MISTRuST: accoMmodatIon Short Term Rental Scanning Tool
an Ruiz-Rube
1 a
, Inmaculada Arnedillo-S
2 b
and Antonio Balderas
1 c
School of Engineering, University of C
adiz, Spain
School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Accommodation Rental Platforms, Machine Learning, Web Scraping, Search Engines.
The global irruption of ‘shared-accommodation platforms’ has ignited debate regarding the implications of
the unprecedented growth of the short-term rental market. While some argue that they have generated new
business, work and wealth others, highlight their wider societal, economic and legal effects. Short-term rental
removes long-term housing from the market, forces rent prices up, saturates areas with tourism, generates
safety and liability concerns and by and large, it is awash with likely illegal listings. This paper presents
MISTRuST (accoMmodatIon Short Term Rental Scanning Tool) a computational intelligence based system
aimed at uncovering whether a property is being listed in short-term rental (STR) platforms. It enables users
to monitor property by scheduling automatic searches and checking listings returned by the system against the
target property. The asynchronous pipeline architecture involves three stages: data ingestion, data enrichment
and data matching. Preliminary test results with a set of listings are encouraging. However, further evaluation
is needed to improve the accuracy of the system on a larger scale. It is hoped MISTRuST will help stakeholders
such as property owners, state and agencies and others tackle the growing concern over unlawful STRs and
contribute towards sustainable solutions.
According to Schort (Schor, 2014) the launch of
the sharing economy was marked by positive mes-
sages on how technological and economic innova-
tion would provide financial benefits to ordinary peo-
ple. In this vein, the shared-accommodation platform
Airbnb, claims it helps individuals generate extra in-
come from their underutilised accommodation to pay
their rent or undertake a home renovation project.
Founded in 2008, Airbnb was valued at 31 billion
U.S. dollars in May 2017 and has over 3 million list-
ings in 190 countries and 65,000 cities. These fig-
ures endorse the role of the company as an enabler of
economic growth (Rae, 2018) through its direct op-
eration and by indirectly generating tourism-related
jobs (Nieuwland and van Melik, 2018). However, as
demand for short-term rental grows, long-term rental
is removed from market to meet that demand and
rent prices of the diminishing stock are rising push-
ing people out of the rental market (Wachsmuth et al.,
2018). Beyond the financial implications of this phe-
nomenon, the fabric of neighbourhoods is experienc-
ing unprecedented changes. Long-term neighbours
are being replaced by short-term visitors (Wachsmuth
et al., 2018), bakeries, greengrocers and butchers by
souvenir shops and residents are sieged by battal-
ions of foreigners to the conquest of their neighbour-
hoods armed with their trolley cases in hand. While
those engaging in short-term rental masquerade be-
hind platforms and benefit from the overwhelming
regulatory vacuum in the sector, local residents en-
dure overcrowding, anti-social behaviour, safety con-
cerns (Gurran and Phibbs, 2017) and injurious lack
of enforcement of conveyance, planning permission,
local and governmental regulation and common law.
Most jurisdictions outlaw the use of residential ac-
commodation for commercial short-term rental (Katz,
2015). To this end, the most comprehensive study to
date on the issue, reports that 66% of revenue ($435
million) and 45% of all New York Airbnb reserva-
tions last year were illegal because it breached New
York State law (Wachsmuth et al., 2018). Never-
theless, the proliferation of STR platforms such as
Airbnb.com, Booking.com, Homeaway.com, Home-
stay.com, Couchsurfing.com, to mention just a few,
makes enforcement an insurmountable task. For
Ruiz-Rube, I., Arnedillo-Sánchez, I. and Balderas, A.
MISTRuST: accoMmodatIon Short Term Rental Scanning Tool.
DOI: 10.5220/0010104801700177
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 170-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
starters, unless privy of listing data, often confiden-
tial to the STR platforms and person offering the
accommodation, it is difficult to locate specific list-
ings among millions and assert they are legal or ille-
gal. Being able to monitor listings on STR platforms
should be of interest to authorities and local residents
seeking enforcement of regulation but also, to land-
lords to ensure their property is not being used for
STR without their knowledge. The STR subletting
phenomenon is a real threat to landlords that can have
serious consequences as, for instance, being fined by
local authorities and been unable to evict tenants en-
gaging in STR subletting. This paper presents MIS-
TRuST, a computational intelligence based system,
aimed at uncovering whether a property is being listed
in short-term rental (STR) platforms. It enables users
to monitor property by scheduling automatic searches
and checking listings returned by the system against
the target property. A methodology based on the de-
sign and creation strategy (Oates, 2005) and an agile
life-cycle were adopted for its development. The rest
of the paper is structured as follows. The background
and related work are presented in Section 2. The re-
quirements and features are described in Section 3.
Section 4 elaborates on the asynchronous pipeline ar-
chitecture involving three stages: data ingestion, data
enrichment and data matching. Finally, section 5 pro-
vides discussion and future work.
As outlined previously, there are regulatory, finan-
cial, and societal implications of prevailing use of
STR platforms. Exploring potential public policy re-
sponses may have in rental prices, Filippas (Filippas
and Horton, 2017) entertains four scenarios: the deci-
sion to rent resides with the individual host, the build-
ing owner, the city or social planner. Although policy
choices seem to have no detectable effect on rental
prices (Filippas and Horton, 2017), ‘algorithm regu-
lation’ would enable policymakers to draft regulations
relying on data analysis to be responsive to real-time
(Quattrone et al., 2016). Thus, gathering information
from the online platforms and matching listing infor-
mation with census and hotel data, it would be pos-
sible to determine the socioeconomic conditions of
the areas that would benefit from the hospitality plat-
forms. Personal characteristics may influence STR.
Xiao (Ma et al., 2017) examine how hosts describe
themselves on their Airbnb profile pages and exam-
ine their perceived trustworthiness. Along the line of
trust and verification, Zhang (Zhang et al., 2016) uses
machine learning techniques to analyse the impact of
having listings’ photos verified. Results illustrate that
listings with verified photos are 9% more frequently
In addition to the previous, attempts have been
made to quantitatively characterize collaborative con-
sumption behaviors in Airbnb (Lee et al., 2015) and
analyze the economic value of trust artefacts (Teub-
ner et al., 2016). Social features, such as responsive-
ness of host, number of reviews, membership senior-
ity and ‘Super-host’ status, are significantly associ-
ated with room sales, providing economic value (Lee
et al., 2015; Teubner et al., 2016).
There is a lack of peer-reviewed literature re-
garding property matching on STR platforms, except
for a couple of commercial service providers, suble-
talert.com and subletspy.com, whose marketing sum-
maries could be similar to our proposal. However,
they do not disclose any technical details of their im-
plementation and they do not seem to provide any
inherent scientific contribution. However, there is
work on the usage of recommender systems to help
prospective tenants find a fitting property (Yuan et al.,
Since the publication of aggregated datasets of list-
ings from Airbnb in the portal insideairbnb.com (Cox,
2017), the number of studies analysing the impli-
cations of STR platforms for hotels, neighbourhood
cohesion and rental market have increased. The
increased interest in analysing listing data and un-
derstanding the multidimensional implications of the
STR phenomenon does not seem to be matched by an
equal interest in the design and development of tools
that help stakeholders automatically scan and monitor
properties listed in such platforms. Thus, we envis-
aged the design and development of an accommoda-
tion STR scanning tool.
3.1 Requirements
MISTRuST functional requirements involve (i) regis-
tration of the data of the property to be monitored; (ii)
issuing queries to check whether the property is listed
on any STR platform; (iii) setting and receiving alerts
once a potential match to the target property has been
found listed in STR platforms.
MISTRuST: accoMmodatIon Short Term Rental Scanning Tool
With regards to the non-functional requirements,
the following quality attributes were considered:
Security. An authentication and authorization
mechanism was included to protect the confiden-
tial data of the users.
Interoperability. The system connects with on-
line providers (alltherooms.com) of accommoda-
tion advertisements.
Performance. A data cache module and a multi-
thread streamed data processing scheme was in-
cluded for proper performance.
Reliability. An exception handling system and
data cleansing and enriching tasks are applied to
improve error tolerance.
Portability. The system was developed with stan-
dards languages and formats, for compatibility
with a regular web browser and even via an API
provided for further processing.
Usability. Common heuristics in user interface
design have been applied to provide an adequate
user experience.
Maintainability: all the components of the system
were developed by using well-known design pat-
terns and principles in Software Engineering to
ensure its sustainable evolution.
3.2 System Walk-through
Once the user logs on MISTRuST, the system al-
lows access to three different modules, namely prop-
erty management, search management and property
From the Property Management view, the user can
edit the list of properties. For each property, the user
can register general information, upload pictures and
annotate the property entry with the amenities or fea-
tures it provides (see Figure 1).
Once the user has registered the properties, the
next step is to issue searches on the Internet. There
are two ways for doing that: (i) by selecting a specific
time interval (check-in and check-out dates) or (ii) by
scheduling the searches to be automatically launched
on a regular basis. In Figure 2, a summary of each
search issued for a given property is presented.
The results of the searches are incremental. Thus,
regardless of the number of searches issued for each
property, the listings collected are considered a single
set. Therefore, in order to check whether a property
is being listed, the user only has to select the property
from the selector in the property finder window. Af-
terwards, the system will display the list of listings
ranked by the computed score. The best-informed
guess of the system is ranked first so that the user will
be able to check the details of the listing against the
features, pictures and amenities of the target property
(see Figure 3).
The architecture of the system which was carefully
designed to fulfill its requirements follows a three-
layered architecture along with an asynchronous
pipeline one (see Figure 4). The whole system was
developed with Java and Spring Framework.
The presentation layer consists of the different
views of the system and was developed with Vaadin, a
user interface framework for creating HTML5 single-
page applications. The service layer includes several
business components to manage the system entities
and to implement the core algorithm of the system.
The data layer was built on top of two data reposi-
tories, namely MySQL, for persisting the relational
domain model, and Apache SOLR, for indexing ad-
vertisement data in form of flatten documents. The
core of the system follows an asynchronous pipeline
architecture. Three data processing stages are carried
out before providing results for a given query: (a) data
ingestion, (b) data enrichment and (c) data matching.
However, not all three stages have to be executed at
the same time.
4.1 Data Ingestion
The first data processing step involves obtaining data
from Alltherooms.com. Since this web platform ag-
gregates data from several popular STR platforms,
such as Airbnb.com, Homestay.com, and Home-
away.com, the extraction process is limited to a sin-
gle web platform. However currently, this web plat-
form does not provide any structured API, so in order
to find the listings the system has to directly scrape
listing data from its user interface. Thus, the system
issues an HTTP request to search for accommodation
near the location of the user’s property on the search
page Alltherooms.com.
The exact location of the listing is unknown be-
forehand in order to guarantee the personal rights of
the users. The webpage only provides us with the dis-
tance from the search point to the location of the list-
ing for those listing further than 1 mile away (see Fig-
ure 5). Thus, to estimate the real distance (d) from a
given listing (P) to the base position (O), two parallel
searches are launched in equally distant locations to-
wards West (A) and East (B). By applying the law of
cosines to the formed triangles, a system of equations
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Editing form of properties.
Figure 2: List of searches launched for a given property.
MISTRuST: accoMmodatIon Short Term Rental Scanning Tool
Figure 3: MISTRuST window showing the data of the user’s property (left) and a given ad (right).
Figure 4: Three-layered partially-pipelined architecture.
(1) and (2) is generated, whose solution (3) represents
the expected distance.
AOP : d
= d
+ (2R)
(2R)cosα (1)
APB : d
= d
+ (4R)
(4R)cosα (2)
d =
+ d
In addition to the distance from the search point
to the listing location, the scraper fetches (for every
listing) the general description of the listing, its gen-
eral features (number of rooms, bedrooms, etc.), its
amenities and its pictures. Besides, due to the fact
that the web provider may return a considerable num-
ber of listings in a single query, the scrapper will it-
erate over each result page until a certain threshold
distance. The listing might not be available the whole
year but rather during different time intervals, for in-
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 5: Estimation of the distance between the actual location of the property and that of a given advertisement.
stance, weekends or holidays. So, the scraping pro-
cess can be both launched on user demand for spe-
cific dates, or scheduled in advance for specific time
4.2 Data Enriching
Besides the approximated distance between the list-
ing and the property locations, their set of features or
amenities are essential to find the best listing match.
Some amenities and features, such as elevators and
air-conditioning systems, are explicitly stated by the
user. However, there are other features which are
not defined in a structured way but usually collected
through textual descriptions. Moreover, the pictures
uploaded by the users can also provide useful infor-
mation about other features of the properties. In order
to enrich the information collected from each listing,
the system makes use of the cloud machine learning
APIs provided by Google for processing natural lan-
and pictures
. By analyzing the textual de-
scriptions and the images of the advertisements, the
system can obtain a considerable number of tags de-
scribing them. However, there is a huge variability on
the kind of entities which are automatically discov-
ered from the listings, such as house facilities, events,
street names, user’s rules, and so forth. So, a further
classification process is required. The use of semantic
web technologies (Vandenbussche et al., 2017), such
as linked open vocabularies, can alleviate this task.
This system uses the Google Knowledge Graph
convert the tags into features and amenities according
to the Schema.org
4.3 Data Matching
Once the listing data is downloaded and enriched by
means of the machine learning services, the final stage
is the data matching. The open-source search plat-
form Apache SOLR is used for this. Unlike standard
databases, this software enables us to send and index
documents and to query them by using complex crite-
Firstly, initial filter criteria, such as the number
of bedrooms and bathrooms and the accommodation
type (flat, house, cottage, etc.), are applied to re-
strict the superset of advertisements. Secondly, the
results are ranked by a computed score combining (i)
the computed approximated distance from the posi-
tion of the listing to the location of the real property
and (ii) the matching between the amenities/features
of the listing and those of the property. In order to find
matches between the features and amenities of listings
with those of the properties, some aspects have to be
considered. On the one hand, not all the entities have
the same relevance. For example, a user’s rule, such
as ‘dogs allowed’ or ‘towels provided’, does not pro-
vide any useful insight, but amenities such as elevator
or heating do. For that reason, all the amenities can in-
clude a significance factor between 0 and 1, indicating
its usefulness for the matching process. On the other
hand, because of the own nature of the machine learn-
ing models, it is necessary to consider a certain confi-
dence value to their results. For example, in the case
of natural language recognition, the Machine Learn-
ing (ML) model provides us with information about
MISTRuST: accoMmodatIon Short Term Rental Scanning Tool
the relevance of each recognized entity to the full-text
description of the listing. Furthermore, the ML model
for image recognition returns a number representing
the accuracy of the entity detection. In the case of the
features and amenities explicitly defined by the users
without the support of any ML model, it is considered
a confidence factor of 1.0.
Both the relevance factor and the confidence value
are hence taken into account to calculate the final
score. However, before computing the score and rank-
ing the results, a query expansion process is applied
to deal with synonymous tags, parent/child terms and
translations in different languages. This process is
carried out by means of tables with recursive relation-
ships and the WordNet lexical database
(this step
is still under development). Finally, the results are
ranked by the score.
Short-term rental removes long-term housing from
the market, forces rent prices up, saturates areas with
tourism, generates safety and liability concerns and
by and large, it is awash with likely illegal listings. In
this paper, we have presented MISTRuST (accoMmo-
datIon Short Term Rental Scanning Tool) a machine
learning based system aimed at uncovering whether
a given property is being listed in short-term rental
(STR) platforms. It enables users to monitor property
by scheduling automatic searches and checking list-
ings returned by the system against the target prop-
erty. During the development of MISTRuST valid-
ity considerations have been contemplated. Firstly,
the manual allocation of the relevant values of the
amenities and features is a time-consuming task. The
required time can be reduced by assigning default
values to the categories they belong. Secondly, we
are subjected to the terms and conditions of the STR
platforms For example, Airbnb bans the use of au-
tomated data scrapping tools but Alltherooms.com
doesn’t. Nonetheless, this may change in the fu-
ture. In addition, Alltheroms.com doesn’t currently
provide an API so we are using web scraping tech-
niques. Any future changes in the user interface de-
sign of Alltheroms.com may impact our tool. Lastly,
a large-scale evaluation, with many properties and in
different locations would be necessary in order to ob-
tain accurate results. However, no software will be
able to ensure a 100% the accuracy of its guesses due
to the dependence on completeness of the property
data provided by the user and the uncertainty of the
ML algorithms themselves. Our next step is to apply
a machine learning model to improve the ranking al-
gorithm for the top N retrieved listings, to avoid man-
ually adjust the relevance’s value of each feature or
amenity. To accomplish that, a substantial amount of
training data is required. So we will introduce a user
feedback system to register the success or the failure
of the algorithm executions and so to train the ML
model. Finally, we plan to release the software as
The work has been supported by the University of
Cadiz with grant ref. EST2018-167 and funds of its
Department of Computer Engineering.
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MISTRuST: accoMmodatIon Short Term Rental Scanning Tool