Resolving the Misconceptions on Big Data Analytics Implementation
through Government Research Institute in Malaysia
Mohammad Fikry Abdullah
, Mardhiah Ibrahim
and Harlisa Zulkifli
Water Resources and Climate Change Research Centre, National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM),
Seri Kembangan, Malaysia
Information Management Division, National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM),
Seri Kembangan, Malaysia
Keywords: Big Data Analytics, Data Management, Misconception, Advanced Analytics.
Abstract: Evolution and growth of data exclusively in Government sector should be an added advantage for the
Government to increase the service delivery to the public. Big Data Analytics (BDA) is one of the most
advanced technologies to analyse data owned by the Government to explore other fields, or new
opportunities that can bring benefits to the Government. Although BDA concept has been implemented by
many parties, there exists a number of misconceptions related to the concept from the aspect of
understanding and implementation of the project. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia
(NAHRIM) as one of the four agencies that have been implemented Malaysia’s BDA Proof-of-Concept
(POC) initiative is no exception to these misconceptions. In this paper, we will discuss the
misunderstandings and challenges faced throughout our BDA project, in encouraging and increasing the
awareness of the implementation of BDA in Government sector.
Big Data Analytics (BDA) has been escalating in
various sectors as it increases the value of data in
organisations for different purposes. The awareness
and understanding of BDA among top management
has been familiarised to ensure how data can be
analysed, improved and enriched to become a new
key economic factor that can alleviate an
organisation’s performance.
Nowadays, providing and sharing data either
internally or externally is less challenging compared
to analysing the data. In BDA, analysing data
requires knowledge, insight, and wisdom from
Subject Matter Experts (SME), specifically in the
chosen domain. To embrace the understanding
requirement from SME towards BDA’s targeted
output and outcome is another challenging process.
As mentioned by Phillip Russom in his TDWI
Best Practices Report “Big Data Analytics” (2011),
the hottest new practices in Business Intelligence
(BI) today is BDA. BDA can be achieved by putting
massive amounts of detailed information and
advanced analytics together. BDA is not just the
upgrade and expansion to legacy systems and
algorithms, it requires a new set of tools to
determine relevant data and to convert this data into
useful knowledge (Bi and Cochran, 2014).
Companies need to reconsider their methods at the
system level strategically, operationally and
culturally for data management, and then select the
right data, and make right decisions based on it
(Troester, 2012).
Business owners typically use BDA to explore
other fields or new opportunities that can bring
benefits to them. However, this goal is difficult to
achieve if the wrong understandings and techniques
are used to perform BDA. The misconceptions,
technically or theoretically, will give a major impact
on the overall analysis process, result and outcome
of the domain case.
This paper presents the National Hydraulic
Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM)’s
participation in Malaysias BDA Proof-of-Concept
(POC) initiatives in visualising 90 years of projected
rainfall corresponding runoff after-effects based on
river basin in Malaysia. We will discuss the
misunderstandings and challenges faced through our
experience in BDA project with objective to
encourage and increase the awareness of the
Abdullah, M., Ibrahim, M. and Zulkifli, H.
Resolving the Misconceptions on Big Data Analytics Implementation through Government Research Institute in Malaysia.
DOI: 10.5220/0006293902610266
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 261-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
importance of BDA implementation in
organisations, especially in Government sector.
Big data creates a radical shift in how we think
about research, thus reframing key questions about
the constitution of knowledge, the processes of
research, how we should engage with information
and the nature and the categorisation of reality
(Boyd and Crawford, 2012). Kaisler et al., (2013)
define “Big Data” as the amount of data just beyond
technologies capability to store, manage and process
efficiently which the limitations are only discovered
by a robust analysis of the data itself, explicit
processing needs, and the capabilities of the tools
used to analyse it.
There are three aspects to characterized Big
Data; the data must be numerous; the data cannot be
categorized into regular relational databases; and the
data are generated, captured and process very
quickly (Khan et al., 2014). Data can be obtained
from any source, in various forms by various
criteria. The source of big data is basically
categorized into two categories, namely data from
the physical world and data from human society (Jin
et al., 2015). Data from the physical world is usually
obtained through sensors, scientific experiments and
observations, such as biological data, neural data and
remote sensing data, while data from human society
is acquired from sources or domain as social
networks, Internet, health, finance, economics and
As for NAHRIM, a government research
institution (RI) focusing on research and
development (R&D) for water and environment,
holds numerous water related and climate change
data for Malaysia either primary or secondary data,
collected through sampling activities, modelling,
simulation and other R&D activities. Those data are
being used for water and environment planning,
supporting decision making and identifying new
potential R&D areas that can be diversified into
various domain such as data projection analysis,
climate change impact, sea level rise projection,
hydroclimate and water resources related issues
(Zulkifli et al., 2015).
