Transfer Learning to Extract Features for Personalized User Modeling
Aymen Ben Hassen and Sonia Ben Ticha
RIADI Laboratory, Manouba University, Tunisia
Recommender Systems, Collaborative Filtering, Personalized User Modeling, Deep Learning, Transfer
Learning, Image features.
Personalized Recommender Systems help users to choose relevant resources and items from many choices,
which is an important challenge that remains actuality today. In recent years, we have witnessed the success
of deep learning in several research areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, and image
processing. In this paper, we present a new approach exploiting the images describing items to build a new
user’s personalized model. With this aim, we use deep learning to extract latent features describing images.
Then we associate these features with user preferences to build the personalized model. This model was
used in a Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithm to make recommendations. We apply our approach to real
data, the MoviesLens dataset, and we compare our results to other approaches based on collaborative filtering
Every day we are overwhelmed by many choices.
Which news or book to read? Which music to lis-
ten to or video to watch? The sizes of these decision
areas are often massive. Personalized recommender
systems are a solution to this information overload
problem. The main purpose of these systems is to
provide the user with recommendations that reflect
their personal preferences. Although existing recom-
mendation systems are successful in producing rele-
vant recommendations, they face several challenges
such as cold start, scalability problem, data sparsity
problem and support for complex data (audio, image,
video) describing items to be recommended.
In recent years, we have witnessed the success of
deep learning in several research areas. Further, Deep
learning models have recently provided exceptional
performance and have shown great potential for learn-
ing effective representations of data of complex types
(E.g, effective representation of functionalities from
the content of the image). The influence of deep learn-
ing is also ubiquitous, recently demonstrating its ef-
fectiveness when applied to information retrieval and
recommender systems (Zhang et al., 2019). After its
relatively slow adoption by the recommender system
community, deep learning for recommender systems
became popular as of 2016 (Karatzoglou and Hidasi,
The most two widely used approaches in person-
alized recommender systems are Collaborative Fil-
tering (CF), and Content-Based Filtering (CB). CB
filtering uses item features for a recommendation,
while CF filtering uses only the user-rating data
to make predictions. Content-based recommenda-
tion and collaborative recommendation have often
been considered complementary (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005). A hybrid recommendation system
is a system that combines two or more different rec-
ommendation techniques. There are many ways to
hybridize and no consensus has been reached by the
research community.
Because the visual appearance of the movies’
posters has a significant impact on consumers’ deci-
sions, we are interested in this paper in modeling the
interest that user takes in the movies’ posters (TMDB,
2019) and their influences on their preferences. The
users preferences are then used in a collaborative rec-
ommendation algorithm user-based to determine the
K nearest neighbors of each user.
In this paper, we present a new approach exploit-
ing only the images describing items to build the
user’s personalized model and then to make recom-
mendations by applying a CF algorithm.
Our system consists of three components, the first
component consists of using transfer learning to ex-
tract latent features describing images of items and
applying a dimension reduction algorithm. The sec-
Ben Hassen, A. and Ben Ticha, S.
Transfer Learning to Extract Features for Personalized User Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0010109400150025
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 15-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ond component consists in learning the personalized
user model by inferring user preferences for latent
features of images. The third component consists of
using the personalized user model to calculate the k
nearest neighbors of each user and finally to make
recommendations by applying a user-based CF algo-
To take into account the scalability problem, the
user model is computed offline and only recommen-
dations are predicted online. To evaluate the perfor-
mance of our recommender system, we adopted an
empirical approach.
In the remainder of this paper, we give in Section
2, an overview of related work on the use of deep
learning for recommender systems. The proposed ap-
proach is described in Section 3. The experimental
results of our approach are given in Section 4. Fi-
nally, in section 5, we conclude with a summary of
our findings and some directions for future work.
The emergence of deep learning is related on the one
hand to the increasing power of computers and the
other to the increasing quantity of data (big data).
The typical essence of deep learning is that it learns
deep representations, that is, learning multiple levels
of representations and abstractions from data (Deng
et al., 2014).
(Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006) has introduced
an effective way to learn deep patterns and (Bengio
et al., 2009) has shown the capabilities of deep ar-
chitectures in complex tasks of artificial intelligence.
Currently, deep learning approaches provide solu-
tions to many problems with computer vision, natural
language processing, and speech recognition (Deng
et al., 2014).
Deep Learning is one of the next big things in rec-
ommendation systems technology. The increasing of
the number of studies combining deep learning and
recommendation systems may be related to the pop-
ularity and overall effectiveness of deep learning in
computer science. Concerning recommendation sys-
tems, deep learning models have been very success-
ful in learning from different sources and extracting
latent features from the complex data used for recom-
mendation. Considering the capacity to big data pro-
cessing capabilities and interpreting the current trend
by applying deep models to recommendation systems,
it can be said that collaboration between the two fields
will continue to gain popularity soon (Zhang et al.,
To extend their expressive power, various works
exploited image data (Cui et al., 2018; Chu and Tsai,
2017; Yu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2016; Lei et al.,
2016; Nguyen et al., 2017; Biadsy et al., 2013). Im-
age is a favorable recommendation item content, as it
is an important role in entertainment, knowledge ac-
quisition, education and social networks. For exam-
ple, (Cui et al., 2018) infused product images and item
descriptions together to make dynamic predictions,
(Chu and Tsai, 2017) exploited the effectiveness of
visual information (for example, images of dining
dishes and restaurant furniture) for SR of restaurants.
(Yu et al., 2018) proposed a coupled matrix and tensor
factorization model for aesthetic-based clothing rec-
ommendation, in which CNNs
is used to learn the
images features and aesthetic features.
(Zhou et al., 2016) extracted visual features from
images to use visual profiles of user interest in a hotel
reservation system. (Lei et al., 2016) proposed a com-
parative deep learning model with a Convolutional
neural network for a recommendation based on the
personalized image. (Nguyen et al., 2017) presented
a personalized recommendation approach for image
tags taking into account the item’s content based,
which combines historical tags information and im-
age features in a factorization model. Using trans-
fer learning, they apply deep learning techniques to
classify images to extract latent features from images.
(Biadsy et al., 2013) used item-based transfer learning
to solve the problem of data sparsity when user pref-
erences in the target domain are rare or unavailable,
while the information needed for preferences exists
in another field.
After a review of the state of the art, we found that
deep learning has been used in many works to address
some challenges of recommendation systems, includ-
ing data sparsity, cold start, and scalability. Recent
work has also demonstrated its effectiveness when ap-
plied to the processing and features extraction from
data source describing items (image).
Our goal is to extract latent features from images de-
scribing the content of item and thereafter infer user
preferences for these features from their preferences
for items.
The idea is to exploit the power of deep learning
to extract latent features describing images. Then, to
build a new user’s personalized model for personal-
ized user modeling. To that end, we make recommen-
dations by applying a user-based collaborative filter-
Convolutional Neural Network
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ing algorithm. In our approach, each item is described
only by one image. Once the latent features of each
item have been extracted, they are used for personal-
ized user modeling which will be used in a collabora-
tive filtering algorithm to do recommendations.
3.1 Architecture
The general architecture of our approach is presented
in Figure 1. Our approach consists of three main com-
Component 1. Features Extraction from Images
of Items: this component extracts the latent features
by applying transfer learning technique. The result of
this component is a matrix of items profiles.
Component 2. Personalized User Modeling: this
component learns the personalized model of users by
inferring the utility of each feature extracted for each
user, by combining items profiles with the user pref-
erences (rating matrix).
Component 3. Recommendations: This component
is responsible for recommending the most relevant
items to the current user by calculating the vote pre-
diction for items that are unknown to him. The vote
prediction is calculated from its K-Nearest-Neighbors
by applying a collaborative user-based filtering algo-
rithm. The personalized user model is then used to
compute similarities between users in a user based
collaborative algorithm using the rating matrix.
3.2 Features Extraction from Images
The idea is to extract latent features describing
images of items using the power of transfer learning.
INPUT: Images Describing Items. The entry for this
component is the set of images describing items. Each
item is described by only color image in RGB (Red,
Green, Blue) values of size (M ’, N’). Each image is
modeled by three matrices of size (M ’, N’). A matrix
R (M ’, N’) for the color red R, a matrix V (M ’, N’)
for the color green V and a matrix B (M ’, N’) for the
color blue B, so the pixel i, j has three values :
R(i, j): represents the intensity of red color of
pixel (i, j).
V (i, j): represents the intensity of green color of
pixel (i, j).
B(i, j): represents the intensity of blue color of
pixel (i, j).
OUTPUT: Profile of Items. After feature extraction,
we obtain the latent features of images, which will
represent items profile. The profile of the items is
Table 1: Matrix Items Profile (MIP).
. . . f
. . . f
1 f
1 j
i . . . f
i j
. . .
N f
N j
then modeled by a matrix of dimension (N,K), N is
the number of items and K is the number of latent fea-
tures extracted which we will call Matrix Items Profile
, given by (Table 1):
Where f
i j
= MIP(i, f
) represents the value of fea-
ture f
in item i, thus each item i is modeled by a vec-
of dimension K defined by:
= ( f
( j=1,...,K)
Features Extraction.
Lately, deep learning showing significant improve-
ment in the computer vision community using the
huge number of imaging datasets. Though deep learn-
ing a significant number of features are extracted
through different layers (de Souza et al., 2019; Sharif
et al., 2019; Rashid et al., 2019).
Feature extraction is an important technique com-
monly used in image processing. This technique des-
ignates the methods that select and/or combine vari-
ables in features. Feature extraction is used to detect
features such as the geometric shape in an image. To
do this, we use transfer learning technique to extract
latent features of item images. Transfer learning pro-
vides a pre-trained model on large sets of images.
This component extract features using transfer
learning which is a deep learning technique that uses
the convolutional layers with the correction layer
ReLu (Linear rectification), some of which are fol-
lowed by Max-Pooling layers.
3.2.1 Transfer Learning
Transfer learning (Karpathy et al., 2016) is a deep
learning method and strategy that search to optimize
performance on machine learning based on knowl-
edge and other tasks done by another machine learn-
ing (Wei et al., 2014). Moreover, transfer learning
can be a powerful tool for learning on a large tar-
get network without overfitting. In addition, trans-
fer learning helps us to use existing models for our
tasks. The reasons for using pre-trained models are
as follows: firstly, to transfer a learning by reusing
Transfer Learning to Extract Features for Personalized User Modeling
Figure 1: Proposed architecture.
the same model to extract features from a new image
dataset. Secondly, it takes more power computing to
learn huge models on large datasets. Thirdly, to take
a long time to learn the network.
Therefore, we use Transfer Learning method to
extract features describing images of items in our
dataset. We generally observe that the initial layers
capture the generic features while the deeper ones
become more specific in features extraction. It con-
sists in exploiting pre-trained models on large com-
plex data sets. There are many CNN architectures
such as VGG, ConvNet (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2014), ResNet (Targ et al., 2016), etc. In the proposed
transfer learning method, we used VGG-16 and VGG-
19 as basic models (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014),
previously pre-trained for feature extraction task from
ImageNet dataset
. ImageNet is a dataset of over 15
million labeled high-resolution images belonging to
roughly 22,000 categories. Moreover, it is organized
according to the WordNet hierarchy. We use convo-
lutional layers of two models to extract features from
our dataset, and we eliminate fully connected layers
for classification task. Therefore, VGG architecture
for the two pre-trained models is a composite of five
blocks of convolutional layers, some of which are fol-
lowed by Max-Pooling layers.
The image is passed through a stack of convolu-
tional layers, where the filters were used with a very
small receptive field: 3 × 3. In one of the configura-
tions, it also utilizes 2 × 2 convolution filters, which
can be seen as a linear transformation of the input
channels. The convolution stride is fixed to 1 pixel,
the spatial padding of convolutional layer input is
such that the spatial resolution is preserved after con-
volution, i.e. the padding is 1-pixel for 3 × 3 convo-
lutional layers. Spatial pooling is carried out by five
max-pooling layers, which follow some of the con-
volutional layers. Max-pooling is performed over a
3 × 3 pixel window, with stride 2. In the VGG16: 13
convolutional layers. In the VGG19 model: 16 convo-
lutional layers. The width of convolutional layers (the
number of channels) is rather small, starting from 64
in the first layer and then increasing by a factor of 2
after each max-pooling layer, until it reaches 512.
