Mapping Socio-biodiversity: Do Old Modelling Tools Suit New
Sónia Carvalho Ribeiro, William Leles da Costa, Amanda Ribeiro de Oliveira,
Danilo da Silveira Figueira, Isabella Lorenzini da Silva Teixeira, Lilian Aline Machado,
Herman Rodrigues Oliveira and Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho
Centro Sensoriamento Remoto, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Keywords: Extractivist Landscapes, Non Timber Forest Products, Weights of Evidence, Cost Friction.
Abstract: This work shows an original use of classical methods in land change modelling. The aim of this study is to
model yields (productivity) and economic importance (annual rents) of rubber and Brazil nut in the Brazilian
Amazon. Biophysical variables related to rubber and Brazil nut yields as well as market access
(commercialization) were used to model favorability of productivity using Weights of Evidence (WofE)
method. To favorability of productivity were assigned yields base on case study data. The economic model
then combines the map of yields with output prices and costs of collection, processing, and transport to
estimate annual rents per hectare for a specific forest plot. For estimating transport costs we used cost friction
surface modelling tools. Our results show that yields for Brazil nut averages 8.19±7.41 kg ha
and rent
averages US$ 5.05±7.49 ha
. Rubber average yields is of 3.53 kg/ha/year and rubber rents average US$
. Coupling biophysical and economic models allowed us to explore which environmental
and governance improvements are needed to avoid deforestation and forest degradation in the Brazilian
Amazon. Our results also show that despite some methodological issues and the recurrent call for “new”
modelling approaches for addressing the complexity of socio ecological systems, “old” modelling tools such
as Weight of Evidence and Cost Friction Surface, are still suited for addressing the challenge of mapping
Amazon forest biodiversity in Brazil lives together
with a variety of sociocultural groups. Traditional
communities in Amazon use and trade raw materials
of surrounding forests as part of their livelihoods.
There is a rich case study based research illustrating
complexity and diversity of extractivist landscapes
across the Brazilian Amazon (MMA, 2009).
Although rich in detail, local case studies provide a
fragmented view of extractivist landscapes in the
Brazilian Amazon and do not account for fluxes and
migration of people and products across the biome
(Hecht, 2013). Therefore, mapping and modelling
extractivist landscapes at the Amazon´s scale would
need to deal with a huge variability and complexity of
extractivist systems . Empirically informing spatially
explicit models with social survey data then becomes
a limiting factor. Thus, despite acknowledging the
importance of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP)
for securing local forest communities livelihoods,
there is little information on how productivity and
rents of different NTFP are geographically
differentiated across the Brazilian Amazon(Homma,
2008). In order to contribute to fill in this gap, we
developed a systematic approach to map yields and
annual rents of two famed NTFP namely rubber and
Brazil nut.
Brazil nut and rubber extraction are important
components of Amazon´s socio-biodiversity (MMA
2009). In order to overcome methodological issues
for mapping productivity and rents across the
Brazilian Amazon biome we couple biophysical and
economic modelling approaches. Biophysical
variables related to rubber and Brazil nut productivity
were used to model favorability of productivity using
Weights of Evidence (method. The favorability of
productivity was then transformed into yields based
on case study data. Then, the socio-economic model
combines the map of yields with output prices and
costs of collection, processing, and transport to
Ribeiro, S., Costa, W., Oliveira, A., Figueira, D., Teixeira, I., Machado, L., Oliveira, H. and Filho, B.
Mapping Socio-biodiversity: Do Old Modelling Tools Suit New Challenges?.
DOI: 10.5220/0006383903350340
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2017), pages 335-340
ISBN: 978-989-758-252-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
estimate annual rents per hectare for a specific forest
plot (equation 1).
Rent=(Qxy*Pn)-(Qxy*CTprdn)-(Qxy*Ctrn_dz)) (1)
Where Qxy is the simulated production for a cell
with coordinates (x,y) in kg-1ha-1; Pn and CTprdn
correspond to respectively, selling price and the cost
of production in US$/kg of product n and the cost of
secondary transportation (Ctrn) of the product n by
means (dz) from the location (x,y) to the nearest
Although this approach has limitations it is
suitable to explore the ways in which “old” modelling
tools such as the Weights of Evidence and Cost
Friction Surface are able for addressing the new
challenges of mapping socio-biodiversity.
There has been a call for “new” modelling approaches
to tackle de specificities of bonded socio-ecological
systems at broad spatial scales (Rounsevell and
Arneth, 2011, Rounsevell et al., 2012). Despite
acknowledging the need to develop novel modelling
approaches we assess whether or not “old” and well-
known modelling tools such as the Weights of
Evidence and Friction Surfaces, are suited for
mapping both ecology (yields) and economy (rents)
of extractivist landscapes. A flowchart of the
methodological framework is presented in appendix.
2.1 Weights of Evidence
The method of Weight of Evidence (WofE) has been
widely used for mapping prospective mineral areas
(Payne et al., 2015), risk of landslides (Poonam et al.),
fire risk and modelling habitat suitability (Fan et al.,
2011). We did a search in Science Direct database
using as keywords “Weight of Evidence” and
“mapping” and we found 2,396 results (in February
In this work, we applied the Continuous Weights
of Evidence method (Soares Filho et al., 2009) for
modeling favorability of productivity of rubber and
Brazil nut. The models begin by simulating the yields
of Brazil nut and rubber in the Brazilian Amazon. To
do so we integrated a set of biophysical variables by
using the Weights of Evidence method. We used
bioclimatic and biophysical variables (Nunes et al.,
2012, Jaramillo-Giraldo et al., 2017) as well as time-
series (1994-2013) of production data from Brazilian
Statistics office (IBGE). We used the IBGE
maximum production in each municipality as a
surrogate for production capability based on the
assumption that if a municipality was able to produce
and trade such a quantity in a particular year, over the
20-year period, it still holds that production potential.
Correlated variables were removed from the model.
Based on case studies, we selected 12 variables
(Figure 1) and then calculated their influences (W
to determine the spatial probability of productivity
 
 
   
  
Where P is the probability of productivity at
location x,y given a series of spatial variables and
is the weight of evidence of category n of
variable V
(Bonham-Carter, 1994). Favorability was
then transformed into yields by applying a PDF
transformation so that the new distribution matches
the PDF of yields from the case study areas in Acre
(CSR, 2011, Jaramillo-Giraldo et al., 2017). The
Figure 1: Result of the Continuos Weight of Evidence for
maping favorability of productivity for Brazil nut (top) and
Rubber (bottom).
GAMOLCS 2017 - International Workshop on Geomatic Approaches for Modelling Land Change Scenarios
study by Nunes et al. 2012 and Jaramillo et al 2017
used fieldwork data on tree occurrence and
productivity for estimating Brazil nut and rubber tree
density and yields. We used Nunes’ and Jaramillo
yield distribution function for extrapolating the yields
from Acre to the Brazilian amazon.
In order to better understand the results of this
approach we organize semi structured interviews with
a variety of stakeholders. In total, we interviewed 30
people in Acre including 6 extrativists, 10 NGOs, 10
governmental bodies as well as professors at the Acre
Federal University (UFAC, Universidade Federal do
Acre). In Pará, we interviewed 9 extractivists, 2
cooperatives, 5 governmental bodies, 2 researchers
and 1 Brazil nut exporting industry. In these contacts
and from partnerships with local institutons we
included in the analysis socio-economic data from
over 10, 500 extractivist families.
2.2 Cost Friction Surface
Similarly to the WoE the use of cost friction surfaces
is widespread in environmental sciences. A search in
the Science Direct using keywords as “friction
surface” and “mapping” delivered 680 results. We
used the location of communities in the Brazilian
Amazon for calculating the area of influence of each
community that gathers Brazil nut and rubber (we
selected the communities inside the municipalities
where production was recorded by IBGE). By doing
so, we estimated the transport costs from any point in
the forest to the nearest community (Figure 2).
The second stage consists in transporting NTFPs
from the storehouse in the communities to the nearest
cooperative. We used the cooperative location (also
built on the basis of field work) for calculating the
“area of influence” for each one of the cooperatives
that work with Brazil nut and Rubber.
In order to estimate transportation costs, the
model uses a map of roads and navigable rivers. First,
it calculates a cost friction surface (cost per kg and
km), and then produces an accumulated cost from
point of collection in the forest to the village and then
to the cooperative (final destination), according to the
type of road/waterway and mode of transport (boat,
truck, donkey/motorcycle).
Accumulated transport cost (including transport
across the forest as well as to the nearest cooperative)
ranges from 0 to US$ 3.80 per kg (Figure 2).
This means that places farther than 200 km from
cooperatives or point of sale, it is not worth collecting
Figure 2: Accumulated transport costs: from the forest to
the community and from community to cooperative.
Our Brazil nut yields in the vast majority of areas
(99%) of the Brazilian Amazon situate between 0 to
30 kg per ha-1year-1, although there are locations
where yields can reach 152 kg per ha (1% of the
biome) The annual rents of Brazil nut, presented as
the Equivalent Annual Annuity (EAA), range from
US$ 0 to 46 ha-1year-1 (Figure 4.17), with average
rents of US$ 5.05 ha-1year-1 (Table 1).
Table 1: Rents for Brazil nut.
Rent Brazil nut
Standard deviation
Rubber extraction in the Amazon is not profitable
in areas of low productivity even with subsidies to
guarantee a minimum price to rubber tappers. In the
presence of governmental subsidies, rents average
US$ 0.56 ha
, varying from 0 to US$ 6.13 ha
(Table 2).
Table 2: Rents for rubber.
Rent Rubber
Standard deviation
Mapping Socio-biodiversity: Do Old Modelling Tools Suit New Challenges?
Although it is widely acknowledged that Non-Timber
Forest Products (NTFP) are central for securing forest
communities livelihoods, there is little information on
how important features of extractivist landscapes
such as yields and rents are geographically
differentiated across the Amazon Biome. In order to
fill this gap, we have developed a systematic
approach to monetize values for non-timber forest
products across the Brazilian Amazon using spatially
explicit assessments. The information that such
assessments provide enables comparisons between
the natural, physical and human capitals, and hence
their contributions to the society’s welfare.
This work shows an original use of classical
methods in land change modelling. Using WofE and
friction surfaces we mapped both yields and rents for
rubber and Brazil nut across the Brazilian Amazon.
With such a goal we collapsed the diversity and
complexity of extractivist landscapes into simplified,
but meaningful, approximations. Developing such
models to the point of being operational is a long
term objective and this analysis is still developing.
Despite some limitations namely in data availability,
these modelling tools such as Wof E and friction
surface tools revealed to be able for representing the
complex economy of extractivist landscapes at the
biome scale. While Weight of Evidence was useful
for geographically differentiating productivity, cost
friction surfaces allowed us at geographically
differentiating transport costs. However, although we
find these tools useful and well suited for the purpose
of our study we did not compare them with other
modelling tools in order to gauge their performance.
This needs further work.
Our modelling approach estimates yields and
annual rents from the extraction, of rubber and Brazil
nut collection. We found that the annual values for
rubber and Brazil nut are relatively low. Rents for
Brazil nut averages US$ 5.05 ha
while rubber
extraction in the Amazon is not profitable in areas of
low productiviy. In areas with yields above the mean
(yields 3.53 kg ha
), and in the presence of
governamental subsidies, rubber rents average US$
0.56±0.7 ha
Our results show that areas that systematically
presented higher annual rents are located nearby
villages/towns with better access and larger
population. These areas, by contrast, are also the areas
with higher rates of deforestation. Thus, it seems
likely that factors that locally influence the rents also
drive forest conversion. However, NTFP
development in the form of better markets, improved
infrastructure and higher product demand and/or
prices, could provide an alternative to forest
conversion to agriculture, and hence be an ally of
forest conservation. Unfortunately, this is not the
current situation.
The results of this study allow us to question the
effectiveness of “narrow” market chains based on
specific products. We need thus to explore possible
policy contexts for enhancing the value of the
Amazon forests within a more holistic approach that
focuses on the forest as an entity providing multiple
ecosystem services. So far, the narrow market chains
of sustainable timber and NTFPs were unable to do
the job they were meant for because they do not
aggregate values to the products that are of paramount
importance to sustain local livelihoods. As a result,
“new” solutions are required.
We are thankful to CNPQ (Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) in Brazil
for providing Post-doctoral young talent scholarship
(300013/2015-9) to the first author of this work.
Funding to support this research was also provided by
Gordon and Betty Foundation and NORAD via
World Bank.
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Mapping Socio-biodiversity: Do Old Modelling Tools Suit New Challenges?
Methodology: Flowchart
GAMOLCS 2017 - International Workshop on Geomatic Approaches for Modelling Land Change Scenarios