A Novel Short-term and Long-term User Modelling Technique for a
Research Paper Recommender System
Modhi Al Alshaikh, Gulden Uchyigit
and Roger Evans
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Brighton, Brighton, U.K.
Keywords: Recommender System, Personalization, User Profile, Research Papers, Short-term, Long-term.
Abstract: Modelling users’ interests accurately is an important aspect of recommender systems. However, this is a
challenge as users’ behaviour can vary in different domains. For example, users’ reading behaviour of research
papers follows a different pattern to users’ reading of online news articles. In the case of research papers, our
analysis of users’ reading behaviour shows that there are breaks in reading whereas the reading of news
articles is assumed to be more continuous. In this paper, we present a novel user modelling method for
representing short-term and long-term user’s interests in recommending research papers. The short-term
interests are modelled using a personalised dynamic sliding window which is able to adapt its size according
to the ratio of concepts per paper read by the user rather than purely time-based methods. Our long-term model
is based on selecting papers that represent user’s longer term interests to build his/her profile. Existing
methods for modelling user’s short-term and long-term interests do not adequately take into consideration
erratic reading behaviours over time that are exhibited in the research paper domain. We conducted
evaluations of our short-term and long-term models and compared them with the performance of three existing
methods. The evaluation results show that our models significantly outperform the existing short-term and
long-term methods.
A major challenge in recommender systems is the
modelling of dynamically evolving short-term and
long-term user’s interests. The short-term interests
represent the user’s most recent interests which are
more erratic, whereas the long-term interests are more
stable in comparison (Challam et al., 2007).
Recommender systems for research papers suffer
from a number of limitations; for example, fast
deviations in short-term interests may remain
undetected and stable long-term interests may not be
appropriately updated to reflect the user’s evolving
short-term and long-term interests. The importance of
this stems from the need to design automatically
adaptable user profiling techniques that should keep
track of multiple information that is needed by the
user. It is important to recommend right papers at the
right time. Therefore, there is a need for user profiling
models and techniques that automatically adapt to the
diverse and frequently changing users’ short-term and
long-term interests.
Existing short-term and long-term user modelling
techniques have been developed for domains such as
recommending web pages (Gao et al., 2013; Hawalah
and Fasli, 2015; Li et al., 2007) and news articles (Zeb
and Fasli, 2011; Agarwal and Singhal, 2014; Zeb and
Fasli, 2012), where a user reading behaviour is
different from the research paper domain. These
models depend on continuous time-based user
behaviour measured in days for the web pages
domain and in hours in the news domain. These
models also assume that users are continuously active
in their reading with no significant breaks.
In this paper, we present analysis of users’ reading
behaviour of research papers using the BibSonomy
dataset (Knowledge & Data Engineering Group,
2017). The BibSonomy dataset contains actual
records of users’ interests as posts for research papers.
We consider these posts as users’ reading records of
research papers. Our analysis shows that users are
actively reading during some days and inactive on
other days. Moreover, they may also be inactive for
several months. Furthermore, the users have different
reading behaviours from each other, and reading
behaviour for a user may change during a year.
Therefore, utilizing continuous time-based models
for building a user’s profile based on continuous
Al Alshaikh M., Uchyigit G. and Evans R.
A Novel Short-term and Long-term User Modelling Technique for a Research Paper Recommender System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006504502550262
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 255-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
timing algorithms (such as Hawalah and Fasli, 2015)
or time-based window (such as Gao et al., 2013) are
not appropriate. In this paper, we propose a novel user
modelling method for short-term and long-term
interests as follows:
a. Short-term model: this model is based
on a novel personalized dynamic sliding
window (PDSW) technique where the
window length is adapted according to
the ratio between the number of
concepts/interests and number of papers
recently read by the user. The content of
these papers are then used to build the
user’s short-term profile.
b. Long-term model: this model
determines the user’s long-term
concepts/interests and then selects
papers that represent those
concepts/interests. The user’s long-term
profile is built from the selected papers.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 analyses users’ reading behaviour of
research papers using the BibSonomy dataset. Section
3 presents our short-term and long-term models.
Section 4 presents evaluation and results produced by
our models. Finally, the conclusions are presented in
section 5.
The BibSonomy dataset contains actual records of
users’ interests as posts for research papers over
approximately a ten-year period. Each post contains:
metadata for a research paper, date and time of the
post. We consider these posts as users’ reading
records of research papers. For our analysis, we used
records of users' reading behaviour over the last two
years 2015 and 2016 for users in computing area. This
included analysis of 1,642 user records and 43,140
research papers. Our analysis involved automatically
searching for patterns of users' reading behaviour.
Firstly, we analysed the periods of days and months
that a user was inactive (an inactive day/month is a
day/month that the user did not read any papers).
Secondly, we analysed the users’ reading behaviour
during active months.
Figure 1: Average inactive days in one active month.
Figure 2: Average inactive months.
We analysed the periods of days and months that
a user was inactive as follows:
a. Average number of consecutive inactive
days during one active month. (An inactive
day is a day that the user did not read any
b. Average consecutive inactive months. (An
inactive month is a month that the user did
not read any papers.)
Figure1 shows the average number of consecutive
inactive days in one active month. It can be seen that
users are not active every day; they do not read papers
continuously. Also, users have different patterns of
this short-term inactivity. For example, 9% of users
are inactive for eight days per active reading month.
Therefore, using a fixed duration in time-based
models for short-term user profiling is not suitable in
this domain. This is because the users can be inactive
for several days, which will lead to inaccuracies if
modelled based on fixed time periods.
Figure 2 presents the average consecutive inactive
months. Our results show that users may not read for
several months and may have long inactive periods.
For example, our results show that 21% of users are
inactive in reading papers for three continuous
Figure 3: Average number of papers per active month.
Figure 4: Average number of concepts per active month.
Figure 5: Number of long-term concepts.
Our analysis for the users’ behaviour during
active months includes the following:
a. Average number of papers that are read by
a user per active month.
b. Average number of concepts/interests
encountered in a user’s reading per active
c. Number of long-term concepts that stay in a
user’s record more than one active month.
Figure 3 shows the average number of papers read
by a user per active month. There is significant
variability in the number of papers read by users in
one active month. For example, 28% of the users read
6-10 papers and 23% of the users read 11-15 papers
per one active month.
We analyse average number of concepts per one
active month as follows. From the BibSonomy
metadata we extracted papers’ title, abstract and
keywords. Then, each paper is entered to the classifier
in our earlier work (Al Alshaikh et al., 2017) to
classify it to the three most closely related concepts
in 2012 ACM Computing Classification System
(CCS) ontology (ACM, 2012).
Figure 4 shows the average number of concepts
that are encountered by a user per active month.
Figure 5 presents number of long-term concepts that
remain in a user’s record for more than one active
month. It can be seen that the number of long-term
concepts in Figure 5 are fewer than the number of
concepts in Figure 4. For example, the largest group
of users in Figure 4 (34%) encounters 21-30 concepts
per month, whereas the largest group of users in
Figure 5 (28%) have 11-15 concepts remaining for
more than one active month. This is because some of
the concepts represented in Figure 4 can be short-term
interests. Not all the short-term concepts can be
considered as being long-term concepts. The current
recommender systems for research papers do not
involve short-term and long-term models; they
mostly use the whole user reading history. Hence,
they are not efficient in recommending the right
papers at the right time for evolving users’ interests.
Therefore, it is important to develop short-term and
long-term models for a research paper recommender
system. The next section presents our novel short-
term and long-term models.
In this section, we present our novel short-term and
long-term models which automatically adapt to
different users’ reading behaviour.
3.1 Short-term Model
The short-term model uses novel personalized
dynamic sliding window (PDSW) technique. The
PDSW length is the number of latest papers that are
read by a user. These papers are then used to build a
short-term user’s profile, represented as Dynamic
Normalized Tree of Concepts (DNTC) as in our
earlier work (Al Alshaikh et al., 2017). Figure 6
presents the basic idea of our short-term model. In
Figure 6 the PDSW length is four papers. P
is the
first paper read by the user, P
is the second paper and
so on, the current time is T and the short-term user’s
DNTC tree is U
Figure 6: Building DNTC using our short-term dynamic
The PDSW length is modified according to the
ratio between number of concepts and number of
papers that are read by the user. The ratio is calculated
for the previous active reading days for a user and
results in the length of the sliding window to extend
or shrink according to the user’s behaviour. The ratio
R on time T is calculated as follows:
where PAD
is the number of previous active days on
time T, nCi is the number of concepts in active day i
and nPi is the number of papers in active day i. Each
time a new paper is read by a user, the new ratio R
is compared with the previous ratio R
. If R
larger than R
, then the previous PDSW length has a
greater distribution of concepts. Hence, we shrink the
PDSW length to focus on the latest papers and
concepts to discover the new short-term interests. If
is smaller than R
, then we extend the PDSW
length. If R
is equal to the R
then the window
length remains unchanged. To shrink or extend the
length (L) of PDSW, Signum function
(sgn) is used
as follows:
Where L
is the new window length on time T+1,
is the previous window length on time T, β is decay
factor and sgn function as follows:
After calculating the new PDSW length, the latest
papers that are read by the user are selected to
represent the user’s short-term profile. The number of
selected papers is an integer equal to the PDSW
length. Then, the short-term user’s profile is
represented as DNTC profile as in (Al Alshaikh et al.,
2017). Dynamic Tree Edit Distance technique as in
(Al Alshaikh et al., 2017) is then used to recommend
a set of papers to the user that match his/her short-
term interests.
3.2 Long-term Model
The long-term model is updated at the end of each
active month for a user. Long-term concepts are the
concepts that remain for more than one active month
in a user’s record. The long-term model selects the
papers that represent long-term concepts, then these
papers represent a user’s long-term profile. The set of
long-term concepts is defined as LC = {Lc
, Lc
}, where n is the total number of long-term
concepts. After selecting the long-term concepts, the
papers that are related to at least one of the long-term
concepts are selected to represent a user’s long-term
profile. The set of long-term papers is defined as LP
= {Lp
, Lp
,.., Lp
}, where m is the total number of
long-term papers and Lp
is related at least to one of
LC concepts. Then the set of papers LP is used to
build a user’s long-term DNTC as in (Al Alshaikh et
al., 2017). Then, the Dynamic Tree Edit Distance
technique (Al Alshaikh et al., 2017) is used to
recommend a set of papers to the user that match
his/her long-term interests.
4.1 Evaluation of Short-term Model
We evaluated the performance of our short-term
model using the BibSonomy dataset. The BibSonomy
dataset in section 2 was pruned to remove users with
fewer than 60 active days (an active day is a day that
the user reads at least one paper). The remaining
dataset consists of 1,074 users in the year 2015 and
2016. Every day in the 60 active days for each user is
evaluated. The training set for an active day i is the
papers in the user’s record for previous active days
before the active day i. The testing set for an active
day i is the papers that exist in day i and the next 29
calendar days in the user’s record (we assume that the
duration for short-term interests is 30 calendar days).
At every active day i, if a recommended paper exists
in its testing set, then it is relevant to his/her short-
term interests. The measurement that is used for
evaluation is precision at top k papers of an active day
i for a user a as follows:
where NP
is the number of recommended papers
that match the testing set for active day i for user a.
Then, the average precision is calculated for all users
U for an active day i as follows:
The mean average precision for all active days is
calculated for all active days (AD) as follows:
4.1.1 Evaluating Β Parameter
In this section we evaluated different values of β (the
decay factor in equation 2) parameter to find the
optimal value that provide the best overall
performance for our short-term model. The optimal
value of the decay parameter β was determined by
measuring the precision of the model for different
values of β. The measurement that is used for
evaluation is precision at top 10 papers (k=10). Figure
7 presents the MAP for all users using different values
of β in the range of [0.1 to 1]. When β = 0.1, the
PDSW length is very small to detect the short-term
interests. The results increase when the β value
increases until β = 0.6, where MAP is 0.76. Then, the
PDSW length becomes very large and may include
some of the old short-term interests that do not belong
anymore to the user’s current short-term interests.
The value of β used in our model was therefore
β = 0.6.
Figure 7: MAP results using different β values for PDSW.
4.1.2 Comparing Our Short-Term Model
against Baselines
We compared our PDSW short-term model
against three baselines:
1. DNTC system (Al Alshaikh et al., 2017).
2. Static window time-based model in (Gao et
al., 2013).
3. Dynamic time-based model for short-term
model in (Hawalah and Fasli, 2015).
Our PDSW short-term model and the three
systems are run for each day during the 60 active
days. Figure 8 shows the overall comparison for our
short-term model against the three systems over 60
active days. Table 1 shows the MAP that reflect the
results of those of Figure 8. It can be seen that the
DNTC system achieves the lowest precision
performance with MAP over the 60 active days of
0.47. The DNTC system does not consider short-term
behaviour but includes all the papers read by a user.
Considering all previous papers in a user’s record
give the previous existing concepts high weights in a
user’s profile, hence they are considered as short-term
interests. However, new concepts receive lower
weights in a user’s profile, which can cause sharp
drops in the precision in some active days. When it
comes to the Static window time-based system, the
performance is slightly better than the DNTC system
with MAP of 0.49. This is because this system
considers only the latest papers during the static
window time-based. The low performance of this
system because it assumes a user’s reading behaviour
is static, whereas in reality the user behaviour changes
over time. Moreover, each user has different
personalized behaviour. When it comes to the
Dynamic time-based system, there is improvement in
the performance with MAP of 0.55. This system is
better than the previous two systems because it can
Figure 8: Comparing average precision for our short-term model against baselines.
handle the situation when new short-term concepts
arise in a user’s profile, and it does not depend on
static time-based behaviour. However, it has a
limitation that it cannot handle the problem of
different inactive days for different users’ behaviour.
Our PDSW system achieves MAP of 0.76 which is an
improvement on each of the previous three systems.
These results show that our short-term model can
effectively learn different users’ reading behaviour
even if there are different patterns of inactive days.
Moreover, it dynamically adapts with the changes in
a user's reading behaviour over time.
Table 1: MAP results for the four short-term systems.
System MAP
DNTC 0.47
Static window time-based 0.49
Dynamic time-based 0.55
PDSW 0.76
4.2 Evaluation of the Long-term Model
We evaluated the performance of our long-term
model using the BibSonomy dataset. The BibSonomy
dataset in section 2 was pruned to remove users with
fewer than 12 active months during the years 2015
and 2016 (an active month is a month that the user
reads at least one paper). The remaining dataset
consists of 261 users. Every month in the 12 active
month for each user is evaluated. The training set for
an active month i is the papers in the user’s record
for previous active months before the month i. The
testing set for an active month i is the papers that
exist in in the rest of the user’s record and one of its
concepts is long-term concept ‘LC’. At every active
month i, if a recommended paper exists in its testing
set, then it is relevant to his/her long-term interests.
The measurement that is used for evaluation is
precision at top k papers of an active month i for a
user a as follows:
Where MP
is the number of recommended papers
that are exist in the testing set for active month i for
user a.
Then, average precision is calculated for all users U
for active month i as follows:
The mean average precision for all active months is
calculate for all active months (AM) as follows:
We compared our long-term model against three
1. DNTC system (Al Alshaikh et al., 2017).
2. Time-based forgetting factor model in (Gao
et al., 2013).
3. Dynamic time-based for long-term interests
in (Hawalah and Fasli, 2015).
Our long-term model and the three systems are run at
the end of each active month for each user. The top
10 recommended papers (k=10) are evaluated. Figure
9 shows the overall comparison for our long-term
model against the three systems over 12 months.
Figure 9: Comparing average precision for our long-term model against baselines.
Table 2 shows the MAP that reflect the results of
those of Figure 9. It can be seen from Figure 9 and
table 2 that the DNTC achieves the lower precision
performance with MAP of 0.61. After the fifth month
DNTC performance declined dramatically because of
cumulative calculations for all the papers that are read
by the user. This low performance is because DNTC
includes all the papers in a user’s record even the
papers for short-term interests. When it comes to the
time-based forgetting factor model, the performance
is slightly better than the DNTC with MAP of 0.63.
This is because this model has a forgetting factor.
However, this forgetting factor is fixed for all users
and does not consider different users’ behaviour.
When it comes to the Dynamic time-based model for
long-term interests, there is improvement in the
performance with MAP of 0.68. This model is better
than the previous two models because it can handle
the situation when there is short-term concepts and
long-term concepts, and it does not depend on static
time-based technique. However, it has a limitation
that it does not handle well long inactive periods in
users’ behaviour. Therefore, after the seventh month
its performance declined significantly. Our long-term
model achieves MAP of 0.81 which is better than
each of the previous three models. This is because our
model can effectively learn different users’ reading
behaviour even if there are different long inactive
periods. Our long-term model significantly
outperforms the other three baselines after the seventh
month as shown in Figure 9.
Table 2: MAP results for the four long-term systems.
System MAP
DNTC 0.61
Time-based forgetting factor 0.63
Dynamic time-based 0.68
Our long-term model 0.81
In this paper, we presented our novel short-term and
long-term models for a research paper recommender
system. First, we analysed users’ reading behaviour
in the BibSonomy dataset. Our analysis shows that
the users’ reading of research papers is different to
that of reading web pages and news articles.
Therefore, we developed our short-term and long-
term models based on our analysis of users’ reading
behaviour for the research paper domain. Our
evaluations of performance demonstrate that our
models significantly outperforms the other baseline
systems. Our short-term PDSW model achieves MAP
of 0.76 and our long-term model achieves MAP of
0.81. The performance advantage is because our
models can effectively learn different users’ reading
behaviour. Moreover, they dynamically adapt to the
changes in users’ reading behaviour over time. In
future work, we will combined our short-term and
long-term models and add collaborative model to
develop a hybrid system for the research paper
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