Detection of Fake Profiles in Social Media
Literature Review
Aleksei Romanov, Alexander Semenov, Oleksiy Mazhelis and Jari Veijalainen
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: Social Network Analysis, Social Media, Fake Profiles, False Identities.
Abstract: False identities play an important role in advanced persisted threats and are also involved in other malicious
activities. The present article focuses on the literature review of the state-of-the-art research aimed at
detecting fake profiles in social media. The approaches to detecting fake social media accounts can be
classified into the approaches aimed on analysing individual accounts, and the approaches capturing the
coordinated activities spanning a large group of accounts. The article sheds light on the role of fake
identities in advanced persistent threats and covers the mentioned approaches of detecting fake social media
Identity is an object attached to a human being,
separate from him or her. A typical example is the
name of a person. Another example is a passport that
contains the name, birth date and place of the
person, nationality, digitally captured fingerprints
and a digitally stored and a photograph of the
person. A third example is a private and public key
adhering to a Public Key Infrastructure. In general,
identity should be unique in the sense that each
identifying object must only refer to at most one
person. The same person might still have several
identities, like a passport and a pair of keys above,
or a social security number.
The real identity is verified by authorities of
some nation state. A modern passport is a typical
example of this. Authorities guarantee that the
picture, fingerprints, name, birthdate etc. belong to
the same person, i.e. certify the object attachment.
At a social media site a user is usually identified by
a profile. It typically contains a picture and name,
possibly an address and birth date. The sites do not,
however, rigorously check that the person with the
identity alluded to in the profile really created and
controls the profile. If this is not the case, somebody
is using somebody else’s identity. This is called false
identity. One can also create profiles that can use
freely invented names and other information that
cannot be attached to any real person in any country.
In this case the identity is called a faked identity.
Such a profile can still contain a picture of a real
person, picked e.g. randomly from the Internet.
False identities play an important role in
advanced persisted threats (APT), i.e. coordinated,
lasting, complex efforts at compromising targets in
governmental, non-governmental, and commercial
organizations. False identities are also often
involved in other malicious activities, like
spamming, artificially inflating the number of users
in an application to promote it, etc.
A typical scenario for using false identities is
using social media platforms to impersonate
someone or create a fake identity to establish trust
with the target, which is then exploited:
for gathering further information for a spear
phishing attack,
mounting a spear phishing attack, or
for directly interacting to get the
information of interest.
In the sequel we consider originally authentic,
but later compromised accounts as false accounts.
We also call false such accounts that contain
personal information, which does not belong to the
person who created this account. If the account
contains, invented personal details it is called a
faked account
Items that are taken as identifiers must be
certified by the authorities of a country of issue,
recognized inside this country, and beyond its
bounds with a mutual agreement with other
Romanov, A., Semenov, A., Mazhelis, O. and Veijalainen, J.
Detection of Fake Profiles in Social Media - Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0006362103630369
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 363-369
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
countries. As every person cannot issue an identity
card by its own, different institutions are responsible
for issuing proper identifiers. Banks and financial
institutions issue credit cards, authorities emit
passports and identity cards using different standards
of reliability. One of the possible ways to create
unique digital identifiers for human beings is to
assign a unique string of characters to a person. For
example, a social security number.
Nevertheless, a person can still create an
identifier for herself in the digital world. An
example of this kind of identifier can be the creation
of an email address or social network profile.
Whereas in "cyber space" there are various
identifiers that can be connected to a real person.
Those are all user names (plus the relevant
passwords) in different information systems, or
email addresses.
Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media
as a group of Internet-based applications that build
on the ideological and technological foundations of
Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange
of User Generated Content. One of the most
important building block of social media sites is user
identity (Kietzmann et al., 2011). Some social media
sites promote usage of real identity information,
however for some it is enough to be identified by a
nickname. Douceur (2002) argue, that for presenting
convincingly distinct identities computing
environment needs logically central trusted authority
which would manage identity information; which is
practically impossible.
One of the most popular social media site is
Facebook at the time of writing it has around 1,8
Billion users. Facebook annual report says, that
5,5% - 11,2% of worldwide monthly active users in
2013-2014 were false (duplicate, undesirable, etc.)
(Facebook, 2014).
The current article focuses on the literature
review of the state-of-the-art research aiming at
detecting fake profiles in social media. The available
approaches that we will review are either targeting
on the distinguishing characteristics of individual
false social media accounts along with their social
connections, or on the coordinated activities
involving numerous such accounts. Nevertheless,
there are a number of limitations when the
approaches are considered from the perspective of
APT, including the assumption of large scale
activities and the low negative impact of a fake
account being detected, which makes them less
productive when applied in the context of APT.
Authors have analysed articles on fake profiles in
social media during the period 2010 2016 and
present findings of 28 articles on this topic. The
search engine that was primarily used was Google
Scholar by keywords: “fake profiles”, “social
media”, “social network” and “false identities”.
Fake identities in social media are often used in APT
cases, both to gather intelligence prior the attack,
and to establish trust and deliver malware or a link
to it. Such fake identities are also used in other types
of malicious activities. To combat these activities, a
significant body of research to date has focused on
the timely and accurate detection of the presence of
a fake identity in social media.
Generally, following the taxonomy in Song et al.
(2015), the approaches to detecting false social
media accounts can be classified into the approaches
aimed analysing individual accounts (profile-based
techniques as well as graph-based methods), and the
approaches capturing the coordinated activities
spanning a large group of accounts.
2.1 Ad-hoc or Small-scale Use of Fake
Social Media Identities
A number of fake account detection approaches rely
on the analysis of individual social network profiles,
with the aim of identifying the characteristics or a
combination thereof that help in distinguishing the
legitimate and the fake accounts. Specifically,
various features are extracted from the profiles and
posts, and then machine learning algorithms are used
in order to build a classifier capable of detecting
fake accounts (Table 1).
For instance, the paper Nazir et al. (2010)
describes detecting and characterizing phantom
profiles in online social gaming applications. The
article analyses a Facebook application, the online
game “Fighters club”, known to provide incentives
and gaming advantage to those users who invite
their peers into the game. The authors argue that by
providing such incentives the game motivates its
players to create fake profiles. By introducing those
fake profiles into game, the user would increase
incentive value for him/herself. At first, the authors
extract 13 features for each game user, and then
perform classification using support vector machines
(SVMs). The paper concludes that these methods do
not suggest any obvious discriminants between real
and fake users.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Adikari and Dutta (2014) describe identification
of fake profiles in LinkedIn. The paper shows that
fake profiles can be detected with 84% accuracy and
2.44% false negative, using limited profile data as
input. Methods such as neural networks, SVMs, and
principal component analysis are applied. Among
others, features such as number of languages spoken,
education, skills, recommendations, interests, and
awards are used. Characteristics of profiles, known
to be fake, posted on special web sites are used as a
ground truth.
Chu et al. (2010) aim at differentiating Twitter
accounts operated by human, bots, or cyborgs (i.e.,
bots and humans working in concert). As a part of
the detection problem formulation, the detection of
spamming accounts is realized with the help of an
Orthogonal Sparse Bigram (OSB) text classifier that
uses pairs of words as features. Accompanied with
other detecting components assessing the regularity
of tweets and some account properties such as the
frequency and types of URLs and the use of APIs,
the system was able to accurately distinguish the
bots and the human-operated accounts.
Detecting spamming accounts in Twitter as well
as in MySpace, was also the objective of the study
by Lee et al. (2010). As compared with the study by
Chu et al., the set of features here was expanded to
cover also the number and type of connections. A
number of classifiers available in Weka machine
learning suite were tried, and the Decorate meta-
classifier was found to provide the best classification
In addition to, or instead of analysing the
individual profiles, another stream of approaches
rely on graph-based features when distinguishing the
fake and legitimate accounts. For instance,
Stringhini et al. (2010) describe methods for spam
detection in Facebook and Twitter. The authors
created 900 honeypot profiles in social networks,
and performed continuous collection of incoming
messages and friend requests for 12 months. User
data of those who performed these requests were
collected and analysed, after which about 16K spam
accounts were detected. Authors further investigated
the application of machine learning for further
detection of spamming profiles. On top of the
features used in the studies above, the authors were
also using the message similarity, the presence of
patterns behind the search of friends to add, and the
ratio of friend requests, and then used Random
Forest as a classifier.
Table 1: Profile-based methods for detecting fake social media accounts.
Reference Ground truth Detection method Accuracy
Known fake LinkedIn
profiles, posted on
special web sites
Number of languages spoken, education, skills,
recommendations, interests, awards, etc. are used as
features to train neural networks, SVMs, and principal
component analysis.
84% TP, 2.44%
Chu et al.
Manually labelled
3000x2 Twitter profiles
as human, bots, or
1. Text classification via Bayesian classifier
(Orthogonal Sparse Bigram);
2. Regularity of tweets;
3. Frequency and types of URLs; the use of APIs.
Lee et al.
Spam accounts registered
by honeypots: 1500 in
MySpace and 500 in
Over 60 classifiers available in Weka are tried.
Features include: i) demographics, ii) content and iii)
frequency of content generation, iv) number and type
of connections. The Decorate meta-classifier provided
the best results.
et al. 2010
Spam accounts registered
by honeypots: 173 spam
accounts in Facebook and
361 in Twitter
Random forest was constructed based on the following
features: ratio of accepted friend requests, URL ratio,
message similarity, regularity in the choice of friends,
messages sent, and number of friends.
2% FP, 1% FN
2.5% FP, 3.0%
FN (Twitter)
Yang et al.
Spam Twitter accounts
defined as the accounts
containing malicious
URLs: 2060 spam
Graph based features (local clustering coefficient,
betweenness centrality, and bi-directional links ratio),
neighbor-based features (e.g., average neighbors’
followers), automation-based features (API ratio, API
URL ratio and API Tweet similarity), and timing-based
features were used to construct different classifiers.
86% TP, 0,5%
Yang et al.
1000 legit and 1000 fake
accounts provided by
Invitation frequency, rate of accepted outgoing and
incoming requests, and clustering coefficient were used
as features for an SVM classifier.
Detection of Fake Profiles in Social Media - Literature Review
Seeking robust features to detect spamming
Twitter accounts was also the focus of the work by
C. Yang et al. (2011). Graph based features and
neighbor-based features were combined with
automation-based features and timing-based features
in order to construct four different classifiers.
A similar approach, although with a much
smaller set of features were employed by Z. Yang et
al. (2011) to detect fake accounts in Renren.
Clustering coefficient was used as a metric reflecting
the properties of the social graphs. These features
were used to build a SVMs classifier that resulted in
99% correct classifications.
Papers by Cao et al. (2011) and Conti et al.
(2012) likewise propose an application of graph
features for the detection of fake profiles. Cao et al.
(2011) base their detection on the observation that
fake (Sybil) profiles typically connect to other fake
profiles, rather than the legitimate ones. Thus, there
is a cut between fake and non-fake subgraphs in the
graph. Conti et al. (2012) base their detection
method on analysis of distribution of number of
friends over time. Boshmaf et al. (2016), however,
claim that the hypothesis that fake accounts mostly
befriend other fake accounts does not hold, and
propose a new detection method, which is based on
analysis features of victim accounts, i.e. those
accounts, which were befriended by a fake account.
Finally, Zang et al. (2013), under the assumption
that the user of a Sybil account is unable to establish
a large number of friendship relationships to non-
Sybil nodes, proposed the use of a generative
probabilistic block model to model the growth of the
social network graph and identify latent groups
within this graph.
Often times, the profile-based approaches
overviewed above are aimed at detecting the
accounts involved in spamming. Traditional
spamming, however, targets a large audience of
receivers, as opposed to the spearphishing
campaigns common in advanced persistent threats
where a single individual or a small group of
recipients is targeted instead. It is therefore unclear
whether these techniques, unmodified, would
perform equally well when detecting fake accounts
involved in an advanced persistent threat.
This limitation is partially addressed in a work
by Egele et al. (2015) who, instead of characterizing
the profiles of spamming accounts, attempt to detect
the cases when a high-profile legitimate account is
(temporarily) subverted and acts maliciously. To this
end, the authors are seeking for behavioral
anomalies in these accounts, by monitoring the
timing and the origin of the messages, language and
message topic, URLs, use of direct interaction, and
geographical proximity. These are used to construct
a SVM classifier based on sequential minimal
optimization algorithm. The dataset was semi-
manually labelled: the messages with malicious
URLs within messages, abruptly changed topics, or
malicious URLs within application description pages
were seen as indications of compromised profiles.
The idea of detecting (dis)similarities in user
behavior was also explored in the work by Egele et
al. (2015). Albeit focusing on interaction over email
messages rather than through social networks, the
authors nevertheless strive to detect spearphishing
by profiling individual email writers and then
recognizing whether a new coming email does really
originate from the same profile.
2.2 Coordinated and/or Large Scale
Use of Fake Social Media Identities
Instead of analysing individual profiles and their
connections, many researchers focus on
characterizing malicious activities involving a
coordinated use of numerous accounts for
instance, in the context of black markets of bots and
fake accounts for online social networks. Stringhini
et al. (2013) analyse Twitter follower markets. They
describe the characteristics of Twitter follower
markets and classify the customers of the markets.
The authors argue that there are two major types of
accounts who follow the “customer”: fake accounts
(“sybils”), and compromised accounts, owners of
which do not suspect that their followees’ list is
increasing. Customers of follower markets may be
celebrities or politicians, aiming to give the
appearance of having a larger fan base, or may be
cyber criminals, aiming at making their account look
more genuine, so they can quickly spread malware
and spam. Thomas et al. (2013) investigate black-
market accounts used for distributing Twitter spam.
De Cristofaro et al. (2014) analyse Facebook like
farms by deploying honeypot pages. Viswanath et al.
(2014) detect black-market Facebook accounts based
on the analysis of anomalies in their like behavior.
Farooqi et al. (2015) investigate two black-hat
online marketplaces, SEOClerks and MyCheapJobs.
Fayazi et al. (2015) study manipulation in online
A specific type of large-scale fake account
creation campaigns is referred to as crowdturfing,
the term representing a merger of two other terms,
astroturfing (i.e., sponsored information
dissemination campaigns obfuscated to appear
spontaneous movements) and crowdsourcing. Thus,
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
crowdturfing is malicious crowdsourcing. Song et al.
(2015) study how to detect objects of crowdturfing
tasks in Twitter.
In particular, Wang et al. (2012) describe the
operational structure of crowdturfing systems, by
both crawling the websites used for coordinating
crowdturfing campaigns, and by executing a similar,
though benign campaign of their own. The authors
have found these campaigns to be highly effective in
hiring users, and, given the growth in their
popularity, they thus pose a serious threat to
security. In a subsequent paper, Wang et al. (2014)
study the applicability of machine learning
approaches to detect crowdturfing campaigns, and
the robustness of these approaches to being evaded
by the adversaries. The paper suggests that
traditional machine learning can be used to detect
crowdturfing workers with the accuracy of 95-99%,
albeit the detection can be relatively easily evaded if
the workers adjust their behavior.
Lee et al. (2014, 2015) likewise aim at
developing a method for detecting crowdturfing
campaigns. The classifier built by the authors was
able to achieve crowdturfing task detection accuracy
of 97.35%. Further, based on comparing the profiles
of crowdturfing workers at Twitter against the
generic Twitter user profiles, the authors constructed
a classifier that detected Twitter crowdturfing users
with 99.29% accuracy. The distinguishing features
used by this classifier included, among others, the
variability of the number of followers over time, the
graph density of the worker accounts, tweeting
activity, and ratio of friends and followers.
Song et al. (2015) has proposed another method
for detecting crowdturfing, CrowdTarget. Rather
than aiming at detecting workers, the authors focus
on detecting the target objects of crowdturfing tasks
(e.g., post, page, and URL). The proposed method
can successfully distinguish between crowdturfing
and benign tweets with the true positive rate up to
98%, even when they both come from the same
account, thus making it more robust to detection
evasion techniques. The following features were
proven to be discriminative: (i) retweet time
distribution, (ii) the ratio of the most dominant
application, (iii) the number of unreachable
retweeters, and (iv) the number of received clicks.
Alas, similarly to the approaches above targeting
the detection of spamming campaigns, the
crowdturfing detection techniques also assume the
presence of a large scale activity, and are therefore
hardly able to detect a small-footprint activity
carried out as a part of a targeted attack.
2.3 Other Works on Fake Social Media
Krombholz et al. (2015) proposes classification of
social engineering attacks into physical methods
(such as dumpster diving), social approaches
(relying on socio-psychological techniques), reverse
social engineering (attacker attempts to make victim
believe that she is a trustworthy entity, and the goal
is to make the victim approach attacker e.g. for
help), technical approaches, and socio-technical
approaches (combining approaches above).
Kontaxis et al. (2011) describe prototype of the
software which aims at finding whether profile of
particular user was cloned from one online social
network into another by comparing characteristics of
the profiles having similar characteristics among
several online social networks.
Krombholz et al. (2012) propose the raising of
users' awareness as the most efficient
countermeasure against social media identity theft,
and describes the methods for it. Authors perform
focus groups research, and suggest that the users are
mostly unaware of fake profiles occurrence and its
Jiang et al. (2016) surveyed more than 100
advanced techniques for detecting suspicious
behaviors that have existed over the past 10 years
and presented several experimentally successful
detection techniques (i.e. CopyCatch, which was
described in (Beutel et al., 2013)).
False identities in the form of compromised or fake
email accounts, accounts in social media, fake or
cracked websites, fake domain names, and malicious
Tor nodes, are heavily used in APT attacks,
especially in their initial phases, and in other
malicious activities. Using these fake identities, the
attacker(s) aim at establishing trust with the target
and at crafting and mounting a spear phishing or
another attack. Based on research evidence,
information gathering for a spear phishing attack
heavily relies on the use of social media and fake
accounts therein. It is therefore important to detect,
as early as possible, the presence of a fake social
media account. A number of recent research works
have focused on detecting such fake accounts, either
by analysing the characteristics of individual profiles
and their connections, or in case of coordinated
activities, by multiple fake social media accounts,
Detection of Fake Profiles in Social Media - Literature Review
such as in the case of crowdturfing by analysing
the commonality of these activities, too.
The main shortcoming of the majority of these
research works is their implicit assumption that the
owners of the fake social media accounts target a
large audience of followers. While such an
assumption may be valid in case of traditional
spamming campaigns or in case of crowdturfing, the
spear phishing commonly used in APT exhibits a
different pattern of targeting only a small subset of
individuals, and otherwise keeping a low profile to
evade detection. As a result, the proposed detection
techniques often expect, e.g., a high ratio of
accepted friend requests, which is unlikely in APT.
This invalid assumption, as well as the availability
of other evading techniques, makes it relatively easy
for the attacker behind an APT to circumvent
Nevertheless, some research works are aimed at
detecting the use of compromised social media
accounts only involving one or few accounts,
making them more applicable to APT cases. By
relying on anomaly detection and one-class
classification, these works are able to detect when
the original user of the account has been subverted
(Egele et al., 2015). Unfortunately, this only works
if the real account has been compromised, but fails
to detect the presence of a fake account only created
for information gathering and later spear phishing. It
appears that rising awareness is the only effective
means of detecting such fake accounts and
mitigating the risks pertaining thereto. Meanwhile,
future research is needed in order to elaborate
methods of fake identity detection in APT that are
capable of detecting individual fake accounts having
low activity profile.
The contribution of this paper consists of the
literature review of current research aimed at
detecting fake profiles in social media from an
advanced persistent threats point of view.
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Detection of Fake Profiles in Social Media - Literature Review