Persuasion Meets AI: Ethical Considerations for the Design of Social
Engineering Countermeasures
as E. D
ıaz Ferreyra
1 a
, Esma A
, Hicham Hage
, Maritta Heisel
and Catherine Garc
ıa van Hoogstraten
Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research (DIRO), University of Montr
eal, Canada
Computer Science Department, Notre Dame University - Louaize, Lebanon
4, The Netherlands
Social Engineering, Digital Nudging, Privacy Awareness, Risk Management, Self-disclosure, AI, Ethics.
Privacy in Social Network Sites (SNSs) like Facebook or Instagram is closely related to people’s self-
disclosure decisions and their ability to foresee the consequences of sharing personal information with large
and diverse audiences. Nonetheless, online privacy decisions are often based on spurious risk judgements that
make people liable to reveal sensitive data to untrusted recipients and become victims of social engineering
attacks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in combination with persuasive mechanisms like nudging is a promising
approach for promoting preventative privacy behaviour among the users of SNSs. Nevertheless, combining
behavioural interventions with high levels of personalization can be a potential threat to people’s agency and
autonomy even when applied to the design of social engineering countermeasures. This paper elaborates on the
ethical challenges that nudging mechanisms can introduce to the development of AI-based countermeasures,
particularly to those addressing unsafe self-disclosure practices in SNSs. Overall, it endorses the elaboration
of personalized risk awareness solutions as i) an ethical approach to counteract social engineering, and ii) as
an effective means for promoting reflective privacy decisions.
Social Network Sites (SNSs) like Instagram and Twit-
ter have changed radically the way people create and
maintain interpersonal relationships (Penni, 2017).
One of the major attractiveness of such platforms is
their broadcasting affordances which allow users to
connect seamlessly with large and diverse audiences
within a few seconds. However, while these plat-
forms effectively contribute to maximizing people’s
social capital, they also introduce major challenges to
their privacy. Particularly, users of SNSs are highly
exposed to social engineering attacks since they of-
ten share personal information with people regardless
of their doubtful trustworthiness (Wang et al., 2011;
boyd, 2010).
Online deception is an attack vector that is fre-
quently used by social engineers to approach and ma-
nipulate users of SNSs (Tsikerdekis and Zeadally,
2014). For instance, deceivers often impersonate
trustworthy entities using fake profiles to gain their
victims’ trust, and persuade them to reveal sensi-
tive information (e.g. their log-in credentials) or
perform hazardous actions that would compromise
their security (e.g. installing Malware) (Hage et al.,
2020). Hence, counteracting social engineering at-
tacks relies (to a large extent) on the users’ capacity
of foreseeing the potential negative consequences of
their actions and modify their behaviour, accordingly
ımeur et al., 2019). However, this is difficult for
average users who lack the knowledge and skills nec-
essary to ensure the protection of their privacy (Ma-
sur, 2019). Moreover, people -in general- regret hav-
ing shared their personal information only after being
victims of a social engineering attack (Wang et al.,
Privacy scholars have proposed a wide range of
Artificial-Intelligence-Based (AI-based) approaches
that aim at generating awareness among people (De
Ferreyra, N., Aïmeur, E., Hage, H., Heisel, M. and van Hoogstraten, C.
Persuasion Meets AI: Ethical Considerations for the Design of Social Engineering Countermeasures.
DOI: 10.5220/0010142402040211
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 204-211
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and Le M
etayer, 2018; Petkos et al., 2015; D
ıaz Fer-
reyra et al., 2020; Briscoe et al., 2014). Particularly,
AI in combination with persuasive mechanisms has
gained popularity due to their capacity for nudging
users’ behaviour towards safer privacy practices (Ac-
quisti et al., 2017). However, these technologies are
often looked askance since there is a fine line between
persuasion, coercion, and manipulation (Renaud and
Zimmermann, 2018). For instance, users might be
encouraged to enable their phone’s location services
with the excuse of increasing their safety when, in
fact, the main objective is monitoring their move-
ments. Hence, ethical principles must be well defined
and followed for safeguarding people’s agency, auton-
omy, and welfare.
