Urban and Building Accessibility Diagnosis using ‘Accessibility App’
in Smart Cities
A Case Study
Raquel Pérez-delHoyo
, María Dolores Andújar-Montoya
Higinio Mora
and Virgilio Gilart-Iglesias
Department of Building Sciences and Urbanism, University of Alicante, 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain
Specialized Processors Architecture Laboratory, Department of Computer Technology and Computation,
University of Alicante, 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain
Keywords: Urban Accessibility, Building Accessibility, Smart City, Inclusive City, Sustainable City, Cloud System,
Sensing Technologies, Technology-Aided Urban Design.
Abstract: In the context of economic and technological changes arised from globalization, cities face the challenge of
conceiving models capable of combining both competitiveness and sustainable urban development. The
increasing body of knowledge in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers
methods to exploit the huge potential of technological advances, enabling to increase productivity of
industrial and business processes and improving the liveability of cities. One of the most important aspects
that influence the liveability of cities is the ability to be an inclusive city. Thus, Smart Cities require an
inclusive urban life, and they are characterized by being accessible cities. In this regard, this paper describes
a method using the latest ICT for the analysis and diagnosis of the accessibility in buildings and urban
environments. This method allows the collection of information on accessibility issues through the
collaboration of citizens, as well as to organize and display it, so that administrations and institutions
responsible for addressing accessibility issues can use it in order to take actions. In this context, a practical
application of the method has been performed through a case study in the University of Alicante, with the
objective of showing a real diagnosis of urban and building accessibility.
In the context of economic and technological
changes provoked by globalization, cities face the
challenge of conceiving models that can combine
both competitiveness and sustainable urban
development (Book et al., 2010; Taylor et al., 2006;
Taylor et al., 2012). This challenge that cities face
has an important impact on urban quality issues,
especially on social and environmental conditions.
In this sense the challenge involves both an
The increasing body of knowledge in the field of
Information and Communication Technology
(hereinafter ICT) offers methods to exploit the huge
potential of technological advances and enables
organizations to manage both industrial and business
processes in a different way in order to increase
productivity and user satisfaction (Etro, 2011). In
addition, ICTs have a decisive influence on
roving the liveability of cities and the quality
life of citizens.
In this global context of competition and
cooperation between cities and territories, Smart
Cities (hereinafter SC) should be able to create
competitive advantage for the various economic,
residence, leisure, culture and social relations
activities (Caragliu et al., 2011). In this sense,
people are the main resource that SCs have to create
competitive advantage. Citizens are the basic raw
material of the 21st century's economy
(MartinezFernandez et al., 2012). That is why SCs
must strive to attract highly prepared people, both
intellectuals and workers (Landry, 2012).
Professional opportunities, connectivity, educational
infrastructure, innovative environment, residential
options, quality of life, social balance, citizen
security, cultural and leisure offer, quality urban
spaces are key factors of competitiveness to attract
human capital (Newman and Thornley, 2011).
Pérez-delHoyo, R., Andújar-Montoya, M., Mora, H. and Gilart-Iglesias, V.
Urban and Building Accessibility Diagnosis using ‘Accessibility App’ in Smart Cities - A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0006378300990108
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2017), pages 99-108
ISBN: 978-989-758-241-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Among these factors, quality of life is one of the
main urban issues and a recurrent demand of all
citizens. A model of sustainable urban development
draws an intelligent projection of the future city and
answers the following fundamental questions: What
kind of place do we want cities to be and how should
the quality-of-life objective be defined?
(Abdoullaev, 2011). One of the most important
aspects that influence the quality of life that a city
can offer is the ability of that city to be an inclusive
city (Colantonio and Dixon, 2011).
The commitment to sustainable development
involves defending a model of inclusive
development to ensure social sustainability
(Vallance et al., 2011; Wolbring and Rybchinski,
2013), i.e., equity, cohesion and social
communication, autonomy and equal opportunities
for all citizens. Sustainable urban development
cannot exclude part of the individuals of a society
(Beall, 2002). Thus, SCs require an inclusive urban
life and an inclusive society, and they are
characterized by being accessible cities (Steinfeld
and Maisel, 2012). Accessibility is an element of
quality of life of universal interest and a right of all
citizens (United Nations, 2006). In addition, an
inclusive and accessible city can make the most of
their human capital (Cossetta and Palumbo, 2014),
which is a key factor to guarantee and optimize their
future development (Batty et al., 2012).
In this context, our research delves in the
possibilities offered by the last ICTs to obtain urban
and building accessibility diagnoses with the
objective of promoting inclusion and participation of
all citizens. The remainder of the work is organized
as follows: Section 2 describes the objectives of the
work and the methodology. Section 3 gives an
overview of the related work on technology used for
obtaining information of accessibility in cities.
Section 4 explains a case study in which a diagnosis
of urban and building accessibility has been
obtained. Finally, in Section 5, some conclusions of
the work are drawn.
Our proposal is part of the objectives of the
European Disability Strategy 2010-2020: A
Renewed Commitment to a Barrier-Free Europe
(European Commission, 2010a), developed in the
framework of the strategy Europe 2020: A Strategy
for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
(European Commission, 2010b).
To this end, in the field of research and
development of the SC concept, we propose a
method focused on people with or without
disabilities for the analysis and diagnosis of the
accessibility in buildings and urban environments,
without excessive cost and respectful with the
environment. The proposed method allows the
collection of data and information on accessibility
issues through the collaboration of citizens, as well
as to organize and show this information collected
so that administrations and institutions responsible
to addressing accessibility issues can use it. Our
main objective is to contribute to improve the
accessibility of cities promoting collective
participation and using the latest ICT.
In this context, a practical application of the
method has been performed through a case study in
the University of Alicante, with the objective of
showing a real diagnosis of urban and building
2.1 Description of the Proposed
The proposed method is composed of two parts. A
first part consists of establishing mechanisms to
collect information from citizens about accessibility
issues. A second part is to organize this information
and display it so that responsible bodies can use it.
The two parts of the method are described below.
2.2.1 Method to Collect Information from
An important aspect of CSs is that they must be
community-designed cities, i.e., cities designed
according to the needs and priorities of the citizens
and not by the exigencies of the markets. To this
end, active communities are needed to reach
consensus on future projects. Therefore, SCs need a
strong leadership, the participation of the population
as a mature civil society and mechanisms that
activate processes that ensure innovation (Carley et
al., 2013).
In this sense, the methodology proposed in this
work promotes an active process of collective
participation as a mechanism against social
exclusion, with the aim of working to achieve the
social balance and an inclusive and accessible city.
For addressing accessibility issues in buildings
and urban environments, responsible administrations
and institutions need to know, in a previous phase,
what are the real problems of accessibility in cities.
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Among the possible ways of obtaining this
information, it is a challenge to involve citizens in
the process. The methodology proposed in this work
allows obtaining information about accessibility
problems directly from citizens, based on their own
experience. The idea behind this proposal is that the
citizens can notify in real-time the accessibility
deficiencies found in any place when they go around
the city (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Methodology proposed to obtain information
about accessibility problems and improve accessibility of
In order to collect information on accessibility issues
from citizens, an Android application, “App” for
Accessibility Claims Report, has been designed.
This application is oriented to the end-user. Its
purpose is to provide a user interface for mobile
devices to enable adding, in real time, those citizens’
accessibility experience while moving into the
buildings and around the urban environment. The
“App” for Accessibility Claims Report has been
described in an own previous research conducted by
this research group (Mora et al., 2016). The way the
application works is shown in Section 4.
2.2.2 Method to Organise and Show
Information to Responsible Bodies
In the context of the current knowledge society,
access to information is often not a problem.
However, information, in general, is not and does
not produce knowledge in itself. Knowledge does
not simply come from having access to large
amounts of information. It is necessary to
understand the databases and to experiment their use
to guarantee an adequate use of them. For this
reason, one of the main challenges for information
management is to facilitate the process of
understanding and using data on a large scale
(Beaverstock et al., 2000).
The methodology proposed in this work allows
the structuring of the information provided from the
citizens to be shown, in an easy way, to the
administrations and institutions that need to have
access to this information.
The way to organize and show the information
collected from citizens to the responsible bodies for
addressing accessibility issues in cities is through the
Urban Accessibility Information Service. The results
obtained can be presented through a Web-
Application for Accessibility Monitoring. The way
the results are organized and displayed is shown in
Section 4. The general overview of the proposed
system (Figure 2): (1) Urban Accessibility Citizen
Application; (2) Urban Accessibility Management
Government Application; and (3) Accessibility
Information Service, has been described in an own
previous research (Mora et al., 2016).
Figure 2: Method to obtain, organise and show the
accessibility information to responsible bodies.
2.3 Case Study
A case study has been carried out as part of this
work in the University of Alicante in Spain. The
experience has involved different groups of people
with and without disabilities, administrative staff,
teachers and students.
A route was proposed to identify the real
problems of accessibility existing in it, and to
communicate these problems using the "App" for
Accessibility Claims Report. Participants installed
the application on their own mobile phones.
The experience carried out is described in
Section 4. In addition, this Section 4 also describes
how the results obtained are shown through the
Web-Application for Accessibility Monitoring.
Urban and Building Accessibility Diagnosis using ‘Accessibility App’ in Smart Cities - A Case Study
Traditionally, the methods used to obtain
information about the status of urban accessibility
have been mostly based on surveys (Beale et al.,
2006; Le-Klähn et al., 2014), interviews (Hashim et
al., 2012; Venter et al. 2016), audits or direct
observation (Mackett et al., 2008). Other studies
have provided mathematical or statistical analysis of
these data (Church and Marston, 2003).
Recently, applications have been developed to
inform users about the accessibility in urban
environments (Inada et al., 2014; Prandi et al. 2014).
The proposals are based on the use of Global
Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) technologies. Most of
the proposals offer an application for users’ mobile
devices in order to interface and interact with the
system. In addition, self-reporting tools have
allowed obtaining information from certain places
with the collaboration of users (Shigeno et al.,
2013). Finally, other proposals use social network
communities to generate and complement the
information about accessibility issues in cities
(Menkens et al., 2011; Prandi et al. 2014). These
proposals also obtain information from the user by
means of self-reporting tools.
Increasingly, the methods for assessing aspects
that affect the functioning of the city are based on
evidence, i.e., the study of the citizens´ behaviours
and opinions (Gilart-Iglesias et al., 2015; Pérez-
delHoyo et al., 2017). Cloud computing paradigm is
one of the most promising technologies to build new
services for users and enterprises (Targio et al. 2015;
Marston, 2011). Mobile devices enable access to a
wide range of applications and services (Mora et al.
2015; Makris et al., 2013). The proliferation of
systems and the high penetration rate of mobile
devices in the hands of citizens provides users an
opportunity to conduct a citizen-centric digital
revolution in many aspects of daily life.
In this way, urban accessibility finds an optimal
scene of opportunity in the context of SCs. The
concepts of ubiquitous and SCs make use of
processing technologies, sensing and
communications to provide intelligence to the city
while offering connectivity resources, power supply
and interoperability (Yigitcanlar, 2014). These
conditions facilitate the deployment of
interconnected smart elements that provide services
to citizens for efficient decision-making and to make
better use of resources (Neirotti et al., 2014).
This section focuses on a study within the Campus
of the University of Alicante (hereinafter UA),
specifically in the inaccessible points detected in the
German Bernácer building and the routes among the
different connections of this building with the
nearest leisure areas and places for study inside the
UA campus. In this context of social inclusion, it has
been possible to obtain information about the
building and its usual connections with other
buildings that are part of the students' university life.
The developed application has allowed us to map
the different points that prevent students with
mobility disabilities to have both a complete
integration into the university environment and
participation in university social life.
4.1 Physical and Social Context
The present experimentation was performed at the
UA campus (Gutiérrez and Martí, 2014), which is
located in San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante,
Spain). With a current area of more than a million
and a half square meters and under an important
expansion process, the UA campus has been built on
an old military airfield. It includes several green
spaces and 54 buildings –new construction buildings
as well as the reuse of the pavilions of the old
aerodrome that date from 1930.
In the UA campus more than twenty thousand
students are currently studying. The teaching staff
consists of more than two thousand three hundred
people. In addition, more than one thousand two
hundred people compose the administration and
services staff.
The case study area was focused on the Germán
Bernácer building as the core building of the
research. The building date from 1994 and it is
composed of basement floor, ground floor and first
floor located in U-shaped. It is identified by the
number 0036 within the UA Geographic Information
System (SIGUA) (Figure 3) (Figure 4).
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 3: Experimentation context at UA campus.
Figure 4: Experimentation context at UA campus.
It includes several classrooms for degree and
postgraduate classes for local and international
students; and several departments for the different
management services of the UA campus, like the
School of Doctorate, the Institute of Education
Sciences, the Language Centre, the Technical Office
Department and the Infrastructure and maintenance
service, The Centre for Continuing Education, etc.
I.e., it is used by numerous local and international
students and teachers as well as administrative staff.
The Germán Bernácer building was selected as
the core building of the research due to the high flow
of people throughout the day and the diversity of
users; in addition to its location and proximity to the
leisure areas and spaces for study that allow a
geographically narrow experimentation.
In addition, the case study was extended to
different routes from the building Germán Bernácer
(Building 0036) to the leisure areas inside the UA
campus commonly used by participants such as the
commercial area identified in Figure 4 with the
SIGUA code Building 0035 that includes a
bookshop, a stationery shop, a post office, several
bank offices and a restaurant.
Also, it was the route from Building 0036 to the
UA Museum (hereinafter MUA) with the SIGUA
code Building 0040, as another relevant leisure area
integrated in the university social life.
Urban and Building Accessibility Diagnosis using ‘Accessibility App’ in Smart Cities - A Case Study
Figure 5: Experimentation context at UA campus.
Moreover, the case study also covered paths from
the core Building 0036 to the main areas for study
such as the General Library building with the
SIGUA code Building 0033.
Finally, it was included in the test the route to the
nearest parking highlighted in Figure 4.
The monitored routes in UA campus are also
shown in Figure 5.
4.2 Diagnosis
Figure 4 and Figure 5 shows the scene used to carry
out the monitoring tests and accessibility analysis
that will allow us to identify the degree of inclusion
in the test scene. As it was previously described in
Section 2, the experimentation was performed
through the Android App designed in an own
previous research (Mora et al., 2016), which also
includes the functionalities of the Accessibility
Claim Report System, and a cloud platform. This
allowed us to monitor and analyse the accessibility
and its efficiency of the daily habits of different
users in German Bernácer Building (0036) and its
close spaces for leisure and study to detect
incidences that impede a complete integration into
the university environment of people with physical
The test was carried out both indoor and outdoor.
Both scenes were validated through the Accessibility
App, which allows the emission of complaints in the
smartphones of the participants in the routes and its
location via GPS.
The obtained results are represented by the
Urban Accessibility Information Service, which uses
a web-based user interface from a third party
application (Google Maps JavaScript API v3)- that
show the accessibility problems by means of Key
Accessibility Indicators (hereinafter KAI)- from
users-routes analysis and reported claims of users
(Figure 7). Depending on the degree of
inaccessibility of each situation, the incidences of
accessibility are categorized as Claim, Inefficient
with Claim, Inaccessible with claim or Inaccessible
(Table 1).
4.2.1 Experimentation at Building 0036
The experimentation process started with the
identification of incidences, and its sending by the
claim report App (Figure 7).
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
The route followed in the test highlighted in yellow
in Figure 6, started in the access of Building 0036
where four outdoor incidences of accessibility were
detected on ground floor and identified as Point
Number 253, 254, 255 and 256 as it is outlined in
Figure 6.
Point number 253 was related to lack of
maintenance in building access, while Point number
254 was described as uncomfortable materials for
wheelchairs because floor is composed of wooden
slats with open joint.
Likewise, there was an incidence in the building
access -identified as Point number 256- due to the
excess weight of the manual opening door. The same
situation was repeated in Points number 260 and 262
(Table 1).
Also, Points number 257 and 261 were reposted
due to the high front desk height of the public
attention service, which made the info point
Finally, three Points were reported (255, 258 y
259), Point number 255 owing to impossibility of
access to basement in that point. Likewise there was
an impossibility of access to basement and first floor
in Point number 258. And one last point (259) was
claimed due to the lack of handicapped WC in this
The KAI obtained are represented by the Urban
Accessibility Information Service, as it is shown in
Figure 7.
The following table (Table 1) summarizes the
KAI identified in the experimentation at the German
Bernácer Building (0036).
Figure 6: Incidences reported in building 0036.
Figure 7: Example of claims provided by users in German
Bernacer Building (0036).
Table 1: Incidences of accessibility in building 0036.
Location Description KAI
Lack of
maintenance in
building access
materials for
wheelchairs in
Access is not
available for
The access door
is too much
Not accessible
info point.
Access is not
available for
Absence of
(38.38216, -
The exit door is
too much heavy
Not accessible
info point
The exit door is
too much heavy
Urban and Building Accessibility Diagnosis using ‘Accessibility App’ in Smart Cities - A Case Study
4.2.2 Experimentation from Building 0036
to Relevant Areas of the University
Social Life
Once data was collected by GPS inside Building
0036, the experimentation continued with the path
from Building 0036 to the relevant areas of the
university social life, such as leisure areas inside the
UA campus.
Figure 8: Incidences reported in routes to relevant areas of
the university social life.
The first route was between Building 0036 and
MUA (Building 0040) highlighted in yellow in
Figure 8. In that outdoor path, two claims were
reported and identified as Point Number 263 and
264. The first one (263) consists in a sand shortcut,
while the second one (264) is a ramp of access to
MUA with too much slope and length.
The second route was from MUA (Building
0040) to the commercial area (Building 0035),
which includes a bookshop, a stationery shop, a post
office, several bank offices and a restaurant.
Accessibility incidences (265-269) were reported in
the access doors of all the previous services, due to
the weight of the manual doors.
The third route was from the commercial area
(Building 0035) to the General Library (Building
0033). Accessibility incidences (270-272) were
reported in the pathway and the access doors of the
General Library, due also to the size and weight of
the manual doors.
Finally, from the General Library (Building
0033) to the parking, two new incidences were
reported. The first one (273) was an insurmountable
curb. The second incidence (274) was reported due
to the lack of sidewalk from the crosswalk to the
space reserved for handicapped.
In this context, the following table (Table 2)
summarizes the KAI identified in the
experimentation from Building (0036) to the
relevant areas of the university social life.
Table 2: Incidences of accessibility in routes to relevant
areas of the university social life.
Location Description KAI
Sand shortcut Inaccessible
Too much slope
in ramp
The access door
is too much
The access door
is too much
The access door
is too much
The access door
is too much
The access door
is too much
Lack of
The access door
is too much
Access is not
available for
Lack of
The obtained points are represented by the Urban
Accessibility Information Service, as it is shown in
Figure 9.
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 9: Example of incidences in routes to relevant areas
of the university social life.
The present work shows a research based on a
system that allows the analysis of the urban
environment to detect problems related to
accessibility, integrating the citizen as a main
participant by including mechanisms to give voice to
people with and without disabilities.
The system monitors urban accessibility for
citizens through a mobile application with the aim of
detecting incidents that prevent people with
disabilities to have a complete integration into the
urban environment.
In addition, this system provides support in
making decisions to prioritize improvement actions
in public space. The obtained data will enable a
better design for improving pedestrian mobility in
A practical application of this system has been
carried out in a controlled environment at the
University of Alicante. From the experience
performed the advantages of the system are deducted
that promotes an active process of collective
participation for the collection and recorded of
spatial data and information about the real state of
accessibility as a mechanism against social
We thank the Association for Integration of
Mentally Ill in Alicante and Province —AIEM—,
and the Association of People with Cerebral Palsy in
Alicante —APCA— "Infanta Elena" Centers, their
support as the Observing Promoter of this project.
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SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems