A Tutorial-based Education Game for Population Engagement
in Water Management
Marcelo Alves de Barros
, Valéria Andrade
, José Antão Beltrão Moura
, José Irivaldo Alves
Oliveira Silva
, Hugo Morais de Alcântara
, Fátima Vieira
, Sandra Carla Pereira Barbosa
Arimarques Gonçalves
, Gabriel Cintra Alves da Costa
, Francisco Edeverton de Almeida Júnior
Rafaela Lacerda Araújo
, Igor Matheus Castor Diniz Pinheiro
, Diego Silva Patrício
Yggo Ramos de Farias Aires
and Sophie Naviner
Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, Porto , Portugal
Public Health Graduate Program, State University of Paraíba, Paraíba, Brazil
City Government of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Keywords: Water Management, Tutorial Education, Serious Game, Alternate Reality, Cultural Representation,
Community of Practices, Knowledge Management.
Abstract: Water management has mainly been dealt with by research institutions and governments with little
engagement from schools, teachers and the population at large. This paper describes AQUAGUARDIANS
(AG), an alternate reality, serious game for tutored education. The game offers a cultural environment to
engage communities and, hopefully, crowds in water management by means of multimedia reading and
writing experiences in virtual-real world scenarios. AG combines: a) gamified entertainment experiences; b)
artistic production ‘coopetitions’ of individual or collective cultural representations of water by multimedia
communications; and, c) effective actions to save, preserve and monitor community water resources.
Applications of AG in two cities suffering from severe water crises in Northeastern Brazil provide
preliminary evidence the game improves (learning and water management) success indicators defined by
schools and water management agencies.
Water is likely the only natural resource that is
present in every aspect of human civilization,
including in cultural or religious aspects
(Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2006). In
addition to an economic value, water has symbolic,
spiritual, cultural, nourishing and public health
values (Bordalo, 2008). Since 1970, water
management challenges are becoming global
(Castro, 2016), reflecting increasing awareness
about uncertainties and problems. That is due to
worsening conditions of the hydrosphere and to the
unsustainability of water management practices in
many regions, as well as conflicts and social
inequalities that affect access to the resource. The
origins of such uncertainties and problems are not
technical nor “natural”, but instead, social and
political. The water crisis we face is caused by a
mixture of (lack of) education and governance
(Castro, 2016). According to the World Health
Organization, one sixth of the world population live
in “fragile states” with “weak governance and
institutions” where a series of risks to humanity are
due to poor governance in what concerns water in
general, the management of rivers and other water
sources, and to water and sewage utilities (Castro,
2016). The European Parliament and Council of The
European Union in its matrices, directives and
reports concluded that without a substantiale
improvement in water resource management and
education, it will be very difficult to meet challenges
such as providing sufficient food or sustainably
generating energy for the world’s population
(Mckinsey, 2016). The challenge of water
management has traditionally been addressed by
Barros, M., Andrade, V., Moura, J., Silva, J., Alcântara, H., Vieira, F., Barbosa, S., Gonçalves, A., Costa, G., Júnior, F., Araújo, R., Pinheiro, I., Patrício, D., Aires, Y. and Naviner, S.
AquaGuardians - A Tutorial-based Education Game for Population Engagement in Water Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0006330801460153
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 146-153
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
researchers and governments with insufficient
engagement of schools, educators and the population
at large. In order to reduce this governance crisis and
to empower educational institutions to contribute,
one needs a teaching-learning approach that
connects the pedagogical practices at school with the
day-to-day experiences and habits people have when
using and caring (or not) for water. We believe
reading-writing activities have a major role to play
in adressing such water preservation and
amanagement challenges and problems.
According the report from the Programme for
International Students Assessment (PISA), 20% of
15-year-old students do not attain the baseline level
of proficiency in reading in OECD (Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development)
countries. The same frail situation is also the case in
Brazil, although the country has risen in the overall
ranking for the last fifteen years (OECD, 2016).
Such frailties denote the need for a social interactive
perspective (Koch, 1992), where the concept of text
extends beyond the frontiers of the oral and written
(be it printed, graphical or conventional)
components of the linguistic code.
One needs reading to take place within the
context of communication practices which, when
socially produced, involve a noticeable diversity of
agents (or actors – i.e., those who execute an action)
who interact in an unceasing and transforming
exchange of information and of cultural
representations of their world(s). The act of reading
therefore, must be understood as a process or
exercise on otherness where each other becomes a
bridge to reach another, mediated by a meaningful,
symbolically woven whole that is to be understood
and interpreted to yield a new symbolic, undividable
and meaningful reality - i.e., a new text which will in
turn be decoded, understood and assigned a (new)
meaning to generate another new text – in an
unending repetition. This movement away from
oneself, to enter a world that is not the reader’s,
paradoxically makes the reader closer to her/himself,
taking hold of the other’s (society’s) world, making
the reader sensitive to relations between what s/he
reads and the possibility to transform local reality as
well as a more encompassing world reality and also
her or his inner reality - with respect to water in
In this context, educators face at least 3 major
barriers: a) a humbling feeling due to the quantity of
new communication media brought about by the
internet and the speed (groups of) students develop
abilities in these new media; b) incapacity to tutor all
students in classes of increasing sizes; and, c)
restrictions to monitor learning contextualization and
applications of themes in general and water in
special outside the classroom for students usually
spend more time in places other than at school.
To engage the population in caring for water
resources and to empower educators to lead and to
play a major role in local innovative educational
processes the big challenge is to create learning
experiences that go beyond the gamification of
online content about water as prescribed by so many
authors (Global Water Forum, 2016). Castro (2016)
argues that it is necessary to explore human behavior
changing possibilities in the life game that water
represents, making it possible for the player to live a
hero’s journey beyond the magical circle of
educational games about water.
After a brief review of related work, this paper
presents an alternate reality, tutorial-based
educational game to engage communities in the
caring for water resources. The paper also presents
results of preliminary research on the usefulness of
such a game as a methodological and technological
platform to support public policies of water
management agencies with effective participation of
schools, educators and population.
Environmental management and water resources
management in particular started to see paradigm
changes in 2007 when it became clear that changes
in water usage would be more effective with the
engagement of the user population and not only by
endorsement of technical recommendations by
professional experts (Mckinsey, 2016). Engagement
of other stakeholders began to gain importance. In
this direction, the system of Colaborative
Governance appears to be appropriate for integrated
management of natural resources since it adapts well
to the complexity of ecological and social systems
and emphasizes collaboration processes for
educating several social stakeholders on informal
agreement building based on legal and regulatory
frameworks through formal and informal
networking. (Pahl-Wostl, 2007).
In Brazil, the several conventional, online and
mixed courses of the National Water Agency
(Agência Nacional de Águas - ANA) fulfills the
demand to train the population for such engagement
but they are yet to reach stakeholders more
comprehensively (ANA, 2016). There are also some
initiatives around theatrical reading of multimedia
texts to transform readers into actors. “Dramatic
AquaGuardians - A Tutorial-based Education Game for Population Engagement in Water Management
Wednesdays” is an extension project of Literature
and Scenic Arts at the University of Brasília where
participants go from individual and silent reading to
collective and shared reading using oral and body
languages. The project promotes the collective and
collaborative production and presentation of scenic
readings of theatrical texts and the editing and
publication of audiovisual and photographic material
in the Web
ml). During the scene magic cycle, when readers-
spectators take part in the play, the expected result,
as commented upon in Gomes (2012), is that “these
readers act and reflect on the scenic reading towards
transforming society.”
Reading in Scene (Leitura em Cena) is a project
of the Federal University of Alagoas where reading
the literary text is taken up as a performance activity
by a sensorial understanding of the reading act
through which the reader, in contact with the
intended sensorial interactions embedded in the
written word, experiences possibilities of education,
transformation and reconfiguration of perceptions
about him/herself and about the world (Oliveira,
2010). These projects however, do not address social
actions coordinated with the support of games for
education and preservation of water.
From Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” and Jean-
Jacques Rousseau’s “Emile, or on Education” to the
Tutorial Education Program (PET) of the Brazilian
Ministry of Education, through Oxford’s Education
model centered on the leadership of small groups
[GAVIN, 2007], “tutorial education” applies to
attempts at a comprehensive education practice by
which the trainee, who is considered to be a (future
academic or life) educator in training, is coached to
transcend her/his trainee status to that of a
surrounding-world transformiation citizen
(FNDE,2013). In this practice, an educator (tutor)
leads a teaching-learning experiment with a small
group in a given knowledge area through
interdependent practices of knowledge-creation
(research); sharing (teaching); and, application to
problem solution in a collaboration setting where the
school is included (extension). Groups with 10 or
more students start to present difficulties for the
educators-tutors since leading even a small crowd of
students is practically impossible.
The knowledge management approach proposed
by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1997) and adopted by
many public and private organizations to this day,
offers useful principles and concepts for water
management involving small crowds lead by
schools. The approach establishes that for a group
to become a knowledge-creating organization it
must complete a “knowledge conversion spiral”.
(The spiral converts tacit to tacit knowledge; explicit
to explicit knowledge; from tacit to explicit; and,
from explicit to tacit knowledge.) Knowledge
management however, has not been widely used by
educators as an innovation tool at school for
educatiion on water.
Based on Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey
(1949), games known as “serious games” have been
used to promote engagement, training and to
motivate the execution of tasks by means of fun and
play (Castellani et al., 2013). These games use
intrinsic incentives – like conquests, social
responsibility and ability building – and extrinsic
incentives – like points, proactive feedback and
(game proficiency) levels – to maintain player’s
interest in learning a given content and to motivate
s/he to attain a desired flow level in the activities
that may be proposed in the game story
(Kankaanranta; Neittaanmki, 2008).
Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs)
motivate crowds with missions that promote contact
with concepts and contents, expanding the reach of
books, but are usually confined to virtual world
experiences (Delwiche, 2006). Work on alternate
reality games aim to make the player cross borders
of the magic circle of a game experience and bring
the player to act in some useful way in the real world
(Huizinga, 2014). Such games, as proposed by Jane
McGonigal (2011) and Katie Salie and Eric
Zimmerman (2003), explore day-do-day experiences
and cultural settings. These works however, despite
(or perhaps due to) breaking new ground in game
research do not incorporate new teaching-learning
management paradigms and tools for social
entrepreneurship to engage society in water
management and preservation. Other games address
complex, important social problems – such as
mosquito-borne diseases and child obesity (Barros et
al, 2015), (UFCG, 2016) – but, as far as we know,
have yet to address issues related to water, as the
game to be presented next, AquaGuardians, does.
3 AquaGuardians
The tutorial-based educational game AquaGardians
(AG) is played on two complementary technological
platforms that were adapted for the water theme. On
the mobile platform, the students-players may
georeference their actions using the GPS facility,
register and upload multimedia files, report on their
artistic production (reading and writing) missions in
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the real world, play theme minigames and quizzes
and commercialize their production in the integrated
marketplace. On the Web platform educators-players
and water agents-players may: assign missions to
students in the virtual and real worlds; access a
control panel to monitor the gaming experience;
access a georeferenced information system to
manage students activities and teaching-learning
indicators; use pedagogical facilities to train players;
and, be a part of a closed AG social network and
connections to major open networks such as
Facebook and Instagran.
Missions cover specific activities of tutorial-
based education which are interdependent activities
of leadership, research, teaching and extension for
the creation of multimedia textual workpieces on the
theme of water with social impact whose value is
aknowledged by the game community. These
workpieces come out of a knowledge management
experience of a small group and are based on the
reading of a multimedia document (text, audio,
video ...) that deals with some theme related to
water. The reader may add to the document,
becoming its co-author. The missions require
theatrical readings that are carried out in real life
“theaters” the player lives in – home, school, etc.
The reader-player must contextualize the contents
and recreate the document (writing assignments). A
set of missions defined by teachers and agents
corresponds to an AG season. An AG season may be
divided into several sub seasons in order to
contemplate the priorities in the school curricula
and operating agendas and thus synchronize with
cultural agendas of urban or rural settings players
live in and to the water agencies agendas as well.
New workpieces or products may be put up for
sale at AG’s marketplace. Players may use the
virtual money they receive while playing or for
accomplishing missions to buy goods or services at
the marketplace or to exchange for real world goods
or services at participating AG partners.
AG game dynamics happen in three theaters as
illustrated in Figure 1. The first saying about water
takes place in theater 1, Here, teachers and water
agents act as tutorial-based education counselors
modelling and creating on the mobile and web
platforms the reading missions supported by
multimedia seed-documents (books, HQs, video
clips, poems and other virtual and real games,
leaderboards, etc.). Readers-players “say” the
multimedia document by executing reading and
writing missions associated with the production of
new multimedia workpieces by exploring theater
resources specified in the missions and accessible in
minigames, quizzes and AG internal social networks
which are in turn, linked to external networks. A
virtual world is thus created but which has real ties
to home, school and the city or rural space where the
player lives.
Theater 2 is represented by communities and that
is where the second saying takes place – at home,
school, out in the street, at institutions, at family
Figure 1: Spiral of AG tutorial-based education game to water knowledge conversion trough three reading-playing
AquaGuardians - A Tutorial-based Education Game for Population Engagement in Water Management
reunions, … Squads of readers-players say the text
to the public through missions in the real world,
flash mobs, campaigns, individual and collective
actions. The public also acts in the game when it
shares its demands and it builds new knowledge on
water by interacting with players. From such
interactions, the player creates a new document
(georeferenced text, audio, video) that brings new
stories in itself about the public demands being met
and the collaboratively built knowledge.
The third saying takes place in theater 3 – the
school. The readers-players present the new
document s/he did with help from the public. The
new document is made available on the mobile
platform so that at the end of the season (completed
spiral), new readers-players may access it and start
the (re)creation and innovation cycle anew by their
own sayings. There should be a celebration: “my
third saying changed me and my world”. A new
spiral cycle starts where the readers and their groups
reach a higher level of education and awareness and
actions concerning water.
By visiting the three theaters - which are
representative of the actors’ real world (internet of
things, community and school) - under the
leadership of a tutor who is a teacher or a student
who inspires others, knowledge about water
management and preservation is built by the readers-
players in AG’s missions. This knowledge will be
successively converted and intentionally articulated
to become part of the knowledge base of each person
in the tutorial-based education group (students and
teachers who play the game) and of the organization
which is the group itself (class or parts of class at
school that form the community of water caring
practices). The spiral starts again after being
completed once (in different missions in the game),
but at higher levels of group capacity, amplifying the
application of knowledge on water to other areas of
society, including the creation of for- or not-for-
profit enterprises which will promote social,
environmental and cultural responsibility towards
water. In these progressive cycles of tacit and
explicit knowledge conversion and multiplication,
the groups form other groups and multiply. To give
meaning and create cultural value about water
conservation, in addition to those already lauded in
history, AG incorporates utopianism into its
reference story and gameplay. Utopianism consists
of a transforming attitude of the future from
optimized, fictional or projected scenarios of
research hypotheses or actions towards water and its
relation to human beings and society (VIEIRA,
2011). In fact, as the utopian characters of More’s
game of proactive numbers of Utopia (MORE,
1516), in AG’s three theaters the players read in the
morning, afternoon and in the evening in different
ways allowed for by AG’s transmedia facilities to
build through utopianism, new possibilities
concerning water by discovery, experimentation,
creation and innovation.
Figures 2 and 3 shows some modules of AG’s
two technological platforms (mobile app and web
system). Prototypes for the georeferenced Web
Information System and mobile app for Android
were implemented around PostgreSQL, Laravel PHP
framework and Unity technologies respectively.
Every action-situation experienced in theaters 1
and 2 may be automatically georeferenced on the
local map (if a mission so requires) and can be seen
in a Control Center (Web AG), where educator-
players can follow missions of student-players and
groups. In case a mission is being executed in a
place with poor or no internet access, the result of
the action may be temporarily stored in the cell
phone memory for later upload to the Control
Center. Teachers follow actions on their own
devices and may validate workpieces and award the
Figure 2: Some screens of AG game mobile platform.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
student or her/his group for their production in the
virtual (points and virtual money) and in the real
world (grades, gifts, public recognition, etc.).
The mission dispatch facility (fig 3) is simple
and intuitive to facilitate the work of teachers and
empower them to innovate their pedagogical
activities around themes and contents of different
subjects by simply manipulating texts and buttons.
Teachers may easily create a mission in which a
student-player executes one or more tasks in the
virtual or real worlds. Such tasks involve creativity
in multimedia reading-writing, using an existing
multimedia work (theme minigames, a quizz
challenge, a leaderboard game or another digital
game), or a challenge to go out to register an action
of water wastage or saving or a combination of all
that (a notification). In the mission, the teacher may
also embed teaching-learning indicators and assign
weights to work to be produced by the students
according to objectives of the pedagogical process,
and manage these indicators by means of graphs,
statistics and reports that support continuing
evaluation and planning of this process.
Preliminary studies based on the principles of
experiment observer reliability (LITWIN, 1995),
were carried out to verify whether (or not) AG
would positively impact the success indicators
defined by teachers and water agents and whether
the integrated marketplace would indeed be an
attractive facility to increase engagement of players
and investors in the tutorial-based education service.
A validation experiment was performed with 232
users in September 2016. Of the total of users, 202
were students of the junior high and high school
levels of city and state public schools in the
municipalities of Sumé and Campina Grande in the
state of Paraíba in Northeastern Brazil; 54,9% of the
students were male and 45,1%, female; age ranged
from 11 to 16 years old. Of the users, 17 were
teachers at these schools with 23,5% and 76,5%
being male and female, respectively; ages ranged
from 29 to 50 years old. The remaining 13 users
were professional agents belonging to a water utility
- CAGEPA (Water and Sewage Company of
Paraiba), and to a water management agency -
AESA (State Water Management Agency), 52,1%
being male and 47,9% female with ages ranging
from 30 to 46 years old. All participants were
trained to use AG’s facilities and resources and
played the game for a “season” of 3 weeks. Students
were free to access minigames and quizzes and had
to execute 4 real-world missions that were assigned
by teachers and required the creation of texts,
audios, video clips, toons and had to provide
georeferenced examples of actions that lead to water
preservation or wastage. After playing the game,
each user was asked about the influence of AG’s
facilities and resources on engagement and on the
strategic indicators by providing one of three
possible answers: no influence, some influence and
much influence. The considered indicators were: A)
Influence of real-world missions on the number of
volunteer water agents. B) Influence of reading and
writing missions on reading and writing grades. C)
Influence of minigames on grades for tests on water
issues. D) Influence of quizzes on grades for tests on
water issues. E) Influence of AG’s marketplace for
game sustainability and evolution. Teachers, besides
evaluating these indicators, also considered the
following indicators: F) Influence of mission
creation and dispatch facilities on the facilitation of
pedagogical work. G) Influence of content
integration facilities on the facilitation of
pedagogical work. Water agents, besides evaluating
the previous indicators, also considered the
following: H) Influence of AG on the facilitation of
monitoring water resources management indicators.
I) Influence of AG’s water agency sector integration
facilities on the facilitation of agents’ work. J)
Influence of AG on the reduction of the average
response time to water problem notification. Graph 1
presents results of these user evaluations of
influences on engagement and Graph 2 presents
results of these user evaluations of influences on
Figure 3: An interface to mission creation by teacher on the
AG web
eoreferenced information
AquaGuardians - A Tutorial-based Education Game for Population Engagement in Water Management
learning outcomes and water management
This paper presented an alternate reality, serious
game, AquaGuardians (AG). AG was developed
considering tutorial-based education and innovative
reading of any multimedia work to engage schools
and the population at large in individual and
collective actions for water management and
preservation. Besides gamification techniques of
conventional games that were used in AG’s mobile
app, the proposed game also offers a Web
georeferenced information system for teachers and
water management agents to create, dispatch and
manage georeferenced missions for the players
(individual or collective flash mobs) in the real
world in addition to adventures in virtual worlds that
explore principles of crowdsourcing, utopia,
incentives engineering, knowledge management,
trust verification, entrepreneurship and e-commerce.
Results from preliminary, 3-month validation studies
suggest that AG’s facilities and resources motivate
players to transcend their original roles as students,
teachers and water agents towards the role of sector
2.5 social business entrepreneurs and positively
influence success indicators defined by teachers and
water agents. Experiments with longer term usage
of AG are being organized to produce statistically
more significant results.
The authors thank the financial support the Brazilian
National Agency for Water (ANA), the Brazilian
Fund for Education Development (FNDE),
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher
Education Personnel (CAPES), Paraiba's Foundation
for Research Support (FAPESQ-PB), and the
Ministry of Communications provided to this
project. We also thank water agents from AESA
(Paraíba State Water Management Agency) and
CAGEPA (Water and Sewage Company of Paraiba)
and the professionals from the Secretariat of
Educatioin, Sciences, Technology, Innovation,
Health, Environnement and Culture of the city of
Campina Grande, and directors, coordinators,
teachers and students from Colégio Estadual da
Prata (city of Campina Grande), Escola Estadual
Professor José Gonçalves de Queiroz and other
schools in the city of Sumé for their valuable work
in playing AG and participating in preliminary
validation efforts. Comments and suggestions by
anonynmous CSEDU referees made us (try to)
improve the quality of the paper. Their contributions
are much appreciated.
Graph 2: Evaluation of players (students, teachers an
agents) of the influence of AG on the learning outcomes
and water management indicators.
Graph 1: Evaluation of players (students, teachers an
agents) of the influence of AG on the motivation to play.
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