Business Model Pattern Execution
A System Dynamics Application
ıa Camila Romero, Mario S
anchez and Jorge Villalobos
Systems and Computing Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Bogot
a, Colombia
Business Model, Patterns, System Dynamics, Execution, Constructors.
The dynamic aspects of a business model are key to understanding the behavior of the business and the con-
sequences of any change. In spite of the multiple approaches to describe business models, most of them
emphasize static elements and leave the dynamic ones to intuition which in turn, diminishes the overall un-
derstanding of the model. Among the approaches that explicitly present dynamic elements, we find business
model patterns which provide a visual representation of the dynamic behind the business by portraying infor-
mation, value and money flows. Although the representation delivers adequate insights on the dynamics, it
is possible to enhance them by executing the patterns. To visualize the dynamic behavior and the effects of
changes and time in any component, we present an approach based on system dynamics.
The study of business models is fundamental to
understand the enterprise’s behaviour and the ef-
fect of changes. Since businesses are complex sys-
tems that can only be analyzed by identifying parts
and relations among them, one must acknowledge
the dynamic behaviour and implement mechanisms
that support complexity management. The business
model becomes relevant in this scenario as it provides
the necessary description to understand the business.
Since it has become a topic of interest among re-
searchers, multiple approaches and definitions have
One of these approaches is based on business
model patterns (Romero et al., 2016). In it, a busi-
ness model is defined in terms of four core processes:
Transformation, Supply, Delivery and Monetization.
The last three can be described with patterns, as they
are support processes that do not differ significantly
between enterprises. Each pattern is built in terms of
participants, activities and flows. The last are key to
represent the dynamic behaviour of the business, as
it it possible to establish how value, information and
money are flowing through the business’ different el-
ements. Furthermore, as the patterns are presented in
zones, they can be assembled depending on the nature
of the business.
Although the flow representation gives a first view
on the dynamic aspects of the business, it is neces-
sary to enhance their visualization to recognize the
effects that are unleashed as they establish relations
among components, and time goes by. This not only
provides a better understanding of the business, but
also allows to foresee the possible consequences of
any change. For doing so, one should execute the
patterns but, given that the current representation is
not executable it is necessary to modify it. This pa-
per presents a system dynamics application in which
business model patterns are expressed in terms of sys-
tem dynamics, and executed to visualize the different
relations and the possible effects of any change. By
providing an initial configuration of a business model,
and defining the rules that regulate each flow, it is pos-
sible to execute it and describe the behaviour of the
business and the dependencies that determine it.
As there is no universal definition on business models
the concept is not very clear therefore, one needs to
understand both what a model and what a business is.
A model is an abstraction of a reality; a representa-
tion that allows the analysis of a system without deal-
ing with the system itself (Selic, 2003). The business
on the other hand is often used as a synonym for en-
terprise. Enterprises are systems made up of interre-
lated resources that act together with the environment
to attain a particular goal (Giachetti, 2010). They may
Romero, M., Sánchez, M. and Villalobos, J.
Business Model Pattern Execution - A System Dynamics Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0006369704400447
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 440-447
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
range from companies to small stores that, in spite of
their differences, are characterized by a high level of
complexity. The business on the other hand, is tra-
ditionally perceived as a dimension of the enterprise.
Regarded as the function of an enterprise, it explains
what the enterprise does (Hoogervorst, 2009).
2.1 Business Dynamic Behavior
In spite of being a part of an enterprise, businesses
too are complex systems. This, not only because of
the amount of elements and relations that make it up,
but also, because of the complex dependency network
that is established as they influence each other over
time. This network determines a dynamic behaviour
that is responsible for the multiple effects that a single
change can inflict in the business. Understanding this
behaviour is essential for studying the possible con-
sequences of any alteration however, static business
model approaches are not enough for doing so.
Since some dependencies emerge from other re-
lations or are subject to time, they simply can not
be portrayed in static terms. Nonetheless, many ap-
proaches leave the dynamic behaviour to the mod-
eler’s intuition as the associated cost of the model is
higher. Therefore, it is necessary to find mechanisms
that diminish the cost and encourage dynamic models.
The cost of the model may be evidenced in the con-
struction process or in the analysis, therefore, tools
that automate analysis or constructions processes are
highly valued as they save time and effort.
2.2 Business Model Patterns
The work presented in this paper is based on business
model patterns (Romero et al., 2016). These patterns
are built based on a proposed business model defini-
tion: the way in which an organization gathers sup-
plies, transforms them into a product or service, de-
livers and monetizes it. This definition acknowledges
four processes: Supply, Transformation, Delivery and
Monetization. The transformation process is unique
for every enterprise but the remaining three can be
described in terms of patterns. All the patterns are
presented as zones that can be arranged depending
on the business characteristics. This allows to con-
sider them as modular constructors that contain the
description of a process and that, depending on its po-
sition on the complete model, will define the overall
behaviour. Each pattern contains participants, activ-
ities, gateways, processors and flows. The last ones
are essential to portray the dynamic aspect of the busi-
Although patterns can be used to analyze the busi-
ness’ dynamics, they suppose a higher cost. So, to fa-
cilitate their application one should establish a mecha-
nism to either fasten the building process, or simplify
the analysis. In order to reduce the cost associated
to the analysis one should find means to facilitate ei-
ther the process of obtaining results, or the process
of interpreting them. One useful approach is System
Dynamics. With it, one is able to analyze the model
for a desired period of time based on an initial config-
uration. Furthermore, considering the structure of the
approach and the building blocks that must be used, it
is possible to maintain a relation with the visual rep-
resentation of the patterns.
3.1 System Dynamics
The complexity of systems emerges not only because
of the amount of components, but because of the re-
lations that arise with time. Although it is possible
to identify certain cause-effect relations, the inherent
feedback of the complex systems leads to other ef-
fects that can not be foreseen from a linear perspec-
tive. (Sterman, 2001). System Dynamics is a well
know approach to analyze complex systems and their
non linear behaviour based on stocks and flows mod-
eling. Through stocks, one is able to represent ac-
cumulations (of materials, money, people...) that can
be measured in time. Flows on the other hand, are
the product of movement through time. Flows carry
what stocks accumulate and depending on their type,
they will increase or decrease the stock. The relation
between stocks and flows is established through in-
formation links (Kirkwood, 1998). In order to create
a system dynamics models, one should identify accu-
mulations, flows and, through the use of information
links, establish the equations that regulate said flows.
3.2 Pattern Equivalence
Since business model patterns are presented in a static
way, they must be translated to an executable repre-
sentation. To do so, equivalences between the sys-
tem dynamics components and the pattern’s must be
found. Since system dynamics considers stocks, flows
and information links, and patterns include zones,
flows, gateways, processors participants and activi-
ties, there is not a one to one equivalence. Further-
more, defining the corresponding representation also
depends on the way in which system dynamics will
Business Model Pattern Execution - A System Dynamics Application
be applied. In our case, to build the model and execute
it we used the software iThink by isee Systems.
3.2.1 Flows
The conversion of the pattern model begun by defin-
ing flow equivalences. This was based on the pur-
pose of the system dynamic model and in particu-
lar, in what was going to be analyzed. Since patterns
consider three flow types, depending on the type that
would be monitored, the equivalence between stocks
and flows was be established. For matters of this
research, the value flow was given priority and so,
stocks and flows were associated to it.
Information flows were given the equivalence of
information links since there was an interest in visu-
alizing the movement throughout the different com-
ponents, but not in the particular values. However, if
an information flow triggers another information flow,
the result of the interaction should be modeled with a
converter (Auxiliary Variable) in order to be stored.
For instance, if a participant generates a request to get
a value from another participant in order to make a
calculation, the result of the latter needs to be stored.
This considering that the result will be used to trigger
other flows. Converters should also be used when the
information flow is associated to a status notification.
Finally, money flows were monitored with an Ex-
cel file that is updated as the model is executed. This,
since there was a need to keep trace of the accumu-
lation of money, and it allowed a better analysis of
financial components. Table 1 presents the equiva-
lences between pattern and system dynamics flows.
3.2.2 Participants and Activities
The equivalences of participants and activities were
granted with the stocks and flows. As there is a con-
cern for the system’s overall behaviour, we did not
include activities as part of the equivalences although
they can be associated to the sources and sinks of the
flows, that most if not all the time, are associated to
the accumulation.
Participants on the other hand, were represented
either by stocks or converters. The last ones being de-
fined as auxiliary variables that keep trace of certain
values. The decision between both representations
depends on the participant and whether it associates
with a value flow at some point. If the participant
generates or receives value then it is represented with
a stock; if it only receives money or information, then
it is represented with a converter (auxiliary variable).
Table 2 presents said equivalences.
3.2.3 Processors and Gateways
Considering the graphical notation of iThink and the
clear differences between the different flow types,
processors were not used in the equivalence. Gate-
ways on the other hand, were already included in the
flow representation of system dynamics flow.
3.2.4 Zones
As patterns are enclosed in a zone, the iThink model
was build in a similar way. By drawing a frontier
(square) around each system dynamic pattern that
was modeled, it was possible to maintain a zone-like
equivalence. It is expected that the iThink zone con-
tains the system dynamic components relevant to the
portrayed pattern.
