Automatic Derivation and Validation of a Cloud Dataset for Insider
Threat Detection
Pamela Carvallo
, Ana R. Cavalli
and Natalia Kushik
ecom SudParis, CNRS, Universit
e Paris-Saclay,
Evry, France
Montimage, Paris, France
Dataset, Cloud Computing, Intrusion Threat, User Behavior, Synthetic Data Generation, Dataset Validation.
The malicious insider threat is often listed as one of the most dangerous cloud threats. Considering this
threat, the main difference between a cloud computing scenario and a traditional IT infrastructure, is that once
perpetrated, it could damage other clients due to the multi-tenancy and virtual environment cloud features.
One of the related challenges concerns the fact that this threat domain is highly dependent on human behavior
characteristics as opposed to the more purely technical domains of network data generation. In this paper, we
focus on the derivation and validation of the dataset for cloud-based malicious insider threat. Accordingly,
we outline the design of synthetic data, while discussing cloud-based indicators, and socio-technical human
factors. As a proof of concept, we test our model on an airline scheduling application provided by a flight
operator, together with proposing realistic threat scenarios for its future detection. The work is motivated by
the complexity of the problem itself as well as by the absence of the open, realistic cloud-based datasets.
Cloud computing offers many benefits to the users
and therefore, its security issues represent major con-
cerns for those intending to migrate to the cloud. To
reach its full potential, cloud computing needs to in-
tegrate solid security mechanisms that enhance trust
in cloud services and infrastructures. Although nu-
merous research has been carried out with the aim of
detecting vulnerabilities and attacks, there are some
types of threats that are more complex to detect and
predict, such as malicious insider threats.
Such type of threats are more dangerous in a cloud
environment than in a traditional IT infrastructure be-
cause the insider may gain access to data from other
Cloud Service Clients (CSCs) hosted by the Cloud
Service Provider (CSP). Many research works have
been done addressing relevant indicators when try-
ing to detect malicious insider threats (Costa et al.,
2014; Nkosi et al., 2013; Kandias et al., 2010; Kan-
dias et al., 2013; Claycomb and Nicoll, 2012; Duncan
et al., 2015). However, to the best of our knowledge,
very few publications (Claycomb and Nicoll, 2012;
Duncan et al., 2015; Kandias et al., 2013) discuss
their implications in a cloud environment.
Furthermore, when aiming to detect this malicious
activity, the confidentiality and privacy of CSPs and
CSCs concerning their internal organization and poli-
cies, create barriers for the collection and utiliza-
tion of data for research purposes. Moreover, de-
spite the predictions and possible creative attacks pre-
sented by researchers, we have little evidence of ac-
tual events involving the type of insider described in
the CSAs (Cloud Security Alliance CSA, 2016) doc-
ument (Claycomb and Nicoll, 2012). Additionally,
addressing malicious activities also presents chal-
lenges since they vary according to the cloud service
model, CSC characteristics such as services used, job
types and organizational hierarchy.
All considerations described entail that it is some-
times preferable to proceed with synthetic data. This
schema allows more extensible benchmarks as ex-
periments are controllable and repeatable (Ringberg
et al., 2008; Wright et al., 2010), even though syn-
thetic data will only be realistic in a limited number
of dimensions (Brian et al., 2014). Despite the sig-
nificant dataset contributions (Kholidy and Baiardi,
2012; Brian et al., 2014) in the insider threat do-
main, their ability to consider realistic cloud-based
environments against current and evolving scenarios,
is a practical concern.
We also note that Cloud Computing (CC) security
requirements are being usually implemented through
a methodology in which threats are tackled and tested
Carvalllo, P., Cavalli, A. and Kushik, N.
Automatic Derivation and Validation of a Cloud Dataset for Insider Threat Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0006480904800487
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017), pages 480-487
ISBN: 978-989-758-262-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
incrementally. Therefore, synthetic data can be useful
to confirm that a system detects a particular type of
anomaly when that anomaly can be defined and mea-
sured. Consequently, by integrating the business logic
to the generated model, a portion of the company’s
behavior is analyzed. To add ground-truth labeling to
the dataset, a flight operator provided us with a real
use case, namely a flight scheduling multi-cloud ap-
plication. For this reason, we added insider activity
based on several realistic threat scenarios into the gen-
erated data.
The main contributions of this paper are:
A dataset generation methodology that takes into
account various issues and changes including sta-
tistical analysis as well as the creation of cloud-
related user scenarios.
A dataset validation criteria based on a set of pre-
defined rules that include statistical evaluation.
A design and presentation of a cloud-based proof-
of-concept with malicious insider attacks.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section
2 presents the related work. Section 3 presents of the
threat of study, while Section 4 describes the dataset
design and generation approach. Section 5 presents a
proof of concept of our methodology. Finally, Section
6 concludes the paper and presents the future work.
Many insider-threat datasets have been proposed in
the literature. Authors of (Kholidy and Baiardi, 2012)
proposed a cloud-based dataset for masquerade at-
tacks, i.e., where an attacker assumes the identity of
an authorized user for malicious purposes. They uti-
lized network and host traces from two machines of
the DARPA dataset (Lincon Laboratory MIT, 2017),
consisting in host-based audits from Windows NT
and Unix Solaris, along with their corresponding TCP
dump data. They correlated a seven week dataset and
labeled the users from both machines into different
roles according to their login session time and the
characteristic of the user task (e.g., programmer, sec-
retary, system administrator). Later they assigned ev-
ery user to a labeled VM.
Additionally, non-cloud related literature on
dataset generation shows a variety of approaches.
RUU dataset was provided by (Salem and Stolfo,
2011), also concerning masquerade attacks. They
built a sensor host for Windows OS that captured
user’s registry actions, process execution and win-
dow touches. They collected normal users and an-
alyzed differences of masquerade users, following
a controlled exercise. Carnegie Mellon’s Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT) generated a col-
lection of synthetic insider threat test datasets (Brian
et al., 2014) to produce a set of realistic models. Au-
thors of (Shiravi et al., 2012) proposed the ISCX
dataset, under the notion of profiles that contained de-
tailed descriptions of intrusions and abstract distribu-
tion models for applications, protocol and lower level
network entities. The ADFA dataset (UNSW, Aus-
tralian Defense Force Academy, 2017) was proposed
by (Creech and Hu, 2013) with modern attack pat-
terns and methodology. This dataset was composed
of thousands of system call traces collected from a
contemporary Linux local server, with six types of up-
to-date cyber attacks involved.
The literature mentioned above raises many ques-
tions about the proper characterization of malicious
insider threat and which features could adequately de-
scribe it for later detection techniques’ analysis. Ad-
ditionally, most of the presented datasets correspond
to one-time implementations, which limits the gener-
ation and analysis to that particular testbed configura-
tion. In this respect, we aim at an automatic dataset
generation that can establish different scenarios with
more dynamics taken into consideration. This feature
also makes the analysis modifiable, extensible and re-
producible. The following sections present this ap-
A malicious insider threat is defined by the CERT
(Collins et al., 2016) as a threat to an organization
occasioned by a current or former employee, contrac-
tor, or another business partner who has or had au-
thorized access to an organization network, system or
data. This action intentionally exceeded or misused
the access in a manner that negatively affected the
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the organi-
zation information or information systems”.
This threat has been modeled in numerous studies.
An ontology-based definition was provided by (Costa
et al., 2014) using a real-world case data, considering
factors such as: (i) Human behavior; (ii) Social inter-
actions and interpersonal relationships; (iii) Organi-
zations and organizational environments; and (iv) In-
formation technology security. Another taxonomy
was considered by (Kandias et al., 2010), composed
of (i) System role (novice, advanced, administrator);
(ii) Sophistication (low, medium, high); (iii) Predis-
position (low, medium, high); (iv) Stress level (low,
medium, high).
However this threat in cloud-environment in-
Automatic Derivation and Validation of a Cloud Dataset for Insider Threat Detection
creases in complexity taking into account new ac-
tors involved, as well as their dependencies. Subse-
quently, a role-based categorization was proposed by
(Claycomb and Nicoll, 2012), where an insider threat
could be: (i) a malicious insider from the CSC, ac-
cessing cloud services or (ii) a malicious insider from
the CSP, accessing to sensitive company data. In addi-
tion to these, more actors were presented by (Duncan
et al., 2015): (i) Malicious insider from the Internet
Service Provider (ISP) for each zones; (ii) External
CSPs if resources are outsourced to other providers;
and (iii) Cloud provisioning services (brokers).
User profiling research and recollection of real
cases (Collins et al., 2016) present no common pat-
tern with respect to subject’s personal characteris-
tics. However there are risk indicators (Greitzer et al.,
2016) related to the motivational factors that may un-
derlie malicious insider exploits, which are supported
by studies indicating that most of these attacks (81%)
are planned (Shaw, 2006).
From these representations of insider user profil-
ing, we derive our model definition in the following
section. Moreover, we propose a threat ontology with
a probabilistic approach, where the motivational risk
factors mentioned above are considered to occur with
a given probability in time.
This section contains the methodology for deriving a
configurable and automatic dataset for malicious in-
sider threat in cloud environments.
We note that in thise case, the anomalous events
are generated from a semantically distinct process
than the generated from normal Events. For exam-
ple, as mentioned in (Emmott et al., 2013), anoma-
lous events should not just be points in the tails of a
Normal distribution. Moreover, to provide heteroge-
neous data, they should be generated from different
4.1 Definition of Entities
We consider the following entities to generate pat-
terns of activity, as shown in Figure 1. They are
divided into two groups. On one hand, those are
user-related entities, namely:
Profile is defined as an abstract representation of
a person’s attributes in an organization, to facilitate
the reproduction of realistic behaviors. Each profile
is composed of a Factor, a Context and a Role.
Factor is related to the human characteristics of a
person. This category could add dynamic and static
mid-term attributes such as the attitude for the given
job, or more mid-term static factors such as a capa-
bility. Every Factor can be personalized and distin-
guished by its probability attribute.
Role is associated to the function of the Profile
in a given organization. Moreover, we define the Role
through the entity Policy, which is composed of a
Permission related to an action in an Asset .
Context consists of attributes related to specific
time and location conditions where the Profile is
performing its Role (e.g., location, time of the day, IP
from where jobs are being executed, cloud instance
trying to access, among others).
Asset consists of any valuable hardware or soft-
ware component, property of a CSP or CSC in the
CC stack (e.g., physical servers, VMs, applications,
databases, communication infrastructure), depending
on SaaS, PaaS or IaaS models.
Permission is the type of authorization a Role
has for a given Asset (e.g., read, modify).
On the other hand, the simulation also includes the
event-related entities:
Sequence of actions is a list of sequential
Actions performed by the same Profile under
a given time interval. The approach generates
three types of Sequences: (i) Pseudo-randomly se-
lected Actions, following a specified distribution,
(ii) Predefined normal and anomalous Sequences of
Actions, under realistic scenarios, (iii) Hybrid se-
quences, composed by fixed actions in arbitrary po-
sitions, filled with pseudo random actions for the rest
of the sequence.
Label represents the nature of the Sequence oc-
curred (e.g., normal, anomalous).
Event consists in the tuple of attributes
htimestamp, pro f ile,sequence,context,labeli.
This corresponds to an observation of a Sequence
with a specific Label, performed by a Profile in a
Context for a given time. These events can be gener-
ated with a given distribution (e.g., Uniform, Normal,
Poisson), depending on the scenario of study, i.e., a
Normal distribution could model rush-hours (e.g.,
patients arriving to a hospital, end-users accessing a
website application).
This last group defines the sequences of actions
for a Profile and gives them a label. Moreover,
some Roles have predefined sequences.
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Class models for generation of cloud insider threat dataset
4.2 Generation Algorithm
The Algorithm 1 presents the dataset generation
methodology. This process is initiated by a list of
Profiles, the inter-arrival time between agents (tba)
and the timeout (to). The tba parameter has relation
with the amount of Agents to generate, and therefore
with the Event generation process. Below, we pro-
vide more details related to the proposed algorithm
referring to the corresponding lines of it.
Lines 2 to 7: Algorithm defines the delay
for which it will create an Event from a pseudo-
randomly chosen Profile. This generation is done
with an exponential distribution, in order to model
the pseudo-random generated sequences as a Poisson
process (Line 6).
Lines 10 to 14: An agent function takes the form
of a Profile assigned by a Role and Time Between
Events (tbe) (e.g., Normal distribution with mu and
sigma given by the Context).
Lines 17 to 18: The three types of events will be
generated with a given probability in time. Each of
these group of sequences is given by the Policy en-
tity, which relates an Action to a given cloud Asset.
Lines 16 to 21: Under a certain probability given
by the Factor, each Profile will have an anoma-
lous behavior. The function GenAnomaly changes the
Context attributes (e.g., source IP from where the
Sequence was performed) introducing a single in-
stance of such anomaly.
4.3 Dataset Validation
Defining suitable criteria for dataset validation is a
complex process, since there are no general method-
Algorithm 1: Dataset generator.
1: function GENEVENTS(pro f iles,tba,to)
2: while !to do
3: pro f ile PRNChoice(pro f iles)
4: delay ExpDistrib(1/tba)
5: AGENT(pro f ile)
6: WAIT(delay)
7: end while
8: end function
9: function AGENT(b)
10: role pro f ile.role
11: ctx pro f ile.context
12: tbe Distrib(, ctx.sigma)
13: prob FACTORPROB(pro f ile. f actor)
14: label normal
15: for all pol in role.policies do
16: if prob < MaliciousTresh then
17: seq ChooseSeq(pol.PRNSeq,
pol.prede f Seq, pol.hybSeq)
18: RUNEVENT(seq, probile,label)
19: else
20: GENANOMALY(pro f ile)
21: label anomalous
22: RUNEVENT(seq, pro f ile,label)
23: end if
24: WAIT(tbe)
25: end for
26: end function
ologies in the literature (Claycomb and Nicoll, 2012).
To this end, we have defined three validation criteria.
The first two (namely, items 1 and 2) add an a priori
degree of realism to detect plausible attacks, as the re-
sult of consulting with the CSC use-case experts. The
third (namely, item 3) rely on an a posteriori verifica-
Automatic Derivation and Validation of a Cloud Dataset for Insider Threat Detection
tion and is used to prove the applicability of the pro-
posed approach given the nature of the data for pre-
diction or detection techniques:
1. Statistical similarity of events: the generated
Events, should be statistically based in realistic be-
haviors for every Profile entity and each threat sce-
nario. Such statistical data can be either provided by
an oracle aware of the activities for each Role, or
from traces of real case studies for later extrapolation.
One example could be a number of actions an em-
ployee should do on a monthly basis. In this case, an
expert knows that a security administrator can initiate
an action at any given time (e.g., 24x7 service avail-
ability) while a Database Administrator (DBA) Role
should not initiate more than N Events per month,
that consider a database back-up Sequence.
2. Sequences realism: the pseudo-random gen-
erated set of sequences for each event, should
be validated to make sense in the context of the
Permission-Asset tuple. In other words, indepen-
dent actions to a given asset, for example, data elim-
ination or tampering from a database, might not have
a pre-defined order. In the case of other tuples, such
as actions to a VM asset, it might be intuitive to gen-
erate Sequences with a given order (i.e., an action of
shuttingVMDown(), this action cannot be followed
by any other operation that assumes the VM is op-
erational). The latter means that the set of invariants
from the second group includes the ordering of the ac-
tions performed, i.e., action B in a Sequence cannot
be executed by a given Profile unless the action A
has been processed.
3. Anomaly detection techniques benchmark-
ing: For an accurate prevention of this threat, proper
anomaly detection benchmarking can be performed.
For this matter, the dataset should contain “well dis-
tributed” labeled Events and its technique should rec-
ognize possible label imbalance (malicious Events
are less frequent than normal). This is relevant at the
moment of experimenting with detection techniques
such as supervised machine learning models, as they
can try to fit anomalies with normal events. Also,
performance indicators such as AUC (Area Under the
ROC curve) provide better understanding of the vari-
ability, where accuracy is divided into sensitivity and
specificity, and better configurations can be chosen
based on the balance thresholds of these values.
The proof of concept is performed based on an air-
line scheduling cloud application provided by a CSC
operator. Today’s airlines need to permanently revise
their flight schedule plans in response to competitor
actions, while constantly maintaining operational in-
In this case study, we are particularly interested
in researching how insider threats can attempt to per-
form malicious activities towards the Database Man-
agement System (DBMS) component, as it stores
very relevant data about the flights and personal client
information. The feasibility and effectiveness of our
approach are evaluated through the validation criteria
given in Section 4.3 and are presented in Section 5.2.
To perform our experiments, we have designed a
testbed composed of two Linux instances in Open-
Stack, as depicted in Figure 2. These instances de-
fine the functionalities of an airline service, where
the “Server Instance” consists of several application
artifacts and system components, and communicates
with the DBMS application. The created dataset con-
tains generated events from five consecutive years.
The chosen design criteria for the Profiles gener-
ated is outlined in Table 1. The description of the a
five-month period is depicted in Figure 3, with the dif-
ferent nature of the normal and anomalous event gen-
eration i.e,. different frequency given by the Factor
attribute for each Profile.
Figure 2: Proof of concept implementation.
5.1 Profile’s Behavior Representation
As mentioned in the definition of entities, we repre-
sent each profile’s behavior following a role-based ap-
proach. We utilize as an example a DBA, defined as
a user in charge of administrative actions towards the
database, such as installation, patching and upgrade
of the database. This includes the ownership of all
objects of the database and the ability to create and
modify roles and users.
As defined in Section 4.1, each Role has pseudo-
random, predefined and hybrid group of generated
Sequences followed by a normal behavior. The
following statements represent the examples of the
events a DBA can perform and, therefore, define the
DBA normal behavior:
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
A DBA in a working day, logs into the DBMS and
enrolls a new user with write permission over a
A DBA regularly works remotely on Wednesdays,
logging into the DBMS from location
, while the
rest of the week from location
On the other hand, the following sequences can
represent the examples of the generated Sequences
for an anomalous DBA behavior:
A DBA logs in from a public IP that does not be-
long to the company and performs a sequence of
A DBA outside Working Hours (WH), logs in and
performs numerous sequences of actions on the
We have outlined three types of Profiles (DBA
and DBA
) with the same DBA Role, differen-
tiating them by a created Factor named “skill level”
as described in Table 1. This Factor defines the time
taken to perform a Sequence of actions with low,
medium and high skills and prompts the sequences’
length. We also have modeled the three profiles with
the Factor of being malicious, with different proba-
bilities or discontent. Such cases are depicted in Fig-
ure 3, where profile generation is performed under the
realistic constraints given by the use case scenario ex-
perts. Additionally, in our example the generation of
Events is treated by the “No. Monthly events” which
we have settled at 10 events per day.
Table 1: Chosen parameters for DBAs.
Parameters DBA
IP 192.168.1. .100 .110 .120
Location Germany Germany Germany
WH 9am-6pm 9am-6pm 9am-6pm
Skill level 30 (high) 60 (med) 120 (low)
Malicious Distrib. Constant rate Poisson Random
No. Daily Events 10 10 10
5.2 Results
The validation criteria presented in Section 4.3, al-
low us to determine the usability of the generated
dataset. We verify these criteria with the given proof-
of-concept in the following steps. For the first criteria,
we refer to Figure 3 and Table 2 for the average and
standard deviation of the generated Events.
The second criteria studies the realism of the se-
quences performed by each Profile, with respect to
their Role in the company. We have validated our
Table 2: Criteria 1: Statistical similarity of events per day.
Normal Events Malic. Events
Avg. S.D Avg. S.D
10 7.23 2.60 1.58 1.11
10 7.13 3.28 1.79 3.61
10 7.73 3.28 0.55 1.01
Figure 3: First year histogram of anomalies per month for
Profile with with malicious probability of fixed rate (1 every
10 Events, Poisson and Uniform distributions.
generation methodology by using the sequence align-
ment algorithm and obtained scores for our prede-
fined sequences i.e., Create (C), Read (R), Update
(U), Delete (D), treated as sub-sequences among all
the generated sequences. This other group of se-
quences and their pseudo-random generation, derive
in a heterogeneous dataset with the length showed in
Table 3.
The Table 4 shows the results for the last item
of the validation criteria, where we addressed the
well-known machine learning classifier Support Vec-
tor Machine (SVM) to estimate the quality of the gen-
erated dataset with respect to their classification per-
formance: Recall (T P/(T P + FN) where TP and FN
are True Positive and False Negative values, respec-
tively) and Precision, which shows the ability of the
Automatic Derivation and Validation of a Cloud Dataset for Insider Threat Detection
Table 3: Criteria 2: Example of sequences realism for the
DBA role.
Seqs. Similarity Seqs. Length
Predef. Ratio Avg. S.D.
[C, R] 0.56 1.81 0.52
[R, U] 0.55 1.71 0.61
[R, D] 0.55 1.72 0.64
Figure 4: Histogram of length for the Profile with high,
medium and low skills.
classifier not to label as positive a sample that is neg-
ative (T P/(T P + FP), where FP is False Positive).
Additionally, the AUC score is a plot of the TP rate
versus FP rate for a binary classifier as its discrimina-
tion threshold varies. The area under the ROC curve
(AUC) therefore reflects the relationship between sen-
sitivity and specificity. Below, we present a 3 experi-
ential setup, namely Exp. 1, 2, and 3. For the Exp.1.
we fixed the malicious probability and we used dif-
ferent values for the skill attribute. The Exp.2. was
performed using equal values for skill, while differ-
ent malicious probability. Exp.3. relies on different
values for both, skill and malicious probabilities.
As can be seen from the tables, the skill fac-
tor does not essentially affect the SVM prediction.
However, the malicious probability distribution in
time significantly influences, for example the FP rate.
Other parameters and factors need to be taken into
consideration in order to estimate their correlation
with the SVM prediction score. The results can also
be analyzed from the performance of the models us-
ing the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.
Table 4: Average Detection Performance for SVM classi-
SVM Metric DBA
Exp. 1.
Recall (%) 98.21 97.48 93.68
Precision (%) 82.26 80.69 76.56
AUC Score 0.93 0.92 0.89
Exp. 2.
Recall (%) 51.06 95.58 50.23
Precision (%) 90.31 73.57 71.42
AUC Score 0.74 0.91 0.75
Exp. 3.
Recall (%) 85.36 95.04 46.89
Precision (%) 73.01 71.85 54.24
AUC Score 0.89 0.91 0.72
A higher AUC indicates better overall performance.
Given the experimental results, one can conclude that
the SVM technique shows good performance for the
malicious insider dataset being derived.
In this paper, we have presented a methodology for
dataset generation and a validation approach includ-
ing several criteria such as statistical evaluation, se-
quence realism and benchmarking of detection tech-
niques. Even more, we have implemented a proof-
of-concept with anomalous malicious insider attacks,
which has been validated on a realistic use-case. As a
conclusion, we can say that the results obtained will
be very useful for intrusion detection techniques and,
in particular, for these working on malicious insider
As a future work, we plan to extend the results
presented in this paper by the addition of social engi-
neering factors to our model and the benchmarking of
new scenarios, to evaluate the impact of data variabil-
ity. Another future research will be to use the cloud-
based dataset we have created to compare the detec-
tion ability of different anomaly-based intrusion de-
tection techniques. Finally, we will intend to propose
novel prediction techniques for insider threats, fol-
lowing the capability of dynamically deploying dif-
ferent use-case scenarios.
The work presented in this paper has been developed
in the context of the MUSA EU Horizon 2020 project
(MUSA, 2017) under grant agreement No 644429.
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