”We’re Doing This Together”: An in-Depth Analysis of the
Teamwork between Train Traffic Controllers and Train Drivers
Rebecca Cort
Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Keywords: Operational Train Traffic, Train Traffic Controller, Train Driver, Teamwork.
Abstract: Operational train traffic is executed by train drivers and traffic controllers operating as a tightly coupled team.
Although separated in time and space, their work is intertwined to the degree that the realisation of the train
traffic depends on successful coordination and collaboration between them. Prior rail research is mostly
focused on either one of these two roles, which leaves the collaboration between them understudied. The
controller-driver dyad is at the core of operational train traffic and their relationship is of major interest in
creating and maintaining a safe and efficient train traffic system. With the use of observations and interviews,
this study investigates and analyses the controller-driver dynamic, how they view each other and their
collaboration. The findings highlight team spirit and trust within the relationship, and at the same time reveal
an underlying relational distance that affects the relationship and their prerequisites for achieving a successful
collaboration. Lack of insights into each other’s work and different priorities generate challenges, just as the
implementation of new technology and its effects on information distribution. Findings are discussed in the
context of obtaining a holistic perspective of operational train traffic, and the fundamental activities that lie
at its core.
For many years, the railway domain received little
attention, especially compared to aviation and road
traffic. With increased demands related to a rising
number of passengers and more trains running in the
same envelope of time, aspects such as efficiency and
safety became a topic of interest. However, the non-
technical aspects of the work behind functioning train
traffic is still an understudied area (Andreasson et al.,
2019a). This paper has its focal point on the work
conducted by train traffic controllers and train
drivers—the two most essential roles for the
execution of train traffic. Although separated in time
and space, the traffic controller and the train driver
work in a close dynamic and contribute with their
own discrete functions that are necessary for the
successful execution of train traffic. Given the tightly
coupled dynamic between these two roles, their
relationship and communication structures are at the
core of their work and therefore important to
understand and to take into account when working
towards the train traffic system of the future
(Andreasson et al., 2019b). However, few studies
have attended to these aspects of operational train
traffic. Accordingly, this study aims to develop a
deeper understanding of the train traffic controller-
driver dyad by identifying how these two roles view
each other and their relationship. The obtained
findings are discussed in the context of achieving a
holistic understanding of train operations as they are
executed in their natural setting, and to highlight this
relationship as one important non-technical
dimension at the heart of the socio-technical system
of train traffic.
Train traffic control is a complex organisation of
work conducted in a technology-intensive
environment and with fast and safe decision-making
as a core activity. Each controller is responsible for a
predefined geographical area and all the trains
running on the segment of rail within that area. They
are responsible both for monitoring and manually
Cort, R.
”We’re Doing This Together”: An in-Depth Analysis of the Teamwork between Train Traffic Controllers and Train Drivers.
DOI: 10.5220/0010058000960103
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2020), pages 96-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-480-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
executing actions that control train paths, points, and
signals, as well as rescheduling the traffic when
delays and disruptions occur. The first of these tasks
is constantly ongoing and supported by the traffic
plan that describes the estimated location for each
train and at which time. The controller is then
responsible for manually adjusting points and signals
in such a way that the traffic plan can be realised. The
second task is done as a problem-solving activity
when the traffic plan can no longer be followed, in
which case the controller have to make fast decisions
to maintain the overall traffic flow and to minimise
the effects of the disruption. The two main tasks have
different characteristics and together they often bring
sudden shifts in cognitive workload.
The train drivers also work in an unpredictable
and highly dynamic environment that requires them
to not just operate the train according to the signs and
signals, but to also pay attention to the information
presented by various technologies inside the cab.
These technologies normally present current speed,
maximum allowed speed, and continuous instructions
on how to uphold an energy-efficient way of driving.
Furthermore, drivers are expected to always be
attentive to events outside the train, anticipate and
react to surrounding factors that might affect the train
(e.g., weather conditions, passenger behaviour at
platforms, and possible obstacles on the rail).
The railway domain presents complex, dynamic
work processes that pose many research challenges.
