Knowledge Management in Service Desk Environment: An Overview of
Methods, Tools and Techniques
Michal Dost
and Jan Skrbek
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Knowledge Management, Service Desk.
Knowledge management and Service Desk are both important topics for successful companies. Good knowl-
edge management practices in Service Desk can improve the quality of delivered service and therefore improve
the competitiveness of the company. Based on the literature research followed by analysis we describe and
propose methods, tools, and techniques that are or could be used in the Service Desk environment. The meth-
ods, tools, and techniques are described according to the phase of knowledge management and the Service
Desk activities. This research paper presents a part of work-in-progress research and represents a good base
for follow-up research on this topic.
Knowledge management is a vital part of a prospering
company environment. This discipline connects and
impacts many departments and activities in the com-
pany and if done successfully, it can improve the com-
petitive power of the company. Service Desk is one of
the areas in the company which also benefits from im-
plementing good knowledge management practices.
This position paper focuses on the knowledge man-
agement methods, tools and techniques that are or
could be used in the Service Desk environment. We
take into account the knowledge management phases
and types of Service Desk activities performed by the
Service Desk staff.
As (Aradati et al., 2019) notes, there are not many
academic studies concerning knowledge management
in the domain of IT support. This paper presents a
part of work-in-progress research on the knowledge
management methods in the Service Desk environ-
ment and involves research of possible ways of their
The research presented in this paper is based on lit-
erature research and analysis. Through literature re-
search, we were able to overview knowledge manage-
ment methods, tools and techniques, which were then
analyzed for their suitability to be used in the Service
Desk environment. As knowledge management has
certain phases, we divided the methods according to
those and the types of activities that they relate to.
There are many reasons why managing the knowledge
in the Service Desk is important. According to (Dav-
enport and Klahr, 1998) knowledge is the real fac-
tor that separates companies, thus it has an impact on
their competitive power. By managing knowledge of
their support the company can improve customer loy-
alty and satisfaction. This means fewer calls to the
Service Desk but also reducing the service costs.
Service Desk, as defined in Information Technol-
ogy Infrastructure Library (ITIL), is a single point of
contact between the customer (or user) and IT sup-
port. (Long, 2012) Within the ITIL framework ser-
vice lifecycle, Service Desk belongs in the Service
Operation part. In the Service Operation, there are
certain subcategories of processes, which the Service
Desk attend to:
event management,
incident management,
request fulfilment,
access management,
Dostál, M. and Skrbek, J.
Knowledge Management in Service Desk Environment: An Overview of Methods, Tools and Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0010142201960203
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 196-203
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
problem management,
IT operations control,
facilities management,
application management and
technical management.
Through Service Desk a user can place queries, re-
quests, or tickets about incidents. The requests can be
related to any process listed above.
It is also important to note the difference between
the Service Desk and Help Desk as they may seem to
mean the same thing. Cambridge dictionary (Cam-
bridge, 2020) defines help desk as “a service that
provides information and helps to people, especially
those using a computer network”. Service Desk is
more complex and provides more complex services
to its users and customers. It is usually a part of its af-
ters sales service complementing the product. There
are certain levels of IT support in the Service Desk.
(Windley, 2002) describes five levels. In the first one,
there are customer support and help desk, which re-
solve only simple and non-problematic tasks, queries,
and requests. The rest of the requests are escalated to
higher levels. On the second level is technical sup-
port with more technical and more complex knowl-
edge needed for incident resolution. On levels 3–5 are
specialists such as systems engineers, administrators,
network admins, or database admins. An interesting
addition is a 0 level of IT support, which (Hertvik,
2015) defines as self-help or trying to resolve the re-
quest or query by oneself - through documentation,
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) or service cata-
There are many definitions of knowledge manage-
ment in the literature. We present some of them.
(Becerra-Fernandez and Sabherwal, 2010) have a
simple definition: doing what is needed for getting
the maximum from the knowledge sources. (Dalkir,
2013) then defines knowledge management as a mix
of strategies, tools a and techniques of working with
Knowledge management is described by so called
knowledge management cycle, which according to
(Dalkir, 2013) has 3 phases:
knowledge creation and codification,
knowledge sharing and dissemination,
knowledge acquisition and application.
(Cerchione and Esposito, 2017) defined different clas-
sification of the knowledge management phases:
knowledge creation,
knowledge storage,
knowledge transfer.
In this chapter the foundations and list of knowledge
management methods, tools, and techniques are laid
out. The corresponding methods, tools, and tech-
niques are grouped according to knowledge manage-
ment cycle phases, which are based on the classifica-
tions made by scientists in this research field. The in-
dividual phases of the knowledge management cycle
are listed after each other in a corresponding logical
4.1 Knowledge Creation
The creation of new knowledge may come from
within or outside of the organization. The knowledge
creation within the organization may be induced by
learning, research and development, experience accu-
mulation, and learning by doing (Dalkir, 2013).
The creation of knowledge from the external
source can be absorbed by interaction with suppliers,
customers, and competitors.
(Nonaka, 1994) suggested that the knowledge cre-
ation is gained via the interaction of implicit knowl-
edge and explicit knowledge.
(Gray and Meister, 2006) stated some knowledge
sourcing methods:
published knowledge sourcing (publication, man-
uals, knowledge repositories, intranet, etc.)
dyadic knowledge sourcing (e-mail, telephone,
mentoring) - based on the person to person com-
group knowledge sourcing (electronic discussion,
meetings, communities of practice)
(Rollett, 2003) describes knowledge creation as “de-
velopment of genuinely new knowledge” connected
with terms such as creativity, problem-solving, and
innovation. All of these are a part of the knowledge
management process of knowledge creation. Accord-
ing to (Rollett, 2003) there are several factors, that
influence this process or stage of the knowledge man-
agement life cycle. He states, that “mistakes must be
treated as learning opportunities” and that “creativity
is the bottleneck of the knowledge creation”. He also
lists several methods, that are supporting KC: check-
lists, synectics, assumption smashing, brainstorming
and brainwriting, concept mapping, thinking hats, di-
alogue. The technologies he lists are retrieval tools,
brainstorming tools, idea processors, expertise loca-
tors, groupware, visualization tools, simulation tools,
artificial intelligence, and authoring tools.
Knowledge Management in Service Desk Environment: An Overview of Methods, Tools and Techniques
(Kaba and Ramaiah, 2017) listed IT tools and
techniques used for content creation: authoring tools,
templates, annotations, data mining, expert profiling,
blogs, and mashups. They also listed IT tools for con-
tent management, which include: taxonomies, folk-
sonomies, metadata tagging, classification, archiving,
and Personal Knowledge Management. In their pa-
per, they analyzed the usage of tools listed above and
their results show, that the most used tools are Per-
sonal Knowledge Management (e-mail, portals, news
aggregators), authoring tools, and templates.
Other scientists (Cerchione and Esposito, 2017)
presented a taxonomy for the knowledge management
tools and the practices. To the knowledge creation
phase belongs: data mining, data visualization, ex-
pert systems, social data mining, text mining, col-
laborative filtering, crowdsourcing systems, mash-up,
idea markets, syndication systems, trust and reputa-
tion systems. Practices used for knowledge creation
consist of brainstorming, ideas, competition, knowl-
edge elicitation, interview, benchmarking, knowledge
filtering, and rating.
4.2 Knowledge Capture
Capture of knowledge also belongs to the first part
of the knowledge management cycle. The methods
for capturing knowledge, as listed by (Dalkir, 2013),
are: structured interviewing protocol, talk aloud anal-
ysis, observation, or simulations. Those are meth-
ods for capturing the tacit knowledge - the knowledge
stored inside the worker’s heads and the one which
is the hardest to capture. Other methods and tech-
niques are road maps, learning histories, e-learning,
learning from others through business guest speakers.
To capture the explicit knowledge one could also use
techniques such as cognitive mapping, decision trees,
knowledge taxonomies, or task analysis.
(Dalkir, 2013) describes three key knowledge cap-
ture phases: identification, conceptualization, and
codification. In the identification phase, it is deter-
mined, what knowledge would be beneficial to cap-
ture. In the next phase, the knowledge is modeled in
order to conceptualize it. In the last phase, the knowl-
edge is organized and also externalized.
4.3 Knowledge Organization
The base purpose of knowledge organization is to or-
ganize the knowledge in such a way, that is most ben-
eficial for later use. (Rollett, 2003) lists out the ben-
efits of knowledge organization: it raises the effec-
tivity of later retrieval of the knowledge; it enables
displaying context with other documents through sub-
ject headings and related materials; it enables intelli-
gent processing such as reasoning or automatic ontol-
ogy building; and it facilitates communication with
the usage of controlled vocabularies so that everyone
uses the same terminology and everyone knows what
is talked about.
(Rollett, 2003) then declares types of structures
in which the knowledge could be structured: the-
sauri, semantic networks, taxonomies, ontologies, or
knowledge maps. It is then important to make a se-
ries of decisions when implementing knowledge or-
ganization: Do we use existing knowledge organiza-
tion structures or is better to implement new ones?
Do we use multiple structures or do we stick to just
one? Do we use manual or automatic approaches?
Each of these aspects, that we must consider has its
advantages and disadvantages and we must carefully
decide, what is best for our current situation in the
context of our knowledge management strategies.
4.4 Knowledge Integration and
The process of knowledge integration is built upon
the aim of “making existing knowledge available to
an organization” (Rollett, 2003). We can take two ap-
proaches based on the type of knowledge we need to
integrate into our organization: internal and external
(Kraaijenbrink and Wijnhoven, 2008) defined ex-
ternal knowledge integration as “the identification,
acquisition and utilization of external knowledge”.
They also defined three levels of knowledge integra-
tion heterogeneity: within the organization, within
the environment, and finally between the organiza-
tion and the environment. There are some character-
istics of external knowledge: external knowledge can
be valuable, but can also be a source of uncertainty
in the company; ownership of the knowledge must
be considered - can be public or private; and borders
of knowledge entities (open, closed, their heterogene-
(Rollett, 2003) states some methods and tools sup-
porting the integration of external knowledge. For
example buying knowledge products, which includes
purchasing research reports, market analyses, or ac-
cess to commercial databases. One of the tools is
skills management, through which are the skills lev-
els of employees monitored and managed. Thanks
to skills management the company can decide, which
employees will attend which training courses or the
HR department can determine which key skills are
missing in the company and therefore what new staff
need to be recruited.
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
(Rollett, 2003) argues that a lot of knowledge ex-
ists in some form, but it is really not available to all
employees who would benefit from it. So the aim of
integrating the internal knowledge is to make all the
kinds of knowledge available to whoever is in need
of that type of knowledge. It is important to con-
sider what to capture and define what is valuable. It
is also important to capture the context of the knowl-
edge, e.g. to be able to pass it through some automatic
processing later.
Knowledge transfer, according to (Argote and In-
gram, 2000), is the process through which one unit
(e.g. department, group, team,...) is affected by the
experience of another unit. The transfer of knowl-
edge in the organization is manifested through the
changes in the knowledge or, in its final consequence,
in the change of the performance of the units. (Rol-
lett, 2003) then describes two types of knowledge
transfer methods: knowledge pull and push. In the
first case, the transfer of knowledge is initiated by the
seeker of the knowledge. This can be done in the
form of knowledge fairs, where staff from different
departments are brought together and through infor-
mal interaction encouraged in the knowledge transfer.
Transfer of knowledge through knowledge pull is of-
ten facilitated through knowledge retrieval from elec-
tronic sources: searching and browsing.
Knowledge push is of a different nature. The
transfer is initiated by the system, other person, or
group - not the receiver. (Rollett, 2003) defines two
types of knowledge push according to the participants
of the knowledge transfer: person–person or person–
computer. The former is supported by periodic meet-
ings or internal training courses. The latter can be
supported by internal portals, e-mail, or institutional
instant messaging.
4.5 Knowledge Acquisition and
The application of knowledge is the next step after all
the knowledge management phases of the cycle. After
the knowledge is either created or captured, it is cod-
ified and organized, and then made available to the
company. Now the knowledge is available and can
be applied. The knowledge application aims to ef-
fectively find the best combination of the knowledge
and the right user of that knowledge (Dalkir, 2013).
(Dalkir, 2013) also states some knowledge manage-
ment tools and methods that support the knowledge
application process: learning taxonomies, task sup-
port systems, personalization, or expertise location
The aim of the knowledge management in the Ser-
vice Desk environment is to maximize the availabil-
ity of information and knowledge to the employees of
Service Desk communicating directly with the users.
Users, in this case, could be customers of the com-
pany using their product or employees of the com-
pany, who are seeking some information, help, or ful-
fillment of their request. Each group of users has its
specific types of requests. Customers are receiving
support, included with the product they purchased, in
the form of answering queries, resolving incidents,
or fulfilling specific requests. Employees or inter-
nal users are often contacting the IT Support in cases
that something they need for successful completion
of their work is not working correctly - the printer
stopped working, their internet connection is slow, the
computer does not turn on, etc. To successfully re-
solve all the tasks that are aimed at the Service Desk
staff, it is crucial they have access to the right knowl-
edge and preferably at the right time to ensure, that the
quick resolution and user satisfaction are achieved.
As is pictured in the previous section, knowledge
management consists of many methods, tools, and
techniques that can be assigned to a specific phase of
knowledge management. In this paper, we divide the
methods and tools into three phases - a combination
of classifications from (Rollett, 2003), (Dalkir, 2013)
and (Cerchione and Esposito, 2017):
Phase I: knowledge creation, codification, organi-
zation and knowledge capture.
Phase II: knowledge sharing, dissemination and
Phase III: knowledge acquisition and application.
Methods chosen for its possibility to be used in the
Service Desk environment are categorized by the
phases listed above. This categorization is pictured
in the Table 1 and the methods are later analyzed in
this article. Analyzed methods are chosen based on
their current usage in the Service Desk or their pos-
sible usage there, and in that case, a proposal on how
they could be used is included. Methods and tools are
analyzed from the following aspects:
digital form - is it already used in digital form or
could be used it that way?
user experience - for both staff and the customers
potential of enhancement by employing artificial
difficulty of implementation
Knowledge Management in Service Desk Environment: An Overview of Methods, Tools and Techniques
Table 1: Knowledge management methods in Service Desk according to knowledge management cycle.
KM cycle phase Categories of methods Methods
Phase I
Knowledge creation,
organization and
theory of inventive problem solv-
ing, expert profiling, lessons
learned, best practices, surveys,
Phase II
Knowledge sharing,
dissemination and
apprenticeship, on-the-job training,
lectures, best practices, searching,
browsing, knowledge inventories,
expert interviews, knowledge fairs,
communities of practice
Phase III
Knowledge acquisition and
metadata tagging, automated tax-
onomy systems, expertise location
systems, community yellow pages,
expert systems, recommender sys-
tems, case-based reasoning sys-
tems, customization and personal-
ization, e-learning, computer-based
training systems
We can also classify the methods, tools, and tech-
niques based on the type of activities in the Service
Desk, to which they are related. We divide the activi-
ties accordingly:
on-boarding of new Service Desk personnel
learning new concepts of processes in the com-
pany (new hardware, methodologies or services)
which the Service Desk staff needs to understand
and be able to help with
incident resolution and request fulfillment which
includes accessing information (knowledge) or
looking up whom to escalate the incident or re-
quest to
logging incidents, which could also include their
archiving, creation of best practices, lessons
learned - in other words, to create a comprehen-
sive entry in the Service Desk knowledge base for
future use and reference
5.1 Phase I
Phase I includes knowledge creation, codification, or-
ganization, and knowledge capture. If we consider the
types of activities stated above, then we can state that
incident logging belongs to this phase of knowledge
When Service Desk staff performs incident log-
ging, knowledge about the task is either created or
captured - depending on the nature of the incident or
request. An example of the knowledge creation could
be: User detects an unusual error in the application
he is using, so he contacts the Service Desk to resolve
this error. As there is no entry of this error in the Ser-
vice Desk knowledge base and no available knowl-
edge on how to solve this error, the company must
find the solution. When the error is solved and the so-
lution is deployed to the user, the Service Desk staff
must carefully log the solution into the Service Desk
knowledge base.
There could be several knowledge management
methods and tools used. When trying to solve a new
problem, Service Desk could employ theory of inven-
tive problem solving, which provides a set of tech-
niques and strategies of inventive problem-solving. It
can also be used to make forecasts and thus used to
predict the development in the Service Desk environ-
ment. This set of techniques and methods has a pretty
high level of difficulty of implementation, as this is a
more expert approach and should be used to solve a
problem of higher complexity and importance.
When trying to solve a complex problem that re-
quires expert knowledge, it could be also beneficial to
utilize expert profiling. This should be done digitally
and it has good potential to be employed alongside
artificial intelligence. While creating expert profiles,
artificial intelligence could help with determining the
attributes of company staff from their recent success-
ful interactions with users and customers in certain
problem domains. Expert profiling should not be too
difficult to implement in the existing solutions used in
the company. When done right, the user experience
- of both user and the Service Desk staff - should in-
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
When it comes to logging the incident and its so-
lution, Service Desk could use lessons learned reposi-
tory containing new gain knowledge. In the long term,
this process could also include consideration of updat-
ing the best practices. These days the lessons learned
and best practices are best to be kept in digital form.
It is also very useful to consider the feedback from
the user or customer on his satisfaction with the res-
olution of the incident or request. Service Desk then
can gain new knowledge on what could be improved
and customized to fit the customer’s needs. Meth-
ods to gain such knowledge are for example surveys
and questionnaires, carefully prepared to get the most
valuable information. Surveys and questionnaires
sent to the customer or user after the successful or un-
successful resolution of an incident are mainly sent
electronically. Service Desk may use some ready-
made solutions for the survey creation and evaluation
or develop their own if they wish to include some cus-
tom features. It would be possible to employ some
artificial techniques to infer useful information from
the survey results for the Service Desk management.
5.2 Phase II
Phase II includes knowledge sharing, dissemination,
and transfer. If we consider the types of activities in
the Service Desk, we can include the on-boarding ac-
tivities and adaptation to new features and concepts to
this phase.
During the on-boarding of the new Service Desk
staff, knowledge transfer is always occurring. Based
on the type of transfer, certain knowledge manage-
ment methods and tools could be used. When the
company is “pushing” the knowledge to the new Ser-
vice Desk staff, they may use apprenticeship, on-the-
job training, lectures or special internal courses to in-
troduce the best practices of the department. When
we are talking about apprenticeship in the Service
Desk, we are obviously talking about small scale ap-
prenticeship. For example, a new Service Desk em-
ployee or more employees are assigned to a senior
Service Desk staff member. They are learning all the
important things from the senior staff member. The
staff member is also considered their mentor. He or
she not only helps them with their on-boarding, but
also passes on all the tricks and tips learned from
years of practice in the area. Question is, could this
be digitized? Although the person-to-person contact
is better, there may come times, where that is not
possible. One option would be to use online com-
munication platforms. Another option could be the
automation of the whole process, as all of the knowl-
edge needed for the optimal work performance of the
Service Desk staff would be represented in a form,
which could some artificially intelligent computer en-
tity, such as virtual assistant, work with and under-
stand. The on-boarding staff could then consult with
When the new employees are “pulling” the knowl-
edge, they might use some methods of self-learning
through searching and browsing in available knowl-
edge inventories. The materials in those inventories
are probably already digitized or it could be easily
done so. The user experience for the Service Desk
staff members depends on the implementation of the
knowledge inventory, which shouldn’t be very diffi-
cult - it is probably already used in some form.
The second type of Service Desk activity in the
Phase II of the knowledge management cycle also in-
cludes knowledge transfer. When the company starts
to sell new products, use new software, or practic-
ing new methodologies, the Service Desk staff must
be adequately prepared to react to new requests and
incidents. Because of this, it is essential to transfer
the knowledge from competent sources through for
example apprenticeship, expert interviews, lectures,
and training. It could also be useful to organize some
knowledge fair or community of practice events to fa-
cilitate the transfer - both in a formal and informal
manner. A possible use for artificial intelligence in
knowledge fairs or communities of practice would be
if they are held online. Based on the participant’s pro-
file and the professional interest of the seeker of the
knowledge, the system could automatically offer con-
tacts of participants to which one could be interested
to talk to.
Lectures and training courses held online offer its
participants the possibility to complete the course and
get the needed knowledge any time they find suitable.
This makes for a better user experience. Also, the im-
plementation is not difficult as it becomes more com-
mon to use online training courses and other training
5.3 Phase III
Phase III includes the knowledge acquisition and ap-
plication. Into this phase, we can include the inci-
dent resolution and request fulfillment. We can also,
in some form, include part of the on-boarding activi-
When is the Service Desk staff trying to solve
some incident or fulfill a request from the user or cus-
tomer, the knowledge application process is in place.
In the example of resolving an incident, the staff uses
their current knowledge of the problem or tries to look
Knowledge Management in Service Desk Environment: An Overview of Methods, Tools and Techniques
up the solution in their knowledge base. There are
many tools and methods to help with this process.
When looking up the knowledge in knowledge base,
a metadata tagging practice may come in handy and
speed up the process alongside with some automated
tools such as automated taxonomy systems or exper-
tise location systems, which can help with finding the
right solution or the right person, whom to escalate
the incident or request. To this, we may also add a
tool called community yellow pages to speed up the
process and extend the possibility of finding the right
person to consult with. If the knowledge base is struc-
tured and organized in a way, that could be under-
stood by the computer, expert systems, recommender
systems or case-based reasoning systems may be of
great help. Those already function in digital form and
use methods of artificial intelligence. The user expe-
rience of working with these deeply depends on their
design. Their implementation may be a bit difficult
and time-consuming as they need to be well designed
and programmed to function properly and effectively.
Customization and personalization may be also
very useful during the incident resolution or request
fulfilment. According to (Zaslavsky et al., 2007), per-
sonalization in the IT service desk did not yet receive
much of the attention that it deserves. If the Service
Desk staff has the opportunity to personalize and cus-
tomize the environment they work with, it enables for
faster and more efficient resolution, as the worker is
more comfortable using the tools at hand. It could be
brought up to another level if the Service Desk em-
ployees would be assigned certain types of requests
and incidents based on their knowledge domain and
level of expertise. For example (Baysal et al., 2009)
proposed a framework for effective assignment of the
developer who will solve a certain bug. This could
also be implemented in the whole scale Service Desk.
Their proposed framework takes into account: the
level of expertise, problem domain preferences of the
employees, and also their schedule to ensure no one is
overloaded with the task to solve. With the software
personalized for the employee’s knowledge domain of
expertise, the Service Desk department can optimize
the process of resolution. It would be good to employ
some artificial intelligence methods in this process.
Those methods could help with the process of assign-
ment of the requests and incidents to the right Service
Desk staff members.
We also mentioned the on-boarding process. Dur-
ing that the new Service Desk staff may come into
contact with some form of e-learning or computer or
web-based training system.
Thanks to the determination of methods that are used
or could be used in the Service Desk environment
we will be able to further develop our research in
this area. Achieved results pose a good base for fu-
ture research, which will be focused on optimiza-
tion of analyzed methods and research of possibili-
ties of improvement and modernization by employ-
ing advanced methods of artificial intelligence. Ap-
propriate knowledge management methods, tools, and
techniques used in Service Desk could be further de-
scribed and analyzed to discover possible weak links
in the process of their usage in common Service Desk
In this paper, we presented a part of our work-in-
progress research on the topic of knowledge manage-
ment methods, tools, and techniques used in the Ser-
vice Desk environment. We described three phases
of knowledge management and analyzed the corre-
sponding methods and tools based on the different
types of activities performed by Service Desk person-
nel. We also laid out some possibilities for future re-
search in this domain.
This work was supported by university-specific re-
search project SGS-2020-1047 Analysis of Advanced
Knowledge Management Methods and Tools for Op-
timalization of Service Desk Environment.
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