A Meta Model for Interoperability of Secure Business Transactions
Using BlockChain and DEMO
ergio Guerreiro
, Wided Gu
, Robert Lagerstr
and Steven van Kervel
Instituto Superior T
ecnico, University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
INESC-ID, Rua Alves Redol 9, 1000-029 Lisbon, Portugal
1ITIS, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST),
5 avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Formetis BV, Netherlands
BlockChain, Business Transactions, Security, Interoperability, Risk.
Business transactions executed between organizations and individuals are largely operated on digital envi-
ronments, conducting to an industrial interoperability challenge demanding secure environments to cooperate
safely, therefore increasing credibility, and trust ability between end-users. This paper conceptualizes and
prescribes a fine-grained control solution for the execution of business transactions involving critical assets,
and using a human-based coordination and interaction design to minimize the negative impacts of security
risks, the non-conformable operation and the coarse-grained control. This solution integrates the DEMO-
based Enterprise Operating System (EOS) with BlockChain as a way to redesign, and distribute globally, a
set of services that are founded in a human-oriented approach, and therefore, offering trust, authenticity, re-
silience, robustness against fraud and identification and mitigation of risk. The impacts for organizations and
individuals are manifold: a security risk-based solution for end-users with budgetary constraints; educate on
cyber security issues; and augment the trust for digital business processes environments.
Nowadays, the business activities between compa-
nies and individuals, and companies with compa-
nies, for the production of new products and/or new
services are often performed using electronic meth-
ods (Laudon et al., 2015), e.g., e-services, electronic
invoicing, e-payments, e-orders, etc. On the one
hand, the stakeholders involved in a digital business
transaction demand secure environments to interop-
erate safely, and therefore, increase the credibility
and trustability between them. This requirement can
also be substantiated by the multiple existing regula-
tions, e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley act (Act, 2002) or the EU
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2017).
On the other hand, there are many technological in-
dustrial solutions offering cyber security coverage at
different layer of software systems, e.g., access con-
trol model variants, encryption, tokens, firewalls, an-
tivirus tools, etc. However, the implementation of
these solutions are not easy accessible to Small and
Medium Enterprises (SMEs), individuals, and public
administration entities, due to technical complexity,
high costs, demanding maintenance issues, etc.
The importance of this subject is emphasized by
reports that (i) the cybercrime will cost businesses
$2 Trillion by 2019 (Security, 2015) and that (ii) the
biggest concern of financial experts is a partial col-
lapse of the financial system due to cybercrime activ-
ities. Some examples of industrial recognized prob-
lems are: (i) collusion between procurement and
suppliers - enables the duplicate invoice payments to
be made without the goods or services rendered to
justify the second payment. Kickbacks are collabo-
rative fraud example whereby a supplier submits an
invoice that is inflated by the amount to be sent to
the conspiring employee. Conflicts of interest can oc-
cur when an employee misuses their position to award
contracts to suppliers for personal gain; (ii) internal
fraud, are observed by phantom suppliers which is
a set up of a new supplier on the electronic systems,
and then, submitting false invoices for goods that are
never delivered or services that are never provided.
Check fraud, intercepting, or changing check on or-
Guerreiro S., GuÃl’dria W., Lagerstrà ˝um R. and van Kervel S.
A Meta Model for Interoperability of Secure Business Transactions - Using BlockChain and DEMO.
DOI: 10.5220/0006517502530260
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KEOD 2017), pages 253-260
ISBN: 978-989-758-272-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ganization’s bank account; and (iii) external fraud or
human error, involve phishing with fake invoice, or
claiming that invoice details have changed. Besides
other factors, human errors are due to highly time-
consuming and labor -intensive tasks required in the
business transactions.
Moreover, organizations and individuals need to
cooperate by the mean of communication and pro-
duction to produce products and services. For ex-
ample, the value chain upstream and downstream
need to interoperate in order to minimize the bull-
whip effect (Lee et al., 1997b) (Lee et al., 1997a).
The aforementioned electronic invoicing and pay-
ments between organizations are examples of interop-
erability; which encompass responsibilities, such as,
co-creation, co-production, contract, payments, etc.
These concerns, add a social dimension to the prob-
lem of how to support an increased interoperability
for secure business transactions between SMEs, local
public administration, and individual citizens. Offer-
ing secure business transactions is not only a techno-
logical challenge, but rather a combination between
social and technical dimensions.
Our position, is that it appears that world-
recognized solutions such as Bitcoin and BlockChain
are mainly devoted to the technological aspects (e.g.,
Ethereum, Open Chain, Infosys, etc.), but, they pay
little attention to the social dimension of humans
performing business transactions in electronic net-
works of business transactions. Embedding the social
dimension with the electronic business transactions
augments the capability to contextualize the operation
of organization in a business-oriented way. In fact,
social dimension is natively present in all the busi-
ness transactions executions: persons communicate,
negotiate, etc., to obtain their business intents. A digi-
tal business transaction solution cannot underestimate
the social dimension as an important factor to the suc-
cess of a technological implementation. Technology
without social compatibility risks end-users resistance
and abandonment.
This paper is organized as following. First, the
background is introduced in terms of DEMO theory
and methodology, interoperability and security. Then,
the background work is synthesized in our position
for future research. After that, the meta-model of the
solution is presented. In the end, the conclusions and
future work are discussed.
This section presents the key background concepts
that are used to ground the position of our solution.
2.1 DEMO Business Transactions
As proposed in Enterprise Engineering (EE) (Dietz
et al., 2013), a business transaction involves (1) actor
role definitions, in order to specify who is responsible
for each part of the transaction, who initiates it and
who executes it, (2) a transition space definition, and
(3) a state space definition. The state space is the set
of allowable states of a system. The transition space
is the set of allowable sequences of transitions of a
system. State transitions are not dependent on their
previous sequence or on the previous states but only
on the actual one. When we refer to run-time busi-
ness transactions, we are referring to the instances of
the business transactions model that are executing at
a precise and single instant in time. Many instances
of a business transaction model could be executed at
the same time in an organization. Following the Ψ-
theory (Dietz, 2006), two distinct actor roles are iden-
tified in the standard pattern of a transaction: the Cus-
tomer and the Producer. The goal of performing such
a transaction pattern is to obtain a new fact. The trans-
actional pattern, is performed by a sequence of coor-
dination and production acts that produces a new ser-
vice or product, encompassing three distinct phases:
(i) the order phase with coordination and production
acts of request (rq), promise (pm), decline (dc) and
quit (qt), (ii) execution phase that includes production
act of execution (ex) of the new fact itself and (iii) re-
sult phase that includes coordination and production
acts of state (st), reject (rj), stop (sp) and accept (ac).
To increase security, business transactions ontolo-
gies are now being researched to accomodate the
BlockChain (Gupta, 2017) concepts (de Kruijff and
Weigand, 2017). In the near future, these solutions
will be integrated with the operational environments
where BlockChain is used, e.g., private BlockChains.
2.2 Interoperability
Interoperability seems to be a straightforward con-
cept. However, there is no common definition or
shared comprehension of it. Each expert defines and
understands interoperability, according to his domain.
This led to the definition of the Ontology of Interop-
erability (OoI) (Naudet et al., 2010) formalizing the
interoperability domain concepts. The OoI is based
on the work of (Rosener et al., 2005), where a model
for defining interoperability as a heterogeneous prob-
lem induced by a communication problem was pro-
posed, and the Framework for Enterprise Interoper-
ability (FEI) (Chen, 2006). The FEI was developed
within the frame of INTEROP European Network of
Excellence (NoE) (D. et al., 2007). The purpose of
this framework is to define the research context of the
interoperability and help identifying and structuring
the knowledge in this domain. FEI defines a clas-
sification scheme for interoperability knowledge ac-
cording to three dimensions: interoperability barriers,
interoperability approaches, and enterprise interoper-
ability concerns, also called enterprise levels. The
OoI is mainly based on two models namely, the sys-
temic meta-model which includes the resource com-
position model introduced by (Rosener et al., 2005)
and the problem-solving meta-model, also called de-
cisional meta-model. the systemic model describes
systems as interrelated subsystems. A System is com-
posed of SystemElement, which are systems them-
selves, and Relation. The Relation class formalizes
the existing relationships inside a system, which is
the source of the occurrence of interoperability prob-
lems. The problem-solving model is designed within
a problem-solving perspective. Interoperability is
implemented as a subclass of the Problem concept.
Problems of interoperability exist when there is a re-
lation, of any kind, between incompatible systems in
a super- system they belong to or system they will
form (i.e. a system to build). Incompatibility concept
is a subclass of a more generic InteroperabilityExis-
tenceCondition class aiming at explicitly formalizing
the fact that Incompatibility is the source of interop-
erability problems for systems of any nature, as soon
as they belong to the same super-system and there is
a relation of any kind between those systems. Three
kinds of interoperability problems are defined in FEI
(Chen, 2006): conceptual (i.e. mainly concerned with
the syntactic and semantic incompatibilities), techno-
logical (i.e. refer to the use of computer or ICT) or
organizational (i.e. relate to the definition of respon-
sibilities and authorities). Solutions solve problems
and can in turn induce new problems. Two kinds
of solutions, namely a priori and a posteriori solu-
tions are defined, with respect to the occurrence of
the problem. Solutions solving problems by antici-
pation are a priori solutions. A posteriori solution
can be used for solutions correcting problems after
they occurred. These solutions may follow one of the
following approaches, as defined in the FEI: a) Inte-
grated approach (i.e. characterized by the existence
of a common format), b) Unified approach (i.e. char-
acterized by the existence of a common format but at
a meta-level), c) Federated approach (i.e. no common
format is defined)
2.3 Security
The interconnected digital world brings enormous
benefits, but it is also vulnerable. For commercial
Figure 1: Extract of the OoI metmodel.
entities that depend on the digital world for their ev-
eryday business activities, this means added uncer-
tainty. Antagonistic or non-antagonistic information
technology incidents could end up harming or de-
stroying the business. Also, the interplay between
technology and business operations in modern enter-
prises is becoming increasingly complex. Organiza-
tions need to utilize their assets in best possible ways
in order to fulfill their missions. The complexity and
security issues come hand in hand today. The more
complex the business and its technology is the more
vulnerable you are to attacks. As an enterprise you
need to make sure the whole attack surface is secured,
while the attacker only needs to find one vulnerability
in order to get in. Unfortunately, today there are few
tools and approaches helping with this. Most avail-
able methods are reactive or very limited in scope.
In order to be proactive and cover the whole at-
tack surface a holistic approach that also include tech-
nical details is needed. The few tools available that
say they cover this area are however driven by man-
ual labor and require a high level of security exper-
tise, which is both expensive and hard to come by. A
research initiative from KTH Royal Institute of Tech-
nology however aims to cover this gap by develop-
ing pwnPr3d (Johnson et al., 2016a) (Johnson et al.,
2016b), an attacker-centric threat modeling technique
for automated threats identification and quantification
based on network modeling. Instead of relying on hu-
man expertise to analyze a model and decide whether
it is secure or not, and where the key flaws in the
architecture are located, pwnPr3d automatically per-
forms this analysis. That is, the security expertise is
built into the model. In its analysis, pwnPr3d gener-
ates probability distributions over the Time To Com-
promise (TTC) for each asset in the system. An im-
portant aspect of pwnPr3d is that it has been designed
as a closed meta-modeling architecture, similarly to
MOF, with layers of increasingly concrete sub lan-
guages. It makes pwnPr3d highly flexible in terms of
introducing new types of ICT assets and vulnerabili-
ties. Also, an object-oriented structure provides sup-
port for information, encapsulation and separation of
concerns, thereby reducing complexity for all stake-
holders, regardless of the level of detail they require.
It also promotes reusability of model elements us-
ing component libraries to store standard components
such as specific network stacks, firewalls or operating
Figure 2: Layer-0 of the pwnPr3d metamodel.
Figure 3: Layer-1 of the pwnPr3d metamodel.
In Figure 2 we present what we call Layer-0 of the
pwnPr3d metamodel. The main purpose of Layer-0 is
to couple the components of an IT infrastructure and
the attack surface of the attacker. It defines the at-
tack graph theory, i.e. the possible progression of the
attacker through attack steps, as well as TTC calcu-
lation. In the figure 3, Layer-1 is presented. Layer-1
introduces the network and system-specific logic for
the attack graph generation, the various threat types
that can be identified in a network, and loss calcula-
tion from CIA breaches. It uses Layer-0 as a meta-
model and all the classes introduced in this layer are
instances of the Asset entity, and each Asset instance
contains its own set of attack steps.
Authorization and its enforcement (access con-
trol) have been a crucially important pillars of enter-
prise information technology security, both on a tech-
nical level (in computer systems, databases, networks,
etc.) and an organizational level (access policy and its
human enforcement). In parallel to their role in IT and
IT architectures, authorization and access control are
essential in physical premises such as airports and in-
dustrial facilities, thus it is easy to imagine the impor-
tance of authorization and access control being func-
tioning appropriately and being well-aligned with the
enterprise. However, as with security in general au-
thorization has also been poorly managed. In our ap-
proach, proposed in this paper, we aim to further de-
velop and make us of the threat modeling framework
of pwnPr3d and align it with current modeling and
analysis standards in authorization and access control
for complex systems (Korman et al., 2016).
2.4 Co-creation and Co-production in
Production Chains
Co-creation and Co-production in production chains
is the typical way of cooperation one observes in
many high value industrial production chains such
as finance, automotive, etc. Instead of well-defined
products directly available from stock, companies -
contractors - that are part of virtual enterprise chains
propose to develop custom-made products within a
clearly defined domain of their competences and well-
matching the specific needs of the customers - princi-
pals. Once the product and the matching price condi-
tions are well specified, parties may sign a contract.
During the life time of the contract parties order pro-
ductions and request matching payments.
In (Hunka et al., 2016) and (Hunka and van
Kervel, 2017) a generic DEMO model is proposed
for co-creation and co-production in industrial pro-
duction chains.
As depicted in Figure 4, the co-creation phase
where parties seek a shared understanding of the pro-
duction to be delivered, and the price that may have
to be paid is represented by transaction T1 and T2
(T1.accept and T2.accept). Note that this shared un-
derstanding is represented by two documents’ but
does not yet imply a legally binding contract to de-
liver products at the price specified. The two docu-
ments represent an unsigned contract. Parties may or
may not agree to sign this contract. They may decide
to re-exececute the co-creation phase, resulting in a
new product specification and matching price condi-
tions. The signing of the contract is represented by
two DEMO transactions T3.promise and T4.promise.
In the co-production phase parties order the pro-
duction and request the matching payments, as stip-
ulted by the signed contract. Each delivery and pay-
Figure 4: CC-CP DEMO model.
ment is an instance of T5 and T6 (T5.accept and
At the end of the life time of the contract parties
assess whether the contract has been fulfilled well by
both parties and the contract is terminated. This is
represented by T3.accept and T4.accept.
There exist many business rules, represented by
the DEMO PM and AM models. For example; ”pay
first”, and ”deliver after receipt of payment”, or vice
versa. T1.accept and T2.accept is a condition that
must be met before T3.request and T4.request can be
issued. T5.request and T6.request can be issued only
after T3.promise and T4.promise. It is assumed - to
be validated by appropriate case studies - that the ex-
pressivity of the CC-CP model is ontologically com-
plete. Meaning that any imaginable business case is
well captured and executable.
The CC-CP modelis devised to meet the following
objectives and requirements: i) Governance, defined
here being the system and ways by which companies
are directed and controlled. In virtual co-creation and
co-production enterprises this is mostly defined by the
contract(s) devised and signed by the constituting en-
terprises. ii) Risk, the application of methodologies
through which parties identify, analyze, prioritize, de-
fine and mitigate risks that affect the interests of stake-
holders. iii) Compliance, defined being the overall ap-
proach through which an operation of the parties con-
form with stated requirements from outside the enter-
prise, such as legal regulations and moral rules. No-
tably the banking crisis resulted in extensive complex
regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Act, 2002)
that must be implemented by banks. iv) Efficiency,
the careful use of precious resources to realize the de-
sired results. v) Effectiveness, the degree of how well
the requirements of the principal are met; a degree for
quality. vi) Agility, the capability to adapt the oper-
ation of an enterprise at any time, driven by unpre-
dictable changes in markets, imposed legislation and
The CC-CP model is ontological, and
implementation-independent. For any real-world
implementation specific transactions and AM rules
must be modeled. The CC-CP model is considered -
to be proven empirically - the generic and appropriate
implementation-independent DEMO model for the
analysis of Risk and secure transactions.
Our proposal aims at increasing the trustability be-
tween the stakeholders and users of a business pro-
cesses execution environment. Where a business pro-
cesses execution is a complex interchanges of com-
munication and production acts. The referred pat-
tern of Co-creation and Co-production in production
chains is a classical example of such a complex in-
teraction. To reach that end, we propose to raise the
transparency of the running business processes using
a richer design (ontological based) concerning Secu-
rity, Interoperability and Control.
Enterprise Operating System (EOS) (Guerreiro
et al., 2013) is a Model-driven environment soft-
ware system that is founded in the Ψ-theory from the
DEMO theory and methodology (Dietz, 2006) (Di-
etz et al., 2013). EOS allows an agile implementation
of the software systems supporting the business pro-
cesses operation.
(keeping assets / communication acts traceability from above)
Enterprise Operating System
(keeping business transactions instances from above)
Enterpriseand individualsoperations
(Persons executing businesses through communication using EOS from below)
Enterprise YEnterprise X
Figure 5: Enterprise Operating System offering business
processes run-time execution to multiple stakeholders and
supported by a private BlockChain.
EOS integrated with BlockChain (Gupta, 2017),
cf. the free-hand schematics in Figure 5, will in-
crease the trust between end-users, and conversely
the cyber security awareness increases between them
allowing the operation of more business transac-
tions. In specific the integration allows the follow-
ing benefits. Business transactions operation not con-
formable with prescriptions: end-users have an ac-
tive and independent role in the execution of business
transactions; therefore, it does not guarantee that the
security requirements of business transactions are met
properly on their daily routines. For example, if a
company’s recommendation to always obtain a writ-
ten record when contacts are made with clients, noth-
ing limits the ability of an end-user to contact a client
directly, by phone, without leaving any trace of the
communication made to the other actors the same or-
ganization. Fine grained access control, in oposition
to the usual coarse-grained control of critical assets or
establishing few control points during the execution
of business transactions drives to black holes where
the asset traceability is lost. This phenomenon is ob-
served in the financial markets, with a huge adverse
impact potential to the organization and to its envi-
Figure 6 defines a meta model for the interoperabil-
ity of Secure Business Transaction, using ArchiMate
specification language (Group, 2017). Clear respon-
sibilities of initiating and executing business transac-
tions are assigned to the business actors of each com-
pany. Then, the run-time control of business transac-
tions execution is performed by the Enterprise Oper-
ating Systems at the application level. A meta model
is equivalent to the conceptual approaches concern-
ing security and business transactions, e.g., (Gaaloul
et al., 2014).
The concept of ArchiMate business service is real-
ized by the concept of business transaction. The busi-
ness roles are assigned to the business transaction.
And, the business actors are assigned to the business
roles. In practice, these associations represent the or-
ganizational model definitions using DEMO.
The application counterpart of the business trans-
action is served by the Enterprise Operating System
application service, which is able to execute directly
the DEMO organizational models. It is composed by
an application component. When a change in the state
of a business transaction is required, then pwnPr3d
application component is used. PwnPr3d is responsi-
ble to control the access to the business transactions
states data objects. The concepts grouped by the tag
”meta-model for interoperability of Secure Business
Transaction” (concepts in the middle of the Figure 6)
could be enforced by any of the participating compa-
nies or by any third party.
To guarantee the trust ability between all the
involved companies a private BlockChain is used.
All the changes performed by the Enterprise Op-
erating System, and that are cumulatative granted
by pwnPr3d, are immutably published in the private
BlockChain network, allowing all the involved busi-
ness actors to consult transparently all the business
transactions performed.
This paper addresses the conceptual integration be-
tween three research areas: business transations
model and execution; security and interoperability.
The challenge is to find a solution for the open prob-
lem of companies that are included in complex value
chains demanding co-operation to succed in their
business processes. It is commonly agreed that se-
curity is required to avoid unauthorized accesses risks
such as access to classified information and data. Se-
curity area offers many solutions to this problem. Yet,
the lack of trust between companies could be a barrier
for making new business. In this sense, BlockChain
seems a solution that allows a transparent way of op-
erating business processes. Any of the involved is
able to consult the chain and check the validity of
other’s actions. Moreover, business transactions are
not only mechanical actions performed by machines.
In reality, people are always communicating and pro-
ducing artifacts. Enterprise Operating System (based
on DEMO) is by nature a solution that deals with the
Human communication and that is able to orchestrate
the interactions while business transactions execute.
Social dimension is natively present in all the busi-
ness transactions executions: persons communicate,
negotiate, etc., to obtain their business intents. A digi-
tal business transaction solution cannot underestimate
the social dimension as an important factor to the suc-
cess of a technological implementation. Technology
without social compatibility risks end-users resistance
and abandonment.
Our position, is presented as a meta model using
ArchiMate specification language, integrates the ar-
eas of business transations model and execution; se-
curity and interoperability. Future research in terms
of meta model validation and implementation is de-
Figure 6: A Meta Model for interoperability of Secure Business Transaction.
This is a collaboration work between different insti-
tutions. Part of this work is supported by national
funds through Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e a Tecnolo-
gia (FCT) with reference UID/CEC/50021/2013; and
conducted in the context of the PLATINE project
(PLAnning Transformation Interoperability in Net-
worked Enterprises), financed by the national fund of
research of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (FNR),
under the grant C14/IS/8329172.
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