AlQuAnS – An Arabic Language Question Answering System
Mohamed Nabil, Ahmed Abdelmegied, Yasmin Ayman, Ahmed Fathy, Ghada Khairy,
Mohammed Yousri, Nagwa El-Makky and Khaled Nagi
Computer and Systems Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Keywords: Arabic Question Answering Systems, Arabic Morphological Analysis, Question Analysis, Question
Classification, Answer Extraction.
Abstract: Building Arabic Question Answering systems is a challenging problem compared to their English counter-
parts due to several limitations inherent in the Arabic language and the scarceness of available Arabic training
datasets. In our proposed Arabic Question Answering system, we combine several previously successful al-
gorithms and add a novel approach to the answer extraction process that has not been used by any Arabic
Question Answering system before. We use the state-of-the-art MADAMIRA Arabic morphological analyser
for preprocessing questions and retrieved passages. We also enhance and extend the question classification
and use the Explicit Semantic Approach (ESA) in the passage retrieval process to rank passages that most
probably contain the correct answer. We also introduce a new answer extraction pattern, which matches the
patterns formed according to the question type with the sentences in the retrieved passages in order to provide
the correct answer. A performance evaluation study shows that our system gives promising results compared
to other existing Arabic Question Answering systems, especially with the newly introduced answer extraction
Traditionally, search engines provide users with doc-
uments relevant to their search requests. The request
is usually in the form of a list of keywords. However,
the users must take the trouble of searching for the
exact answer to their question inside each of the re-
trieved documents. Nowadays, a new approach
matches the user needs by analyzing the question
posted in the search field from a linguistic point of
view, attempting to understand what the user really
means and extracting the correct answer to the user
question from the retrieved documents.
Recently, Question Answering (QA) has been one
of the main focal points of research in the area of nat-
ural language processing. Some great efforts were
made to provide reliable QA systems for different
languages. Unfortunately, Arabic QA systems are
still not in the mainstream even though Arabic is one
of the six official languages of the United Nations and
it is the main language of most of the Middle East
countries. In fact, the Arabic language ranks fifth in
the world’s league table of languages, with an esti-
mated 300 million native speakers.
Very few attempts were made to investigate Ara-
bic QA because Arabic is a complex language and is
very hard to be analyzed by language processors. Ar-
abic enjoys a very complex morphology that needs
very intelligent morphological analysis subsystems.
By morphological analysis, it is meant the process of
assigning the morphological features of a word; such
its root or stem,
its morphological pattern,
its part-of-speech (noun, verb or particle)
its number (singular, dual or plural)
its case or mood (nominative, accusative, geni-
tive or jussive)
to the word. The root-patterned nonlinear morphol-
ogy of Arabic makes both theoretical and computa-
tional processing for Arabic text extremely hard.
To begin with, Arabic has a completely different
orthography based on standard Arabic script going
from right to left. Each letter has three different
shapes depending on its position within the word.
Each letter has a diacritic sign above or below the let-
ter. Changing the diacritic of one letter may change
the meaning of the whole word. Printed and online
Nabil M., Abdelmegied A., Ayman Y., Fathy A., Khairy G., Yousri M., El-Makky N. and Nagi K.
AlQuAnS â
A ¸S An Arabic Language Question Answering System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006602901440154
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 144-154
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
text come usually without diacritics leaving plenty of
room for word ambiguity.
Arabic is also a highly derivational language. It is
a highly inflectional language as well.
Word = prefix(es) + lemma + suf-
The prefixes can be articles, prepositions or con-
junctions; whereas the suffixes are generally objects
or personal/possessive anaphora. Both prefixes and
suffixes can be combined, and thus a word can have
zero or more affixes. Figure 1 shows an example of
the composition of an Arabic word.
Figure 1: Example Arabic inflection (Benajiba and Rosso,
The absence of capital letters is another challenge
in the Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Arabic
(Benajiba and Rosso, 2007a) and (Benajiba et al.,
2007). Lots of Arabic names are adjectives; such as,
“gameel” (handsame), “zaki” (intelligent), or
“khaled” (immortal).
Last but not least, from a statistical viewpoint, if
Arabic texts are compared to texts written in other
languages which have a less complex morphology,
Arabic texts look much more sparse because of the
inflectional characteristic of the language that we
mentioned above. It is this specific characteristic of
the language which makes it more difficult to tackle
in each of the Natural Language Processing (NLP)
The above challenges are enough to motivate us
to develop AlQuAnS, a new system that can extract
an accurate answer to the user’s questions. We pre-
sent a complete Arabic language Question Answering
System, that understands natural Arabic questions
and extracts their answers from the retrieved docu-
ments found on the WWW. The system gives the user
a short precise answer to their question, instead of just
giving them hundreds of documents to search in man-
ually. The main design goals can be summarized in
the following points:
Pre-processing the question to make the data
retrieval more accurate.
Building a question classification module us-
ing a suitable classification technique to clas-
sify the input question into a certain type, and
hence produce the expected answer type.
Building a semantic information retrieval mod-
ule capable of retrieving the related documents.
Extracting the ranked answers to the input
questions from the retrieved documents with
high accuracy.
The objective of our work is to contribute in the
improvement of Arabic QA systems by enhancing the
passage retrieval process module. We propose two di-
rections for such enhancement: firstly, a semantic
query expansion is used to achieve a high level of
completeness (recall) when the information retrieval
process retrieves passages; then a semantic-based
process (ESA) is used for passage re-ranking in order
to have the expected answer at the top of the candi-
date passages list. Finally, an answer extraction mod-
ule extracts the answer from the top candidate pas-
The system has to perform well by providing cor-
rect answers. So, we benchmark AlQuAnS against
similar Arabic QA systems found in literature. For
that, we managed to get their same training and
benchmarking datasets. We update these datasets to
adapt the answers since search engines deliver differ-
ent; yet correct; results over time. For example, "How
many Syrian refugees live in Jordan?". The answer
changes each year. Other results are more or less
strict. For example, "Where was Ibn Batota born?"
The expected answer in the datasets used by the re-
searchers is "Tanjier". However, another accepted an-
swer can be "Morocco". For a fair comparison, we
compare the quality of individual system components
and not only the overall quality.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we give a short survey on the related stand-
ard work in the field of Arabic QA systems. Section
3 contains an overview of the system architecture of
AlQuAnS and detailed description of each system
component. The system evaluation is presented in
Section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper and presents
some ideas for our future work in this area.
A Question Answering system is a system that takes
an input question from the user, retrieves the related
result sets to the question topic and then extracts an
exact answer to the question to be returned to the user.
A typical state-of-the-art information-retrieval-based
Question Answering system, divides the Question
Answering task into three core components:
Question Analysis (including Question prepro-
cessing and classification),
Information Retrieval (or passage retrieval),
Answer Extraction.
Question classification plays an essential role in
QA systems by classifying the submitted question ac-
cording to its type. Information retrieval is very im-
portant for question answering, because if no correct
answers are present in a document, no further pro-
cessing can be carried out to find the answer. Finally,
answer extraction aims at retrieving the correct pas-
sage containing the answer within the retrieved docu-
2.1 Arabic QA Systems
QARAB (Hammo, et al. 2002) is a QA system to sup-
port the Arabic language. The system is based on the
three-module generic architecture:
question analysis,
passage retrieval, and
answer extraction.
It extracts the answer from a collection of Arabic
newspaper text. For that, it uses a keyword matching
strategy along with matching simple structures ex-
tracted from both the question and the candidate doc-
uments selected by the information retrieval module
using an existing tagger to identify proper names and
other crucial lexical items. The system builds lexical
entries for them on the fly. For system validation, four
native Arabic speakers with university education pre-
sented 113 questions to the system and judged
whether the answers of the system are correct or not.
The Arabic language was introduced for the first
time in 2012 in the QA4MRE lab at CLEF (Trigui et
al., 2012). The intension of the research is to ask ques-
tions which require a deep knowledge of individual
short texts and in which systems are required to
choose one answer from multiple answer choices.
The work uses shallow information retrieval methods.
Unfortunately, the overall accuracy of the system is
0.19 and the questions proposed by CLEF are suitable
only for modern Arabic language.
ALQASIM (Ezzeldin et al., 2013) is an Arabic
QA selection and validation system that answers mul-
tiple choice questions of QA4MRE @ CLEF 2013
test-set. It can be used as a part of the answer valida-
tion module of any ordinary Arabic QA system. It
comes up with a new approach like the one used by
human beings in reading tests. A person would nor-
mally read and understand a document thoroughly,
and then begins to tackle the questions. So, the sug-
gested approach divides the QA4MRE process into
three phases:
document analysis,
locating questions and answers,
answer selection.
ArabiQA (Benajiba and Rosso, 2007b) is a QA
system that is fully oriented to the modern Arabic lan-
guage. ArabiQA is obeying to the general norms re-
ported at the CLEF conference. However, the system
is not complete yet. The following points is a part of
the researchers’ investigation, as listed in their work:
The adaptation of the JIRS passage retrieval
system to retrieve passages from Arabic text.
The development of the annotated ANERcorp
to train the Named Entity Recognition (NER)
The development of the ANERsys Named En-
tity Recognition system for modern Arabic text
based on the maximum entropy approach.
The development of an Answer Extraction
module for Arabic text for factoid questions
(Who, where and when questions).
DefArabicQA (Trigui et al., 2010) presents a def-
initional QA system for the Arabic language. The sys-
tem outperforms the use of web searching by two cri-
teria. It permits the user to ask an ordinary question
(e.g.,"What is X?") instead of typing in a keyword-
based query. It then attempts to return an accurate an-
swer instead of mining the web results for the ex-
pected information. The question topic is identified
by using two lexical question patterns and the answer
type expected is deduced from the interrogative pro-
noun of the question. Definition ranking is performed
according to three scores: a pattern weight criterion,
a snippet position criterion, and a word frequency cri-
The IDRAAQ (Abouenour, 2012) system is an-
other Arabic QA system based on query expansion
and passage retrieval. It aims at enhancing the quality
of retrieved passages with respect to a given question.
In this system, a question analysis and classification
module to extract the keywords, identify the structure
of the expected answer and form the query to be
passed to the Passage Retrieval (PR) module. The PR
extracts a list of passages from an Information Re-
trieval process. Thereafter, this module performs a
ranking process to improve the relevance of the can-
didate passages. Finally, the Answer Validation (AV)
module validates an answer from a list of candidate
Al-Bayan (Abdelnasser, 2014) is a domain spe-
cific Arabic QA system for the Holy Quran. It takes
an Arabic question as input and retrieves semantically
relevant verses as candidate passages. Then, an an-
swer extraction module extracts the answer from
verses obtained accompanied by their Tafseer (stand-
ard explanations of Quran). The system has four func-
It merges two Quranic ontologies and uses two
Tafseer books.
It applies a semantic search technique for infor-
mation retrieval.
It applies a state-of-the-art technique (SVM)
for question classification.
It builds Quranic-based training data sets for
classification and Named Entities Recognition
2.2 The Need to Extend Related Work
From the above presentation of related work in Ara-
bic QA systems, it appears to us that no single re-
search provides a solution that is applicable for open
domain, provides a good query expansion functional-
ity and extracts answers from document snippets with
relatively high accuracy.
3.1 Overview
Our proposed system is an Arabic language Question
Answering System that requires no specific for do-
main knowledge. Figure 2 shows our system architec-
ture consisting of an offline and an online part.
The semantic interpreter (Gabrilovich and Mar-
kovitch, 2007) is built during the offline phase, where
11,000 Arabic Wikipedia documents are first pre-pro-
cessed by MADAMIRA (Pasha et al., 2014) and then
a weighted inverted index is built for them using Lu-
cene (McCandless et al., 2010). The built semantic in-
terpreter is used by the Passage Retrieval (PR) mod-
ule in the online phase to rank retrieved passages.
In the online part, the input question passes
through a pre-processing module, which is built on
MADAMIRA (Pasha et al., 2014) as well. Then, the
processed question is fed to the Question Analysis
module; which is composed of a Query Expansion
(QE) part and a Question Classification (QC) part.
The QE submodule is responsible for expanding the
query to include its other morphological forms. The
QC submodule is responsible for classifying ques-
tions into types, e.g., who, when, where. In the Infor-
mation Retrieval module, the semantically relevant
documents are retrieved using the Online Search En-
gine and ranked by the Explicit Semantic Analysis
(ESA) approach. Finally, an Answer Extraction (AE)
module extracts the correct answer from the docu-
ments obtained according to the patterns provided by
the pattern construction module; which builds its pat-
terns from the training dataset using a set of features
shown in section 3.5.
Figure 2: Overall system architecture.
3.2 Pre-Processing Operations
Text Preprocessing is done by applying morphologi-
cal analysis software to identify the structure of the
text. Typical operations include:
Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging, and
stop words removal.
Morphologically, the Arabic language is one of
the most complex and rich languages. Thus, morpho-
logical analysis of the Arabic language is one of the
complex tasks that has been popular in recent re-
search. In this module, we rely heavily on MAD-
AMIRA (Pasha et al., 2014). MADAMIRA combines
the best aspects of two previously commonly used
systems for Arabic pre-processing, MADA found in
(Habash et al., 2009) and AMIRA found (Diab,
MADA is a system for Morphological Analysis
and Disambiguation for Arabic. The primary purpose
of MADA is to, given raw Arabic text, derive as much
linguistic information as possible about each word in
the text, thereby reducing or eliminating any ambigu-
ity surrounding the word. MADA also includes TO-
KAN, a general tokenizer for MADA-disambiguated
text (Habash et al., 2009). TOKAN uses the infor-
mation generated by the MADA component to to-
kenize each word according to a highly- customizable
AMIRA is a system for tokenization, part-of-
speech tagging, Base Phrase Chunking (BPC) and
Named Entity Recognition (NER).
3.3 Question Analysis
The Question Analysis module consists of two sub-
modules: Query Expansion (QE) and Question Clas-
sification (QC).
3.3.1 Query Expansion
This submodule is based on the Query Expansion
module of (Abouenour et al., 2010). In this submod-
ule, the content and the semantic relations of the Ar-
abic WordNet (AWN) ontology (Elkateb et al., 2016)
are used. The AWN ontology is a free resource for
modern standard Arabic. It is based on the design and
the content of Princeton WordNet (PWN) (Fellbaum,
2005). It has a structure similar to WordNets existing
for approximately 40 languages. It is also connected
to the Super Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) (Niles
and Pease, 2003). SUMO is an upper level ontology
which provides definitions for general purpose terms
and acts as a foundation for more specific domain on-
tologies. It contains about 2,000 concepts. The AWN
data is divided into four entities, as shown in Figure
Items are conceptual entities, including synsets,
ontology classes and instances.
Word entity is a word sense, where the citation
form of the word is associated with an item.
A Form is a special form that is considered dic-
tionary information. The forms of Arabic
words that go in this entity are the root and/or
the broken plural form, where applicable.
A link relates two items, and has a type such as
equivalence, subsuming, etc. Links connect
sense items to other sense items, e.g. a PWN
synset to an AWN synset; a synset to a SUMO
concept, etc.
The current release of AWN contains 11,270 Ar-
abic synsets (versus 115,000 synsets for English
WordNet), 23,496 Arabic words (versus 200,000
words for English WordNet). It contains also entries
that are named entities (1,142 synsets and 1,648
words) (Abouenour et al., 2010). The AWN ontology
contains different relations between its items such as
hyperonymy/hyponymy (supertypes or subtypes rela-
tions), synonymy, meronymy/holonymy (part/whole
Figure 3: The AWN data structure.
Our semantic QE approach uses four semantic re-
lations among those existing between AWN synsets
(items), words and forms. Therefore, the approach de-
fines four sub-processes for the query expansion:
QE by synonyms,
QE by definitions,
QE by subtypes, and
QE by supertypes.
Unlike QE by subtypes and supertypes, the QE by
synonyms and definitions apply our semantic expan-
sion in a way to have new terms related to the consid-
ered keyword. After that, we re-rank the passages to
have in the first ranks those containing both the ques-
tion keywords and the new generated terms close
each to another. Our QE process is applied only for
keywords which are not stopwords, namely: 
(what),  (he) and  (that).
3.3.2 Question Classification
In this stage, we classify the question to the antici-
pated type of the answer. For example, the ques-
tion    (who founded Google?) should be
classified into the type human individual. This infor-
mation would narrow down the search space to iden-
tify the correct answer. Additionally, this information
implies different strategies to search and verify the
candidate answer. The derivation of expected answer
types is often carried out by means of machine learn-
ing approaches. This task relies on three parts:
taxonomy of answer types into which questions
are to be classified,
a corpus of questions prepared with the correct
answer type classification, and
an algorithm that learns to make the actual pre-
dictions given this corpus.
In our system, we use the Support Vector Ma-
chines (SVM) classifier since it has shown to produce
the best results during our experiments. Question
classification needs a taxonomy to classify question
types. We base our classification on the work of Li
and Roth (Li and Roth, 2002). Their work provides a
hierarchical classifier, taxonomy and data to be used
in English question classification. Since 2002, their
work has been used by all researchers who are inter-
ested in building QA systems. They propose a two-
layered question taxonomy which contains six coarse
grained categories:
Numeric value
and 50 fine grained categories.
We use the same coarse taxonomy (ABB, EXP,
HUM, ENT, LOC, NUM) and build a classifier model
to test input questions against that model. However,
due to the limitation in the Answer Extraction module
(AE), we have to limit the taxonomy to LocationCity,
LocationCountry, HumanIndividual, NumericDate).
With these four sub-categories, we focus more on a
QA system that can answer questions that ask for cit-
ies, countries, humans individuals and different kinds
of dates (birthdays, event dates, etc.). The system
yields good results in this classification.
For testing and training, we use a data set that con-
sists of 230 classified questions divided into 180
questions used for training and 50 questions used for
testing. The data does not contain all types of ques-
tions. The set includes the Arabic questions: where,
who, what (followed by verb), how much, and where
but does not include: what (followed by pronoun),
why and how. However, adding these types of ques-
tions to the classifier only requires adding them to the
training dataset.
3.4 Information Retrieval
The Information Retrieval module consists of two
sub-modules: the Online Search Engine and the Pas-
sage Retrieval submodules.
Our system is designed to interface with com-
monly available search engine modules. However, in
our implementation, we choose the Yahoo API to be
numerically comparable to previous systems using
the same API, e.g., (Abouenour et al., 2010).
For the Passage Retrieval submodule to function,
we construct a general Semantic Interpreter (SI) that
can represent text meaning. we use Wikipedia as a re-
pository of basic concepts. Logically, we choose
Wikipedia for several reasons including the follow-
It includes concepts in a large variety of topics.
It is constantly maintained and extended by a
huge community.
Since the goal is to interpret natural language,
we like the concepts to be natural, i.e, can be
recognized and used by human beings.
Each concept C
has an associated docu-
ment d
, so that we can easily determine
the strength of its affinity with each term
in the language.
3.4.1 Building the Semantic Interpreter
We use the Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) ap-
proach proposed in (Gabrilovich and Markovitch,
2007). Given a set of concepts, C
, ..., C
, and a set of
associated documents, d
, ..., d
, we build a sparse ta-
ble T where each of the n columns corresponds to a
concept, and each of the rows corresponds to a word
that occurs in U
. An entry T [i, j] in the table
corresponds to the term frequency–inverse document
frequency (tf-idf) value of term t
in document d
where term frequency is defined as:
 
and d f
= |{d
: t
}| is the number of documents in
the collection that contains the term t
(document fre-
quency). Finally, cosine normalization is applied to
each row to discard differences in document length:
where r is the number of terms.
The semantic interpretation of a word t
is ob-
tained as a row i of table T. In other words, the mean-
ing of a word is given by a vector of concepts paired
with their tf-idf scores, which reflects the relevance
of each concept with respect to the word. The seman-
tic interpretation of a text fragment, t
, ..., t
, is the
centroid of the vectors representing the individual
words. This definition allows us to partially perform
word sense disambiguation. Consider, for example,
the interpretation vector for the term “mouse”. It has
two sets of strong components, which correspond to
two possible meanings: “mouse (rodent)” and “mouse
(computing)”. Similarly, the interpretation vector of
the word “screen” has strong components associated
with “window screen” and “computer screen”. In a
text fragment such as “I purchased a mouse and a
screen”, summing the two interpretation vectors will
boost the computer-related components, effectively
disambiguating both words. Table T can also be
viewed as an inverted index, which maps each word
to a list of concepts where it appears. Inverted index
provides a very efficient computation of distance be-
tween interpretation vectors.
3.4.2 Using Semantic Interpreter
Explicit Semantic Analysis represents text as inter-
pretation vectors in the high-dimensional space of
concepts. With this representation, computing seman-
tic relatedness of texts simply amounts to compare
their vectors. Vectors could be compared using a va-
riety of metrics; we use the cosine similarity metric
for computing semantic relatedness throughout our
performance evaluation.
3.4.3 Computing the Semantic Relatedness
In order to determine the semantic relatedness be-
tween the question and the retrieved snippets, we
compute the question vector and the vectors of snip-
pets using the Semantic Interpreter (SI) obtained.
Then, we compute the cosine similarity between the
question concept vector and the concept vector of
each snippet i. The result scores are used to select the
top-scoring snippets that are relevant to the question.
The more similar the snippet vector to the query vec-
tor is, the more likely it is to be related to the query as
illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The semantic relatedness between the query and
the document (Gabrilovich and Markovitch, 2009).
3.5 Answer Extraction
The purpose of the Answer Extraction (AE) module
is to search for candidate answers within the relevant
passages and extract the most likely answers. Using
certain patterns for each type of question is the main
approach. In general, patterns can be written by peo-
ple or learnt from a training dataset. The type of the
expected answers is always taken into consideration.
That's why, we use a Named Entity Recognition
(NER) system with the patterns extracted for each
question type to adapt the approach proposed in (Rav-
ichandran and Hovy, 2002).
Our Answer Extraction module is composed of
three phases. The first and second phases are based
on the approach in (Ravichandran and Hovy, 2002).
The first phase is to use the web documents retrieved
by the Passage Retrieval module to construct a table
of patterns for each question type. The second phase
is to rank these patterns by calculating their corre-
sponding precision. The third phase is to find the an-
swer using the extracted answer patterns then filter
the answers using the MADAMIRA NER.
3.5.1 Constructing a Table of Patterns
In this phase, we select an example for a given ques-
tion type having question and answer terms. Then, we
submit the question and the answer terms as queries
to the search engine. After downloading the top m
web documents, we only retain those sentences that
contain both the question and the answer terms. Then,
we tokenize the input text, smooth variations in white
space characters, and remove
html and other tags and
pass the sentences through the suffix tree to get the
longest matching substrings containing answer and
question term. Finally, we replace question and an-
swer terms with tags and store them as patterns.
3.5.2 Calculating the Precision for Each
In this phase, we query the search engine by using
only the question term. We download the top m web
documents and segment their documents into individ-
ual sentences. We retain only those sentences that
contain the question term. For each pattern obtained
from the previous phase, we check the presence of the
pattern in the sentence and calculate the F-measure of
each pattern where,
= 2
Where Precision of each pattern = C
and Recall
of each pattern = C
+ C
); in which:
= total number of patterns with the answer
term present.
= total number of patterns present with an-
swer term replaced by any word.
= total number of patterns present with an-
swer term and not having question term.
Finally, we sort the patterns according to their F-
3.5.3 Finding Answers
In this last stage, we determine the question type of
the new question using the Question Analysis mod-
ule. We create a query from the question term and
pass it to Information Retrieval module. We segment
the documents obtained into sentences and smooth
out white space variations and
html and other tags,
as we did before. Then, we replace the question term
in each sentence by the question tag. Using the pattern
table developed for that particular question type, we
search for the presence of each pattern. We select
words matching the tag <answer> and sort these an-
swers by their pattern precision scores. Finally, we
use the MADAMIRA system to recognize the words
which would contain the answer in the pattern having
the same type of the wanted answer.
3.5.4 Using Suffix Trees
The purpose of the past three phases is to extract the
matching answer passage. For that purpose, we use
suffix trees for extracting substrings of optimal length
that contain the question and the answer terms as sub-
strings in it. Suffix Tree is very useful in numerous
string processing and computational biology prob-
lems. A suffix tree T for an m-character string S is a
rooted directed tree with exactly m leaves numbered
1 to m. A suffix tree has the following characteristics.
The root can have zero, one or more children.
Each internal node has at least two children.
Each edge is labeled with a nonempty substring
of S.
No two edges coming out of the node can have
edge-labels beginning with the same character.
Concatenation of the edge-labels on the path from
the root to leaf i gives the suffix of S that starts at po-
sition i, i.e., S [i...m]. For example, Figure 5 is the suf-
fix tree for the string xabxac. The last character has to
be unique so the tree is explicit.
Figure 5: Suffix tree of the string xabxac.
In our implementation, we employ an algorithm
which is adapted from the famous Ukkonen’s algo-
rithm (Ukkonen, E., 1995). Taking an abstract view,
the algorithm constructs an implicit suffix tree T
each prefix S [l..i] of S of length m. It first builds T
using 1
character, then T
using 2
character, then
using 3
character, . . . , T
using m
Implicit suffix tree T
is built on top of implicit suf-
fix tree T
. Each phase i+1 is further divided into i+1
extensions, one for each of the i+1 suffixes of
S [1...i+1]. In extension j of phase i+1, the algorithm
first finds the end of the path from the root labeled
with substring S [ji]. It then extends the substring
by adding the character S (i+1) to its end.
Sometimes, the resulting answers are found to
have irrelevant words like propositions since the An-
swer Extraction module finds the matching patterns
regardless of the answer word type. Pattern <name>
<answer> may give answer "In Pyramids" and con-
sider "In" proposition to be an answer. Using the NER
of MADAMIRA, we check on the answers because
we restrict ourselves to four types of questions: Loca-
tionCountry, LocationCity, HumanIndividual and
NumericDate. MADAMIRA can find the NER of
words belonging to the three major categories: LOC,
PER and ORG. Other words that do not belong to
these categories will not be added to the dictionary
made for the word types. The answers of Loca-
tionCountry and LocationCity questions are expected
to be a location. So, the system checks the words in
the dictionary to make sure that these words are rec-
ognized to be entities. MADAMIRA sometimes fails
in identifying location words and identifies them as
person words. Our best approach is to check if these
words are considered to be entities or not to be ac-
cepted as answer. In HumanIndividual questions, the
answers are expected to be a person making it easy to
check the words in the dictionary built to find out if it
is a PER of not. The NumericDate question type is
validated by checking if the word is a number or a
month name.
In the proposed system, the top five answers are
returned expecting the correct answer to be in one of
We compare our work with previously established
Arabic question answering systems, such as
(Abouenour et al., 2010) and (Benajiba and Rosso,
2007b). However, each of these works have its own
dataset and evaluation methods. Therefore, we build
two versions of our system. The main difference be-
tween them is the Passage Retrieval module. The first
system is referred to as the online version of the sys-
tem, where Yahoo API is used for passage retrieval.
The other version is referred to as the offline version,
where the Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) ap-
proach is used for ranking passages retrieved from
Yahoo API.
We use the standard metrics for QA evaluation,
namely, Accuracy, Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
and Answered Questions (AQ). The definitions of
these metrics are given below.
 =
 =
 =
equals 1 if the answer to question k is
found in the passage having the rank j, 0 otherwise.
4.1 Evaluation of the Online Version
In this version, all the proposed components of our
system are used except for the module implementing
the ESA. We compare the online version of our sys-
tem with the system of (Abouenour et al., 2010).
Their dataset of questions and answers are available.
However, their obtained snippets (using Yahoo API
at 2010) are not available. So, we obtain our snippets
using the current version of Yahoo API. Our pro-
posed system outperforms the work of (Abouenour et
al., 2010) as shown in Table 1. For a fair comparison,
given the improvements that should have been intro-
duced to Yahoo API in the last few years, we also
compare the quality of individual system components
and not only the overall quality.
Table 1: System evaluation of the online version.
Accuracy MRR AQ
Abouenour et al.,
20.20% 9.22 26.74%
Online system 26.15% 12.57 45.97%
In Table 2, the corresponding percentage of an-
swered questions of (Abouenour et al., 2010) are
listed. We choose the question types of the greatest
number of questions to use for the training and test-
ing, these types are Location, Person and Time. More-
over, these types have given the highest answered
questions percentage at the work in (Abouenour et al.,
Table 2: Abouenour et al. Answer Extraction Module Re-
Type AQ
Abbreviation 0.33%
Count 0.56%
Location 4.26%
Measure 0.14%
Object 0.08%
Organization 0.33%
Other 5.24%
Person 4.83%
Time 2.33%
Using CLEF and TREC datasets, we divide the
datasets into training and testing sets. Together, they
are of 2,242 questions that pass through the Answer
Extraction (AE) module. The results are shown in Ta-
ble 3. They show that our AE module has a great role
in improving the proposed QA system.
Table 3: Answer Extraction Evaluation for both systems.
et al., 2010
Answered Questions (AQ) 15.30% 50.49%
4.2 Evaluation of the Offline Version
In this version, all the proposed components of the
system are used including the ESA component. Due
to time limitations, we compared our system to the
work in (Abouenour et al., 2010) using only a sample
of the data set, namely 200 questions and answers.
The results are shown in Table 4.
Table 4: System evaluation of the offline version.
Abouenour et al.,
20.20% 9.22 26.74%
Offline system 22.20% 8.16 47.66%
4.3 Evaluation of the Question
Classifier Module
Table 5 shows the precision, recall, and F-Measure of
the Li and Roth (Li and Roth, 2002) taxonomy when
applied on Clef and Trec datasets (Abouenour et al.,
2010). Table 6 shows the results of our question clas-
sifier module. Finally, Table 7 shows a comparison
between Li and Roth taxonomy and our taxonomy.
Table 5: Precision, Recall and F-measure for the Li and
Roth coarse classification.
Recall F-measure
Abbreviation 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Description 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Entity 26.7% 22.2% 24.2%
Human 70.8% 86.3% 77.8%
Location 78.1% 71.4% 74.6%
Number 97.8% 84.6% 90.7%
Table 6: Precision, Recall and F-measure for the proposed
question classification.
Recall F-measure
Number Date 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Location Country 85.7% 68.6% 76.2%
Location City 74.4% 91.4% 82.1%
Human Individual 100.0% 97.1% 98.5%
Table 7: Classification results.
% of
Li and
Our pro-
correctly classified instances 75.1% 89.2%
incorrectly classified instances 24.8% 10.7%
Question Answering systems started to be a standard
built-in feature in most of the search engines. How-
ever, Arabic QA systems still lag behind despite the
large population of Arabic speakers. Even the latest
research in this domain does not bring highly accurate
results. Our aim is to increase this accuracy. A classi-
cal QA system architecture is adopted, starting with a
question analysis module that mainly classifies the
question and generates proper queries, adding to it a
query expansion module for improving the recall of
the passage retrieval module. The passage retrieval
and ranking module takes a query as an input and out-
puts the most relevant documents to that query. Alt-
hough implementing the ESA for this specific NLP
problem was previously applied in (Abdelnasser et al,
2014), scaling it to fit generic questions is the chal-
lenge that we took. Our contribution shows that the
ESA with proper work and computational power is
giving promising results. We use a new answer ex-
traction method that was not implemented for Arabic
QA systems before. We used an NER system in the
Answer Extraction module that was found to be giv-
ing much better results. The results show that; with
enough data, we would produce much more pattern
types giving a very acceptable output.
In the future, we want to extend our Answer Ex-
traction module to take more question types. Moreo-
ver, we started to extend the used NER system our
own named entity recognizer, as this directly affects
the results returning from the answer extraction mod-
ule. Finally, we are planning to create our own Arabic
testbed. As opposed to Latin NLP, we do not have a
single unified testbed. Finally, we would like to apply
deep learning techniques and measure their contribu-
tion to the overall performance.
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