Improving Learning in a Mobile Robot using Adversarial Training
Todd W. Flyr
1 a
and Simon Parsons
1,2 b
Department of Computer Science, Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, U.S.A.
School of Computer Science, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, U.K.
Mobile Robotics, GANs, Adversarial Training, Machine Learning.
This paper reports research training a mobile robot to carry out a simple task. Specifically, we report on
experiments in learning to strike a ball to hit a target on the ground. We trained a neural network to control
a robot to carry out this task with data from a small number of trials with a physical robot. We compare the
results of using this neural network with that of using a neural-network trained with this dataset plus the output
of a generative adversarial network (GAN) trained on the same data. We find that the neural network that uses
the GAN-generated data provides better performance. This relationship holds as we present the robot with
generalized versions of this task. We also find that we can produce acceptable results with an exceptionally
small initial dataset. We propose that this is a possible way to solve the “big data” problem, where training a
neural network to learn physical tasks requires a large corpus of labeled trial data that can be difficult to obtain.
Machine learning is essential if robotics is going to
reach its full potential. The alternative, that every
detail of what every robot does is individually pro-
grammed into it, will just not scale. However, there
are many challenges in applying machine learning to
robotics. One, in particular, is our focus here. That is
the problem of ensuring that there is sufficient data for
a robot to learn a task. Generating a single datapoint
with a physical robot can be time-consuming, and
that makes the data needs of modern deep-learning
approaches extremely hard to meet even for simple
robot tasks.
Robotics is not alone as an application area of ma-
chine learning where it is difficult to find enough data
to feed deep methods (though it is an area in which
it is particularly hard to collect data). As a result, re-
searchers have come up with a number of ingenious
methods for augmenting the datasets that they can col-
lect. For example, in computer vision, it is common
to generate additional data by manipulating existing
data flipping and/or cropping images is one com-
mon approach (Chatfield et al., 2014).
A more general approach is to use a generative ad-
versarial network (GAN) to create synthetic data that
can improve learning, as in (Bowles et al., 2018). We
will discuss GANs in more detail below, but a well-
trained GAN will generate elements that are indistin-
guishable from those in the original dataset.
Recently, we (Flyr and Parsons, 2019) demon-
strated that it was possible to use a GAN to gener-
ate data that can successfully augment the dataset on
which a robot is trained to complete a simple task.
We compared the performance of a neural network
controller learnt from a dataset of robot trials, and a
controller learnt from that dataset augmented with the
output of a GAN. This was restricted to situations in
which the initial conditions for the robot task were
close to those in the training set. In other words,
little generalization was demonstrated. In this paper
we go further, showing that augmenting a dataset of
robot trials with data from a GAN improves the per-
formance of the robot on trials that are well outside
the scope of the initial dataset. This is possible since
the GAN, in effect, can hypothesize a wide range of
plausible trial data.
The specific task that we study here is that of a
robot learning to strike a ball towards a target on the
ground. We use a very simple instance of this task —
the robot is a simple mobile base, and the only cus-
tomization is a metal plate attached perpendicular to
the side of the robot. The robot hits the ball by ro-
tating so that the plate strikes it. One might view this
as a putting in golf, or as the kind of “kick” used by
robot in early iterations of RoboCup. The challenge
Flyr, T. and Parsons, S.
Improving Learning in a Mobile Robot using Adversarial Training.
DOI: 10.5220/0010107100820089
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems (ROBOVIS 2020), pages 82-89
ISBN: 978-989-758-479-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for the robot thus reduces to deciding where to po-
sition itself, given the position of ball and target, in
order to strike the ball effectively. This is a task that
is complex enough to be somewhat challenging if the
robot were to be programmed directly, but also simple
enough to be feasible without an expensive lab setup.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes related work. Then Sec-
tion 3 describes the approach that we adopted. Sec-
tion 4 describes the specific experiments that we car-
ried out, and Section 5 presents the results that we ob-
tained. Section 6 discusses the results while Section 7
concludes with pointers to future work.
There is a large literature applying machine learning
to robotics. Here we briefly survey the work that is
most related to our own.
This paper builds on our work which looked at the
use of adversarial training for a robot that was learn-
ing to hit a ball a target (Flyr and Parsons, 2019) .
We tested whether the training set for a neural net-
work controller could be usefully extended by exam-
ples generated by a GAN which was trained on the
same data set. This paper starts from the same posi-
tion, and then examines the extent to which data gen-
erated by the GAN makes it possible for the controller
to generalise, first to scenarios outside the range of the
training data, and second to cope with a very minimal
training set.
This approach to data augmentation with a GAN
relates to (Salimans et al., 2016). In that case, the
GAN is used to generate an extra class of data in ad-
dition to their canonical list of classes, K. As this
GAN generated trial data is the K + 1th class, it is ef-
fectively unlabeled. (Salimans et al., 2016) then show
how this can be used to improve training on the la-
beled data, similar to how semi-supervised learning
works via exposing a neural network to related, but
unlabeled data. Our approach differs in that we simu-
late the entire system of inputs and outputs, including
a measure of success, and train the discriminator to
simply assert whether or not that combination is plau-
This interest in a controller’s ability to make pre-
dictions outside the range of its experience is in-
spired by Bongard’s concept of prospection (Bongard,
2015). This is the ability to predict future actions, in
particular the ability to mentally simulate the actions
in contexts that have never been previously encoun-
For us, this connects with the use of the GAN,
with its ability to generate data from which the con-
troller can learn standing as a simple form of prospec-
tion by providing the controller with imagined scenar-
ios and the action that should be taken in those scenar-
(Lee and Ryoo, 2017) developed a method for
training a large CNN combined with an autoencoder
to learn from video of humans manipulating objects
with their hands. (Lee and Ryoo, 2017) involves a
form of prediction where a sequence of video frames
is mapped to 1-2 seconds of further video, thus “pre-
dicting” what will be seen a short distance into the
future. This ability can be used, for example, to iden-
tify the point at which a person carrying a box will
want to put it down, allowing a robot to anticipate the
need to clear a space for the box.
The approach to prediction from (Lee and Ryoo,
2017) has subsequently been applied to provide a
robot with the ability to engage in learning through
self simulation. In this work, a controller for a Turtle-
bot is trained to recognize an object, and decide
whether to approach it or avoid it, by using a “dream-
ing model”. The process starts with the robot wan-
dering randomly in the space taking pictures. Then
a variational autoencoder with the prediction mecha-
nism from (Lee and Ryoo, 2017) is used to produce
sequences of images that make up a realistic path to
(or away from) the object. A reinforcement learning
algorithm is then used to learn a policy that will take
the robot along the relevant path. After the pictures
are taken, the whole process is completed without any
real-world trials, and so it represents a form of imag-
ining how to achieve a simple goal.
Finally, we note that (Gupta et al., 2018) use
a GAN framework to improve models for predict-
ing trajectories when navigating in a crowd. Like
our work, (Gupta et al., 2018) shows what can be
achieved by using a GAN architecture when learning
with a robot. However, unlike our work, there is no
physical robot.
This section explains the setup for our experimental
work. There are three aspects the physical setup
of the robot and the task it is learning, the way that
data is collected, and the design and training of the
controllers. We discuss these in turn.
3.1 Physical Setup
The physical setup replicates that from our earlier
work in (Flyr and Parsons, 2019), though our arenas
Improving Learning in a Mobile Robot using Adversarial Training
(i) (ii) (iii)
Figure 1: The physical setup. (i) is a diagrammatic view of the arena: (a) The turtlebot with the putter head attached to the
side; the ball—in an initial position; (c) the target—a piece of colored paper, the robot must locate the ball and the target and
then properly position itself to line up the shot; (d) the arena walls. (ii) is a picture of the the arena. (iii) is a photograph of
the modified Turtlebot.
are larger at about 3 metres square.
The physical setup is shown in Figure 1. The tar-
get is a coloured piece of paper on the floor of the
arena. The robot is a Turtlebot 2, modified by attach-
ing a “putter” to the side of the robot. The robot starts
at a position in the arena that is somewhat distant from
the ball. It approaches the ball, and strikes the ball the
ball by rotating so that the putter comes into contact
with it. If the ball passes over the target, we con-
sider that a “hit”. Otherwise we consider that the ball
missed the target.
3.2 Data Collection
In order to develop a dataset, trial data was collected
from a number of scenes. We use the term scene to
mean a unique robot initial position, ball initial posi-
tion, and target location. For each scene, we collected
data for several trials. A trial is an attempt for the
robot to hit the ball to the target in a given scene.
Unlike our work in (Flyr and Parsons, 2019),
where we used a rule-based system to collect trial
data, we controlled the robot by hand during data col-
lection. Data was collected as follows. First, a scene
was selected and the robot was driven to a suitable
position from which to hit the ball. The robot local-
ized, and recorded its pose, we call this the demon-
strated position for the scene. Trials were then run
for this scene. Each trial involved the following. The
robot localized, and recorded its pose in its initial po-
sition. The robot also detected, using its on-board
RGB-D camera, the location of the ball and the tar-
get. These are the ball and target locations recorded
for the trial. The robot then drove to the demonstrated
position, using its on-board localization to determine
its final pose this was recorded as the robot’s fi-
nal position. The robot then attempted to hit the ball
(by rotating and swinging the putter at the ball). The
on-board camera then tracked the ball and determined
whether or not the target was hit. If the target was not
hit, then the closest approach of the ball to the target
was computed and recorded. As a result, the data for
each trial consists of the robot’s estimates of:
htarget(x, y), ball(x, y),
robot initial pose(position(x, y), yaw))i
and which form the input to the neural network, along
with the robot’s estimates of its final position:
hposition(x, y), yawi
that is the position from which it should attempt to
hit the ball. This final position is what the neural net-
work is trained to predict given the input. In order
to learn the optimal settings for the task, we added
in the terms for the minimum distances of the task
goals: inv
bt min
(x, y) and inv
rb min
(x, y) where bt is
the ball-target distance and rb is the robot
f inal pose
initial position
distance . Because of noise in the
robot’s estimates, and because the target position was
being generated by the human operator, a given scene
could generate several different trials. For Experi-
ments 1 and 2 we collected sufficient data that we
had several successful and unsuccessful trials for each
scene. For Experiments 3 and 4, where (see below)
we were interested in establishing a minimal training
set, we continued trials until the target was hit, and
kept just that trial.
It is worth noting that the only human involvement
collecting the training data — and hence in the entire
training process — is to pilot the robot to its final po-
sition before carrying out trials. Identifying the po-
sitions of all the relevant objects is carried out by the
ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems
robot. As a result, we consider that this work falls into
the category of learning by demonstration, with each
trial being a single, simple, demonstration.
3.3 Training the Controllers
The process for training the GAN and the MLP con-
trollers were identical to the training in (Flyr and Par-
sons, 2019).
Each experiment compares two controllers. One
is a neural network learnt directly from the training
data collected as above what we call the initial train-
ing data. This neural network is a fully connected
feed forward network with two hidden layers. The
network topology was 11 × 120 × 84 × 3. Note that
training only considered the yaw (rotation on the z-
axis) of the robot. Thus the input to the controller is
htarget(x, y), ball(x, y),
robot initial pose(position(x, y), yaw),
bt min
(x, y), inv
rb min
(x, y))i
and the output from the neural network is:
hposition(x, y), yawi
This is an estimate of the position from which the
robot should hit the ball. We call the controller that
is learnt from the initial training data the MLP con-
The second controller is a neural network with the
same architecture as the MLP controller, but which
makes use of additional training data. This additional
data is generated using a WGAN (Arjovsky et al.,
2017). The GAN is used in a standard way it is
made up of a a generator, G, and a critic, D. The gen-
erator, G, takes noise as input, and generates data that
simulates trials of the robot. G is trained against the
critic D. D takes Gs outputs as input, and only out-
puts whether or not each output from G looks like a
genuine trial run. G uses the results from the critic
to learn how to output data that looks exactly like the
trial data in the initial training set, and at the same
time D learns, based on the initial training data, how
to recognise data that is close to that in the training
The generator network had a topology of 8 × 96 ×
106 × 106 × 106 × 106 × 96 × 14 while the critic had
a topology of 14 × 64 × 74 × 74 × 74 × 74 × 64 × 1.
The generator simulates the entire system, thus the
11 inputs and the 3 outputs are combined for the 14
outputs of the generator.
Once trained, the GAN was used to generate some
additional trials that were added to the initial dataset
to create an augmented training set. Another neural
network was then trained using the augmented train-
ing set. We call this controller the MLP/GAN. The
main difference between Experiments 1 and 2, on one
hand, and Experiments 3 and 4, on the other, is in the
number of trials in the initial and augmented datasets.
We give these details in the description of the individ-
ual experiments below.
3.4 Carrying out Experiments
Once the controllers were trained, we carried out
trials in which the robot, completely autonomously,
attempted to hit the ball to the target. The robot,
ball and target were set up as a scene. The robot
then self-localized, identified the positions of ball and
target, and used its neural network (either MLP or
MLP/GAN), to identify the pose from which it should
hit the ball. The robot then used the standard ROS
navigation stack to move to the pose indicated by the
neural network. Once there, the robot swung and tried
to hit the ball, tracked the ball, and recorded if there
was a hit, and if not recorded the closest approach to
the target.
In this section we describe the set of experiments that
we carried out.
4.1 Overview
We present results from four experiments. In each
experiment we compared two robot controllers, the
MLP and MLP/GAN described above. For each ex-
periment, we ran a number of trials.
An example of the data collected for a trial is given
in Figure 2a. This shows initial and final positions of
the robot (green and blue squares, respectively), the
expected final position of the robot (blue star), the ini-
tial position of the ball (red circle), the target position
(yellow square), and the tracked location of the ball.
What is recorded are the earliest point at which the
moving ball is observed (magenta circle), around one
meter from the robot, where the ball comes to rest
(magenta triangle), and the track (blue line). From
this we can compute the closest approach of the ball
to the center of the target.
Table 1: The composition of the full dataset.
Hit Hit Ball/Missed Target Missed Ball Total
54 90 10 154
Improving Learning in a Mobile Robot using Adversarial Training
The experiments tested two parameters, each of
which had two possible values. (Hence four exper-
iments.) One parameter was the size of the dataset
that we used to train the controllers. This parame-
ter either had value 154, or had value nine, the min-
imum number of trials for which we could generate
sensible robot behaviour. We call the first of these the
full dataset, and the second the minimal dataset. The
other parameter relates to the scenes, and has values
in-range and out-of-range. In range scenes are those
in which the initial position of the robot, the initial po-
sition of the ball and the position of the target all lie
in the range of positions used in constructing the ini-
tial training set. In out-of-range scenes, one or more
of these positions is allowed to range across the entire
arena. The range of positions for the initial training
dataset in Experiments 1 and 2 is shown in Figure 2b.
The four experiments are thus:
Experiment 1: Full dataset, in-range.
Experiment 2: Full dataset, out-of-range.
Experiment 3: Minimal dataset, in-range.
Experiment 4: Minimal dataset, out-of-range.
The first experiment replicates our work in (Flyr and
Parsons, 2019), though with a much larger dataset —
both more scenes and more trials. Looking at the re-
sults of the second experiment alongside this should
tell us whether a training dataset augmented with data
generated by a GAN that was trained on the same
dataset can be used to improve the ability of the robot
to hit the target when the robot is presented with ini-
tial conditions outside the range of conditions that it
has seen before. In other words, this is a test of the
controller’s ability to generalize. The second two ex-
periments then allow us to examine how this ability to
generalize is affected by starting from a much reduced
— we would argue a bare minimum — dataset.
4.2 Experimental Detail
4.2.1 Experiment 1
For the first experiment,we ran 154 trials with the
Turtlebot, as described above. The breakdown of the
data, in terms of how many trials resulted in the ball
hitting the target, the robot hitting the ball but missing
the target, and the robot missing the ball, is given in
Table 1.
The MLP was learnt from this data. The GAN was
trained on these same 154 trials, and used to generate
the data for 200 more. The combined dataset of 354
trials is the augmented training set. The MLP/GAN
was then trained on the augmented set. The con-
trollers were then tested on a small number of trials
where the scenes were chosen from those used to gen-
erate the training data. (This is not the same as saying
the controllers were tested on the training data — see
the discussion in Section 5). Care was taken that both
controllers were tested on a similar pattern of scenes.
4.2.2 Experiment 2
The second experiment was intended to test whether,
in addition to improving the performance of the con-
troller on data similar to that in the initial training set,
the MLP/GAN was able to generalize to scenes out-
side the range of the initial training set. Normally, we
would expect that presenting a neural network with
inputs that are outside of the ranges on the data on
which it was trained would fail, and so it was our
expectation that the MLP controller would perform
badly in this experiment. However, the use of the
GAN can expand the range of possible inputs to some
degree via a logical extrapolation from the existing
data, so it was our hypothesis that in this case, the
MLP/GAN would function better than the MLP. The
experiment took the same MLP and MLP/GAN con-
trollers from Experiment 1, and tested them on such
scenes for example scenes where the ball is at the
extreme right of the robot and the target is at the ex-
treme left. Again, the pattern of scenes presented to
both controllers was similar.
4.2.3 Experiment 3
The third experiment was intended to test how well
the GAN can augment the scene dataset starting from
an initial training set that was as small as possible. To
create a minimal dataset, a single robot position was
used, position (1.0, 2.0) (see the coordinate system
in Figure 2a). A set of ball and target positions were
chosen that covered the breadth of the arena, in partic-
ular to ensure that they include every combination of
robot movement to the ball (move straight, turn left,
turn right) and rotation to face the target from the ball
(none, clockwise, counter-clockwise). This resulted
in the nine scenes. For each scene, trials were re-
peated until a hit was recorded, and the data from the
trial that led to the hit was added to the initial training
set. The initial training set was thus made up of nine
trials, each reflecting a different scene. The MLP and
MLP/GAN networks were trained as before with the
GAN generating an additional 200 scenes so that the
augmented dataset was made up of 209 scenes.
For Experiment 3, both controllers were then
tested using the same nine scenes. Each scene was
used eight times to create 72 trials.
ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Examples of data from our experiments: (a) data recorded in a trial, and (b) scenes for some of the experiments. In
(a), the initial position of the robot is in green, and its final position is in blue. The initial position of the ball is in red, the blue
line indicates where the ball has been tracked — from the magenta circle to the magenta triangle. The target is the big yellow
square. In (b), robot positions are green triangles, ball positions are red circles and target positions are yellow squares.
4.2.4 Experiment 4
The fourth experiment was intended to test general-
ization in the minimal dataset scenario. The MLP and
MLP/GAN controllers from Experiment 3 were again
tested by making two trials from each of eight scenes,
just as in Experiment 3. However, these scenes were
novel, that is they were not included in the training
data. Some scenes were in the range of the training
data and other scenes were outside that range.
5.1 Experiments 1 and 2
The first two sections of Table 2 summarize the results
of the experiments. For both the MLP and MLP/GAN
controllers, we report the total number of trials (sec-
ond column), the number of times the target was hit
(third column), the number of times that the ball was
hit but the target was missed (fourth column), and
the number of times that the ball was missed (ninth
column). When the ball was hit but the target was
missed, we report the average and median closest ap-
proach that the robot made to the ball (fifth and sixth
columns) and that the ball made to the target (seventh
and eighth columns). When the ball was missed, we
report the average and median distance of the robot
from the ball (tenth and eleventh columns).
The results of Experiment 1 suggest improved per-
formance for the MLP/GAN. While the MLP con-
troller is not able to hit the target at all, the MLP/GAN
manages to do this around 30% of the time. When
hitting the ball but not the target, the MLP/GAN hits
the ball closer, on average, to the target. However,
when the robot misses the ball, the MLP controller
has it come closer to the ball, on average, than the
MLP/GAN. The median approach to robot to ball is
lower for the MLP than the MLP/GAN. We carried
out Barnard’s exact test on the numbers of hits and
misses achieved by the MLP and MLP/GAN. This
produces a p-value of P = 0.1163, indicating a prob-
ability of 0.8837 that the MLP/GAN performs better
on this measure.
The scenes used for the trials in Table 2 were taken
from the set of scenes that were used in generating
the training data. Consequently, these results might
be considered to have been obtained from the training
data. However, using a scene from the training data
to test the performance of the controller learned from
the training data does not mean the controller is being
presented with exactly the same instance that it was
trained on. It is considerably different than, for ex-
ample, testing a neural network-based vision system
on one of the images that it was trained on. This is
because the scene only describes the physical setup
at the start of the trial it identifies the location of
the robot, ball and target as positioned by the exper-
imenters. It does not exactly fix the data that is fed
into the controller, since this is computed by the robot
from its localization component, and data extracted
from its camera. Though we would expect that the
data generated by the robot from two instances of the
same scene to be close, the noise means that two in-
stances will generate different data. As a result, we
argue that testing with in-range scenes is not the same
Improving Learning in a Mobile Robot using Adversarial Training
as using training data for testing, but equally does tell
us much about the controllers’ ability to generalize.
What it does allow us to show, is that in terms of hit-
ting the target, which is the task it is trained for, the
MLP/GAN likely performs better than the MLP, ex-
actly as we might expect.
The results of Experiment 2 (Table 2, second sec-
tion) extend our work in (Flyr and Parsons, 2019),
showing that the MLP/GAN is able to generalize
to scenes that are outside the range of the training
set. While it does not manage to hit the target, the
MLP/GAN controller is able to hit the ball a few times
while MLP controller, as one might expect, was not
able to hit the ball in eight attempts. Comparing the
counts of hits and misses by the two controllers us-
ing Barnard’s exact test gives P = 1.0 as those counts
were identical. But comparing whether or not the
robot hit the ball gives P = 0.2118 as the MLP/GAN
actually hit the ball twice. Thus it is likely that there is
a measurable improvement in generalization from the
use of the GAN even in this more extreme scenario.
5.2 Experiments 3 and 4
The results of Experiments 3 and 4 are given in the
second half of Table 2.
Experiment 3 shows that both MLP and
MLP/GAN controllers outperform their counterparts
from Experiments 1 and 2. Further, in Experiment
3, as in Experiment 1, the MLP/GAN controller
performs much better than the MLP controller, on
the same metrics it hits the target more often,
and when it misses the target, the mean approach is
closer (however, the median approach of the robot
to the ball is again slightly higher). Comparing
counts of hits and misses by the two controllers
using Barnard’s exact test gives P = 0.0383 so the
difference is statistically significant. While again,
especially in the light of Experiment 1, this might be
expected, it is notable that even when trained with
so little data, the GAN can generate additional data
that improves the performance of the network trained
from it.
Experiment 4 shows the performance of the two
controllers on novel scenes. Here the performance
of the MLP/GAN in the novel out of range scenes
is marginally worse than the non-augmented MLP.
Comparing counts of hits and misses by both con-
trollers yields P = 1.0, as in Exp 2 there is no
difference in performance. Indeed, while both con-
trollers had an equal number of hits on the target,
the MLP/GAN controller missed the ball more fre-
quently, and only outperformed the MLP in the sense
that it came closer, on average, to the target in the “hit
ball/missed target” category, a difference that is not
statistically significant. However, it is worth noting
that both controllers show good generalization here,
hitting the target more than a third of the time even
though ball, target, or both are positioned outside the
range of locations seen in the training data. We dis-
cuss why the MLP/GAN did not perform better in
Section 6 below.
While the previous section shows that GAN augmen-
tation improves that robot’s ability to learn the task,
we do not suppose that what we have is necessarily
the best solution. But it does illustrate how GAN
augmentation may improve performance on a task for
which a neural network is a good solution apart for
the need of a large number of physical trials. Fur-
thermore, with a carefully tailored dataset, as in Ex-
periment 3, we can obtain reasonable performance for
what is quite hard task when all the noise is taken into
account. This suggests that it is possible to train a
mobile robot on a physical task when it is difficult or
expensive to obtain a large corpus of training data.
It is interesting to reflect on the question of what
the GAN is actually generating. Upon review, the
GAN generated trials follow the same general pattern
of the physical trials.
However, the GAN generates some trials that
stretch the dimensions of each element of the scene,
while maintaining the proportional relationships be-
tween these elements established in the training data.
IT also “flips” some trials into the negative X di-
rection. These additional trials are sufficient to im-
prove performance. In Experiment 2, for example,
the flipped trials expanded the range enough to en-
able the robot to at least hit the ball when placed in a
trial which was well outside of the scene data.
A follow-up question is why the MLP/GAN did
not perform well in Experiment 4. A review of the
GAN generated data for Experiment 4 showed a form
of mode collapse. It seems likely that this explains the
poorer performance of the MLP/GAN in out-of-range
While the work presented here gives clear evidence
that the GAN-augmentation of a small dataset com-
posed of physical trials can improve performance,
there are some possibilities for improvements. (Sal-
imans et al., 2016) suggests one avenue, which is
ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems
Table 2: Results for all experiments. Experiment 1: Full dataset, in-range scenes. Experiment 2: Full dataset, out-of-range
scenes. Experiment 3: Minimal dataset, in-range scenes. Experiment 4: Minimal dataset, out of range scenes. The subscript
rb indicates robot/ball and t indicates target.
Experiment 1
Type Total Hit Target Hit Ball/Missed Target Missed Ball
# # # Mean
# Mean
MLP 9 0 5 0.1438 0.1404 0.4504 0.4607 4 0.1375 0.1287
MLP/GAN 11 3 4 0.2023 0.2022 0.3246 0.3772 4 0.2069 0.2382
Experiment 2
MLP 8 0 0 - - - - 8 0.2985 0.3312
MLP/GAN 8 0 2 0.2816 0.2816 0.5370 0.5370 6 0.3022 0.3395
Experiment 3
MLP 36 12 11 0.2106 0.1990 0.3368 0.2989 13 0.2467 0.2785
MLP/GAN 36 21 7 0.2254 0.2223 0.3854 0.3321 8 0.2524 0.2432
Experiment 4
MLP 16 6 4 0.1791 0.1898 0.3399 0.2624 6 0.43 0.3977
MLP/GAN 16 6 1 0.2128* 0.2128* 0.3039* 0.3039* 9 0.3439 0.2427
*The mean and median results match as there is only a single trial where the ball was hit but the target was missed.
to train the generator on an intermediate layer of
the discriminator, which is the actual features of the
dataset, as opposed to a singular output that inade-
quately combines those features.
Another line of inquiry is to use a more recent
GAN architecture. We picked the WGAN (Arjovsky
et al., 2017) to minimize mode-collapse. However,
mode-collapse was still a problem in Experiment 4.
A natural response is to use a GAN such as that de-
scribed in (Gulrajani et al., 2017), which incorporates
further technical improvements.
Regardless of these future developments, we be-
lieve that we have shown GAN-augmentation is a vi-
able path for developing robust controllers for phys-
ical robots in scenarios where a sufficient number of
the physical trials is difficult to obtain.
These experiments were carried out while Todd Flyr
was a visiting student at King’s College London. We
are grateful to King’s for hosting him, and for allow-
ing us to use the robotics facilities in the Department
of Engineering.
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Improving Learning in a Mobile Robot using Adversarial Training