Efficient Thumbnail Identification through Object Recognition
Salvatore Carta
, Eugenio Gaeta
, Alessandro Giuliani
, Leonardo Piano
and Diego Reforgiato Recupero
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
BuzzMyVideos, London, U.K.
Thumbnail Generation, Object Recognition, Machine Learning, YouTube.
Given the overwhelming growth of online videos, providing suitable video thumbnails is important not only
to influence user’s browsing and searching experience, but also for companies involved in exploiting video
sharing portals (YouTube, in our work) for their business activities (e.g., advertising). A main requirement for
automated thumbnail generation frameworks is to be highly reliable and time-efficient, and, at the same time,
economic in terms of computational efforts. As conventional methods often fail to produce satisfying results,
video thumbnail generation is a challenging research topic. In this paper, we propose two novel approaches
able to provide relevant thumbnails with the minimum effort in terms of time execution and computational
resources. The proposals rely on an object recognition framework which captures the most topic-related
frames of a video, and selects the thumbnails from its resulting frames set. Our approach is a trade-off between
content-coverage and time-efficiency. We perform preliminary experiments aimed at assessing and validating
our models, and we compare them with a baseline compliant to the state-of-the-art. The assessments confirm
our expectations, and encourage the future improvement of the proposed algorithms, as our proposals are
significantly faster and more accurate than the baseline.
Recently, the flourishing popularity of social net-
works and video sharing websites produced a massive
growth of videos uploading. The continuous demand
of video accessing and uploading entailed the require-
ment of providing reliable and fast sharing services
able to propose appealing videos to users. The most
known video sharing website is YouTube
, which is
is the second most-visited site in the world, only be-
hind Google. It represents the epicenter of content
creation, search engine optimization, and video con-
tent marketing. More than 500 hours of video are up-
loaded to YouTube every minute, and more than 1 bil-
lion hours of YouTube videos are watched every day
In this context, let us consider video sharing from a
further perspective: the popularity of YouTube, re-
cently, has captured the interest of businesses, small
and large, which currently adopt the platform to pro-
mote their projects, expose their brands, and naturally
monetize. Indeed, a successful marketing activity is
based on exploiting social popularity of videos, as
higher popularity usually means stronger influence,
which translates into higher revenues. In turn, im-
proving video popularity is a key point for video up-
loaders and channel creators to increase the proba-
bility that their videos would be selected by adver-
tisers. To improve users’ video searching experi-
ences, a video hosting website typically allows and
suggests users to attach metadata (e.g., description
or keywords) to the video. However, this task may
prove to be challenging for users, notably in the com-
mon case of using mobile devices (Ames and Naa-
man, 2007). Therefore, a hot research topic is devis-
ing algorithms able to automatically perform video
optimization, which refers to all strategies aimed at
increasing its probability of being highly indexed by
search engines and, consequently, the probability of
being viewed by users. Given a video, among its
video optimization activities, generating an appropri-
ate “sketch”, either in the form of text or image, plays
an essential role. In particular, a common way to
provide viewers a straightforward and concise repre-
sentation of video contents is to generate appropri-
Carta, S., Gaeta, E., Giuliani, A., Piano, L. and Recupero, D.
Efficient Thumbnail Identification through Object Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0010108802090216
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 209-216
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ate thumbnails (Liu et al., 2015; Song et al., 2016), a
thumbnail being a frame aimed at providing a visual
snapshot of the video.
In this paper, we define two novel approaches of
video thumbnail generation aimed at suggesting rel-
evant thumbnails in fast execution time using a less
amount of computational resources. Our proposal is
based on the adoption of a pre-trained object recog-
nition framework aimed at capturing the most topic-
related frames in a video, and on the selection of
thumbnails from its resulting frames set. Our ap-
proach is a trade-off between content-coverage and
time-efficiency. The novelty of the proposal is that we
suggest thumbnails in a “dynamic” way (see Section
3), which permits to significantly decrease the use of
resources. Results highlight that the performances are
higher than the classic methods.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 describes the background and the related work
in thumbnail generation; Section 3 regards all the de-
tails on the proposed approach, together with the cho-
sen baseline. In Section 4 we report all the exper-
iments we have carried out, which are discussed in
Section 5. Section 6 ends the paper with conclusions
and future directions where we are headed.
