Challenges for Value-driven Semantic Data Quality Management
Rob Brennan
Knowledge and Data Engineering Group, ADAPT Centre, School of Computer Science and Statistics,
Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland
Keywords: Data Quality, Semantics, Linked Data, Data Value, Data Management.
Abstract: This paper reflects on six years developing semantic data quality tools and curation systems for both large-
scale social sciences data collection and a major web of data hub. This experience has led the author to
believe in using organisational value as a mechanism for automation of data quality management to deal
with Big Data volumes and variety. However there are many challenges in developing these automated
systems and this discussion paper sets out a set of challenges with respect to the current state of the art and
identifies a number of potential avenues for researchers to tackle these challenges.
Data governance aligns organisational goals with the
management of the data assets that data driven
enterprises need to leverage (Brous, 2016). Data
governance thus provides oversight and goal-setting
for data quality management since creating and
maintaining “appropriate” or “fit for use” (i.e. high
quality) data for users is an organisational
imperative (Logan, 2016). To date, bridging the gap
between business priorities and data quality
management has been hampered by factors such as:
the focus of data quality tools on low-level intrinsic
quality measures (e.g. syntactic validity) (Zaveri,
2015), the multi-faceted nature of data quality
(Radulovic, 2016), an increasingly diverse data
technology ecosystem built on siloed tool-chains
(Khatri, 2010), and the lack of business-oriented
metadata (Schork, 2009). Automated support for
data stakeholder or steward governance of data
quality is immature due to the lack of
standardisation of integration points for big data
quality control systems (ISO, 2014). In contrast, for
low level data quality metrics, recent advances in
semantic data quality analysis show great promise
(Bertossi, 2013, Feeney, 2016, Kontokostas, 2014)
but methods have not yet emerged to apply them to
traditional databases and semi-structured web data,
where most data growth is centred. Current work on
dataset meta-data standards by the W3C (Maali,
2014) would be a natural basis for business-oriented
quality metadata.
Gartner in 2016 have urged for a more business-led
data governance discipline, highlighting that “it’s all
about the business value”. Moody previously
observed that “100% accurate information is rarely
required in a business context” (Moody, 1999) so it
is impractical (and unprofitable) to blindly try to
achieve “high quality data” across the board (Evan,
2010). Investment in data quality can be seen as
insurance against the risk that your data is not “fit
for use”. In 2013 Tallon spelt out the challenge
“Finding data governance practices that maintain a
balance between value creation and risk exposure is
the new organizational imperative” (Tallon, 2013).
Nonetheless few technologists have taken up this
challenge (Brous, 2016, Yousif, 2015). In part this is
due to a lack of consensus on mathematical models
for the estimation of business value (Viscusi, 2014).
Using value estimates to drive business processes is
common but automated data quality management
toolchains based on value is limited to spot cases
such as quality assessment (Evan, 2005), file
retention management (Wijnhoven, 2014) and data
lifecycle management (Chen, 2005).
This paper presents a survey of recent
developments relevant to developing a new
generation of automated data quality management
systems that are capable of dealing with Big Data
volumes and variety in a way that minimises costs
by using models of the organisational value of data
linked to data quality (section 2). A set of three
research challenges for value-driven data quality
management are then identified along with potential
directions for research that will satisfy these
Brennan, R.
Challenges for Value-driven Semantic Data Quality Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0006387803850392
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 385-392
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
challenges (section 3). Finally in section 4 some
thoughts are presented on the current outlook for
solutions in this space.
The challenges identified in this paper come from
the author’s experiences developing semantic data
quality tools (Feeney, 2014, Feeney, 2017) and
applying them to large, international data collection
efforts like large, international social science
datasets (Brennan, 2016, Turchin, 2015) or major
linked data hubs (Meehan, 2016). Interactions with
dataset stakeholders over a number of years have
suggested that despite the advantages of semantic
data quality approaches, e.g. more expressive
schema (Mendel-Gleason, 2015), that the intrinsic
quality metrics that the majority of such tools focus
on (Zaveri, 2015) are not the locus of business or
organisational value in the datasets (Evan, 2005).
Even the best data quality processes and tools
require human oversight to be most effective (Brous,
2016) and as the number and variety of datasets
increases (especially in a world dominated by Big
Data) it is not scaleable to try and improve data
quality uniformly (Evan, 2010). Instead some means
must be developed to focus the attention of
automated tools on the places where they can do the
most good with the least investment of effort. In a
holistic approach that goes beyond the intrinsic or
universal quality measures that the stakeholders
have already rejected, this naturally leads to a desire
for unlocking the greatest value in an organisation’s
data assets. This poses the questions of how can data
value be located and estimated.
Unfortunately, (a) defining what is “appropriate
data” at a business level is both a hard problem and
not adequately addressed by current approaches; and
(b) many dimensions of data value are expressed in
extrinsic data quality measures that depend on
metadata, provenance or usage information that do
not exist within the dataset itself. This leads to the
conjecture that bottom-up data quality tools that
focus on dataset-centric intrinsic quality metrics
such as consistency or integrity will improve over
time but that this progress is only incremental and a
step-change in the effectiveness of data quality
governance requires new methods to driect and
monitor data quality methods and tools based on the
organisational value of data.
Given the explosion in data we are witnessing,
current approaches will not scale to meet the
demand for data that is fit for use. Even with some
progress on tools extrinsic measures like availability
of licensing information (Neumaier, 2016), the real
gains in application of data quality tools will be at
the interface between addressing business needs
(Schork, 2009), supporting domain experts rather
than information architects (Mosley, 2010) and
methods to focus on the available tools and people
on the most relevant data quality issues rather than
wasting effort on uniform metric improvements that
might not even feed into business goals (Evan,
2010). There is a direct parallel between this
situation and the author’s track record on bridging
the gaps in human involvement in semantic mapping
processes (Conroy, 2009, Debruyne, 2013) in
contrast to the majority of the research in ontology
matching which focuses on improving low-level
matching algorithms (Shvaiko, 2013). Another
important influence on the challenges identified for
data quality governance is recent work on semantic
mapping lifecycle governance that uses W3C PROV
as an underlying basis to capture human decision-
making in a machine-readable way (Debruyne,
Previous work on metadata and business value as
drivers for data quality has focused on pre-semantic
technology for data warehousing (Helfert, 2002,
Shankaranarayan, 2003), organisational decision
support systems (Evan, 2005, Evan, 2010, Schork,
2009, Tallon, 2007, Viscusi, 2014) as opposed to our
challenges for tool automation. There are however
related active research topics like file-retention
strategies based on file metadata (Wijnhoven, 2014)
and autonomic data lifecycle management (Chen,
A survey of the literature on data governance,
management and lifecycles finds that while data
quality is widely regarded as critical (Brous, 2016,
Khatri, 2010, Tallon, 2013, Weber, 2009), that most
current processes are human rather than machine
oriented (Aiken, 2016, Mosley, 2010). In part this
may be because there are a wide variety of data
lifecycle models but no clear standards (ISO, 2014).
This is influenced by the diversity of data storage
and structuring technologies currently in vogue,
from traditional RDBMS to NoSQL, linked data and
data warehouses to data lakes. Nonetheless the need
for more automated data quality management is
manifest and key to this is how goals are set for
these systems to enable planning, monitoring and
enforcement (Logan, 2016). Underpinning any
automated decision-making will be rich data quality
criteria and the oversight of domain experts such as
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
data stewards. These quality criteria must capture
and even predict the links between data assets,
processes, tools, users and data value.
The overall vision of these challenges is to work
towards business-driven, automated semantic data
quality management directed by data value estimates
that becomes more effective over time. Semantics
are at the heart of our approach since they provide
(a) a formal specification model (b) the basis for rich
data quality methods and tools and (c) an effective
data quality integration and interchange technology
when instantiated as enterprise Linked Data.
Our vision first requires the development by the
community of a deeper understanding of how to
define data asset value in a generic and formal way.
Then it will be possible to specify value-driven data
quality criteria, i.e. ways to express the links
between data value, metadata, processes and data
quality methods or tools. Then, this knowledge can
be codified in machine-processable formal models
that support semantic data interchange about data
quality and value in the organisation. This in turn
will enable the development of improved predictive
models and intelligent adaptive data quality systems
for value-driven data quality in digital enterprises. In
a heterogeneous environment the semantic data
interchange models could provide the basis of multi-
vendor interoperability and tool-chain integration.
Each challenge is discussed in a sub-section below,
along with potential approaches for addressing the
3.1 Mature Models of Data Value
Although there is a lot of discussion about “data
value”, “information asset valuation”, “data as an
asset” and infonomics at the moment, most of this
discussion is industry-led and does not focus on
formal models of the difficult topic of exactly how
information should be valued. Moody and Walsh
defined seven “laws” of information that explained
its unique behaviour and relation to business value
(Moody and Walsh, 1999) but even that work does
not define the concrete measurement techniques or
metrics. Moody identifies three methods of data
valuation – utility, market price and cost (of
collection) – and concludes that utility is in theory
best but impractical and thus cost-based estimation
is the most effective method. Unfortunately sunk
cost is not a strong candidate for directing future
quality management activities in an agile
environment. Most research on information value
merely seeks to identify dimensions or
characteristics without defining a mathematical
theory of data value.
One guiding research question should be: What
are the fundamental processes and attributes driving
changes in data value over time, and how does this
give rise to patterns of data value development and
diffusion? This would lead to a formal model with
strong explanatory or predictive properties. More
importantly it could act as a baseline for future
research in this under-specified area.
3.1.1 Potential Approaches
There has been no work to date on formal
knowledge models of the data value domain which
limits the application of intelligent systems to data
value management or profiling. The ultimate goal of
such models would be predicting value as well as
assessing it but so far this has proved very context-
dependent (e.g. the value of a specific dataset is a
function of current business goals) and thus hard to
formulate general models. However it is likely that,
as with data quality, there are both extrinsic and
intrinsic measures of value and by calculating the
intrinsic measures it may be possible to estimate the
extrinsic proportion of value
Another area that must be addressed is long-term
validation of models against known data and
business lifecycles. It is possible that usage-based
models of data value, such as already deployed for
file management (Wijnhoven 2014) could be applied
to data assets as a whole. This also corresponds to
the concept of economic value in usage. Such usage-
based models may be based on system logs or
provenance information.
3.2 Linking Data Quality to Data Value
This challenge is about defining value-based data
quality criteria that enable unified quality
governance of datasets and systems. Formal models
of data quality criteria that enable us to better
understand, evaluate and predict the links between
dataset production costs, utility, usage patterns,
quality metrics, metadata, topic domains, workflows,
provenance, and value would enable new value-
driven approaches to data quality governance and
new insights into the location of data value within an
organisation. These machine-processable models
would form the basis for sharing knowledge about
data quality and value throughout the data quality
Challenges for Value-driven Semantic Data Quality Management
ecosystem and enable automation of quality
management tasks such as data quality metric
selection, tool selection and orchestration, process or
workflow configuration and quality task
pritorisation, These models would also support new
intelligent data quality applications such as data
asset value profiling or improvement, and decision
support for data quality process design.
Many of the data value dimensions identified in
the literature overlap with data quality dimensions.
For example Ahituv (Ahituv, 1989) suggests:
timeliness (dimensions: recency, response time, and
frequency), contents (dimensions: accuracy,
relevance, level of aggregation and exhaustiveness),
format (dimensions: media, color, structure,
presentation), and cost. Compare these with Zalveri
et al’s recent survey of Linked Data quality
dimensions: accessibility, contextual, dataset
dynamicity, intrinsic, representation and trust
(Zalveri 2015).
3.2.1 Potential Approaches
Linked Data could be used as a unifying technical
foundation for quality criteria specification, dataset
description (via metadata), dataset usage logs and
provenance, and process or tool integration (through
the specification of exchange formats and
lightweight REST-based interfaces).
This parallels the work being carried out at the
W3C on dataset-level metadata and data quality
metric vocabularies and then reused within the
H2020 ALIGNED project to describe the combined
software and data engineering of data-intensive
systems. By creating standardised, reusable semantic
specifications it is possible to build models of a
domain (such as data value) and relate it to
component models describing, for example, data
quality, data lifecycles, business context and
governance roles or processes. Then each sub-model
becomes a basis for data collection and exchange
about a specific dimension of data value, e.g. usage
patterns. The upper or combined model then
becomes the basis for data fusion to determine
overall value.
3.3 Methods to Apply Semantic Data
Quality Tools to Heterogeneous
Effective data driven enterprises require data that is
“fit for use” and must employ active data quality
management of mixed data ecosystems (e.g.
relational databases, linked data and semi-structured
data like csv, json and xml) while linking quality
actions to business value. Despite recent progress
and the emergence of both commercial and research
tools (Zaveri, 2015), semantic data quality tool
researchers must address the fact that the majority of
the world’s data is not stored in RDF graphs. This
limits the applicability and impact of their tools and
3.3.1 Potential Approaches
Support for dealing with the diversity of real world
data infrastructure could be provided by four
management capabilities: unified dataset metadata
agents, ontology-based data access for quality tools,
and a unified PROV-based log service. Together
these semantic approaches could use the power of
RDF-based data to span multiple local schemata,
provide formal models of semi-structured data
mappings (R2RML-F), reuse rich metadata
specifications and unified data access for multiple
storage technologies. However RDF would only be
required at the data quality management, metadata
and semi-structured data mapping integration points
– existing access to data silos based on end-user
applications or technologies would be unaffected.
This is important to both: (1) be able to deploy these
solutions for real-world data sources and (2) to
ensure that the systems are flexible enough to cope
with diverse data ecosystems rather than being
tailored to an idealised “green-field” deployment of
semantic web technology. This approach follows the
W3C’s Data Activity which envisages complimentary,
connecting pipelines of diverse data formats and
technologies to provide information services.
3.4 Automated Techniques for Value-
Driven Data Quality Management
Satisfying these requirements in the time of the Big
Data deluge requires a shift away from human-
centric processes and requires us to develop new
automated techniques for data quality monitoring,
analysis, and enforcement that assure business value
while minimising human effort. This especially
applies to data quality where the rationale that
human oversight is required for the highest quality
data processes and the limited capabilities of many
traditional data quality tools leads to heavy use of
manual effort in the data quality domain.
3.4.1 Potential Approaches
Automated quality management requires making and
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
implementing data quality decisions about data
assets, e.g. selecting quality metrics or processes,
generating quality reports, orchestrating quality
processes or tools (Khatri 2010). This can use
machine reasoning, inference or statistical
approaches based on leveraging knowledge models
of: the data quality domain (Radulovic, 2016),
threats to data quality and catalogues of best practice
(Foley, 2011), how data value can be expressed in
dataset metadata (Helfert, 2002, Wijnhoven, 2014)
and extrinsic data quality metrics (Viscusi, 2014).
Hence the presence of formal models linking data
quality and value enable automated decision-making
or decision support for data owners such as Data
Specific technology performance curves could be
developed for data quality processes and tools that,
in conjunction with the knowledge models, support
data quality planning and prediction. Success will be
measured by statistical analysis of the model’s
predictions using historical studies of data quality
By building on Chen’s work on value-based
autonomic data lifecycle management (Chen, 2005)
and Even et al.’s approach to value-based data
quality management for organisational decision
support (Evan, 2010), it may be possible to support
automated selection, prioritisation and orchestration
of data quality tools.
3.5 Standardised Data Quality
Management Architecture
A common architecture and standardised integration
reference points will make the latest advances in
semantic data quality tools available to traditional
databases and semi-structured web data via
ontology-based data access (challenge 3), common
metadata standards and semantic mappings. The
reference architecture should enable a semi-
supervised data quality control loop (challenge 4).
The behaviour of the control loop goals would be set
by data quality criteria expressed in terms of a
governance model that links value and data quality
(challenge 2). This will address the gap in the state
in the art whereby most research looks at individual
quality tools outside of their deployment context and
without reference to any business context.
3.5.1 Potential Approaches
These integration reference points could bring
together disparate semantic quality reporting,
metadata and data quality vocabularies into a
coherent whole, enabling multi-vendor solutions.
This would extend the deployment scope of
semantic data quality tools by defining a new
approach to quality-centric ontology-based data
access (OBDA), where to date only consistency
measures have been addressed [Console14]. New
mechanisms for data quality management of
semantic mappings and semi-structured data could
be developed to allow semantic quality approaches
to be applied to semi-structured data.
An exemplar architecture for automated, value-
driven semantic data quality management is
sketched in figure 1 below. Support for dealing with
the diversity of real world data infrastructure will be
provided by four management capabilities: unified
dataset metadata agents, unified ontology-based data
access for quality tools, and a unified PROV-based
log service. Together these semantic approaches use
the power of RDF-based data to span multiple local
schemata, provide formal models of semi-structured
data mappings (R2RML-F), reuse rich metadata
specifications and unified data access for multiple
storage technologies. However RDF is only required
at the data quality management, metadata and semi-
structured data mapping integration reference points
– existing access to data silos based on end-user
applications or technologies are unaffected. This is
important to both: (1) be able to deploy solutions for
real-world data sources and (2) to ensure that the
integration reference point and data quality criteria
specifications are flexible enough to cope with
diverse data ecosystems rather than being tailored to
an idealised “green-field” deployment of semantic
web technology.
The architecture components shown in figure 1 are
as follows:
Automated Data Quality System: this will
monitor, analyse and enforce data quality within the
data quality management system based on the value-
driven autonomic data lifecycle approach of Chen
Semantic Data Quality Tools from the state of
the art such as TCD’s Dacura Quality Service for
OWL-based validation (Feeney, 2017) and AKSW’s
RDFUnit tool for SPARQL and SHACL-based data
unit testing (Kontokostas, 2014).
Data Access for Quality Management: Access to
RDBMS for metadata agents and semantic data
quality tools would be based on the mature and
highly performant ontology-based data access
platforms such as OnTop (Calvanese et al, 2016).
Dataset Log Agents will convert, create and
maintain dataset usage and governance information
using the W3C’s PROV standard.
Challenges for Value-driven Semantic Data Quality Management
Figure 1: Exemplar Automated Value-Driven Semantic Data Management Architecture.
Dataset Metadata Agents could populate and
maintain DataValue extensions of emerging
metadata standards like DataID and capture
metadata fields relevant to calculating data value
such as key entities and dataset provenance.
This paper discussed significant challenges facing
data quality researchers and the big data industry as
it aims to tackle the dual goals of controlling data
quality costs and engineering those systems to be
flexible enough to support agile management
decision making by data service providers and their
customers in the face of the increased scalability
demands of Big Data systems.
Most of the development of value-driven systems
is currently outside of computer science or
informatics academic research and is led by industry
specialists such as Doug Laney of Gartner. There is
a parallel thread of academic research on knowledge
management and organisational impact that emerges
from the business schools or economics
departments. However these three threads must
come together if we are to engineer value-driven
systems. This requires bridging the gap between
human understanding of business needs and low-
level data lifecycle tools. Hence semantics or formal
knowledge models are ideally placed to play a
significant role in future systems. This compliments
the W3C’s standardisation role on knowledge-based,
data-centric systems.
This research has received funding from the ADAPT
Centre for Digital Content Technology, funded
under the SFI Research Centres Programme (Grant
13/RC/2106) and co-funded by the European
Regional Development Fund.
The author also wants to thank the reviewers for
their many suggestions for improving the final
version of this paper.
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