The Influence of Values on the Intention and Usage of Mobile Phone
A Case of Tanzanian SMEs
Renatus Mushi
, Deirdre Lillis
, Almar Ennis
and Said Jafari
Department of Computer Science, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Dublin, Ireland
Department of Geography, A College of Dublin City University (DCU), Dublin, Ireland
Department of Information Technology, The Institute of Finance Management (IFM), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Keywords: ICT, SMEs, Mobile Phone Technology, SEM, AMOS and TAM.
Abstract: Mobile phone technology has been relied upon in performing a number of activities in the SMEs. In less
developed regions, computing infrastructures are very poor thereby depending highly on mobile phones.
The improvement of technology in the mobile phones contexts has seen more applications and services
being accessed through them. This gives SMEs, especially in developing countries, a preferable alternative
to desktop computing technology. However, to maximise the usability of mobile phone technology in SMEs
context, key factors which influence users’ perception on its acceptance need to be explained clearly. This
study explains the factors influencing employees’ intentions and use of mobile phone technology in SMEs,
by extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with values. The analysis results show that the
values of mobile phone technology in SMEs have a significant effect on the behaviour intention to use. This
suggests that stakeholders specifically vendors, policy makers, managers and mobile network operators
should take their part in handling the challenges and enforcing the benefits of mobile phones since they
constitute to the overall intention and usage. This study uses SEM with 459 employees including managers
and ordinary employees in different sectors which perform tourism activities in Tanzania. Data analysis is
performed by using SEM through AMOS. Implications of the research and future studies are also
highlighted in this paper.
Mobile phone technology has been dependable
technological option in Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs). This is due to its operational
relief as compared to desktop computing technology.
For example, desktop computing technologies are
perceived to be too expensive, difficult to maintain
and have a high level of sophistication which
demand skilled labour (López-Nicolás et al., 2008;
Nah et al., 2005).
Maugis et al (Maugis et al., 2005) assert that,
under technology leapfrogging, developing countries
need not to replicate an invest on the technological
fixed infrastructure like their developed compatriots.
Instead, they can rely on mobile technologies as a
way of achieving their goals. The increasing
popularity in the use of mobile technology in
organisations can be attributed to the wide usage in
applications such as mobile brokerage services
(Looney et al., 2004) as well as mobile payment and
banking services (Mawona and Mpogole, 2013;
Rumanyika, 2015).
The success of any technology can be influenced
by its perception towards users (Onyango et al.,
2014; van Biljon and Kotzé, 2007a). To effectively
explain the adoption behaviour of technologies,
several models have been proposed (Oliveira and
Martins, 2011). These models highlight the factors
which influence the intention and use of
technologies and have been tested in several
contextual properties. The example of the models
which best explains individual adoption include the
Theory of Reasonable Action (TRA), the Theory of
Planned Behaviour (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991), the Unified
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al., 2003) and Technology
Adoption Model (TAM)(Davis, 1989a). These
models/theories can be applied to explain the
intentions of using mobile phone technology by
Tanzania tourism SMEs. This study extends TAM
by adding another construct which explain the
Mushi, R., Lillis, D., Ennis, A. and Jafari, S.
The Influence of Values on the Intention and Usage of Mobile Phone - A Case of Tanzanian SMEs.
DOI: 10.5220/0006463201160123
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 2: ICE-B, pages 116-123
ISBN: 978-989-758-257-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
values of mobile phone technology in an attempt to
evaluate its suitability on explaining the acceptance
of mobile phone technology in SMEs perspective.
The rest of this article is organised as follows:
Section two discusses the Tanzanian SMEs followed
by highlights of technology adoption model. Section
four discusses the uses of mobile phones in the
SMEs context, section five presents the values of
mobile phone in Tanzanian SMEs while section six
discusses the hypothesis formulation. Research
methodology is presented in section seven followed
by results and discussions in section eight. Section
nine is a conclusion for this research article.
SMEs are companies which are characterised by
their staff numbers and financial resources (Hourali
et al., 2008; Makame et al., 2014). In Tanzania,
SMEs comprise of companies with head counts of
up to 99 and financial resources of up to
444,000USD (URT, 2013).The Tanzania Small
Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) uses
the definition which is identified in the SME policy
(see table 1) while pointing out that in case a
company belong to more than one category, its
financial investment will determine its position
(URT, 2013).Another definition of SME is defined
by the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) in which
they define them as enterprises whose taxable
turnover is less than TZS 40 Million (USD 22,500).
This study define SMEs as the businesses entities of
one up to 99 employees and capital investment of
zero up to 800 million (444,000 USD).
The original TAM was intending to identify the
factors that facilitate integration of technologies into
an organisation and discover why users accept or
reject a technology (Davis, 1989a). Development of
TAM was based on adopting the concepts of the
theory of reasoned action (TRA) (Fishbein and
Ajzen, 1975) which is a more generalised theory to
be used to explain specific contexts (Lindsay et al.,
2011). In social psychology, TRA has been used to
explain the why people performs a particular
behaviour in situations of ‘reasoned action’ through
identifications of causal relationships which exists
between beliefs, attitudes, intentions and behaviour
(Kwon and Chidambaram, 2000; Pedersen, 2005).
Since then, TAM has been used to identify factors
contributing towards acceptance of technologies.
TAM theorises that when users are given a piece of
technology, there are several factors which influence
their decisions on how and when they will use such
technology (Davis, 1989a; Yueh et al., 2015). TAM
explains the acceptance of technology by two key
perceived attributes or measures: perceived
usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEU).
According to Davis (1989a), PU is whether the
technology will enhance the user’s job performance
whereas PEOU relates to whether using the system
will be free from effort. The integrity of the original
TAM has been tested through a number of empirical
research, which extends the model to different
settings, providing consistency and good re-test
reliability, confirming the its validity (Lindsay et al.,
2011; Venkatesh and Davis, 2000). In this regard,
TAM is chosen to be the best model to provide a
framework of exploring the issues which motivates
the adoption of mobile phone technology in
Tanzania tourism SMEs by extending it with the
Mobile phone technology allows accessing the
computing services and internet through the mobile
devices in the wireless medium (López-Nicolás et
al., 2008; Mashenene, 2015). This mobility nature
allows users to access computing services anywhere
and at any time (Sun et al., 2013). Mobile phone
technology needs reliable telecommunications infra-
structure which can support technologies such as
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), Bluetooth,
3G, and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) as
well as the devices which will act as a client on the
user side such as mobile phones, Personal Digital
Assistants (PDAs) etc. (Nah et al., 2005; Sheng et
al., 2010). In the case of Tanzania, mobile
technology is being used heavily by people in SMEs.
A study conducted in 2014 shows that the main
functionalities used by SMEs include making and
receiving calls, mobile money services and SMS
(Venkatakrishnan, 2014). The usage of internet and
associated mobile apps for business purposes shows
an increasing trend.
A key feature of the mobile sector in Tanzania is
that mobile money services used in Tanzania uses
text SMS to allow a mobile phone subscriber to
The Influence of Values on the Intention and Usage of Mobile Phone - A Case of Tanzanian SMEs
Table 1: The description of definition of Small, medium and large enterprise in a Tanzanian Context (Adopted from
Tanzania SMEs POLICY (URT, 2013).
Type of
Enterprise Micro Small Medium Large
No. of Employees
0-4 5-49 50-99 100 and above
Working Capital
444,400USD >444,400USD
send/receive funds, send/receive airtime balances,
performing merchandise bill payments (like
electricity, TV, water etc.) to the respective
companies as well as performing transactions of
funds between the bank accounts and their mobile
phone accounts (like M-pesa and Tigo Pesa).
Vankatakrishnan (2014) summarise the mobile
services in Tanzania as Person to Person (P2P)
(remittances), Person to Business (P2B) (bill
payments, loan repayments, etc.) and Person to
Government (P2G) (tax payments).
This study extends TAM model with another
construct which represent values of mobile phone
technology in the SMEs context. These values have
been explored by the use of Value-Focused Thinking
(VFT) by Mushi et al (2016). In such explorative
study, the values are expressed in terms of
perceptions of users concerning their wishes,
concerns, problems and benefits encoun-tered as
they use mobile phones to perform their duties.
These values are:
Maximise Mobile Network Coverage and
Minimise Acquisition and Operational Costs
Maximise Collaboration and Sharing of
Maximise Security in Provision of Mobile
Money Services
Maximise Battery Life and Processing Capacity
of Mobile Phones.
This study takes over from where Mushi et al (2016)
left. The study of Mushi et al (2016) is an
explorative study which reveals the values of mobile
phones in the Tanzanian SMEs without showing
how such values influences the behaviour intention
and use of mobile phones. This study extends Mushi
et al (2016) by conducting a survey involving
managers and ordinary employees of SMEs by
extending TAM with such values and test the
statistical significance of the relationships of the
Some of the studies have tested TAM in different
context. In mobile phone acceptance, a number of
studies have found that PU of the technology and
PEU do directly influence the behaviour intention
(BI) of users in attempts to adopt a new technology
(Kim, 2008; Tassabehji et al., 2008; van Biljon and
Kotzé, 2007a). Also, most of empirical research
have shown that PEU is the antecedent of PU while
suggesting that, through PU, PEU indirectly tends to
influence the intention to adopt technology and
finally its usage(Gallego et al., 2008a; Peng et al.,
2012; van Biljon and Kotzé, 2007b). Therefore the
following hypothesis should be true for this study:
H1a: Perceived ease of use (PEU) of mobile phones
in SMEs will positively influence the employees’
perceived usefulness (PU)
H1b: Perceived ease of use (PEU) of mobile phones
in SMEs will positively influence the employee’
behaviour intention (BI)
H1c: Perceived usefulness (PU) of mobile phones in
SMEs will positively influence the employee’
behaviour intention (BI)
H1d: Employees behavioural Intention (BI) of using
mobile phones on Tanzania tourism SMEs will
influence its actual usage (U)
This study assumes that if the perceived values are
enhanced, the intention to use mobile phones by
employees and managers will be enhanced. There
the following hypothesis is suggested:
H2d: Perceived Values (PV) of mobile phone
technology in Tanzania Tourism SMEs will
positively influence Behavioural Intention (BI)
ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework.
Based on hypothesises which are proposed in this
study, the conceptual framework looks as seen in
figure 1.
This study involves data collected from three regions
in Tanzania: Dar es salaam, Zanzibar and
Kilimanjaro which accounts to 459 respondents.
Purposive sampling was used to select the districts
and sectors of interests. The SME sectors were
comprised of bars, safari and tours companies, sports
and recreational companies, studio and film
production companies, restaurants, lodges and car
rental companies. Structural Equation Modelling
(SEM) was used employed to analyse the mobile
phone technology acceptance model. SEM has been
considered to be superior to the first multivariate
generation methods because it takes care the
measurement errors in the items (Astrachan et al.,
2014; Awang, 2015). This implies that, SEM
produces the parameters which are error-free thereby
enhancing clearer information to the decision
makers. In addition, SEM evaluates al multi-level
dependence relationships simultaneously in which
dependent variable (DV) becomes independent
variable (IV) forming a sub-relationship within the
same analysis (Astrachan et al., 2014).
In SEM, a model can be evaluated by using
either partial least square (PLS-SEM) or covariance
based (CB-SEM). PLS-SEM is mostly used in the
exploratory studies (in which there are no pre-tested
relationships) while CB-SEM is used in the
confirmatory studies (which have pre-tested
relationships)(Sarstedt et al., 2014). Since there is a
prior developed conceptual framework for this
study, the need to confirm it would prefer to use CB-
SEM. Furthermore, CB-SEM is considered to be
stricter in testing the parameters than PLS (Hair Jr
and Hult, 2013). In this case, the demand for clear
generalizable end results favours the selection of
CB-SEM to test the pre-defined hypothesises in this
The popular software which are normally used to
perform analysis for CB-SEM are SAS, LISREL,
MPLUS and AMOS (Awang, 2015). Byrne (2013)
asserts that, among these popular software, AMOS is
has the best graphic interface which allows easy
modelling of constructs and the associated observed
variables than the rest; which used commands. With
AMOS graphic interface, data analysis is performed
easily while results are more of error-free (Awang,
2015). This study, therefore, uses AMOS in the data
analysis. Specifically, IBM AMOS version 22,
which belong to the latest versions was used.
Advanced features of this version include ability to
perform computations and generate results quickly
as well as being user friendly when compared to the
older versions (Arbuckle, 2013).
The assessment for completeness was performed for
the 500 questionnaires which were distributed. Only
473 questionnaires were collected from respondents.
14 cases were missing more than 60% of the
contents therefore they were discarded completely.
49 missing values from the 35 cases were assessed
for any pattern for missing values by using Little’s
MCAR test. The Missing Value Analysis (MVA)
show that the missing values are non-significant (χ2
(1751.944) =1721, p=0.332), which means that the
The Influence of Values on the Intention and Usage of Mobile Phone - A Case of Tanzanian SMEs
values are missing completely at random. Therefore,
the replacement of the missing values was
performed using Expectation Maximization (EM)
algorithm to get a complete set of 459 cases.
The availability of multivariate outliers in this
study was identified by squared mahalanobis
distance (D
). Since there were few signs of
multivariate outliers, cooks distance was assessed to
see the overall impact of the outliers. However, the
magnitude of cooks distance was less than 1
showing there is no significant impact on outliers
(Cook, 1977).. The results show that all kurtosis
values have values less than 3, which is a
recommended threshold for a reasonable level of
normality (West et al., 1995).
The correlation is identified to be very high
between perceived usefulness and perceived ease of
use (r=0.583). This shows that as employees
perceive that the mobile phones are easy to use are
likely to perceive that it is useful too. In another
hand, the least correlation is between behavior
intention and actual use. They also show that they
have both influence each other but with less margin.
Multicollinearity refers to a situation where
predictors or constructs appears to correlate highly
with other predictors (Martz, 2013). The assessment
of multicollinearity was performed. Each of the
constructs have tolerance of more than 0.5 whereas
the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is less than two.
As for tolerance, a value of 0.10 is recommended as
the minimum level (Tabachnick et al., 2001).
However, a value of 0.25 can be seen used in the
literature (Huber and Stephens, 1993). Also,
according to Hair et al (2008), VIF should not
exceed 10. Therefore, all the constructs in this
analysis have not exceeded the collinearity
Reliability of the cosntructs was assessed by using
cronbachs’ alpha where the minimum value was
0.72 which suggests that the model is reliable
enough (Loewenthal, 1996; Malhotra, 2010).
Discriminant validity tests aims at checking
whether answers from different individuals to the
questionnaire items are either lightly correlated or
not correlated at all with other latent variables (Chin,
2003). For a factor to achieve good discriminant
validity, its value of Average Variance Extracted
(AVE) should be larger than any of the correlation
coefficients between such factor and each of the rest
(Bernstein and Nunnally, 1994; Chin, 2003; Gefen et
al., 2000). It is asserted that if AVE appear to be less
than a correlation coefficient with a certain another
factor, the two factors are highly correlated and
therefore do not measure well-separated latent
concepts (Gefen et al., 2000). However, the results
in the SPSS have shown a number of correlation
coefficients in the correlation matrix having values
greater than the AVEs. This shows that there are
factors which are highly correlated. This correlation
situation can be caused by the following
possibilities; Firstly, latent factors which compose
one concept or phenomenon in the real world cannot
be absolutely independent. In this study, this has
become even more realized because of language
barriers in which the items were collected in another
(English) language followed by translating and then
answered by another language (Swahili). Secondly,
the ICT related vocabularies are mostly tending to
be too technical for linguistic professional for them
to translate to their most appropriate Swahili
language so as to be understood by a Tanzanian
Since the analysis process is handled by SEM,
most of measurement errors re handled
automatically, while there is also an opportunity of
discarding/dropping off the items which causes
trouble in the measurement model. In addition, SEM
gives opportunity of identifying the error causative
items through modification indices thereby pointing
the possibilities of adjusting a fitness of the model.
Therefore, in this study, discriminant validity is
handled through Modification Indices and
monitoring the fit indices of the measurement
Hair et al (Hair et al., 1998) asserts that
whenever factor loadings associated with indicators
for all respective latent variables are 0.5 or above the
convergent validity of a measurement model is
generally considered to be acceptable. On the other
hand, Awang (2015) asserts that, for a model to
achieve convergent validity its fitness indices should
meet the required levels. Therefore, since there are
no items which have less than 0.5 factors loading
then the model have acceptable convergent validity
status. As for the case of fitness indices, they are
well within the threshold values in which the
absolute fit, incremental fit as well as parsimonious
fit have been reached as seen by having CFI=0.981
(should be>0.9), TLI=0.976(should be .0.9),
NFI=0.936(should be .0.9), RMSEA=0.029(should
be ,0.08) and Chisq/df=1.379( should be
<3.0)(Awang, 2015; Hooper et al., 2008).
In addition, the results were tested for common
method variance (CMV). The method used was
Hermans one factor method. The results show that,
after loading only one factor, the maximum variance
is 27.450%. Since this value is less than 50%, the
results are not bounded to common method variance
ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business
as per Eichhorn (2014) recommendations. The
regression weight in the resulted model suggests the
following significance relationships:
A) Positive direct Influence of Perceived Ease
of Use on Perceived Usefulness(H1a)
This study hypothesized that perceived ease of
use have direct influence to the perceived
usefulness. This have been also supported by a
number of studies in the context of acceptance of
mobile phone technology (see(Gallego et al., 2008b;
Kwon and Chidambaram, 2000)). Similarly the
results of this study support this hypothesis. That
means, the more the employee perceive that mobile
phones are easy to use, they tend to perceive that it
is useful to them.
One of the studies which did not find the
relationship between perceived ease of use and
perceived usefulness is the study which investigated
the acceptance of integrating mobile commerce in
into an organizational processes(Gribbins et al.,
B) Direct influence of Perceived Usefulness on
behavior Intention (H1c)
The relationship between perceived usefulness
and behavior intention in the Tanzanian SMEs was
not supported. This suggests that the perception on
the usefulness of mobile phone technology in their
activities does not influence their intention to use it
in future. This observation is in line with a study on
the employee acceptance of integrating mobile
commerce in their workplaces in which perceived
usefulness did not have significant influence on their
behavior intention(Gribbins et al., 2003). This is
against of other findings which have shown that
perceived usefulness have positive and significant
relationship with behavior intention in other contexts
of mobile phone usage (see (Gribbins et al., 2003;
Kim, 2008; Prieto et al., 2015).
C) Direct influence of Perceived Ease of Use
on behavior Intention (H1b)
This hypothesis was supported. This study is in
line with the context of acceptance of smart phones
(Chen et al., 2009) and employees acceptance of
mobile commerce (Gribbins et al., 2003). This
implies that as employees of SMEs perceive that its
ease to use mobile phones then it will possibly be
useful in their work.
D) Direct influence of Perceived Values on
Behavior Intention (H2d)
The values of mobile phones in Tanzanian SMEs
were introduced in this study. The SEM results show
that PV has a significant positive influence on
behavior intention. This implies that as if challenges
on using mobile phones are resolved and benefits of
using mobile phones are realized, then the
employees are likely to intend to use mobile phones
to perform their work obligations in the near future.
E) Direct influence of behavior Intention on
Actual Use ( H1d)
An intention to use a technology has shown to
influence its actual usefulness in many contexts
(see(Davis, 1989b; Kwon and Chidambaram, 2000;
Venkatesh and Davis, 2000) and (Byomire and
Maiga, 2015)). This relationship was also tested to
investigate whether the context of Tanzanian
Tourism SMEs can support it. The results show that
there is a statistically significant relationship
between behavior intention and actual usage of
mobile phone technology in SMEs. This implies
that, as employees feel intending to use mobile
phone in performing their SME obligations, they
will actually use it.
This article discusses the relationship between
factors influencing employee intention and usage of
mobile phone technology by extending TAM.
Specifically, this study shows that the perceived
values have a statistical significant effect on the
intention to use a mobile phone in Tanzanian SMEs.
This suggests that through solving the challenges
and enhancing the benefits expressed by employees,
their intentions will be enhanced. Therefore, this
study suggests the stakeholders to act upon making
sure that the values of mobile phone technology in
the context of Tanzanian SMEs are well dealt with.
In addition, this study has shown that the use of
mobile phone technology by employees of SMEs
does not directly influence the intentions to use. This
suggest that, in order to promote the use of
technology in Tanzanian SMEs, more emphasis
should be put to making sure that it is easy to use as
well as values are handled well since they are the
key predictors of intention and usage. Further
studies may involve extending a study and identify
the strongest value among the existing ones as a way
of setting up strategic decisions in handling them.
Another study also could involve testing this model
in other different contexts and see any meaningful
information which can emerge on such study.
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