Traditionally, thumbnail images were generated either
manually or automatically. The former approaches
involve intensive manual effort, as a video contains
hundreds or thousands of frames. The latter were
often based on the selection of random fixed frames
(e.g., the first or the middle frame), with the goal of
suggesting thumbnails in a fast and immediate way.
Such approaches convey to often suggest meaningless
images being unable to provide a clear topic of the
video. To this end, researches focused on automated
thumbnail generation by adopting machine learning
methods. First attempts relied on assigning a thumb-
nail by identifying a single key-frame in the video.
However, a unique thumbnail is quite limited in its
ability of representing the entirety of a video. Never-
theless, in real video applications only a fixed small
number of key-frames should be proposed as thumb-
nails, as proposed by Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2018).
This choice is motivated by two main issues: (i) the
space limitation of UIs (specially for mobile devices)
and (ii) the behavior of users in deciding whether to
watch the video, i.e., the decision is taken relying on
a few number of thumbnails. Consequently, select-
ing a limited set of images able to clearly represent
the entire content of a video is a popular strategy in
thumbnail generation, as it is a suitable trade-off be-
tween content-coverage and time-efficiency. Our al-
gorithm, compliant with this choice, suggests a fixed
number of thumbnails. To this end, machine learning-
based methods able to identify a limited set of mean-
ingful frames have massively been employed by more
researchers (Liu et al., 2011; Li et al., 2014). Our pro-
posal focuses on exploiting learned models, in par-
ticular relying on an object recognition framework.
Moreover, several studies focused on learning mod-
els that are specific to different video domains (Zhang
et al., 2016; Potapov et al., 2014). These approaches
produce higher quality than unsupervised approaches
that are blind to the video domain. To this end,
we also focused on domain-dependent models, as re-
ported in the following Sections.
Although many studies gave rise to perform also
a semantic analysis of the video content, e.g. by us-
ing natural language processing (NLP) techniques Liu
et al. (2015), a widespread methodology is still based
on learning visual representativeness purely from vi-
sual content (Kang and Hua, 2005; Gao et al., 2009).
In particular, high-level features like important ob-
ject, people and subjects are often utilized (Rav-Acha
et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2012). In accordance with
such works, we focused, in this preliminary stage, on
visual features, i.e., we adopt an object recognition
framework to select the frames basing only on the vi-
sual contents of images.
The main motivation is that dealing with unde-
sired time complexity and computational consump-
tion is a current challenge for real-world applications.
As a matter of fact, most companies (e.g., a small soft-
ware house) cannot invest in hardware resources like
big companies (e.g., Google or Microsoft). Hence,
a frequent requirement is to perform thumbnail gen-
eration in a fast, economic and reliable way. For
example, a considerable improvement on this line
was made in (Song et al., 2016), where the system
produces a thumbnail in only under 10% of video
length, on a conventional laptop computer using a
single CPU. The main novelty of our system is the
capability of dealing with the problem of computa-
tional resources consumption, addressing it by rely-
ing on time-efficient tools and algorithms. We claim
that our proposal is significantly faster than classic ap-
proaches, and provides better performances, as high-
lighted in the following Sections.
Furthermore, let us point out that another limita-
tion of many proposed thumbnail generation methods
is represented by don’t consider if two or more se-
lected frames belong to the same scene in the video.
We also rely on scene identification. The novelty of
our approach is also due to performing a dynamic
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
analysis of frame sequence for identifying scenes.
Let us finally remark that the most known and ac-
cessed video sharing portal is YouTube, which has re-
cently become the leading focus also of research ac-
tivities on video optimization. In so doing, we imple-
mented a system able to access and analyze YouTube
videos directly by a proper API (see Section 3).
In the following sections, after giving a brief overview
of thumbnail generation, we first introduce the base-
line, and then we give the details of the proposed
3.1 Overview
A generic approach of video thumbnail extraction can
be briefly described as follows. First, the video se-
quence is segmented into multiple “shots”. The ba-
sic idea is to split the video by scene change detec-
tion algorithms. Typically, for each scene, only a
single frame is taken as a keyframe. Among them,
the most relevant keyframes are selected as thumb-
nails. A widespread technique to perform this task is
to identify relevant objects contained in a given frame,
usually exploiting object-detection frameworks.
Object Detection. Both baseline and our proposal
rely on the adoption of object-detection frameworks
aimed at identifying and assessing only frames con-
taining relevant objects. To this end, we used YOLO
(You Only Look Once)
, a well known framework
capable of identifying frames containing relevant ob-
jects. Unlike classifier-based approaches, YOLO is
trained on a loss function that directly corresponds to
detection performance, and the entire model is trained
jointly (Redmon et al., 2015). The framework can be
trained directly on full images.
A suitable functionality of Yolo is to analyze an
image, and predict which objects it contains, associat-
ing a probability score σ
, which is taken into account
as a measure of usefulness estimation of the frame.
3.2 Baseline
We compared our algorithms against a fast video
thumbnail generation method which relies on a frame
pruning process. Pruning consists of removing, from
a sequence of video frames, images having a low
level of quality. The method is proposed in two vari-
ants, differing on how the “quality” is computed. In
particular, the first method relies on blurring each
frame, while the variant relies on the colorfulness
of the image. We named the former as Blur-based
Frame Pruning approach (BFP) and the latter as
Colorfulness-based Frame Pruning (CFP). Both
approaches are compliant with the schema depicted
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Schematic representation of baseline (for both
BFP and CFP).
Both approaches are also summarized step-by-
step in Algorithm 1. The input is the sequence (X
) of
the N video frames, and the domain D of the underly-
ing video. The first step is to estimate the frame qual-
ity. The function estimateQuality returns its quality
score, which is computed with two different methods,
as described in the following sections. After that, the
pruning step consists of computing first the gradient
of the quality scores series Ψ
. The peaks in Ψ
respond to local maximums of “quality”; in so doing,
we discard the frames not associated to peaks. The
remaining images (filtered frames set X
, hereinafter)
are subsequently analyzed by YOLO, in order to iden-
tify relevant objects. Let us remark that the function
YOLO takes the image and also the video domain D
as inputs. The framework returns which relevant ob-
jects, i.e., objects related to D, an image contains, to-
gether with their probability score. If an image does
not contain relevant objects, it will be discarded. The
remaining set (X
) contains the candidate frames
from which selecting the final thumbnails. The sub-
sequent step is the scene identification. The func-
tion getSceneFrames computes the correlation be-
tween the histograms associated to a given frame and
the subsequent frame in X
; if the correlation is
lower than a given threshold, two consecutive frames
are considered belonging to different scenes. Each
scene change splits X
in subsets, each one corre-
sponding to a scene. For each scene, the frame having
the best σ
is selected. The set of selected “scene”
frames X
is finally ranked by their scores σ
; the
ranked frames set is represented by X
. The chan-
nel creator then may select the best k ranked images
as final thumbnails. Let us point out that in our ex-
periments we selected a fixed number of suggested
Efficient Thumbnail Identification through Object Recognition
thumbnails (3, in our case), rather than suggesting a
variable number. This choice, already proposed in lit-
erature (Wang et al., 2018), is a trade-off between the
need of proposing more than one image to capture the
entire video content and the need of being proposed
in a stable, fixed and compact UI.
Algorithm 1: Baseline approach.
Input: Video frames set (X
), Domain (D)
: quality measures
: filtered frames (after pruning)
: scene frames (one frame per scene)
: frames containing YOLO objects
Output: Selected thumbnails (X
, X
= {}, {}
/* Pruning */
for x X
, X
/* Candidate frames selection */
for x X
ob j Y OLO(x, D)
if obj 6= NULL then
/* Scenes identification */
/* Ranking */
return X
As already remarked, the difference between the
two variants of the baselines is in the estimateQuality
function. Let us describe in the following subsections
how such s quality is estimated.
Blur-based Frame Pruning (BFP)
Although blur (or “smoothing”) is often seen as a nui-
sance, as it is basically an image degradation that
makes visual content less interpretable by humans,
blurring an image removes “outlier” pixels that may
be noisy in the image. Blur also combines informa-
tion about both texture and motion of the objects in
a single image. Hence, recovering texture and mo-
tion from blurred images is also used to understand
dynamics of scenes. Moreover, a video sequence usu-
ally contains many frames “naturally” blurred (e.g.,
frames of scenes change). Therefore, this method is
adopted with the twofold aim of noise reduction and
normalization. The estimateQuality function of BFP
approach assigns a score to each frame by blurring the
image (applying a Laplacian filter), and computing its
variance, which will be our quality score.
Colorfulness-based Frame Pruning (CFP)
Instead of computing the blur scores, with this base-
line the estimateQuality function assigns a colorful-
ness score to each image. The score is computed as
defined in the work of Hasler and S
usstrunk (2003).
This preprocess is usually faster than blurring, with
no loss of information.
3.3 The Proposed Approaches
As already pointed out, one of the main requirements
of companies is the videos optimization, and in par-
ticular for thumbnail generation, is to rely on frame-
works being equally not computationally expensive
and time-efficient. The baseline systems described
above rely on a preprocessing step for the pruning
step, which requires a significant consumption of re-
sources. On the one hand, we deem to devise an ap-
proach that does not perform pruning, not only be-
cause it would require more computational effort, but
also because discarding too many frames may lead to
miss meaningful and potentially relevant thumbnails.
On the other hand, let us remark that pruning is aimed
at reducing the amount of images being sent to the
object detection framework. To this end, we propose
two different algorithms able also to not “overload”
the object detection framework. In the following sub-
sections the details of both algorithms are described.
Figure 2: Schematic representation of the DOD approach.
Dynamic Object Detection-based (DOD)
The first proposal performs the same steps of BFP and
CFP, except for pruning, as depicted in Figure 2.
The main difference, apart for the pruning, is how
the candidate frames are selected. Instead of sending
to YOLO a fixed set of frames (obtained by pruning,
in the baseline), the frames are dynamically selected
in the following way (summarized by Algorithm 2):
(i) the first frame x
is selected as a candidate; (ii)
each frame x
in the sequence is compared with the
previous frame x
by measuring their correlation,
computed as the difference between histograms of x
and x
; (iii) if the correlation is lower or equal than
a given threshold, x
is selected as a candidate, other-
wise x
and x
are considered similar frames, and
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Algorithm 2: DOD approach.
Input: Video frames set (X
), Domain (D)
: scene frames (one frame per scene)
: frames containing YOLO objects
th: correlation threshold
Output: Selected thumbnails (X
= {}
/* Candidate frames selection */
for x
}) do
if corr(x
, x
) th then
ob j Y OLO(x, D)
if obj 6= NULL then
/* Scenes identification */
/* Ranking */
return X
is discarded. Scene identification and ranking
are performed in the same way of the baseline ap-
Fast Scene Identification (FSI)
On the one hand, the DOD approach is expected to be
faster than the baseline. On the other hand, the weak-
ness of DOD is that scenes identification is based only
on the presence of relevant objects in frames that dif-
fer on a simple histogram analysis. This aspect may
lead to misleading scene splittings, or may propose
noisy frames. To improve our first proposal, we de-
vise the approach schematized in Figure 3 and de-
scribed by Algorithm 3.
Figure 3: Schematic representation of the FSI approach.
With respect to the DOD approach, scene identi-
fication is performed before the object detection. We
perform this step by relying on a well-known frame-
work (PySceneDetect, see Section 4 for more details)
which applies a blackframe filtering
and compares
the brightness of each frame with a fixed threshold
θ. Then it triggers a scene cut/break when this value
crosses θ. For each identified scene, we simply con-
sider the first frame as the scene frames, in this stage.
Let us point out that methods of scene frames selec-
tion are currently under investigation. Subsequently,
the set of scene frames X
is analyzed by YOLO. Only
frames containing relevant objects are selected as can-
didates. Ranking is performed like BFP and CFP
approaches, sorting frames in descent order by their
YOLO prediction scores.
Algorithm 3: FSI approach.
Input: Video frames set (X
, Domain (D))
: scene frames (one frame per scene)
: frames containing YOLO objects
θ: brightness threshold
Output: Selected thumbnails (X
= {}, {}
/* Scenes identification */
, θ)
/* Candidate frames selection */
for x X
ob j Y OLO(x, D)
if obj 6= NULL then
/* Ranking */
return X
In this Section, after giving details about the adopted
dataset and about the experimental settings, we de-
scribe which metric we used for evaluating our algo-
rithms. Then, we report our preliminary results, to-
gether with a use case aimed at giving an example
of thumbnail generation, compared with the chosen
4.1 Dataset
We manually selected a real-world dataset from
YouTube portal. In particular, we selected videos be-
longing to 4 different domains (Motors, Tech, Food,
and Animals). The selected dataset contains 31
videos. Let us point out that we report experiments
on a small dataset only for a matter of time execution
and evaluation. More experiments on a larger dataset
are currently in progress. Details on the distribution
Efficient Thumbnail Identification through Object Recognition
among categories and information about the video av-
erage length is reported in Table 1.
Table 1: Dataset details.
Number of
Average length
Animals 6 136.5
Motors 8 96.5
Food 10 77.8
Tech 7 99.4
Total 31 102.6
4.2 Experiments Settings
YOLO Model. We used a pre-trained model of
YOLO, trained with COCO (Common Objects in
dataset, which contains more than 300k
images of 91 objects types that “would be easily rec-
ognizable by a 4 year old” (Lin et al., 2014). To our
purpose, we selected 4 subsets of the COCO objects
to characterize our domains. Table 2 reports the de-
tails of each domain.
Table 2: Coco objects details.
Domain COCO classes
bird, cat, dog, horse, sheep, cow,
elephant, bear, zebra, giraffe
Motors car, motorbike, truck, bus
bottle, wine glass, cup, fork, knife,
spoon, bowl, banana, apple, sandwich,
orange, broccoli, carrot, hot dog, pizza,
donut, cake
tvmonitor, laptop, mouse, remote,
keyboard, cell phone, microwave
Implementation. All experiments have been per-
formed by implementing several scripts written in
Python language. In particular, for the FSI approach
we chose to adopt an efficient framework for scene
detection task, PySceneDetect
, which is a Python
module for detecting scene changes in videos, and au-
tomatically splitting the video into separate clips.
Parameters Settings. As we still are in a prelimi-
nary stage, we set the thresholds th (see Algorithms 1
and 2) and θ (in Algorithm 3) with typical values (fur-
ther investigation is planned as future research activi-
ties). In particular, for BFP, CFP, and DOD we adopt
the Pearson correlation (Pearson, 1895), and set the
correlation threshold th with a value of 0.5. For FSI,
we use the PysceneDetect default value of θ = 15 for
the threshold of brightness.
4.3 Evaluation
In literature, although several attempts have been
made, there are no standard criteria to evaluate the
performance of a thumbnail generation algorithm.
Therefore, to assess the performances of our algo-
rithms, we performed extensive manual assessment
by humans. An assessor assigned a relevance score
to each generated thumbnail, each score belonging to
a three-point relevance scale with the following mean-
non-relevant (score 1): the thumbnail is totally
useless in providing a clear idea of video con-
tent (e.g., no relevant objects, dark images, noisy
somewhat relevant (score 2): the thumbnail is
not strictly related to the video content, but the
image would provide a related concept (for exam-
ple, a knife in a video of a specific recipe), which
may be attractive for user’s interest;
relevant (score 3): the thumbnail perfectly cap-
ture the video content.
4.4 Results
A quantitative comparison between the proposed
models and the baseline(s) is shown in Table 3, in
which the average relevance score is reported for each
domain, and also for the entire dataset. We will dis-
cuss these results in Section 5.
Table 3: Average relevance.
Animals 2.110 1.867 2.443 2.200
Motors 1.333 1.917 2.583 2.540
Food 1.467 1.967 2.300 2.600
Tech 1.427 1.713 2.473 2.473
Average 1.547 1.880 2.440 2.483
As we are also interested in comparing the com-
putational effort of the approaches, in Table 4 we re-
port the comparison of the execution time. Let us note
that experiments have been performed in a scenario
which does not rely on powerful hardware. In partic-
ular, no GPUs have been used and all the approaches
have been compared with same hardware and settings.
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 4: Average execution time (in seconds).
Animals 551.4 526.7 208.6 94.8
Motors 393.1 380.6 178.7 73.3
Food 261.6 285.3 118.7 61.1
Tech 359.2 353.3 161.4 64.0
Total 373.6 372.0 161.2 72.7
Use Case. For the sake of completeness, let us give
an example of thumbnail selection for all the ap-
proaches. Due to paper limits, we report here only
the first ranked thumbnail of a video, selected from
our dataset, regarding the domain “Motors”.
(a) BFP
(b) CFP
(c) DOD
(d) FSI
Figure 4: Example: best ranked thumbnail for each ap-
To let the reader understand the content, the title
of the video is Lamborghini Aventador LP 750-4 SV.
The generated thumbnails are depicted in Figure 4.
Let us note that, for the BFP approach the suggested
thumbnail does not contain a car (Figure 4a). This
behavior confirms our expectation: the pruning phase,
in our opinion, discarded many meaningful frames;
the reported thumbnail is just a false positive (YOLO
recognized the frame as one very likely to contain a
car). Furthermore, also the CFP approach suggests a
thumbnail of poor quality (there is a blurred text that
overlaps the car), as reported in Figure 4b. Figure 4d
reports the generated thumbnail by FSI approach, and
clearly shows how the quality is good, and the car is
perfectly recognized.
As clearly highlighted in Table 3, our approaches, at
least in this preliminary stage, outperform the base-
lines models. Looking at the average evaluation,
DOD and FSI have similar performances, but signif-
icantly higher than the baseline systems. Although
there is the need of performing deeper experiments on
a larger dataset, preliminary results, in our opinion,
confirm expectations that the pruning process may
discard meaningful frames, and encourage to deeper
investigate our algorithms. To remark that, the use
case is a clear indicator on how our proposals may
improve the thumbnail selection (as Figure 4a is to-
tally unrelated to the video topic).
Furthermore, the comparison of the execution
times clearly points out that our proposed methods are
faster than BFP and CFP. This is potentially useful for
medium and small companies, which usually require
reducing hardware and infrastructural costs. In partic-
ular, FSI is a very time-efficient choice, and it could
be a starting point to refine the algorithm, by intro-
ducing more complex analysis, in particular for scene
frame selection, with a tolerable increase of time exe-
In this paper, we proposed two novel video thumb-
nail generation approaches, named DOD Dynamic
Object Detection-based, and FSI Fast Scene Iden-
tification. Both methods are aimed at providing rele-
vant thumbnails with the minimum effort in terms of
time execution and computational resources. We rely
on an object recognition framework (YOLO) which
identifies relevant objects with the goal of identifying
the most topic-related frames of a video. The meth-
ods select the thumbnails from the resulting frames
sets. We performed preliminary experiments aimed
at assessing and validating our models, and we com-
pared them with a baseline system, proposed in two
variants (BFP Blur-based Frame Pruning, and CFP
– Colorfulness-based Frame Pruning) compliant with
the state-of-the-art. The assessments confirm our ex-
pectations, i.e., DOD and FSI outperform BFP and
CFP in terms of relevance of the suggested thumb-
nails and time execution. These preliminary results
encourage future refinements of the algorithms. We
are currently experimenting the proposed algorithms,
together with baseline comparison, on a larger dataset
of videos, in order to provide a more strong and robust
Further modifications of algorithms are currently
under investigation. First, for DOD approach, we
are studying a more efficient way of performing the
“dynamic” scene identifications, with, at the same
time, the development of further refinements of rank-
Efficient Thumbnail Identification through Object Recognition
ing step. Regarding the FSI approach, which is still in
its preliminary stage, many directions are looking for-
ward. We expect to provide more performative meth-
ods in (i) identifying scenes with further algorithms,
(ii) selecting scene frames, and (iii) ranking candidate
This research has been partially supported by
the ”Bando Aiuti per progetti di Ricerca e
Sviluppo”—POR FESR6832014-2020—Asse 1,
Azione 1.1.3. Project VideoBrain- Intelligent Video
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