This work elaborates on the ethical challenges as-
sociated with the use of persuasion in the design of
AI-based countermeasures (i.e. technical solutions
for preventing unsafe self-disclosure practices). Par-
ticularly, it analyses the different factors that influ-
ence online privacy decisions and the importance of
behavioural interventions for promoting preventative
privacy practices in SNSs. Furthermore, it elabo-
rates on the ethical issues that the use of persuasive
means may introduce when used in combination with
AI technologies. Based on our findings, we endorse
the elaboration of personalized risk awareness mech-
anisms as an ethical approach to social engineering
countermeasures. In line with this, challenges for reg-
ulating the development and impact of such counter-
measures are evaluated and summarized.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 discusses the particular challenges that SNSs
introduce in terms of privacy decision-making. Sec-
tion 3 elaborates on the use of privacy nudges in com-
bination with AI for designing effective social en-
gineering countermeasures. Moreover, ethical chal-
lenges related to the use of persuasion in cybersecu-
rity are presented and illustrated in this section. Next,
Section 4 analyses the role of risk cues in users’ pri-
vacy decisions and their importance for the design of
preventative technologies. Finally, the conclusions of
this work are presented in Section 5.
Nowadays, SNSs offer a wide range of affordances
(e.g. instant messaging, posts, or stories) which al-
low people to create and exchange media content with
large and diverse audiences. In such a context, pri-
vacy as a human practice (i.e. as a decision-making
process) acquires high importance since individuals
are prone to disclose large amounts of private infor-
mation inside these platforms (boyd, 2010). Con-
sequently, preserving users’ contextual integrity de-
pends to a wide extent on their individual behaviour,
and not so much on the security mechanisms of the
platform (e.g. firewalls or communication protocols)
(Albladi and Weir, 2016). In general, disclosing per-
sonal information to others is key for the development
and strengthening of social relationships, as it directly
contributes to building trust and credibility among in-
dividuals. However, unlike in the real world, people
in SNSs tend to reveal their personal data prematurely
without reflecting much on the potential negative ef-
fects (A
ımeur et al., 2018). On one hand, such spu-
rious behaviour can be grounded on users’ ignorance
and overconfidence (Howah and Chugh, 2019). Nev-
ertheless, people often rely on lax privacy settings and
assume their online peers as trusted, which increases
significantly the chances of being victims of a ma-
licious user. Therefore, individuals are prone to ex-
perience unwanted incidents like cyber-bullying, rep-
utation damage, or identity theft after sharing their
personal information in online platforms (Wang et al.,
Overall, SNSs have become a gateway for access-
ing large amounts of personal information and, con-
sequently, a target for social engineering attacks. On
one hand, this is because people are more liable to re-
veal personal information online than in a traditional
offline context. However, there is also a growing
trend in cyber-attacks to focus more on human vul-
nerabilities instead on flaws in software or hardware
(Krombholz et al., 2015). Moreover, it is estimated
that around 3% of Malware attacks exploit technical
lapses while the remaining 97% target the users using
social engineering
. Basically, social engineers em-
ploy online deception as a strategy to gain trust and
manipulate their victims. Particularly, “deceivers hide
their harmful intentions and mislead other users to re-
veal their credentials (i.e. accounts and passwords)
or perform hazardous actions (e.g. install Malware)”
ımeur et al., 2019). For instance, they often ap-
proach users through fake SNSs accounts and insti-
gate them to install malicious software on their com-
puters. For this, deceivers exploit users’ motivations
and cognitive biases such as altruism or moral gain
in combination with incentive strategies to mislead
them, accordingly (Bull
ee et al., 2018). Particularly,
the use of fake links to cash prizes or fake surveys on
behalf of trustworthy entities can serve as incentives
“Estimates of the number of social engineering based
cyber-attacks into private or government organization,
DOGANA H2020 Project. Accessed July 24, 2020.
Persuasion Meets AI: Ethical Considerations for the Design of Social Engineering Countermeasures
and, thereby, as deceptive means.
In general, people struggle to regulate the amount
of information they share as they seek the right bal-
ance between self-disclosure gratifications and pri-
vacy risks. Moreover, an objective evaluation of
such risks demands a high cognitive effort which is
often affected by personal characteristics, emotions,
or missing knowledge (Kr
amer and Sch
awel, 2020).
Hence, there is a call for technological countermea-
sures that support users in conducting a more accu-
rate privacy calculus and incentivize the adoption of
preventative behaviour. In this section, we discuss the
role of AI in the design of such countermeasures es-
pecially in combination with persuasive technologies
like digital nudges. Furthermore, ethical guidelines
for the application of these technologies are presented
and analysed.
3.1 Privacy Nudges
The use of persuasion in social computing applica-
tions like blogs, wiki, and recently SNSs has caught
the interest of researchers across a wide range of
disciplines including computer science and cognitive
psychology (Vassileva, 2012). Additionally, the field
of behavioural economics has contributed largely to
this topic and nourished several principles of user en-
gagement such as gamification or incentive mecha-
nisms for promoting behavioural change (Hamari and
Koivisto, 2013). Most recently, the nudge theory
and its application for privacy and security purposes
have been closely explored and documented within
the literature (Acquisti et al., 2017). Originally, the
term nudge was coined by the Nobel prize winners
Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein and refers to the
introduction of small changes in a choice architecture
(i.e. the context within which decisions are made)
with the purpose of encouraging a certain user be-
haviour (Weinmann et al., 2016), Among its many
applications, the nudge concept has been applied in
the design of preventative technologies with the aim
of guiding users towards safer privacy decisions. For
example, (Wang et al., 2013) designed three nudges
for Facebook users consisting of (i) introducing a 30
seconds delay before a message is posted, (ii) display-
ing visual cues related to the post’s audience, and (iii)
showing information about the sentiment of the post.
These nudges come into play when users are about
to post a message on Facebook allowing them to re-
consider their disclosures and reflect on the potential
privacy consequences. Moreover, nudges have also
been designed, developed, and applied for security
purposes. This is the case of password meters used
to promote stronger passwords (Egelman et al., 2013)
or the incorporation of visual cues inside Wi-Fi scan-
ners to encourage the use of secure networks (Turland
et al., 2015).
3.2 The Role of AI
In general, the instances of privacy nudges described
in the current literature rely on a “one-size-fits-all”
persuasive design. That is, the same behavioural in-
tervention is applied to diverse individuals without
acknowledging the personal characteristics or differ-
ences among them (Warberg et al., 2019). However,
there is an increasing demand for personalized nudges
that address nuances in users’ privacy goals and regu-
late their interventions, accordingly (Peer et al., 2020;
Barev and Janson, 2019).
Figure 1: The user modelling-adaptation loop (De Bra,
In essence, the idea of personalized nudges inher-
ently encloses the application of AI techniques and
methods for understanding and anticipating the pri-
vacy needs of each particular user. For this, it is nec-
essary to define what is commonly known as the “user
model” of the system. That is, a set of adaptation vari-
ables that will guide the personalization process of be-
havioural interventions (De Bra, 2017). For instance,
people’s privacy attitude has been often proposed as
an adaptation means in the design of privacy wizards.
Under this approach, users are classified into fun-
damentalists, pragmatists, or unconcerned, and their
privacy policies adjusted to each of these categories
(Knijnenburg, 2014; Alekh, 2018). As result, funda-
mentalists receive strong privacy policies, moderate
settings are assigned to pragmatists, and weak ones
to unconcerned users. In this case, the user model
is said to be explicit since it is generated out infor-
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
mation that the users provide before starting to use
the system (e.g. in an attitude questionnaire). How-
ever, the need for explicit user input can be dimin-
ished when implicit models are automatically gen-
erated from large data sets (De Bra, 2017). Under
this approach, the model is automatically obtained out
of information that emerges from the interaction be-
tween the user and the system. Particularly, informa-
tion such as likes, clicks, and comments is aggregated
into an implicit model that guides the adaptation of
the system’s interventions (Figure 1).
In general, the application of AI to nudging so-
lutions offers the potential of boosting the effective-
ness of behavioural interventions. However, such ef-
fectiveness comes with a list of drawbacks inherited
from the underlying principles of AI technologies.
Indeed, as personalization in nudges increases, con-
cerns related to automated decision making and pro-
filing quickly arise along with issues of transparency,
fairness, and explainability (Susser, 2019; Brundage
et al., 2018). Consequently, the user model and adap-
tation mechanism underlying these nudges should be
scrutable in order to prevent inaccurate, unfair, biased,
or discriminatory interventions. This would not only
improve the system’s accountability but would also
give insights to the users on how their personal data
is being used to promote changes in their behaviour.