So far, research concentrated on inquiries related to
understanding the work practices from a holistic point
of view has been scarce. The need for naturalistic
fieldwork to provide insights into how social and
collaborative variables, and the complexity of the
dynamic environment, affect behaviour and
performance have been called for (e.g., Andreasson et
al., 2019a; Wilson & Norris, 2005). To study the
collaborative aspects of work is further motivated by
Naweed (2020) with the statement: “… a train is not
propelled by a single person but by a team”. This is
especially interesting since controllers and drivers
normally receive their training separately and are thus
never exposed to situations during training in which
they can practice their collaborative skills.
Some attempts have been made to map out the
everyday work in the organisation of train traffic but
the research is highly dependent on the national
context. If we turn to the Swedish context, operational
train traffic has first and foremost focused on traffic
control and for a long time, the main focus was to
design and develop decision support systems with
increased usability (e.g., Andersson et al., 1998;
Sandblad et al., 1997). This work resulted in a new
decision support system as well as a new strategy for
the task of traffic control. The new strategy
emphasised a proactive style of work and to plan the
traffic ahead of time, which would impose less
cognitive load on the controller (Kauppi et al., 2003).
Related to this, the train drivers started to receive
attention and the idea of a shared real-time traffic plan
was initiated to remedy the fact that the drivers
worked in what Jansson et al. (2005) described as an
"information vacuum". The idea was to support
successful collaboration by enabling accurate
information at all times. In this research, the
collaborative aspects of operational train traffic were
put forward and Tschirner et al. (2013) described how
the efficiency of operational traffic depends on the
quality of the controller-driver collaboration. More
recently, Andreasson et al. (2019b) identified
processes of coordination and synchronisation
between controllers and drivers essential for the
safety and efficiency of the joint work performance.
The interest in non-technical aspects of work in
the train traffic domain has increased also outside of
Sweden, for example with the study by Rosenhand et
al. (2011) in which it was revealed that drivers and
conductors exhibit characteristics of high performing
teams. This includes to catch and correct each other’s
errors and to actively support each other’s activities
by filling in knowledge gaps and identifying risks.
Naweed (2020) describes how train traffic
controllers and drivers are part of a joint cognitive
system with an intimate and dyadic coupling. He
studies how traffic controllers see themselves in
relation to the train drivers and conclude that the
controllers’ view on the relationship impact how they
perform their work, which in turn affects the drivers.
Naweed focus on so-called SPADs (signal passed at
danger), which means that a train goes past a red
signal. SPADs are a serious safety breach and should
be handled with a carefully developed routine.
However, Naweed (2020) concludes that the
controllers’ view on the relationship with train drivers
results in different ways to handle SPADs. These
findings emphasise that the relationship between
controller and driver is not just the backbone of
operational train traffic but also something that
ultimately could affect the safety. Baysari et al.
(2008) reach a related conclusion in their analysis of
40 rail incidents when they find that a majority of the
incidents were associated with social, cultural, and
organisational processes affecting behaviour and
performance. To gain a deeper understanding of these
subtle aspects of work is therefore critical for
enabling safe and efficient train traffic.
”We’re Doing This Together”: An in-Depth Analysis of the Teamwork between Train Traffic Controllers and Train Drivers
Looking at the literature, it is clear that insights
into the relationship between traffic controllers and
train drivers and their prerequisites for successfully
working together are relevant for maintaining safety
in train traffic. Still, this relationship is to a large
degree an understudied area. The purpose of this
study is to embark on this topic and to provide
insights into the relationship between controller and
driver as interdependent parts of the socio-technical
system of train traffic.
This study was conducted in the domain of Swedish
train traffic with observations and interviews as main
data collection techniques. Approximately 130 hours
of observational data of the work by 19 traffic
controllers and 13 train drivers were collected during
a period of 2,5 years. All participants had 2-30 years
of experience and the observations took place in their
natural work environment, i.e., in the control rooms
for traffic control and in train cabs. All observations
were complemented with informal contextual
interview questions to add clarifications to what was
observed. Field notes were carefully taken and these
were later transcribed and put to analysis.