3.2.2 Dimension Reduction
The dimension reduction methods make it possible
to project the features into a reduced dimension in
order to deal with the scalability problems (Schafer
et al., 2007). Several techniques exist in the litera-
ture for reducing the dimension of a matrix. (Elkahky
et al., 2015) used Top-K features dimension reduction
technique, such as selecting the most relevant Top-K
features (eliminating non-significant features with a
high zero rate). In addition, they use RBM
to reduce
the size to manage large-scale datasets. (Desrosiers
and Karypis, 2011) used other methods such as SVD
(Koren, 2008), that is to reduce the dimension of rat-
ing matrix, or to reduce the dimension of similarity
matrix. (Wang et al., 2016) used an Auto-Encoder
(AE) to reduce the size of dataset and compare this
technique with different dimension reduction tech-
The number K of features thus obtained may be
very high. It would be interesting to be able to re-
duce the K dimension of the MIP matrix by reducing
Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Singular Value Decomposition
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the number of features and thus deal with the scala-
bility problems. We choose to reduce the number of
features of the MIP (Matrix Items Profile) using as
techniques the SVD and Top-K features.
We propose as a first solution, to apply a Top-K
features, this technique selects the most relevant fea-
tures. More specifically, we eliminated features with
a number of zero greater than a given threshold NF
that is determined empirically.
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) allows us
to project a dimension of the matrix (either rows l or
columns c) onto another dimension defined by latent
variables described by the singular values of initial
matrix. The dimension of the projection is defined
by the number of singular values of the initial matrix
which is equal to the minimum between l and c. La-
tent semantic analysis (LSA) reduces the projection
dimension by keeping only the largest R singular val-
We propose as a second solution, to apply a Latent
Semantic Analysis (LSA) (Dumais, 2004) of rank R
of MIP matrix. The rank R is well below the number
of features (R << |F|). LSA uses a truncated SVD
keeping only the R largest singular values and their
associated vectors. So, the rank-R approximation ma-
trix of the MIP matrix is provided by formula (2)
The rows in I
are the item vectors in LSA space
and the rows in V are the feature vectors in LSA
space. Thus, each item is represented in the LSA
space by a set of R latent variables instead of the fea-
tures of F.
3.3 Personalized User Modeling
In this section, we will present the second component
allowing personalized user modeling. The idea is to
build a new user profile.
Items profile modeled by MIP result of first com-
Usage data is represented by rating matrix Mv
having L rows and N columns. The lines repre-
sent the users and the columns represent the items.
Ratings are defined on a scale of values. The rat-
ing matrix has missing value rate exceeding 95%,
where missing values are indicated by a ”?”, v
the rating of user u for item i, given by (Table 2)
OUTPUT: At the end of personalized user model-
ing, we obtain a personalized user model which is
Table 2: Rating Matrix (Mv).
1 . . . i . . . N
1 v
? v
? v
. ?
. ? ?
u ? .. . v
.. . ?
. ? ?
L v
? v
? v
represented by a matrix which we will call “Matrix
User Profile (MU P
) without missing values, hav-
ing L rows representing the users and K columns
representing the features. This profile defines user
preferences for the extracted features describing the
items based on their assessments for these same items.
MUP(u, f ): represents the utility of feature f for user
u as shown in (Figure 3).
Table 3: Personalized user model (Matrix of User Pro-
. . . f
. . . f
1 f
1 j
u .. . f
u j
. . .
L f
L j
Personalized User Modeling. The idea is to infer the
utility of each feature of items (the result of compo-
nent 1) for each user. To do this we were inspired by
(Ben Ticha et al., 2013) which gives different formu-
las for calculating matrix of user profiles. We used
the formula which gave better results (see following
equation (3)).
(u, j)
u, j
(i, j)
Computing I
We denote by I
the set of relevant items of user
u. To compute I
, we used the formula given in
(Ben Ticha, 2015). An item i is relevant for a user u
of U if it satisfies the following two conditions:
] and v
= {i I
/ v
and v
> v
Where v
indicates the average of rating. Using the
user’s average vote as a threshold to determine the rel-
evance of an item has two advantages. The first is to
avoid adding a new parameter. The second is the per-
sonalization of the threshold which allows taking into
account the variation in the attribution of the marks
since all the users do not rate in the same way.
Transfer Learning to Extract Features for Personalized User Modeling
3.4 Recommendation
Among the existing collaborative approaches, CF al-
gorithms based on the K-Nearest-Neighbors algo-
rithm (Desrosiers and Karypis, 2011) are very pop-
ular because of their simplicity, their efficiency, and
their ability to produce relevant personalized recom-
mendations. The idea is to take advantage of the ef-
ficiency and simplicity of these algorithms to make
recommendations using the Personalized User Model
to determine the nearest neighbors of the current user.
The personalized user model is used to compute
similarities between users. Similarities are used to se-
lect the K nearest neighbors of the current user in a
user-based collaborative filtering algorithm (Resnick
et al., 1994).
The User Profile u (PU
) is represented by index
line u in User Profile matrix (MUP) modeling the per-
sonalized model of users. Computing the similarity
between two users then amounts to calculating the
correlation between their two profiles. In our case, the
user profile u (PU
) models the importance of the hid-
den features for the user u. The Cosine is utilized for
calculating the correlation between two users u and v.
It is defined by the formula (5).
sim(u,v) = cos(
) =
|| ||
To compute predictions of rate value of an item i not
observed by the current user u
, we applied the for-
mula (6) keeping only the K nearest neighbors. The
similarity between u and u
being determined in our
case from their user profiles applying the formula (5).
,i) = ¯v
k nearest neighbors
k nearest neighbors
The rating prediction in our approach is calculated by
applying user-based collaborative filtering algorithm.
In the standard algorithm, the similarity between
users is calculated from rating matrix. In our case,
we use MUP matrix modeling the personalized users
profile to calculate the similarity between users.
Our approach provides solutions to the scalability
problem. The first two components, namely feature
extraction and personalized user modeling, are exe-
cuted in offline mode. To reduce the time complexity
of computing the rating prediction, the determination
of K nearest neighbors of each user is also computed
in offline mode, keeping only the k nearest to them.
The calculation of predictions for the current user is
executed in real-time during his interaction with e-
service (Figure2).
A recommendation algorithm aims to improve the
usefulness of an e-service towards its users by in-
creasing their satisfaction. Thus, measuring user sat-
isfaction in terms of recommendation represents an
important evaluation criterion for any recommenda-
tion algorithm.
To evaluate our approach, we opted for offline
evaluation mode. The offline evaluation allows the
performance of several recommendation algorithms
to be compared objectively. We have adopted an
empirical approach. The performances of our ap-
proach were analysed through different experiments
on datasets.
We evaluated the performance of our approach
by measuring the accuracy of the recommendations,
which measures the capacity of a recommendation
system to predict recommendations that are relevant
to its users. We measured the accuracy of the pre-
diction by calculating the Root Mean Square Error
(RMSE) (Herlocker et al., 2004), which is the most
widely used metric in CF research literature.
(pred(u, i) v
|T |
Where T is the set of couples (u,i) of R
for which
the recommendation system predicted the value of the
vote. It computes the average of the square root dif-
ference between the predictions and true ratings in the
test data set, lowers the RMSE is, better the accuracy
of predictions.
4.1 Experimental Datasets
We experimented our approach to real data from
two data sets. For the item content data, we used
the TMDb
(The Movie Database) dataset to extract
movie posters. TMDb provides the content of items
data set and contains 10 590 moviet posters with an
image size of 500 by 750.
We used the HetRec 2011 dataset of the Movie-
Lens recommender system
(IMDB, 2019) that links
the movies of MovieLens dataset with their cor-
responding web pages at Internet Movie Database
(IMDb), which contain user ratings. The HetRec-
2011 dataset provides the usage data set and contains
1,000,209 explicit ratings of approximately 3,900
movies made by 6,040 users with approximately 95%
of missing values.
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Synthesis of our approach.
The usage data set has been sorted by the times-
tamps, in ascending order, and has been divided into a
training set (including the first 80% of all ratings) and
a test set (the last 20% of all ratings). Thus, ratings of
each user in the test set have been assigned after those
of the training set.
4.2 Performance Evaluation of Features
Extraction with VGG Models
To evaluate our approach, firstly, we started by fea-
tures extraction, and we took all the features extracted
of transfer learning. We used the pre-trained models
VGG16 and VGG19 for transfer learning technique
in the first component 3.2 (features extraction from
movie posters) available included in the library keras
with Python programming language
with version
3.7 and run on TensorFlow
This technique gives us profile item modeled by
Matrix Item Profile (MIP) containing the latent fea-
tures for each movie poster i. Items in the row and
the features of each item in the column. Each element
has the importance of feature f for each item i which
is a value between [0.100].
The precisions of the two models (VGG16 and
VGG19) are shown in Figure 3. The RMSE is plot-
ted against the number K of neighbors. In all cases,
the RMSE converges between 50 and 60 neighbors.
The accuracy of predictions ratings of the VGG19
model is higher than that observed by VGG16, for
all the neighbors. The best performance is obtained
by VGG19 whose RMSE value is equal to 0.9263
for 60 neighbors. For VGG16, the best performance
is obtained for the same number of neighbors with a
RMSE equal to 0.9309.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Number of nearest neighbors
Figure 3: Evaluation with VGG models.
4.3 Performance Evaluation of
Dimension Reduction
4.3.1 Dimension Reduction with Top-K Features
To improve the performance of our approach, we re-
duced the size of the MIP (Matrix Items Profile) by
selecting the most relevant features. More specifi-
Transfer Learning to Extract Features for Personalized User Modeling
cally, we eliminated the features with a number of
zero greater than a given threshold = NF
that is
determined empirically. Where threshold is the rate
% of zero in the features.
Figure 4 illustrates the performance of selecting
the features NF
in fixing K = 60 of K-Nearest-
Neighbors. In fact, for the VGG16 model, the initial
number of features is equal to 25028, the selection of
features from the item profile matrix (MIP) is 0%, the
accuracy of recommendations which has reached the
value of RMSE = 0.9309. On the other hand, the ac-
curacy of recommendations of VGG19 model reached
the value of RMSE = 0.9263 of the accuracy of rec-
Figure 5 illustrates the performances of dimension
reduction. The performances of VGG19 model are
compared with those obtained without reduction of
the dimension (plot in green). The reduction in size
degrades the performance of our approach. Table 4
gives the rate of dimension reduction corresponding
tothreshold = NF
and number of latent features
F of VGG19 model.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Threshold (%)
With K=60
Figure 4: Performance evaluation of selecting the relevant
Top-K features.
The feature selection of the matrix item profile in-
creases the accuracy until its rank reaches a thresh-
old value of the Percentage selection of features from
which the accuracy begins to decrease. This obser-
vation remains the same for the other VGG19 model.
The threshold value for the accuracy of recommenda-
tions of the VGG16 model is equal to RMSE = 0.9217
corresponds to 40% of the selection of features from
the Matrix Item Profile (MIP). On the other hand, in
the VGG19 model, the threshold value for the accu-
racy of recommendations is equal to RMSE = 0.9165
corresponds to 50% of the selection of features.
The dimension reduction made possible not only
to reduce the size of the model and thus to improve
its performance in terms of scalability, but also to im-
prove its performance in terms of precision of the rec-
4.3.2 Dimension Reduction with LSA
In Figure 6, the RMSE has been plotted with respect
to the LSA rank. We reduce the size of MSI in fixing
k = 60 of K-Nearest-Neighbors of the VGG-19 model
by applying a LSA with rank R. The performances
are compared with those obtained without reduction
of the dimension (curve in green).
The factorization of a matrix MPI (10 590, 25028)
is the application an SVD, so the number of latent
features is equal to R = min (10 590, 25028). The
factorization of MPI matrix resulted in a degradation
of precision of the recommendations which reached
the value of RMSE = 0.9477 for R = 10 590 against
RMSE = 0.9263 without factorization. The dimen-
sion reduction increases the precision until reaching
a threshold value of R from which the precision be-
gins to decrease. The optimum is reached for R equal
to 1000 with an RMSE = 0.9239 slightly better than
that obtained without dimension reduction (RMSE =
0.9263). Although the LSA doesn’t improve the ac-
curacy, dimension reduction is significant. Thus, it al-
lows to reduce the cost of users similarity computing,
specially when the number of features is very high.
4.4 Comparative Results of Our
Approach against Other
Approaches based on CF
In Figure 7, the RMSE has been plotted with
respect to the number K of neighbors in the k-
Nearest-Neighbor algorithm, with K [10, 100].
We compared the performance of our approach
using VGG19 model compared to a “User Semantic
Collaborative Filtering” approach (Ben Ticha, 2015)
which treated with different text attributes describing
movies (Genre, Origin).
We represented the performances of four exper-
iments on the same data set: the Genre of movie
attribute (e.g., comedy, drama) represented by the
“Genre” plot, the Origin of movie attribute (the coun-
try of movie origin) represented by the “Origin” plot,
the movie poster with dimension reduction with Top-
K features in size represented by the “VGG19 with re-
duction” plot and the movie poster without reduction
of the dimension represented by the “VGG19 without
reduction” plot.
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 4: Dimension reduction with Top-K features of VGG19 model.
% Threshold : NF
% Reduction F RMSE Gain RMSE
0% 0% 25028 0.9263 ±0.0000
20% 19.27% 20204 0.9234 +0,0029
30% 27.35% 18183 0.9202 +0.00161
40% 35.42% 16163 0.9174 +0,0089
50% 43.5% 14142 0.9165 +0,0098
60% 51.57% 12122 0.9224 +0,0039
70% 59.64% 10102 0.9260 +0,0003
80% 67.77% 8081 0.9287 0,0024
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Dimension Reduction (%)
VGG19 With K=60
With reduction
Without reduction
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Dimension Reduction (%)
Threshold (%)
VGG19 With K=60
Figure 5: Performance evaluation of dimension reduction with Top-K features.
Figure 6: Performance evaluation of LSA.
By analyzing the plots of the graph, we see that
all the plots have the same appearance, the RMSE de-
creases to a given value of K (The Nearest Neighbors)
then increase. All the plots converge for N between
50 and 60 neighbors. The accuracy of the genre rat-
ing predictions is higher than that observed by Ori-
gin, which themselves are higher to those recorded by
our approach which processes the image content of
items using VGG19 and this for all neighbors. The
best performance is obtained by the movie Genre at-
tribute whose RMSE value is equal to 0.9035 for 60
neighbors, again of the order of 2 points compared to
our approach whose RMSE is equal to 0.9263 for the
same number of neighbors.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Number of nearest neighbors
VGG19 With reduction
VGG19 Without reduction
Figure 7: Comparative results of our approach against other
approaches based CF.
In conclusion, we can say that the best perfor-
mance which deals with the textual data describing
the item (Genrer, Origin). The results of our approach
are acceptable compared to the results of (Ben Ticha,
2015) which explains this by the fact that the poster
of a movie has an importance in the preferences of the
users and it may not be discriminating enough as the
genre or origin. Thus, we used transfer learning with
the pre-trained VGG-16 and VGG19 models with Im-
ageNet dataset but if we will build a model Convo-
lutional Neural Network (CNN) of classification task
by trained from the movie poster dataset, then we will
apply transfer learning of our dataset. Perhaps in the
case, the results can be better.
Transfer Learning to Extract Features for Personalized User Modeling
In this paper, we have proposed to apply transfer
learning to extract latent features of images describing
items. We have used the resulting model for person-
alized user modeling by inferring user preferences for
latent features of images from the history of their pref-
erences for items and thus building the user model.
The personalized model obtained was then user used
collaborative filtering algorithm on users to make rec-
We evaluated the performance of our approach
by applying two different feature extraction models
VGG16, VGG19. To improve the performance of
our approach, we applied two method Top-K features
and LSA for the reduction dimension. Finally, we
compared the accuracy of our approach to other ap-
proaches based on hybrid filtering which deals with
different text attributes describing items.
As a fertile interdisciplinary research area of rec-
ommendation and transfer learning, there are various
exciting directions worth further exploration in our
approach. In future work, we will include several ma-
jor directions extension of the application domain and
apply other dimension reduction algorithms.
We have experimented with our approach in the
area of movie recommendation and more specifically
MovieLens datasets. However, the performance of a
recommendation algorithm may vary depending on
the data used or the application domain (Shani and
Gunawardana, 2011). It is for this reason that it would
be interesting to confirm our conclusions by experi-
menting with our approach to other fields of applica-
tions such as the recommendation of ready meals or
clothing for example.
To reduce the size of the model representing the
items features, at the end of the transfer learning for
features extraction, we opted for the filtering of the
features by eliminating the least relevant, having a
rate of zero greater than a given threshold ( Top-K
features) and LSA for dimension reduction. Besides,
there are several methods of dimension reduction al-
lowing to project the features in a reduced dimension.
It is also interesting to use deep learning techniques
such as the Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)
or the AutoEncoder (AE).
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Transfer Learning to Extract Features for Personalized User Modeling