The Impact of Regular Outdoor Cycling and Gender on Technology
Trust and Distrust in Cars, and on Anxiety
Klemens Weigl
1,2 a
Human-Computer Interaction Group, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), Esplanade 10, Ingolstadt, Germany
Department of Psychology, Catholic University Eichst
att-Ingolstadt, Germany
Outdoor Cycling, Technology Trust, Cars, Anxiety, Age, Gender.
Regular cycling is well-known for its numerous benefits on physiological and mental health. However, cyclists
are confronted with numerous other road users with different modes of transport which are more harmful to
nature and may be even more dangerous. As yet, there has been no study which focuses jointly on the potential
influence of trust and distrust in cars, anxiety, age, and gender in the context of regular outdoor cycling.
Consequently, we carried out a questionnaire study and queried 114 participants (60 female (34 cyclists); 54
male (32 cyclists)). We assessed trust and distrust in cars, trait anxiety in a non-clinical context, age, and
gender. Our results reveal that cyclists rate distrust in cars with significantly greater values when compared to
non-cyclists. Moreover, we found that women assign substantially lower ratings to trust and higher ratings to
distrust in cars than men, regardless whether they are cyclists or not. Additionally, women report significantly
higher values on anxiety in a non-clinical context. Finally, our results indicate that older people are less likely
to engage with regular outdoor cycling. We conclude that female and male cyclists are more critical on distrust
in cars than non-cyclists, though they are not more anxious.
In recent years, regular outdoor cycling gained pop-
ularity for several reasons. First, cycling is associ-
ated with positive effects on physiological and mental
health and wellbeing (Christmas et al., 2010; Wan-
ner et al., 2012; Laverty et al., 2013; De Hartog
et al., 2010). Second, cycling attracted new atten-
tion, because climate change became one of the ma-
jor challenges of the 21st century. Melting ice masses
and glaciers, rising sea levels, acidifying oceans,
climate fluctuations, and increasing carbon dioxide
(CO2) levels in the atmosphere negatively affect peo-
ple, animals, and nature (Haines et al., 2006; G20,
2017; McMichael et al., 2006). Climatological re-
search identified links between the anthropogenic in-
fluence and the unusually rapid rise in temperature
which is due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases
in the earth’s atmosphere (McMichael et al., 2006;
Chapman, 2007; Karl and Trenberth, 2003). Thereby,
about 30 percent of all CO
emissions are attributed to
the transport sector. Therefore, an increasing number
of people ride a bicycle for environmental reasons.
1.1 Modal Shift to Cycling
Although the awareness of environmental problems
and the positive effects of cycling is slowly increas-
ing, the majority of all people around the globe, does
not cycle regularly, if at all. Long-term cycling ini-
tiatives in cities which focus only on cycling infras-
tructure and on sports scientific support clearly indi-
cated that they may have no influence on the adop-
tion of bike riding compared to cities with no ini-
tiatives (Goodman et al., 2013a; Goodman et al.,
2013b). However, other empirical studies on cycling
safety (e.g., bike routes on less frequented roads or
separating cyclists from traffic through infrastructure,
etc.) also showed, that they may have a positive im-
pact on attracting more people to cycling (Dozza and
Werneke, 2014; Pucher and Dijkstra, 2000; Pucher
and Buehler, 2008; G
otschi et al., 2016). In gen-
eral, cycling is highly interrelated with the interaction
with other road users with different modes of trans-
port. Thereby, trust in other vehicles, especially in
cars, plays a crucial role. Trust in technology and
user acceptance have attracted interest especially in
the field of the mobility of the future such as auto-
mated driving (K
orber et al., 2018; Payre et al., 2016),
Weigl, K.
The Impact of Regular Outdoor Cycling and Gender on Technology Trust and Distrust in Cars, and on Anxiety.
DOI: 10.5220/0010135600830089
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2020), pages 83-89
ISBN: 978-989-758-481-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Wintersberger et al., 2016; Wintersberger and
Riener, 2016). However, even automated vehicles
(AVs) are not capable of reducing the amount of CO2
emissions to the same extend as bicycle or e-bikes.
Despite the realistic scenario that AVs, public trans-
port, e-scooters, and
(e-)bicycles may constitute future road traffic, there
are numerous people who are sceptical about technol-
ogy and cars. Hence, it is necessary to study tech-
nology trust in relation with different means of trans-
port. Additionally, it was found that cycling reduced
the Hoffmann reflex which is deemed a neuromuscu-
lar substrate of anxiety (Bulbulian and Darabos, 1986;
deVries et al., 1981; Petruzzello et al., 1991) as well
as state and trait anxiety (Motl et al., 2004).
However, there exists no study which explores the
relationship between regular outdoor cycling, tech-
nology trust and distrust in cars, trait anxiety in a non-
clinical context, duration of the daily commute per car
and by public transport, age, and gender.
1.2 The Present Study
Consequently, we carried out a questionnaire study
and investigated the following research questions
(RQs) and hypotheses (Hs).
RQ1 (Trust and Distrust in Cars): How is the im-
pact of female and male cyclists versus non-cyclists
on trust in cars and distrust in cars?
: We hypothesize that female and male cy-
clists assign significantly lower ratings to trust in
cars and sufficiently higher ratings to distrust in
cars than non-cyclists, respectively.
: Across cyclists and non-cyclists, we expect
women to report substantially smaller preferences
on trust in cars and greater values on distrust in
cars than men, respectively.
RQ2 (Anxiety): How is the influence of anxiety on
female and male cyclists and non-cyclists?
: We assume that women assign noticeably
greater ratings to trait anxiety in a non-clinical
context than men, regardless if they are cyclists
or not.
RQ3 (Age and Duration of Daily Commute): How
is regular outdoor cycling associated with age, dura-
tion of the daily commute by car, and duration of the
daily commute by public transport?
: We suppose that regular outdoor cycling is
negatively correlated with age (i.e., younger peo-
ple cycle more than older people).
: Moreover, we hypothesize no substantial
association between regular outdoor cycling and
the duration of the daily commute by car or by
public transport, respectively.
2.1 Participants
We queried 114 participants of which 60 were female
(34 cyclists) and 54 male (32 cyclists; cf. Table 1).
The age of all participants varied between 21 to 85
years (M = 53.4; SD = 18.6). The mean age of women
was 51.4 years (SD = 18.8) and of men 55.6 years (SD
= 18.3). All participants were fluent in German the
language in which the questionnaires were provided,
consumed no alcohol or drugs, and reported no diag-
nosis of a psychiatric or neurological disorder. The
duration of the daily commute by car was on average
28 minutes (SD = 24; n = 60), by public transport 33
minutes (SD = 32; n = 19), and by bicycle 13 min-
utes (SD = 15; n = 42). In total 51 participants pos-
sessed a general qualification for university entrance,
17 a university of applied sciences entrance qualifica-
tion, 25 a high-school diploma, 19 a secondary mod-
ern school qualification, one person graduated from
a polytechnic school, and one from a professional
academy. Thirty-two participants reported that they
never experienced a traffic accident. However, 56 re-
ported that they experienced a non-severe, and 26 a
severe traffic accident.
Table 1: Sample Sizes of Female and Male Cyclists and
Non-Cyclists (N = 114).
Cyclists Non-Cyclists Sum
Female 34 26 60
Male 32 22 54
Sum 66 48 114
2.2 Design and Materials
We conducted a cross-sectional questionnaire study
and adopted a two factorial (2 x 2) between-subjects
design with gender and cycling (i.e., cyclists vs. non-
cyclists) as between-subjects factors (cf. Table 1).
Our dependent variables were trust in cars, distrust in
cars, and anxiety in a non-clinical context. We mea-
sured technology trust by the trust scale (Jian et al.,
2000) with the two dimensions of trust (7 items; Cron-
bach’s α = .87) and distrust in technology (5 items;
Cronbach’s α = .88) on a 7-point Likert scale an-
chored at 1 (not at all) and 7 (extremely). Typical
items are ”The system of car and driver offers safety.
or ”I am suspicious of the intentions, actions, and out-
icSPORTS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
put of the system of car and driver. (Note: Due to
technical problems, the data of one questionnaire item
of the trust dimension were not transferred via the on-
line system. Hence, we collected data from 6 instead
of 7 items. However, the data of all other dimensions,
scales, and demographic variables were complete.).
Additionally, we assessed anxiety in a non-clinical
context (7 items; Cronbach’s α = .65) on a 7-level
Likert scale ranging from 1 (applies not at all) to 7
(applies fully). Example items are ”It is difficult for
me to talk with strangers. or ”I try to avoid difficult
things.” (Mohr and M
uller, 2004).
2.3 Procedure
Before the beginning of the study, each participant re-
ceived an introduction to the background of the study
and was invited to ask questions throughout the en-
tire study. Then everyone provided written informed
consent. After this introductory part, all participants
filled the questionnaire items of the trust scale, the
questions of anxiety in a non-clinical context, and ad-
ditional demographic variables such as age, gender,
regular outdoor cycling (yes or no), duration of the
daily commute by car, public transport, and bicycle.
Upon completion of the questionnaire part, everyone
received the contact details of the examiner, in case of
any questions. All data for this study were collected
anonymously and online via LimeSurvey (Version
3.12.1 + 180616). The examiner was either present
(especially for older people) or could be reached by
phone, email, or video-call during the entire study
duration which ranged from 20 to 30 minutes. The
participants did not receive financial compensation.
However, all of them were invited to provide their
email addresses if they were interested in the results
of the study.
2.4 Supplementary Materials
We support the open science movement and supply
the data set on OSF: .
2.5 Statistical Analyses
We set the significance level to α = .05, if not stated
otherwise (e.g., in case of Bonferroni correction).
Therefore, all results with p < α are reported as sta-
tistically significant. The items of all questionnaires
were positively coded. Hence, the sum scores were di-
rectly computed for the trust and distrust dimensions
of the trust scale, and the anxiety dimension of the
questionnaire on anxiety in a non-clincial context. For
all data analyses we applied IBM
tics, Version 25 (IBM Corp., 2017).
In the beginning of the statistical analyses, we
checked the statistical prerequisites and tested all data
for normality and variance homogeneity. Concerning
RQ1 and RQ2, normality was met for 9 out of 12
conditions (2 (gender) x 2 (cycling) x 3 (trust, dis-
trust, anxiety) = 12). We conducted parametric statis-
tical analyses, because the cell sample sizes were all
fairly equally balanced (cf. Table 1), and skewness
and kurtosis as well as the QQ-plots revealed a good
distributional behavior of the data. Additionally, we
investigated RQ3 and computed point-biseral corre-
lations because of the dichotomous variable cycling
(i.e., cyclists vs. non-cyclists).
RQ1 (Trust and Distrust in Cars): We applied
a two-factorial multivariate analyses of variances
(MANOVA) with gender and cycling as grouping
variables and tested the two dependent variables trust
) and distrust in cars (H
). Thereby, we found
that female and male cyclists assign roughly the same
ratings to trust in cars as non-cyclists (cf. Table 2 and
3, and Figure 1). However, our results revealed suf-
ficiently higher ratings to distrust in cars than non-
cyclists, respectively (cf. Table 2 and 3, and Figure
2). Hence, we could only party accept H
. Across
cyclists and non-cyclists, we found that women report
substantially smaller preferences on trust in cars and
greater values on distrust in cars than men, respec-
tively. Therefore, we could accept H
RQ2 (Anxiety): Then, we applied an univariate
analysis of variances (ANOVA) and tested whether
trait anxiety in a non-clinical context differs between
female and male cyclists and non-cyclists, respec-
tively. Our results revealed that women assign signif-
icantly greater ratings to trait anxiety in a non-clinical
context than men, regardless if they are cyclists or not
(cf. Table 2 and 4, and Figure 3). Hence, we could
accept H
RQ3 (Age and Duration of Daily Commute):
Finally, we investigated if regular outdoor cycling is
associated with age, duration of the daily commute
by car, and duration of the daily commute by pub-
lic transport. We found that regular outdoor cycling
is negatively correlated with age (i.e., younger people
cycle more than older people) and could accept H
However, our data did not reveal a substantial associ-
ation neither between regular outdoor cycling and the
duration of the daily commute by car, nor by public
transport. Therefore, we could not confirm H
Table 2 and 5).
The Impact of Regular Outdoor Cycling and Gender on Technology Trust and Distrust in Cars, and on Anxiety
Table 2: Mean Scores and Standard Deviation for Measures of Trust, Distrust, Anxiety, and Age as a Function of Gender and
Cyclists versus Non-Cyclists.
Trust Distrust Anxiety in a Non- Age in
in Cars in Cars Clinical Context Years
Cyclists 22.50 7.12 19.06 5.79 19.74 6.12 46.47 19.70
Non-Cyclists 23.04 5.48 17.88 5.74 18.31 6.46 57.77 15.72
Cyclists 26.97 7.91 17.09 6.42 15.19 5.43 53.53 17.90
Non-Cyclists 27.59 6.40 13.05 5.75 14.18 5.18 58.59 18.77
Note. Trust, Distrust, and Anxiety ... sum scores of latent questionnaire dimensions.
Table 3: Two-way Multivariate and Univariate Analyses of Variances for the Measures of Trust and Distrust in Cars.
Multivariate Trust in Cars Distrust in Cars
Source F
p η
p η
p η
Cycling (C)
3.28 .041 .06 .20 .659 .00 5.32 .023 .05
Gender (G)
6.59 .002 .11 11.86 .001 .10 9.02 .003 .08
C x G 1.19 .307 .02 .00 .975 .00 1.61 .21 .01
Note. Multivariate F ratios were generated from Pillai’s statistic. Trust and Distrust in Cars
... sum scores of latent questionnaire dimensions.
Cycling ... cyclists versus non-cyclists.
Gender ... women versus men.
Multivariate df = 2, 109.
Univariate df = 1, 110.
Text in bold highlights statistically significant findings.
Table 4: Two-way Univariate Analyses of Variances for the
Measure Anxiety in a Non-Clinical Context.
Source F(1, 110) p η
Cycling (C)
1.12 .276 .01
Gender (G)
15.22 .000 .12
C x G 0.04 .850 .00
Note. Anxiety ... sum score of the latent
questionnaire dimension.
Cycling ... cyclists versus non-cyclists.
Gender ... women versus men.
Table 5: Point-biseral Correlation Coefficients of Age, Du-
ration of the Daily Commute by Car, and Duration of the
Daily Commute by Public Transport with Cycling.
Variable n r p
Age 114 -.22 .019
Commute by Car
60 -.09 .502
Commute by Public Transport
19 -.17 .482
Cycling ... cyclists (= 1) versus non-cyclists (= 0).
Duration measured in minutes.
Figure 1: Means and standard errors of the mean for trust in
cars as a function of gender and cyclists versus non-cyclists.
The purpose of this cycling study was to investigate
the influence of regular outdoor cycling and gender
icSPORTS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 2: Means and standard errors of the mean for dis-
trust in cars as a function of gender and cyclists versus non-
Figure 3: Means and standard errors of the mean for anxiety
in a non-clinical context as a function of gender and cyclists
versus non-cyclists.
on technology trust and distrust in cars, and on non-
clinical anxiety. Our findings highlight crucial interre-
lations of these important technology-related dimen-
sions and contribute to the new trend on cycling re-
search with the overarching goal to facilitate a modal
shift to cycling.
The first objective was to study the impact of fe-
male and male cyclists versus non-cyclists on trust in
cars and distrust in cars (RQ1). Our findings indicate
that female and male cyclists may have roughly the
same technology trust in cars as non-cyclists. How-
ever, cyclists seem to have a greater distrust in cars
than non-cyclists. Additionally, women tend to be
more critical than men because of their stated smaller
preferences on trust in cars and greater values on dis-
trust in cars, whether or not they are cyclists.
Our second objective was to investigate the influ-
ence of non-clinical anxiety on female and male cy-
clists and non-cyclists (RQ2). We found that women
seem to have greater trait anxiety in a non-clinical
context than men, regardless if they are cyclists or not.
These findings are in line with other previous studies
which, however, did not focus on cycling (Bahrami
and Yousefi, 2011; Hantsoo and Epperson, 2017;
Howell et al., 2001; Kendler et al., 1992; McLean and
Anderson, 2009; Pigott, 2003; Yonkers et al., 2003).
The third objective was to elaborate if regular out-
door cycling is associated with age, duration of the
daily commute by car, and duration of the daily com-
mute by public transport (RQ3). The results indicate
that younger people cycle more than older people.
Interestingly, we found no association between
regular outdoor cycling and the duration of the daily
commute by car or by public transport, respectively.
However, this finding is based on smaller sample sizes
than all other results mentioned before.
As yet, to the best of our knowledge, there exists
no cycling study which focuses jointly on technology
trust and distrust in cars, anxiety, age, and duration
of the daily commute. Hence, our results provide an
important link to begin to fill this research gab. Nev-
ertheless, in future studies, it will be necessary to ad-
dress these research questions again with greater sam-
ple sizes and in relation with other personality traits.
Thereby, it could be highly interesting to also focus
on the impact of environmental perception on the de-
cision whether or not someone regularly rides a bicy-
cle. Additionally, it should be also focused on policies
which positively promote active urban travel in rela-
tion with larger health and environmental benefits, in-
stead of focusing solely on lower-emission motor ve-
hicles (Woodcock et al., 2009).
In this study, we highlighted the impact of regular
outdoor cycling and gender on trust and distrust in
cars, and on anxiety to foster the understanding of cy-
The Impact of Regular Outdoor Cycling and Gender on Technology Trust and Distrust in Cars, and on Anxiety
clists and non-cyclists. In doing so, we contribute to
this newly emerging global debate of the necessity to
support cycling for modal shift to tremendously re-
duce the amount of CO2 emissions, if people regu-
larly choose the bicycle as means of transport (also in
combination with public transport) instead of the car.
On top of this, cycling is associated with numerous
health benefits for people. In the following, we sum
up the highlights of our study:
1. Cyclists and non-cyclists report roughly the same
ratings of technology trust in cars.
2. Cyclists report substantially greater values of
technology distrust in cars than non-cyclists.
3. Regardless if someone is a cyclist or not, women
assign smaller values to trust in cars, and greater
values to distrust in cars than men, respectively.
4. Although women assign significantly greater rat-
ings to trait anxiety in a non-clinical context than
men, it has no mediating positive or negative ef-
fect on cycling.
5. Regular outdoor cycling is negatively correlated
with age. Hence, older people should be moti-
vated and supported more than younger people by
local campaigns of policy makers and cycling ac-
Mobility of the future will not only be constituted
with automated vehicles, but also to a large extent
with (electric) sensor bicycles which will be able to
communicate with all means of transport. Hence, fu-
ture studies will be unequivocally necessary to better
understand psychological and motivational aspects of
regular outdoor cycling.
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The Impact of Regular Outdoor Cycling and Gender on Technology Trust and Distrust in Cars, and on Anxiety