Knowledge Discovery from ISAD, Digital Archive Data, into ArchOnto, a
CIDOC-CRM based Linked Model
Dora Melo
1 a
, Irene Pimenta Rodrigues
2 b
and In
es Koch
3 c
Coimbra Business School - ISCAC, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal
Department of Informatics, University of
Evora, Portugal
INESC-TEC, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Archives Ontology, Semantic
Migration, ISAD(G), CIDOC-CRM, Linked Data.
This paper presents an automatic semantic migration prototype based on Knowledge Discovery from Digital
Archive Data for ontology population in the domain of Archives metadata, ISAD(G). Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP) techniques are used for language processing and Semantic Web techniques for querying and
updating the Ontology ArchOnto, a CIDOC-CRM (Conceptual Reference Model) extension. This work is
done in the context of project EPISA (Entity and Property Inference for Semantic Archives) where the Por-
tuguese National Archives, Torre do Tombo (ANTT) is one of the partners. The data model and description
vocabularies we adopted are built upon the CIDOC-CRM standard, an ontology, developed for museums by
the International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).
A detailed example of a baptism document metadata migration is presented to highlight the challenges on the
natural language interpretation and the ontology representation.
This work is done in the context of the EPISA
project (Entity and Property Inference for Seman-
tic Archives), a research project involving the Por-
tuguese National Archives, Torre do Tombo (ANTT),
the archival experts from ANTT, and Information and
Computer Science researchers. EPISA intends to
design a prototype, an open-source knowledge plat-
form, to represent archival information on a linked
data model. One of the project major tasks is the
semantic migration, i.e, the process to extract and
represent the relevant entities and their properties
from the existing records in the actual DigitArq (Ra-
malho and Ferreira, 2004), the archive national sys-
tem that uses well-established description standards,
namely the ISAD(G) (General International Standard
Archival Description) (Scifleet, 2001; International
Council on Archives, 2000) and ISAAR(CPF) (Vitali,
2004) with a hierarchical structure adapted to the na-
ture of archival assets.
The data model and description vocabularies we
adopted are built upon the CIDOC-CRM (Concep-
tual Reference Model) standard, an ontology, devel-
oped for museums by the International Committee for
Documentation (CIDOC) of the International Coun-
cil of Museums (ICOM) (Meghini and Doerr, 2018;
ICOM/CIDOC-CRM Special Interest Group, 2019).
The ArchOnto ontology
(Koch et al., 2019; Koch
et al., 2020) extends the CIDOC-CRM ontology to
represent archives.
Our goal is to build a prototype for the auto-
matic migration of the information in existing Digit-
Arq records to the ArchOnto representation.
In some of DigitArq records that represent objects
metadata and ArchOnto properties and relations, it
is possible to identify homogeneity of the informa-
tion among them, such as the reference code, title,
dates, dimension and support, language, and physi-
cal location (de Almeida and Runa, 2018; Koch et al.,
2020). The semantic mapping of ISAD(G), Archival
Metadata, to the CIDOC-CRM Ontology can be strait
forward in some cases (Bountouri and Gergatsoulis,
ArchOnto OWL available at
feup-infolab/archontology/tree/master/ArchOnto 2020.
Melo, D., Rodrigues, I. and Koch, I.
Knowledge Discovery from ISAD, Digital Archive Data, into ArchOnto, a CIDOC-CRM based Linked Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0010134101970204
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 197-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2011; Oldman, 2014). However, in some records the
information in DigitArq is a text field that must be
interpreted in order to extract the entities, events, lo-
cals, dates, relations and proprieties to populate the
ArchOnto ontology. In those text fields, our approach
uses natural language processing tools for Portuguese
language to mark terms that are interpreted to insert
new instances of concepts and relations into the exis-
ting ontology.
The use of natural language processing tools to
automatically populate an ontology with the informa-
tion extracted from text is a current investigation topic
with many proposals (di Buono et al., 2014; Makki
et al., 2008; Makki, 2017; Maynard et al., 2008).
This paper describes our approach to automati-
cally populate the ArchOnto with the ISAD(G) format
of archives metadata.
In section 2, our approach to the automatic mi-
gration process from DigitArq records to ArchOnto
concepts, relations, and proprieties is presented. Sec-
tion 3 describes in detail our approach to represent the
extracted information from DigitArq text fields in the
ArchOnto concepts and proprieties, the examples re-
fer mostly to the representation in CIDOC-CMR con-
cepts and proprieties. Finally, in section 4, we draw
conclusions, further work and a future evaluation.
The automatic migration of DigitArq records into Ar-
chOnto is based on simple translation rules for the
fields where there is a mapping between ISAD(G) and
CIDOC-CMR or its extension in ArchOnto, this case
will be detailed in the next section.
When there is no mapping between concepts, we
need to recognize what is written in text fields to ob-
tain concepts and its proprieties to populate the Arch-
Figure 1 shows the architecture of our approach
to populate the ontology with the information of the
DigitArq HTML records including the information
extracted from the text fields.
In the following subsections the main steps of our
approach are explained.
2.1 Text Analysis
DigitArq database contains a huge and diverse
amount of records, currently over a million. Although
the database is structured, using a well-established
standard description, namely the ISAD(G) and
ISAAR(CPF) with a hierarchical structure adapted to
Figure 1: Automatic Migration Architecture.
the nature of archival assets, it is a hard task to analyse
and establish the information in text fields that needs
to be extracted and decide how to represented it in the
Along with the development of the DigitArq
database, a web-based search engine was developed
to allow local and remote users to find and browse the
Archive’s collections. The result is a well-structured
and normalised web page for each record showing the
whole information needed to be considered in the mi-
gration process.
Each record’s web page has a standardized
scheme following the ISAD(G) definitions, with the
information organized according to a set of known
fields and their values. Among this set of fields, there
are some that present atomic values, such as ”Refe-
rence code”, ”Title”, or ”Recipient”, and others, that
do not need further interpretation and the migration
process is directly performed by applying a prede-
fined set of rules. Even for fields whose values are
not atomic, the migration process is done automati-
cally in the same way as the atomic values. However,
from non-atomic values, additional information can
be extracted after an adequate analysis and interpreta-
tion. For this purpose, it is applied the Morphological
and Syntactic Analysis to the non-atomic values. The
non-atomic values have a normalized structure, faci-
litating the analysis and interpretation process.
For instance, consider a baptism record and the
non-atomic field ”Scope and content”. The informa-
tion of this field is structured in a normalised way to
present the names of the parents, the grandparents,
and the godparents, as well as the birth date of the
person who is baptized, the recipient of the record.
The extraction of the web page content from spe-
cific fields is made by using the jsoup library
, a
Java HTML Parser that provides a very reliable, user-
friendly, and easy configuration and parameter adjust-
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
ments capabilities, for connecting to URLs and ex-
tracting and manipulating data.
The use of jsoup library to extract information
from web pages to be analyzed and interpreted is not
new and can be found in (Fragkou et al., 2016; Caval-
canti et al., 2017), the first one presents a solution for
querying Greek governmental site, and the second one
presents a solution to extract semi-structured informa-
tion from web pages in the context of the innovation
environments of the state of S
ao Paulo, Brazil.
As an illustration, consider the baptism record
selected from the DigitArt database, which describes
the event baptism of the person called ”Ana”. Using
a set of jsoup functions, it is possible to extract in-
formation like the title, the fields and their values,
presented in the web page. For instance, the func-
tion title() allows to extract the title of the record, the
function getElementsByClass() allows to extract the
information per fields, and the function text() allows
to extract the values of each field. jsoup also pro-
vides functions to connect and parse directly the web
page source, such as connect() followed by get(), and
parse(), respectively. The following fragment of Java
code illustrates how this is performed.
Document document = Jsoup.connect("
Elements fields = document.getElementsByClass("Field");
for(Element f: fields) print(f.text());
The function text() allows extracting from a field
a String containing the field’s name followed by its
value, which facilitates the task of applying rules to
analyse, interpret and migrate the information ex-
pressed by these fields. The Strings generated for the
”Ana”’s baptism record are
Description level Item
Reference code PT/ADPRT/PRQ/PPRT01/001/0004/00005
Title type Formal
Date range 1812-02-12 to 1812-02-12
Dimension and support 120x210mm ; papel
Recipient Ana
Scope and content Pais: Manuel de Oliveira e de Rufina Maria Avos
maternos: Manuel da Fonseca e Rosa da Silva Av
os paternos: Jos
de Oliveira e Jacinta de Oliveira Padrinhos: Manuel Martins
Ramos e Maria Francisca Data de nascimento: 10 de Fevereiro
de 1812
Physical location E/20/6/3 - 9.4 - fl. 3 v.,ass.5
Original numbering B1
Language of the material Por (portugu
Creation date 5/22/2012 12:00:00 AM
Last modification 3/19/2013 10:55:46 AM
The information extracted is adequately analysed,
where each fields’ name and their values are identi-
fied, the adequate ontology representation is estab-
lished, and the respective ontology individuals are
then generated. For this purpose, the non-atomic
values go through the Morphological and Syntactic
Analysis process to obtain a proper representation that
allows and facilitates the ontology representation of
the additional information that can be extracted from
these fields. This process is explained in the next sec-
2.2 Morphological and Syntactic
The Morphological and Syntactic Analysis step con-
sists of the text interpretation by means of lexical and
syntactic rules for the Portuguese language, which al-
lows identifying terms and concepts that can be re-
lated to the ontology concepts and properties.
The complete grammatical analysis is needed
when the information to be interpreted is not directly
related with the homogeneous representation of the
records structure. It is also needed to translate the
terms identified from Portuguese to the English lan-
guage, once the DigitArq records are expressed in
Portuguese and the ArchOnto ontology is represented
in the English language.
Consider again the baptism record mentioned be-
fore, which describes the event baptism of the per-
son called ”Ana”. Also, consider the sentence “Pais
Manuel de Oliveira e de Rufina Maria” extracted from
the field ”Scope and content”.
Using the Portuguese VISL parser
(Bick, 2014),
the result of the grammatical analyses of the sentence
pais [pai] <*> <Hfam> N M P @NPHR
Manuel de Oliveira [Manuel=de=Oliveira] <hum> <*> PROP M S @NPHR
e [e] KC @CO
de [de] PRP @ADVL
Rufina Maria [Rufina=Maria] <hum> <*> PROP F S @P<
By applying the parser, the sentence was divided
into three parts, the first one ”Pais” (”Parents”) re-
flects the relation assigned to the other two parts iden-
tified as names, the names of both parents. It also
gives, for instance, information about the multiplicity
or the gender of the terms, which are useful for fu-
ture interpretation of the corresponding concepts and
proprieties of the ontology.
2.3 Ontology and Knowledge Discovery
The Ontology and Knowledge Discovery step con-
sists in finding the concepts and properties repre-
sented in ArchOnto that are related to the terms found
at morphological and syntactic analysis level. To
broaden the search spectrum, it is also considered the
synonyms of the terms found. The ontology con-
cepts and properties found will be then filtered based
Translation of ”Pais” is ”Parents”.
Knowledge Discovery from ISAD, Digital Archive Data, into ArchOnto, a CIDOC-CRM based Linked Model
on the interpretation of the sentence and the exist-
ing relations between their terms or parts. This pro-
cess is made using Apache Jena
, an open source
Semantic Web framework for Java, that provides a
programming environment for RDF (Resource De-
scription Framework), RDFS (a general-purpose lan-
guage for representing simple RDF vocabularies on
the Web) and OWL (Web Ontology Language). In
particular, it provides a set of functionalities to ex-
tract data from and write to RDF graphs, intended
as an abstract model, which can be queried through
SPARQL (a semantic RDF query language).
Back to the sentence and the terms identified,
the ArchOnto ontology is questioned about the terms
”parent”, and its synonyms ”father”, and ”mother”.
For each term to be searched, a SPARQL query is
constructed and applied to the ontology. For instance,
related to the ”parent” the query is:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?subject
?subject rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER REGEX(?label,"parent", "i") .
The output are the CIDOC-CMR properties P152
is parent of, with domain E21 Person and range
E21 Person, and its inverse P152 has parent.
Based on morphological and syntactic analysis, as
well as the property found, it is inferred that the names
“Manuel de Oliveira” and “Rufina Maria” are related
to the person who was baptized, and the relation ”is
parent of” makes them parents, more precisely father
and mother, see below for more details, of “Ana”, the
person whose the baptism record refers to.
The same search is made for the terms ”father”
and ”mother”, and the resulting properties are, res-
pectively, P97 from father (its inverse P97i was
father for) and P96 by mother.
Both properties have as domain the class E67
Birth and as range E21 Person. As such, the ex-
istence of a relationship between the three persons is
based on the existence of a birth event, the birth of
”Ana”. Therefore ”Manuel de Oiveira” (male and sin-
gular) and ”Rufina Maria” (female and singular) are
respectively ”Ana”’s father and mother.
Regarding the birth event and the way to relate
it to the birth of a particular person, the CIDOC-
CRM provides the object property P98 brought
into life, with domain E67 Birth and range E21
Finally, all the identified names are related to the
concept of being a person and querying the ontology
for classes or properties that are related to the person’s
concept, the only result obtained was the class E21
2.4 Individuals’ Construction
The Construction of Individuals is the step of creating
the instances to populate the ontology and define the
relation between them.
After the identification of all the concepts and
properties related to the text interpretation, it is pos-
sible to instantiate the individuals of each class and
assign the properties between them.
Regarding to the example, at least the following
statements are generated:
E21 Person("Ana")
E21 Person("Manuel de Oliveira")
E21 Person("Rufina Maria")
P152 is parent of(E21 Person("Manuel de Oliveira"),
E21 Person("Ana"))
P152 is parent of(E21 Person("Rufina Maria"), E21 Person("Ana"))
P98 brought into life(E67 Birth("Ana’s Birth"), E21 Person("Ana"))
P97 from father(E67 Birth("Ana’s Birth"),
E21 Person("Manuel de Oliveira"))
P97 by mother(E67 Birth("Ana’s Birth"),E21 Person("Rufina Maria"))
Even though DigitArq has a great diversity of records,
as mentioned before, it is possible to identify the ho-
mogeneity information among them, such as the ref-
erence code, title, dates, dimension and support, lan-
guage, and physical location.
Taking into account the ISAD(G) concepts, the
reference code and the physical location can be con-
sidered identifiers of the document, which are re-
presented in the ArchOnto by the class named E42
Identifier. The other concepts have the following
representation: dimension by E54 Dimension, sup-
port by E57 Material, titles by E35 Title, dates by
E52 Time-Span, and language by E56 Language.
The description of events characterise a huge vo-
lume of documents placed in the archive. These
events are mostly related to persons, places, and also
time periods, which are subjects that are central in
the archival description. ArchOnto, as an extension
of CIDOC-CRM ontology, has a quite rich and com-
plete representation regarding the concepts of event,
people, place, and time, which allows to match and
to automate the process of generating the individuals
and populate the ontology.
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
3.1 Person’s Information
Consider again the ”Ana”’s baptism record. As men-
tioned before, one of the information that is possible
to extract from the baptism record, more precisely
from the field named ”Scope and content”, is both
names of Ana’s parents, which appears in the sentence
”Pais: Manuel de Oliveira e de Rufina Maria”, as seen
Consider the name of the father ”Manuel de
Oliveira”, which is a full name, and refers to a per-
son. ArchOnto makes available the class E21 Person
to represent the concept person. The class E21
Person is derived from the root E1 CRM Entity,
which means that every person is an entity of the on-
tology. Therefore, it is possible to infer that every
person has an appellation, using the property P1 is
identified by, with domain E1 CRM Entity and
range E41 Appellation, which is the representation
of a person’s name.
Regarding to the person’s name, it is also possi-
ble to distinguish different identifications such as first
name, surname, full name, nickname, etc.. These
kind of identification are considered types of names,
which are represented in the ontology by the class
ARE7 Name Type (a subclass of the class E55 Type),
and the property P2 has type, with domain E1 CRM
Entity (super class of E41 Appellation) and range
E55 Type, enables to represent the relation between
the appellation of a person and all its related types of
Thereby, the person ”Manuel de Oliveira”, in
addition to its full name, has also a first name
”Manuel” and a surname ”de Oliveira”. Figure 2
shows the graph representation of the person ”Manuel
de Oliveira”, using Prot
Figure 2: Person’s Instance ”Manuel de Oliveira”.
3.2 Temporal Information
The baptism record also provides information about
the event’s date, as well as the birth date of the per-
son who was baptized. Consider the birth date of
”Ana” set by the sentence ”Data de nascimento
: 10
de Fevereiro de 1812
”, information extracted from
the same field as the parents’ names.
The ArchOnto model defines the temporal infor-
mation, which refers to some time that is certain, as
a time-span concept, with the class E52 Time-Span.
As well as the class E21 Person also the class E52
Time-Span is derived from the super class E1 CRM
Entity, which means that every time-span is an en-
tity of the ontology. Therefore, the same way as a
person, every time-span has an appellation, which can
be set by using the property P1 is identified by
mentioned before, where the appellation is the identi-
fication of the birth date.
The temporal information concept comprises a
time interval. In this particular example, it com-
prises just one day, with a date-time representation.
A time or temporal interval is defined by the class
Interval (subclass of the class DataObject, which
represents generically literal information, such as in-
teger, string, date, etc.). The value of a temporal
information is stated by using the object property
hasValue, with domain E1 CRM Entity and range
DataObject. Each temporal interval value has a type,
which is certain, and is stated using the property P2
has type. Also each interval of time has a start
and an end date values, which are represented with
the data properties, respectively, startDateValue
and endDateValue, both with domain Interval and
range xsd:dateTime. The Figure 3 shows the defini-
tion of the ontology individual with birth date ”10 de
fevereiro de 1812”.
