Generation and Transportation of Transaction Documents using
Payment Infrastructure
Gatis Vitols
, Nikolajs Bumanis
and Irina Arhipova
Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia
Ltd ”Mobilly”, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Mobile Payments, Smartcards, Transaction Documents, Transaction Messages.
Abstract: Mobile payments are rapidly increasing during e-commerce transactions. Industry has well established
procedures how to process the payments. However processes of management of transaction documents (e.g.
warranty cards, insurance policies, etc.) are still undeveloped and raise issues of information system and
document format fragmentation. This paper address transaction document management issue with
introduction of improvements in payment procedures, such as transaction processing using multiple
payment methods for single payment, point of interaction dividing into elements for further dividing of
needs for associate parties, transaction messaging schemes, which can be used for transportation of
transaction documents. Aim of this research is to propose improvements of payment processing process
models by introducing generation and transportation of transaction documents using unified documents and
concepts. Improved procedures are further planned to implement in micropayment company payment
processing processes for approbation. The results show that distribution of transaction document into
multiple types provides the ability to track generation steps of transaction documents and to correspond
these steps with transaction processing results and messages, by therefore making these two non-connected
before processes as whole new global service processing process. Proposed improvements of mobile
payment infrastructure support creation and management of transaction documents using unified documents
and concepts.
Management of transaction documents is important
and challenging process in e-commerce. Examples
of transaction documents are bills, warranty cards,
bank statements and insurance policies. Transaction
documents have various lifecycles. Most of the
documents are valid and used only during
transaction or short while after transaction. However
some transaction documents (e.g. warranty cards,
medical receipts) have to be kept safely for multiple
years and some may be submitted to other party,
such as tax refund documents.
Typically transaction documents are generated
during or after payment transaction. Recently mobile
and NFC payments are used more frequently and in
future application of such payments can rapidly
increase (Oliveira et al., 2016). To execute mobile
payments, external payment methods are integrated
into mobile applications, usually raising issues of
fragmentation of payment processors and entities
that perform generation and transportation of
transaction documents.
Fragmentation of payment and transaction
document managers further leads to multiple issues
for users, such as various transportation methods,
formats and platforms such as e-mails, information
systems, SMS and others (Bojjagani and Sastry,
Integration of existing online payment methods
(e.g. Paypal, Google Wallet, Stripe) into mobile
payment systems partially allows solving
fragmentation issues. However such integration is
possible only in certain cases and raise the risks of
data integrity and security (Preibusch et al., 2016).
In e-commerce industry transaction document
generation and transportation is mostly detached
from payment processing and includes only
transaction documents containing transaction
processing result data. For payment processing,
typically concepts and models introduced by
financial service companies VISA (IBM, 2011;
Vitols, G., Bumanis, N. and Arhipova, I.
Generation and Transportation of Transaction Documents using Payment Infrastructure.
DOI: 10.5220/0006356307390744
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 739-744
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
VISA, 2012) and MasterCard (Mastercard, 2016) is
Aim of this research is to propose improvements
of payment processing process models by
introducing generation and transportation of
transaction documents using unified documents and
Standard banking procedures focus on transaction
processing, whereas main problems of other
payment infrastructures (e.g. micropayment, mobile
payments) development lie in transaction document
generation and transportation, including transaction
initializing based on these transaction documents.
Therefore it is necessary to identify systems as
processing partners, which would be able to develop
and maintain all functionality required to perform
any type of transaction. Additionally it is necessary
to precisely determine the ratio between generation
and transportation of transaction documents and
improvements for existing standard banking flows to
implement such integrated processes (Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Proposed role distribution in mobile and
smartcard payment infrastructure (Vitols et al., 2015).
The mutual interaction between roles of mobile
payment infrastructure was proposed in previous
research (Vitols et al., 2015), where focus was put
on execution of mobile payments using multi-
application smartcards (Bumanis, Vitols, et al.,
2014). Classic e-commerce payment processing
schemes includes such roles as client, merchant,
issuer, acquirer and intermediate organization, which
provides routing functions, for example,
MasterCard. The following mobile payment
infrastructure roles were introduced:
concentrator, entity which performs intermediate
organization's functionality, manages contractual
and identification registers for associate parties,
manages transaction document transportation
mechanism and provides protocol for its usage;
smartlet manager is responsible for smartlet
creation, issuing and life cycle management, and
point of interaction creation and management;
distributor orders smartlet, stores and manages
client database;
client as smartlet user;
smartlet, where smartlet is a device with payment
initiation capabilities, for example, smartphone
or smartcard;
provider, including payment provider and service
provider, where payment provider is responsible
for acceptance and processing of transactions.
Service provider is managing point of interaction
and physical or virtual point of sales meant for
purchases of this service provider's products.
During research following functions were
payment acceptance;
payment authorization and clearance;
smartlet identification and authorization;
client authorization;
generation of transaction documents.
Specialized methods were identified for payment
providers, assuming one payment provider may
perform either one or both methods. Respectively
those are payment method and processing method,
where payment method is responsible for accepting
and processing transactions, but processing method
would be used in case if additional calculations are
required, such as subsidy administration, or/and
changes to client accounting system's data must be
done (Bumanis, Zacepins, et al., 2014).
Main proposed improvements of this research are
transaction processing using multiple payment
methods for single payment, addition of
functionality for point of interaction and transaction
messaging schemes, which can be used for
transportation of transaction documents.
Transaction documents are documents created in
the process of realization of particular service, where
documents are used for initiation of one or multiple
transactions, as well as for transaction result
verification (Bouazzouni et al., 2016).
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Transaction documents for different services and
products may require different unique data. In this
case the format of transaction documents must
comply with formatting requirements for ordering of
particular service, for example, the ticket ordering
requires trip time and station names, and whereas
paying for parking spot require auto number and
start time. It is inefficient to use unique formats of
transaction documents for each individual service
while implementing various services into one
system. Therefore, it is necessary to develop
subsystem, which would be able to transform
ordering data of various services into unified
transaction document format to manage these
objects. For this point we propose the usage of your
country specified requirements for electronic
document formats. In Latvia, for reference, such
requirements are described by law accepted by
cabinet of ministry (Cabinet of Ministers and
Republic of Latvia, 2014), stating the usage of XML
definition format and XSD scheme for its validation.
Each service, offered by service providers,
requires point of interaction for transaction
initiation. Point of interaction can be accessed from
client's device, such as smartphone's application or
internet web store. Transaction initiation is
performed by point of sale connection to this point
of interaction, where point of sale corresponds to
particular payment method. Whereas implementing
multiple payment methods in the way of payment
instruments into single point of interaction results in
potentially longer usage time. Researchers identified
(Kujala et al., 2017) that prolonged usage is based
on client's positive expectations before service
platforms usage and realization of those expectation
during exploitation time. As improvement, point of
interaction was divided into two forms - service
ordering form and payment form, respectively
named, sPOI and pPOI (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Smartlet POI components.
Firstly, functionality of sPOI includes inputting
parameters for service ordering, performed by client,
for example - providing auto number for parking
spot ordering service realization. Secondly, pPOI
provides access to service specified payment
instruments, which together form a payment
combination. Technically, pPOI is interface to point
of sales with particular payment methods.
Model of transaction document mechanism is based
around different objects, including price matrix,
payment combination, payment instrument, user
interface of payment combination authorization and
payment instrument authorization (Fig. 3).
Figure 3: Model of transaction document mechanism.
Four transaction document types were defined for
transaction document mechanism:
Order - document, defining service ordering data
and service provider's identification and
authorization parameters in unified specified
Payment Order - document, defining necessary
data for initiation of one or multiple transactions,
including payment amount;
Payment Receipt - document, generated after
transactions are performed and contains result of
processing these transactions;
Receipt - document, which includes all data
regarding performed payment, including
completed transactions.
2.1 Sequence for Generation Process
Generation of transaction documents is performed
by service’s POI components - sPOI and pPOI. Each
service has own unique POI. When client inputs
ordering parameters and presses "Order" button
sPOI generates transaction document "Order", which
is then along with price matrix is sent to pPOI for
processing. In result, pPOI modifies the price matrix
according to accessible payment instruments and
generates the transaction document named "Payment
Order", after which client must choose one or
multiple offered payment instruments, basically, the
Generation and Transportation of Transaction Documents using Payment Infrastructure
currency, for example, cash or bonus points, for
order payment. By pressing button "Pay" client
authorizes transaction initiation. Transactions are
initiated for each payment method corresponding to
selected payment instruments, by respective point of
sale, either physical point of sale, virtual point of
sale or EMV (Europay, MasterCard, and Visa)
payment application. According to transaction
processing results pPOI generates transaction
document named "Payment Receipt". "Payment
Receipt" is generated for both, successfully and
unsuccessfully completed transactions, where in
case of unsuccessfully processed transaction client
may be prompted to choose different payment
instruments and repeat the payment process. When
payment is successfully completed, pPOI sends
transaction document named "Payment Receipt" to
sPOI, which in result generates transaction
document named "Receipt" in unified format for
storage in the client's profile and further usage by the
client. Transaction document "Receipt" is saved
based on sPOI settings defining necessity to save
transaction documents in distributors system or on
2.2 Transportation Flow
Generation and transportation of transaction
documents are performed in close collaboration with
transaction processing using payment provider
system's mechanisms (Fig. 4). Implementation of
transportation functionality as part of transaction
processing requires some sort of message routing
between partners. Existing payment processing
organization's schemes includes subsystems
providing transaction data routing between partners
incorporated in transaction processing, as well as
providing authorization functionality. MasterCard
organization uses system called MasterCard
Network (Mastercard, 2016), providing routing
between issuer and acquirer, whereas Visa
organization's system VisaNet (IBM, 2011; VISA,
2012) in addition to routing function is responsible
for clearing and settlement. Based on how these
organizations route transaction data between
partners we concluded the necessity of hub type of
system’s component or subsystem. Therefore, such
element was introduced named "TRX Router" (see
Fig 4). "TRX Router" was implemented as payment
provider's payment method system's component,
which is responsible for routing transaction data and
transactional message to processing method and
authorization performing systems. Functionality of
this hub is based around messaging flow with both
entry and exit nodes, identified as:
processor gate for processing system and its hub
"Processing Router";
point of interaction (POI) gate for device, used
for payment initiation;
authorization gate for client and transaction
Connection between systems is implemented by
using gates and corresponding interfaces. Processing
method used when additional calculations, such as
government subsidy calculations or automatic
money account balance increment, are required, uses
hub named "Processing Router", which is connected
to partner systems using following entry and exit
processor gate for external processing system;
TRX gate for payment method and its hub "TRX
smartlet manager gate for smartlet manager's
accounting gate for client's accounting system.
Implementation of transportation mechanism
where multiple hubs of various partners are used
requires usage of unified easy-to-identify format for
both transaction messages and transportation of
transaction documents. Proposed solution uses
transaction messaging system as platform for
transportation of transaction documents, and
therefore message types must be identified.
Figure 4: Proposed transportation flow between payment
method and processing method.
Payment and processing method specialized
messages were named as "TRX Message". Two
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
types of messages were defined: Request, which is
used for request message and Response, used for
answer message. Response always uses Request as
reference message, so hubs can easily identify
message sources. We propose following message
Authorize - request type message for
Capture - request type message to execute
transaction capture;
Cancel - request type message to cancel
transaction processing;
Accepted - response type message, indicating
successful authorization of transaction in
particular system or subsystem;
Approved - response type message, indicating
approval of transaction execution;
Canceled - response type message, indicating
cancelation of transaction due to particular
technical reasons, including timeout;
Denied - response type message, indicating
declining of transaction due to particular reasons.
Proposed payment infrastructure allows
implementing transportation of transaction
documents along with transaction messages;
however for functionally comprehensive transaction
document management separate system must be
developed. This system would work in collaboration
with transaction messaging system and in the same
time would be responsible for generation and
transportation of transaction documents which are
not necessary related to transaction processing
partners, for example, distributor. Separate system
will allow realization of transportation for informal
messages as well, for example, reports.
Usually by integrating multiple e-commerce
systems difficulties with transaction document
formats (Mitasiunas and Bykovskij, 2015) may
occur; however, electronic document format
(Wawrzyniak and El Fray, 2016) will be available to
each system in unified structure, containing five
components - abstract, XML data, JavaScript
methods, CSS/HTML5 and mandates. Our proposed
document structure provides both data and
functionality, therefore we believe it will suit e-
commerce needs.
As additional improvements message format is
proposed, which is built around two parts - header
and body, providing possibility to transport and
process messages by every system with inclusion of
unique data required by each different service. In
this case document body part is responsible for
handling service specified data, in other words body
is transaction object, whereas document header
contains necessary information for message routing.
Verification and validation of these messages is
done during implementation phase using XML and
XML scheme 1.1, whereas authorization is realized
by encapsulating XML formatted message into eDoc
container. Using both eDoc and XML provides
secure transportation of transaction documents.
These improvements allows interoperating of
different transaction documents for various services,
provides ease of transportation using one messaging
system, which transfers both formal and informal
messages. This allows usage of unified format for
transaction documents to store and later manage
them by different parties and systems.
Distribution of transaction document types provides
the ability to track generation steps of transaction
documents and correspond these steps with
transaction processing results and messages, by
therefore making these two non-connected before
processes as whole new global service processing
Standard banking procedures typically does not
provide processes for transportation of transaction
document and focus mainly of payment processing.
Existing payment processing workflows and
payment infrastructure allows usage of entities such
as banks to provide secure client authorization in
case client uses bank account.
Proposed transportation mechanism describes
mostly transaction messages used during transaction
processing, however it potentially can be used for
transportation of transaction documents between
transaction processing partners. During the research
it was concluded, that transportation of transaction
documents requires delivering message to additional
parties, therefore separate system must be
developed, which could use unified formats for both
transaction documents and transportation messages.
Proposed improvements of mobile payment
infrastructure support creation and management of
transaction documents using unified documents and
Generation and Transportation of Transaction Documents using Payment Infrastructure
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the research project "Competence
Centre of Information and Communication
Technologies" of EU Structural funds, contract No. signed between IT Competence
Centre and Central Finance and Contracting Agency,
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