Connected Closet
A Semantically Enriched Mobile Recommender System for Smart Closets
Anders Kolstad
, Jon Atle Gulla
and Simon Litlehamar
Department of Computer and Information Science, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Accenture AS, Fornebu, Norway
Recommender Systems, Web of Data, Semantic Web, Mobile Systems, Fashion Recommendation, Internet of
A common problem for many people is deciding on an outfit from a vastly overloaded wardrobe. In this
paper, we present Connected Closet, a semantically enriched Internet of Things solution of a smart closet with
a corresponding mobile application for recommending daily outfits and suggesting garments for recycling
or donation. This paper describes the whole design and architecture for the system, including the physical
closet, the recommender algorithms, the mobile application, and the backend comprising of microservices
implemented using container technology. We show how users can benefit from the system by supporting them
in organizing their wardrobe, and receiving daily personalized outfit suggestions. Moreover, with the system’s
recycling suggestions, the system can be beneficial for the sustainability of the environment and the economy.
According to a technical report by the National In-
stitute for Consumer Research, the typical Norwe-
gian has on average 80.4 kg of clothes in their closet
(Klepp and Laitala, 2016). This is equivalent to 359
different clothing items. This suggests that Norwe-
gians have a need for better structuring of the cloth-
ing items in their closets. Moreover, the report states
that 20% of the clothes were never used or only used
a couple of times. This might suggest that the per-
son did not actually like the item they bought from
the clothing retailer. Today, many organizations and
clothing retailers offer checkpoints where people can
delivergarments for recycling or donation. This bene-
fits the sustainability for both the environment and the
economy (Chavan RB, 2014). Moreover, Pruit (2015)
argues that our selection of an outfit influences oth-
ers’ impressions of us and that careful selection of an
outfit is of high importance to our social and cultural
It has long been spoken of the huge amount of data
generated by user-generated content on the Web. Be-
cause of this exponential growth of data, the era of
big data has arised (Jagadish et al., 2014). This huge
growth of data has resulted in information overload.
This implies a clear need for applications able to help
users navigate through the vast amount of content in
a personalized way. Such applications can be made a
reality by recommender systems. Furthermore, this
vast amount of data also calls for a need to struc-
ture the data available online in a meaningful way
(Bizer et al., 2009). As a result, a huge amount of Re-
source Description Framework (RDF) data has been
published as Linked Open Data (LOD) through the
Linking Open Data project
. This kind of data have
huge potential power and recommender systems can
benefit from this data, generating even more accurate
and personalized recommendations (Figueroa et al.,
In this paper, we present Connected Closet, a se-
mantically enriched Internet of Things (IoT) smart
closet, using clothing items enabled with radio-
frequencyidentification (RFID) tags, keeping track of
the clothing items’ usage history. We describe an im-
plementation of a mobile application prototype and
its backend where the users can keep track of what
items currently are in their closets, get recommenda-
tions on what to wear for today, and get recommen-
dations on what to donate and recycle. Furthermore,
we propose three different recommender approaches
in the domain of fashion recommendation.
The work presented in this paper is a collaborative
Kolstad, A., Özgöbek, Ö., Gulla, J. and Litlehamar, S.
Connected Closet - A Semantically Enriched Mobile Recommender System for Smart Closets.
DOI: 10.5220/0006298002980305
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 298-305
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
effort between the Smartmedia program
at the Nor-
wegian University of Science and Technology
Accenture Norway
. The Smartmedia program fo-
cuses on mobile context-aware recommender systems
research. The goal of this program is to present a
context-aware, personalized news reading experience
based on deep understanding of the textual content of
news articles. Accenture is a leading management,
strategy, consulting, and technology company em-
ploying approximately 384,000 people. Using tech-
nology, Accenture strives to help businesses create
IT applications to deal with rapid changes caused by
an increasingly digital economy. Using their new IT
strategy, they deliver liquid, connected, and intelli-
gent applications to their clients. In this research
project, Accenture demonstrate how to realize the
newIT strategy, and explore applications in their tech-
nology vision by showcasing the advantages of intel-
ligent automation to their clients.
The contributions of this paper are: (1) the archi-
tecture and design of a smart IoT closet; and (2) three
recommendation techniques for recommending items
in the fashion domain.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 introduces the background theory. In Section 3,
we give an overview of related work. In Section 4,
we describe the smart closet and the user interface for
the mobile application, followed by a more detailed
description on how the closet is supported by recom-
mendation technology in Section 5. We concludewith
a summary, and discuss future work and possible ben-
efits of the system.
2.1 Linked Data
Today, most of the data on the Web is uploaded as
HTML documents, or raw dumps such as CSV. This
way of uploading data sacrifices much of the Webs
structure and semantics. Bizer et al. (2009) has
outlined a set of rules for publishing data by using
the Web to create typed links between the data. By
publishing data according to these rules, computer
agents can read and make sense of the data published,
making it easier to gather meaningful information
from the Web. Linked Data published under an open
license is called LOD. An example of LOD is Wiki-
, which is an open knowledge base that can be
read or edited by any human or computer agent. Us-
ing Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Wikisource, and others
as its central storage, Wikidata contains millions of
RDF triples, following a Subject, Predicate, Object
structure exposed on its SPARQL endpoint.
2.2 Recommender Systems
The objective of a recommender system is to guide
users in making choices by giving them personal-
ized recommendations of items. Typically, recom-
mender systems are classified into collaborative fil-
tering and content-based (Jannach et al., 2010). Col-
laborative filtering generate recommendations on the
idea that if some users shared the same interest on
previous items, they will have similar preferences to
other items as well. Content-based recommendations
base its recommendations on item descriptions and a
user profile. A user profile is a set of a user’s prefer-
ences; the recommender system will then recommend
the items that have the most similar item description
to the user profile.
An interesting challenge for all recommender sys-
tems is computing accurate recommendations when
few user ratings are available. This challenge is
known as the sparsity problem (Jannach et al., 2010).
A special case of the sparsity problem is: (a) dealing
with new users who have not yet rated any items; and
(b) how to recommend new items that has not been
rated yet. These two problems are commonly known
as the new-user and new-item cold-start problem.
The majority of today’s recommender systems ad-
dresses recommendations of items in the domains of
movies, books, and music. Different techniques of the
approaches above are well researched and evaluated
in these domains (Bobadilla et al., 2013).
2.3 Internet of Things
IoT is a set of Internet-connected devices embedded
with hardware, software, sensor, actuators, identifiers,
and network technologies. These devices collect and
exchange data with each other and other components
on the Internet, generating a vast amount of data ev-
ery day (Gubbi et al., 2013). IoT meets the need for
data-on-demand by intuitive interactions with ubiqui-
tous computing devices. Furthermore, IoT has been
identified as one of the key trends that organizations
must keep track of to gain competitive advantage, and
that the market adaptation is predicted to take 5–10
Connected Closet - A Semantically Enriched Mobile Recommender System for Smart Closets
The applications in the domains that will be and
has been impacted by IoT devices range from control
of home equipment such as refrigerators, to monitor-
ing the water quality in cities.
Several works have been done on enabling Linked
Data into recommender systems in order to improve
their recommendation algorithms (Figueroa et al.,
Heitmann and Hayes (2010) describe a recom-
mender system that tries to mitigate i) the new-item
problem; ii) the new user problem; and iii) the spar-
sity problem of recommendations of music by utiliz-
ing Linked Data. They transformed RDF graphs into
a user-item matrix by using data from MySpace and
data about a Wikipedia editor’s homepage. Their re-
sults showed that by enabling Linked Data, the aver-
age precision increased by 14% and the average recall
increased by 33%.
Di Noia et al. (2012) propose a recommender sys-
tem that relies exclusively on information extracted
from the Web of Data. For recommending movies
they propose a content-based recommender system
using the SPARQL endpoints exposed by DBpedia,
LinkedMDB, and Freebase as the base of their rec-
ommender system. To compute similarities between
movies they used the Vector Space Model, represent-
ing the whole RDF as a 3-dimensional matrix where
each slice refers to an ontology property. Given a
property, each movie is seen as a vector. For a given
slice, the similarity is computed between the corre-
lating movie vectors by calculating the cosine angle
between the vectors.
Tomeo et al. (2016) generated a dataset consist-
ing of Facebook likes of music, books, and movies.
First, they mapped the likes to entities in DBpe-
dia to enrich the item profiles in the dataset. Then,
they compared the dataset on different graph-based
recommender systems and matrix factorization sys-
tems. Overall, the graph-based algorithm, PathRank
showed the most promising results.
Many prototypes of smart IoT closets for sug-
gesting outfits by using RFID technology have been
made in the past (Goh et al., 2011; Ling et al., 2007;
Toney et al., 2006). These prototypes show some very
promising techniques for IoT closets and are built
on the same fundamental techniques as described in
this paper. These techniques involves attaching RFID
tags to the clothing items or hangers, which can be
scanned by a reader in the closet, and then broadcast-
ing a message about the state of the item to a database.