Over the last years, explainable AI (XAI) has shed
light on many of these points and introduced methods
for achieving transparent and accountable solutions.
One example is the introduction of self-awareness
mechanisms that endow deep learning systems with
the capability to automatically evaluate their own be-
liefs and detect potential biases (Garigliano and Mich,
2019). However, the combination of AI with persua-
sion introduces additional challenges related to the
impact that these technologies may have on the re-
sulting behaviour of individuals and society in general
uller, 2020; Susser, 2019). Hence, the definition of
ethical guidelines, codes of conduct, and legal provi-
sions are critical for guiding the development process
of personalized nudges and for preventing a negative
effect on people’s well-being.
3.3 Ethical Guidelines
Although many have shown excitement about nudges
and their applications, others consider this type of per-
suasive technologies as a potential threat to the users’
agency, and autonomy (Renaud and Zimmermann,
2018; Susser, 2019). Particularly, some argue that
nudges do not necessarily contribute to users’ welfare
and could even be used for questionable and unethi-
cal purposes. For instance, a mobile application can
nudge users to enable their phone’s location services
with the excuse of improving the experience within
the app when, in fact, the main purpose is monitoring
their movements. One case alike took place recently
in China during the outbreak of the Coronavirus: the
Chinese government implemented a system to mon-
itor the virus’s expansion and notify citizens in case
they need to self-quarantine
. Such a system gener-
ates a personal QR code which is scanned by the po-
lice and other authorities to determine whether some-
one is allowed into subways, malls, and other pub-
lic spaces. However, although the system encourages
people to provide personal information such as loca-
tion and body temperature on behalf of public safety,
experts suggest that this is another attempt by the Chi-
nese government to increase mass surveillance.
Figure 2: Nudge for monitoring the Corovavirus spread.
One distinctive aspect of nudges is that they are
applied in a decision-making context. That is, they
are used to encourage the selection of one alternative
over others with the aim of maximizing people’s wel-
fare (Weinmann et al., 2016). In the case of the QR
system introduced in China, its adoption was made
mandatory by the government. Hence, it does not
qualify as a nudge solution since this would normally
Paul Mozur, Raymond Zhong and Aaron Krolik “In
Coronavirus Fight, China Gives Citizens a Color Code,
With Red Flags” New York Times, March 1, 2020. Ac-
cessed July 24, 2020.
Persuasion Meets AI: Ethical Considerations for the Design of Social Engineering Countermeasures
involve the manipulation of the environment in which
a decision is made while preserving users’ autonomy
and freedom of choice. However, one could imag-
ine a nudge variant of such a system: the QR-code
could be included as an optional feature inside a mo-
bile application (e.g. public transport), and its use in-
centivized through a reward mechanism (e.g. a dis-
count in the next trip) as illustrated in Figure 2. This
and other instances of choice architectures give rise
to ethical questions like “who should benefit from
nudges?”, “should users be informed of the presence
of a nudge?” and “how nudges should (not) influ-
ence the users?”. In line with this, (Renaud and Zim-
mermann, 2018) elaborated on a set of principles that
privacy and security nudges should incorporate into
their design to address these and other ethical con-
cerns. Particularly, they introduced check-lists that
designers can use to verify if their nudging solutions
comply with principles such as justice, beneficence,
and respect. For instance, to preserve users’ auton-
omy, designers should ensure that all the original op-
tions are made available. This means that, if a nudge
attempts to discourage people from installing privacy-
invasive apps on their phones, then users should still
have the option to install these apps if they wish to.
Moreover, users should always be nudged towards be-
haviours that maximize their welfare rather than the
interests of others. That is, choices that enclose a ben-
efit for the designer (if any) should not be prioritized
over those who do benefit the user.