3.2.5 Pattern Conversion
The general conversion from patterns to iThink mod-
els is presented in Table 3. First off, one must identify
the number of zones in the pattern and portray them
with the equivalence. Next, participants are differ-
entiated between those that receive or trigger a value
flow, and those that do not. In the general business
model pattern, the three participants are related to
value flows and therefore they all are presented with
a stock.We then proceeded to define the value flows.
According to the pattern there are two value flows that
connect participant 3 and 1, and participant 1 and 2.
Consequently, the flows in iThink should connect the
stocks in the same way. Finally, we represented the
information flows with converters and flows. To do
so, we followed the order established in the pattern.
In this case, we have a first flow that comes from an-
other zone, so, to represent and store its value one
should define a converter in the triggering zone and
in the receiving zone, both connected by an informa-
tion link. There is also an information flow (generated
by the previous one) that triggers another information
flow. In this case they define a decision and so, they
should be connected to a converter that generates the
fourth flow.
The previous process was followed to convert all
defined business model patterns.Table 4 presents the
conversion of the Deliver Engineer to Order Product
pattern. As it is possible to evidence the number of
iThink zones is correspondent to the number of zones
in the pattern. In this case it is important to note that
Logistics is presented as a converter as it does not in-
volve value flows. Furthermore, as there are two flows
that arrive/leave other zones, the correspondent stocks
of the zones are portrayed,
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Flow Equivalences.
Information Flow iThink Component
Value Flow iThink Component
Table 2: Participant Equivalences.
Participant iThink Component
3.3 Study Case: Editorial
In order to test the equivalences and dynamic model,
we used a study case based on an editorial. Edito-
rial de los Alpes offers textbooks written by teach-
ers and professors for schools and universities in 12
cities.The edition of a book starts with the enrollment
of its author. To do so, a visitor stops by schools
and universities to promote the editorial services and
talk teachers and professors into the authors call. De-
pending on the visit success, a number of potential
authors will respond to the call and send the corre-
sponding manuscript. Considering the textbook de-
mand and the available manuscripts (from the catalog
and the new authors) certain books will be edited and
printed. Once the copies reach the warehouse, they
are delivered to the editorial offices in the remaining
11 cities. As the copies arrive, the city office pays
for the corresponding order and proceeds to deliver
them to libraries and hypermarkets according to the
demand from their clients.
3.3.1 Pattern Model
To build the correspondent system dynamics model,
we first had to build the complete business model in
terms of patterns. First, we defined the zone config-
uration based on the processes that the editorial per-
forms. As portrayed in Figure 1, there are 7 zones.
2 supply zones (placed one on top of the other as
they are performed simultaneously) that account for
the materials needed to edit and print the books, and
the authors, 1 Transformation zone, 2 delivery zones
associated to intermediaries and the final client, and 2
monetization zones (for the city offices and client).
With the zone configuration we identified the pat-
terns. Figure 2 and Figure 3 present the two views of
the pattern model. In the case of Figure 2 it is possible
to see the supply zones with a source to stock pattern.
The transformation zone remains a black box with the
editorial performing the transformation process, and
one delivery zone (Deliver Stock Product). Figure 3
presents the city office monetization zone with an as-
set sale pattern, and the delivery (Deliver Stock Prod-
uct) and monetization (Asset Sale) zones for the final
Figure 1: Editorial Zone Configuration.
3.3.2 System Dynamics Model
Based on the pattern model and the previously de-
fined equivalences we translated the model resulting
in the one presented in Figure 4. In order to build
it, a similar process to the pattern conversion was im-
plemented. First, zones were portrayed equivalently
to the pattern model, second, patterns were converted
with their initial equivalence maintaining the connec-
tions in the business pattern model. It is important to
note that the Editorial and Transportation participants
were modeled as conveyors (a special stock type) to
model the edition and transportation time.
With the executable model we proceeded to perform
its execution with two scenarios. The initial con-
figuration run, that shows the behavior of the edito-
Business Model Pattern Execution - A System Dynamics Application
Table 3: General Pattern Conversion.
Pattern Composition iThink Equivalence
Participant 2
Participant 1
Participant 3
A3 A4
A5 A6
Table 4: Sample Conversions.
Deliver Engineer to Order Product iThink Deliver Engineer to Order Product
Place Order
Dispatch Order
Deliver Order
Receive Payment
rial with an initial parametrization, and the experi-
ment scenario in which two initial parameters were
changed in order to visualize the reaction of the edi-
4.1 Execution
The first execution considered an initial configuration
for the editorial, these parameters will be referred to
as normal conditions. The model was executed with
its initial configuration in a 60 month run. Further-
more, the equations for gateways and converters were
defined in terms of if-else business rules. In particular,
warehouses would dispatch materials depending on
the order, if the order was bigger than the warehouse
level, then the warehouse level would be dispatched,
if not, the order. Other equations considered demand
verifications that determined elements like the num-
ber of authors who answered the calls.
Table 5 presents part of the results of the first run.
In it the following variables were measured: sales, fi-
nal client (Accumulation of Sales), copies in edition
(Editorial) and in transit (Transportation, Car), raw
materials (Warehouse) and copies in store (City Ware-
house, Book Warehouse, Intermediary). All mea-
sures are done in terms of copies/month. For the raw
materials, the calculation was made considering the
amount of materials needed for a copy.
The obtained results show that under the ini-
tial conditions, the editorial’s capacity to respond to
client’s demands diminishes as delays in transporta-
tion avoid warehouses to receive an optimal number
of copies. Furthermore, as the intermediaries are the
ones that deal with sales directly, they present a dras-
tic reduction of their inventory as clients demands are
daily. In the end, this behavior can only be perceived
with time and that, in order to have a better perfor-
mance, the editorial should increase its capacities.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Editorial Business Model View 1.
Figure 3: Editorial Business Model View 2.
The second execution considered two scenarios.
One in which the client demand was doubled and one
with a double edition capacity. For each scenario,
besides the modified parameter, every other condi-
tion remained as in the initial configuration. Table
6 presents part of the results of both executions.
As it is possible to evidence, in the first scenario
a double demand leads to sales doubling and an ear-
lier decrease in demand response capacity (month 10
and not in 40). The other behaviours remained similar
as they depended in transportation capacities were not
changed. For the second scenario inventories increase
Business Model Pattern Execution - A System Dynamics Application
Figure 4: Editorial Business System Dynamic Model.
Table 5: What if Analysis-Initial Behaviour.
Sales Edition
and in the intermediaries case, they tend to accumu-
The execution of both scenarios contribute to the
further understanding of the editorials behaviour. It is
important to note that in spite of a regular behaviour
in several months, drastic changes may emerge as the
accumulation of delays will eventually affect perfor-
mance. Moreover, it is possible to evidence that edi-
tion and transportation capacities are key to the edito-
rial for they establish whether the business is able to
respond to clients demands or not.
The use of system dynamics in enterprise analysis is
presented in various works as the approach proves
useful to understand the overall behaviour of com-
plex systems. The simulation capacities of the ap-
proach have been used in researches regarding what
if analysis of enterprises (Sunkle et al., 2014), canvas
simulation (Romero et al., 2015) and resource alloca-
tion (MacDonald et al., 2003). In the first case, what
if scenarios were tested for the intentional model of
the enterprise. Other works have also attempted to
understand and even forecast the nonlinear behaviour
proper of businesses. Such is the case of the work
presented in (Hoptroff, 1993) in which neural nets
were used to forecast and model relevant business el-
ements like cash flows, stocks and sales. It is clear
that the complexity behind businesses has motivated
researches for understanding and managing it. Fur-
thermore, in order to guarantee an appropriate com-
prehension of the businesses, the effects of time in the
relations of the system must be acknowledged while
considering that static representations are not enough
to fully understand the business behaviour.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 6: What if Analysis-Final Behaviour.
Sales (Double Demand) Edition (Double Edition Capacity)
This paper presented an approach to dynamic busi-
ness models by executing business model patterns
with system dynamics.By establishing equivalences,
a complete business pattern model based on a study
case was built and tested under two scenarios to
illustrate the scope of the approach. The results
clearly portray the effect of time on the relations be-
tween agents and the overall success of the enterprise,
and reflect the importance of evaluating the business
model under dynamic conditions for its complexity is
only revealed with time.
In spite of businesses being complex systems,
analysis like the one presented in this paper contribute
to complexity management. Although achieving a
complete understanding is not trivial, the fact that
from a static business model one can derive an exe-
cutable one that leads to valuable insights on the busi-
ness, proves to be useful. Approaches like system dy-
namics, which have systems as part of their core con-
cepts, provide an intuitive mechanism to construct-
ing executable models and easing their analysis. Fur-
thermore, if general equivalences are established, the
translation of static models to executable ones is ac-
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Sunkle, S., Roychoudhury, S., Rathod, H., and Kulkarni, V.
(2014). Toward structured simulation of what-if anal-
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Business Model Pattern Execution - A System Dynamics Application