Identifying Botnets by Analysing Twitter Traffic during the Super Bowl
Salah Safi
, Huthaifa Jawazneh
, Antonio Mora
, Pablo Garc
, Hossam Faris
and Pedro A. Castillo
School of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Granada, Spain
The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Social Network Analysis, Twitter Data, Classification, Illegal Content Broadcasting, Botnets.
Detecting accounts broadcasting illegal contents at sporting events in social networks is an important problem
of difficult solution, since the traditional intrusion detection systems are not effective in online social networks
due to the speed with which these kind of messages and contents spread. Thus, there is an increasing need for
an adequate and efficient detection system of the so-called botnets used for the distribution of illegal contents
on online social networks. In this paper we propose using well-known classification methods to analyse the
activity of Twitter accounts in order to identify botnets. We have analysed the Twitter conversations that
include hashtags related to the Super Bowl LIII (February 3, 2019). The objective is to identify the behaviour
of various types of profiles with automatic and non-standard spamming activities. In order to do so, a dataset
from public data available on Twitter that includes content published by human-managed accounts and also
by bots that used hashtags related to the event has been collected. This dataset has been manually labelled
to create a training set with tweets posted by humans and bots active in Twitter. As a result, several types of
profiles with non standard activities have been identified. Also, some groups of accounts have been identified
as botnets that were activated during the Super Bowl LIII (2019).
Nowadays, millions of users on Twitter use the social
network to share opinions, interests and content of all
kinds, to keep in touch with each other, or to report
news about events (Liu et al., 2016; Compton et al.,
Among those accounts, also millions of software-
controlled accounts (social bots), that generate con-
tent and interactions, operate in the online social net-
work (OSN). While some of those bots perform use-
ful and legal functions, such as disseminating news
(Lokot and Diakopoulos, 2016; Haustein et al., 2016;
Savage et al., 2016), others form networks of com-
promised computers, connected in a coordinated way
and controlled by a third party (botnets) that use social
media platforms as a communication way to achieve
illegitimate objectives, such as influencing public
opinion, promoting terrorist propaganda, perform dis-
tributed denial-of-service attacks, steal data, or sim-
ply spamming (Berger and Morgan, 2015; Abokho-
dair et al., 2015; Ferrara et al., 2016a; Ferrara et al.,
2016b). Furthermore, a high percentage of the traffic
of social networks spam contains links to malicious
Given the high traffic that sports evens generate
on OSNs, attracting the attention of millions of peo-
ple, some organizations take advantage of the OSN
structure of Twitter to host different botnets aiming
to disseminate illegal content about those events by
including connection links in tweets.
This work has as main objective to propose a
method for the detection of botnets that disseminate
illegal contents by analysing Twitter traffic using stan-
dard classification techniques in order to identify bot-
nets related to the illegal diffusion of sporting events.
To this end, a comprehensive analysis using classi-
fication and data visualization methods has been car-
ried out on a dataset collected considering the hash-
tags defined by users in Twitter during the Super Bowl
LIII (February 3, 2019). After an intensive experi-
mentation it has been verified the characteristic be-
havior of accounts managed by software, as reported
in (Das et al., 2016; Varol et al., 2017), verifying the
validity of the experiments.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the state of the art on the
botnet detection problem. Section 3 describes the data
collecting process using the Twitter API as well as
the datasets used in this paper. Section 4 explains the
Safi, S., Jawazneh, H., Mora, A., García, P., Faris, H. and Castillo, P.
Identifying Botnets by Analysing Twitter Traffic during the Super Bowl.
DOI: 10.5220/0010022301470154
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2020), pages 147-154
ISBN: 978-989-758-475-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
proposed approach to identify botnets broadcasting il-
legal content. Experiments and obtained results are
presented in Section 5, followed by the conclusions
reached and future lines of work commented in Sec-
tion 6.
Traditionally approaches to detect botnets (networks
of compromised computers, connected in a coordi-
nated way and controlled by a third party for ma-
licious purposes) have been focused on data and
sentiment analysis (Takeichi et al., 2015; Mathews
et al., 2018). For instance intrusion analysis systems
(IDS) have commonly been based on inspecting flow
anomalies or protocols, and server blacklists.
However, recently some organizations have used
botnets to coordinate illegal activities using OSN plat-
forms such as Twitter and Facebook. In those ac-
tivities, some accounts are used as a control tool to
propagate commands used to activate other nodes in
the botnet (Romera, 2010; Baltazar, 2010). This way,
they can dominate discussions and manipulate opin-
ions about topics such us commercial products (Clark
et al., 2016), elections (Bessi and Ferrara, 2016), ad-
vertising (Echeverr
ıa and Zhou, 2017), or political is-
sues (Abokhodair et al., 2015).
Different methods have been proposed as detec-
tion mechanisms, usually based on monitoring the
network (Goebel and Holz, 2007), clustering taking
into account information about similar attacks (Gor-
man, 2009) or monitoring changes in DNS-records
(Campbell et al., 2011). However, these techniques
are not effective in detecting traffic generated by bot-
nets that exploit OSN websites.
Thus, taking into account the importance of this
problem, several machine-learning methods have re-
cently been used for the detection of malicious pro-
files, such as neural networks (Alsaleh et al., 2014) or
support vector machine models (Zheng et al., 2015).
Other authors propose applying clustering methods
(Wang et al., 2013) or classification techniques (Yang
et al., 2014) to large datasets collected from the OSN
to identify large-scale attacks.
In any case, since the problem of the detection of
botnets that broadcast illegal content related to sport-
ing events has not been addressed previously using
classification methods, a new method for collecting
and analysing OSN data becomes necessary. Thus,
considering the kind of problem we address in this
paper, in our proposal the published tweets relative to
the Super Bowl LIII (2019) have been collected (the
dataset has been collected during an important sport-
ing event, which is another point to remark). Next,
two datasets have been manually created with suspi-
cious and non-suspicious tweets to train a classifier
that has been used later on the complete set of tweets.
Finally, after a deep data-analysis, the accounts that
may be part of content broadcast botnets have been
BOWL LIII (2019)
As stated above, the proposed methodology has been
applied to a Twitter dataset collected taking into ac-
count the hashtag #SuperBowl, used by Twitter users
during the Super Bowl LIII (February 3, 2019).
Thus, taking that hashtag, the Twitter REST API
and TwitteR
package were used to download the cor-
responding tweets that were published one week be-
fore the match (since January 26th, 2019), during the
match, and one week after the event (until February
10, 2019).
Collected data were stored in a database to be pro-
cessed later using scripts developed in R
. Aiming
for reproducibility, both the collected data and the R
scripts to process the information have been published
in an open repository in GitHub
. This can be also
considered as a contribution of this work.
In this work, just the information contained in the
text of the tweet has been used. After collecting the
complete set of tweets, we manually selected a subset
and labelled them to form two subsets: one formed
with 500 suspicious tweets (those that include “live
stream” text plus a link to a illegal streaming web
service) and the second one formed with 500 non-
suspicious tweets. The procedure for tagging such
tweets was based on the tweets including links to il-
legal content and the inclusion of words to attract the
attention of other users to click on such links. Table
1 describes the collected datasets in terms of number
of tweets, while Figure 1 shows the number of tweets
collected per day using a log scale.
Then, controlled datasets were divided into two
disjoint parts, for training the classification methods
and testing their accuracy. Thus, 75% of tweets were
first used to train the model, and then, 25% of tweets
were used to test the accuracy of this model.
ECTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
Table 1: List of datasets and details in terms of number of
tweets collected. Suspicious and non-suspicious datasets
were formed by selecting a number of tweets from the com-
plete set and then they were manually labelled as suspicious
(of being a botnet) or not.
Dataset Number of tweets
complete 1.796.506
suspicious 500
non-suspicious 500
Figure 1: Number of tweets per day (log scale). Figure
shows number of tweets since January 26th, 2019 until
February 10, 2019. As it can be seen, during the event and
the days immediately following, the number of tweets was
very high, but decreasing (with public attention) along time.
The objective of the proposed method is to identify
the behaviour of different types of profiles with auto-
matic and non standard spamming activities on Twit-
ter, broadcasting illegal content related to sporting
events. In order to do so, we propose taking the fol-
lowing steps (see Figure 2):
1. Data collection by downloading tweets using the
Twitter API.
2. Process obtained data in order to create two
datasets, one with suspicious tweets and another
one with non-suspicious tweets.
3. Use standard classification methods to create clas-
sification models trained with the training dataset.
4. Use the best classification model obtained to iden-
tify those accounts that have posted suspicious
5. Analyse the publication pattern and retweets (RT)
of those accounts.
6. Visualize the networks of followers and friends to
characterize the botnets according to their struc-
Regarding the classification methods to apply to
the collected tweets to separate them in suspicious
or non-suspicious, the following algorithms are pro-
Tree model (Breiman et al., 1984): A decision tree
consists of answer-nodes, that indicate a class, and
Figure 2: Summary of steps followed in the proposed
decision-nodes, that contain an attribute name and
branches to other sub-decision trees. Building a
decision tree can be done using many algorithms,
i.e. ID3 and C4.5 (Quinlan, 1986). The construc-
tion of a tree model is similar to that of classi-
cal decision trees: The process divides the input
space of the training data through decision points
(nodes) assigning a linear model suitable for that
sub-area of the input space. This process may lead
to a complex tree model. Tree models can learn
and tackle tasks with high dimensionality, even
up to hundreds of attributes, and generate repro-
ducible and comprehensible representations. The
final model consists of the collection of predicted
values at the answer-nodes along with the path
from the root to that node given as a result.
Random Forest (RF): This method is based on
the construction of a set of decision trees using
a stochastic process over the basis of C4.5 algo-
rithm. It was proposed by Breiman (Breiman,
2001; Liaw and Wiener, 2001) and aims to cre-
ate independent and uncorrelated trees based on
different and random input vectors, following the
same distribution. The result is the average of the
generated trees during the process.
Support Vector Machine (SVM): Support vector
machine (SVM) (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Min
and Lee, 2005) method is based on statistical
learning theory. It has been successfully used in
classification and regression problems (Jari et al.,
2008). In classification problems the algorithm
searches for an optimal hyperplane that separates
every two classes, maximising the margin be-
tween them. The hyperplane is defined by a subset
of training set samples, called support vectors.
Identifying Botnets by Analysing Twitter Traffic during the Super Bowl
The developed classification models will be eval-
uated and assessed based on standard evaluation crite-
ria, i.e. the accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure,
based on the confusion matrix shown in Table 2, and
defined according to Equations 1 to 4.
Table 2: Confusion matrix for a binary classifier (TP=true
positive; FN=false negative; FP=false positive; TN=true
Actual class Predicted class
suspicious non-suspicious
suspicious TP FN
non-suspicious FP TN
Accuracy (correctly classified cases over the total
A =
T P+ T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
Precision (percentage of actual classifications that
are correct):
P =
T P + FP
Recall (percentage of possible classifications
which are correct):
R =
T P + FN
F-measure (combination of recall and precision):
F =
P + R
In the experiments performed, the objective is de-
signing models that maximise A and F measurements.
In this section, the setup environment for the experi-
ments conducted over the dataset is described in de-
tail, following the steps detailed in Section 4.
In most data mining and machine learning algo-
rithms, the values of some parameters have a high
influence on its performance. After intensive ex-
perimentation, the best performance using RF was
achieved with a number of trees equal to 50. As far
as the TREE model is concerned, the batch size was
set to 100 and the minimum number of instances al-
lowed at a leaf node is set to 2. For SVM, a Radial
Basis Function kernel is selected due to its reliable
performance (Chao and Horng, 2015), and the Cost
(C) and Gamma (γ) parameters set to 100 and 0.01
All the experiments have been performed using
the standard 10-fold cross validation (Kohavi, 1995)
in order to estimate how accurately the predictive
model will perform in practise, limiting, at the same
time, the overfitting problem. In addition, due to the
stochastic component present in some of the methods,
30 repetitions of each experiment have been done per
method, reporting the average and standard deviation.
After performing all the classification experiments
using the proposed methods on the controlled dataset
(752 tweets for training and 250 for testing), the ob-
tained results are shown in Table 3.
As it can be seen, the random-forest (RF) classi-
fier performs slightly better than the other methods,
achieving 99,78% accuracy, 99,1% precision, 99,1%
recall and 99,1% F-measure. In any case, on this
problem all classifiers achieve relatively high classi-
fication performance.
5.1 Identifying Suspicious Twitter
Using the best classifier model obtained, the whole
dataset was classified between suspicious and non-
suspicious tweets. As a result of this process, a to-
tal of 3132 tweets were identified as suspected of
broadcasting illegal contents. However, a manual in-
spection was carried out, resulting that a total of 319
tweets were found to be false positive, as those tweets
did not disseminate illegal content. The classifier
might have found words such as “streaming”, but they
do not include links to illegal contents (see Table 4).
Finally, a total of 2813 correspond to true positive, as
those tweets include links to illegal contents and they
have been correctly classified.
Table 4 shows examples of tweets where links to
illegal contents related to the football match (above)
are broadcasted, also a couple of examples of tweets
that do not include them (in the middle), and finally,
several false positives (below).
Once the suspicious tweets were identified, the
operating patterns of accounts that published them
have been analysed in order to establish the structure
of the botnets, searching for information about what
accounts have done RTs, how often, and what appli-
cations have been used. Details on the activity of the
accounts identified as suspicious are shown below:
“main” accounts that post tweets with links then
receive exactly 5 RTs almost simultaneously. In
all cases, each of these accounts performs only
one publication during the match, using the “Twit-
ter Web Client” application.
RTs that are almost simultaneous, using the ap-
plication “Twitter Web Client”, and around thirty
ECTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
Table 3: Classification performance of the proposed models on the controlled dataset.
Model Accuracy Precision Recall F-measure
SVM 99, 62 ± 0, 01 98, 00 ± 0, 71 98, 00 ± 0, 71 97, 6 ± 0, 5
RF 99, 78 ± 0, 05 99, 1 ± 0, 2 99, 1 ± 0, 2 99, 1 ± 0, 2
TREE 99, 50 ± 0, 01 99, 5 ± 0, 0 99, 5 ± 0, 0 99 ± 0
Table 4: Examples of tweets identified as suspicious (top), non-suspicious (middle), and false-positive (bottom).
Client User Text
Suspicious tweets
Web Client
JennyZica How to watch 2019 SUPER BOWL: live stream
Rams vs Patriots Live HD stream Link Live Stream
Web Client
RonaldR28645340 Watch Live: Patriots Championship Parade 2019 Live
Stream ACCESS 100% FREE Patriots Super Bowl LIII
victory parade:
Non-suspicious tweets
Twitter for
dougrutherford So, I guess this will be known forever as the Boring
Bowl. This is time wasted that I will never get back.
Twitter for
Pamcakes336 Only here to watch the @pewdiepie Super Bowl com-
mercial tbh #superbowl
False-positive tweets
Web Client
stockerblog #Amazon Takes to #SuperBowl to Boost New Stream-
ing Series #Hanna via @variety
Twitter for
themimicmoment #SuperBowl has huge mainstream appeal as stories
flood the news wires about betting odds and action. But
in that fleeting moment
seconds after the original tweet is published.
Main accounts that post tweets with links that then
receive exactly 16 RTs almost simultaneously. In
all cases, each of these accounts performs only
one publication during the match, using the “Twit-
ter Web Client” application.
The “secondary” accounts that make up the fol-
lowing RT pattern: RTs that are almost simulta-
neous, using the application “Twitter Web Client”,
and around one minute after the original tweet is
Main accounts that post tweets with links that then
receive exactly ve RTs almost simultaneously. In
all cases, each of these accounts performs only
one publication during the match.
RTs that were found to be simultaneous using the
application “Twitter Web Client”, and around one
minute after the original tweet is published.
Main accounts that post tweets with links that then
receive exactly 7 RTs almost simultaneously. In
all cases, each of these accounts performs only
one publication during the match.
Main accounts that post tweets with links that then
receive exactly 7 RTs almost simultaneously. In
all cases, each of these accounts performs only
one publication during the match.
Main accounts post tweets with links that then re-
ceive exactly 7 RTs almost simultaneously. In all
cases, each of these accounts performs only one
publication during the match.
The “secondary” accounts that make up the fol-
lowing RT pattern: RTs found to be almost si-
multaneous, using the application “Twitter Web
Client”, and around one minute after the original
tweet is published.
Thus, from the analysis of Twitter data presented
above, around 82 bot profiles that have been ac-
tive during the Super Bowl LIII (2019) have been
identified. It is important to note that much of
the accounts identified as suspicious using the pro-
posed method have been suspended and removed
from Twitter to this day: ciinthiaromero, BS3Sports,
dammamy11, JannaHofmann, LulyOficial, errafik76,
Mohammmad 11, kristy1445, sportstream1234, Kris-
tenb420, MariaJones424, TinaCring, maax moon,
av910281028120, fightnightlives, onlinestream24,
foxxsports24, iva
As stated above, some tweets were classified as
suspicious while they do not contain links to illegal
content. Once verified, they correspond to accounts
Identifying Botnets by Analysing Twitter Traffic during the Super Bowl
of TV channels whose publication pattern and RT ob-
tained has generated these false-positives. Below are
details about the activity of these accounts identified
as suspicious but which actually turned out to be false
wbz, wbzsports, wbznewsradio: WBZ-TV is a
news and sports CBS-Boston-News’ channel (cb- These accounts posted several
tweets and many users made RT using differ-
ent applications (“Twitter for iPhone”, “Twit-
ter Web Client”, “Twitter for Android”, “Tweet-
Deck”, “Twitter for iPad”, “Twitter Lite”).
LiveStream777: Live Stream Football is a sports
English channel ( that only made
two tweets on the day of the match, having re-
ceived 29 RT from users who used the applica-
tions “Twitter for iPhone” and “Twitter for An-
Paying attention to the previous analysis, it can be
seen that those accounts that used botnets to dissem-
inate links to illegal contents about the match follow
a very similar pattern (and even use the same set of
“secondary” accounts to retweet the main accounts’
publications); thus, after a single publication, several
RTs are received in a few seconds almost simultane-
ously. It has been proved that the RT pattern is very
important for finding tweets with suspicious content
(links to streaming websites) and thus, to identify ac-
counts that use botnets to spam or broadcast illegal
At the same time, some accounts that make legal
publications and receive many RTs generated these
false-positives. However, in these cases, there was
not a specific time pattern obtaining RTs (as in the
previous cases). Moreover, not only the time pattern
of those RTs is very different, but also the set of ac-
counts that retweeted those tweets are very different
(account names do not seem to follow a pattern); so
it can be deduced that no botnets have been used in
these cases.
As an additional processing, a visualization step
has been carried out just to validate the obtained re-
sults, verifying that the identified suspicious accounts
are part of botnets, as well as to obtain a represen-
tation of their structure. The way to identify bot-
nets is by analysing the structure of relationships be-
tween profiles. To do this, the followers and friends
of accounts identified as disseminators of illegal con-
tents have been obtained, and then the relationships
networks are plotted, characterizing the botnets ac-
cording to their structure: active accounts in a bot-
net are usually all interconnected, while in a conver-
sation between real people, a few dominant accounts
make publications and other secondary-accounts in-
teract with them (elevenpaths, 2018).
Thus, Figure 3 shows the structure of two botnets
activated during the Super Bowl LIII. As it can be
seen, they have a very regular structure, in which the
profiles are interconnected to each other, showing a
similar activity.
On the other hand, Figure 4 shows the relation-
ships of accounts that do not belong to botnets. In
these cases there is no interconnection between all
the accounts, so it can be seen some dominant profiles
that make a few publications with many secondary ac-
counts that do RT. They are accounts with many fol-
lowers in which the main account publishes and the
others spread its messages.
A new method for detecting botnets by classifying
traffic on Twitter has been presented in this work.
The proposed method and its effectiveness have been
tested using a dataset collected directly from the Twit-
ter social network during the Super Bowl LIII (2019)
sporting event.
Experimentation has shown that botnets that
spread illegal content can be identified using standard
classification methods. Our objective was finding
the most appropriate classification method to separate
the downloaded tweets (complete dataset) in order to
identify which ones are spam and which ones are not
(suspicious or non-suspicious), minimising the false
It has been shown that those accounts that broad-
cast illegal contents about sporting events follow a
similar behavioral pattern, making use of the same set
of “secondary” accounts that RT tweets published by
very specific accounts almost simultaneously in a few
Thus, detecting that interaction pattern between
accounts might be very useful to detect tweets with
suspicious content (links to streaming platforms) and
thus to identify botnets. Also, after analysing the
network structure of the botnets, taking into account
friends and followers relations, it has been concluded
that in general their shape follows a similar pattern.
Taking into account the obtained results from the
analysis of data extracted from Twitter, it has been
demonstrated that the proposed method can be very
useful to the administrators of an OSN for controlling
the broadcasting of illegal contents using botnets. Fi-
nally, as a last thought, it should be noted that most
ECTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Examples of botnets identified: It can be seen that all the accounts are interconnected with each other, and all of
them exhibit similar activity in terms of intensity.
Figure 4: Examples of dominant profiles with a lot of followers that spread their tweets: In these cases there is no intercon-
nection between all the accounts.
of the accounts identified in this work have been sus-
pended and removed from Twitter to this day.
As future work we will focus on the analysis of
Twitter data taking into account a greater number of
sporting events, e.g. soccer or tennis. As stated above,
in this work just the information contained in the
text of the tweet has been used. However, for future
work we plan to use additional information regard-
ing tweets and the accounts that publish them, such
as RT number, number of followers, etc. We also pro-
pose the future use of this methodology to identify
new botnets, integrating the developed programs into
a system to work in real time, instead of using post-
processing, and even, using more advanced classifica-
tion methods, such as deep-learning models.
This work has been supported by the Ministe-
rio espa
nol de Econom
ıa y Competitividad under
project TIN2017-85727-C4-2-P (UGR-DeepBio) and
TEC2015-68752 (also funded by FEDER). It has
also been supported in part by projects B-TIC-
402-UGR18 (FEDER and Junta de Andaluc
ıa), and
RTI2018-102002-A-I00 (Ministerio Espa
nol de Cien-
cia, Innovaci
on y Universidades).
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