As discussed, nudges can raise ethical concerns even
if they are conceived for seemingly noble purposes
like privacy and security. Furthermore, although per-
sonalization increases their effectiveness, it can also
compromise users’ privacy and autonomy. In this
section, risk awareness is discussed and presented as
a suitable means for developing appropriate nudging
solutions. Particularly, it elaborates on how risk cues
influence peoples’ privacy decisions and how choice
architectures may incorporate such cues into their de-
sign. Moreover, it discusses state-of-the-art solutions
in which risk perception has been introduced as an
adaptation variable for personalizing behavioural in-
4.1 The Role of Risk Cues
Risks are part of our daily life since there is always
some uncertainty associated with the decisions we
make. Moreover, it is our perception of risk which
often helps us to estimate the impact of our actions
and influences our behaviour (Williams and Noyes,
2007). However, evaluating a large number of risk
factors is often difficult due to the limited cognitive
capacity of humans in general. Consequently, people
often misjudge the consequences of their actions, be-
have unseemlily, and suffer unwanted incidents (Fis-
cher, 2017). To avoid this, it is of utmost impor-
tance to increase individuals’ sense of awareness and
so their access to explicit and adequate risk informa-
tion (Kim, 2017). This premise not only applies to
decisions that are made in the real world but also in
online contexts such as the disclosure of personal in-
formation. Particularly, self-disclosure is a practice
which is usually performed under uncertainty condi-
tions related to its potential benefits and privacy costs
(Acquisti et al., 2015). However, average SNSs users
find it difficult to perform proper estimations of the
risks and benefits of their disclosures and, in turn, re-
place rational estimations with cognitive heuristics.
For example, they often ground their privacy deci-
sions on cues related to the platform’s reputation (e.g.
it’s size) or recognition (e.g. it’s market presence),
among others (Marmion et al., 2017). All in all, the
application of heuristics tends to simplify complex
self-disclosure decisions. However, these heuristics
can also undermine people’s privacy-preserving be-
haviour since SNSs portray many trust-related cues,
yet scarce risk information (Marmion et al., 2017).
Furthermore, privacy policies are also devoid of risk
cues which, in turn, hinder users’ decisions related to
consent on data processing activities (De and Imine,
2019). Consequently, even users with high privacy
concerns may lack adequate means for conducting a
rigorous uncertainty calculus.
4.2 Risk, Persuasion and AI
In general, risk awareness has a strong influence on
people’s behaviour and plays a key role in their pri-
vacy decisions. Therefore, the presence of risk cues is
essential for supporting users in their self-disclosure
practices. Under this premise, privacy scholars have
introduced nudging solutions that aim to promote
changes in people’s privacy behaviour using risk in-
formation as a persuasive means. For example, (De
and Le M
etayer, 2018) introduced an approach based
on attack-trees and empirical evidence to inform users
of SNSs about the privacy risks of using lax pri-
vacy settings (e.g. the risks of having a public pro-
file). Similarly, (Sanchez and Viejo, 2015) developed
a method for automatically assessing the sensitivity
degree of textual publications in SNSs (e.g. tweets or
posts). Such a method takes into consideration the de-
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
gree of trust a user has in the targeted audience of a
message (e.g. family, close friends, acquaintances)
when determining its sensitiveness level. Further-
more, this approach is embedded in a system which
notifies the users when privacy-critical content is be-
ing disclosed and suggests them to either restrict the
publication’s audience or remove/replace the sensitive
terms with less detailed information. Nevertheless,
the system ignores nuances in people’s privacy goals
and does not provide a mechanism for personalizing
the interventions.
In order to guide the development of preventative
nudges, (D
ıaz Ferreyra et al., 2018) introduced three
design principles. The first one, adaptivity, refers to
the importance of personalized interventions in creat-
ing engagement between the nudge and its users. Par-
ticularly, personalization is considered key for engag-
ing individuals in a sustained learning process about
good privacy practices. The second one, visceral-
ity, highlights the importance of creating a strong and
appreciable connection between users and their per-
sonal data. This principle is grounded on empirical
evidence showing that, in general, users take con-
science about the value of their data only after they
suffer an unwanted incident (e.g. phishing or finan-
cial fraud). Finally, the principle of sportiveness, sug-
gests that nudging solutions to cybersecurity should
recommend countermeasures or coping strategies that
users can put into practice to safeguard their privacy.
When it comes to sportiveness, the authors suggest
that many of the current privacy-enhancing technolo-
gies such as access-control lists and two-step veri-
fication would qualify as countermeasures and that
the role of nudges is to motivate their adoption. On
the other hand, they also suggest that adaptation and
viscerality can be achieved by defining a user model
which reflects individuals’ risk perception (D
ıaz Fer-
reyra et al., 2020). Particularly, they introduced a user
model consisting of a risk threshold which is updated
as behavioural interventions are accepted or ignored
by the end-user. By doing so, the nudge adapts to the
individual privacy goals of the users and increases the
effectiveness of its interventions. That approach was
Figure 3: Personalized interventions for online-self disclo-
sure (D
ıaz Ferreyra et al., 2020).
put into practice in the design of preventative tech-
nologies for SNSs as depicted in Figure 3. Partic-
ularly, this approach uses empirical evidence on re-
grettable self-disclosure experiences to elaborate risk
patterns and shape behavioural interventions. Such
risk-based interventions aim to encourage the use of
friend lists for controlling the audience of textual pub-
Overall, social interaction across SNSs demands mak-
ing privacy decisions on a frequent basis. However,
online self-disclosure, as well as the evolving and on-
going nature of privacy choices, seem to be out of
the scope of privacy regulations. Instead, data protec-
tion frameworks tend to focus more on issues related
to consent and overlook (sometimes deliberately) the
importance of providing the necessary means for per-
forming an adequate privacy calculus. Consequently,
service providers limit themselves to the definition of
instruments for obtaining consent (e.g. privacy poli-
cies) leaving the rational estimations of privacy risks
to the individual discretion of the users. However, as
discussed throughout this paper, such estimations are
often impaired by cognitive and motivational biases
which tend to outweigh anticipated benefits over po-
tential risks. Hence, users are prone to experience re-
gret after disclosing personal information in SNSs due
to false estimations and optimistic biases. Further-
more, because of such spurious estimations, people
might end up sharing their private information with
untrusted audiences and increase their chances of suf-
fering social engineering attacks. Thus, the incorpo-
ration of awareness mechanisms is of utmost impor-
tance for supporting users’ self-disclosure decisions
and mitigating the likelihood of unwanted incidents.
At their core, social engineering countermeasures
require promoting behavioural changes among the
users of SNSs. Hence, nudging techniques are of
great value for the design of technical solutions that
could guide individuals towards safer privacy deci-
sions. Furthermore, AI-based approaches can im-
prove the effectiveness of such solutions by endow-
ing them with adaptation and personalization features
that address the individual goals and concerns of the
users. However, despite its promising effects, the
combination of AI together with persuasive means
can result in unethical technological designs. In prin-
ciple, this is because nudges can mislead people to-
wards a behaviour which is not necessarily beneficial
for them. In this case, ethical guidelines are quite
Persuasion Meets AI: Ethical Considerations for the Design of Social Engineering Countermeasures
clear since they stress the importance of designing
choice architectures that are transparent and tend to
maximize people’s welfare. However, the question
that still remains unclear is whether platforms should
keep self-regulating the design of these technologies,
or if public actors should harness the application of
ethical standards in order to safeguard individuals’
agency and autonomy. Either way, conducting an ade-
quate social welfare impact assessment of persuasive
AI technologies is crucial to determine their effects
(positive or negative) on human behaviour at large.
Another controversial point is that users are not
always aware of the presence of a nudge since per-
suasive means target primarily people’s automatic and
subconscious processing system. However, ethical
approaches should allow people to explicitly recog-
nize the presence of the nudge and the influence it
is aiming to excerpt. Hence, choice architectures
should, when possible, introduce mechanisms that
target individuals’ reflective reasoning in order to
avoid potential manipulation effects. As discussed
in Section 4.1, social engineering countermeasures
can achieve this by incorporating risk information and
cues in their design. However, even risk-related infor-
mation can be subject to manipulation if not framed
accordingly. That is, when high-risk events are por-
trayed as low-risk situations and vice-versa. Further-
more, biases can also be introduced if the likelihood
and consequence levels of unwanted incidents are not
properly estimated and quantified. Hence, guidelines
for the correct estimation of risks together with ethical
approaches for their communication should be further
investigated, introduced, and guaranteed.
This work was partially supported the H2020 Euro-
pean Project No. 787034 “PDP4E: Privacy and Data
Protection Methods for Engineering” and Canada’s
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
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