Towards Strength-sensitive Social Profiling in Ego Networks
Asma Chader
, Hamid Haddadou
, Leila Hamdad
and Walid-Khaled Hidouci
Laboratoire de la Communication dans les Systèmes Informatiques (LCSI),
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique (ESI), BP 68M, 16309, Oued-Smar Algiers, Algeria
Keywords: Social Profile, Social Profiling, Ego Networks, Tie Strength, Online Social Networks.
Abstract: In online social networks, the incomplete or noisy data are usual conditions raising increasingly the need for
more accurate methods; especially in user attribute profiling. This work explores the influence of social tie
strength in such settings, based on the intuition that the stronger the relationship is, the more likely its members
are to share the same attribute values. A Strength-sensitive community-based social profiling process, named
SCoBSP, is introduced under this research and the above hypothesis is tested on real world co-authorship
networks from the DBLP computer science bibliography. Experimental results demonstrate the ability of
SCoBSP to infer attributes accurately, achieving an improvement of 9.18 % in terms of F-measure over the
strength-agnostic process.
Online Social Networks (OSNs) have gained
overwhelming popularity in recent years. From
generic (e.g., Facebook, Twitter), professional
(e.g.,LinkedIn, Xing) and academic networks (e.g.,
ReasearchGate, Academia) to photo and video sharing
(e.g., Instagram, YouTube), these platforms have
become an integral part of people’s daily life and
accumulated a great amount of data about human
society. Several models aiming to leverage generated
content were proposed for a myriad of applications.
Amongst them, focus has continuously been on social
profiling to enable more effective user engagement via
personalization (Piao and Breslin, 2018). One of the
main challenges facing such models is the incomplete
and noisy data. Indeed, many users, preserving their
privacy, disclose only few information publicly and,
on the other hand, passive use of OSNs becomes
increasingly prevalent (Piao and Breslin, 2018).
Addressing this, phenomena such as homophily and
social influence (Lee, 2015) were typically explored
in several studies. These latter speculate that people
tend to befriend others who share common interests
(homophily) and influence each other to become more
similar over time (social influence). Thus, different
profiling techniques exploit social relationships via
several properties such as community structure
(Tchuente et al., 2013), and link type (Li et al., 2014).
In our research team, we are working on different
approaches using topological properties of networks
in social profiling (Chader et al., 2017). In this paper,
we explore the influence of tie strength (along with
community structure) to enhance profile inference
from user’s ego network (consisting of his direct
relations, known as alters, and the existing
relationships among them).
The concept of tie strength was introduced by
Mark Granovetter in his landmark paper (Granovetter,
1973) and defined as “a (probably linear)
combination of the amount of time, the emotional
intensity, the intimacy (mutual confiding), and the
reciprocal services which characterize the tie”.
Therefrom, several research studies were conducted,
some discussed the quantitative measurement of tie
strength (Gupta et al., 2019) while others were
interested at applications that could benefit from its
computation, in network analysis such as community
detection (Fan et al., 2007) and link prediction (Sett et
al., 2016) or in decision support systems such as
Chader, A., Haddadou, H., Hamdad, L. and Hidouci, W.
Towards Strength-sensitive Social Profiling in Ego Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0010113002100217
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 210-217
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
recommendation (Seo et al., 2017) and location
prediction (McGee et al., 2013). In particular, it has
been shown that the community structure in social
networks is deeply correlated with ties strength and
communities extracted under the binary
correspondence of the network are often less
representative of the real community structure (Fan et
al., 2007; Newman, 2004). The study of tie strength
speculates, moreover, that “the stronger the tie
connecting two individuals, the more similar they are
(Granovetter, 1973). Obviously, in social profiling,
not all relationships are the same to the profiled user.
Some of them being more frequent or intense than
others are, presumably, more revealing of his interests.
Thus, close friends in generic social media or frequent
collaborations in co-authorships networks should not
be treated the same as acquaintances or occasional
Accordingly, we propose a strength-sensitive
community-based profiling approach (named
SCoBSP) , built upon an existing community-based
process (Tchuente et al., 2013) which assumed the
network to be binary, i.e. all friends are equally related
to ego user (who is to be profiled) as well as to each
other. In the light of above findings, such assumption
has two key problems. On the one hand, interests are
inferred from less relevant people (those having weak
ties) and, in the other hand, the community structure
on which the profiling process is completely based is
not correctly depicted. To handle this, our approach
leverages strength of both ego-friend and friend-friend
relationships. The former allows to identify most
relevant people from whom to infer worthwhile
interests, while the latter enables to depict the most
realistic community structure of the ego network.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: The next section presents works most related
to ours. Section 3 describes our approach to social
profiling on weighted ego networks. Section 4
presents evaluation results on real world co-authorship
networks and Section 5 concludes the paper with some
future directions.
The scientific literature outlines many studies that
exploit relationship information and social graph
characteristics in user profiling ((Piao and Breslin,
2018), Bilal et al., 2019). We review in this section
those closely related to ours, i.e. research based on
user’s ego network. Most of work within this line
were conducted on Twitter and considered only user-
friend’s connections (Piao and Breslin, 2018). For
instance, (Bhattacharya et al., 2014) mine user’s
interests from the topical expertise of the users whom
he follows in twitter. Other studies consider
connections among friends too. (Li et al., 2014)
proposed a new co-profiling approach to jointly infer
users’ attributes and relationship type (being the
reason behind link formation) in ego networks. They
assume connections are discriminatively correlated
with user attributes (e.g., employer) through
relationship type (e.g., colleague). Similarly, (Ma et
al., 2017) attempts to learn profile via a social-aware
semi-supervised topic model that relies on latent
reasons behind social connections and refined the
profiling results by a novel label propagation strategy.
Exploring another aspect of social graphs, (Tchuente
et al., 2013) described a community-based process to
infer user’s attributes via user-groups affinities and
achieved very satisfactory performance compared to
individual based models. This process is later
extended in several ways, (On-At et al., 2014)
addressed the sparse network problem by adding
distance-2 neighbors (friends of a friend) using
snowball sampling technique, while (On-At et al.,
2017a,b) integrated temporal criteria and considered
evolution of both relationships and shared
information in the network.
As for studies exploring tie strength, (McGee et
al., 2013) developed a network-based model to infer
user's locations by leveraging the strength between
users on twitter. To the best of the author’s
knowledge, this is the only study that directly
investigates tie strength in attribute profiling.
However, their model is designed to predict a single
attribute (i.e. specific to location prediction).
Conversely, the community-based process proposed
in (Tchuente et al., 2013) is intended to be generic but
assumed the network to be binary. This motivates us
to investigate tie strength contribution over such
model to infer more relevant social profile.
In this section, we first introduce the ego network and
user profile models and then present our strength-
sensitive profiling process that leverages relationship
strength and community structure.
3.1 Notation
For a given user u (who is to be profiled), let G =
(V,E’,E,U) be the undirected ego network graph with
positive edge strengths, where V is the set of u’s direct
relations (alters) , E’ the set of ego-alter connections
Towards Strength-sensitive Social Profiling in Ego Networks
strengths, E’={Suv, v V} and E the set of alter-alter
ones, E= {Svv’, v,v’ V}. The set U, for its part,
describes alters’ profiles, U= {P(v), v
V}. In this
study, we discuss profiles with respect to user’s
interests. Each profile is represented as a vector of
weighted interests (Eq.1):
,,,, (1)
where I denotes the set of interests, V the set of alters
and w(i,v) the weight of the interest in v’s profile, it
indicates its importance with respect to the user.
We aim to predict u’s interests by leveraging
community structure and relationship strength (both
ego-alter, E’, and alter-alter, E, sets) to produce his
social profile, called Sp(u), for Social profile of u.
3.2 SCoBSP: Strength-sensitive
Community based Social Profile
This section presents our strength-sensitive process
while highlighting at each stage the main differences
with the existing CoBSP.
3.2.1 Community Detection
Community extraction is well-studied in literature
and various solutions were proposed to handle
different graph properties (e.g. weights, dynamics,
and overlap among others). In OSNs, users usually
belong to multiple groups at once and network
structure evolves continuously. Thus, to extract
communities in user’s ego network we use the
OSLOM algorithm (Lancichinetti et al., 2011) which
considers edges’ weights as well as dynamics and
overlapping communities. The community structure
is denoted by C = {c
, c
, c
...}, for simplicity we refer
to c
as c if there is no confusion. Note that this first
stage involves exclusively alter-alter tie strength.
3.2.2 Community Profiling
In this phase, the profile of each community, I(c) is
constructed as a set of weighted interests. Each
interest i in I(c) is weighted according to two scores:
its semantic score (denoted Sm
) in the community c
and the structural score of c (denoted Str
Semantic Score. Like in the existing CoBSP and
following idea of the TF-IDF measure (Tchuente et
al., 2013), each interest i
I(c) is assigned a score
according to its frequency in profiles of community c
members (Sif) and the relevance of interest i for the
community (Sicf), as in Eq. (2):
The Sif score, standing for Semantic Interest
Frequency, allows to identify interests characterizing
the community c through their frequency (and
weights) among c members. The more an interest is
shared (and important), the more it characterizes the
community. The Sif score is computed as follows:
w i, P
where P(v
) is the profile of the node v
c, w(i,v
represents the weight of the interest i in P(v
) and |c|
is the number of users in community c.
The Sicf score, for Semantic Inverse Community
Frequency (Eq. (4)), allows to find out the specificity
of each community regarding other ones. As it seems
easier for users to share very popular interests (e.g.,
the movie ‘Harry Potter’) than rare ones (e.g., an
astronomy documentary), we consider rare interests
among other communities as more relevant for c.
where |C| is the number of communities and {c C:i
I(c)} is the set of communities having i as interest.
Structural Score. This score (denoted (Str
)) relies
only on network topology to characterize the
communities. In the CoBSP process, it is computed
as the degree centrality measure. Differently, we
consider the relationship strength between ego user u
and each community (treated as a whole) as its
structural score. Thus, it sums to how to formulate the
ego-community c strength from relationship strength
of all its members. To do so we propose two different
method where we take into account not only strength
but also number of ego-community links. This latter
results from an analogy we did with Centrality
measures for weighted networks (Opsahl et al., 2010)
where the presence of many ties is considered to
measure the involvement of communities. Note that
only ego-alter tie strength is implicated at this stage.
Proposition 1. In the first, we compute Str
as a
normalized combination between the size of the
community, denoted |c|, and the sum of strength,
denoted W(c), formally:
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
where |E’|, W
denote respectively the total number
of links and the total strength, S
is the tie
strength between ego and node v and γ is a damping
factor to relativize the importance between
community size and strength. Setting γ above 1
decreases the value of the degree in favor of a greater
concentration of node strength whereas a value of γ
between 0 and 1 allows to consider both number and
strength of links. If set to 0, the outcomes of the
measures are solely based on the number of ties and
conversely, if set to 1, the measure is based on ties
strength only and the number of ties is disregarded.
We describe in Sect.4 the parametric study enabling
to identify γ fittest values.
Proposition 2. In the second, we compute Str
as a
degree centrality. Unlike CoBSP, this centrality is
computed by taking ego-community relationships
(i.e. without considering the relationships between
communities). Thus, for each community we keep
only the links connecting its members to
ego user and then apply the degree centrality.
In our context, two aspects must be considered to
measure centrality. On the one hand, the degree
centrality at a group level (we deal with communities
instead of individuals); and on the other hand, the
strength of relationships. Based on a combination of
extensions proposed in literature, the group centrality
degree (Tchuente et al., 2013) and the weighted
degree centrality (Opsahl et al., 2010), we compute
the structural score of community c as follows:
where |N(c)| denotes the number of people outside the
community that are connected to at least one c
member (the group extended degree centrality) and
S(c) denotes the group extended strength centrality
similarly computed. |E’|-|c|, S
denote respectively
the total number of links and strength excluding
community c members and γ is a damping factor to
relativize the importance between community size
and strength.