Figure 3: Time-Span’s Instance ”Data de nascimento: 10 de
fevereiro de 1812”.
3.3 Well Known Events
The ArchOnto model describes and represents expli-
citly some known events, like birth or death, where
the class E67 Birth (subclass of the class E5 Event,
which is a E2 Temporal Entity) represents the con-
cept birth. This fact facilitates the representation of
The translation of ”Data de nascimento” is ”Birth
”10 de Fevereiro de 1812” refers to the date ”10 Febru-
ary 1812”.
Knowledge Discovery from ISAD, Digital Archive Data, into ArchOnto, a CIDOC-CRM based Linked Model
the known events with no further interpretation.
To establish that some birth event is related to the
birth of a specific person, the ArchOnto provides the
object property P98 brought into life, with do-
main E67 Birth and range E21 Person.
To define temporal relations between individuals,
the ArchOnto ontology makes available the P4 has
time-span property, with domain E2 Temporal
Entity and range E52 Time-Span, Since the class
E2 Temporal Entity is a super class of the class E5
Event, that in turn is a super class of E67 Birth, the
P4 has time-span property allows to assign a date
to a person’s birth.
Back to the sentence ”Pais: Manuel de Oliveira
e de Rufina Maria” and as seen before in Subsection
2.3, to establish that the person ”Manuel de Oliveira”
is the father of ”Ana”, the ArchOnto provides the ob-
ject property P97 from father, with domain E67
Birth and range E21 Person, and to establish that
”Maria Rufina” is the mother of ”Ana”, the ArchOnto
makes available the object property P96 by mother,
also with domain E67 Birth and range E21 Person.
As we have seen, the relations of being a father or
a mother of someone else is established through the
birth event, in this case through the birth of ”Ana”.
The Figure 4 shows the birth event of the person
”Ana”, the relations established with her parents and
the date of her birth.
Figure 4: Birth of ”Ana”.
This kind of document provides information about
someone’s person birth from its baptism record, but it
also provides information about the grandparents of
the baptized person, which allows establishing more
two birth events concerning to both parents of the per-
son who was baptized. In particular, the ”Ana”’s bap-
tism record provides the sentences ”Av
os maternos
Manuel da Fonseca e Rosa da Silva” and ”Av
os pater-
: Jos
e de Oliveira e Jacinta de Oliveira”, the first
one identifies the grandparents from mother’s side and
The tranlation of ”Av
os maternos” is ”Maternal grand-
The tranlation of ”Av
os paternos” is ”Paternal grand-
the second one identifies the grandparents from the
father’s side. However, with the information made
available, it is not possible to know when both births
3.4 Sponsor’s Relations
Information like grandparents and godparents is pos-
sible to extract from baptism records, but this kind of
information is not directly represented by an ontology
concept. However, the use of a ternary relation makes
possible to define the nature of a person’s participant
on an event. The ternary relation is identified in the
ArchOnto by the object property P14 carried out
by, with domain E7 Activity and range E39 Actor,
applied to the P14.1 in the role of property.
Consider again ”Ana”’s baptism record and its
field ”Scope and content”. The sentence ”Padri-
: Manuel Martins Ramos e Maria Francisca”
provides the name of both godparents. For instan-
ce, consider the godfather, a person with the name
”Manuel Martins Ramos”. The relation established
between the person ”Ana” and the baptism event is
that ”Ana” is the person who was baptized. In the
other case, the relation established between the per-
son ”Manuel Martins Ramos” and the baptism event
is that this person is set has godfather of who was bap-
tized. Since the baptism event is the same, it is possi-
ble to conclude and represent that the person ”Manuel
Martins Ramos” is the godfather of ”Ana”. Figure 5
shows the use of the ternary relation to define the role
of a person as a godfather and the action carried out
to turn that person into the godfather of someone else,
i.e., the definition of ”Manuel Martins Ramos” as the
godfather of ”Ana”.
Figure 5: The role godfather.
In the same way, the person ”Maria Francisca” is
defined as the godmother of ”Ana”.
3.5 Events
Unlike birth, a baptism event has no concept represen-
tation available in ArchOnto. Therefore, the model
The translation of ”Padrinhos” is ”Godparents”.
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
provides the class E5 Event to define all the infor-
mation that are identified as events.
As already mentioned, a baptism record represents
itself a description of an event, with a set of homoge-
neous information, such as the happening date (time-
span instance), the identification of the persons that
were present in the ceremony and are related to the
person who was baptized. These persons are identi-
fied by their names and their relations to the baptized
person. Each name identification generates a new per-
son instance, in case it does not yet exist in the ontol-
ogy population.
The relation between each instance and the bap-
tism event is defined by using the proper object pro-
perty. As showed before, in subsection 3.3, the ob-
ject property P4 has time-span allows to assign a
date to an event. The baptism event is the bond to de-
fine the godparents relations, as shown in the previous
subsection 3.4. Finally, to state the relation that some
event occurred in the presence of some person, the Ar-
chOnto provides the object property P12 occurred
in the presence of, with domain E5 Event and
range E77 Persistent Item, which is a super class
of the class E21 Person. The Figure 6 shows ”Ana”’s
baptism event.
Figure 6: The baptism event.
3.6 Document Information
As mentioned before, the DigitArq has a great diver-
sity of records, describing a huge amount of different
subjects in the archival field. However, the informa-
tion is structured in an homogeneously way and, re-
gardless of the subject, the records contain informa-
tion about reference code, title, dates, dimension and
support, language, and physical location.
Identifiable immaterial items that make asser-
tions about reality are represented by the class E31
Document, subclass of E71 Human-Made Thing.
Therefore, a baptism record is classified as an instance
of E31 Document.
The title of a document is intended to be a for-
mal title and is represented in the ontology by the
class ARE2 Formal Title, subclass of E35 Title.
The property P102 has title, with domain E71
Human-Made Thing and range E35 Title, assigns a
formal title to a document.
Information like reference code is represented
by the class E42 Identifier, subclass of E41
Appellation, and the property P1 is identified
by, with domain E1 CRM Entity and range E41
Appellation, makes possible to assign a reference
code to its document.
Information that is possible to extract beyond the
structured is interpreted as information that is re-
ferred (directly or indirectly) by the record informa-
tion. The CIDOC-CRM makes available the property
P67 refers to, with domain E89 Propositional
Object (superclass of E31 Document) and range E1
CRM Entity, which allows to assign that information
was stated by a particular document.
Therefore, the ”Ana”’s baptism record is an ins-
tance of the class E31 Document, has a formal title,
a reference code, documents the baptism event, and
other structured information, but also refers to the per-
sons identified before, like ”Ana”, her parents, grand-
parents and godparents, as well as the births, events
dates, and so on. Figure 7 shows the representation of
”Ana”’s baptism record as an individual of the ontol-
ogy and some of its relations with other individuals.
Figure 7: Ana’s baptism record.
We have presented an automatic semantic migration
prototype based on Knowledge Discovery from Dig-
ital Archive Data for ontology population in the do-
main of Archives metadata, ISAD(G). Our proto-
type uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) tech-
niques for language processing and Semantic Web
techniques for querying and updating the Ontology
ArchOnto. We describe the migration process detai-
ling the text fields morphological and syntactic analy-
Knowledge Discovery from ISAD, Digital Archive Data, into ArchOnto, a CIDOC-CRM based Linked Model
sis as inputs for the process of Ontology Knowledge
Discovery, showing how we query the ontology to
finding the concepts and properties represented in Ar-
chOnto that are related to the terms found at morpho-
logical and syntactic analysis level. The representa-
tion of different CIDOC-CMR concepts such as per-
sons, events, times, locations and documents is illus-
trated highlighting the migration process of baptism
Future work includes the evaluation of the Ar-
chOnto population quality. Traditionally this evalua-
tion is done recurring to precision and recall measures
as in Information Retrieval. However, for ontology’s
population the binary classification, yes/no, does not
take into account cases where the information is par-
tially captured, methods like Balanced Distance Met-
ric(Maynard et al., 2008) are more adequate to our
evaluation task. The EPISA project has the human re-
sources that will enable us to embrace this task. The
extension of the prototype to other documents types
will bring new challenges that still need good solu-
tions to be solved, for instance when a new person
shares some proprieties with a known person, shall
we consider that it is the same person? when a person
has the same names for its parents and grand parents
of a person known in ArchOnto, are they brothers?
should that relation be considered as a extension of
ArchOnto since it does not exists in CIDOC-CRM?
This work is financed by National Funds through
the Portuguese funding agency, FCT (Fundac¸
para a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia) within project
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KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development