A New Pricing Model for Freelancing Platforms based on Financial
and Social Capital
Stefan Kambiz Behfar
and Qumars Behfar
Digital Lab, CGI Consulting, Stuttgart, Germany
Neurology Department, Cologne University, Cologne, Germany
Keywords: Pricing Model, Freelancing Platforms, Financial and Social Capital.
Abstract: Over the freelancing platforms, there is usually disagreement on the price between project owners and
freelancers. Usually project owners do not know what price to offer to have the project done with excellence
within the allocated time, and freelancers do not usually know what price to offer in order to win the project
in the competition. What we propose is to calculate and offer a realistic value to project owners based on
financial and social capital. In this way, the company would be able to attract more clients with upscale
projects, because 1) Both the project owners and freelancers become satisfied with the offered price, 2)
There will be less negotiation on how much a project really worth, and 3) Have the clients more segmented,
therefore the company can attract high value customers from the competitors. In our methodology, social
capital is calculated via different approaches such as embedded resources. At the group level, capital
represents some aggregation of valued resources such as financial resources as well as social connections.
There has been much research in defining theory of
social capital (SC) in physical communities. Prusak
& Cohen (2001), Putnam (2000) and more have
shown that social capital requires interaction among
people in order to achieve common goals and
understanding and build trust, and indicated that
positive interactions among network elements could
lead to social capital. Furthermore, SC could be
developed when each member of the network or
community thinks that they can meet expectations,
and their actions will be reciprocated. Some items
such as trust, expectations and obligations are very
significant in developing social capital according to
Putnam (2000). In collaborative environment, SC
can be utilized for sharing tacit knowledge, better
knowledge sharing, when trust among members is
established. Individuals with well connections can
benefit from shared value and support. Also,
members with well connection usually offer support
to other members due to sense of obligation. These
have been all investigated in physical communities,
however there is a lack of research in this regard
within virtual communities, where most members
barely know each other; therefore there is less sense
of trust relationships. However, there are other
variables involved such as being aware of each other
background, nature of relationship, and community
Although there have been many researches
seeking to understand the nature and value of SC in
physical communities, there have been very few to
none research done to investigate SC in virtual
communities. Unlike other forms of capital such as
financial, human and physical capital, social capital
relates to connections among people or members.
The difficulty has been always how to translate this
into dollar value. In fact, social capital could be
translated into how to put value to connections
among people. Portes (1998) indicated that
individuals interacting in social networks seek to
produce profit. This profit could be caused by three
reasons including 1) facilitating flow of information,
where social ties in some strategic locations could
provide useful information about possible
opportunities, 2) these ties could carry more valued
resources due to their location (e.g. structural hole)
or power asymmetry in decision making , and
therefore carries a certain weight in the process of
decision making, 3) social ties could reflect the
agent’s accessibility to resources through social
networks, which adds to the individual’s personal
Behfar, S. and Behfar, Q.
A New Pricing Model for Freelancing Platforms based on Financial and Social Capital.
DOI: 10.5220/0006757001090112
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2018), pages 109-112
ISBN: 978-989-758-297-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
capital. In this study, we propose to calculate and
offer a realistic value to project owners based on
financial and social capital.
Researches in literature have focused on significance
of both resources and relations in social capital. Burt
(1992) is the typical focus on location of individuals
in a network and its relationship to social capital.
Bridges indicate individual’s competitive advantage
in access to more and diverse information. In
addition, strength of ties as shown by Granovetter
(1973) is a well-known concept on network location
measurement which indicates bridges usefulness.
Other measures such as density, size and
betweenness are also key elements specifying the
social capital.
Another focus on how to measure social capital
is via embedded resources. Wealth and power are
indications of embedded resources in most
communities (Lin 1999). Therefore, social capital
could be analyzed by the amount of such resources
that an individual or a community member has a
direct or indirect relationship with. Embedded
resources could be in one’s ego network or via one’s
contacts used as helps such as in job search.
Assuming that bridges link to different information,
it will be useful if that information links to resources
valued by individual. For example, a bridge helping
an individual looking for a job to people who have
strategic positions in the firm is more significant
than bridging to other people who are members of a
As indicated in Table 1, the first approach to
measure social capital is via measuring embedded
resources. In this approach, measurement focuses on
valued resources such as wealth, power, and status
within one’s ego network or contacts. These could
be measured by 1) the range of resources among ties
or distance between highest and lowest valued
resources, 2) best possible resource in the network,
3) variety of resources, or 4) composition of
resources. After all, these 4 measurements could be
combined in one single factor, because they are
highly correlated. Another approach or measurement
strategy focuses on network locations to determine
the social capital. Granovetter (1973) was first to
express the notion of bridges in the strength of weak
ties; afterwards Burt (1992) elaborated it by
introducing notions of structural holes and
constraints. Other measures such as size, density,
betweenness and centrality could be also used to
specify the social capital.
