Decision Criteria for Software Component Sourcing
An Initial Framework on the Basis of Case Study Results
Jos. J. M. Trienekens
, Rob J. Kusters
, Jan van Moll
and Casper Vos
Faculty Management, Science and Technology, Open University, Valkenburgerweg 177, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Philips Health Tech, Veenpluis 4-6, Best, The Netherlands
Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Keywords: Decision Criteria, Software Components, Sourcing, Framework.
Abstract: Software developing organizations nowadays have a wide choice when it comes to sourcing software
components. This choice ranges from developing or adapting in-house developed components via buying
closed source components to utilizing open source components. This study aims at structured decision support
in this type of decision. As a basis for this study an initial set of criteria is taken, that has been identified and
validated in a particular software development environment in a previous study on the subject (Kusters et al,
2016). In the paper at hand we report on the results of the application and validation of the initial set of
sourcing criteria in a completely different case study environment, namely a software environment in that.
medical embedded software is being developed. In addition, and based on the outcomes of our case study, a
further step is made towards structured decision support for sourcing decisions by the development of an
initial sourcing criteria framework.
Companies who develop software have a lot of
challenges nowadays. “They need to deliver software
in time, within the budget, and within the quality and
functional requirements” (Kusters et al, 2016). The
traditional way of software development is not
suitable for the development of large scale and
complex systems (Jha et al., 2014). Component-based
software development is often used to deal with this
challenge but the selection of appropriate software
components then becomes an important decision. A
component could be defined as a coherent package of
software that can be independently developed and
delivered as a unit, and that offers interfaces by which
it can be connected, unchanged, with other
components to compose a large system (D’souza &
Wills, 1997). Companies who develop component-
based software have several options when it comes to
software development sourcing. In a previous
research project we identified 6 possible sourcing
options (Kusters et al, 2016):
In-house development
Buying of the shelf software components
Buying software components according to
specific requirements
Re-use of software components
Using open source software in the software
The use of adjusted open source software in
the software components.
Choosing between these sourcing options is not easy,
a software development team has different interests
concerning to the software development. For
example, a software developer could base a decision
on meeting the functional and non-functional
requirements, where a software manager could base a
decisions on meeting the project budget (Cortellessa
et al, 2008).
In this paper we elaborate on a list of 34 possible
decision criteria as identified in previous research
(Kusters et al., 2016). These criteria were obtained by
literature research and were validated in a case study
in an e-commerce application and web application
development company. Obviously, further research
was needed to further extend and validate this set of
criteria and to add more insights from practice. We
believe that more research effort in different types of
organisations is needed to discover more potentially
useful criteria, and to strive at a set of criteria with a
higher level of saturation. On that basis next steps can
Trienekens, J., Kusters, R., Moll, J. and Vos, C.
Decision Criteria for Software Component Sourcing - An Initial Framework on the Basis of Case Study Results.
DOI: 10.5220/0006294302790286
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 279-286
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
be taken towards advanced structured support for
sourcing decisions.
The purpose of our new study is three-fold. First
we will check the usage of the sourcing options as
give in the foregoing, and subsequently we will
investigate the sourcing criteria that are being used in
a type of software environment which is completely
different from the software environment in that we
previously carried out a case study. The software
environment in this study is a company which
develops medical embedded software. Second we
will (eventually) elaborate our initial list with the
newly identified sourcing criteria, and we will apply
and validate the resulting list in a case study. Finally,
we will develop an initial framework of sourcing
criteria to support to support the sourcing decision
making process.
In section 2 related work will be discussed which
consists mainly of the results of our previous study
and a summary of its theoretical background. The
methodology used in the research is described in
section 3, and the execution of the research and the
results in section 4. The paper ends with conclusions
and a discussion in section 5.
In previous studies we found that although there is
already a significant body of literature available on
management of software development in general,
most of the literature is only indirectly related to
software component sourcing (Kusters et al, 2016).
Sometimes the importance of particular open source
characteristics is stressed (Ruffin and Ebert, 2004),
such as the adherence to license conditions. In other
research the quality of open source components is
discussed as being an issue in sourcing decisions.
Ruffin and Ebert (2004) argue that open source
software components may increase security. But
others stress the reputation of an open source provider
can play a role (Li et al., 2006), or the uncertainties
for the developers, e.g. regarding the need for (near
future) customization of components, or their
implementation complexity (Xin and Levina, 2008),
(Benlian and Hess, 2011). In (Kusters et al, 2016) a
first attempt has been made towards a structured
overview of criteria. Based on a structured literature
review and a subsequent in-depth case study a in a
particular software development company a list of 34
criteria has been developed, see Table 1.
Table 1: Sourcing criteria (Kusters et al, 2016).
Because the source code is publicly
available the risk of stopping vendor
support is reduced because it is possible
to switch to another supplier
Developing an application on a de
facto standard API protects the
application against changing supplier
The risk of having to provide
compensation to the licensor for the
breach of license, patent or proprietary
The number of interactions between
different components
The scale and complexity of a
software component
Appropriate requirements the
extent to which the component standard
meets user needs
The number of discovered
Lead time required to fix discovered
Reliability maturity, fault tolerance
and recoverability
Maintainability analysability,
changeability, stability and testability
Effect of the software component on
the availability of the system as a whole
Flexibility in the use of the
Delivery time
Development costs
Life cycle / maintenance costs
The number of functional additions
per release
Freedom to adapt code
License of the component
Intellectual property
Government requiring usage of
specific accounting software
Wish to maintain a broad technical
vision across the entire product
Wish to use knowledge and business
expertise efficiently across projects
Desire to systematically manage
parts which allow flexible reaction to
changing market conditions
Availability of capable staff for
Maintaining and keeping available
reusable software components
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Sourcing criteria (Kusters et al, 2016) (cont.).
Available financial means to
organize re-use
Experience with the software
component within the organization
Availability of documentation
Interoperability and compatibility
with plug-ins and / or frameworks
The wish of the customer
Expected life of the software
Software component is widely
accepted by the community
Evaluation of the software
component by the community
Connect with market demand /
increase commercial opportunities
Although we believe that the list contributes
significantly to the software sourcing decision
research area, we are convinced that further research
is needed. For instance the validation of the list of
criteria in other software development environments
than in our previous study, and the development of a
framework of sourcing criteria to support structured
decision making are considered as interesting
challenges. Therefore we decided to carry out an in-
depth case study in an embedded software
development environment, to validate the list of
criteria and to develop an initial framework of
sourcing criteria.
To extend our insight into the way sourcing criteria
are being interpreted and used in practice, and to
strive towards further decision support for software
sourcing, we opted just as in our previous study, for
an in-depth case study. We selected a single
organization, which we will call Company X, where
component based development is in use already for
years, where sourcing decisions are made routinely
and where alternate sourcing options are considered.
Contrary to the company in our previous study,
Company X does not work with small projects of
which the products are delivered to a customer. At
Company X medical embedded software
development is carried out in large evolutionary
software development projects.
In our case study in Company X we will use a two-
fold inductive approach, followed by a design step
towards an initial sourcing criteria framework. First,
explorative unstructured interviews are carried out to
get an overview of the software development
processes, and to get insight in the process aspects
where sourcing decisions are made. These open
interviews should eventually also lead to the
identification of particular (new) sourcing criteria
being used at Company X. Second, semi-structured
interviews are carried out to discuss separately and in
detail an extended list of sourcing criteria, i.e.
consisting of the list of 34 criteria from previous
research as well as the newly identified criteria. In
these interviews we will investigate in particular the
usage and the importance of the sourcing criteria at
Company X. During the interviews the experts will be
asked to recall projects and process aspects, in which
sourcing decisions have been made. The disadvantage
of limited participation will be off-set by the depth
and quality of the interviews. For the interviews
highly skilled and experienced experts from the
software development environment are selected, who
have an overview of the processes, and who had
expertise in sourcing decisions. For the open
(unstructured) interviews, as well as the semi-
structured interviews, five interviewees were
selected, respectively a software integrator, a
software manager, two software architects, and a
group leader. Together these experts cover with their
expertise and knowledge all of the aspects of the
software development processes.
