Heart Rate and Activity Measured during Volleyball Competition
using Wearable Technology
Jasper Gielen
, Elise Mehuys
, Kris Eyckmans
and Jean-Marie Aerts
M3-BIORES, Division Animal and Human Health Engineering, Department of Biosystems, KU Leuven,
Kasteelpark Arenberg 30, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
TopVolleyBelgium, Beneluxlaan 22, 1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium
Keywords: Volleyball, Heart Rate, Activity, Competition, Wearables, Physiological Monitoring.
Abstract: Volleyball is characterised by intervals of high-intensity gameplay mixed with periods of relative rest.
Monitoring the athletes’ physiology during competition allows us to study the changes in exercise intensity
throughout a game. In this study, eight elite male volleyball athletes measured their heart rate and activity
during multiple games of the regular season in the Belgian Liga A and B using wearable technology. The data
show a significant decrease in the heart rate for set 1 to 4, from 79.1 %HR
to 73.9 %HR
. For activity, a
decreasing trend is visually observed, but the difference is only significant for set 1 compared to the other
sets. Finally, the performance did not vary significantly over the course of the different sets.
Volleyball is a team sport with a highly variable and
dynamic nature (Künstlinger et al., 1987). The teams
switch back and forth between offence and defence
within a matter of seconds. Moreover, scoring can be
the result of a single attack or a long-lasting, high-
intensity rally. In addition to the dynamics of the
game, players take up different roles and accordingly
require a different skillset (Sheppard et al., 2013). To
illustrate, the libero is a defensive specialist and
cannot take part in offence, the setter leads the offence
and decides which hitter will attack, and the outside,
middle and opposite hitters each have their own
position for attacking. Studying volleyball athletes’
physiology is interesting to identify the efforts that
are required during a game and analyse how this
changes over the course of the different sets.
From a physiology point of view, volleyball has
traditionally been described as a high-power,
predominantly anaerobic sport (Van Heest, 2003).
Due to the rules and structure of the game, athletes
experience intervals of intense exercise, but also have
the opportunity to recover in between these intervals.
During these intense exercise intervals, the athletes’
body generates energy primarily from creatine
phosphate stored in the muscle cells and from
anaerobic glycolysis. During recovery periods,
intracellular stores of creatine phosphate are
replenished through aerobic pathways (Van Heest,
2003). It has been estimated that the overall energy
demands of the sport are met by a combination of all
three energy-producing pathways in the following
proportions: the creatine phosphate system (40%),
anaerobic glycolytic system (10%) and aerobic
metabolism (50%) (Gionet, 1980).
Heart rate monitoring is a popular tool for
quantifying the internal load in athletes (Buchheit,
2014). This approach is based on the linear
relationship between steady-state work rate and heart
rate (Hopkins, 1991; Arts & Kuipers 1994). Despite
the abundance of tools for heart rate monitoring, data
during volleyball competition is limited.
Furthermore, the data that are available indicate a
high variability. In the research of González et al.
(2005), a mean value for the heart rate of 148 bpm
was observed for the principal central players during
their time on the court. This decreased to 124 bpm for
the periods off the court. For the liberos, mean values
of 137 and 131 bpm were noted for the time on and
off the court respectively. In beach volleyball, a mean
heart rate of 146 bpm was noted for a 3-set match
(Jimenez-Olmedo et al., 2017).
In this study, we aimed at analysing the evolution
of the heart rate over the different sets. A similar
analysis is performed with accelerometer data to
identify changes in activity throughout the match.
Gielen, J., Mehuys, E., Eyckmans, K. and Aerts, J.
Heart Rate and Activity Measured during Volleyball Competition using Wearable Technology.
DOI: 10.5220/0010047802120216
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2020), pages 212-216
ISBN: 978-989-758-481-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This way, we aim to gain insights into the exercise
intensity during volleyball competition. Finally, the
performance of the athletes was analysed.
2.1 Experiment Design and
Eight male elite volleyball athletes participated in this
study. Four athletes collected data during games in
the regular season of 2017-2018. They played
together on a team in the Belgian Liga A (1
division). The other four athletes were monitored
during the season of 2018-2019 and played on a team
in the Belgian Liga B (2
division). Table 1 shows
the athlete’s age, height, playing position, division
and number of games during which data collected. In
total, 63 unique measurements are included in this
Table 1: Info about the participating athletes.
e Hei
ht Position Division #
1 19 193 c
Outside Li
a A 8
2 21 197 c
Outside Liga A 8
3 19 174 c
Libero Liga A 8
4 32 195 c
Opposite Liga A 4
5 18 191 c
a B 10
6 16 188 c
Outside Li
a B 9
7 17 194 c
Outside Liga B 9
8 16 200 c
Liga B 7
Athletes were equipped with a wearable device to
monitor physiological data throughout the entire
game. The measurements were started before the
warm-up and were stopped when the game was
ended. The experimental set-up and data collection
were approved by the social and societal ethics
committee (SMEC) of the KU Leuven (cases ‘G-2017
11 999’ and ‘G-2018 11 1432’).
2.2 Data Collection
The BioHarness 3.0 chest strap (Zephyr Technology,
USA) was used to monitor heart rate and activity
continuously without affecting the athletes’
performance. The device recorded the electrical skin
potential differences at 250 Hz to construct the ECG
signal. A value for the heart rate was automatically
calculated and sampled to 1 Hz. Additionally, this
heart rate signal was checked to match the original
ECG rhythm.
Next to the heart rate, the device captured
acceleration in a three-dimensional way at a
frequency of 100 Hz. The axial accelerometer output
was automatically band-pass filtered to remove non-
human artefacts and gravity. This data was further
processed by taking the mean acceleration for each
axis per second and calculating the root-mean-square
of the three axes. As a result, one signal for the
activity of the athlete is obtained with a sampling
frequency of 1 Hz.
Data regarding the actions and events that
occurred during the competition were captured
through the DataVolley scouting software (Data
Project, Italy). The team’s scouter labelled each
contact with the ball as a serve (S), reception (R),
attack (A), block (B), dig (D), set (E) or free ball (F).
Additionally, raw video files were also available. This
way, the timing of the different sets, the rotations and
the substitutions were noted. In our analysis, we will
take a closer look at the total number of actions that
were performed during the game and the duration
during which a player was on the playing field.
2.3 Data Analysis
2.3.1 Data Processing
First, the data was processed so that only the periods
during which the athlete was part of the game were
retained. This means filtering out substitutions. Since
the libero has a special role and can be replaced
continuously, only long term substitutions were
considered. As González et al. (2005) also indicate,
the time spent off-court for the libero is very short (29
s). Therefore, the libero has to be ready to enter the
field at any moment.
Second, volleyball games are regularly
interrupted by time-outs. During set 1 to 4, technical
time-outs of 60 seconds are automatically imposed
when the leading team reaches a score of 8 or 16.
Furthermore, one or two additional time-outs can be
taken by each team depending on the specific rules of
the competition. Data during the time-outs were also
Third, the heart rate data was converted to a
percentage of the maximal heart (%HR
) for each
athlete. This was done to account for inter-individual
differences in the range of the heart frequency.
Fourth, the data were processed per set. For each
set, the mean values for the heart rate percentage,
activity, numbers of volleyball actions and minutes
played were calculated.
Heart Rate and Activity Measured during Volleyball Competition using Wearable Technology
2.3.2 Statistical Analysis
For the analyses, the data of all athletes and matches
are considered together. The analyses are performed
on the level of the entire test population.
The aim of the statistical analysis was to
determine whether the variables vary significantly
throughout the game. First, a Kruskal-Wallis test was
performed on the data for the different sets. This non-
parametric test, checks the hypothesis that the
distribution for at least one set differs significantly
from another set. Secondly, significant Kruskal-
Wallis tests were followed up with a pairwise
comparison for each combination of two sets using a
pairwise Student’s t-test. For p-values smaller than a
significance level (α) of 0.05, the tests are considered
to be significant. Prior to the Student’s t-test, the
normality of the data was checked.
3.1 Heart Rate Throughout the Game
The evolution of the mean value for the %HR
set is visualised in Figure 1. The bars indicate the
mean value for the distribution of each set and the
whiskers indicate the standard deviation. Visually, it
is clear that the heart rate tends to decrease from set 1
to 4. For set 5, this decreasing trend is not continued.
It has to be noted that both sets 4 and 5 are not
played each game since the match ends when one
team wins three sets. The number of measurements
for set 1 to 5 is respectively 61, 61, 55, 30 and 5.
Figure 1: Evolution of the mean for %HR
over the
different sets. The whiskers indicate the standard deviation.
The Kruskal-Wallis test indicates a significant
difference (p = 2.94e-6). Furthermore, Table 2 shows
the p-values that correspond to the pairwise Student’s
t-test for each combination of two sets. The
decreasing trend from set 1 to set 4 is significant. The
mean heart rate for set 5 does not differ significantly
from any other set.
Table 2: P-values for the pairwise Student’s t-test for the
mean heart rate. Values smaller than the significance level
(α = 0.05) are presented in italic.
-value S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
S2 < 0.001
S3 < 0.001 0.00
S4 < 0.001 0.00
S5 0.198 0.661 0.703 0.905
3.2 Activity Throughout the Game
The evolution of the mean value for the activity per
set is visualised in Figure 2. The bars indicate the
mean value for the distribution of each set and the
whiskers indicate the standard deviation. Visually,
the activity tends to decrease from set 1 to 5.
Figure 2: Evolution of the mean activity over the different
sets. The whiskers indicate the standard deviation.
The result of the Kruskal-Wallis test is significant
(p = 0.003). Additionally, Table 3 shows the p-values
for the pairwise Student’s t-test for each combination.
The tests indicate that the difference in activity is only
significant for set 1 compared to set 2, 3 and 4. For
the other combinations, this is not the case.
Table 3: P-values for the pairwise Student’s t-test for the
mean activity. Values smaller than the significance level (α
= 0.05) are presented in italic.
-value S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
S2 < 0.001
S3 < 0.001 0.536
S4 0.01
0.083 0.112
S5 0.105 0.259 0.356 0.374
icSPORTS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
3.3 Performance Throughout the
Similar to the previous analyses, the performance of
the athletes was studied with respect to the different
sets. Figure 3 indicates the mean value and standard
deviation for the total number of actions performed
per athlete. Figure 4 shows the mean value and
standard deviation for the number of minutes during
which the individuals were actively participating in
the game (i.e. not substituted).
Figure 3: Mean and standard deviation for the number of
actions performed during each set.
Figure 4: Mean and standard deviation for the time played
during each set.
For both performance variables, no significant
differences were observed across the five sets
according to the Kruskal-Wallis test. A p-value of
0.052 and 0.121 was obtained for the data in Figure 3
and Figure 4 respectively.
First, we note that the mean value for the heart rate
decreases significantly from set 1 to 4 in our test
population. On average, a decrease of 5.2 %HR
10.5 bpm in absolute numbers) is observed. The
decreasing trend in the heart rate can partially be
explained by the decrease in the total activity
obtained from the accelerometer data. However, the
differences in the activity are only significant for set
1 compared to all other sets.
The decrease in %HR
can be interpreted as a
decrease in exercise intensity. In literature, González
et al. (2005) also noted a decrease in the heart rate
over the different sets. These observations might be
linked to fatigue. Initially, athletes play the game at a
high level of exercise intensity, but as the competition
continues, the exercise intensity gradually decreases
because athletes are getting tired. With a total game
duration between about 70 to 120 minutes, this seems
to be a valid hypothesis. However, no reference
measure for the level of fatigue was used in this study.
Additionally, we also note that fatigue is often linked
to cardiovascular drift, which is a gradual intensity-
independent increase in heart rate (Achten &
Jeukendrup, 2003). While these data show an
opposite trend, they also show a decrease in the
external load (i.e. activity). Therefore, the analogy
with cardiac drift is difficult to make.
Other factors such as stress and game tactics are
also likely to affect the measured variables (Schneider
et al., 2018). Stress was not considered in this study.
The performance of the athlete for the different sets
could indicate a change in the tactics. However, both
performance variables did not seem to vary. One
would expect there to be a difference between set 5
and all other sets since the fifth set is ended at a score
of 15 instead of 25. From the visual representation of
the data, these expected differences seem to be
present. However, the limited amount of observations
for the fifth set limits the statistical power of this
We have to bear in mind that the analyses are
based on data of the entire test population. If we
consider the data for each individual, the decreasing
trend in the heart rate is more pronounced in certain
athletes, whereas the trend is barely or not significant
in others. Also, the current population only consists
of eight athletes. For the generalisation of these
observations, data collection has to be performed on
a larger scale.
Surprisingly, very few studies were found on the heart
rate and exercise intensity of volleyball players
during competition. Accordingly, a comparison of
our data with other observations was not in order.
This research illustrates how the heart rate (%HR
activity and performance change over the course of a
Heart Rate and Activity Measured during Volleyball Competition using Wearable Technology
volleyball game. Although each match is unique, a
significant decreasing trend in the heart rate is
observed on the level of the population. Besides, only
a significantly higher activity is observed in the first
set. Finally, the performance of the athlete (expressed
in the number of actions and minutes played) does not
show a significant trend over the course of the set.
Monitoring volleyball athletes using wearable
technology, during practice and competition, can help
to understand the exercise intensity and requirements
of the athletes. This research provides a first overview
of how the heart rate, activity and performance
change during competition. More detailed analyses,
for example on the dynamics of the heart rate in
relation to the recovery periods, will lead to new
insights and provides us with tools to assess the status
of the athlete during each phase of the competition.
Real-time information on the athlete’s physiological
status could provide coaches and staff with additional
information to make tactical decisions during the
For future research, we advise using reference
measures for factors such as stress, fatigue, recovery,
etc. and to adopt a more advanced time series analysis
approach. Furthermore, a larger test population will
lead to generalisation of the data and identifying
potential differences between positions on the field.
The authors would first like to thank the athletes who
participated in this study. Collecting data during
competition is not self-evident, since it requires effort
and does not directly contribute to better
performance. We would like to thank the coaches and
staff of the teams as well as Sport Vlaanderen for
collaborating in this study.
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icSPORTS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support