Table 1: Two principal approaches in measuring social
capital as assets captured by individual (Lin, 1999).
Focus Measurements Indicators
Range of resources, variety
of resources, composition
Contact status Contacts’ occupation,
authority, sector
Bridge to access Structural hole, structural
Strength of tie Network bridge, intimacy,
intensity, interaction
In order to estimate intangible assets, we have
determined a set of explanatory variables which
influence on financial and social capital. There are
input variable selected such as book/set value, net
income, market value, number of customers (for
each freelancer), and profit per freelancer or project
(for each project owner). We finally choose those
variables which significantly influence the output of
the financial network. From the other side, defining
the effect of social capital on some individual
outcome SC(i), we develop a linear model for the
total capital (Siderska, 2017). We show each ego
network information set by ego(i), and each
individual independent variable is denoted by X(i).
An individual’s expectation of the average financial
capital represented by E(F(i)|Ego(i)) is made
conditional on ego network i information set Ego(i),
whereas the expected social capital per ego network
is represented by E(SC(i)|Ego(i)). Total capital per
network node is obtained as below:
= a + b Xi + c E(F(i)|Ego(i)) + d E(SC(i)|Ego(i))
+ εi (1)
where Ego network entails all the network
information such as degree centrality (project
owner’s number of previous/current connections),
betweenness, size and density. The only method that
ensures the best choice of a set of input variables is
to try all the possible sets of variables and all the
possible types of network architecture. After all,
some input variables are adopted among all for the
construction of the model. Finally, the calculated
value including both social and financial capitals
will be utilized as a proxy for the price of a new
COMPLEXIS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
We contacted the company, Freelancer.com, to
collect data for a reasonable sample of project
owners and freelancers. At the time of writing this
proposal, freelancer.com has almost 25 million
registered users and about 12 million posted jobs.
Types of jobs range from IT, website design,
product sourcing and manufacturing, data entry,
business services and marketing, language
translation, sales and marketing, and engineering
and science. Freeleancer.com website says: “We
have experts representing every technical,
professional and creative field, providing a full
range of solutions: Small jobs, large jobs, anything
in-between, fixed price or hourly terms, Specific
skills, cost and schedule requirements. Just give us
the details of your project and our freelancers will
get it done faster, better, and cheaper than you could
possibly imagine. Your jobs can be as big or small
as you like, and be fixed price or hourly. You can
even specify the schedule, costs, and milestones.”
There is usually disagreement on the price
between project owner and freelancer. Usually
project owners do not know what price to offer to
have the project done with excellence within the
allocated time, and freelancer does not usually know
what price to offer in order to win the project in the
competition. What we propose is to calculate and
offer a realistic value to project owners based on
financial and social capital. In this way, the
company would be able to attract more clients with
upscale projects, because
1. Both the project owners and freelancers become
satisfied with the offered price.
2. There will be less and less negotiation in
regards to how much a project really worth or
take time.
3. Have the clients more segmented, therefore the
company can attract high value customers from
the competitors like upwork.
We measure project value based on different
variables including relevant projects sold value, and
the value of individuals who have completed those
relevant projects. At the same time, we measure
freelancer value, based on both financial and social
capital, i.e. how much in dollar was the value of the
relevant project sold, and what is the social capital
of that freelancer within the ego network.
We compute the network measures by creating a
social network topology of the projects and
individuals using a two-mode affiliation network.
Examples of affiliation networks that have been
studied in the past include e.g collaborations among
Broadway artists (Uzzi and Spiro, 2005) and co-
authorships (Newman, 2004), in which the groups to
which actors belong are respectively the groups of
actors appearing in a single show or the groups of
authors of a scientific article. Following the same
approach, we create an adjacency matrix.
We compute a measure of how well connected
the freelancer is in the network. There are several
approaches to computing the centrality of
individuals in networks. Different measures should
be more or less appropriate depending on the
assumptions made (Borgatti, 2005). Some centrality
measures account only for geodesic paths like
closeness and betweenness, whereas the eigenvector
measure does indicate that the traffic will not only
flow via shortest network path.
In this study we aim to calculate the financial and
social capital within freelancing platforms, and
specifically we focus on the website of
freelancer.com, and attempt to determine both the
offered project and freelancer values based on social
and financial capital within the affiliation network.
Social capital could be calculated via different
approaches including embedded resources or
network locations. At the group level, capital
represents some aggregation of valued resources
such as financial resources as well as social
connections. There are different measures associated
with network location of individuals within the
network including centrality, betweenness, size,
density and more. In order to estimate the intangible
asset, we have determined a set of explanatory
variables which influence on financial and social
capital. There are input variable selected such as
book/set value, market value, number of customers
(for each freelancer), and profit per freelancer or
project (for each project owner).
Cohen, D. and Prusak, L. 2001. In Good Company.
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Uzzi, B. and Spiro, J. 2005. Collaboration and creativity:
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Newman, M.E. 2004. Coauthorship networks and patterns
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COMPLEXIS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk