Semantic IoT Middleware-enabled Mobile Complex Event Processing for
Integrated Pest Management
Francesco Nocera, Tommaso di Noia, Marina Mongiello and Eugenio Di Sciascio
Department of Electrical & Information Engineering, Polytechnic University of Bari, Via Orabona, 4, Bari, Italy
Complex Event Processing, Cyber-physical Systems, Ontologies, IoT Middleware.
Agricultural domain presents challenges typical of the Cyber-Physical Systems field and the hard-core of in-
formation technology industry of the new generation, such as Cloud computing and Internet of Things. In fact,
modern agricultural management strongly relies on many different sensing methodologies to provide accurate
information about crop, climate, and environmental conditions.
In this paper we propose an approach to model a mobile-driven and distributed Complex Event Processing so-
lution which is enabled by an IoT middleware. The proposed framework is robust with reference to contextual
and environmental changes also thanks to the exploitation of an ontological model.
More than one third of the world’s labour force is em-
ployed in agriculture field, which is one of the most
dangerous of all sectors and many agricultural work-
ers suffer occupational accidents and ill health. Fur-
thermore, informal employment, as a percentage of
non-agricultural employment, exceeds 50 per cent in
half of the countries with comparable data. In one-
third of countries, it affects over 60 per cent of work-
ers. (Horne et al., 2016)
As pointed out in the last Meridian Health Re-
port, presented by The European House-Ambrosetti
about the allocation of the basic items of public ex-
penditure grouped into ten macro categories (includ-
ing Environment, Health,...), one of the macro objec-
tives identified by the Prevention Plan is the identi-
fication of strategies for reducing or prevent poten-
tially harmful environmental exposures and improv-
ing health outcomes. The main focus is on admin-
istration’s methods for agrochemical inputs in order
to assure adequate plant nutrition and plant protection
through organic nutrient sources and Integrated Pest
Management (IPM), respectively.
IPM is a pest management strategy formally devel-
oped in the 1950s by entomologists and other re-
searchers in response to a widespread development in
agricultural settings of pesticide resistance in insects
The report is available at
and mites, outbreaks of secondary and induced insect
and mite pests resulting from pesticide use, and trans-
fer and magnification of pesticides in the environment
(Flint and Van den Bosch, 2012). The UN’s Food
and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
defines IPM as
“the careful consideration of all available pest con-
trol techniques and subsequent integration of appro-
priate measures that discourage the development of
pest populations and keep pesticides and other inter-
ventions to levels that are economically justified and
reduce or minimize risks to human health and the en-
IPM emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with
the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and
encourages natural pest control mechanisms. Initially
focusing on biological control of insects and mites in
agricultural systems, over the last 70 years IPM has
assumed an amplified role, encompassing manage-
ment of diseases and weeds as well as insects, mites
and other arthropods in agricultural, horticultural, and
urban settings. IPM emphasizes selecting, integrat-
ing, and implementing complimentary pest manage-
ment tactics to maintain pests economically accept-
able while minimizing negative ecological and social
impacts of pest management activities (Flint, 2012).
As depicted in Figure 1 (left hand side), the ma-
jor challenge in the agricultural sector is identified as
no timely help and inadequate knowledge flow in con-
nection with weather data at the required time.
Nocera, F., Noia, T., Mongiello, M. and Sciascio, E.
Semantic IoT Middleware-enabled Mobile Complex Event Processing for Integrated Pest Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0006369506380645
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 610-617
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Challenges and proposed solution.
Agricultural domain presents challenges typically en-
countered in the realm of Cyber-Physical Systems
(CPSs), such as: incomplete information, limited
sources of information, knowledge and infrastructure
deficiency, inadequate help and no timely support, ex-
ternal disturbances (weather), limited control author-
ity (fertilizers cannot make a plant mature arbitrarily
fast), etc.. Thanks to the spreading of sensors and to
the diffusion of low-cost miniaturized computational
resources, we are able to build objects that produce
data and interact with each other thus producing a
network of interconnected things, data, processes and
services. On the other hand, CPSs are transforming
the agriculture industry.
To solve these limitations and disadvantages, this pa-
per proposes a smart infrastructure designed to pro-
cess heterogeneous data sources input such as sen-
sors data, weather data, and the agricultural knowl-
edge collected into an ontology.
The proposed solution is based on a Complex Event
Processing (CEP) (Luckham, 2002) module partially
executed on mobile devices by introducing an Internet
of Things (IoT) middleware (Razzaque et al., 2015;
Fersi, 2015) that by using a programming language
that supports reflection mechanism (Mongiello et al.,
2016) serves as an interface between IoT compo-
nents and the ontological knowledge. The proposed
approach make possible: (i) a smoother and homo-
geneous communication among elements and a (ii)
dynamic, configurable and extensible infrastructure.
The identified solution and the relative instantiation
in agricultural domain aims at becoming an instru-
ment used for raising awareness about the use of treat-
ments. In this way the farmer can (i) have access to
all information related to the domain of interest at re-
quired time, (ii) create personalized defense plan, (iii)
receive alerts of changing weather conditions and (iv)
receive notification and recommendations about his
treatment plans.
The remaining of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 illustrates background and related work
while Section 3 introduces the proposed approach. In
the following section we instantiate and validate the
approach in a real scenario. Conclusion and future
work close the paper.
There is no unified definition of a CPS. Generally,
CPSs are defined as physical and engineered systems
whose operations are monitored, coordinated, con-
trolled and integrated by a computing and commu-
nication core. Internet transformed how humans in-
teract and communicate with one another, revolution-
ized how and where information is accessed.. Sim-
ilarly, CPS will transform how humans interact with
and control the physical world around us. CPSs per-
ceive the physical world, process the various data by
computers, and affect and change the physical world
(Hu et al., 2012). He JiFeng presented the concepts
of “3C”: Computation, Communication, and Con-
trol. Examples of CPS include medical devices and
systems, transportation vehicles and intelligent high-
ways, defense systems, aerospace systems, robotic
systems, process control, building and environmen-
tal control and smart spaces. CPS interact with the
physical world, and must operate dependably, safely,
securely, and efficiently and in real-time. CPS is an
emerging area, which cannot work efficiently with-
out proper software that handles both the data and the
business logic. The software development of CPS is a
critical issue because of its complexity in a large scale
pragmatic system. Furthermore, an object-oriented
approach (OOA) is often used to develop CPS soft-
ware, which needs some improvements according to
the features of CPS.
IoT Middleware and domain knowledge are the soul
of a CPS. One of the most important challenge related
to CPSs is knowledge collection and representation
in a usable and efficient way as it is a cumbersome,
time consuming and expensive process. Sharing of
the same knowledge in different applications and its
reuse without or with little modifications in solving
separate problems is a critical factor in knowledge
aggregation and dissemination. Among knowledge
representation techniques, ontology formalisation can
be used to model real world in a consistent, formal,
manageable and reusable way (Jasper et al., 1999;
Stevens et al., 2004). Ontologies can be used as a tool
to handle several aspects of knowledge management
such as knowledge representation, knowledge shar-
ing and reuse, knowledge classification, knowledge
evolution and knowledge search and retrieval (Alavi
et al., 2001).
One of the most cited definitions of ontology as “a
shared and common understanding of a domain that
can be communicated between people and across ap-
plication systems”(Gruber et al., 1993) leaves the
room for several interpretations of the term (Guarino,
Semantic IoT Middleware-enabled Mobile Complex Event Processing for Integrated Pest Management
Various ontology-driven applications are developed
in agricultural domain including knowledge systems
(Ahsan et al., 2014; Pereira et al., 2012; Xie et al.,
2007; Malik et al., 2015; Di Noia et al., 2016), expert
systems (Kang and Gao, 2013; Barshe and Chitre,
2012) and advisory systems (Chaudhary et al., 2015).
The most influential works are the following.
(Pereira et al., 2012) presented a Recommender Sys-
tem constructed as a Semantic Model that gives infor-
mation on planning better intercropping.
(Ahsan et al., 2014) presented a knowledge Model
based on Ontologies to study the process of knowl-
edge acquisition, best practices in the agricultural do-
main. The knowledge Base contained Wheat Crop
(Malik et al., 2015) presented an ontology designed
and developed for the agricultural domain in which
various entities and relationships are represented. A
knowledge intensive system is developed based on a
small ontology.
(Barshe and Chitre, 2012) proposed an Agrosearch
system; the prototypic interface uses a relational ar-
chitecture for keyword maintenance while ontology
can be saved in the shape of URI.
(Kang and Gao, 2013) demonstrated the ontology ap-
plication in an agriculture information retrieval sys-
tem. The process of knowledge retrieval analyses
the characters of agricultural domain and the search
mechanism was designed with knowledge retrieval
ontology .
(Walisadeera et al., 2013) designed farmer centered
ontology. Many motivation scenarios are made into a
model with set of questions and ontology was devel-
oped for all stages of farming lifecycle.
(Chaudhary et al., 2015) presented an advisory system
for the cotton farmers in Gujarat using cotton ontol-
ogy, web services and Mobile Application Develop-
ment Advisory system.
In recent developments, monitoring and agriproduct
systems are developed using various others technolo-
gies. (Bo and Wang, 2011) presented and discussed
in their work: (i) advantages of IOT and Cloud Com-
puting in agriculture field; (ii) various applications of
cloud computing and IOT in Agriculture and Forestry
on safety of Agriproduct, agricultural information
transformation and intelligent detection, precision ir-
rigation and forest identification.
The IOT and Cloud Computing applications con-
tribute huge development towards agricultural sector
but it does not satisfy to meet all current challenges.
IOT is closely related to Cloud Computing in a way
that IOT obtains massive computing tools through
cloud computing and cloud computing finds the best
practicing channel based on IOT. Limited sources of
Information, the agricultural data is scattered in dif-
ferent places, domains making it difficult to find the
right information at the right time.
In the agricultural field, ontologies may provide farm-
ers timely support to acquire information. Indeed,
there are many well-established and authoritative con-
trolled vocabularies, such as AGROVOC
, CAB The-
and NAL Thesaurus
AGROVOC is the most used vocabulary in several
systems, covering all areas of interest of the FAO, in-
cluding food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry,
environment etc. It is published by FAO and edited
by a community of experts. It is possible to extract
ontological concepts from AGROVOC thesaurus and
use them to build domain specific ontologies, retriev-
ing and organizing data in agricultural systems. These
practices are important in order to make this informa-
tion accessible to any user, especially regardless of
We now illustrate the proposed approach and the
related CPS architecture identified. The whole in-
frastructure consists of two parts: the backend server
consisting an IoT middleware that automatically
perform actions according to the values received by
the sensors of devices by matching the set of formal
rules and the mobile device part principally based on
a CEP module. Figure 2 shows a graphical schema
of the proposed approach represented by means of an
abstract architecture.
For the backend server part(components con-
tained in the light blue box in Figure 2) we propose
the adoption of a reflective paradigm (Buschmann
et al., 1996) for modeling an IoT middleware, by
implementing the software design pattern Reflection.
The main concept in Reflection pattern is the dis-
tinction between base-level, meta-level and the
Meta-Object Protocol (MOP) (Buschmann et al.,
2007). The base-level contains the application logic
basic software while the meta-level takes care of all
the aspects that can change independently from the
base level.
A meta-level contains those parts of the application
that may vary at run-time, with the goal of creating
new applications starting from existing base-level
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 2: Graphical schema of proposed model.
classes. The adaptation of the meta level is performed
indirectly thanks to the MOP, a specific Interface that
also makes possible the change of connections be-
tween the base-level and meta-objects. A meta-object
is defined as an object that manipulates, creates,
describes, or implements other objects (including
itself)(Buschmann et al., 2007). In this way, by using
a programming language that supports reflection we
can design a completely configurable, extensible sys-
tem which adapts to different operating environments
where it is also possible to change the structure of
the objects themselves at run-time and then make the
software system more flexible.
The message broker component models the Pub-
lish/Subscribe mechanism for defining the rela-
tionships between messages containing physical
sensors information, and actions. The proposed
approach maps an IoT middleware on the three levels
of a reflection pattern according to the following
matching: the Condition to the Meta level, the Action
to the Base level and the Rule to the Meta-Object
Protocol. RULES are (i) modeled through a data
transformation module from the ontology and (ii)
is at the basis of the reasoning algorithm. The
Adaptor component works as a driver and translates
the received command in a real action. It is possible
to use place different Adaptor for each action.
The mobile device part(components enclosed in
the green box in Figure 2 ) includes five components.
The core component is the Complex Event Process-
ing (CEP) engine. In recent years, CEP over event
streams has become an increasingly important tool
to extract relevant situational knowledge from dis-
tributed systems in real-time or “near real-time”.
The concept of CEP was introduced by David Luck-
ham in his seminal work (Luckham, 2002) as a
defined set of tools and techniques for analyzing
and controlling the complex series of interrelated
events that drive modern distributed Information Sys-
tems(IS)”. Event pattern rules are used in CEP to
create complex events representing the combined ac-
tivities of sets of atomic events (Luckham, 2002).
The key characteristic of a CEP system is its ca-
pability to handle complex event situations, detect-
ing patterns, creating correlations, aggregating events
and making use of time windows. Specification lan-
guages for event patterns are frequently inspired by
regular languages and therefore have automata based
semantics (Hopcroft et al., 2001). Several CEP sys-
tems have been developed in the last few years, each
one proposing a different processing model. Cur-
rently, the most popular are: StreamBase CEP
, Es-
, Apache Flink
, StreamDrill
. Sensor Adapters
connect to sensors and translate information obtained
from sensors into events format. All formatted events
are sent to Event Stream Management component,
which dispatches event streams to other components
such as the CEP engine or action handlers or sends the
events to the server through publish methods. Pattern
Deployment deploys/un-deploys the patterns, which
are dispatched by server to the CEP engine on the
mobile device. In order to interact with a user, Ac-
tion Handler execute actions like playing alarm audio,
displaying alerts and/or recommendations on smart-
phone in case the pre-defined trigger events are de-
tected. The two part communicate through a pub-
lish/subscribe middleware composed by a Distributed
Service Bus (DSB), a Google Cloud Messaging ser-
vice and a Subscription Web Service.
Semantic IoT Middleware-enabled Mobile Complex Event Processing for Integrated Pest Management
In this Section, to explain the abstract architecture de-
fined in Section 3 let us consider its instantiation in a
real use case scenario. We instantiate the model for
an Italian company.
Figure 3: Architectural schema of server part.
For the mobile device part (see Figure 2), consid-
ering the limited computing resources on mobile de-
vices we use the light weight Esper engine as CEP
engine. Esper enables rapid development of appli-
cations that process large volumes of incoming mes-
sages or events, regardless of whether messages are
historical or real-time in nature. Esper filters and
analyzes events in various ways, and responds to
conditions of interest. Esper language specification
is called Event Processing Language (EPL). It is a
SQL-like language with SELECT, FROM, WHERE,
As depicted in Figure 3, we choose the following
technologies for the backend server part described in
Section 3 (Figure 2):
as IoT middleware. The reasons
for this choice are: ease of installation, the
rich documentation, the high integration with a
wide range of programming languages and IoT
protocols. In particular, we used the shell instance
Cloud Playground;
Redis as a Message Broker. Redis
is a NoSQL
DBMS and allows a system to translate a message
from the messaging protocol of the sender to
the recipient’s messaging protocol. Through a
decoupling between publishers and subscribers,
Redis guarantees a greater scalability and a
dynamic network topology;
Node JS as Event-driven component. It receives
data about the sensor and the variable of the
sensor through a REST interface;
Observer. This component observes rules ex-
tracted from the Rule based-systems. In our im-
plementation, the rule based systems is a configu-
ration file.
The system will automatically perform actions ac-
cording to the values received by the sensors of de-
vices by matching the set of formal rules. Variables
to be monitored are air, temperature, humidity, fine
dust emissions.
The hardware used to provide a source of data is
based on the Arduino platform, a small electronics
board equipped with a microcontroller, which is used
to quickly achieve hardware prototypes. In addition
to the Arduino board we have used the RaspberryPi
B+ board to send and receive data from/to the local
server which then makes a transition of data to Cloud
DeviceHive servers.
Within the component, a configuration JSON file con-
tains the definition of the rules on ontology data ex-
tracted and the actions to take if the rule is fired. The
OBSERVER (of the data flow) notifies the NODE JS
that forwards to the MESSAGE BROKER about the ex-
tracted active rule. The active rule together with the
information about sensors and variables, (the predi-
cate of our Condition) is published on the Redis chan-
nel. Information about the arrival of new data is pub-
lished on the message channel . The MESSAGE BRO-
KER works as a through for data flow and the active
rule that are forwarded to the Reflective part. Re-
ceivers subscribe to the MESSAGE BROKER and are
notified of the message. The MESSAGE BROKER for-
wards the whole message made up of sensor, variable,
and the rule, (extracted from the configuration file) to
the Rule Engine that executes it.
Reflection is applied thanks to the signing of the re-
ceiver component of the Redis channel.
The Condition Level and the RULE ENGINE enable
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
the action level (Figure 3 depicts the actions imple-
mented) of the reflective component.
In this instantiation we constructed an OWL 2 on-
tology called Agrimag based on the AGROVOC the-
saurus. The ontology contains the main knowledge
related to the agricultural field, in particular the as-
pects concerning pest management and control, with
a view to respecting the environment and operator
health. Figure 4 shows a screenshot of the Prot
editor GUI illustrating the Class and Object Property
hierarchies of our ontology.
The ontology describes the main concepts related
to the management of cultivation and chemical treat-
ments necessary to ensure agricultural production,
with particular reference to the guidelines issued by
the Italian Ministry of Agriculture.
Table 1: Ontology metrics.
Axiom 7694
Logical axiom count 6297
Class count 32
Object property count 35
Data property count 07
Individual count 2012
Class axioms
SubClassOf axioms count 24
DisjointClasses axioms count 02
Object property axioms
SubObjectPropertyOf 18
InverseObjectProperties 03
ObjectPropertyDomain axioms count 21
ObjectPropertyRange axioms count 22
Data property axioms
SubDataPropertyOf 01
FunctionalDataProperty 01
DataPropertyDomain 05
DataPropertyRange 05
Individual axioms
ClassAssertion axioms count 1893
ObjectPropertyAssertion axioms count 3161
DataPropertyAssertion axioms count 1139
Annotation axioms axioms
AnnotationAssertion 1323
The most important classes are the following:
< Crop >: identifies the planted crop in the field.
Each culture is characterized by a specific set of
harmful agents that affect, as well as by a set of active
ingredients and commercial authorized products;
< Pest >: modeling agents harmful to plants (eg.
Mushrooms, Insects, Weeds,etc.), which the farmer
has to worry about finding a remedy through the use
of Active Substance;
< ActiveSubstance >: is a chemical compound used
in agriculture as an antagonist of one or more kinds
of pathogens/pests;
< CommercialProduct >: indicates a formulation
commercially available. Its spectrum of action is
determined by its composition (made of ActiveSub-
stance), as well as legislative constraints, regulations
and authorizations imposed by the Ministry of
< InstitutionalActiveSubstanceU sage >: models
a ternary relationship that relates a Pest with an
authorized ActiveSubstance to a specific crop.
Table 1 summarizes the metrics associated to our
ontology which is publicly available.
Possible use
cases identified for a farmer are the following:
query the ontology via a mobile app or company
Web page, to learn about the solutions to be im-
plemented (interventions and curative active sub-
stance, notes) to cope with all possible diseases
for each crop;
the mobile device through the GPS module lo-
cates the exact position of the field on the map and
can receive information related to defense plans
for their treated cultures;
based on treated cultures (stored into mobile
device), it is possible to receive recommenda-
tions/alerts about their treatment (period, healing
product, doses, etc.)
Figure 5 shows a screenshot of the Web applica-
tion concerning the creation of the defense plan. Once
selected the crop (Cherry tree) and one related disease
(Archips rosanus), the farmer mobile device displays
the information solution for each selected disease.
Agriculture in urban areas have become a new trend.
In Cyber-Physical Systems(CPSs) perspective, this
domain presents typical challenges such as incom-
plete information, limited sources of information,
knowledge and infrastructure deficiency, inadequate
help and no timely support, limited control authority
and so on. One of the challenges in building CPS is
the way software will be developed and composed on
the top of flexible infrastructures and integration ar-
A full description of Ontology metrics is available at
Semantic IoT Middleware-enabled Mobile Complex Event Processing for Integrated Pest Management
Figure 4: Entities Tab Prot
Figure 5: Mobile app screenshots.
To solve the limitation, disadvantages and challenges
described, in this paper we present an infrastructures
for distributed CEP that will be partially executed on
mobile devices by introducing server side a Reflec-
tive IoT Middleware. The main advantages of the
system are: (i) using CEP engine at system run-time
enables event-driven monitoring and update notifica-
tions, and (ii) modeling system with human-machine
understandable ontologies ensures easier reconfigura-
tion of the system. To validate the model we propose
an instantiation in a real scenario also designing an
OWL 2 Ontology that encodes knowledge about as-
pects related to Integrated Pest Management practice.
The solution identified aims at becoming a useful in-
strument by ecosystem actors for raising awareness
about the use of chemical treatments.
In this stage of the work, we performed a first set
of experiments to validate the approach providing the
tool to a Company and testing single components. We
are current working to extend the system for the cre-
ation of an Advanced Cyber-Physical System.
The authors acknowledge support of Simone Salerno
for ontology building. Francesco Nocera acknowl-
edges support of Exprivia S.p.A Ph.D grant 2016.
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Semantic IoT Middleware-enabled Mobile Complex Event Processing for Integrated Pest Management