In 2013, the Prime Minister of Malaysia
officially announced the Malaysia BDA initiatives.
Malaysian Administrative Modernization and
Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) have been
appointed to lead the BDA projects for public sector
which started with five pilot projects as a proof-of-
concept (POC) approach. Four agencies have been
involved in developing the POC projects and
NAHRIM was one of them. NAHRIM’s objective
for this POC project titled “Projected Hydroclimate
Data Analysis & Visualisation for Potential Drought
& Flood Events in Peninsular Malaysia” was to
develop a BDA system that will be able to assist
NAHRIM in visualising and analysing almost 1450
simulation-years of projected hydroclimate data for
Peninsular Malaysia based on 3888 grids.
There are two teams involved in this project,
which were BDA Technology Team and SME
Team, to ensure the success of the project. BDA
Technology Team is responsible to provide
technology consisting of the hardware, software and
customization services to develop the system.
Meanwhile, SME Team for this project are the
backbone or the brain of the project that provides the
solution, methodology and algorithm regarding the
domain of the chosen business case. SME Team for
the project was a combination of various background
of education and experience that come from
researchers, engineers and officers of NAHRIM’s
Water Resources and Climate Change Research
Centre and Information Management Division.
Data input for this project were daily projected
rainfall data from the year 2010-2099 based on 6km
x 6km grid, projected runoff data from year 2010-
2099 based on 6km x 6km grid, and projected
streamflow data from year 2010-2099 based on
selected location in the vicinity of river basin. These
data were consumed by the BDA technology to
perform analysis as to provide visualisation of
drought for Peninsular Malaysia, to visualise rainfall
pattern, magnitude and storm centre and its
corresponding runoff pattern and magnitude, and to
provide searching and linking function to visualise
user-defined period of rainfall event to identify
storm centres with the corresponding runoff and
streamflow data. NAHRIM BDA POC was
developed to assist Water Resources and Climate
Change Research Centre researchers to monitor and
search projected rainfall and runoff data for the
years 2010 to 2099 where the process to identify
those pattern required longer time to process without
BDA technology.
3.1 The Thought of Completing the Vs
Often when we hear or read about BDA, it will be
associated with various terms that starts with the
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
letter V; Volume, Variety, Veracity, Velocity,
Value, Variability and so on. Several years ago,
when undue attention for Big Data focused only on
size, Gartner group proposed the famous “3Vs”;
Volume, Velocity, and Variety. Then, IBM pushed
for adding a 4th V; Veracity and this has been
accepted by most (Jagadish, 2015). Further Vs have
also been suggested such as Variability, Validity,
Volatility, Visibility, Value, and Visualisation.
However, these are met critically as they do not
necessarily express qualities of magnitude. (Li et al.,
Some perceived these Vs as a definition and
concept of BDA, while others use it as a requirement
for conducting the analysis. These Vs represents the
form of data that the researchers, academician,
stakeholders or business analyst want to analyse and
it is not necessarily need to use all the Vs to conduct
a BDA. For example, a study that was conducted by
Assunção et al., (2015) for the development of BDA
in the cloud surrounds only three Vs namely Variety,
Velocity and Volume and consider the other Vs
deserve a study on their own.
In the case of NAHRIM’s BDA project, the
thought of complying all the Vs was the first issue
raised and mandatorily be fulfilled. NAHRIM’s
assumption was, BDA project will not be
successfully developed if our data did not fall in
every criterion of the Vs for BDA. But throughout
this project, NAHRIM decided to focus on
optimising and exploring our 10 billion
hydroclimate projected data in structured format. We
were proven wrong by the results of the analysis
where Volume, Velocity and Visualisation is more
than enough to give us the outcomes that NAHRIM
However, BDA is not simply a matter of
injecting additional scale, variation, speed or noise
to research data sets (Abbasi et al., 2016). What may
be deemed BDA today may not meet the threshold
in the future. Each of them raised its own individual
issues and it is described in the table below which
covers the first 4 Vs; Volume, Variety, Velocity, and
Understanding our own data is the key of BDA
implementation. Based on the data, organisation
should identify the expected result required and what
are the processes involved including data to be used,
type of data, technology to be used, the technique to
store the data, the method to process the data and
how to integrate them and so on to gain insights and
depth to solve real problems. Two data sets of the
same size may require different data management
technologies based on their type, technological
Table 1: Definition and issue on 4 Vs.
The V
Definition (Wamba et
al., 2015)
Issue (Li et al., 2016)
Large volume of data
consume huge storage
or consist of large
number of records.
Raised data storage
and massive analysis
Data generated from
greater variety of
sources and formats,
and contain
multidimensional data
Complex structures of
data calls for more
efficient models,
structures, indexes and
data management
strategies and
Frequency of data
generation and/or
frequency of data
Require the speed of
data and the speed of
data generation
matching to meet
unpredictability of some
data requires analysis of
big data to gain reliable
Rising issues in
quality assessment of
source data and how to
statistically improve
the quality of analysis
advances allow firms to use various types of data,
real-time analytics and evidence-based planning is a
growing need to meet the unprecedented rate of data
creation, and special tools and analytics needed to
deal with imprecise and uncertain data (Gandomi
and Haider, 2015).
3.2 The Role of IT in BDA
BDA is the latest technology trend and nearly all
organisations have interest to apply this technology
for their business analysis. But most of the
organisations believes that BDA elements comprise
of technical tools only. The truth is, business owners
should be involved at all events of BDA
development to solve problems related to their
business and field. Most of them failed to notice that
the main concern for business owners it to provide
the sufficient tools and highly trained personnel to
work with BDA (Jin et al., 2015).
Business owners used to keep the data by
themselves in the past, but for this new era of
business strategies and industrial purposes such as
the possibility to collect and mine data for desirable
information, they should cooperate with the
scientific research for the development of their
industry (Demchenko et al., 2013). Such data
includes market prediction, customer behaviour
predictions, social groups activity predictions, and
so on. By uncovering business data to the technical
consultant, the technical team can assist on proper
analysis techniques and technology that can be used
to process these data which can save time, cost, and
Resolving the Misconceptions on Big Data Analytics Implementation through Government Research Institute in Malaysia
skills. In addition to technical system
implementation, significant business, or domain
knowledge as well as effective communication skills
are needed for the successful completion of such
Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) projects
(Chen et al., 2012)
IT function is tasked with managing and
integrating data as an “enable” of data-driven
business processes and decision making (Abbasi et
al., 2016). There are numerous number of domain
studies that can leverage big data analytics such as
atmospheric science, scientific research,
government, natural disaster and more (Sagiroglu
and Sinanc, 2013). In NAHRIM’s case, we are
implementing BDA concept through development of
an application that can centralize the information
and analysis on a web application. NAHRIM took
advantages of the current BDA technology by
outsourcing the application development phase to
technology provider while NAHRIM focus on
providing technical advice and content that consist
of data, methodology and algorithm in the analysis
phase of the project. Our BDA project will not be
successful without collective collaboration among
researchers and engineers in providing the data and
it is not subject to technological problems alone.
3.3 The Dispersion of Data
Unstructured data is one of the data type that
revolved around us most rapidly and increasingly.
This data type mostly is random and not modelled.
Example of unstructured data are audio, video,
images, text and human language. Therefore, there is
an assumption that only unstructured data is used for
BDA. To disabuse this thought, De Mauro et al.
(2015) stated that data generated today are
increasing in type. Structured data is now joined by
unstructured data and semi-structure data. However,
the format of semi-structured data does not conform
to strict standard spanning a continuum between
fully structured data and unstructured data (Gandomi
and Haider, 2015).
As a data provider, NAHRIM is no exception
into thinking that combination of unstructured and
structured data is necessary to be used for BDA. The
initial form of data we collect such as rainfall,
runoff, and streamflow, are structured data used for
hydroclimate projection for the years 2010-2099.
These structured data are then analysed through
algorithm accelerated by technology provided by
technology provider. Through this data processing,
we are able to produce data output such as drought
visualization by state, month and year, rainfall
patterns, magnitude of storms and so on. In this case,
NAHRIM do not intent to use unstructured data
since NAHRIM would like to focus on optimising
the current structured data. This experience can
refute the notion that combination of structured and
unstructured is a must to perform BDA.
For many organisations, appropriate strategies
must be developed to manage such data.
Traditionally, data is stored in a highly structured
format to maximize its informational contents but
because of the current data volumes are driven by
these data formats (structured, semi-structured and
unstructured), end-to-end processing can be impeded
by the translation between structured data in
relational systems of database management and
unstructured data for analytics (Khan et al., 2014).
Unlike the structured data that can be handled
repeatedly through a RDBMS, semi-structured data
may call for ad hoc and one-time extraction, parsing,
processing, indexing, and analytics (Chen et al.,
2012). Unstructured data on the way around can be
transformed to structured data using Extraction,
Classification, Repositories Development and Data
Mapping processes (Abdullah & Ahmad, 2015).
A comprehensive research has been made by
Yaqoob et al., (2016) regarding of data processing
tools including batch processing that can be very
efficient where data is collected, stored, processed
and results are produced in batches; and stream
processing that focus on the velocity of data and
help to process data in a very short of time. Example
of batch-based processing tools are Hadoop, Skytree
Server, Telend Open Studio, Jaspersoft, Dryad,
Pentaho, Tableau, and Karmasphere and the stream-
based processing tools available are Storm, Splunk,
S4, SAP Hana, SQL stream s-Server and Apache
Kafka. Selection of big data processing tools is
critical as it depends entirely on the needs of users
and the type of data that the organisations have. If
you apply Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) and
data quality processes to big data as you do for a
data warehouse, you run the risk of stripping out the
very nuggets that make big data a treasure trove for
advanced analytics (Russom, 2011).
3.4 The Relevancy of BDA
Most BDA use cluttered data, and not all data is
valuable for analysis. Because of this criterion, the
process employed to analyse the data obtained are
often time-consuming starting from the data
collection, data processing and data visualisation.
Hence, there is a perception that the end result of
BDA is only the data visualisation on the dashboard.
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
The right thought should be “What are the accurate
action that business owners and organisations need
to take with the analysed data”. BDA contains a
wealth of societal information and can thus be
viewed as a network mapped to society (Jin et al.,
Based on NAHRIM experience in applying
BDA, we only provide data for analysis. The
information that has been generated through this
technology hopefully can help the ministries,
government departments and agencies such as
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,
Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water,
Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry,
Department of Public Works, Department of
Irrigation and Drainage, State Governments and
Private sector to make a careful planning and
immediate action in a holistic manner that lead to
sustainable development and climate resilience such
as water management issues, drought and flood. As
mention by Li et al., (2016), geospatial big data has
great potential to benefit many societal applications
such as climate change, disease surveillance, disaster
response, monitoring critical infrastructures and
On the other hand, BDA can help the people to
perceive the present and to predict the future. One of
the advanced analytic used nowadays to conduct
BDA is analytics continuum by Gartner (Bertram,
2013), which explains the analytic styles from
descriptive through to prescriptive. Data or content
is being examined to answer the question “What is
going to happen?” or more precisely, “What is likely
to happen?” This model consists of descriptive
analytics, diagnosis analytics, predictive analytics
and prescriptive analytics. With the right question
and the right data, business owners can obtain more
than the analysed data itself. Because of this
awareness, several countries have also come up with
their initiatives in applying BDA for their national
development. Table 2 overview the initiatives taken
by international countries on big data based on Jin et
al. findings.
Based on NAHRIM experience implementing BDA
POC project, our domain business case lead us to
focus on leveraging our own projected hydroclimate
structured data amounting to 10 billion to assist
various entities either Government or Private sector
in disaster management in water related disaster
such as flood and drought. By understanding the
Table 2: International Initiatives on Big Data Analytics
(Jin et al., 2015).
Country Event Initiatives on Big Data
Find voters and analysed
the tendency for voters to
vote through real-time
data collection and
analysis in order to beat
Romney and to get re-
Big Data
Research and
Strategic plan that
promotes US to
continuously lead in high
tech field and to protect
its natural security
through big data research
and applications.
Big-data plan
of £189 million
Aims to push new
opportunities for using big
data in commercial
enterprises and research
institutions (on medical,
agricultural, commercial,
academic research, and
other areas)
(€11.5 million)
Support the development
of seven future projects
including big data.
Public Service
Big Data
To promote the service
reformation of public
sectors by making use of
big data analysis,
developing better public
policies and protecting
citizen privacy.
The Integrated
ICT Strategy
for 2020
Declaration to
be World's
Advanced IT
Plan to develop Japan's
new national IT strategy
with open public data and
big data as its core during
Horizon 2020
(€120 million)
Framework program for
research and innovation
on big data-related
industrial research and
concept of BDA, NAHRIM has proved that BDA is
not only about technology, data or problems but the
concept requires a full commitment and broad
perspectives to understand what we have and what
we want to achieve. Today, data are not just grow in
the form of quantity but the evolution of data plays
an important role that makes data is the new
Resolving the Misconceptions on Big Data Analytics Implementation through Government Research Institute in Malaysia
commodity or asset influencing the decision making
process. Through NAHRIM’s BDA project, it shows
and indicate with a correct data, people and
technology, BDA concept can be implemented
especially in Government sector despite that there
are challenges and confusions towards the
understanding of BDA concept itself.
This project was supported by MAMPU, Malaysia
Digitial Economy Coporation (MDEC) and MIMOS
and we are thankful to our team members from
NAHRIM as well who provided expertise that
greatly assisted the implementation of this project.
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