Moreover, similar to our system, some of them also
enable weather data or calendar integration (Schaad
et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2012). As far as we know, none
of them utilize LOD as we do in our system. More-
over, none of them focus on recommending clothing
items that the user might want to donate or recycle.
Research and evaluation of the recommender algo-
rithms in these studies are lacking or has been scoped
Ingvaldsen et al. (2015) propose a recommen-
dation technique for how personalized and location
aware news recommendations can be constructed
based on the users’ contexts. Moreover, they show
how the recommended content can be enriched by us-
ing Wikidata. In our prototype of Connected Closet,
we use similar techniques to combine Wikidata with
context aware user ratings to construct location aware
recommendations based on the weather at the user’s
Mobile applicationCloset
RFID tag
Figure 1: High level architecture.
The main parts of the prototype are constructed as
follows. As shown in Figure 1, the closet is em-
bedded with a Raspberry PI
, a tiny computer, which
is connected to an RFID reader. When an end-user
touches the RFID tag of a clothing item onto the RFID
reader, the Raspberry PI will broadcast a message
to the backend of the prototype which is constructed
of microservices running in the cloud, each perform-
ing their own designated task. The mobile applica-
tion communicates with the microservices, provid-
ing the end-user with recommendations and inventory
overview. Moreover, the high level architecture con-
tains external services which consists of third party
APIs, such as weather data and LOD.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The components of Connected Closet are con-
nected as follows.
4.1 Closet
The computer embedded in the physical closet runs
a Python script listening to scans of clothing items.
When a scanning occurs, the script broadcasts a Mes-
sage Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) message
containing timestamp, item id, user id of the closet
owner, and the status of the clothing item (whether it
is being checked in or out of the closet). Additionally,
by using LED lights and speakers connected to the
computer, the user receives feedback on an item scan.
A red light indicates an insertion, while green light
indicates extraction. This is implemented to main-
tain consistency between the physical clothing items
in the closet and the status of the items stored by
the microservices. To implement this, we used ideas
from Fog Computing (Bonomi et al., 2012) and im-
plemented a local cache database in the embedded
computer that keeps track of the status of the latest
item scans. Additionally, this prevents the Python
script in broadcasting unnecessary messages, such as
double scans.
Figure 2: Prototype of the physical closet.
Figure 2 shows a picture of an early version of
the prototype, including the physical closet embed-
ded with the Raspberry PI. The prototype is built for
demonstration purposes, and to show how human in-
teraction with the closet would work in practice.
4.2 Backend
The backend of the prototype (Figure 3) consists
of five main components implemented as microser-
vices: the inventory service, the history service,
the catalog service, the recommender service, and
the closet service. All the microservices and their
databases have been implemented using container-
based virtualization with Docker
. This type of
virtualization is an operating-system-level virtualiza-
tion method for running distributed applications with-
out the need for launching an entire virtual ma-
chine. With such container-based microservices,
the whole solution benefits from a horizontal scal-
able architecture composed of small, indepenedent,
and highly coupled components communicating with
each other by means of Representational State Trans-
fer (REST) with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP). The main components of the backend are de-
scribed throughout the section.
Figure 3: Detailed architecture of the backend.
4.2.1 The Inventory Service
The inventory service is responsible for storing data
about the clothing items registered to an owner of
a closet. The service stores its data in a document-
oriented database. Each owner of a closet is assigned
their own document in this database. The owner’s
clothing items are represented as a list of triples con-
taining the unique id of the clothing item, the article
number of the item, and the status of the item (inside
or outside of closet). Moreover, this service stores
user information such as username and favorite out-
fits. The favorite outfits are represented as a list of
tuples containing two items, one top and one bottom.
When the service receives the MQTT message,
the service will then take note of which user the scan-
ning came from and update the user’s document in the
Connected Closet - A Semantically Enriched Mobile Recommender System for Smart Closets
4.2.2 The History Service
The history service is responsible for logging every
scan that occurs in the closet. A time-series database
is connected to this service for storing each log entry.
For each scanning, a record containing the item id, the
timestamp, status of the item, and current temperature
will be saved. Furthermore, this service writes usage
history and temperatures to a database shared with the
recommender and the catalog service.
4.2.3 The Catalog Service
The catalog service is responsible for handling data
about all the different clothing items that are sup-
ported by a Connected Closet. A supported item is an
item connected to an RFID tag with its article number
stored in the database shared with the history and the
recommender service. This service handles match-
ing clothing items and other item properties, such as
Furthermore, this service is set up to communicate
with Wikidata via Wikidata’s SPARQL endpoint, se-
mantically enriching the clothing items in the shared
database. E.g., if one clothing items is registered to
have the color ’navy’ and another item is blue’, the
results from Wikidata will include similar description
to both of these colors, making the similarity between
the item descriptions even stronger. This is also done
on other item properties where this is expedient.
4.2.4 The Recommender Service
The recommender service lies in the heart of the
recommendation approaches explained in Section 5.
This service uses the item ratings and the descrip-
tive item data stored in the shared database, called
Item storage. This database is implemented as a graph
database. Figure 4 shows a simplified example of how
the data is represented in the database.
To realize the recommendation approaches, the
service employs different machine learning libraries.
4.2.5 The Closet Service
The closet service is responsible for providing the
mobile application with meaningful information gath-
ered from the lower levelservices. It generates a set of
the closet overview by joining the data from the cata-
log service and the inventory service. Using weather
data and item status from inventory as input to the
recommender service, the recommender service will
return a list of recommended outfits. For getting re-
cycling recommendations from the recommender ser-
vices, it uses data gathered from the history service.
name: T-shirt,
type: top,
color: red,
temp_range: [10, 30]
user_id: 1
name: Jeans,
type: bottom,
color: blue,
temp_range: [-5, 20]
rating: 0.8
rating: 0.4
:M A T C H E S _ W I T H {
ma t c h _ w e i g h t : 0 . 4
Figure 4: Example of data representation in Item storage.
4.3 Mobile Application
A progressive web application is developed to make
the closet explorable on mobile devices. In this ap-
plication, the user is allowed to view suggestions for
today’s outfit, view an inventory of their closet, and
view suggestions on what clothing items to recycle or
The mobile application communicates with the
closet service by REST through HTTP. A web server
is set up in the middle to handle traffic and connec-
tions using Nginx
4.3.1 User Interface
To view suggestions for today’s outfit, the user
chooses the Outfit button from the lower menu bar.
Figure 5a shows an illustration of the outfit sugges-
tion view. In the top of the view, the weather and
location for the user is displayed. Below is the sug-
gested outfit. The user can modify the suggested outfit
by clicking on the arrows next to the clothing items of
the outfit. If the user wants to go back to what the
system has recommended for today, they can use the
Today’s suggestion button, loading the initial recom-
mendation. The user can save the outfit displayed as
a favorite by using the button next to Todays sugges-
tion. Furthermore, the user can browse through a list
of top-k outfit recommendations by swiping up and
down on the screen.
Figure 5b shows an example of a closet overview.
By choosing the My Closet button from the menu, the
overview of the user’s closet is displayed. Here, the
user can browse all the clothing items registered to
their closet and see item status indicated by a closet
icon with a check mark. Moreover,a filtering function
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(a) Outfit suggestion (b) Closet overview (c) Recycling suggestion
Figure 5: Screenshots from the Connected Closet prototype.
is implemented to help the user navigate through the
closet overview more easily.
By choosing the More button from the menu, the
user is displayed with a list of items rarely used and a
suggestion to recycle these items. Figure 5c shows a
suggestion for two items that have not been used for
the past 6 months.
In this section we describe how the whole system is
supported by recommender technology. We describe
how the item properties needed to do fashion recom-
mendation are determined. Furthermore, we divide
fashion recommendation into outfit recommendation
and recycling recommendation.
5.1 Ratings
The user ratings used in fashion recommendation are
determined depending on several context factors. The
context factors for determining the user rating of an
item are:
Usage history: How often an item has been ex-
tracted from the user’s closet affects the item’s rat-
ing. It is safe to assume that a frequently used item
is an item that the user likes. Therefore, an item
that is used on a weekly basis will have a high
Current season: Some clothing items are seasonal.
E.g., a winter jacket will have higher rating during
the winter, and a low rating in the summer.
Weather: Much like season, some items are
weather dependent, e.g., rain coat. The rating of
such items will therefore be affected by the daily
Taste profile: As the user saves outfits as favorites,
the items in the outfits will increase their user rat-
Using these factors as input, the rating of an item is
set using a 10-star rating scale.
5.2 Matches and Suitable Temperatures
For determining matching clothing tops and bottoms
in the catalog service, we calculate a weight between
the two items and assign it to their edge. Initially, all
tops and bottoms match each other with a weight of
0.0. When two items are checked out of the closet
during the same 2-hour time period, the weight be-
tween these items increase with α. Furthermore,
when a user saves an outfit as a favorite using the
mobile application, the weight increases by β. The
matching weight cannot exceed 1.0.
All clothing items are saved in the catalog service
with a suitable temperature range property. The suit-
Connected Closet - A Semantically Enriched Mobile Recommender System for Smart Closets
able temperature range is the range of temperatures in
which a clothing item is comfortable to wear. This
range is determined by the average temperature of all
the checkouts of a clothing item, calculated by For-
mula 1:
st(i) =
i, j,temp
) ± δ
C, (1)
where N is the number of checkouts of clothing item i
in C
and δ is a constant determining the length of the
5.3 Outfit Recommendation
In our system, two approaches for outfit recommen-
dation are implemented. The first approach uses
ideas from collaborative filtering, while the second
approach is a pure content-based approach enabled
with LOD.
For an item to be included in a recommended out-
fit it must be: (1) inside the closet; and (2) the current
temperature must be inside the items suitable temper-
ature range.
5.3.1 Outfit-item Matrix
In the first approach, we transform the outfits saved
as favorites by the end-users into an outfit-item ma-
trix. In this matrix, each column represents a favorite
outfit of an end-user. The rows represent every item
supported by Connected Closet and that is part of a
user’s favorite outfit. Table 1 shows an example of an
outfit-item matrix with three outfits and four items.
All outfits is associated with a weight, e.g, w
. These
weights are based on number of likes of the outfit and
are used to determine the strength of the outfit, mak-
ing it easier to neglect outfits favorited by few users.
Using this matrix as training data, different classifica-
Table 1: Example of an outfit-item matrix.
Outfit 1 Outfit 2 Outfit 3
Item 1 × ×
Item 2 ×
Item 3 × ×
Item 4 ×
tion algorithms are applied to classify outfits as good
or neutral. A good outfit means an outfit that can be
recommended to the user. While outfits classified as
neutral are outfits that the users either does not like or
has not been rated yet, and will therefore not be rec-
ommended to the users. In our method, we first create
outfits combinations of the items that fit our inclusion
criteria. Then, we input these outfits into the classifi-
cation model. Outfits that are classified as good will
then be recommended to the user.
5.3.2 Vector Space Model
For our content-based approach, we use a vector
space model similar to the one proposed by Di Noia
et al. (2012). Using the user ratings stored in the item
storage, we build a user profile consisting of clothing
items with a rating above λ, using Formula 2:
profile(u) = {c
| r
> λ}, (2)
where r
is rating of clothing item c
for user u.
We then generate a ranked list of all the clothing
items in the user’s closet using Formula 3:
¯r(u, c
) =
, c
, (3)
where sim(c
, c
) is a similarity measure between the
vectors representing the clothing items c
and c
We then filter out a list of top-k outfits based on
our inclusion criteria and the match weight between
the tops and bottoms.
5.4 Recycling Recommendation
For recommending items that may be of interest for
recycling by the end-user, the system returns a list of
the three lowest rated items that have been rarely used
in the past 12 months. By using a time period of min-
imum 12 months it safe to recommend items that are
also seasonal.
An identified problem with the proposed tech-
nique is the new user cold-start problem. The owner
of a Connected Closet should be able to get relevant
recycling recommendations from the day that they
acquire the closet. This problem, and other tech-
niques for recycling recommendationwill be explored
in later research.
The described prototype is an ongoing project with
some development still remaining. A full evaluation
and validation will be performed in later research. In
this paper we have proposed a novel IoT system for
doing fashion recommendation using modern tech-
nologies, such as LOD, microservices, containers,
and progressive web apps. The proposed system can
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
guide users in making daily outfit selections and ef-
ficiently organize their wardrobe in an environment-
friendly way. Furthermore, if the system were to be
integrated in a clothing retailer’s supply chain and
used by their customers, the retailer could generate
targeted ads and provide relevant recommendations to
their customers.
As an initial evaluation, the prototype has been
showcased at various IT conferences and events.
At these events, the participants have been given a
demonstration of the prototype and have had the op-
portunity to try out the prototype for themselves. The
response from the participants has been positive, and
many participants have expressed that they would
benefit from such a system in their everyday lives.
Future work will be devoted to gathering data for a
dataset that can be used for accuracy evaluation of the
recommendation approaches. Moreover, we aim to do
an user-centric evaluation of the recommender system
in order to evaluate the user satisfaction. Some other
topics we would like to research further and include
in our system are occasion-based outfit recommenda-
tions and recommendations from retailers.
This work is composed by a research cooperation that
was established subsequently of a summer internship
at Accenture, where the idea and the first prototype
of Connected Closet originally was developed. The
authors would like to thank everyone that was in-
volved in the internship for their contributions prior
this work.
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Connected Closet - A Semantically Enriched Mobile Recommender System for Smart Closets