The Benefit of Thinking Small in Big Data
Kurt Englmeier
and Hernán Astudillo Rojas
Faculty of Computer Science, Schmalkalden University of Applied Science, Blechhammer, Schmalkalden, Germany
Departamento de Informática, Universidad Técnica Frederico Santa María, Valparaiso, Chile
Keywords: Big Data, Data Analysis, Human-Computer Interaction, Automatic Translation, Translation Memory.
Abstract: No doubt, big data technology can be a key enabler for data-driven decision making. However, there are
caveats. Processing technology for unstructured and structured data alone–with or without Artificial
Intelligencewill not suffice to catch up the promises made by big data pundits. This article argues that we
should be level-headed about what we can achieve with big data. We can achieve a lot of these promises if
we also achieve to get our interests and requirements better reflected in design or adaptation of big data
technology. Economy of scale urges provider of big data technology to address mainstream requirements, that
is, analytic requirements of a broad clientele. Our analytical problems, however, are rather individual, albeit
mainstream only to a certain extent. We will see many technology add-ons for specific requirements, with
more emphasis on human interaction too, that will be essential for the success in big data. In this article, we
take machine translation as an example and a prototypical translation memory as add-on technology that
supports users to turn the faulty automatic translation into a useful one.
People produce worldwide every day zillions of data
when giving away transaction data to retailers and
banks, opinions posted on social media, or geospatial
and health data recorded by our phone, just to name
the most prominent ones. We funnel these zillions of
data into big data machines that, thanks to their
analytic power, produce insights we even haven’t
dared to dream of. The journalist and futurist Patrick
Tucker sees a revolutionary advance emerging from
analytics: “In the next two decades, we will be able to
predict huge areas of the future with far greater
accuracy than ever before in human history, including
events long thought to be beyond the realm of human
inference.” (Tucker, 2014) big data champions adhere
to this view and relentlessly allege that analytics can
solve a long array of problems, ranging from crime
over people’s nutrition and health to education and
global warming.
Thanks to tools like Hadoop and Spark we can in
fact combine zillions of structured and unstructured
information. However, the analytical power of tools
for predictive analysis, correlation analysis, time
series analysis, and the like hasn’t changed much in
recent decades (Jagadish et al. 2014). Operating these
tools with all these data does by far not automatically
result in valuable information. Gary Marcus and
Ernest Davis (Marcus and Davis, 2014) compiled a
nice list of caveats about big data. They present
prominent examples where big data projects
neglected the adage “correlation is not causation”.
The combination of database technology with tools
like Apache Spark–for integrating and standardising
unstructured data–and a versatile statistical apparatus
forms a powerful technology for big data that in fact
can process masses of data and produce masses of
results. The mere availability of computational power
does not automatically open avenues to information
that supports data-driven decisions. There’s no such
thing like one-size-fits-all technology for big data.
Currently available big data technology or “Data
Science as a Service (DSaaS) provide at best off-the-
shelf features for data handling and analysis.
There are always tiny, but essential details not
covered by big data technology. Just think about
opinion mining or sentiment analysis. There are so
many methodological, language, and domain
specifics to adhere to. There is no standard approach
to opinion mining. Too many continually changing
individualities need to be covered. (Wright, 2009;
Feldman 2013; Zhang and Liu, 2011) Thinking small
in big data means to pay attention to these details.
This article outlines at first that data analysis may
Englmeier, K. and Rojas, H.
The Benefit of Thinking Small in Big Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0006423301860191
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 186-191
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
consist of standard processes, but there is always an
array of specialised processes to be taken into
account. It further explains that analytic proficiency
emerges from combining and orchestrating of three
knowledge areas, namely tool knowledge, domain
knowledge, and methodological knowledge. Big data
analysis requires mainstream big data technology but
also add-on technologies that enable the users to
ensure that the applied technology completely
supports their analysis hypotheses. The mix of
required technology reaches far beyond analytics
architectures that cover data warehouses, statistical
tools, and dashboard features. Future big data
technology will include also more tools that are
controlled by the information consumer. In its second
part, the article presents an example of such an add-
on technology that enhances mainstream technology.
A prototypical translation memory helps the user to
correct the results of machine translation.
Economists, for instance, would welcome big data
technology. They work with big data every day, since
decades. The German ifo Institute for Economic
Research issues every month one of the most reliable
indicator for Germany’s economic development, the
Ifo Business Climate Index (ifo, 2017). It asks
companies across all sectors to assess their current
and future business situation. ifo gets thousands of
replies indicating whether current situations are
considered “good”, “satisfactory” or “poor”.
Furthermore, it asks the companies whether their
business situations for the next six months
presumably will be “more favourable”, “unchanged”
or “more unfavourable”. The answers are merged into
sector-wide and economy-wide indicators.
Summarising the respondent’s feedback is certainly
part of the off-the-shelf features of analysis software.
However, companies are different in size and market
power. This needs to be taken into account. The
business situation of a company like Siemens has an
impact on the overall assessment of the situation
across the electrical and electronic industry that
outweigh that of a small company serving a niche
market with a handful of products. Merging the
companies’ feedbacks into one indicator is only valid
if their different market positions are considered
correspondingly in the statistical model. Each
company feedback gets an individual weight that
reflects the company’s impact on the sector’s
economic performance. Feeding the respondents’
answers and their individual weights into a statistical
tool is a standard procedure. Defining these
individual weights, however, reaches far beyond any
standard feature. It requires solid knowledge of the
market sector and continuous observation of the
company’s performance.
The consolidated values are then added to the time
series reflecting the sector’s or the economy’s
performance. Finally, the whole series get seasonally
adjusted, because public, regional and major plant
holidays distort the picture of a sector’s performance.
The result is a pretty realistic picture on the
performance of the sector economy or the country’s
economy as a whole. The moving holiday
components of seasonal adjustment, in turn, vary
from country to country, sometimes there are even
regional and sectoral differences. Hence, economists
need to fine-tune them in accordance to the market in
consideration. The two examples from economic
analysis show: no matter how powerful analytic tools
are they need to be fine-tuned, that is, adjusted to the
specific individual purposes. Furthermore domain
experts constantly need to check the plausibility of
the results produced. We cannot simply funnel data
into machines—as intelligent as they might be—and
expect to get the results we require.
Analytic features of database systems, statistical
software or data mining tools have clear functional
profiles. Correlation analysis, trend analysis,
regression analysis, and the like are instruments quite
well-known to statisticians. They know how to apply
them, how to fine-tune them for specific purposes,
and—by involving the expertise of domain experts—
how to check the plausibility of their results. Not
every correlation detected automatically has a
plausible meaning. In their article, Marcus and Davis
give some funny examples of correlations that went
awry. Quality assurance in data analysis is of outmost
importance. It rests on a combination of
methodological, tool, and domain knowledge and
expertise or on data science and domain expertise
(Liu et al, 2014). Not everything that is
computationally possible is also plausible. Big data
offers great opportunities, but it does not unleash the
next wave of digital disruption. Big data has the
potential to distract and drain budget and resources.
And it is even more daunting if major investments in
big data technology do not yield the informative
quantum leap we expected so much. Analytic tools
are powerful and can squeeze an avalanche of
additional data out of the data we already have. The
results we get may be interesting, exhilarating,
daunting, out of focus, irritating, or overwhelming.
The power of modern computing can help us solve
many problems. However, we need to be level-
The Benefit of Thinking Small in Big Data
headed about the capabilities of big data, in particular
if we are prone to believe in computing power. Just
crunching numbers does not yield us all the hints we
need to solve problems. It is naive to believe that big
data produces all the information we require, we just
have to grab what we need.
In our everyday jobs, there are many small things
to discover in big data. And there are probably too
many things that go unnoticed by big data technology.
The problem is not so much fine-tuning of big data
tools that is complicated and time-consuming and
requires a lot of tool knowledge. Together with
statisticians and domain experts we can design and
implement reliable analytic features that produce
results in accordance with our quality standards.
Quite often we even look for insights from data
where the whole big data machinery is not of much
help. There is thus a new concept emerged recently
called Small Data or Little Data. The concept sounds
a bit misleading at first, because it is sometimes
referred to as data analytics considering small pieces
of data processed by a spreadsheet application. The
attribute “small” refers more to the complexity of the
problem we address, in terms of the complexity of the
analytic processes required to get the insights to solve
this problems. In simple terms, for the majority of
analysis problems we do not need sophisticated
statistical models or machine learning algorithms.
The attribute “small” refers also to the individuality
of the problem, that is, there only a small community
of information consumers requiring a big data
solution for a particular problem.
Big data has the potential to leverage data-driven
decision making to a higher level of quality and
efficiency. From a first glance on the topic big data,
we might get the impression that the processing
power of big data technology can turn raw data into
useful information that discloses actionable insights
to us. The more we get into this topic, the more we
realise that success in data-driven decision making is
only partly technology-driven. The example from
economic research demonstrates that we most likely
need to combine tool knowledge, domain knowledge,
and methodological knowledge if we want to benefit
from big data. Each analysis project requires a
different mix of knowledge from these areas, that is,
each knowledge area contributes only to a certain
degree to the required proficiency. Not each of these
knowledge areas may even be required in some big
data project. The success of and the benefit from big
data thus depends on our capabilities to find the right
knowledge and technology mix.
Figure 1: We get the insights we expect from big data if we
efficiently combine domain knowledge, methodological
knowledge and knowledge of and experience with
analytical tools.
Essentially, with big data we see more and highly
distributed data emerging from more places at a
higher rate. This attribute reflects mainly the
technological challenge of big data. Many of these
data are unstructured and need to be transformed,
standardized, and integrated into our information
environments. Big data technology usually comes
with methods to distil useful information from raw
data as long as its respective functionalities cover
mainstream requirements, that is, they have features
requested by a broad user community. The actual
discussion about big data is rather technology-driven
and has a strong focus on the development of tool
knowledge. Success in big data requires more than
just powerful tools as the success of analysis projects
depend on different knowledge areas and even on
interdisciplinary teams working together.
Distilling information from unstructured data and/or
from the combination of unstructured and structured
data, however, can reach quite quickly beyond
mainstream requirements. For instance, gathering
unstructured or text data from social media,
generating insights about products and services, and
developing chatbots for customer service and
engagement, require quite individual text mining and
communication features. They depend on the domain
and the nature of information we want to mine, such
as opinion, customer request, complaint, etc. This
means our distilling requirements can quickly
demand more domain and methodological knowledge
as we might have considered in the first place. We
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
may even find ourselves suddenly completely outside
the focus of mainstream big data technology.
The mere quantity of new emerging information
is useless if it is too imprecise for the information
consumers to act upon. Thinking small means to take
care of the small and individual requirements that are
not covered by mainstream big data technology. Even
though mainstream technology takes us close to the
insights we yearn to obtain from big data, in most
analytical situations we do not get useful results
without fine-tuning the tools we use. Discussions
around thinking small in big data or small data
(Hendershot, 2015, Kavis, 2014) is pointing out that
the Internet of Things (IoT) produces mainly small
data that do not require big analytic machinery. The
remote control of devices of our home (heating,
blinds, lights, etc.) does in fact not depend on many
data. Sensors mostly produce only small pieces of
To recognize an event, big data technology is
completely obsolete in many cases. Take an app on a
smart watch, for instance, that can be used to detect if
a person wearing that watch needs immediate help
because she or he had collapsed and remained
motionless on the floor for a critical while. There are
not masses of data required to distinguish the
different movements of the watch. The app must
clearly distinguish the movement when a person is
collapsing from similar but less critical situations like
the watch falling down or being put on the table.
Many devices of an aircraft provide status
information. The landing gear, for instance, has a
series of sensors attached that produce a series of
small data during touchdown. These data help to
assert if a hard landing occurred and, therefore,
landing gear and wheels need a special check before
the next take-off.
The two examples show that in these situations
tool knowledge is not so much required to get useful
and actionable information. The focus is more on
domain and methodological knowledge, plain physics
in these cases. When do speed and direction of the
smart watch point to a falling person or when does
compression and angle of the landing gear indicate a
hard landing? In data analysis, the hard work is to
formulate and test a solid hypothesis about the data
patterns that indicate the event we expect to observe.
Knowledge in physics is essential in both cases that is
unsurprisingly not covered much by mainstream
analytic technology.
If we take all data together that are produced by
the sensors of an aircraft during take-off, en route, and
landing, we see, in fact, masses of data. Big data
technology, such as database systems and integration
tools like Spark (or Hadoop) can certainly support
quite a lot in data handling. Even though we do not
get all data required for the information we expect,
they lay important groundwork work for efficient data
analysis. Nevertheless, in many cases remains
essential data processing and analysis work to be
done. Actually, big data is mainly addressed as a
technical challenge requesting new capabilities that
reach beyond current database technology and
embrace features and methodologies from Artificial
Intelligence (AI). Both fields have an essential impact
on the development of successful tools and
technologies to master the big data challenge.
However, economy-of-scales limit their development
to generic analytic needs. Final process steps towards
specific analytic solutions addressing individual
needs of the information consumers are widely
neglected or considered as a problem for statisticians
and programmers. It is obvious that a wide variety of
tools is required to cover these individual needs.
Furthermore, information consumers increasingly
expect to handle these tools by themselves. They want
to avoid the delegation of analytical tasks as far as
possible. In the future, we will see many tools that
enable the information consumer to adapt and fine-
tune the results of big data analysis to their individual
Hence, we suggest to shift the focus a bit from the
technical capability of big data technology to the roles
and needs of the information consumers.
Undoubtedly, big data tools can do the heavy lifting
in data analysis and intelligent data processing. The
final and indispensable fine-tuning of the results,
however, reaches beyond this capability. Human-
centred design of add-on tools or features for big data
technology closes the gap between the needs of
information consumers (including analysts) and
technological capabilities.
We take machine translation as an example to
present the nature of a human-centred technology
component for big data. Automatic translation
services can translate large quantities of text within
seconds. As we all know, automatic translations
contain many, probably too much errors and thus do
not satisfy our expectations, in general. There are
many types of errors, like wrong sentence structure,
incorrect translation of pronouns, and the translation
of a word inconsistent to the context of the phrase or
the text. The first two classes of errors can be easily
corrected by humans. The latter class of errors is more
The Benefit of Thinking Small in Big Data
difficult to handle. The quality of translation in
general and of translation support depends on words
reflected in the right context. The correct
disambiguation of the meaning of a word is key to
correct translations. Translation memories (TM) can
help the users to find suitable translations for key
expressions in a given context. TMs record the
translation work and serve as a digital vocabulary for
specific translations in the domain(s) of the users
(Casacuberta et al., 2009). This means, they contain
enough information to set up the required domain
context. In the following we present a prototypical
TM that supports the retrieval of context-specific
translations of critical words or expressions.
The following example gives an impression of
benefits and odds in machine translation. The benefit
of machine translation is indisputable: You get the
translation at a fingertip. However, it does not
correctly grasp the context of the word to be
translated. For example, much like many other words,
the wordstock can carry different meaning
depending on the context. Its correct translation into
Spanish or German, for instance, requires context
information. Does it refer to stock market, stock-
keeping or cooking? In the first case, it is translated
by “acciones” or “Aktien”. In the cooking context,
“caldo” or “Brühe” are suitable translations. Machine
translation works well if the immediate context is
doubtlessly known to the system. “100 mls stock or
water” is correctly translated into Spanish: “100 ml
de caldo o agua”. If we add a cooking instruction, the
machine translation suddenly loses the context! “100
mls stock or water. Bring the stock to the boil in a
large pot.” is translated into “100 ml de caldo o agua.
Llevar la población a hervir en una olla grande.” (see
figure 2). The German translation is similarly wrong
(see figure 3).
The reason for the inaccurate translation of
machine translation emerges from so-called
concordance lists, which, in turn, result from
numerous translations. In simple terms, they store the
translation frequencies of words, frequencies of co-
occurrences of words, and the frequencies of certain
word sequences. If the word "stock" follows the term
"100 mls", the probability of the word "caldo" being
the correct Spanish translation is very high. If more
words follow then the probability quite likely
changes. Correlation between "100 mls" and possible
subsequent expressions (including “stock”) may now
point to the expression “la población” or “las
acciones” as correct translations. The human
translator immediately recognizes that both
expressions lie outside the context of the phrase to be
translated. Machine translation, in contrast, cannot
not recognize that all sentences have to do with
cooking and consequently takes the most probable
translation according to the frequencies mentioned
The translation work of the users appears almost
always in a specific thematic context: translation of
an operating manual for a specific product, the pages
of a web site or the user interface for a cooking
recipes app, all these translations have a thematically
narrow focus. Our prototypical TM serves the
context-driven translation of words. As soon as
contexts are available, it determines whether word
use is compatible to a context and, if necessary,
Figure 2: Example for machine translations using Google’s translator: if only the first phrase is entered the system correctly
identifies the context of the word “stock” and translates it correctly (“caldo”). As soon as the second phrase is added it no
longer recognizes the correct context.
Figure 3: If translating the same phrases into German the system loses the correct context of the word “stock” as well when
the second phrase is added and uses the wrong translation for both occurrences of “stock”.
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
derives improvement suggestions, that is,
recommends words or expressions that are more
appropriate in the given situation.
Big data pundits, mainly the providers of database
technologies, allege that big data technology creates
a new generation of analytical tools that help us to
solve many problems in crime prevention, health
care, and global warming, just to name a few. There
is no doubt, big data technology is very good at
detecting correlations. However, it does not
necessarily mean that there is a plausible causation
behind every correlation detected. Even if we focus
just on correlation analysis, we have to admit that it
can get quite complex and versatile. Usually, it starts
with forming a hypothesis, that is further transformed
to an analysis model and finally to a set of instructions
for the analytic tool. The results are then checked
against the hypothesis, the model is adapted and
tested again. After a couple of iterations the causation
behind the correlation is ideally validated. We can
easily imagine that there any many and subtle
parameters to fine-tune in this analytic cycle. Hence,
there is no such thing like general purpose big data
Big data technology can take us quite close to the
information we require. However, in many situations
we need to adapt the technology or we need additional
tools for the essential final processing step. The actual
discussion in big data bypasses this missing link in
data analysis. For a successful big data architecture,
we need a broader technology mix that reaches
beyond database, statistical, and dashboard features.
Without closing the technology gap in analysis we
cannot fully leverage big data. There is a series of
tools required that ranges from domain to domain and
from methodology to methodology. Even if we just
look at text mining, there are standard mining tools
for texts, but things like opinion mining and analysis
of customer requests or complaints, for instance, can
get very specific and reach definitely beyond mining
features. The automatic detection of positive, neutral
or negative opinions in social media about products
or service of a specific company needs to be gauged
continuously. It can be quite beneficial if the
information consumers, in this case the decision-
makers, can immediately adapt the mining features.
This article outlines the problem of the technology
gap in the context of automatic translation. With an
additional tool that enables the users to retrieve
essential expression in the right context, they can
correct diction errors that occur frequently in machine
translation. Even though machine translation does the
heavy lifting, the users need to correct its results.
Only by this final step they get the expected quality
in their translations. We consider the context-
sensitive translation memory as an example among
many, many add-on tools that will be required to
produce the insights we can expect from big data.
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The Benefit of Thinking Small in Big Data