Interest Weight Calculation. At this stage, the
communities’ profiles are actually computed once
both semantic and structural score estimated. Each
interest i
is assigned a score, w (i,c), computed
as in following Eq. (7):
Note that this latter is different from the existing
CoBSP where w(i,c) is computed as a linear
combination, (X,Y, α) = α × X + (1-α) × Y, of
semantic and structural scores using the tuning
parameter α ∈0,1to set the importance between
them. The reason why this combination was used is
the approximate value of structural score they
computed (community centrality) which is not the
case in our study since we use real strengths.
3.2.3 Social Profile Derivation
The last stage consists in deriving the social profile
Sp(u) by computing the final weight of each interest
Sp(u), called w(i,Sp(u)). Since communities are
treated separately in previous stages, an interest i may
appear in different community profiles and with
different weights; these latter should be combined
into one to represent the final weight of the interest.
To this end, authors in (Tchuente et al., 2013)
apply a linear function borrowed from IR field
(merging results of different search engines) where
each score given by a community to an attribute is
multiplied by a coefficient that relativizes its
contribution in the final score according to the
importance of the interest for each community. For
instance, if there are n communities in the ego
network, the highest score for the interest is
privileged and its score is multiplied by n, the second
score by n-1, …, the lowest score of the interest is not
privileged and multiplied by 1. Further details can
be found in (Tchuente et al., 2013).
In our approach, since the strength associated to
communities is already considered in structural score
calculation (Eq. (5) and (6)), we believe that
following their combination might affect negatively
the profiling results. In fact, in the interest calculation
stage (Eq. (7)) the semantic score of an interest i is
directly multiplied by the structural score of the
community c. Which means that a high structural
score implies systematically a highest final score for
interest i in c. Thus, privileging the highest scores
given to the interest will overvalue the weights of
communities, they will be considered twice.
To avoid such overvaluation, we propose to
compute the combined weight w(i,Sp(u)) of each
interest i in Sp(u) by simply summing its different
weights from all communities. Formally:
 ,
Towards Strength-sensitive Social Profiling in Ego Networks
where w(i,c
) is the weight of the interest i in the
community c
as in formula (7).
In summary, with the combination of the equation
presented at each stage, we distinguish in our
strength-sensitive process two different algorithms
depending on how structural score of communities is
computed. We call SCoBSP-Ego, the one that
considers the ego-community strengths as structural
score (Eq.5) and SCoBSP-Cent, the one that applies
the degree centrality (Eq.6).
In the next section we empirically demonstrate the
effectiveness of our approach performed on real
world co-authorship networks.
4.1 Experimental Setup
Dataset. To construct a ground-truth dataset for
evaluation, we collected a set of 75 ego networks
from DBLP
as co-authorship networks; where ego
network is composed of his co-authors and the set of
the weighted relationships between them. The DBLP
database provides a comprehensive list of research
papers with several metadata (publication date,
venue, authors...) (Ley, 2009). Specifically, authors’
profiles (the set U in our ego model) are built by
analyzing keywords (considered as interests) from
their publications’ titles as done in (Tchuente et al.,
2013) whereas co-authorship relations (sets E’,E in
) are weighted by a measure of strength of their
collaboration according to two factor, the frequency
of co-authorship (higher strength to frequent
collaborations) and the total number of authored
articles (exclusivity of co-authorship relation). Note
that both ego-alter and alter-alter strengths are
computed this way. Thus, for each couple of nodes
(u,v) ∈
, its strength denoted
is calculated
is the number of co-authored papers, and
represent the total number of author’s u and v
Evaluation Protocol. To evaluate the performance of
our strength-sensitive process, we consider the ego
users’ real profiles from ReasearchGate
as a ground
truth and determine which of CoBSP and SCoBSP
Computer science bibliography:
(his two versions: SCoBSP-Ego and SCoBSP-Cent)
provides the most relevant social profiles, i.e. the
closest to the users’ real profiles. The real profiles of
ego users are built from a different network in order
to avoid the bias of using identical data sources
(publication titles). This demarche allows, moreover,
to evaluate the proposed approach against realistic
author’s interests.
In this experiment, we retain authors having at
least 50 co-authors (to get consistent data for
community extraction) and that have more than six
interests in their ResearchGate profile. The
identification of these authors is conducted manually.
A set of 75 ego networks was collected. The studied
authors have an average of 95 co-authors (between 50
and 214) and an average of 19 interests in their
ResearchGate profiles.
To fairly compare SCoBSP and existing CoBSP
and ensure that no processing external to the profiling
process alters the results, the same community
extraction algorithm (OSLOM, see Sect.3.2.1) is
applied for both approaches.
Performances are evaluated in terms of precision,
recall and F-measure metrics as commonly done in
related work (Tchuente et al., 2013; Ma et al., 2017;
On-At et al., 2017a,b). In our context, the precision
represents the proportion of relevant found interests
and the total number of found interests and the recall
represents the proportion of relevant found interests
compared to the total number of real interests (user’s
real profile). The F-measure is the harmonic mean of
precision and recall. As the number of interests
computed in the social profile can be too large, we only
consider the top N interests, i.e. the most relevant ones.
4.2 Results and Discussions
In this section, we present the results of our
evaluations and parametric study. We perform a lot of
experiments with different values of N and α, γ
parameters (to infer their fittest values). We remind
that γ is used in SCoBSP when computing structural
score (Eqs. (5, 6)) to represent the proportion of the
number of ties compared to their strength; and α
(taking part in CoBSP) represents the proportion of
the structural score compared to the semantic one in
community profiling (sect. 3.2.2); results are
presented by the average of metrics for all users.
Results presented hereafter are computed at the top 20
returned interests. This value (N=20) is observed to
offer a good compromise between precision and
recall and to ensure significant values of these metrics
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(users have an average of 19 interests indicated in
their real profiles). In following, we first compare our
approach against the existing CoBSP and then
investigate SCoBSP specifically.
Figure 1 presents the overall performance
comparison in terms of best precision, recall and F-
measure considering the top 20 interests.
Figure 1: Comparison of best metric values @ top 20
interests with best parameters for each proccess.
For the CoBSP approach, the best values (0.154 and
0.149 in terms of mean precision and recall
respectively) are observed when α=0.3. In comparison,
for our strength-sensitive approach best performance is
achieved by SCoBSP-Cent with 0.168 precision and
0.154 recall when γ=0.7; with improvements of
respectively 9.05 and 9.31% over the CoBSP process
and of 2.06 and 1.72% compared to SCoBSP-Ego (for
which best results are obtained when γ=0.8). This
improvement shows the effectiveness of our
proposition and confirms our premise that relationship
strength plays an important role in social profiling.
Figures 2 and 3 show results by the average precision
and F-measure according to α values. Note that this
parameter is not involved in SCoBSP calculation
whose results will never vary whatever the values of
α; hence its straight line representation. For SCoBSP,
reported results are achieved when γ=0.7 and 0.8 for
SCoBSP-Cent and SCoBSP-Ego respectively.
Figure 2: Comparison of average precision according to α.
Figure 3: Comparison of average F-measure according to α.
In these figures, we can clearly see that the two
strength-sensitive algorithms outperform the CoBSP
one in terms of all metrics irrespectively to α values.
The best result can be observed when α=0.0 with
successively 9.16% and 9.4% precision and F-
measure gain rate compared to CoBSP for SCoBSP-
Cent (improvements of up to twice CoBSP results,
132% of F-measure for instance). Regarding the best
results of CoBSP process (when α takes values in
[0.3, 0.6]) we observe average improvements of
10.12% in precision (respectively 10.50% in F-
measure) by SCoBSP-Cent and of 7.94% in precision
(respectively 8.48% F-measure) by SCoBSP-Ego.
We have also studied SCoBSP performance
against CoBSP when setting the value of N to the
number of real interests of each user. In this case, the
precision and recall are reduced to one single
measure. This experiment suggests that the number of
interests to derive is already known to both
approaches; in which case, our strength-sensitive
process proved also its effectiveness. Figure 4 shows
obtained results where we observe improvements of
9.27 and 11.93% for SCoBSP_Cent and
SCoBSP_Ego respectively. Based on the above
results, we can globally see that the overall
performances of strength-sensitives approaches
(SCoBSP_Ego and SCoBSP_Cent) are quite
comparable, SCoBSP_Cent being slightly superior.
Figure 4: Comparison of performance when N=real number
of interests.
We analyze in a second time the variation of results
according to the values of γ parameter to deduce its
fittest value and assess the contribution of strength.
We recall that according to our hypothesis, both
Towards Strength-sensitive Social Profiling in Ego Networks
number of links and strengths are important to
characterize the involvement of communities in ego
networks. Thus, γ parameter values range between 0
and 1. Figure 5 and 6 depict results in terms of recall
and F-measure according to γ. This latter is not
involved in CoBSP calculations; represented as a
straight line (best result recorded, α=0.3) in following
graphs. Note that at this stage, we assess the relevance
of strength in ego-community connections; which
were completely ignored in CoBSP (neither their
number or strength were studied). The combination
adopted in our approach allows to evaluate both.
Indeed, if the tuning parameter is set to 0, the
outcomes are only based on links number which
enables to study separately its effect.
Figure 5: Comparison of average precision according to γ.
Figure 6: Comparison of average F-measure according to γ.
As follows from the figures, we can clearly see that
our approaches consistently outperform the baseline
regardless of γ values. These results demonstrate the
relevance of ego-community connections and the
valuable information they hold. For instance, best
results of SCoBSP-Cent are achieved when γ=0.7
with substantial improvement of 7.21% F-measure
upon worst observed results when γ=0.0 (which
disregards strength) and 4.33% over γ=1.0 results
(which disregards links’ number). Optimal
performances are achieved when γ is set relatively
high but always when both links number and strength
are considered; which supports our premise.
Moreover, the considerable improvements observed
for γ ranging between 0.6 and 0.8 demonstrate that
strength is relatively more important.
Comparing results when fixing γ to 0 (only links
number considered), we can see improvement over
CoBSP; which can also result from effect of alter-
alter connections. Thus, we leave a detailed study of
this latter to future work.
Finally, to verify our hypothesis that using the
same linear function as existing CoBSP to compute
the final score of interests negatively affects
performance, we evaluate results by applying this
formula. Figure 7 shows results in terms of F-measure
(both precision and recall showed such behaviour).
We can clearly see a very substantial loss of gain (red
curve in the plots); which supports our prior premise.
The overvaluation of communities’ strengths
degrades significantly the results.
Figure 7: Results using linear combination of CoBSP.
In essence, this empirical evaluation amply
demonstrates the potential of our strength-sensitive
process to accurately profile users in ego networks.
This paper investigates the influence of tie strength
considering the problem of social profiling, based on
the intuition that the stronger the relationship is, the
more likely its members are to share the same
interests. We propose a strength-sensitive community
based approach that achieved promising performance
over existing state of the art method on real word co-
authorship networks, with lifts of up to 9.18% in
terms of F-measure.
As our future work, our short-term perspective is
to investigate other models to tie strength integration
in social profiling as well as to evaluate separately the
contribution of alter-alter and ego-alter connections.
We would like further to evaluate our approach with
larger datasets from different social networks having
distinct characteristics (e.g., Facebook and Twitter).
As a long term perspective, it would be interesting to
incorporate other factors or social features into the
model to further enhance profiling accuracy.
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