In the open (unstructured) interviews, the
following questions are central: which software
sourcing options are used at Company X (see the list
of six options given in the Introduction)? Is there a
standardized process for the software development
sourcing decisions? And: what are important decision
criteria when choosing for a particular sourcing
option? The unstructured interviews are also used to
check if there were corresponding documents which
could give indications for particular decision criteria.
Participants were encouraged to recollect arguments
which they actually used in their specific projects.
The respondents were not shown the results of the
initial list of criteria to prevent any unintentional bias.
The purpose of the semi-structured interviews
was to validate the findings of the unstructured
interviews, e.g. the usage of the additional criteria, as
well as the list of decision criteria from the previous
study (Kusters et al., 2016), but also to investigate the
possibility of ranking the decision criteria on
importance. For each decision criterion the following
questions were asked: can you remember that this
decision criterion was taken into account when
making a software sourcing decision? Could you tell
me what kind of project this was? To what extend
(low, medium, high) has this criterion contributed to
Decision Criteria for Software Component Sourcing - An Initial Framework on the Basis of Case Study Results
the final choice for a sourcing option? Can you
mention a software sourcing decision where this
criterion should have been taken into account? In
these semi-structured interviews, interviewees could
ask further explanation and give additional
information to clarify their answers. At the end of the
interview they were asked if they could look again
through the list and if they could tell if something
triggered them, which could lead to insights that the
researcher was not yet aware off. So, in these
interviews the relation with actual decision making
practice was maintained, because questions were
aimed at actual experience.
In the design step of this study, a Metaplan
approach will be followed to develop a sourcing
criteria framework. Metaplan was developed in the
early 1970s by several researchers to improve
classifications of (in)dependent issues collected from
business situations (Howard M, 1994). The Metaplan
method is a card sorting method where, during a
structured meeting, cards are sorted into clusters. In
our Metaplan session each card will represent a
particular identified criterion of our extended list of
sourcing criteria, and the clustering process should
lead to an initial sourcing criteria framework to
support sourcing decision making.
Regarding the quality of our case study we will
reflect on its validity (internal, construct and external)
and reliability (Yin, 2014). Internal validity is
fostered by a careful research design. Respondents
were carefully selected and treated with respect. They
were informed on the purpose of the project and were
told their input was voluntary, would be treated
anonymously and that they could, at any time, refuse
an answer or stop their participation. They were also
given the option to check our recordings and
interpretations derived from their interview.
Respondents were informed in advance about the
purpose of the research and were also provided with
definitions of the sourcing options (see the six options
given in the Introduction). This allowed them to
prepare the interview and also can prevent
misunderstanding as to the object of discussion. This
will increase the quality of the information obtained,
and thus the validity of the research. External validity
is obtained by the ‘factual’ context maintained
throughout the interviews. Results will show that in
the particular organization, just like the organization
in our previous study, criteria have actually been used
in the sourcing decision. Naturally, this does not
imply relevancy for each and all other software
organizations. But it does show that in a different
software environment, experienced practitioners have
found them useful, hinting that others may value the
use of explicit component sourcing criteria as well.
Reliability is also supported by the careful design of
the interviews. This resulted in the development of an
extended interview guideline that allowed to a large
degree repeatable interviews.
In the unstructured interviews the five interviewees
were asked which software development sourcing
options are used at Company X. In all of the
interviews the same five sourcing options were found,
which were the first five given in the list of options in
the Introduction section in this paper. The
interviewees not only recognized these five sourcing
options, but also had experience in choosing them.
The sixth possible sourcing option: the use of
adjusted open source software in software
components is not used at Company X. The
interviewees had the following reasons for this. “If we
adjust open source software we have to really
understand the code. This will cost a lot of time of the
available software engineers which in turn will cost a
lot of money. That will cut the main advantages of the
use of open source software, which are speed and cost
reduction”. Another reason for not using this option
was: “Using open source could have licencing risks
which are checked by the IP&S (Intellectual Property
& Software) department who decide if the software
could be used or not. If we adjust open source
software and use it in a commercial product it could
lead to the risk that we have to publish the adjusted
open source software”. This will limit strongly the
benefits of this option of adjusting open source
All the respondents were asked who is responsible
for the sourcing decision and how this process is
executed. From these open interviews eight new
sourcing criteria were identified, see Table 2. It
became also clear during the interviews that the
sourcing decision process is quite implicit: “If such a
decision takes place, an engineer has to fill out a form
with certain conditions which the proposal has to
meet. This form has to be approved by the software
manager and the lead software integrator”.
