An Integrated Platform for Blended Learning in Engineering
Irina Makarova
, Ksenia Shubenkova
, Danila Tikhonov
and Anton Pashkevich
Kazan Federal University, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia
Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
Keywords: Blended Learning, e-Learning, Simulation, Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Abstract: Educational system under development of technique and emergence of new technologies faces a problem of
specialists’ competence, who should design, produce, maintain new technique and use advanced technolo-
gies. The analysis of applied forms of education shows that blended learning has advantages over traditional
learning and e-learning. For its successful implementation the unified informational educational platform
that allows developing educational content, managing the learning process and giving the opportunity of vir-
tual communication is required. The introduction of such advanced educational technologies like a virtual
and augmented reality, simulation and gamification will enhance quality of specialists’ training. The use of
real-world experience of leading enterprises of an automobile industry, as well as the student's evaluation
system based on the objective parameters are the main advantages of a proposed concept. At this stage, the
development of the module of monitoring the learning process is proceeding.
Modern trends of the economy development and,
first of all, globalization processes require solutions
for complex problems. The development of educa-
tion system should focus on the long-term prospects
of labour market and should correlate with its medi-
um-term trends. However, the current education
system was created in the 19th century for specific
societal/economic/political goals and has not
evolved from 150 years ago. As it is noted in the
Concept of the long-term socially-economic devel-
opment of the Russian Federation for the period un-
til 2020, the necessary condition to form innovative
economy is educational system’s modernization.
Only an effective use of innovation (including
information and telecommunications) technologies
can help to overcome the contradiction between rap-
id development of scientific-technical progress and
the existing educational system’s inertness. This
applies to learning technologies, means for educa-
tion quality assessment, creating and using educa-
tional content, as well as to the organization of inter-
action between participants of educational process.
Some of the contradictions can be smoothed down if
a learning environment is formed using computers
(IT). We mean, first, the contradiction between the
necessity of diminishing the training period and in-
creasing requirements to the quality of the students’
competences, along with the process of rapid devel-
opment of industrial technologies. The second con-
tradiction is caused by the necessity to maintain a
high level of teaching competences together with
simultaneously increasing teaching loads connected
to requirements of updating learning contents. To
solve these contradictions a unified informational
educational environment should be created. It is de-
sirably to involve manufacturers in this process. This
will help not only to join forces in order to develop
study courses but also to launch communication
between all interested process participants. This will
improve feedback, create individual educational
paths for the learners and facilitate self-control and
quality control. This will modify the entire E-
learning concept 2.0 of “Motivation – goal – tools –
Depending on the saturation of online technologies
to deliver content and interaction character of partic-
Makarova, I., Shubenkova, K., Tikhonov, D. and Pashkevich, A.
An Integrated Platform for Blended Learning in Engineering Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0006375601710176
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 171-176
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ipants, educational process can be: (1) traditional
classroom learning (no online technology), (2) tradi-
tional learning with web support (1-29% of the
course is implemented online), (3) Blended Learning
(30-79% of the course is implemented online: it
combines classroom learning with e-learning), and
(4) full online learning (more than 80% of the course
is online, mostly entirely without classroom com-
munication). For many centuries, traditional training
was dominating in higher school. Its undoubted ad-
vantage is the ability to transmit a large amount of
information in a short time. However, it is based on
memory, that doesn’t contribute to development of
creative abilities, independence and activity. In addi-
tion, this form of training doesn’t allow you to build
an individual educational trajectory.
In contrast, e-learning develops creative thinking
and independence of learner. At the same time, stu-
dents experience obvious disadvantages: the lack of
full-time communication with teacher; the need of
constant access to information sources; insufficient
opportunity to acquire practical skills. From the
teacher’s point of view disadvantages are: the need
for constant qualitative updating of training content;
the lack of the permanent monitoring of educational
process. The introduction of blended learning allows
enhancing advantages and reducing disadvantages of
these two forms of learning. Identification of causes
that prevent problem-solving can improve quality of
learning and optimize processes in educational sys-
tem. The results of a comparative analysis of consid-
ered types of training are presented in Table 1.
The problem of assessing a quality of education
is the common one to all types of learning. The sub-
jective assessment in a traditional education and the
complexity of a student’s identification in the pro-
cess of e-learning requires to intellectualize process-
es of the knowledge quality control that is possible
with a blended learning implementation. Integration
of various learning technologies on one platform
will allow improving not only a quality of education,
but also an adequacy of assessment.
Currently, there are practical examples of com-
bining traditional training and e-learning. Thus, in
research of Karabulut-Ilgu and Jahren (2016) learn-
ing occurs through video fragments that are subse-
quently finalized after getting feedback from stu-
dents, who answer questions checking their under-
standing of the material. After watching the video,
students perform practical interactive exercises in an
online environment. Online modules are interactive
exercises that demonstrate how to solve problems in
construction engineering. Classroom lessons include
an interaction of students in order to solve problems
and cases from real life.
Table 1: Comparative characteristics of learning types (1 -
traditional learning; 2 - e-learning; 3 - blended learning).
Features 1 2 3
Full-time communication with teacher
+ - +
User identification
+ - +
Dependent on the place and time of learning
+ - +/-
Communication with other students
+ + +
Individualization of training
- + +
Lecture material
+ + +
+/- + +
Practical classes
+ - +
Monitoring of learning process from the teacher
+ - -
Clear criteria to assess the quality of knowledge
- - -
3.1 Tools to Organize e-Learning
Software for e-learning on a market of educational
software is presented by simple HTML pages, as
well as by the complex platforms with greater func-
tionality. They include the learning management
system (Learning management system or LMS) and
learning content management system, used in corpo-
rate networks (Learning Content Management Sys-
tem, or LCMS). Most simply, an LMS is a software
application for the administration, documentation,
tracking, and reporting of training programs, class-
room and online events, e-learning programs, and
training content. Many large companies have their
own LMS system that is caused by the need for staff
training together with the working process.
The main task of LMS is to automate the admin-
istrative aspects of education, and LCMS is focused
on the content management of “learning objects”.
Currently, two types of e-learning platforms are the
most common. Systems of the first type provide the
ability to design training courses and testing students
(Claroline, Dokeos), while systems of the second
type allow supporting organization of all educational
process. So, Moodle and Sakai in addition to a basic
functionality to create training courses also have
such functions as reporting the training statistics,
accounting students, opportunity to personalize
them. Such functions as management and modera-
tion of forums are realized in WebTutor system.
Systems 1C:OO and IBM Lotus Workplace Collabo-
rative Learning (LWCL) allows conducting discus-
sions and exchange of messages, scheduling of train-
ing sessions, create and track training programs is
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
implemented. Although these systems can be used
for implementation of blended learning, all learning
systems with open source have common disad-
vantages: the complexity of service and support e-
learning, the lack or difficulty of technical documen-
tation. E-learning technologies can become key tools
of organizing blended learning. To use the full po-
tential of the e-learning system in the blended learn-
ing process, it should have a complete set of func-
tions that are necessary for qualitative training of
highly qualified specialists. Thus, there is a need to
develop a unified platform, that would allow inte-
grating all opportunities of existing systems and
develop functional modules that is necessary for
blended learning.
3.2 Blended Learning and Its Features
The use of blended learning could become one of
key solutions of problems existing in engineering
education, because it allows: (1) more efficient use
of time in classrooms, focusing on the problems
faced by students, (2) identification of students ex-
periencing difficulties, (3) picking up materials and
assignments that are optimal to a particular group
and a particular student, taking into account individ-
ual characteristics and a level of basic knowledge,
(4) use of objective criteria when assessing students
knowledge, (5) improvement of education quality by
implementation of progressive educational technol-
ogies (modeling, gamification, virtual and augment-
ed reality).
Most researchers note that blended learning is a
modern, universal method of education focused on
individual needs of students. The fundamental dif-
ference between blended learning and traditional
system is a combination of organizational forms of
training in real and virtual campus of the University
as well as combination of traditional teaching meth-
ods with e-learning technologies. This combination
can occur both at the training course and at the edu-
cational programs in general. The learning process
starts with a setting of a problem (often it is the ac-
tual manufacturing tasks). To perform the task stu-
dent receives access to the content that should be
studied in accordance with a teaching program. The
presentation form of a material can be various: lec-
tures, practical exercises, videos, presentations, in-
fographics, and tools to learn specialized software
products. Student chooses methods and the speed of
study by himself, taking into account individual
characteristics. At this stage, self-control of the con-
tent understanding is conducted in electronic envi-
ronment. It is important that in the classroom lessons
student has all necessary knowledge. The education-
al platform should also allow teacher to track the
points that are not clear for student and require de-
tailed further discussion and study. In addition, it is
important that educational platform provides the
possibility of online communication between teach-
ers and students. This can be implemented in a form
of discussions, messaging, webinars, discussion fo-
rums, online conferences, etc.
Teacher plans the classroom lesson on the base
of analysis of statistical data of the learning process
monitoring, as well as on questions asked online. In
classroom students can get answers to questions, that
have arisen in the process of self-study. Teacher can
also discuss solutions, found by students, their ad-
vantages and disadvantages. This increases the crea-
tive component of the educational process. This
method allows developing communication skills, as
well as teamwork skills, that are need for the com-
plex real-world manufacturing problems solving in
the future professional career.
Modular open multi-user architecture of developed
control system of blended learning is the basis of
reliability and stability of its work, as it allows
quickly identifying and eliminating causes of fail-
ures, excluding their influence on other modules,
and also increasing the speed and quality of tech-
nical support. This approach allows implementing
all necessary functionalities and supplementing them
when it is necessary.
4.1 Control Modules of Educational
Process for Teacher
The bases for elaboration of educational modules are
the Federal state educational standards (FSES) and
objective criteria to assess the quality of student’s
competencies: general cultural and professional. In
accordance with FSES, curriculums for each field
and profile training are developed. Teacher deter-
mines the structure of the course and enters data,
necessary for formation of teaching programs of
each discipline. After that, he can create the infor-
mation base of lectures, practical and other material,
as well as tests. The data characterizing the learning
process of each student (how much time did the stu-
dent spend studying the recommended material,
what sources did he used, how much time did it take
An Integrated Platform for Blended Learning in Engineering Education
him to perform the tasks) come into the module of
accumulation statistics and the learning process con-
trol. If student has any questions, he can use the
feedback form to contact the teacher. At the end of
the section studying, student passes the test. Results
(total score, test time, number of attempts) also
come into the module for further analysis.
Management of the training quality is based on
three-loop diagram (management of the quality of
student’s learning, management of the quality of the
group’s learning and management of the learning
quality of the specific field of training). To assess
effectiveness the system of indicators was devel-
oped. Correction of the process in order to increase
its effectiveness can be performed at each stage of
learning within each control loop. Such factors as a
quality of questions asked, the time for teaching,
quality of responses, speed and regularity of work
can be the criteria for evaluation of effectiveness of
student’s performance. Based on the personal char-
acteristics of the student an individual approach
should be implemented in the proposed system: the
teacher can choose such teaching methods, that will
be effective for this concrete student. Patrick Buck-
ley and Elaine Doyle (2017: 43-55) state in their
paper that it is generally accepted that matching an
individual’s learning style with the appropriate form
of an instructional intervention significantly impacts
upon the performance of the student and his/her
achievements of learning outcomes.
Analyses of statistical data will allow teacher to
determine the reasons for low efficiency. This may
be caused by individual characteristics of a particu-
lar student, by the complexity of the topic in general
or by insufficient quality of the educational content.
In the second case, the teacher may post additional
lookup materials, and in the third case, this will
serve as a signal to the teacher to change educational
content. The results of such studies in a field of user
personalization behavior presented in the paper
(Bent et al., 2017: 456–464), where authors present
the modeling of user behavior in the context of per-
sonalized education. The user behavior data is mod-
eled and sent to the cloud-enabled backend where
detailed analytics are performed to understand dif-
ferent aspects of a student, such as engagement, dif-
ficulties, and preferences.
4.2 Modules Organizing Students’
Training Process
Modules, that allow students to select courses and to
access training content and self-control means are
developed to organize the self-study process. In or-
der to start working in system, student must register
and select courses, which he will study. The main
feature of engineering education is that along with
learning theoretical material, there is a necessity to
acquire practical skills for the future professional
activities. Therefore, the learning content, in addi-
tion to already becoming traditional text, video and
multimedia, contains resources, using modern edu-
cational technologies, that contributes to intensifica-
tion of perception and development of a creative
approach to the practical problems solution (such as
models of real situations and systems, virtual and
augmented reality).
Modelling and simulation allow the student to
see studied process with their own eyes, that has a
positive impact on the learning process. The authors
of research (Wu et al., 2013: 41–49) outline the edu-
cational possibilities of recently developed “aug-
mented reality” (AR), alongside with the problems it
has brought in its wake. Thus, in research (Kesim
and Ozarslan, 2012: 297 – 302) it is suggested that
educationists should collaborate with researchers to
develop extended interfaces of reality. Although the
key role of producing augmented realities is played
by soft- and hardware technologies and there are
engineers for designing them, the educational tech-
nologies are seriously in need of specialists to design
learning activities for augmented reality.
It is shown (Martín-Gutiérrez et. al, 2012: 832 –
839; 2015: 752–761) that one of the AR advantages
consists in saving of instructors’ time on repeat ex-
planations because students can use them for inde-
pendent revision. Furthermore, the effect of these
technologies is twofold: facilitating the teachers’
control of laboratory courses and promoting the stu-
dents’ motivation. Research (Webel et. al, 2013)
describes an experiment of applying AR for training
of technicians in industrial maintenance and assem-
bling operations. The authors emphasize the im-
portance of drilling technicians in new skills due to
increasing complexity of maintenance operations
and demonstrate the superior performance of AR
tools compared to traditional teaching techniques.
Another tool to enhance learning of students is
an ability to conduct tests and experiments in a vir-
tual laboratory. Then he will be more prepared for
this experience in real conditions. The application of
virtual reality technology enhances an intensification
of training. One more tool is a business game in
which students are given an opportunity to demon-
strate personal and professional qualities. In the im-
plementation process of business games, students
will be able to define their role in the team and will
have an opportunity to form teams among the stu-
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
dents, who will have the highest rate of interaction
among themselves. This can be useful for employ-
ers, who could visit the business game, have able to
see and evaluate actions of learners in the process of
solving problems and performing tasks of different
complexity levels.
The module of feedback and results output pro-
vides an opportunity of communication between
student and teacher and checking the training results.
Individual or group statistics on specific course or
the whole educational program as well as recom-
mendations are available upon request. This can be
recommendations for study and development of a
particular material, on what it is necessary to pay
attention (based on its rating in group, and also on
the basis of its individual characteristics).
To check the efficiency of blended learning in engi-
neering education two groups of students were
formed: those who study traditionally and experi-
mental group. To make comparison correct, the
number of students and the field of training were the
same. The selection was made taking into account
preferences of students and their plans of the further
career growth: those students who have already se-
lected the future direction of activities were included
in experimental group. Their teaching program in-
volves solution of real production tasks.
5.1 Blended Learning of Engineers,
Working in Transport Sphere
When teaching specialists in this field, students get a
material to study the specialized transportation soft-
ware (e.g. AnyLogic, PTV Vision), as well as mod-
els of problem areas of city road network. As a re-
sult, students come to a classroom lessons with sug-
gestions for optimizing parameters of the street-road
network, discuss them, check various options which
can be used to obtain optimal solution to the prob-
lem. The purpose of optimization may be: reduction
the possibility of road accidents in this area, increas-
ing the road network’s capacity, reduction of the
environmental load, etc. (Tosa, C. et. al, 2013). As
an example of student’s project Figure 1a presents a
model of the existing intersection configuration,
which is needed to be optimized and Figure 1b pre-
sents a model proposed by students during the clas-
Figure 1: Configuration optimization of the road network.
5.2 Blended Learning of Engineers
Who Design the Production Process
When teaching students-technologists for solving
problems to improve production processes special-
ized software tools, such as Siemens PLM Plant
Simulation and Tecnomatix are used. These soft and
used in production and allow improving technologi-
cal processes by using virtual mannequins. The
teacher creates learning content and highlights haz-
ardous and complex processes. To classroom lessons
students come with theoretical knowledge on the
organization of technological processes, studied
software environment, as well as got acquainted with
the real problems of manufacturer. During classroom
sessions, students explore production processes and
choose the most traumatic or time-consuming. Thus,
in the educational process student not only creates
2D and 3D models of production system and per-
forms engineering analysis, but also can understand
what consequences can cause each process.
a) workpiece from outside
of the frame
b) workpiece from inner
side of the frame
Figure 2: Optimisation of technological process “Rear
wing’s holder installation”.
For example, students have modeled the activi-
ties of operators of assembly production and have
checked technological process if it is ergonomic and
safe. The results of observing the performing of par-
ticular work type in a real production system, ob-
tained during the internship at the enterprise, were
used for simulation. For modeling an interactive
three-dimensional environment Tecnomatix Jack,
where a two-dimensional layout of work areas were
reproduced in an interactive form was used.
Various methods, such as tool selection, the
change of technological process, the creation of aux-
iliary equipment were used for optimization. Figure
An Integrated Platform for Blended Learning in Engineering Education
2 presents two variants of technological operation’s
5.3 Analysis of the Proposed Training
Methodology’s Effectiveness
To assess the effectiveness the comparison of aca-
demic performance and the quality of graduation
projects of the last 5 years have been conducted. The
analysis shows, that the quality of graduation projects
in experimental groups is higher (Figure 3). This can
be explained by the higher motivation of students, as
well as by the focus on creativity development.
Comparison of academic performance of master-
students and experimental groups was performed.
Groups were formed from students of experimental
and traditional groups, who wanted to study master
course. The quality of learning was assessed by the
results of two examination periods for 2015/2016
academic year. The results are presented in Figure 4.
Figure 3: Comparing of aggregated data.
Figure 4: The academic performance of students.
Currently applied education methods do not meet the
requirements for the quality of specialists training
for the real sector of the economics. An effective
solution is application of blended learning, that ena-
bles to use advanced educational technologies (mod-
eling, virtual and augmented reality) allowing in-
creasing efficiency of training.
Existing platforms for course development and
organization of e-learning do not have got full func-
tionality, that are required for high-quality training
of highly qualified specialists. Proposed educational
platform will allow increasing quality of the learning
process of engineers. This platform also will provide
opportunities for student to choose individual educa-
tional trajectory. As for a teacher, it will improve the
learning process and increase its quality through data
analysis of the learning process’s monitoring.
The advantage of proposed platform is that mod-
ular open multi-user architecture of developed con-
trol system of blended learning is the basis of relia-
bility and stability of its work, as it allows quickly
identifying and eliminating causes of failures, ex-
cluding their influence on other modules, and also
increasing the speed and quality of technical sup-
port. This approach allows implementing all neces-
sary functionalities and supplementing them when it
is necessary.
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CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education