Decision Support for Structured Energy Procurement
Florian Maier
, Hicham Belhassan
, Nikolai Klempp
, Falko Koetter
, Elias Siehler
Daniel Stetter
and Andreas Wohlfrom
Fraunhofer-Institut f
ur Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO, Nobelstr. 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Cologne Institute of Renewable Energy, Betzdorfer Straße 2, 50679 Cologne, Germany
Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use, Heßbr
uhlstraße 49a, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany
Flughafen Stuttgart, Flughafenstraße 32, 70629 Stuttgart, Germany
Energy Management, Structured Energy Procurement, Infrastructures, Smart Energy.
Infrastructure operators in Germany such as airports or factories are confronted with rising energy costs throug-
hout the last years and consequently have to reconsider their energy supply and management. This competitive
pressure raises the question of an optimal procurement strategy, which takes into account the individual orga-
nizational framework and conditions. In the context of the SmartEnergyHub research project this problem was
addressed at the example of the Stuttgart Airport by the implementation of a decision support system to ma-
nage and evaluate long-term procurement plans. Uncertainties related to future price developments and load
fluctuations have been taken into account with the help of a Monte Carlo simulation. Ex-post analysis show,
that the cost of hedging has been between 10 - 15 % of stock procurement costs in the investigated scenarios
due to falling energy stock prices. This raises the question, how much certainty in budget may cost. The
developed software module creates transparency of the cost structure of historic procurements and facilitates
the comparison of different future procurement plans with regard to expected costs and risks. The focus of the
presented work lies on infrastructure operators, who follow a structured energy procurement strategy based on
a long-term contract with a single energy supplier.
Within the last years continuously falling energy
stock prices could be observed in Germany, whe-
reas companies have to cope with increasing energy
costs due to taxes and levies (German Association
of Energy and Water e.V. BDEW, 2016). This leads
to a competitive pressure to optimize energy procu-
rement and consumption. On the other hand energy
providers have to restructure their grids in face of the
switch to renewable energies, necessitating new pri-
cing and participation models (Valipour et al., 2016).
Energy companies can thus use price incentives to
make their customers adapt their energy consumption
to supply (Mitra et al., 2016).
Within the research project SmartEnergyHub
holistic approach is pursued to support infrastructures
such as airports, harbors, industrial or chemical parks,
factories and public facilities to successfully procure
energy in this changing market. In (Florian Maier and
Zech, 2016) an architectural concept for a software
platform is presented, showing which software com-
ponents are required to identify and realize energy op-
timization potentials. Whereas the internal optimiza-
tion module within this solution generates short-term
operating schedules taking into account current data
like daily production plans or current weather fore-
casts, the market optimization module has its focus
on supporting infrastructure operators to find procure-
ment plans which fit to their risk attitude with a long-
term perspective.
The German energy market offers a broad variety
of options for market participation for both producers
and consumers of energy. So the first step in defining
an energy procurement strategy is the choice of an ap-
propriate procurement model. In general three diffe-
rent procurement models can be distinguished, which
differ from one another with respect to costs, risks
and personnel expenditures. Especially small and me-
dium enterprises often conclude full supply contracts
Maier, F., Belhassan, H., Klempp, N., Koetter, F., Siehler, E., Stetter, D. and Wohlfrom, A.
Decision Support for Structured Energy Procurement.
DOI: 10.5220/0006361500770086
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2017), pages 77-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-241-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with a one-time specified fixed price which minimi-
zes staff costs (1). As an alternative to these contracts
different kinds of structured energy supply contracts
are offered, which allow buying energy at the future
market in advance and trading at the spot market to
adjust the previously bought energy to the actual de-
mand (2). Thus the company is given the ability to
cope with price and volume risks. For large industrial
enterprises there is also the option to realize their own
portfolio management which offers the most degrees
of freedom but also requires a constant market obser-
vation (3).
One example of such a large enterprise is the Stutt-
gart Airport, which is a partner in the SmartEnergy-
Hub project. Based on this pilot user, this work des-
cribes the complex decision-making problem related
to energy procurement in large infrastructures. Ba-
sed on this, a simulation based decision support sy-
stem is developed to support the infrastructure opera-
tor to answer the following question: Which quantity
of energy should be bought at which time via which
This work is structured as follows. Section 2 gives
an overview of models and approaches, which offer
solutions to the problem of finding optimal procure-
ment strategies either for SMEs, large companies or
energy suppliers. Section 3 takes a closer look at in-
dividual aspects of the procurement problem introdu-
cing a systematic methodology to describe the solu-
tion space. Following this methodology it is explai-
ned how this solution space is shaped in the example
of the Stuttgart Airport. In Section 4, the prototype
implementation of a decision support system based
on a Monte Carlo simulation is described. Section 5
describes how this software component, which is one
part of the SmartEnergyHub architecture, is used to
find appropriate procurement plans. Finally, Section 6
gives a conclusion and an outlook on future work.
In this section, we examine the areas of energy procu-
rement decisions both from the perspective of consu-
mers, energy suppliers and distributors.
(Kumbartzky and Werners, 2016) focus on op-
timal energy procurement strategies from the per-
spective of SMEs based on a two-stage optimiza-
tion model. Stochastic influences concerning prices
and energy demand are taken into account by the in-
troduction of a finite number of scenarios. For all
scenarios optimal procurement strategies are found
and compared by a minimax relative regret appro-
ach. Contract costs are split up to allow modeling
take-or-pay clauses as well as additional charges for
excess capacities consumed. In a case study the cost
saving potential of structured procurement strategies
are shown.
Monte Carlo simulations are a numerical simula-
tion technique and a wide spread approach for exam-
ple for the derivation of an optimal portfolio as des-
cribed in (Cvitani
c et al., 2003) and (Boyle et al.,
2008). Variants of Monte Carlo simulations like the
least squares Monte Carlo is used to determine energy
option value in (Nadarajah et al., 2017).
In (Prokopczuk et al., 2007) a Monte Carlo simu-
lation based model is developed to quantify risks re-
lated to wholesale electricity contracts from the per-
spective of an electricity supplier, who is able to di-
versify unsystematic risk through a large portfolio of
many customers. Within the model the Risk-adjusted-
Return-on-Capital is used as a risk measure. Price
risks are modeled using the SMaPS (Spot Market
Price Simulation) developed in (Burger et al., 2004).
Uncertainties related to the energy demand are de-
rived by correlating spot market prices to individual
load curves thus simulating individual load paths. It
is argued that a supplier will offer contracts at a price
reflecting risk premiums for the hourly spot market
price risk, a risk premium for the volume risk and a
risk premium related to the price-volume correlation.
In (Woo et al., 2004) procurement strategies for
local distribution companies are developed. Such a
company has three possibilities to satisfy customers’
electricity demand namely through self-generation,
spot market transactions and forward-contracting. A
heuristic procedure is presented to minimize expected
procurement costs for a given risk tolerance level re-
sulting in the determination of the energy amount
which will be bought in advance in future-contracts.
Price structures in German energy market are the
subject of (Pietz, 2009) where the presence of risk
premiums in German electricity market with a focus
on month futures is investigated. It is concluded that
there is evidence for positive risk premia, which de-
creases with increasing time-to-delivery. Similarly,
(Daskalakis et al., 2015) investigate electricity risk
premia in the European market and find a correlation
with the volatility of the spot market and carbon diox-
ide futures, concluding that carbon price fluctuations
are a factor in discounts for electricity consumers.
(Hong and Lee, 2013) focus on an energy con-
sumer who can choose among different suppliers to
meet the energy demand. A Monte Carlo simulation
is used to quantify each supplier’s risk and to allo-
cate orders among multiple suppliers. (Bessembinder
and Lemmon, 2002) focus on optimal forward posi-
tions for energy producing and retailing firms using
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
an equilibrium approach. The existence and nature
of risk premium in forward market is also subject of
their investigations.
In (Conejo et al., 2010) the procurement decision
problem is modeled as a multi-stage stochastic pro-
blem for large consumers. The target function con-
sists of two components, namely the expected procu-
rement cost and the weighted risk measure Conditio-
nal Value at Risk (CVaR). This typically represents
the trade-off between scenarios with low expected
costs and higher risks and scenarios with higher ex-
pected costs for reduced risks.
Commercial software solutions address different
aspects of the procurement decision problem com-
monly supporting purchasing processes in portfo-
lio management teams. kWantera’s product Fara-
for example supports buyers and sellers of
energy to place bids and offers on energy markets.
Enernocs procurement platform
tracks market mo-
vements alerting traders and operators in case tran-
sactions need to be adjusted. In the context of po-
wer plant resource planning similar optimization pro-
blems have to be solved. Procom’s software Bofit
supports power plant operators in planning and opti-
mizing their energy production as well as trading. A
stochastic dynamic programming approach is applied
in Time-steps’ TS Energy
to optimize the operation
of pumped-storage power plants.
Overall, the related work shows the complexity of
finding optimal procurement plans under uncertainty
related to price and load fluctuations. However, a tool
for infrastructure operators is missing, which helps
to reduce this complexity by integrating external in-
formation sources and platforms without the need to
establish an own portfolio management team. The-
refore, to solve the energy procurement problem of
large infrastructure operators like Stuttgart Airport,
a solution must provide infrastructure operators with
the possibility to find procurement plans appropriate
for their risk attitude, which we will develop in the
following sections.
The following steps have been developed in coope-
ration with the project partners and pilot users to de-
fine a systematic methodology with the goal of fin-
ding procurement plans, which are consistent with the
risk attitude of the company:
Degrees of freedom: The first step consists of the
identification of controllable parameters within
the procurement strategy. From a long-term per-
spective the appropriate choice of a energy sup-
plier and a supply contract can be regarded as one
of the main degrees of freedom. If there is alre-
ady a structured supply contract, this contract al-
lows the choice of one or several of the following
Hedging quote: Defines the ratio of energy pro-
cured at the future market to the total energy
demand. The more energy is procured on the
future market (which results in higher hedging
quotes) in advance, the lower the price risk is.
Product: On the energy exchange power future
market currently year, quarter, month, week,
weekend and day products are traded, each as
base and peak products. Year products can be
traded 6 years in advance whereas day products
can only be traded 1 day in advance. It has to
be determined which of those products should
be bought.
Volume: Some contracts include the constraint
of minimum quantities which can be bought.
Apart from that, it has to be decided, if a certain
amount of energy should be bought in fixed or
variable tranches.
Purchasing time: It has to be decided in which
period of time energy is bought on the future
market and at which point in time during this
External and stochastic influences: Apart from
controllable parameters within the procurement
process there are the following external stochas-
tic influences:
Energy prices: Energy prices on the future mar-
ket as well as the spot market are not known in
advance and have to be modeled as stochastic
influences in the decision.
Energy consumption: The actual energy con-
sumption is usually also not known in advance
because it depends on production plans and we-
ather conditions. However, to a certain degree
the energy consumption can be influenced, e.g.
by load shedding or self-generation. This short
term optimization is part of the internal optimi-
zation module and is not further covered here.
For the following considerations it is assumed
that the energy consumption is also stochastic.
Notion of risk: It can be assumed that the security
of supply is ensured independently from the sup-
ply contract and the choices which are made by
Decision Support for Structured Energy Procurement
the company within the frame of the contract. De-
pending on the contract some decisions may lead
to higher costs or even penalties nevertheless. The
main risk can be derived from stochastic influen-
ces such as unexpected increases in energy prices
or deviations in the actual energy consumption.
Most of the companies not only try to minimize
expected procurement costs but try to minimize
procurement costs for a given risk level or try to
find an optimal combination of risks and costs.
Finding appropriate procurement plans: After
modeling the controllable parameters, the exter-
nal and stochastic influences as well as choosing
an appropriate risk measurement, different procu-
rement plans can be compared according to their
risk and expected costs. This can be done re-
trospective to gain insight into past procurement
plans and decisions as well as for future procure-
ment periods.
The following section describes how the previ-
ously defined steps have been practically applied to
support the creation of the procurement process at
Stuttgart Airport.
The first step was to analyze the current situation
in several workshops to identify the framework con-
ditions as well as the degrees of freedom. Until the
end of 2013 the Stuttgart Airport procured energy ba-
sed on a full supply contract. Since 2014 a structured
energy procurement was introduced using an energy
service provider. This opens up new possibilities to
procure parts of the required energy in advance on the
future market in the form of year, quarter or month
products. With the purchase of those products for
base (0-24 hours) and peak time slots (8-20 hours) it
becomes necessary to replicate the actual load curve
by purchases and sales on the spot market. To miti-
gate the risk of purchases at high prices, those pur-
chases can be split up into several even tranches. Due
to internal operational requirements the procurement
starts 1 to 2 years before delivery. Within those fra-
mework specifications decisions can be made to de-
termine, when to buy which amount of energy in the
form of which product. So far a significant part of the
total required energy has been procured at the future
market in advance.
Uncertainties exist mainly with regard to the price
development at the spot and future market as well as
with regard to the load profile during delivery. Ha-
ving said that the module market functions is one part
of the SmartEnergyHub platform, existing modules
could be used to take into account these stochastic in-
fluences. In this way spot price forecasts provided by
the external company ICIS
can be used by appro-
priate import interfaces. ICIS is a market information
provider and offers e.g. forecasts for the German spot
market. The spot price forecasts are regularly upda-
ted allowing working with latest market information
in the market function module. Within this context
the question arises, whether the existence of positive
risk premiums can be assumed in the German energy
market, which has been examined from different per-
spectives (Pietz, 2009).
With the support of the SmartEnergyHub forecast
module load predictions based on historic load profi-
les have been generated. Workshops with the Stutt-
gart Airport allowed the distinction of different fore-
cast scenarios. It should be noted that estimates by
the infrastructure operator concerning changes com-
pared to previous years are an essential prerequisite
for accurate predictions. Changes occur for instance
with the installation of additional photovoltaic plants
or the construction of new buildings.
Assuming that there are positive risk premia ob-
servable on the future market and transaction costs
both on the future and on the spot market are equal,
an exclusive minimization of total expected procure-
ment costs results in a hedging quote of 0, which me-
ans that the total energy demand is covered through
transactions on the spot market. In practice an exclu-
sive minimization of total expected procurement costs
is rarely observed. Instead, a risk-aware procurement
strategy is usually pursued, which leads to hedging
quotes larger than 0. This is why the comparison of
procurement costs should be run in consideration of
expected costs and the related risk. Following (Pro-
kopczuk et al., 2007) CFaR has been chosen as a cen-
tral risk measurement and is defined as Q
E where
is the 95 % quantile of the procurement cost dis-
tribution and E represents the expected procurement
For the generation of procurement plans an ap-
proach has been developed, which allows the split-
ting of the total required energy amount, derived from
the load forecast, into individual products (see also
Section 4). Based on the spot price forecast a Monte
Carlo simulation is run to determine the expected pro-
curement cost E as well as the risk measure CFaR.
The aim of the developed software module is to visua-
lize the effects of different parametrization and allow
a comparison of several alternatives with respect to
costs and risks. For ex-post analysis of historic pro-
curement plans transactions were scaled to simulate
various hedging quotes.
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
The procurement process entails four steps:
1. In the planning phase a procurement plan gets ge-
nerated based on load and price forecasts. It con-
sists of the planned future transactions in the pro-
curement period.
2. In the second step, the procurement phase, these
transactions are conducted with aid of the energy
3. In the delivery phase the power then gets delivered
and potential over and under coverages are coun-
terbalanced through spot transactions.
4. In the accounting phase the effected transactions
are billed based on the previously signed contract.
Hereafter we primarily focus on the first phase
of the procurement process despite the goal for the
module market functions to support the entirety of
the procurement phases. The module market functi-
ons interact with other system components and pro-
vides the infrastructure manager respectively its pro-
curement agent with a graphical interface for analy-
sing and executing procurement plans. To import data
into the database in a coherent format, external servi-
ces such as spot price forecasts, current EEX market
data and procurement platforms of energy providers
are integrated through the Non-Sensor import module
of SmartEnergyHub (Florian Maier and Zech, 2016).
Additionally long-term power forecasts, that are in-
ternally generated, are also provided through the da-
tabase. For a systematic access of these resources the
proxy pattern was used. A PriceService proxy for
accessing historic, current and predicted prices exists,
that caches time series on demand. An analogues Lo-
adCurveService proxy was created to encapsulate the
access to historic and predicted load curves. Historic
transactions are retrievable through a TransactionSer-
vice proxy for ex post analysis. Newly generated pro-
curement plans for prospective delivery periods can
be saved and managed using the module. For the ac-
tual execution of transactions an individual commu-
nication process with the energy provider is required,
for example by transmitting an order through mail or
using a graphical user interface supplied by the energy
4.1 Domain Model
A central domain object is the time series, which is
used for representing price forecasts and load curves
amongst others. The procurement plan is another es-
sential object, which is defined by its set of transacti-
ons. Each transaction is associated with exactly one
Module market functions
Energy service
transaction system
Data storage
Non-sensor imports
Price data
stock price data
Price forecast provider
Hourly price forward curves
load forecasts
Figure 1: Overview of main components.
procurement plan and encapsulates the following pro-
perties: product type, power, delivery start and end,
timestamp of the transaction, cost as well as unit in-
formation. The sum of all transactions costs consti-
tutes the overall procurement cost of a procurement
plan. A procurement plan always refers to one de-
livery year and enables the coverage of a companies
energy requirements in this period.
4.2 Transaction Generation Procedure
In the following an approach for generating a valid
procurement plan is shown. This encompasses the
determination of the amount of energy to be bought
on the future market for each product type. Then, for
each product type times of purchase are determined,
which is a preliminary step for defining tranches. A
previously generated power forecast in hourly reso-
lution for the delivery year is required. Procurement
shall be separated into base and peak products to mo-
del the characteristic nightly load decrease.
1. In the first step the hedging quote is defined. Ba-
sed on a hourly load prediction the energy amount
to be procured on the future market can be deter-
mined by taking the sum over the hourly energy
consumption, which is then multiplied with the
hedging quote.
2. Afterwards the type of product with the shortest
delivery period is identified. This could be a quar-
ter, month or week product for example. Under
the assumption of a requested separation into base
and peak products, the sum of the hourly energy
consumption for Peak (8-20 hours) and Offpeak
(20 - 8 hours) time slots is calculated for the iden-
tified product with the shortest delivery period. In
the case of month products the following outcome
could be achieved:
Decision Support for Structured Energy Procurement
Table 1: Initial time slices.
time span work
of use
January peak 1104 4 276
January offpeak 936 2 468
February peak 1008 4,2 240
February offpeak 820,8 1,9 432
3. Based on the hours of use the power values can
be determined for each product. To transform
the peak-offpeak-split into base(0-24 hours) and
peak-products, the power of the offset hours is
used for the base product. The resulting power of
the peak product can then be calculated as the dif-
ference between the base product power and the
previous peak hours:
Table 2: Base and peak products.
product work
(in MWh)
(in MW)
of use
January base 1488 2 744
January peak 552 2 276
February base 1276,8 1,9 672
February peak 552 2,3 240
4. The duration of the trading period for EEX stan-
dard products depends on the duration of the de-
livery period. If it is requested, that future tran-
sactions should begin 1 - 2 years before delivery,
month products with a maximum trading period
of 9 months before delivery are out of scope. Ne-
vertheless it is possible to partially substitute se-
veral products with a short delivery period with
a product with a longer delivery period, resulting
in potentially different costs. As an example one
can think of 3 month base products with a power
of 3 MW (April), 2 MW (Mai) and 4 MW (June),
which can be replaced by a quarter base product
with 2 MW and 2 month products with 1 MW
(April) and 2 MW (June). This substitution does
not change the amount of energy delivered, whe-
reas the purchase of the quarter product would be
possible 33 months in advance. This is why in
the following products with a short delivery pe-
riod are always replaced by products with longer
delivery periods thus increasing the flexibility to
choose the purchase time.
5. After splitting the expected energy amount for one
year into different kind of products with the goal
of an optimal approximation of the predicted load
curve, the next step consists of finding transaction
timestamps and purchase amounts. There are dif-
ferent alternatives for this task such as splitting
the amount of energy, which should be bought in
equal tranches, which are bought periodically du-
ring the procurement stage. Another possibility
is to determine the amount to purchase in a more
flexible way based on market observations, which
results in higher time efforts.
4.3 Graphical User Interface
The graphical user interface supports the infrastruc-
ture operator in managing procurement plans, con-
ducting retrospective analysis of finished procure-
ment plans and allowing the comparison of future
procurement plans with respect to expected costs and
The screenshot 2 displays how a user can confi-
gure the creation of a procurement plan by selecting
the procurement period for year as well as quarter pro-
ducts and defining the number of tranches. On the
side there is a slider which allows setting the hedging
quote. Based on the user input a procurement plan
is generated in the backend based on the previously
described procedure.
The procurement plan is then displayed to the user
as a table (see Figure 3) and can be used as a schedule
for energy purchases.
The developed decision support system was applied in
a use case to analyze historic procurement decisions
as well as to create future procurement plans at the
Stuttgart Airport.
In retrospective procurement simulations for the
exemplary delivery year 2014 it is noticeable that the
hedging quote had a major impact on total procure-
ment costs as can be seen in Figure 4, which shows
hedging quotes ranging from 0 - 100 percent on the
x-axis, correlated with the resulting normalized total
procurement costs on the y-axis. A procurement stra-
tegy with a hedging quote of 100 percent would have
caused procurement costs which lie about 15 percent
higher compared to a hedging strategy with a zero
hedging quote. So an increase of 10 percent in the
hedging quote and thus higher price certainty resulted
in about 1.5 percent higher procurement costs. This
strong increase of costs with increasing hedging quo-
tes is mainly due to falling energy spot prices within
the relevant period. The picture is similar for the fol-
lowing year 2015 where the costs of hedging in a 100
percent hedging scenario were 12 percent higher com-
pared to a zero hedging quote strategy.
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 2: Configuration of procurement plan generator.
Figure 3: Procurement plan.
Figure 4: Ex-post correlation between hedging quote and procurement costs 2014.
Decision Support for Structured Energy Procurement
To study the effects of various influence factors
on the resulting procurement costs and risks, different
kind of simulation scenarios have been defined. In
the first scenario the load curve was assumed as gi-
ven, whereas spot prices were assumed to be fluctua-
ting. The second scenario starts from the opposite as-
sumption with given spot prices and fluctuating load
curves. In the third scenario fluctuating spot prices
as well as fluctuating load curves were used to give a
realistic picture of the correlations.
Figure 5 shows the cost distribution for different
hedging quotes based on a Monte Carlo simulation. It
is assumed that spot prices are on average lower than
future prices, which results in higher expected costs
for higher hedging quotes. At the same time one can
observe that the scattering is smallest for a hedging
quote of 100 percent, reflecting the lowest price risk.
Even with a hedging quote of 100 percent, the total
average procurement costs are not fully deterministic
as random variations in the energy demand make spot
market transactions inevitable.
To provide the infrastructure operator with the
possibility to investigate the effects on costs and risks
of a specific parametrization, an interactive simula-
tion element has been integrated into the user inter-
face (see Figure 6), allowing the user to start a Monte
Carlo simulation and see an updated frequency chart
after each iteration step 6. After a simulation run the
user is provided with the aggregated results of the si-
mulation, essentially the expected total procurement
cost as well as the CFaR based on a confidence level
of 95 percent quantifying the risk of the procurement
plan. The outcome depends heavily on the assump-
tions made for the accuracy of the load prediction by
the prediction module and the integrated spot price fo-
recasts provided by ICIS. Under the assumption that
those estimates are unbiased on an hourly basis the si-
mulation over the 8760 hours within one year result in
frequency charts with low variances resulting in low
CFaRs for a hedging quote of 70 percent.
This heuristic approach offers an easy-to-use pos-
sibility to compare a manageable amount of alternati-
ves with regard to risk and expected costs. The tool
could be extended by the explicit solution of the de-
cision problem determining optimal values for all de-
grees of freedom.
After successful evaluation with historic and si-
mulation data with a focus on the years 2014 and
2015, the decision support system is in productive use
at Stuttgart Airport to determine the energy procure-
ment plan in 2018.
In this work we developed a simulation based deci-
sion support system for energy procurement of large
infrastructure providers.
We evaluated this system based on historical data
of Stuttgart airport as well as simulation data, finding
that the ex-post cost of hedging lay with 15 percent
of the total procurement costs for 2014 and 12 per-
cent for 2015 due to falling spot prices. On the other
hand this system supports infrastructure operators to
investigate the effects of the parameter choice in the
creation process of future procurement costs. Higher
hedging quotes reduce the price risk resulting in hig-
her expected procurement costs.
Based on this specific use case it was assumed,
that the infrastructure operator makes procurement
decisions within the frame of a long term energy con-
tract with a single energy supplier. The selection pro-
cess of this energy supplier within a public tender or a
reverse auction process is not part of the investigation.
By taking into account multiple contracts with diffe-
rent energy suppliers at the same time the approach
could be extended.
The system is currently in productive use at Stutt-
gart Airport for 2018. This work is a part of the
market optimization module in the SmartEnergyHub
platform, which aims to optimize energy production,
consumption and procurement for large infrastructure
In future work we plan to compare the estimated
procurement costs and related risks based on our si-
mulations with the realized costs. This implies the
comparison with other algorithms like dynamic sto-
chastic optimization as well as the use of other risk
measures. Besides, it should be possible to realize
purchase decisions with the energy provider automa-
tically within the same module.
The work published in this article was fun-
ded by the Bundesministerium f
ur Wirtschaft und
Energie (BMWi) under the promotional reference
01MD15011C, The
SmartEnergyHub project is a joint work of: Fichtner
IT Consulting AG, Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH, Faun-
hofer IAIS, Faunhofer IAO, in-integrierte informati-
onssysteme GmbH and Seven2one Informationssys-
teme GmbH.
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 5: Procurement costs and influence factors.
Figure 6: Frequency chart.
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SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems