Exploiting Linked Open Data for Enhancing MediaWiki-based Semantic
Organizational Knowledge Bases
Matthias Frank
and Stefan Zander
FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14, Karlsruhe, Germany
Fachbereich Informatik, Hochschule Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Linked Open Data, Semantic Web, Wiki Systems, Knowledge Engineering.
One of the main driving forces for the integration of Semantic Media Wiki systems in corporate contexts
is their query construction capabilities on top of organization-specific vocabularies together with the possi-
bility to directly embed query results in wiki pages. However, exploiting knowledge from external sources
like other organizational knowledge bases or Linked Open Data as well as sharing knowledge in a meaning-
ful way is difficult due to the lack of a common and shared schema definition. In this paper, we introduce
Linked Data Wiki (LD-Wiki), an approach that combines the power of Linked Open Vocabularies and Data
with established organizational semantic wiki systems for knowledge management. It supports suggestions
for annotations from Linked Open Data sources for organizational knowledge bases in order to enrich them
with background information from Linked Open Data. The inclusion of potentially uncertain, incomplete,
inconsistent or redundant Linked Open Data within an organization’s knowledge base poses the challenge of
interpreting such data correctly within the respective context. In our approach, we evaluate data provenance
information in order to handle data from heterogeneous internal and external sources adequately and provide
data consumers with the latest and best evaluated information according to a ranking system.
The adoption of semantic wiki approaches in orga-
nizational contexts and corporate environments has
recently begun and is continuously growing (Ghi-
dini et al., 2008; Kleiner and Abecker, 2010; Aveiro
and Pinto, 2013). This is particularly the case
for Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) (Kr
otzsch et al.,
2006), an extension for the popular MediaWiki en-
gine of Wikipedia, which introduces elements of
the W3C’s semantic technology stack
(W3C, 2007)
such as the Resource Description Framework’s triple
model (Klyne and Carroll, 2004), semantic proper-
ties (so-called roles in Description Logic terms) as
well as Concepts, i.e., dynamic categories that resem-
ble the notion of domains in the RDF Schema lan-
guage (Brickley and Guha, 2004). Those semantic
features in conjunction with its collaborative know-
ledge engineering capabilities make semantic Media-
Wiki systems even more attractive for a deployment
in professional environments (cf. listing “Wiki of the
A newer version of the semantic Web technology can
be accessed at: https://smiy.wordpress.com/2011/01/10/
). SMW provides enhanced query construc-
tion capabilities with respect to organization-specific
vocabularies and their specific contexts and allows to
treat query results as first-class citizens and present
them dynamically within wiki pages. Organizations
like enterprises, NGOs or civil services can benefit
from such features, which enable query construction,
query expansion, and filtering using a lightweight set
of ontological semantics (Vrandecic and Kr
2006; Zander et al., 2014).
However, although existing semantic wiki ap-
proaches like SMW, Ontowiki or Wikibase are built
upon established semantic Web technologies, their
utilization in wiki-based representation frameworks
is primarily bound to a syntactic level. Moreover,
those systems focus on building organization-specific
lightweight ontologies and do not incorporate a com-
mon schema knowledge (cf. (Janowicz et al., 2014))
and its semantics per default. As a consequence, cur-
rent semantic wiki systems are not able to exploit
and benefit from the growing availability of Linked
Wiki of the Month
Frank M. and Zander S.
Exploiting Linked Open Data for Enhancing MediaWiki-based Semantic Organizational Knowledge Bases.
DOI: 10.5220/0006587900980106
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KEOD 2017), pages 98-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-272-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Open Data (LOD) (see (Bizer et al., 2009; Hausen-
blas, 2009; Heath and Bizer, 2011)). Moreover,
the exploitation of additional knowledge from exter-
nal sources hosted by other organizations or Linked
Open Data sources as well as sharing knowledge in
a meaningful way across organizational boundaries
is difficult due to the lack of a common vocabu-
lary among these approaches. Figure 1 illustrates the
different levels of open data according to Berners-
Lee (Berners-Lee, 2009):
Figure 1: Levels of Open Data.
The proposed approach overcomes the limita-
tion of lacking schema knowledge in organizational
knowledge bases
by supporting the annotation of
organization-specific schema knowledge with the
common terminology of Linked Open Vocabular-
ies (Janowicz et al., 2014) and extend the schema
knowledge by interlinking modelled entities with en-
tities represented as Linked Open Data in the LOD
. Based on the resulting extended and inter-
linked schema knowledge, the so-called TBox in de-
scription logics (Baader et al., 2003), we provide the
users with addition information for local entities
, so
that their correctness and validity can be evaluated
on the basis of acquired externally hosted data where
a common and shared agreement is prevalent. This
leads to the following research questions:
RQ1: How can users of organizational wikis be
supported in establishing new links to Linked
Open Data entities?
RQ2: How can provenance information related to
entities in an organizational wiki be represented,
especially if these statements are inferred or gath-
ered from Linked Open Data?
We use the terms ‘knowledge base’ and semantic wiki
interchangeably throughout this work.
The Linking Open Data cloud diagram: http://
I.e., data or facts hosted internally in a local knowledge
RQ3: How can potentially uncertain, incomplete,
inconsistent or redundant Linked Open Data be
identified and tracked in order to increase the in-
formative value of an organizational knowledge
We hypothesise that the information value of or-
ganizational knowledge bases will increase with the
integration of LOD. For the evaluation of this hy-
pothesis, we test our approach with the existing or-
ganizational wiki of our research group and compare
the information derived from LOD with verified in-
formation wherever possible and calculate the rate of
correctly derived information in relation to the false
derivations. If this relation is better than the relation
of our existing wiki, we regard our hypothesis as con-
firmed for this specific use case.
The remainder of this work is organized as fol-
lows: In Section 2, we discuss current semantic wiki
approaches wrt. the implementation of semantic Web
technology both on a syntactic and semantic level. In
Section 3, we detail our approach of interlinking or-
ganizational knowledge bases with LOD. The imple-
mentation of the approach is described in Section 4.
We conclude the current state of our work in Section 6
and discuss future work.
The review of related works is separated in two parts:
In Section 2.1 existing semantic wiki software is re-
viewed where special emphasis is given to their open-
ness towards a semantic technology stack. The find-
ings are then summarized in Section 2.2 and close this
2.1 Semantic Wiki Software
Some software applications for creating semantic
wikis do already exist. One of the best know ap-
plication is SMW, see (Kr
otzsch et al., 2006). As
many other wiki approaches, SMW is based on the
MediaWiki engine, which is famous for providing the
technical base for Wikipedia. The latest release
Semantic MediaWiki does support the development
of an organization specific knowledge base and the
querying of this data within the wiki. It is also pos-
sible to export the semantically described facts to
an external RDF store which does also allow to use
SPARQL for querying the data. More extensions for
Table 1: Characteristics of Semantic Wiki Applications.
Approach Underlying Engine Internal Data
Data Export
Query con-
Integration of
Semantic MW MediaWiki Relational
(RDF mirror
manual import
of single terms
OntoWiki - Relational or
RDF SPARQL publish ontol-
ogy with LOV
WikiBase MediaWiki Relational JSON or RDF WB-Client
Cargo MediaWiki Relational CSV #cargo query
MediaWiki exist that provide better syntactical link-
age of data modelled in SMW and RDF data like the
Triple Store Connector (ontoprise GmbH, discontin-
ued), the SparqlExtension
, or the RDFIO
All these approaches have in common that they pro-
vide semantic web technology on a syntactical layer,
rather than a semantic web integration on a semantical
layer. Only the LinkedWiki
extension focuses on
exploiting LOD for organizational knowledge bases
which are built on top of the MediaWiki engine. Due
to the fact that most semantic wiki applications are
just used to structure and query data within an organi-
zational wiki, rather than integrating data on a seman-
tical level, Koren (Koren, 2015) presents the Media-
Wiki extension Cargo. The Cargo extension does also
provide functionality for structuring on querying data,
but without employing any semantic web technology.
Rather than using semantic web technology, Cargo
provides a wrapper around relational databases and
exploits the well-established functionality of SQL.
One example for a non-MediaWiki based semantic
wiki applications is OntoWiki, see (Auer et al., 2007).
OntoWiki has its focus on modelling a plain know-
ledge base, without providing a knowledge presenta-
tion for human readers like free text and natural lan-
guage. A summarization of the previously discussed
characteristics of semantic wiki applications is pre-
sented in Table 1.
Although the semantic wiki software applications
introduced in Section 2.1 support semantic web tech-
nology like the Resource Description Framework
(RDF) or even the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query
Language (SPARQL) on a syntactical level, the data
integration across multiple data sources is still hard
due to a common data scheme on a semantical level.
Vrandecic and Kr
otzsch (Vrandecic and Kr
2014) describe the collaborative data scheme in Wiki-
Data as one possible solution for a common data
scheme in order to extend schema knowledge in other
wikis, especially Wikipedia. However, this approach
does also define a data schema which is independent
from Linked Open Vocabulary (LOV). In contrast to
the WikiData approach, the OpenAnno approach by
Frank and Zander (Frank and Zander, 2016) is fo-
cused on mapping proprietary ontologies to LOV in
order to support the interlinkage of local knowledge
bases with existing LOD.
2.2 Discussion
In Section 2.1 we have shown that current semantic
wiki applications provide technical integration of se-
mantic Web technology on a syntactic level. How-
ever, the introduced semantic wiki approaches do not
support the annotation and interlinkage of organiza-
tional knowledge with LOD on a semantic level while
considering the formal, model-theoretic semantics of
the underlying ontology language, i.e., a vocabulary’s
formal semantics. Such a recommendation system is
provided by Open-Anno, but it is not integrated in
any of the introduced semantic wiki applications. The
statements maintained by one of these semantic wiki
applications cannot be updated by external services
as the statements contained within a wiki are always
considered as master data. When importing state-
ments from external sources into an organizational
wiki, none of the introduced semantic wiki applica-
tions consider the context or the linkage of the data.
Both is important in order to evaluate given state-
ments, especially when they are inconsistent, redun-
dant or ambiguous. To overcome these limitations,
we introduce our Linked Wiki approach in Section 3.
In this Section, we introduce the Linked Data Wiki
(LD-Wiki), our approach to combine the power of
Linked Open Vocabularies and Data with established
organizational semantic wiki approaches.
3.1 Architecture
Our approach is technically based on MediaWiki in
combination with an RDF-store. The main contribu-
tion is thus not on a technical layer, but aims at sup-
porting the schema integration on a semantical layer.
We provide a set of established LOV to encourage the
reuse of these vocabularies in organizational wikis.
The resulting organizational knowledge base using
LOV is the foundation for suggestions of annotations
from LOD. These annotations allow to enrich the or-
ganizational knowledge base with additional informa-
tion from LOD. In order to distinguish organization-
specific statements from statements gathered from
LOD, we track the provenance information of each
statement. The provenance information is stored us-
ing named graphs in the RDF-store, which extends the
default triple model consisting of subject, predicate
and object to quadruples, containing an ID for each
statement. This ID allows us to attach provenance in-
formation to each statement. Using the provenance
information, we can also handle uncertain or incon-
sistent data and provide the data consumers with the
latest and most suitable information. One character-
istic of our approach is the strict separation of state-
ments in the triple store maintained by our extension
and the non-semantic part of the wiki, like free text,
MediaWiki syntax and place-holders for the semantic
statements, which are still maintained by the Media-
Wiki engine. By separating the semantic statements
from the non-semantic part of the wiki, we avoid the
issue of syncing statements between the wiki and the
knowledge base. Additionally, we are able to main-
tain and curate the semantic statements outside of the
wiki without causing inconsistent data. This separa-
tion of semantic and non-semantic data is therefore
a prerequisite for the transparent integration of state-
ments from the wiki itself and external statements
from LOD.
Figure 2 shows the architecture of our approach
including the two layers for knowledge management
and human friendly presentation. Our Linked Data
Management Module (LDaMM) is the stand-alone
business logic module for the knowledge manage-
ment layer which queries LOD on demand, updates
the local RDF knowledge graph and serves the Media-
Wiki engine for a human friendly presentation of the
knowledge graph. Other useful features of LDaMM,
which are not implemented yet, are reasoning and rule
execution which help to curate the local knowledge
graph. For the business logic module of the human
friendly presentation layer we employ the MediaWiki
engine which relies on the knowledge provided by
LDaMM, rather than relying on an own knowledge
serialization as it is done by e.g. SMW. Avoiding re-
dundant management of knowledge, we ensure that
the organizational knowledge management is always
in a consistent state. However, the MediaWiki en-
gine has to provide addition information for a hu-
man friendly presentation like free text and markup
information which is stored in a separate relational
database provided by a MySQL instance for local data
management on the presentation layer.
3.2 Challenges
In contrast to providing only wiki-based statements
within an organizational wiki, our approach does
also include external statements from multiple LOD
sources. The inclusion of external statements causes
issues when the same entity is described in multiple
sources. One of these issues is the fact of potential re-
dundant or inconsistent data. We address this issue by
exploiting the gathered provenance information and
evaluate the statements bases on a ranking derived
from contained provenance statements. The ranking
is influenced by the inter-linkage of the source as an
indicator of reference and by the evaluation of state-
ments by users of the wiki. Another issue is the poten-
tial amount of provenance information. Although this
provenance information is necessary in order to evalu-
ate the trustworthiness of statements, it would be con-
fusing for the user to show all available provenance
information for each statement. We address this chal-
lenge by evaluation the provenance information in the
background and just showing the resulting statement
to the user with an option to expand the underlying
provenance-based derivation of the statement.
For the implementation of the LD-Wiki approach, we
build on the open source framework of MediaWiki.
In contrast to other MediaWiki-based approaches, we
implement the knowledge management as a stand-
alone module that controls storing, querying, updat-
ing, reasoning and rule execution of RDF-statements,
rather than integrating the knowledge management
in MediaWiki itself. This allows for a lightweight
MediaWiki extension that triggers the knowledge
management module for rendering wiki pages (Sec-
tion 4.1) and also if a user creates new wiki pages
for Terminological Box (TBox) (Section 4.2) or As-
sertional Box (ABox) (Section 4.3) of our knowledge
Linked Data Wiki
LocalWeb Business Logic
Store, Load, Update
Linked Open Data
Consume & Publish
Linked Data
Management Module
Updating, Querying,
Reasoning, Linking,
Rule Execution
Store, Load, Update
Free text. placeholder,
Figure 2: Architecture of the Linked Open Data Wiki Approach: Knowledge layer for enriching the local RDF-graph with
Web knowledge and curating it, presentation layer for a user friendly presentation of RDF-data enriched with free text and
formatted by MediaWiki-Syntax stored in local MySQL-DB.
4.1 Rendering Wiki Pages
The Wiki pages in our approach consist of free text
for a human readable presentation, placeholder for
data from the knowledge management module and
MediaWiki syntax to format the style of the page.
When a page is requested, the according parser func-
of the LD-Wiki Extension requests the neces-
sary data from the knowledge management module
and replaces each place holder with the according
value from the knowledge base.
4.2 New TBox Pages
The key factor to let the LD-Wiki approach work well
and build a TBox which can be interpreted in the con-
text of LOD, it is necessary to interlink new concepts
with concepts from LOV. Concepts are represented as
categories in MediaWiki. Therefore, whenever a new
category is created, LDaMM is triggered to query for
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Parser functions
existing concepts in LOV with the same label as the
label for the new category. If one or more classes are
found, the user of the wiki can select the concepts that
represent the intended meaning.
Figure 3 shows how this looks like in the LD-
Wiki. For creating a new concept within the local
knowledge management, the user opens the special
page for creating a new category in MediaWiki and
provides the string that labels that new concept.
When submitting this string, MediaWiki sends it
to LDaMM in the knowledge management layer.
LDaMM invokes SPARQL queries to search for
concepts in LOD that are labeled with the same
string. If, for example, the user would like to create a
new concept for cities for a German-language termi-
nology, he would probably enter the string ”Stadt” for
this concept. To find concepts related to that string in
LOD, LDaMM produces the query string ’SELECT
* WHERE ?category rdf:type rdf:Class; rdfs:label
”Stadt”@de. to discover any concept that has the
label ”Stadt” with a German language tag. This query
string is then executed at available public SPARQL
endpoints to discover adequate concepts. Expected
Figure 3: Interlink new category with existing concepts.
results would be for example http://schema.org/City,
http://dbpedia.org/ontology/City or
http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q515. LDaMM
returns these results to MediaWiki where the user
can select the adequate concepts. On creation of the
new category in MediaWiki including the interlinked
concepts, the information of the new category and the
linked concepts are send back to LDaMM and stored
to the local knowledge graph.
4.3 New ABox Pages
Assuming that the categories of the LD-Wiki are
linked to the according concepts in LOV as discussed
in Section 4.2, we can assist the user on creating new
instances for the ABox in the wiki. Instances of a con-
cept are represented as pages within the category that
represents that concept in the wiki. Therefore, when-
ever a page is created, the knowledge management
module is triggered to query for existing individuals
in LOD with the same label as the new page and the
same concept as the category of the new page. If one
or more individuals are found, the user of the wiki can
select the individuals that represent the same instance
as the the page. The great benefit for this kind of in-
terlinkage is that we can query directly for properties
of these individuals in LOD or retrieve a summary
of entity data using entity summarization tools like
LinkSUM (Thalhammer et al., 2016).
Figure 4 shows how this is done in the LD-Wiki.
For creating a new instance within the local know-
ledge management, the user opens the special page
for creating new instances in MediaWiki, provides
the string that labels that new instance and selects
the category of which the new page should be an in-
stance of. When submitting this string, MediaWiki
again sends it to LDaMM in the knowledge man-
agement layer together with the identifier of the se-
lected category. LDaMM invokes SPARQL queries
to search for instances in LOD that are labeled with
the same string and are instances of any of the con-
cepts that the given category is linked to. If, for ex-
ample, the user would like to create a new instance
of the category ”Stadt” for the German-language ter-
minology in our example, he would enter the name
of this city as string, e.g. ”Karlsruhe”, and select
the category ”Stadt” for it. To find instances re-
lated to that string and category in LOD, LDaMM
produces the query string ’SELECT * WHERE ?in-
stance rdf:type http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q515;
rdfs:label ”Karlsruhe”. to discover any in-
stance that has the label ”Karlsruhe” and type
http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q515, as this is one
of the concept which is linked to the category
”Stadt”. This query string is then executed at avail-
able public SPARQL endpoints to discover adequate
intances. An expected result would be for exam-
ple http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1040 which de-
scribes the German city in the state of Baden-
Wuerttemberg. LDaMM returns these results to
MediaWiki where the user can select the adequate in-
stance. On creation of the new instance in MediaWiki,
the information of the new instance and the linked in-
stances is send back to LDaMM and stored to the lo-
cal knowledge graph, including all properties that are
retrieved from the linked entity and also their prove-
nance information. All this information is now avail-
able in the local knowledge graph without further ac-
Figure 4: Interlink new instance with existing individual.
For a first evaluation of our approach, we use the
SPARQL endpoints of DBpedia
and Wikidata
two instances of LOD resources. Due to the different
implementation of these endpoints, the query string
has to be mapped to meet the individual characteris-
5.1 New TBox Pages
The first step is to run the query SELECT * WHERE
{?category rdf:type rdf:Class; rdfs:label
"Stadt"@de .} on the SPARQL endpoints of
DBpedia and Wikidata.
Wikidata uses the property http://www.wikidata.org/
prop/direct/P279 (subclass of) to describe subclasses
of other classes. We therefore map the property-value
pair “rdf:type rdf:Class” to this wikidata property
which results in the following query:
SELECT * WHERE {?category
?class ; rdfs:label "Stadt"@de .}
When executing this query at the SPARQL
endpoint of Wikidata, we receive two classes:
http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q515 which de-
scribes a city as a large and permanent human settle-
ment and http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q15253706
which is the class for a more specific definition of a
city by country that holds the size of cities and towns
in Korea, Japan, the USA, China, North Korea and
For DBpedia, we map the class of rdfs:Class to
owl:Class as DBpedia makes use of Web Ontology
Language (OWL) and the default configuration of
this endpoint does not imply superclasses which
would include rdfs:Class as well. The result is the
following query:
SELECT * WHERE {?category rdf:type
owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Stadt"@de .}
When executing this query at the SPARQL
endpoint of DBpedia, we receive again two
classes: http://dbpedia.org/ontology/City and
5.2 New ABox Pages
Next, we test the retrieval of instance data for a given
concept. In our example, we want to execute the
query SELECT * WHERE {?instance rdf:type
rdfs:label "Karlsruhe"@de. } on the SPARQL
endpoints of DBpedia and Wikidata.
Wikidata uses the property http://www.wikidata.org/
prop/direct/P31 (instance of) to indicate that an
instance belongs to a specific category. We therefore
map the property rdf:type to the Wikidata-specific
SELECT * WHERE {?instance
<http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q515> ;
rdfs:label "Karlsruhe"@de .}
For this query, we get two matching instances:
http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1040, the Ger-
man city in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, and
http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1026577, a city
in North Dacota. Depending on the instance the
user wants to refer to, he or she has to select the
appropriate one. This example does also show that a
completely automatic information retrieval is difficult
to control and therefore human supervision of this
process is still reasonable. If we run the query
with the more definition of a city by country using
the query string SELECT * WHERE {?instance
rdfs:label "Karlsruhe"@de . }, we do not get
any result.
For DBpedia, we run the query for instances
of http://dbpedia.org/ontology/ City or http://
SELECT * WHERE {?instance rdf:type
<http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Town> ;
rdfs:label "Karlsruhe"@de . } The sin-
gle result of this query is the instance of
With the LD-Wiki approach we have shown how we
can assist users of organizational wikis with creating
new links to LOD entities. As we have separated the
knowledge management module from the knowledge
representation in MediaWiki, we are able to keep
track of the provenance of statements in our know-
ledge base without affecting the knowledge represen-
tation. Especially the synchronization of wiki data
and the organizational knowledge base as it was the
case in other semantic wiki approaches like SMW is
not required any longer. The great benefit for this kind
of interlinkage is that we can enrich the information
value of individuals in LD-Wiki by querying for prop-
erties of these individuals in LOD or retrieve a sum-
mary of entity data using entity summarization tools
to exploit the power the continuously growing amount
of LOD for corporate knowledge bases. Open issues
for future work include the privacy for confidential
data on the one hand while publishing parts of the
corporate knowledge base as LOD on the other hand.
This requires a proper implementation of Access Con-
trol Lists (ACLs) with carefully designed access roles
for each statement in the knowledge base. In or-
der to benefit from features of semantic Web tech-
nologies besides reusing information from LOD, the
knowledge management module should also enable
advanced reasoning over organizational data which
would also help to evaluate and interpret potential un-
certain, incomplete, inconsistent or redundant LOD
correctly. This would further increase the informative
value of the organizational knowledge base.
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