Nonformal Education (PLS) Supporting Inclusive Education in Education Framework for All - Training Needs Assessment

Helma Malini



It's been a long time since 'Education for All' is echoed from all over the world. The essence of "Education for All" is essentially to ensure that every citizen can fulfill his / her right of education service. Education for all is a form of learning that concerns all ages whether it is adults, parents and children who aim to be more understanding about something. Currently Indonesia is trying to apply Inclusive Education in schools. In government regulations contained in Permendiknas No. 70 TAHUN 2009 - about inclusive education, schools are encouraged to provide the widest opportunity to all learners to obtain quality education in accordance with the needs and capabilities / potential of learners. However, it is realized that in providing optimal education services, educators often encounter obstacles. On the one hand educators have the duty and responsibility to educate all the students, but on the other hand educators do not have enough skills in assisting learners who vary their abilities and needs including Children with Special Needs. Given this phenomenon, we should all support the application of inclusive education in schools. As 'Educational Agents' especially on Nonformal education (PLS) citizens we can also support the application of inclusive education. Not by going directly to school, but by arranging education and training programs for teachers who are able to assist children with special needs in schools so that the implementation of inclusive education is optimal by design a whole program of training to help teachers perform their duties properly. While the suggestions for school organizers, every teacher whose school held an inclusive education model needs to be given special training education in order to be able to run the learning optimally because it confronts children with various abilities and potential and even children with special needs. All these efforts will help move forward the inclusive movement across schools.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Malini H. (2017). Nonformal Education (PLS) Supporting Inclusive Education in Education Framework for All - Training Needs Assessment.In 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences - Volume 1: ICES, ISBN 978-989-758-314-8, pages 361-364. DOI: 10.5220/0007041103610364

in Bibtex Style

author={Helma Malini},
title={Nonformal Education (PLS) Supporting Inclusive Education in Education Framework for All - Training Needs Assessment},
booktitle={1st International Conference on Educational Sciences - Volume 1: ICES,},

in EndNote Style


JO - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences - Volume 1: ICES,
TI - Nonformal Education (PLS) Supporting Inclusive Education in Education Framework for All - Training Needs Assessment
SN - 978-989-758-314-8
AU - Malini H.
PY - 2017
SP - 361
EP - 364
DO - 10.5220/0007041103610364