Unfortunately, investigated filled-in forms did not
contain much criteria on which sourcing decisions
were based. Only one of decision criterion could be
taken from these forms: “Previous development
choices”, see P02 in Table 2.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: New identified criteria (results from the
unstructured interviews).
The newly identified sourcing criteria will be clarified
in the following.
P01 Physical size of the hardware
This criterion was considered as a possible decision
criterion because of the fact that embedded software
is being developed. In this type of software
development there is always the possibility that
certain hardware is needed to test the software. Some
parts of this hardware may be very large, which may
influence the sourcing decision, since not all software
development vendors can handle such hardware.
P02 Previous software development choices
This criterion was gathered from documentation
provided during one of the interviews, as: “it can
influence the choice of a next software sourcing
decision”. If software was already used from a
particular software vendor, and additional software
was needed, the same software vendor was chosen
rather than choosing in-house development (or
another vendor).
P03 Corporate requirements
Two of the interviewees indicated that some of the
software was outsourced internally. The clinical
platform department designs certain software
components, which are used in other medical devices
next to the medical devices. “The Company X design
department determines how the user interface will
look. They will provide toolkits to realise the design
which they created”. As such the two departments are
dealing with a corporate policy.
P04 Regulatory requirements for software (for
example: IEC62304)
Company X is producing medical devices for
humans. The IEC62304 is an example of a regulation
for medical software. Two interviewees stated the
importance of regulatory requirements.
P05 Reliability of the software vendor
Making a software development outsource decision
will come with certain risks: “When we outsource the
software development, the reliability and
maintainability is something what should be
considered. Bankruptcy of a software vendor could be
a big risk for Company X when outsourcing is done.
P06 Security of the vendor software archive
Company X has to protect their intellectual property.
“When a software component belongs to our core
business, it will be made in-house”. Another
interviewee: “It is important to ensure the selection
process of software vendors is good, we need to be
able to trust the software vendor”.
P07 Competitive reasons
Two interviewees stated respectively: From idea to
market is a critical decision criterion”, and: “If we do
not have the correct knowledge to create a certain
software component, it could cost a lot of time to
make it in-house. A software vendor with the right
competency to create the software component leads
to a big time advantage”. And a third interviewee:
“The demand of healthcare will increase over the next
five to ten years, which creates competitive issues”.
P08 Performance within hardware constrains
The medical devices which are created by Company
X have non-functional as well as functional
requirements: “Some of the software has to produce
images in combination with the hardware within
nanoseconds”. Another interviewee: “It could be the
case that a software vendor can deliver a software
component that needs extra available memory.
Therefore, interactions between the software
components and the hardware, need to meet the
requirements but within the hardware constraints.
The additional decision criteria P01 to P08 and the 34
decision criteria of the initial list (see Table 1) are
subsequently applied and validated in the semi-
structured interviews. As described in section 3 the
interviewees were asked whether the decision criteria
had been taken into account during a project, based
on usage (see first column in Table 3). If this was not
the case the interviewees were asked if they thought
(i.e. their opinion, see the second column in Table 3)
whether this decision criterion could be useful for
their projects. In the semi-structured interviews, the
interviewees were also asked to what extend (High,
Medium, Low) a decision criterion contributed to the
final choice for a sourcing option. The latter findings
are presented in the three columns to the right in Table
Decision Criteria for Software Component Sourcing - An Initial Framework on the Basis of Case Study Results
Table 3: Decision criteria: usage, opinion and level of importance (H=High, M=Medium, L=Low).
3. As shown in the table only decision criterion L16
was not taken into account during a project and was
also not considered as useful. All the new decision
criteria P01 to P08 from the unstructured interviews,
were taken into account by at least one interviewee
during a sourcing decision. P02 to P08 were even
taken into account as decision criteria by at least three
of the interviewees.
Most of the answers on to what extend the
decision criterion contributed to a particular sourcing
decision confirmed each other. However some of
them were opposite, see e.g.: P04, L07, L08, L11,
L12, L26, L28. This could have several reasons. For
instance it was not always possible to choose for
certain projects at Company X where the interviewees
participated in, due to the evolutionary type of
software development. The interviewees had to recall
software development processes where they
participated in and those could differ from each other.
For some of these differences explanations could be
extracted from the additional information given by
the interviewees. We will give some clarifications in
the following.
Regarding P04 two interviewees said that the
extend to that this decision criterion contributes is low
for the software development department, since this
was handled at other departments such as the
procurement department (because of legal
agreements). A third interviewee said that it was
important to meet the regulatory requirements and the
effect of this decision criterion could be high,
especially for the people who are managing this. So,
it could affect the sourcing decision in an earlier stage
of the software development process and indirectly it
could have a high impact on their sourcing decision.
Regarding L11 one interviewee stated: “You would
not outsource the brain of software, this is made in-
house so that the consequences of other software
components, which are bought or open source, will
not influence the availability of the system as a
whole”. Another interviewee approached the decision
criterion from another angle: “We learned from the
past were we had some problems with software we
bought from software vendors. Now most of the
bought software components are delivered as binaries
which are easier to implement into the system. The
reason for the differences regarding L12 are quite
similar to the reasons regarding L11. The flexibility
in the use of the component has, according to two
interviewees, a low contribution to the sourcing
decision whereas one interviewee thinks it has a high
contribution to the sourcing decision: “There are a lot
of guidelines defined, so this is taken care for us. So
for us it will have a low impact on the sourcing
decision”. Another interviewee said: “The right
requirements are very important so if the flexibility in
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the use of the component is not correct this could lead
to another sourcing choice. So the impact could be
high”. So, often the differences in answers could be
explained by the different viewpoints of the
interviewees, and this counts also regarding L07,
L08, L26 and L28. At the end of the interviews each
of the interviewees were asked if they can look
through the criteria list to see if some decision criteria
or possible sourcing options triggers them into some
additional information which was overseen during the
interviews. The four interviewees agreed on both the
sourcing options and the presented list of decision
criteria as being useful for making software sourcing
decisions. One interviewee came up with an extra
sourcing option: “Maybe cooperation is also a
possible sourcing option. It is possible that companies
of other markets have certain software knowledge
which Company X does not possess. In this case it
could be possible to set up a cooperation between
companies to create software components”.
In the final design step of this study the Metaplan
method was applied to develop an initial framework
of sourcing criteria. The Metaplan session has been
conducted with a research group of three experts,
respectively one from the company and two from the
research institute, and additionally one research
assistant from the institute. The result is shown in
Table 4. During the session some clusters were
merged. One large cluster of various software
component criteria (right column in Table 4) was
divided over more specific clusters but also some
clusters remained unchanged, such as vendor related
criteria. For various reasons some criteria cards were
removed to be placed in another cluster, or to form a
new cluster. For instance, some criteria which were
first placed in Software component criteria clusters,
appeared to fit better in an independent Architecture
and governance cluster, see Table 4. Criteria in this
cluster address architectural issues such as
‘availability of the system as a whole’ (L11), or
governance issues such as ‘desire to systematically
manage parts which allow flexible reactions to
changing market conditions’ (L23). In a final group
discussion a small number of criteria were
rearranged. The definitions that were added to the
clusters were discussed by the research group and
revised were necessary. Because the set of clusters
stabilized, as is shown in the initial Framework in
Table 4, no additional Metaplan sessions were held.
The framework reflects currently eight categories of
sourcing criteria. Although the framework has some
weaknesses, e.g. a cluster with only one criteria
(Hardware related, see Table 4), and a mixed cluster
of management related criteria such as time and costs
(upper left in the Table 4), also interesting findings
can be reported. Here, we mention in particular the
‘equal’ division in the framework between the
clusters of criteria that are directly related to software
components (right column), and the clusters of
criteria that are related indirectly to software
components (left column). And also that the total
number of criteria (42) is rather equally spread over
the two columns (19 in the left column, 23 in the right
one). This could be interpreted as a need in practice
for a combined management and engineering view on
defining and applying software sourcing criteria.
Further, we consider the cluster ‘Software component
internal criteria’ as an important (and large) cluster.
This cluster reflects in particular various
(complementary) software component quality issues
that can play a role in sourcing decisions, such as
reliability (L09), maintainability (L10) and flexibility
(L17). Of course our initial framework also has
clusters that should be investigated further, both
regarding their content and criteria definitions. For
instance the position of the cluster Software
component legal criteria in the framework is
questionable. Further research should clarify the
engineering and management aspects of these criteria,
e.g. the existence of a license of a component (L18),
and the risk of having to provide compensation to a
licensor (L03). Summarising we believe that our
initial framework is a next step to structured decision
support in software component outsourcing. The
framework gives a structured and inclusive overview
of criteria to base sourcing decisions on.
Table 4: The initial framework of sourcing criteria.
Time, costs, knowledge,
experience related
(L08, L13, L14, L15,
L22, L24, L25, L26,
Software component
general criteria
(P03, P04, L06, L31)
Vendor-related criteria
(P05, P06, L01)
Software component
external criteria
(L20, L30, L34)
Architecture and
governance related
(L02, L04, L11, L21,
L23, L29)
Software component
internal criteria
(P02, P08, L05, L07,
L09, L10, L12, L16,
L17, L28, L32, L33)
Hardware related
Software component
legal criteria
(P07, L03, L18, L19)
Decision Criteria for Software Component Sourcing - An Initial Framework on the Basis of Case Study Results
In this paper we reported on the results of a case study
aimed at the identification and classification of
criteria to support software component sourcing
decisions. The in-depth case study has been carried
out at a Company X, were embedded software for
large complex medical systems is being developed.
Starting point, and empirical basis, for our study was
a list of 34 sourcing criteria derived from a previous
study on the subject (Kusters et al, 2016). In the first
part, in open unstructured interviews, a list of six
sourcing options has been checked at Company X.
One of these options appeared to be non-valid in the
target company. In these open interviews, in that the
software development processes were addressed, also
eight new sourcing criteria could be identified. These
new criteria have been found without prompting and
they appeared to be used in practice in concrete
sourcing decisions. Together with the existing list of
34 criteria the total list of criteria has subsequently
been validated in the second part of the study, in more
detail in semi-structured interviews. The criteria were
confirmed regarding their relevance in practice, by
each of the interviewees. From the 34 criteria of our
previous study the interviewees also confirmed the
usage of 33 decision criteria in their particular
embedded software development environment. In the
semi-structured interviews also the degree of
importance of the decision criteria has been
investigated, with respect to the extent to that a
decision criteria contributes to a sourcing decision.
Various clarifications from experts, to the degree of
importance of criteria, showed interesting examples
of the different viewpoints at sourcing criteria in
practice. When discussing the quality of the resulting
list of 42 criteria we looked at completeness. Eight
new additions to a list of 34 criteria (from a previous
study) does suggest that saturation of sourcing criteria
has not yet been achieved. We are likely to find more
when more, and different types of, companies are
included in the research. On the other hand, by
combining the findings, from our previous study with
the findings from this case study (in a completely
different software development environment), we
believe that a next step has been made towards the
identification of important criteria.
In the third part of the study the list of sourcing
criteria has been elaborated towards an initial
framework of criteria. The Metaplan method
approved to be useful to develop this framework in an
efficient way. The framework, with its eight clusters
of sourcing criteria, almost equally spread over what
could be called management and engineering
clusters, offers a structured overview of sourcing
criteria. The clusters reflect also some coherence
between particular criteria, and the cluster titles point
to a particular type of sourcing criteria. Although
some framework aspects, such as the overlap between
criteria and clusters and the differences in level of
abstraction and aggregation, need to be elaborated
further, we are convinced that our initial framework
is a next valuable step towards support for decision
making in software component outsourcing.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems