A Specification and Execution Approach of Flexible Cloud Service
Workflow based on a Meta Model Transformation
Imen Ben Fraj, Yousra BenDaly Hlaoui and Leila Jemni BenAyed
Research Laboratory in Technologies of Information and Communication and Electrical Engineering (LaTICE),
Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
Keywords: BPMN Model, MDA Approach, Meta-model Transformation, Flexible Workflow, Cloud Service.
Abstract: Cloud environments are being increasingly used for deploying and executing workflow composed from
cloud services. In this paper, we propose a meta-model transformation for the specification and the
execution of cloud service flexible workflows. To built workflow abstract models, the proposed approach
uses a BPMN model for the specification of the cloud service workflow structure and the state-chart
diagram for the specification of the cloud service workflow behavior. In addition, workflow models should
be translated into BPEL4WS language which will be executed by the BPEL4WS engine, the latter is driven
by the behavior described by the state-chart diagram. To fulfill, we define a set of meta-model
transformations from the platform independent model (BPMN) to the platform specific model (BPEL4WS).
1.1 Motivation
Cloud computing (Dillon and Chang, 2010) has
emerged in the distributed computing community, it
is mainly driven by the industry and has been largely
adopted by the research domain. The basic goal of
the cloud computing is to make a better use of
distributed resources and be able to solve large scale
computation problems. A cloud service is a web
service that provides a set of well defined cloud
interfaces and follows cloud specific conventions.
These services constitute a powerful basis for
modern application development. In order to enable
users to compose their applications without taking
care of the lower level details, the concept of cloud
workflow has emerged as a method for modeling
service applications (Yubin, Zeye, Zewei and
Ximing, 2013). The problem of building such
applications requires finding and orchestrating
appropriate services that is frequently a non trivial
task for a developer. This is due to the very large
number of available services and the different
possibilities for constructing a flexible workflow
from matching services. Flexible workflow is a
solution to fasten information system development
in distributed and dynamical environment like the
Cloud. Therefore, we propose in this paper a model
driven approach for automatic execution of flexible
workflow applications of cloud services using
BPMN model (Allweyer, 2010). Recently, several
solutions have been proposed to model applications
from cloud services such as works presented in
(Amziani, Melliti and Tata, 2013; Fengyu, Ying,
Zheng, Wei and Xilong, 2015).
However, the proposed solutions need interaction
with user and guidelines or rules in the design of the
composed applications. In consequence, the
resulting source code is neither re-usable nor it
promotes dynamic adaptation facilities as it should.
For applications composed of cloud services, we
need an abstract view not only of the offered
services but also of the resulting application. This
abstraction allows in one hand the reuse of the
elaborated application and on the other hand reduces
the complexity of the composed applications. There
are several architectural approaches for distributed
computing applications (Hu, Zhang and Yu, 2002)
which make easy the development process.
However, these approaches need rigorous
development methods to promote the reuse of
components in future cloud development
applications. It has been proven from past
experiences that using structured engineering
methods makes easy the development process of any
computing system and reduce the complexity when
Fraj, I., Hlaoui, Y. and BenAyed, L.
A Specification and Execution Approach of Flexible Cloud Service Workflow based on a Meta Model Transformation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006338504670473
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 467-473
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
building large cloud applications. To reduce this
complexity and allow the reuse of cloud service
applications, we adopt a MDA approach. The MDA
(Gronmo and Jaeger, 2005) approach developing
starts with defining high-level models in BPMN
(Allweyer, 2010), defines conversion rules from
BPMN to target platform, and then use code
generation to derive much of the implementation
code for desired platform.
1.2 Our Contribution
We propose a real time approach to built cloud
services applications by following OMG(s)
principals of the MDA in the development process
(OMG, 2005). In this approach, we are interested to
model and execute flexible workflows from existing
cloud services. The workflow modeling identifies
the resource from one depicted cloud service's
operation to the next to built and compose the whole
application. To model and express the composed
flexible workflow of cloud services, we define and
present in this paper a set of steps which begin from
the specification of the cloud service workflow
structure with BPMN and finish by processing the
flexible properties of the workflow model using the
real time meta-model transformation. In addition, we
propose a control system model which controls the
behavior of the BPEL engine based on the properties
of flexibility defined in a state-chart diagram using
the ECA rules (Hu, Zhang and Yu, 2002). The
provided model forms the Platform Independent
Model (PIM) of the proposed MDA approach.
Figure 1 presents the architectural view of the
proposed approach (Fraj, DalyHlaoui, Younes, and
JemniBenAyed, 2015). At the first step of the
approach, the user specifies its problem, i.e. the
result that it wishes to get from the workflow
composition, by modeling a composition request
using BPMN model (functional view). Another
specification of the cloud service workflow behavior
using a state-chart diagram (behavioral view) should
be defined. This request will be refined by the
composition system to built the composed workflow
from available cloud services. Before being
executed, two transformations should be produced
automatically, the first one is the transformation of
the BPMN model into a running platform model like
BPEL, the second is the transformation of the state-
chart diagram into a running platform using a
control system. Thus, we process the properties of
flexibility of the workflow model using the real time
meta-model transformation.
Figure 1: Architectural view of the approach.
1.3 Paper Reminder
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the related works. Section 3 details the
proposed approach for systematic cloud services
execution and section 4 presents the flexible
workflow and the properties of flexibility for cloud
services. Section 5 illustrates the specification
process based on the proposed BPMN model and
flexibility operator. Finally, section 6 concludes the
paper and proposes areas for further research.
Several works and researches were carried out in the
field of modeling of flexible workflow of cloud
services like works presented in (Amziani, Melliti
and Tata, 2013; Fengyu, Ying, Zheng, Wei and
Xilong, 2015). In (Fengyu, Ying, Zheng, Wei and
Xilong, 2015) the authors propose a flexible UML-
based workflow model that is able to exhibit the
architecture of workflow engine and to adapt to the
changes of business process. They were based on
UML diagrams to describe the flexible workflow.
This approach would have been better if the
composition were automatically elaborated since the
number of available services is in increase with the
existence of several forms and manners to compose
such services. In (Amziani, Melliti and Tata, 2013),
the authors, propose a formal model elasticity for
service-based business processes (SBP). In this
model, processes are defined as Petri nets. Then,
elasticity operations (duplication and consolidation)
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
are defined and heir correctness is proven. Each
service is represented by at least one place (the set of
places of each service are related with an
equivalence relation). The transitions represent calls
transfers between services according to the
behavioral specification of the SBP. The originality
of our contribution, relatively to this work, is that
first we save the user from the dynamic refinement
and execution as we propose an MDA approach
which separates the specific model from the
independent model. Second, we facilitate the
composition of flexible workflow as we guide the
user to compose her/his workflow using flexibility
patterns. Third, we consider the properties of
flexibility in the specification of the workflow in a
more natural way for the human user as we define
the functional and the behavioural views.
We propose a real time approach allowing the
specification and the execution of flexible workflow
applications composed from cloud services. The
specification is based on semantic knowledge of
cloud services and on the problem specification
which the user provides to the composer system.
There are three objectives to achieve by proposing
an architectural approach for developing distributing
computing applications:
1. ease the development process of such application,
2. enable rigorous development method,
3. promote the reuse of components.
To reach the first objective, our approach follows the
model driven architecture by separating the platform
development model from the platform specific
model. Thus, we propose to specify the workflows
model by a functional view using BPMN model
(Allweyer, 2010). The model provides an abstract
and understandable description of the cloud
application which is obtained from the integration of
cloud services in a workflow. The workflow model
will be validated and verified to ensure the reliability
of the future application before it is implemented
and that to save material and human costs. Also the
obtained models could be used as documentation for
further application extension. Figure 2 illustrates the
different steps and actions of the proposed approach.
Figure 2: Steps of the approach.
Specification Step. The flexible workflow is
modelled by a BPMN model based on different
patterns of composition of workflows. Each activity
represents the cloud service's operation that should
provide the result. At the same time, the
specification of the cloud service workflow
behaviour is also defined using a state-chart model.
The composition is described in an abstract level
using BPMN model (Allweyer, 2010) for functional
view and state-chart for behavioural view. Once the
two views are built, the workflow should be
validated and verified to ensure its reliability before
being executed and reused as sub-workflow. In this
paper we emphasize upon the modelling of
composed flexible workflows only from Cloud
services and not from sub-workflows.
Transformation Tool. This activity consists of two
actions: export execution code and export sub-
workflow description. The former transforms the
BPMN workflow model into its executable
workflow description by BPEL model. While the
latter translates the state-chart model describing the
behaviour of each properties of flexibility into its
matching control system like ADA (Woodruff and
Van Arsdall, 1998).
Execute the Flexible Workflow Application. The
workflow description document is sent to a
workflow engine that produces implementation code
for handling control-flow and data-flow. An
execution engine, such as BPEL4WS (Shen,
Grossmann and Yang, 2007) engine, executes
different workflow activities which are specified in a
workflow execution document in the correct order
and with their required input and output data. Before
execution, the engine consider the preliminaries and
requirements mentioned by the control system
model, the latter control the behaviour described by
A Specification and Execution Approach of Flexible Cloud Service Workflow based on a Meta Model Transformation
the state-chart model. Thus, the real time meta-
model transformation is achieved.
4.1 Definition
The flexibility is the capability to implement
changes of the requirements in the business process
model and instances by changing only those parts of
the business process model and instances that reflect
the change.
Flexibility (Nurcan, 2008) has been the focus of
many researches (Regev and Wegmann, 2005;
Rosemann and Recker, 2006; Saidani and Nurcan,
2006; Schmidt, 2005). There are many definitions
of the flexibility in literature (Shi and Danies, 2003).
It is defined in (Regev and Wegmann, 2005) as “the
ability to yield to change without disappearing”. The
flexibility is the capacity of making a compromise
between, first, satisfying, rapidly and easily, the
business requirements in terms of adaptability when
organizational, functional and/or operational
changes occur; and, second, keeping effectiveness.
flexibility means fast reactivity to internal and
external changes. It reflects the easiness to make
evolve business process schemes (when required).
Flexibility is also reflected by the ability that the
support systems have to take into account business
4.2 Flexible Workflow
The flexibility refers to the executable ability to
flexible process definition by workflow management
system (WFMS). Flexibility of workflow means the
dynamic generation and modification on definition
of process instances during execution. Workflow
have to provide means to suit the flexibility and
adaptability requirements at any given time. Flexible
workflow management technology is one of the core
technologies to fasten information system
development in the cloud environments.
4.3 Flexibility Types
There are two types of workflow flexibility;
flexibility by modelling (a priori) and flexibility by
execution (a posteriori). The first type supports
dynamic selection for functional variability or user
interface variability of the cloud services. However,
the second one supports dynamic modifications in
different situations of the cloud service workflows.
It, also, adapts the workflow to the current situation
of the cloud during its execution.
The flexibility by modelling (a priori) (Nurcan,
2008) is based on modelling formalisms which can
offer the capacity to deal with the environmental
change without any evolution of process definitions.
This means that this capacity should be incorporated
in process definitions during build-time. It is based
on the dynamic construction of instances by
selection of components in a library. The process
instances are al-ways in conformity with the process
definition. This type of flexibility focus on the
specification of a flexible workflow execution
behaviour to express an accurate and less restrictive
behaviour in advance; flexible and adaptable control
and data flow mechanisms have to be taken into
account in order to support ad hoc and co-operative
work at the workflow level.
The flexibility by execution (a posteriori) (Nurcan,
2008) allows adapting the process definition or its
instances during their execution. This is the most
usual case in the literature. The principal challenge
is to know (i) when and according to which criteria
the adaptation should be done? (ii) in the type or the
instance level? (iii) ? how to deal with the instances
which are currently running? Approaches which
offer only this kind of flexibility are based on
prescriptive modeling formalisms. this type of
flexibility is provided by the change and evolution
of workflow models in order to modify workflow
specifications on the schema and instance level due
to dynamically changing situations of a real process.
4.4 Flexibility Properties
In this section, we present the properties of
flexibility, it can be achieved by three ways in which
the routing of cases along workflow tasks or cloud
services can be changed (Van der Aalst, 2001):
Extend. Each cloud service has a maximal
capacity of treatment over that the QoS of
the service decrease and we risk to have a
breakdown, thus the solution
is adding
new tasks which (1) are executed in
parallel, (2) offer new alternatives, or (3)
are executed in-between existing tasks.
Replace. An instance of cloud service
could be unavailable, so a task is re-placed
by another task or a subprocess (i.e.,
refinement), or a complete region is
replaced by another region.
Re-order. A cloud service instance cannot
follow the order defined in the work-flow
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
to reduce the execution time. Changing the
order in which tasks are executed without
adding new tasks, e.g., swapping tasks or
making a process more or less parallel.
Thus, flexibility in cloud service workflows remains
a solution for optimizing the cloud application
performance and running costs of cloud services.
In the following, we illustrate the execution process
through the example of an online computer shopping
service (Amziani, Melliti and Tata, 2013) composed
of four services :
Service requests (S1): receives requests to
purchase a computer (processing time =
Service components assembly (S2):
performs the assembly of computer
components according to the desired
characteristics (processing time = 60s).
Service invoice (S3): creates the invoice
related to the purchased computer
(processing time = 1s).
Service delivery (S4): delivers the computer
with its invoice to the customer (processing
time = 1s).
Figure. 3 models the normal workflow functional
behaviour, without considering the flexibility.
However, we can meet some problems during this
behaviour. These problems should be considered in
the functional model to predict any abnormal
Figure 3: Initial workflow.
We resume these problems as follows:
Problem 1: Each service has a maximal capacity of
treatment over what the QoS of the service decrease
and we risk to have a breakdown (Amziani, Melliti
and Tata, 2013).
Problem 2: In case of quality satisfaction , we are
with another copy of service, already create and
useless (Amziani, Melliti and Tata, 2013)..
Problem 3: In case of unavailable resource, the
process of the execution risk to fail.
The use of the flexibility properties is the solution
for these problems. We should update the initial
workflow model (e.g. the model of Figure 3) to
consider each of these properties based on the
behaviour parameter of the cloud service. We define
three modelling solutions:
Solution 1 (add): This solution consists in
duplicating (Amziani, Melliti and Tata, 2013) the
service to increase for treatment of requests. This
copy is created to treat the excess of requests.
Figure 4: Duplication of service S2.
Back to the initial workflow, the Service S2 has the
maximum time processing thus we can have an
overload on this service when it has a lot of calls, to
avoid that, we create a flexible workflow (Figure 4)
which contains a duplication of the service S2 into
S2-D when the condition is verified.
Our approach provide a real time transformation to
BPEL model by this code:
<event name="Overload" />
<case condition= "nb_req>nb_max">
<qos ="nb_req"/>
<state =" true"/>
<reply partner ="reply2" porType =
"GS2DPortype2d" operation ="assemby"
variable = "R2"/>
A Specification and Execution Approach of Flexible Cloud Service Workflow based on a Meta Model Transformation
Solution 2 (delete): If the number of the requests
decreases, then it is necessary to delete the service
already created (Amziani, Melliti and Tata, 2013).
We create a new service which is responsible for
deleting the copy (Figure 5)
Figure 5: Delete of the service S2.
The transformation into BPEL is :
<event name="Unload" />
<case condition= "nb_req<nb_max">
<qos ="nb_req"/>
<state =" true"/>
<reply partner ="reply5" porType =
"GS5Portype5" operation ="delete"/>
Solution 3 (resource): This solution consists in
adding new resource when the previous resource is
unavailable, after a delay of waiting , we should add
the new resource, to avoid the suspension of the
execution. (Figure 6)
Figure 6: Add resource for the service S3.
The corresponding transformation into BPEL
<event name="Unavailable" />
<case condition= "Temp_req>Temp_max">
<qos ="Temp_req"/>
<state =" true"/>
<reply partner ="reply3" porType =
"GS3RPortype3R" operation ="invoice" variable
= "R3"/>
To be executed (See Figure 7), the composed Cloud
service application models which are Platform
Independent Models (PIMs) should be transformed
to Platform Specific Models. The specific platform
is the BPEL4WS (Andrews, Curbera, Dholakia,
Goland, Klein, Leymann, Liu, Roller, Smith,
Thatte, Trickovic, and Weerawarana, 2003)
platform. To achieve the objective, we propose a
meta-model transformation between different meta-
model languages used to specify the PIMs and the
PSMs of the composed Cloud service applications.
Figure 7: Meta-model transformation for executing
composed Cloud service workflow models .
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We have proposed an MDA approach for the
specification and the execution of cloud workflow
applications composed from cloud services. We
have detailed a set of steps for integrating and
matching, systematically, cloud services in a
workflow. In addition, we have presented a set of
properties of flexibility which are used in the
execution process to depict the right cloud service
to involve in the workflow. The approach shows also
how the modelling proposed constructs are applied
to model and represent a flexible workflow from
cloud services specified by BPMN to its running
platform by BPEL4WS. This process was illustrated
under the example of an online computer shopping
(Amziani, Melliti and Tata, 2013). As a proposal for
further work and with the objective to realize the
model-driven vision of OMG's MDA (OMG, 2005),
we need to develop a control system that verifies the
behaviour of the BPEL engine.
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A Specification and Execution Approach of Flexible Cloud Service Workflow based on a Meta Model Transformation