Harmoney: Semantics for FinTech
Stijn Verstichel
1 a
, Thomas Blommaert
, Stijn Coppens
, Thomas Van Maele
, Wouter Haerick
and Femke Ongenae
1 b
IDLab, Department of Information Technology at Ghent University - imec, iGent Tower - Tech Lane Science Park 126,
B-9052 Ghent, Belgium
Harmoney, Tech Lane Science Park 122, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium
FinTech, Information Integration and Interoperability, Financial Education.
As a result of legislation imposed by the European Parliament, in order to protect inhabitants from being
exposed to a too high financial risk when investing in a variety of financial markets and products, Financial
Service Providers (FSPs) are obliged to test the knowledge and experience of potential investors. This is
oftemtimes done by means of questionnaires. However, these questionnaires differ in style and structure from
one FSP to the other. The goal of this research is to manage in a more cost-effective manner (aligned with the
needs and competencies of the individual financial investor in terms of products and services) the management
of the private equity and to facilitate the fine-tuned personalised financial advisory services needed. This is
achieved by means of a knowledge-based approach, integrating the available information of the investor (e.g.
personal profile in terms of financial knowledge and experience) and for an extendable amount of financial
service providers with their financial products and demonstrated by a number of exemplary use case scenarios.
The best decisions on financial investments are those
supported by a personalised, holistic understanding of
the investor. Information such as financial knowledge,
experience and risk willingness are key topics in this
profile. Typical ways to collect this information are by
means of questionnaires be it online or on paper – to
be filled out by potential investors. Questions found
in such questionnaires are a.o. (i) “Do you have an in-
vestment goal or are you looking for a specific prod-
uct?”, (ii) “How old are you? What is your marital
status?”, (iii) Are bonds a no-risk investment?”, (iv)
“Have you invested previously on the stock market?”,
or (v) “What is your current professional status?”.
myHarmoney (myHarmoney, 2020), a fast grow-
ing Belgian FinTech startup, offers unique digital
tools to support information collection and aggrega-
tion and to ease the burden on all stakeholders in-
volved. All financial professionals who need to com-
ply with the MiFID II (European Parliament, 2014a)
and MiFIR (European Parliament, 2014b) regulation
can benefit from the myHarmoney platform.
One of the possible approaches to reach this per-
sonalised holistic understanding and support of the
financial investor to be, is through the creation of a
personalised profile, i.e. a one-stop-shop for all in-
formation related to that investor. Financial service
providers have to comply with all rules and legislation
and as such are obliged to have their clients fill out
specific questionnaires, defining their level of finan-
cial knowledge and experience. This in turn ensures
that appropriate products and services can be offered.
However, this can be a repetitive and boring task
if a client wants to invest with multiple financial ser-
vice providers. The goal of our research has been to
validate semantic technologies to extract information
from these information sources and how to meaning-
fully pre-populate such questionnaires. Additionally,
we have investigated how gaps in financial knowledge
can be discovered and appropriate informative mate-
rial can be suggested to the client. In such a way, the
financial literacy of the stakeholders can be improved.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents related work for the semantic
model that is detailed in Section 3. The database and
architecture of the platform is described in Section 4,
including the evaluation of a few semantic process-
ing mechanisms that are adopted to successfully ac-
Verstichel, S., Blommaert, T., Coppens, S., Van Maele, T., Haerick, W. and Ongenae, F.
Harmoney: Semantics for FinTech.
DOI: 10.5220/0010061301410148
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 141-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
complish the tasks. Section 5 discusses the details of
how data quality is maintained. Summarised, this pa-
per aims to give the reader a hint of how the starting
point of facilitating a more holistic approach to finan-
cial service provisioning can be achieved through the
adoption of semantic technologies and how it might
be integrated with existing systems, both front-end as
well as back-end.
A number of potential data integration mechanisms
exist. Firstly, one could integrate individual appli-
cations by means of re-implementing them in one
domain-wide application. Secondly, Application Pro-
gramming Interfaces (API) could be exposed as well
offering application developers the possibility to use
one another’s applications and business information.
Lastly, the integration could also be done at data
level. This means that the individual applications
continue to be developed independently, but a com-
monly agreed domain model is established to ex-
change information between the collaborating stake-
holders. For wider specifications of system integra-
tion, as is the case in the financial domain, the pre-
ferred solution for the integration of data is one that
avoids any major alteration to existing system design.
Further to this, there is a requirement to enable sys-
tems to provide data to other stakeholders that can be
extended at any time without major redesign. This in-
teraction can be achieved through the implementation
of a common vocabulary that forms the foundation for
communication between applications.
One such initiative is the Financial Industry Busi-
ness Ontology (FIBO) (Bennett, 2013). It defines
the entities and interactions/relations of interest to fi-
nancial business applications. FIBO is hosted and
sponsored by the Enterprise Data Management Coun-
cil (EDM) and is a trademark of EDM Council, Inc.
It is also standardised by the Object Management
Group (OMG). As elaborated by EDM, FIBO is de-
veloped as an ontology in the Web Ontology Lan-
guage (OWL). The use of logic ensures that each
FIBO concept is framed in a way that is unambiguous
and that is readable both by humans and machines.
Apart from developing wider semantic
technology-based platforms and solutions, On-
totext (Ontotext, 2020) has previously made the
case for the widespread adoption of these techolo-
gies in the FinTech domain. Moreover, as part of
the ‘Six Markers of Success’ in their McKinsey
report ‘Cutting through the fintech noise: Markers
of success, imperatives for banks’ (Dietz et al.,
2016), the authors proclaim Innovative uses of
data. One such initiative is, e.g. presented through
the FintechBrowser (Abi-Lahoud et al., 2017)
a demonstrator of an integrated set of dashboards
and a graph explorative-browsing tool. Rather than
claiming a contribution to the general development
of semantic platforms, not only specifically for the
FinTech industry, but even for wider information
integration purposes, this research focuses precisely
on a specific, highly pertinent issue, as demonstrated
by the MiFID II (European Parliament, 2014a) and
MiFIR (European Parliament, 2014b) regulation, and
wants to underline the appropriateness of semantic
technologies for information integration and analysis.
This section presents the actual, in a scalable man-
ner engineered, ontology that is suitable to interpret
investment-related information. The architecture, the
ontology and, in case appropriate, the mapping lan-
guage will be detailed. As scoped in Section 1 the
ultimate goal is to generate and pre-populate ques-
tionnaires to define the knowledge and expertise of
potential investors.
3.1 Ontology Model
Initially, two separate sub-ontologies were designed,
namely one representing the questionnaires (both the
actual questionnaire with the questions as well as the
filled-out instance by an investor) and the other on-
tology containing all information concerning the in-
vestment services and products, its characteristics and
rules and regulations. The domain knowledge for
the first ontology model was manually extracted from
PDF documents, while the input for the second ontol-
ogy model is located in a relational database.
Later on, these models were further extended with
a more detailed structure of the questionnaires, so
that automatic questionnaire generation can be sup-
ported, as well as the partitioning between individual
financial service providers. Questionnaires have been
modelled as a combination of an empty questionnaire
template on the one hand and a completed version by
an investor on the other hand. Questions in the ques-
tionnaires have two important relationships for this
research, namely the topic concerned and the product
which the question asks information about.
Questions in the questionnaires have two impor-
tant relationships for this research, namely the topic
concerned and the product which the question asks
information about.
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
In a similar fashion all (potential) answers are in-
stantiated into the ontology model. Apart from mod-
elling the decomposition of a questionnaire into indi-
vidual questions and answers, linked to the products
and topics, one of course needs to be aware of cor-
rect and incorrect answers. This to be able, in a later
stage, to suggest questions in an automated manner
and contextualised to the situation of a given person.
As such, the model as presented earlier can be fully
summarised as in Figure 1.
Surveying through all available questionnaire
PDF documents and using the expertise of the part-
ners in the project, the taxonomy for the ‘Profile-
Topics’ has been defined. Just over 200 questions
have been analysed, and this has resulted in multiple
topics being attributed to individual questions. The
main modelling principle to facilitate capturing the
knowledge and experience of a person allowing to
suggest other questions is presented in Figure 2. Here,
‘Experience’ and ‘Knowledge’ represent placeholders
for specific ‘Topics’ as discussed earlier in this sec-
Depending on the (set of) answers given by a
particular person/investor, an investment profile can
be affirmed or inferred for that person. An ex-
ample definition of a ‘ConservativeProfile’ could be
that a ‘Person’ has answered a question of a ‘Ques-
tionnaire’ with the name ‘INGQuestionnaireSum-
mer2017 Q1 A1’, should be realised as an individual
of the concept ‘ConservativeProfile’.
The actual ‘Profiles’ to be modelled for all
banks/financial service providers to be considered can
be extended, as can the rules and axioms that de-
fine the automatic realisation. Ontologies allow to
describe anything about anything. Thus, to enforce
some constraints, two main methods are generally ac-
Usage of DOMAIN and RANGE specification for
properties, e.g. ‘Entity’ ‘hasProfile’ ‘Profile’, and
LOGIC AXIOMS, e.g. ‘Person’ ‘hasProfession-
alActivity’ some ‘ProfessionalActivity’.
To illustrate that not all information in the knowl-
edge model should be entered manually, the hierar-
chical modelling of the known products and services
in the relational database provided by Harmoney has
been imported using the OnTop (Calvanese et al.,
2017) mechanism. This mechanism is further detailed
in Subsection 4.1. So in detail, one implies that the
individual (i) is of a certain type, i.e. specified by the
‘code’ column, (ii) is a product of a certain service
provider, (iii) has a required minimal knowledge test
score threshold, and (iv) has a minimal experience test
score threshold; the latter two being a datatype rela-
tionship to values of the type ‘decimal’.
4.1 Importing Information from a
Relational Database
This section details the adopted technology stack and
corresponding application architecture.
Obviously, one needs to create a semantic model
first, i.e. the ontology. The approach adopted for this
research is first to create a clean-field proprietary on-
tology model, according to the OWL2 standard. In a
follow-up stage, alignment with existing models, such
as e.g. FIBO (Bennett, 2013) can be provided, due to
the inherent nature of ontology models and the OWL
modelling language.
Having defined the ontology model in terms of its
concepts, relationships and axioms, the raw data (i.e.
individuals) need to be imported. This can be done
manually, but of course much data already exist in
proprietary systems. The example illustrated here is
one where the data is stored in a relational database,
namely an instance of MySQL. Mappings can be de-
fined, e.g. using the OnTop engine, that specify how
the cells in the tables of the relational database can
be projected to become individuals of concepts in the
ontology, together with their properties and relation-
ships with other cells. As such a virtual RDF graph is
created, allowing semantic querying in the same man-
ner as if it were executed on a native RDF graph. In
this context, RML (Dimou et al., 2014) needs men-
tioning as well, as this broadens the same mechanism
for a variety of underlying persistency mechanisms.
4.1.1 Augmenting Imported Data with
Additional Knowledge through the Use of
Apart from importing all data from a relational
database, it should be considered that in certain sit-
uations, either not all information is available in the
database, or manual enhancements/improvements on
the imported data need to be performed. Several well
established technologies exist to achieve this goal,
such as by using spreadsheets, text files, XML doc-
uments, editors, etc. One particular technology of in-
terest is based on the well-known serialisation format
JSON, namely JavaScript Object Notation for Linked
Data (JSON-LD). As its name suggests, it is an ex-
tension on the JSON format, and thus also backwards
compatible with it. Information from existing systems
or repositories that can produce JSON documents, can
in a straightforward manner be extended to produce
JSON-LD. Indeed, converting JSON into JSON-LD
Harmoney: Semantics for FinTech
Figure 1: Decomposition of Questionnaires.
Figure 2: Three-way relation between ‘Topic’, ‘Product’
and ‘Question’.
only requires the addition of a concept reference. The
example in Subsection 4.1.2 presents this approach in
more detail and arguments why in a semantically rich
environment it is of great additional benefit over the
standard benefits when using plain JSON.
One particular important use case in the context
of this research trajectory is the augmentation of ex-
isting information about topics and subtopics of the
questions in available questionnaires with manual ex-
tensions, defined by domain experts. This can be done
in parallel with the ongoing database development,
without interfering with it. Currently, the Harmoney
RDB only contains information about four high-level
topics, namely: (i) Financial Knowledge, (ii) Finan-
cial Experience, (iii) Financial Situation, and (iv) In-
vestment Goals. However as indicated earlier, more
detailed classification about the topics concerned by
certain questions in the questionnaire is needed. This
supports the use case of more intelligent and person-
alised testing of products, topics and knowledge of an
One way to support the domain expert in speci-
fying this more fine-grained modelling is through the
supply of independent information documents. Those
can be generated by a proprietary tool, or manually
by the domain expert itself. Positive experience has
been gained in the past with using JSON-LD. Its nat-
ural symbiosis with semantics allows the import of the
JSON-LD documents in a straightforward and generic
manner. This in contrast to e.g. other formats such as
CSV, which require more intervention to get it in line
with the semantics of the existing model. Therefore,
the JSON-LD serialisation format is used to demon-
strate the process of extending existing information
with more detail. It should be kept in mind, of course,
that JSON-LD is only a means to an end and not a
goal in itself.
4.1.2 High-level Information Imported by
Means of the OnTop Procedure
Indeed, this is what the OnTop processor does, us-
ing the mapping specification that is provided by the
system engineer. If we now want the include more
detailed information into the knowledge model about
the fact that this question does not only consider fi-
nancial knowledge, but also the topic ‘Liquidity’, a
separate JSON-LD document could be provided with
this information. In this way, the original mapping
can be maintained, but in parallel can be augmented
with the information that it is not only about the high
level notion of ‘Financial Knowledge’, but more de-
tail about the ‘Liquidity’ of the product. This addi-
tional document could then be formatted as follows:
{1} "@context":
{2} "@type": "Question",
{3} "@id": "question_170",
{4} "hasTopic": "Liquidity",
{5} "hasQuestionText": "Money market funds
a}ways offer a capital guarantee."@EN
{5} "hasQuestionText": "Geldmarktfondsen
bieden altijd een kapitaalgarantie."@NL
What we can see in this sample is that first a static
reference is made towards the ontology URI 1 that is
being referenced, namely that of the developed Har-
money ontology: http://idlab.technology/harmoney/.
Next, 2 defines that the subsequent information
and relations define knowledge about an instance
of the type ‘Question’, as defined in the on-
tology referenced in 1. Rather than using the
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 3: Dataflow, augmenting the asserted data out of the
inherent information, using reasoning, and making it avail-
able for querying and processing through an API.
plain numeric mapping from the relational database
(id question : 170), a more textual description
is used in 3 to create a URI specifying that
this question is actually a ‘Question’ with URI:
http://idlab.technology/harmoney/question 170 in the
resulting ontology. Line 4 in its turn specifies, in
addition to the ‘id subsegment’ specification earlier,
which actual low level topic this question is about,
namely ‘Liquidity’, again as specified in 1. Finally, 5
adds the information into the model that the descrip-
tion specified is actually corresponding to the value of
the ‘hasQuestionText’ property, with language speci-
fication ‘EN’ and ‘NL’.
4.2 Analysing the Model, Its Data and
Reasoning about the Contents
Once the ontology model and its corresponding data
are aligned and available in their respective reposito-
ries, optional reasoning can be triggered, using e.g.
the HermiT reasoner (Glimm et al., 2014). This way,
one or more inferred models are generated which can
then in parallel be queried by the application through
some API. Those queries are oftentimes specified us-
ing the SPARQL query language. This is presented in
Figure 3.
The memory and CPU usage of this pre-
processing reasoning stage have been evaluated in
a test datacentre environment. The results are pre-
sented in the following subsection. It has to be noted,
however, that this process is only a periodic phe-
nomenon, i.e. when the contents of the underlying
data (currently in the Harmony DB and called the A-
Box) change. Additionally, when the T-Box or R-Box
changes, this process will have to be executed as well.
The likelihood of this happening is even less than that
of a changing database content. Using this approach
we can more easily guarantee a responsive deploy-
ment. One can compare the adaptation of the T-Box
and R-Box with the change of a database schema and
corresponding triggers.
4.3 Evaluation of the Reasoning
The configuration of the machine on which the experi-
ment was executed is: 4 64-bit Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
E3-1220 v3 @ 3.10GHz processors, a total mem-
ory of 16262552 kB, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS as oper-
ating system, running the 3.13.0-33-generic kernel,
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0 191-
b12) and HermiT version 1.3.8.
The materialisation process has been executed 35
times. During this execution process, the CPU us-
age and memory consumption was recorded using the
Analysing the results, it can be derived that on av-
erage 165.15% of CPU is used (having 400% avail-
able in this setup), and 2.74% of available memory,
which corresponds to 445419.3 kB. Standard Devia-
tion are respectively: 50.53 and 1.86. The extreme
values are: (i) Minimum: 6% CPU and 0.3% Mem-
ory (45787.66 kB) and (ii) Maximum: 264.6% CPU
and 8% Memory (1301004 kB). Regarding the exe-
cution time, including some household keeping code,
and combining all phases together, an average time of
9926 ms, with a maximum of 10251 ms and a min-
imum of 9766 ms is achieved. (Standard deviation
of 134.9). The main conclusion that can be drawn
from these measurements is that, given the fact that
this materialisation process is not to be executed in
every single incoming application request, these re-
sults are acceptable and can be accommodated with a
batch-processing or pre-loading style of architecture.
A final evaluation is loading the materialised
model into the query engine. Once this is completed,
the query engine is available for querying in an opera-
tional environment. Results are on average 14424.97
ms, with extreme values of 14080 ms and 15005 ms.
(Standard deviation of 271.75). To conclude, the DL
expressivity of the model is SROIF(D).
Once the above reasoning process has been com-
pleted, the resulting model i.e. the inferred model
is persisted into a separate instance. This is called
materialisation. During operation, this materialised
model is read at boot-time, without additional reason-
ing being performed. This means that queries can be
executed on a semantically enhanced model, without
the need for resource intensive reasoning every time,
and results in good performance in regard to response
times of those queries while maintaining the added
value of using description logics annotated semantic
Harmoney: Semantics for FinTech
This section focusses on the establishment of data-
interpretation mechanisms (semantic modelling) to
interpret the data presented in Section 4, with the
aim to generate specific investor profiles. This will
be achieved through the generation of questionnaires,
tailored towards the needs of the investor concerned.
5.1 Exploiting the Semantics to
Contextualise the Questions in the
It should be clear that the strength of using ontolo-
gies and semantics is that any relations and hidden
knowledge in the model can be exploited to create
innovative applications. Focussing on questionnaire
generation, a number of potential scenarios are: (i)
Check the answers given by a person on a previous
questionnaire to find the topics and products in need
of further training, (ii) Check which questions are
frequently wrongly answered, (iii) Check which top-
ics and/or products/services are suitable/unsuitable
for a person, (iv) Find other questions on the same
topic/product/service and (v) Find information docu-
ments or training material.
One thing to keep in mind is that any of these
use cases can be supported in a variety of manners
and with a number of very different technologies, in-
deed. However, some of those technologies will re-
quire more application programming, or more sophis-
ticated query engineering with a tight coupling of do-
main knowledge inside the application, rather than
the model. Therefore, the approach suggested in this
work is to support the right balance between gen-
erally accepted domain knowledge (thus exploiting
DL-Reasoning) and proprietary application specific
knowledge (potentially supported by generic Rule En-
5.2 ‘Knowledge’ and ‘Experience’ in
Relation to ‘Person’ and
‘Investment Group’
Based on the domain knowledge of the partners in-
volved in the project, part of the model, as illustrated
in Figure 4, has been defined. ‘Knowledge’ and ‘Ex-
perience’ of financial products is defined on an indi-
vidual basis.
Figure 4: Relation Person / Investment Group / Knowledge
& Experience / Balance / Investment Goal.
Person hasFinancialKnowledge
some FinancialKnowledge
Person hasFinancialExperience
some FinancialExperience
Furthermore, an ‘Investment Group’ is composed
of one or more ‘Person’ individuals. And finally,
the ‘Investment Goal’ is linked to the ‘Investment
Group hasMember
some Person
InvestmentGroup = Group and
hasInvestmentGoal some InvestmentGoal
5.3 Value Partitioning to Classify
One of the important characteristics of ontologies in
general, and of OWL DL in particular is the base
Open World Assumption (OWA). In short, this means
that no conclusions can be drawn based on the ab-
sence of information. Basically, it is not because it is
not asserted that a ‘Person’ is knowledgeable about a
certain ‘Product’, given a certain ‘Topic’, that it can
automatically be inferred that they are NOT knowl-
edgeable. There could indeed be some place, reposi-
tory or database not currently considered that affirms
that they are not knowledgeable indeed. In order to
overcome this potential issue, a standard modelling
principle, named ‘Value Partitioning’ has been intro-
duced. Compare this to the ‘Design Patterns’ in soft-
ware programming (Gangemi, 2005).
The principle underlying value partitioning is
rather straightforward, we state in the model that a
person is either knowledgeable or not, and we affirm
that those are the only two options. A covering ax-
iom is another term referring to exactly this mecha-
nism. This basically closes the world to the data-sets
included in the run-time processing of the reasoner.
A concrete example in the scope of this project is
given below. With the covering axiom, it is modelled
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
that a ‘Person’ is either knowledgeable about liquid-
ity, or not, while without the covering axiom, this bi-
nary conclusion cannot be automatically drawn.
5.4 Analysing and Classifying the
Person According to Their Topic
One approach to support the automatic realisation of
individuals according to the answers that were given
on the questions of a particular questionnaire, and
referring to the base modelling principle detailed in
Subsection 5.3, is to define every category into per-
sons that can be realised with a logical axiom, such
Person and
(hasFilledOutQuestionnaire some
(hasCompletedAnswer some
((isAnswerForQuestion some
(hasTopic some CAPITAL_LOSS))
and isCorrectAnswer value true))))
Combined with the covering axiom, this will re-
sent in a ‘Person’ either be realised capital loss knowl-
edgeable or not. However, this can quickly become
cluttered and overly complicated. Additionally, rea-
soning with datatype properties is oftentimes not the
most performant mechanism. So a more divide and
conquer-based approach might be necessary. Thus,
rather than using properties for classification, the use
of fine-grained concepts with axioms is proposed. As
such, easier querying is supported and it should be
more performant, due to the underlying mechanisms
of the tableau algorithms in the reasoner(s). As such,
a new, additional, concept structure has been devel-
oped. This is presented in Figure 5.
Therefore, the corresponding query with the new
structure can be formulated as:
Person and (hasFilledOutQuestionnaire
some (hasCompletedAnswer some
((isAnswerForQuestion some
and isAnswerForQuestion
some CAPITAL_LOSS_Question)))
5.5 Automatic Questionnaire
A number of typical base question categories can be
defined to support the automatic questionnaire gener-
ation, and this for the three phases in the process.
Figure 5: Additional (supporting) concepts in the model to
facilitate distributed query answering and algorithmic prun-
Learning: find me all ‘CAPI-
TAL LOSS Question’ individuals
Testing: find me a ‘Question’ individual for each
ReTesting: find me a ‘Question’ individual for ev-
ery ‘INCORRECT’ Answer
More detailed/fine-grained queries can be devel-
oped as well, e.g. (i) one could make combinations
of (false) answers that lead to certain questions being
asked, (ii) indicate compulsory questions, or (iii) in-
dicate probabilities of questions or indicate a desired
frequency of questions appearing in a generated ques-
tionnaire. Of course, it should be clear that potentially
some service providers or banks will be accepting all,
some or none of the questions present in the ontol-
ogy model. Thus, a trust relationship will have to be
The above ideas are but a number of suggestions
and can be further defined in further research later on.
It should also be clear by now, that due to the adop-
tion of the ontology modelling principle, additional
information, stating anything about anything, can be
added in a straightforward, and backwards compati-
ble manner as long as the ontology model in itself is
kept consistent.
5.6 Modelling the Structure of a
In Subsection 5.5, it was already indicated that a
trust relationship is needed. This way banks/service
providers can indicate whether questions on a cer-
tain topic for a certain product can be sourced in
the collection of questions from a questionnaire from
another trusted source. A key selling point of this
Harmoney: Semantics for FinTech
Figure 6: Modelling the structure of a questionnaire.
functionality is that banks and service providers can
then automatically generate random or contextualised
questionnaires for a given investor. However, spe-
cial attention is to be given to the situation where one
bank/service provider only accepts its own questions.
In this situation, the questionnaire generator should
generate an exact copy of the questionnaire of that
particular bank/service provider. This requires the
structure of a questionnaire to be modelled as well.
Having the structure of the questionnaire in the
knowledge model allows a second functionality to be
provided, i.e. that a given bank/service provider can
accept the questionnaire structure of another service
provider/bank, but can indicate that more than that
bank’s questions can be sourced from. This ques-
tionnaire template structure model is presented in Fig-
ure 6.
In the previous sections of this paper, we have
presented our research into optimising the use of
available financial consumer information in order to
streamline personalised financial investment over the
border of individual financial service providers. We
have demonstrated that, using semantic technologies,
an extendable, intelligent knowledge base can be cre-
ated to support potential financial investors by lower-
ing the administrative burden, through re-using pre-
vious information captures and to improve the in-
vestor’s financial expertise in an intelligent manner.
Modelling questionnaires into the knowledge base
in an innovative way by separating the structure of
the questionnaire with the actual filled-out versions of
the investors to be, has opened up a way of cleverly
building new personalised questionnaires, either for
different financial service providers or to enhance the
financial literacy of the investors.
Using existing software libraries for most of the
aspects of the overall application ensures a future-
proof approach. Of course, the presented approach
has to be approved by the necessary governing bodies
in the financial sector. Although no official request
has been made to the regulator, safeguarding this ac-
ceptance, was kept in mind throughout the research
by the expertise of myHarmoney.
This research or part of this research is conducted
within the project entitled Harmoney co-funded by
VLAIO (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship)
and myHarmoney.eu.
Abi-Lahoud, E., Raoul, P.-E., and Muckley, C. (2017).
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KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development