Additionally, three in-depth, pair-wise interviews
with one controller and one driver per interview
session was conducted to put further emphasis on the
relationship between these roles. Each interview
session was 1,5-2 hours long and the questions
concerned their work, with emphasis on interaction,
communication, coordination, and information-
sharing activities. Out of respect for the somewhat
sensitive topic, direct questions about how the
participants view the relationship with one another
was not posed. However, the participants sometimes
articulated this on their initiative.
During interviews, data were captured using audio
recording equipment, which was later transcribed
and, together with field notes from the observations,
analysed based on the systematic process of thematic
analysis. This process entails to systematically and
repeatedly work through the entire data set to actively
search for meanings and patterns that can shed light
on the posed research question.
In the thematic analysis, three themes with additional
sub-themes were identified (Figure 1). All quotes
have been translated from Swedish and participants
are referred to as TC (traffic controller) or TD (train
driver) followed by an identification number.
Figure 1: Overview of the three identified themes and their
4.1 Team Spirit
This identified theme concerns the way the
controllers and drivers view their interpersonal
relationship, their separate roles, and responsibilities.
They consider themselves to be colleagues and
members of the same team. They collaborate by
providing each other with relevant information but at
the same time value silence as a sign of everything
running according to plan.
“We’re Doing This Together”. This is not just the
title of the present paper but one of the main messages
derived from the data analysis. The quote is from TD1
who articulated that: “We’re doing this together.
During my workday, the people I talk to are the crew
onboard the train and the traffic controller. Those are
my closest colleagues”. When talking to traffic
controllers and train drivers, it is often mentioned that
they are not able to do their job without support from
each other. ”It’s teamwork. After all, I can't get the
traffic running unless the driver does his job” [TC3].
Even the simplest example of a controller who sets
the signals to “go” requires a driver to act on the
information conveyed by the signal and to operate the
train. This process of work demonstrates how
intertwined the work of controllers and drivers are,
and highlights also how essential the collaboration
between these two roles are to realise a functioning
traffic flow.
Another example of a situation that displays how
the controller and driver work towards a shared goal
was observed at the traffic control centre in which
TC18 received a call from a driver. During the
conversation, the controller expressed: ”Good! Good
suggestion. Thank you.” Once the call had ended he
explained: ”The driver knew that train 637 was late,
which means that he no longer needs to go through so
many switching points. I didn’t think of that, so it was
really good that he called”. This is an example of a
situation in which the controller and driver act as a
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
back-up for each other and provide reminders or ideas
to the other that may be relevant for solving or
improving the efficiency of a certain traffic situation.
Communication Practices. As in all collaboration,
communication is fundamental. At the control
centres, the telephones are constantly ringing and
information is delivered from drivers to controllers.
Traffic control is highly information-dependent and
the traffic controllers are sometimes forced to make
assumptions regarding, for example, a train’s
equipment and properties. The assumptions usually
prove to be correct but in the case of equipment being
out of order or situations in which the train’s
properties differ from the usual, the controllers
depend on the driver to call and deliver that
information. TD1 gives an example about limited
braking capacity: ”If my top speed is affected for
some reasons, for example, if I had to turn off a brake,
I always call and let the controller know. With a
lowered braking capacity you need to lower the speed
so that you have time to reach a full stop when you’re
supposed to”. Small pieces of information like this are
important for the controllers to take into account since
they, no matter how small, can have large effects on
the overall traffic plan. While some drivers are
proactive and report on situations that they believe are
of importance to the controller, this is not always the
case. TC9 describes: ”Sometimes you notice that a
train [displayed in the digital system for traffic
control] are getting more and more behind the
timetable and you call the driver just to be told that he
has reduced speed capacity today. By the time you
detect the issue… well, that can really create chaos in
the planning". Some drivers are more actively
involved in delivering information to the controllers
than others. This may be the result of drivers not
knowing what pieces of information that the
controllers have access to and what they instead rely
on the drivers to communicate. This is especially
challenged by the fact that it sometimes varies what
type of information the controllers have access to.
Much of the information exchange in the
controller-driver dyad starts with input from the "real
world" outside of the control room. The information
does, however, flow both ways in this dyad and the
drivers regularly receive information from the
controllers, mainly concerning changes to the traffic
plan. It is noticeable that the controllers have access
to more communication channels than the drivers do.
For instance, the controllers can transmit information
via points and signals, while the drivers have to rely
on the telephone. During a ride-along in the train cab,
TD4 observed a stop signal and switching points
guided us onto a sidetrack used to enable two trains
to meet and pass each other. The researcher asked
whether he knew what was happening and the driver
responded: ”I don’t need to know, I have all the
information I need right here”, and pointed to the stop
signal. It is clear that the points and signals controlled
by the traffic controllers play an important part in the
communication practice employed by the controller-
driver dyad as they convey concrete information for
the drivers to act upon.
Trust. At the same time as communication is of
importance, there is great trust in the relationship
between controller and driver and they trust each
other to do what needs to be done. This is displayed
by a lack of all communication not considered
necessary. “On the best day, we do not communicate.
No communication means that everything is working
as it is supposed to." [TC5]. The silence carries a
meaning of the traffic running smoothly and without
larger discrepancies. “As long as everything works,
we do not have contact. I do what I'm supposed to do
and I know that he is doing what he is supposed to do.
And then we continue like that until something
deviates from what is normal” [TD12].
4.2 Relational Distance
Teamwork is a necessity for enabling safe and
efficient railway traffic. However, to maintain a well-
functioning relationship in the controller-driver dyad
is challenged by underlying factors and
organisational structures, which creates a relational
distance between them. That distance is the subject of
this theme along with the differences between the two
work roles, their separate work processes, and
Work Process. Although a joint overarching goal,
the traffic controllers and train drivers enact different
work processes due to their separate responsibilities.
They are located at different geographical places and
while the drivers work in real-time, the controllers’
work includes to control points and signals for future
train paths. While responsible for planning and
controlling traffic situations ahead of time, the
controllers shift focus to present time when
something unforeseen happens. For example in the
case of an accident, the driver reports to the controller
and awaits further instructions. While the driver is
waiting, the controller uses the information from the
driver to re-plan the timetable for the train involved
in the accident as well as for other trains that might
be affected. TC1 explains: “There is some waiting
time, especially for the driver. We [the controllers]
are working at high speed while the train just stands
there. And if it is a major accident, it can take hours”.
”We’re Doing This Together”: An in-Depth Analysis of the Teamwork between Train Traffic Controllers and Train Drivers
This statement highlights the separate but highly
related work processes that controllers and drivers are
actively involved in. It also shows how their work
processes, especially in regards to situations out of the
ordinary, often are executed alternately, resulting in
peeks of workload that shifts back and forth between
the two roles.
One important difference between the work of
traffic control and train driving is their separate work
environments. Train drivers are occasionally exposed
to situations with violent passengers, accidents etc.,
while the controllers are distanced from those
situations and perform their work in a control room
from which they can see neither trains nor passengers.
This can sometimes create a mismatch between the
two roles in regards to what they need for their
respective tasks. In a conversation between a traffic
controller and a train driver it was revealed that in the
case of an accident, the driver reckoned that he should
provide information about his location and that this
could be done by describing what he saw from inside
the cab, looking out through the window. The traffic
controllers on the other hand are rarely familiar with
the fist-hand view from the rails but need a different
type of information to determine the train’s exact
location. They need the driver to remember what
number was displayed on the last kilometre sign the
train passed, which means that the driver is asked to
remember a number no longer in sight. This can be
challenging for someone who was just in an accident.
Although understandable, it is troublesome that the
controllers sometimes need information that can be
difficult for the drivers to retrieve from memory.
To further add to the complexity of different work
processes, the controllers and drivers of Swedish
railway are employed by different organisations,
which does not favour their possibilities to
collaborate successfully. It also creates a reality in
which these two roles, colleagues as they consider
themselves to be, rarely (if ever) have visited each
other at work and thus have limited insights into each
other’s’ work processes. “I visited the control centre
once during the train driver education. It was good,
but back then I had no idea what the reality looked
like… and I wasn’t experienced enough to ask the
right questions. Also, that was 30 years ago now... a
lot has changed” [TD7]. The situation is similar for
the controllers that rarely get the opportunity to ride
along in the cab and when the opportunity presents
itself, it is usually during their training and when they
are new to traffic control.
The controller-driver dyad has an underlying
distance in their relationship that derives from them
not knowing enough details or depth regarding the
challenges and different situations affecting the other
role. However, they all agree that a mutual
understanding and knowledge-base is something to
strive for to facilitate the collaborative aspects of their
Priorities. During data analysis, it became clear
that controllers and drivers have separate priorities
and that these sometimes result in disagreements
between them in regards to how a certain situation
best should be handled. The main difference seems to
be that the drivers focus solely on their train with the
goal to bring that train to each stop in accordance with
the timetable while providing the passengers a
comfortable ride. The traffic controllers on the other
hand prioritise the overall traffic flow, and all trains
are treated as equally important. This can sometimes
entail to purposely delay one train to improve the
overall traffic flow from a more holistic perspective.
Their different priorities sometimes create grounds
for conflict in the controller-driver dyad. TD6
explains: "Our roles are different from each other. I
have my train. That's it. But the controllers see the
whole picture. Maybe not all drivers understand that
controllers sometimes have to make a decision that
seems to be very negative for me to resolve a traffic
situation somewhere else".
The controller-driver dyad does not always agree
on what should be the main priority; however, it is
important to acknowledge that both roles are facing
challenging situations and do their very best given
their unique prerequisites. This mutual respect for
each other’s challenges is described by TD2: “It is
important that we think of us as a team working
together, and that we understand each other's difficult
situations. I sometimes feel stressed when I’m falling
behind the timetable. But if I think about the situation
for the controllers… with many trains to consider.
Although I only have one train to care about, I might
have 500 passengers on that train. So, without a
doubt, our two situations are both challenging but in
very different ways”. The dissimilar challenges faced
by controllers and drivers can pose a hinder for
enabling a successful collaboration. In the end, much
comes down to the feeling of being in control of one’s
situation. More on this in the next section.
4.3 Control
This theme concerns the feeling of being in control,
which is constantly sought by both traffic controllers
and train drivers. These two roles are part of separate
work situations, which brings different possibilities
when it comes to control. These differences
sometimes affect the controller-driver dynamic and
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
how the workers decide to execute their individual
Information is Power. While the train driver is the
only one with real-time information about his/her
train and its journey, the controllers have access to
comprehensive information about the whole train
traffic situation in Sweden. This involves status on the
trains that are currently running as well as the plan for
all trains that will departure within the next 24 hours.
This means that viewed from a holistic perspective,
the controllers have an advantage when it comes to
making strategic decisions for how the traffic should
be executed. This sometimes puts the drivers in a
situation where they feel left out and without control
over their work situation. TD7 expresses that ”I have
to stand where he [the controller] puts me”. This
statement displays how information, or the lack
thereof, can result in feelings of being out of control
or even feelings of being a pawn in the traffic
controllers’ game.
The controllers are constantly required to make
changes and adjustments to the traffic plan and rarely
have time to discuss the decisions with all concerned
drivers beforehand. Rather, they have to make the
decisions and act fast when executing and
implementing them into the traffic plan, and only
have time to inform concerned parties afterwards.
This can occasionally cause conflicts in the
controller-driver dyad. TC4 says that ”Sometimes
you get calls from angry drivers questioning your
actions: “Why do I have a stop signal here…?”. We
try to call everyone and explain what is happening
and why, but we don't always have the time". Due to
the separate work situations of controllers and driver,
they come across different types of information.
Whether the information is derived from the physical
surroundings that a driver oversees or from the digital
traffic information displayed to the controller, the
intertwined nature of the work by the controller-
driver dyad makes it essential for them to frequently
engage in information-sharing activities. For
example, when an accident happens, all information
lies with the train driver. However, as soon as the
driver hands over the relevant pieces of information
to the controller, the driver cannot do anything but
await further instructions from the controller, which
is then the one with all the information (and control).
Time is often a factor that works against this dyad,
especially in the occurrence of something out of the
ordinary, which tends to result in a long row of tasks
that need to be done more or less simultaneously. This
is especially true for the controllers that often need to
call multiple drivers, one after the other, to inform
about a situation and how it will be handled. In this
process, the controllers can sometimes underestimate
how valuable their information is to the drivers. TD2
explains the importance of updated traffic
information: “You constantly have to adapt the way
you drive. If I receive information about a stop signal
later on, I can lower my speed and avoid having to
make a full stop when I arrive at that signal. Then the
passengers won’t notice anything.” This example
highlights the power of information and the
importance of updated information flowing back and
forth between the individuals in the controller-driver
Unforeseen Effects of New Technology. The
controllers have long worked in a technology dense
environment and recently, the drivers have also
gained access to multiple information technologies.
Increased use of IT within a socio-technical system
brings changes to the information structure and
aspects such as who is reached by what information,
when, and how. One example of equipment
implemented in the cabs, often referred to as driver
advisory systems (DAS), provide drivers with
information about the train’s planned route, its
current location, and upcoming stops. Sometimes it
also presents similar pieces of information
concerning other trains located in the nearby
surroundings. Sweden’s largest railway undertaking
has developed a driver advisory system that, in
addition to the previously mentioned functionalities,
also support the driver with recommendations for
how to operate the train in a way that optimises
energy consumption. TD2 explains how the DAS has
affected his work: “In terms of information, it is like
a new world. We don't need to call and ask the
controller as much as we used to.” Although the DAS
is used by drivers only, the addition of information
available to them affects how they do their work—as
shown by the description of fewer phone calls to the
controllers. Hence, changes to the drivers’ work
practice have in turn brought changes to the whole
controller-driver dynamic.
Although the DAS brings more information than
ever before to the drivers, it can only display current
traffic situation, which means that it cannot display
changes made by the controllers before these changes
are realised into actual running traffic. This is
problematic in cases when drivers use the real-time
information they are presented with to adapt their
driving behaviours, while unaware of planned
changes that may make their information obsolete. In
fact, uncommunicated deviations from the original
traffic plan are put forward by participants as a source
of conflict in the controller-driver dyad. One example
of a situation like this is when a driver adapts his
”We’re Doing This Together”: An in-Depth Analysis of the Teamwork between Train Traffic Controllers and Train Drivers
speed to facilitate a train meeting at another meeting
place than what was originally planned for. Due to
mostly single-track lines, the planning of such a
meeting without imposing unnecessarily long waiting
time for the train that is first to arrive at the place of
the meeting is a complex task for the controllers. For
this reason, uncommunicated changes to the location
or time of a train meeting can quickly make the traffic
plan in need of major re-planning. “We have noticed
that the tablet is used to take own initiatives as a
driver. That can create huge problems… To make
decisions when you don’t have the full picture…”
[TC1]. This is an example of a driver that makes use
of the information at hand to optimise his situation
without considering, or being aware of, the fact that
all trains are part of a much larger puzzle and that
even small changes can bring large effects on the
overall traffic flow.
The drivers have long been working in an
“information vacuum”, as it was described by Jansson
et al. (2005), and when this now starts to change it is
easy to see why they want to use their increased
access to information to gain more control of their
work. However, from the controllers’ perspective,
they find it difficult to understand what has changed
and why. In one of the observation sessions, TC15
ended a phone call with a driver and turned to her
colleague, bursting out with amazement: “He knew
that the train he was supposed to meet is cancelled.
How can he possibly know that?” The controllers
have never been formally introduced to the drivers’
new routines and information structures. The
controllers describe how they, based on conversations
with the drivers during normal work activities, have
concluded that the drivers must have gained access to
more information. However, they are unaware of
what kind of information. This makes it difficult for
the controllers to know what information they need to
share with the drivers and what pieces of information
the drivers already have access to. ”I can see the
whole traffic situation in my systems, but I don’t
know what the drivers are seeing” [TC3]. It was clear
during this study that the controllers are curious about
the DAS as they, during the pair-wise interviews,
posed questions about the system and asked the
drivers to demonstrate it (which they gladly did). This
spontaneous questioning suggests that the controllers
want to be informed about the current information
situation for the drivers. Considering that controllers
and drivers are highly dependent on each other to
perform their separate work responsibilities, they may
not only want insights about each other's work
situation, but they may need it to be able to feel in
control of their tasks and to do their jobs.
This study is the initial step to deepening the
understanding of the controller-driver dyad of
Swedish operational train traffic. The analysis shows
that they view themselves as colleagues, working as
a team towards a shared goal. There is also a good
portion of trust at the core of their relationship, which
is mirrored in how they communicate with each other
and especially regarding what they choose to
communicate. However, the controller-driver
dynamic is severely challenged by limited insight into
each other’s work situations. They are also facing
what seems to be unforeseen effects caused by the
implementation of new technology, which has not
only brought changes to the information structure
within the socio-technical system of operational train
traffic but also changed the overall way of work. In
conclusion, the functional dynamics of the
relationship between controller and driver can either
contribute to successful outcomes or create barriers
and destabilising factors, which in turn can impact the
functionality of the whole socio-technical system.
Though to a large degree informal and
undocumented, the work practices for
communication and collaboration discussed in this
paper are central for the safe and efficient
performance of operational train traffic. This points
to the importance of analysing the social and
behavioural aspects of work to understand what work
practices are at play and how these can be supported
and maintained through organisational changes and
development. Changes to work processes, such as
introducing new technology, can either enhance
effective teamwork or disrupt the naturally emerging
informal work processes crucial to coordinate work
and ensuring safe operations (Roth et al., 2020). In the
present study, the DAS is a good example of IT that
supports the driver to operate the train, but that is
poorly adapted to support the informal work practices
for communication and collaboration between driver
and controller. Implementing a new piece of
technology brings changes to the overall process of
work in the socio-technical system and should thus
not be viewed solely as system development but
rather as organisational development. The Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) points to the
importance of not just developing technology that
supports the main tasks but also the activities
associated with aspects of teamwork—such as
communication and coordination (Roth et al, 2020),
which is in line with the results of the present study.
To conclude: team spirit is persevering in the train
traffic controller-driver dyad despite a lack of
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
prerequisites to sufficiently foster a successful
collaboration. The key to the successful outcomes
that we normally see is the skilled traffic controllers
and train drivers and their informally developed work
practices of collaboration and knowledge-sharing. It
is essential to understand how their skills and
experiences can be integrated with new technical and
organisational systems.
Further, we see that a systems perspective on the
work practices benefits the understanding of
informal, but critical, processes of teamwork. Insights
into these social and behavioural aspects of work
should be utilised to avoid situations where changes
to work structures inadvertently disrupt critical
teamwork processes. Future work should therefore
make efforts to facilitate communication and
coordination among the workers so that common
ground can be directly fostered and, in the long run,
contribute to safety and efficiency of work. This is a
challenge and something that needs to be addressed
by both railway companies as well as the research
community. The former need to adopt a systems
perspective to realise the intertwined nature of the
overall task and to see how changes in one part of the
system will affect other parts as well. A systems
perspective provides a holistic understanding of
work, which supports the task of enabling and
maintaining a successful collaboration in which both
roles are allowed to contribute with their expertise. As
for the research community, a theoretical lens such as,
for example, activity theory (e.g., Engeström, 2000)
could contribute to a deepened analysis of the work
and support operational traffic as it moves into the
future. Another relevant agenda is to facilitate
successful coordination and communication activities
in the controller-driver dyad by arranging a learning
arena for them to share experiences and knowledge.
Joint workshops or, if possible, simulation-based
environments could prove valuable in learning these
non-technical skills. By supporting the team aspects
of the operational work and enabling increased
insights into each other’s work situation, the
possibilities for the controller-driver dyad to
successfully work together as a team can be further
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”We’re Doing This Together”: An in-Depth Analysis of the Teamwork between Train Traffic Controllers and Train Drivers