuming and arduous task. A reader using only one
source of information is in danger of being exposed to an author’s particular slant on a given issue. For many
events, social media provides a range of expressions and views on a topic. In this paper we explore the feasi-
bility of mining alternative data and information-sources to better inform users on the issues associated with
a topic. For the purpose of gauging the feasibility of augmenting available content with related information,
a text similarity metric is adopted to measure relevance of the auxiliary text. The developed system extracts
related content from two distinct social media sources, Reddit and Twitter. The results are evaluated through
conducting a user survey on the relevance of the returned results. A two tailed Wilcoxon test is applied to
evaluate the relevance of addition information snippets. Our results show that by partaking the experiment a
users’ level of awareness is augmented, second, that it is possible to better inform the user with information
extract from a online microblogging sites.
News articles are a long-established source for in-
forming oneself on a topic. However an article is typ-
ically written by a single author or a limited set of
authors, so naturally may be biased towards that au-
thor’s viewpoint. In addition, a newspaper company
might have a vested interest in an issue and as such,
frame a story to a particular slant to match their own
views. In the referendum in Scotland regarding their
proposed cessation from the United Kingdom (2014),
there were many claims leveraged by the yes cam-
paign, which stated that there were no pro-cessation
articles to be found in any of the national news out-
lets (Monbiot, 2014). Indeed, this accusation has once
more been voiced in the more recent (2016) debate on
whether Britain should leave the EU (Osborne, 2016).
It is argued here that aspects of web 2.0 can be mined
for knowledge, that will combat bias and polarisation
found in main stream media, to gain a more in-depth
understanding of an issue.
In this paper we will engage with the following
hypothesis, Social Media is a rich source of infor-
mation which, when appropriately mined can be used
to augment an existing knowledge snippet. To gain
a better intuition of this hypothesis we propose two
research questions:
RSQ1 Given a source of information, can we show
that additional data can be mined from social me-
dia, which is relevant to the original information
RSQ2 Can we determine if one source is more
appropriate for extracting a relevant information
snippet than the other.
There are many sources of information available to
users when looking to inform themselves on a topic;
some of these include news articles, blogs, Wikipedia
(an open source community created encyclopedia)
and Twitter (a popular microblogging site). News ar-
ticles and Wikipedia can be great sources of informa-
tion, however, they tend to be written by sole authors
or, by a small set of authors, and as such may suf-
fer from the author’s bias. Additionally, users have
a tendency to read content with which they agree.
This is a much studied concept particularly in the
field of recommender systems and is discussed un-
der a number of headings, including the filter bubble
(Pariser, 2011), echo chamber (Colleoni et al., 2014)
and balkanization (Cosley et al., 2003). In short, these
are different terminology for the same issue, that con-
tent based recommendation approaches are prone to
recommending content that is overly similar to what
has already been read. The challenge then is finding
content that is diverse while still being of interest to
the user. Social chat forums can be a great source of
differing opinion, though it can be a time consuming
process to read through all of the threads.
The aim for what follows is to explore the fea-
Bradshaw, S., O’Riordan, C. and Cheikh, R.
Social Media as an Auxiliary News Source.
DOI: 10.5220/0010144202770281
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 277-281
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sibility of improving the informative value of text,
through sourcing additional information from social
forums. Additionally, we look to determine if Red-
dit or Twitter is a superior source of information for
augmenting information snippets. In this paper, using
extracts from an article regarding a recent news event,
we compare Reddit and Twitter as alternative sources
of auxiliary information and measure the relevance of
comments found there to a set of users. Text simi-
larity is applied to a body of text and a selection of
microblogs to link comments from Reddit and tweets
from Twitter with paragraphs written on a particular
topic. Subsequently, a group survey is performed to
evaluate the results; a statistical analysis is then ap-
plied on the user feedback to determine which were
significant. Our conclusions show that relevant infor-
mation can be identified which improves the dataset;
additionally, the results show that Twitter proved to be
a more appropriate source. Included will be a number
of explanations as to why this might be the case.
Hsu et al. (Hsu et al., 2009) present a study which
aims to rank comments found on articles in Digg (a
popular online opinion editorial). They apply logistic
regression using a selection of metadata found relat-
ing to the comments and the social connectedness of
the comment makers. Interestingly, they found that
visibility is one of the most influential factors in how
a comment is rated. Visibility is affected by how
quickly one responds to an article. Visibility can be
influenced by a number of factors external to the ac-
tual content, such as time of posting or thread bias
(Hsu et al., 2009). By focusing on the text alone, one
can then promote content that is relevant, rather than
content that is dependent on up-votes or retweets to
gain visibility.
Shmueli et al. (Shmueli et al., 2012) use co-
commenting and textual tags to implement a collab-
orative filtering model which recommends news ar-
ticles to users. Past comments and social connect-
edness are used as indicators for recommendations.
Others who have investigated this approach include
work by Li (Li et al., 2010) and Bach (Bach et al.,
2016). Such an approach lends itself well for iden-
tifying related content of interest, though it does not
address other issues such as problems associated with
the echo-chamber.
Another approach proposed in the literature clus-
ters trending tweets together and extracts common
terms (Rehem et al., 2016). These terms are used to
form a query which the authors use to enter into a
search engine. They extract the most related news ar-
ticles to the query and recommend them to the user.
As a recommender system this approach is not very
personalised (as no input is made of user tastes), it is
based on the assumption that popular news is of inter-
est to the user. It does however add a level of serendip-
ity and helps to combat negative effects such as the
filter bubble by not over-fitting to the user’s tastes.
A similar approach to the one outlined in this pa-
per, is presented by Aker et al,. (Aker et al., 2016)
who aim to link comments to articles. They linked
comments to articles at a sentence level, where the ar-
ticle is first reduced to sentences and each sentence is
then compared to the related comments. Their dataset
was constructed using articles published online in the
Guardian newspaper website between the months of
June-July 2014. They amassed a total of 3,362 arti-
cles with an average of 425.95 comments per article.
In addition to linking comments and sentences, they
perform sentiment analysis, to determine whether the
comments agreed or disagreed with a given article.
As distance metrics they employed Jaccard and Co-
sine distance. As well as using syntactical similar-
ities they analysed connections using distributional
similarities between terms. Distributional similarity
is the idea that words that co-occur regularly have a
similarity of meaning. Using two additional sources
(BNC corpora and Wikipedia) they constructed sim-
ilarity vectors and incorporated those into their sys-
tem. They include on average about 425 comments
per article. One limitation of their approach is that
they rely on manual labelling to determine polarity
in the debate, which is an acceptable early first step.
Ultimately, a functional system would have to iden-
tify indicators automatically for any degree of prac-
tical application. Bias polarity could potentially be
inferred from the sources used in this experiment, by
determining poster demographic in a given subreddit,
or through looking at additional tweets from the indi-
viduals who retweet a given text.
Research by Becker (Becker et al., 2010) utilises
comments found in flickr to identify events, as deter-
mined from observing active conversation found on
social media. The authors identify distinctions be-
tween event detection in social media with event de-
tection in more standard datasets; namely, that there
is less structure and more noise in social media data.
They cluster comments into related groups and from
the resulting clusters deduce if a particular event is
happening. Similarly, a lot of work in this field
focuses on summarising user comments rather than
mapping them to points made in any correspond-
ing news article (Ma et al., 2012) (Hu et al., 2008)
(Khabiri et al., 2011).
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Top User Relevance Feedback.
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Avg Total
Reddit 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2.9
Twitter 4 2 4 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 3.1
The data used in the experiments is taken from three
different sources. The news article is taken from
the BBC homepage which is a comprehensive sum-
mary the issues associated with the impact of Brexit
. Additionally, 25,000 tweets from 19/07/2016 to
29/07/2016 were collected, comprising tweets that
featured the term or hashtag Brexit. The timescale is
such, that it encompasses tweets from before and after
the referendum. Finally, a collection of Reddit com-
ments was gathered from a subreddit called /r/brexit
and is composed of 20,000 discussion posts on the is-
Each paragraph in the news article is processed
and represented as a term vector. Similarly, each
tweet and Reddit comment is also represented in the
same fashion. A TF-IDF weighting scheme is applied
to determine a value for the terms. A cosine similarity
metric is applied to each comment (taken from Twit-
ter and Reddit) to determine how similar it is to each
particular paragraph from the news article. Selecting
the first ten paragraphs that contain 80 or more words,
they are presented to the user with the top five ranked
comments from each alternative source. The user is
then given the opportunity to rate how relevant the
comments/tweets are to each paragraph. User rank-
ings range from one to five, indicating totally non-
relevant to extremely relevant respectively. Subse-
quently, the values of the top five comments for each
paragraph, from both the Twitter and Reddit sources
are measured. A table is plotted from the resulting
scores; a statistical analysis is then performed on the
top comments of each set to gain a better perspective
on the performance of the approach.
Initial steps involved obtaining an article from the
BBC which was felt to give a robust insight on the
issue. It contained seventy-six paragraphs and had a
header for each topic, followed by an explanation on
what the topic was and how it impacted the debate.
Ten of these descriptive paragraphs were selected for
the experiments. For each paragraph, the similarity
level was compared with comments from the respec-
tive datasets (Twitter and Reddit). The top five most
related comments/tweets in order of similarity were
returned to be evaluated by the user.
Evaluation was determined through user feedback
of relevance; 23 students were invited to interact with
our system. Each user was presented with a news
paragraph and 5 related comments from each domain.
Users were then asked to rate the relatedness of each
comment presented on a scale of one for not related
and five for extremely related. Their feedback is anal-
ysed using the Wilcoxon statistical test.
5.1 Analysing Top Comments
In Table 1, we present the data indicating the user rel-
evance rankings of the top returned tweets and Reddit
comments. This table represents the top score of most
related comment from each domain. In the majority
of cases, the relevance found is quite good, showing
that we can augment existing material with related
comments from social media forums.
The overall relevance of all five comments to the
paragraphs is displayed in Table 2. The data shows
that Twitter instances are more relevant in all but one
of the cases. Based on user feedback we conclude
that there are a number of reasons for this. First, the
nature of Twitter comments is that they are more self-
contained. This is to say that they are written with
the intent of standing alone. This is in contrast to the
Reddit comments, each of which are an addition to an
ongoing conversation. Second, the Reddit comments
contain more anaphors; which adds an element of am-
biguity to the target of the conversation. Third, many
Twitter comments contain links to additional articles.
At this stage of the project we did not parse these ex-
ternal sources, the participants however reported that
the presence of a link reinforced the validity for opin-
ions expressed.
Social Media as an Auxiliary News Source
Table 2: Sum Average Comparison of Average User Relevance Feedback.
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Sum Total
Reddit 17 18 13 17 11 15 11 14 15 9 140
Twitter 16 15 18 18 15 17 10 16 17 16 158
Table 3: User Informativeness Feedback.
More Informed Equally Informed Less Informed
9 10 4
5.2 Statistical Analysis
To gain a greater insight into the data we investigated
how the top comment from each domain compare.
The intuition behind this is that people are often more
interested in the top result, and interest levels dimin-
ish the further down a list one goes. Table 1 shows
a summary of the user feedback in relation to the top
comment from Reddit and Twitter. Twitter has more
top ranked comments than Reddit, having a higher
relevance score in 4 of the 10 paragraphs.
Table 2 presents a sum total of all comments. We
performed a Wilcoxon t-test on the figures testing the
hypothesis that Reddit is a superior source of informa-
tion for obtaining additional related data (see table 4).
This analysis included feedback on all comment rele-
vance scores per paragraph. Only comment 1 is a sig-
nificant result supporting this claim. Conversely, of
the seven instances when the feedback from the Twit-
ter exceeded that of Reddit, three are significantly dif-
ferent. Thus we can conclude that Twitter performed
significantly better as an additional source of informa-
tion. It is clear from looking at this table that the in-
tuition provided from the Wilcoxon test are accurate.
The feedback given in relation to P2 are discernibly
in favour of Reddit, while P3, P4, and P10 are sub-
stantially weighted in favour of Twitter.
Finally, we asked participants to assess their
knowledge of the situation prior to conducting the sur-
vey and then again after. Table 3 contains a break-
down of responses. In nine of the instances, users
reported that they felt more informed on the topic
then when they had started, 10 users reported an equal
level of awareness, while 4 reported that their knowl-
edge of the topic was lower having completed the sur-
vey. This result was unusual but on follow up it was
determined that their awareness of the topic expanded
as result of the survey, such that they re-assessed how
much they were actually aware of the information.
This phenomenon is known as the Dunning Kruger
effect and is a well documented concept in psychol-
ogy (Dunning et al., 2003).
We set out to determine if useful additional com-
ments/tweets can be source to improve upon exist-
ing factual representation of an argument. We con-
ducted a user study and evaluated the results. Our
findings are that 1) social media has the potential to be
a relevant source of additional information, and 2) in
these initial experiments, Twitter showed itself to be
a more informative source of information than Red-
dit. Though the average relevance score found from
both sources showed that either could be considered
as viable auxiliary sources. It should be noted that the
relative small scale of the survey population (23), is
not sufficiently large to determine that one social me-
dia based source is superior to another, just that given
that population size it has shown itself to be more rel-
evant. The survey more, acts as an opening salvo in
the investigation of linking social media based con-
tent with that of official sources. The experiment asks
more questions than it answers; from this we propose
that there are three further avenues of research.
First, the selection of related comments was based
on a similarity metric. This can be improved through
using a clustering approach as a preprocessing step.
Namely, clustering the related comments to identify
prevalent topics expressed, and applying a frequency
metric such that, the returned recommended com-
ments are a) relevant and b) reflective of commonly
asserted opinions. Additionally one could consider
alternative clustering approaches such as K-nearest
neighbour and an exploration on the impact of using
different text similarity approaches; such as Jaccard
Similarity Coefficient or Manhattan Distance.
Second, follow-up work will include alternative
methods for linking content with data and more ex-
tensive evaluations over more material. Greater link-
age could potentially be achieved through employing
a word sense disambiguation step that would use word
embeddings to resolve intend use of terms (Bradshaw
et al., 2017). This could then be used to more accu-
rately inform relatedness found in the suggested in-
formation snippets.
Finally, information related to the paragraphs
themselves can be further extrapolated through,
analysing the related number of comments to a given
paragraph as well as the general sentiment expressed
in these comment.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 4: Shows results from Wilcoxon Test.
Difference N Statistic P-Value Reddit mean Twitter mean
T1 - R1 23 -1.55 .12 3.04 3.65
T2 - R2 23 -3.39 .001 3.78 2.35
T3 - R3 23 -3.57 .000 3.30 4.30
T4 - R4 23 -2.85 .004 3.22 4.17
T5 - R5 23 -1.31 .190 1.70 1.91
T6 - R6 23 -1.59 .111 3.09 3.70
T7 - R7 23 -2.29 .022 2.87 2.00
T8 - R8 23 -.19 .851 3.00 3.00
T9 - R9 23 -1.48 .138 3.09 2.78
T10 - R10 23 -3.49 .000 1.83 3.30
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Social Media as an Auxiliary News Source