e-Health for Healthy Aging: Putting the Evidence into Practice
Marie-Pierre Gagnon
, Ronald Buyl
, Anik Giguère
, Sophie Éthier
, Kathleen Lechasseur
and Anne Bourbonnais
Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Université Laval, Québec, 1050 avenue de la Medecine, Quebec, Canada
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, Jette, Belgium
Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval, Québec, 1050 avenue de la Medecine, Quebec, Canada
School of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, Université Laval, Québec,
1030 avenue des Sciences-Humaines, Quebec, Canada
Faculty of Nursing, Université de Montréal, P.O. Box 6128, Downtown Branch, Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Keywords: eHealth, Healthy Aging, Scientific Evidence, Knowledge Translation.
Abstract: Population aging represents a major challenge as the proportion of people aged over 65 years worldwide is
expected to reach 2 billion by 2050. This has profound implications for the planning and delivery of health
and social care. The knowledge we want to disseminate come from a systematic review on e-health
interventions for healthy aging (HA). This project arises from a research collaboration putting together
complementary expertise in information and communication technology and aging. The overarching goal of
this project is to ensure rapid translation of scientific evidence on effective e-health interventions promoting
HA in order to accelerate their implementation for the benefit of older adults and their caregivers. Various
knowledge translation strategies will be developed and implemented with knowledge users.
Progresses in healthcare and major improvements in
living conditions have led to an important increase
of life expectancy in developed countries.
Worldwide, the proportion of people over 65 years
old is expected to grow from 10% to 22% by 2050
(World Economic Forum, 2016). More people are
living longer and want to stay active and healthy in
order to fully participate in life (Jin et al., 2015).
However, population aging also put pressure on
public health systems given the rise in the
prevalence of chronic diseases. According to
different forecasts, the future costs of population
aging could represent an increase between 2.5% and
7.6% of the Gross Domestic Product (GPD) by 2060
(de la Maisonneuve and Martins, 2013, Townsend,
2016). This challenges the sustainability of
healthcare and social services delivery (Illario et al.,
2015). It is thus important to explore solutions that
could optimize the use of resources for older adults
on the healthcare system.
Healthy aging (HA) encompasses the physical,
social, mental and spiritual dimension of health, and
promotes that older people take an active part in the
society without discrimination (Swedish national
Institute of Public Health 2006). HA includes an
active engagement with life, optimal cognitive and
physical functioning and low risk of disease that
enables older people to participate within their
capacities (Hansen-Kyle, 2005). In many countries,
programs and policies are being implemented to
promote healthy and active aging, such as extending
the working (Hofäcker, 2014, Hofäcker and
Naumann, 2015). Innovative solutions, such as
Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT), are also promoted for supporting HA (Pew
Research Center, 2014).
The rapid development of ICT dedicated to
health and wellbeing (ehealth) offers an
unprecedented potential to assist, maintain and
improve older adults living active, healthier and
longer. eHealth facilitates access to health
information and could thus contribute to empower,
engage, and educate older adults (Hall et al., 2012).
eHealth interventions can also allow older adults to
receive timely health and social care in their homes,
which diminishes the burden on them and their
Gagnon, M-P., Buyl, R., Giguère, A., Éthier, S., Lechasseur, K. and Bourbonnais, A.
e-Health for Healthy Aging: Putting the Evidence into Practice .
DOI: 10.5220/0006371502160219
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2017), pages 216-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-251-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
informal caregivers. Therefore, ehealth interventions
are gaining more and more attention as promising
solutions to support HA.
There were almost 260,000 health and medical
smartphone applications (apps) available
in 2016,
and more than 500 million smartphone users
worldwide used a healthcare app
(Research2Guidance, 2016). Older adults are
increasingly using these applications to help
themselves to stay fit, monitor their health status or
communicate with their healthcare providers.
However, little scientific evidence is available on the
effectiveness of ehealth interventions for HA.
Previous systematic reviews have focused on
specific types of interventions, such as exergames
(Larsen et al., 2013 ) or specific health issues such
as mental health (Preschl et al., 2011), but no
comprehensive reviews of ehealth interventions for
HA were available up to now.
We recently completed a systematic review to
fill this gap (Gagnon et al. 2016) that provides an
overview of the current evidence on ehealth
interventions for HA. The results show that ehealth
interventions can improve specific dimensions of
health and wellbeing among older adults.
This review also provides information on the
acceptability of ehealth interventions and other
implementation aspects that could inform those
responsible for promoting and supporting their use.
This knowledge translation project aims to: 1)
synthesise the current scientific evidence on ehealth
interventions fostering HA in a language and format
that are adapted to the needs of older adults and their
informal caregivers, health and social care
professionals and decision makers; 2) develop and
implement educational material specifically targeted
to each of these groups in order to answer an unmet
need in offering a unique, timely and
interdisciplinary approach to understand the role of
ehealth for HA.
This knowledge translation (KT) project is based on
a multidisciplinary collaborative approach between
researchers and knowledge users (Baumbusch et al.,
2008). We will adapt proven KT strategies with
knowledge users’ input. Three key groups of
knowledge users are involved: older adults and their
family/informal caregivers; health and social care
providers; and decision-makers.
3.1 Knowledge that will be
In order to translate evidence from the systematic
review into coherent information and education
material, we have identified the most promising
interventions in terms of benefits on important
outcomes for older adults. We expect to prioritize
two types of e-health interventions, based on the
strength of the scientific evidence found in the
systematic review, preferences of knowledge users
and feasibility of interventions. According to the
results of the systematic review, priority areas for e-
health interventions supporting HA are: 1) Use of
computers/social networks for improving mental
health and wellbeing in older adults; and 2)
Interactive online programs for promoting healthy
lifestyle in older adults.
3.2 KT Strategies
The first KT strategy consists of an evidence brief
summarizing findings from the systematic review on
ehealth interventions for HA that will be
disseminated to health and social care policy makers
and managers. The second KT strategy will provide
an interdisciplinary elearning program for health and
social care professionals on ehealth interventions for
HA, including practical information material based
on scientific evidence and developed with the input
of older adults. The third KT strategy is the
development of adapted web content and videos
targeting informal caregivers, family members and
older adults in order to increase their knowledge and
comfort with the use of ehealth technologies based
on their preferences and specific needs.
All three strategies are based on evidence on
effective KT methods, and we will use different
layouts in order to maximize their potential impact.
The first strategy is the production of an the
evidence brief written in a clear and non-technical
language that will provide information about e-
health interventions with added value in terms of
benefits on important outcomes for older adults.
Evidence briefs are efficient channels to translate
evidence into relevant knowledge for these groups
(Moat et al., 2014).
The second KT strategy consists in developing
online educational material, designed with the
collaboration of health and social care providers and
the input of older adults, that will present
contextualized evidence from the systematic review
e-Health for Healthy Aging: Putting the Evidence into Practice
adapted to various contexts and situations of
interdisciplinary work. Given the scarcity of such
training material, and the involvement of end users
in the development, we believe that many groups
could be interested in the use of this educational
material. For instance, health and social care
professional associations could include this material
into their continuing education program.
The third KT strategy will have two distinct
components: a) an interactive website providing a
knowledge exchange platform and, b) the production
of short videos (about two minutes) targeting older
adults and their informal caregivers. The website
will allow to reach a larger audience, while
facilitating knowledge sharing with various
stakeholder groups, including elderly people. To
make information accessible to the population, we
will make sure to use clear and non-technical
language. In addition, the web platform will allow
visitors to share comments on the material presented
and suggest ideas about innovative technologies that
could be further explored for scientific evidence on
their effectiveness. This dynamic KT strategy will
provide an open innovation platform that could also
inform future research and technological
developments based on users’ input. For their part,
the videos will be created with input from older
adults and informal carers recruited with the help of
our partners. They will summarize scientific
evidence on the main benefits associated with
featured technology, which specific groups could
particularly benefit from it, and any adverse effects
documented. The videos will be accessible from the
interactive website mentioned above.
3.3 Implementation Issues
The participation of target groups in the KT
strategies will help to adapt knowledge to the
Canadian context and the needs of each stakeholder
groups concerned by HA. This will be possible due
to interactive exchanges with the knowledge user
groups. First, the specific ehealth interventions
targeted in the KT strategies will be validated at the
beginning of the project with representatives of older
adults and informal caregivers. Their input will be
sought in identifying the important outcomes to be
documented in the KT strategies. These
interventions will also be the focus of educational
material, provided in the form of interdisciplinary
online training modules, developed with the input of
health and social care providers.
Second, the elearning modules will be
developed with the input of health and social care
professionals, older adults and informal caregivers.
The support of community partners involved in this
project will allow us to develop effective KT
strategies in addition to giving us access to a wide
network of stakeholders involved or concerned by
the issues addressed by our research project.
Feedback collected through the evaluation of the KT
strategies could directly inform the next phases of
this research that will consist in disseminating the
information and training material to a larger scale.
The participation of different stakeholders in the
project will also favour sharing of experience and
ideas, notably through the interactive web platform,
that could inform the development of novel e-health
interventions to support HA.
3.4 Evaluation of KT Strategies
We will assess KT strategies targeting older adults,
informal caregivers and family members through
focus groups with them. We plan to hold four groups
of about six to eight people each to discuss their
experience with the use of the interactive website
and videos, according to their preferences and
specific context (e.g. Was the material easy to
understand and relevant? Were the format and the
means used convenient?). We will collect
information on how they apply knowledge on e-
health interventions in their daily life and any
challenge they have encountered. Participants to
focus groups will be recruited with the collaboration
of our community partners.
The training modules will be evaluated by
means of an assessment of the health and social care
professionals’ knowledge acquisition, self-directed
learning readiness (SDLR) and satisfaction with the
overall content quality, user-friendliness,
applicability and relevance of the training material.
A web-based questionnaire adapted from our
previous evaluation of elearning material
will be
used to assess learners’ knowledge and SDLR before
and after the completion of the training modules, and
their satisfaction will be assessed after their
completion of the program. To evaluate the impact
of the dissemination strategy targeted at decision
makers, we will document the number of downloads
of the evidence brief, and track its use in policy
documents in the two years following its
The results of our systematic review provide
evidence for decision makers on effective ehealth
interventions that could be implemented in order to
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
promote health and wellbeing in older adults. They
can also inform training programs for health and
social care workers on the use of ehealth in caring
for the elderly. These results are particularly relevant
for informal caregivers, family members and older
adults themselves who need reliable information on
the opportunities offered by ehealth for supporting
health and wellbeing. Thus, this project will allow
translating the best scientific evidence on effective
ehealth interventions for HA to inform decision-
makers, providers, older adults and informal
caregivers through strategies that are adapted to each
of these groups.
Given the huge challenges associated with
population aging worldwide, ehealth can be seen as
one of the strategies that could improve active and
healthy aging. It is thus important that effective
ehealth interventions are implemented for the benefit
of older adults and their informal caregivers, but also
the society as a whole. The knowledge derived from
this project will contribute to: 1) disseminating
evidence about ehealth interventions to the aging
population; 2) rising awareness of health and social
care professionals regarding ehealth interventions
that have proven to be effective and acceptable for
older adults; and 3) promoting policy options on
ehealth interventions for HA among decision
This project is funded through a Dissemination grant
from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research.
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e-Health for Healthy Aging: Putting the Evidence into Practice