Client-oriented Architecture for e-Business
Jose Bernardo Neto and Celso Massaki Hirata
Technological Institute of Aeronautics, Department of Computer Science, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil
e-Business, Architecture, Web Services, Client, e-Contract.
In general e-Business solutions focuses in the service provider, they do not consider companies or large client
interest. The current web service business models do not allow consumers either to request for unavailable
services nor allow to request their services needs met by a complex arrangement of providers. In this paper
we propose a novel approach for making service compositions based on customer demand to meet business
needs in an agile way. The business needs are related to the flexibility of the client to express its needs. The
agility is related to the capability of the supplier to implement services in timely manner. To achieve the goal,
we use as support the business forms and the e-Contract lifecycle methodology to discipline and facilitate the
provider and client responsibilities.
Most brick-and-mortar stores already have their e-
commerce versions, which in some cases offer better
prices coupled with incentives such as free shipping
and the fact that they are open 24 hours every day.
The strategy used for maintaining competitiveness is
to store data in the Cloud and use Web Services.Web
Services are the agents responsible for exchanging
data between the Cloud and the web clients. They
support the connection among different types of IT
systems, ensuring that the diverse requirements from
the clients are properly met. Also, new services can
be created by combining existing Web Service com-
(Mitra et al., 2013) detail bureaucratic steps that
the customers need to follow in order to obtain the
best orders in the websites. The acquisition occurs via
intuitive features and options offered by web locals.
Regarding large clients, there are few channels for
this type of trade, and the typical searches do not guar-
antee that quality of service will be provided. In gen-
eral, work on service composition deals with services
managed by the same server or a SOAP solution.
Some problems for large clients, when they use
conventional e-commerce portals, are the following:
(i) Service provider cannot meet the high demand;
(ii) Their requirements for services are too specific or
unusual to be met; and
(iii) There are restrictions on quality, time, and quan-
tity for the existing services.
In general, large clients use standard business
forms as a tool to obtain information or to invite
providers to describe their services. The business
forms allow the participants to submit their requests
in a standard format. They can be designed, saved,
printed, shared, and signed online. They also can
be used to start an agreement in the proposal phase
through different sites. In many cases, the client fills
out the forms manually, prints them and sends them
by mail.
Current studies show the need for e-business to
focus more on customer interest. There is a grow-
ing number of publications focusing on the analysis
of the data exchanged by people who participate in
social networks. (Gong et al., 2013) analyze data ex-
changed to check the trend of consumption to direct
the availability of services.
Thus, there is a need better identify client inter-
est early to automate standard business forms such as
proposal documents and to make use of the informa-
tion exchanged to develop e-agreements. In this paper
we propose an innovative architectural model based
on the e-Contract lifecycle, respecting the client’s de-
mand and the web services characteristics. Our pro-
posal seeks to increase the dynamics, interactivity,
and effectiveness in the e-Contract lifecycle using the
standard business forms. The e-Contract makes a
bond between the parties and its lifecycle supports
the automation of the configuration of web services
engines during the validation of the accord.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The-
Neto, J. and Hirata, C.
Client-oriented Architecture for e-Business.
DOI: 10.5220/0006285303910399
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 391-399
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
oretical background is provided in Section 2. Then,
in Section 3 the formalization of the proposal, the ar-
chitectural model structure and the schema to link the
two different lifecycles. Section 4 focuses on case
study. Section 5 presents the conclusion in Section 6.
This section presents the basic concepts related to this
paper, including: e-Contract lifecyle, e-business and
2.1 e-Contract Lifecycle
A contract must clearly define the requirements and
terms that will be negotiated between the parties in-
volved. The definition under analysis aims: (1) iden-
tify the relationship between businesses and entities,
(2) the events and actions of the various parties in
the negotiation process and (3) exceptions and penal-
ties in the event of violations (Chiu et al., 2003).
The goal of e-Contract lifecycle enables the auto-
matic configuration of the web services engines in
an e-commerce solution for distributed long-duration
transactions (Bernardo Neto and Hirata, 2015; Neto
and Hirata, 2013).
Figure 1: The six phases of the e-Contract Lifecycle.
The lifecycle is structured into six sequential
phases from proposal to closure as shown in Figure
1. The e-Contract, final product of the lifecycle pro-
cess, goes through a series of activities that are orga-
nized in phases. The activities have inputs and at least
one output. The phases are (1) Proposal, (2) Config-
uration, (3) Publication, (4) Negotiation, (5) Opera-
tion, and (6) Closure. For each phase, there is at least
one product to finish the phase before starting the next
phase. The order must be kept due to the dependen-
cies between the activities of the phases in terms of
products. The activities were defined based on the
standard in transaction rules for communication be-
tween Web Services: publishing of services, search
and message exchange. There is a product, output,
that identifies the end of phase (Bernardo Neto and
Hirata, 2015). The e-Contract lifecycle employs the
template as the origin of the e-Contract with a static
structure. The template structure is a repository of
data during the lifecycle of e-Contract. The template
characterization is changed when a resource is added
on its structure.
2.2 B2B and B2C e-Contracts
In e-business relations, electronic contracts are used
to increase the level of trust among the participants.
Businesses have demanded more agility from service
providers, which creates a competition among them
that benefits customers. Not surprisingly, the num-
ber of service contracts has grown significantly (An-
gelov and Grefen, 2004), and companies usually have
to switch between different partners to leverage the
best trading opportunities at any given moment.
Business-to-business (B2B) negotiations are usu-
ally associated with chain-contracts and services, as
well as transactions involving sales of large quanti-
ties. In Business-to-consumer (B2C) cases, the focus
is on negotiation with the customer (Andrew Good-
child and Milosevic, 2004).
2.3 A Timestamp-based Two Phase
Commit Protocol for RESTful
Considering TS2PC4RS
, the client is allowed to
read, prewrite, write and update operations; and it
initially records to the List of buffered PreWrites us-
ing timestamp order (LPW). Clients can update their
prewrites in the course of transactions; and it is not re-
quired to start a new negotiation in order to implement
the desired updates. If one client aborts the trans-
action or decreases his contracted amount, he loses
his priority and other clients will be allowed to have
their prewrites accepted. The prewrite update sends
messages to all involved in the transaction based on
the existing requests. It is necessary to submit a
write message (in case of committing) to complete
the transaction. Some advantages of the approach are:
better support for long time transactions, relaxing of
the isolation and atomicity properties, and bringing
support to concurrency control (da Silva Maciel and
Hirata, 2010).
Timestamp-based Two Phase Commit Protocol for
RESTful Services
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Considering the ease coordination of decoupled com-
ponents that interact by service requests over the net-
work, it is decided to choose the broker architecture
pattern to design our solution. The proposed archi-
tectural model is based on three entities: Client (C),
Broker (B) and Provider (P). The client expresses its
needs; the broker adds value to the services; and the
provider offers the services.
3.1 Agents Interactions
The interactions are based on standard operations to
accomplish the interoperability by web service archi-
tecture: publish, find and bind. An operation is a
set of request and response messages exchanged be-
tween two parties to complete an activity. Besides
decomposing the find operation into rfp (request for
proposal) and search operations; COAeB changes the
original web service operations order, as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Entities perform the operations: rfp, search, pub-
lish, and bind.
To isolate and define the broker responsibilities,
we divide the interactions into two groups: (1) client
and broker, and (2) broker and providers. Figure
3 presents the sequence of messages exchanged in
group 1:
1. The client sends the request for proposal (rfp)
message to Broker to trigger the interactions.
2. The broker stores the rfp. The Broker is responsi-
ble to finding the resources.
3. The client confirms its interest in the requested re-
sources or tries to change (negotiate) quality, cost,
or delivery date of the resources.
4. Therefore, the broker can decide not to agree on
the service if the time expires. The broker sends
an ok message when it is still able to meet the rfp
(or the negotiated rfp).
5. The client sends the complete message to order
and use the service.
Each rfp can require one or more services. Ser-
vices are offered by providers and published on the
Broker. If the Broker finds the service required, it
Figure 3: Sequence of messages exchanged in group (2).
sends the confirm message as shown in step 3-5 be-
low. Otherwise, it invites the provider to offer the ser-
vice, step 1. The Figure 4 illustrates the messages
exchanged in group 2.
1. Through the service request, the broker invites the
provider to publish the described service.
2. The publish message means to registry a service
available to offer.
3. The broker sends the confirm message to prepare
to commit the agreement or try to change (via a
negotiate message).
4. The broker can take some time to decide or ini-
tiate the negotiation. Therefore, the provider can
decide not to agree to the service if the time ex-
5. The broker sends the complete message to close
the agreement and imposes the service delivery
obligation on the provider side.
Figure 4: Illustrates the second group of interactions.
We designed a set of agents for the COAeB archi-
tecture that cooperate to perform the activities listed
above. Figure 5 illustrates the COAeB architecture.
The external agents are squares and internal agents are
circles: Client (C), Business Broker (BB), Transac-
tion Coordinator (TC), Composer (CP), Provider Bro-
ker (PB), and Provider (P).
Figure 5: An overview of COAeB schema.
We assume that the client needs a complex service
that is composed of several basic services. It sends
the rfp. Business Broker (BB) works as Rfp Storage,
Agreement Manager, and Service Negotiator. It col-
lects the rfp information to prepare a draft. It sends
Client-oriented Architecture for e-Business
the service description to CP. It receives the result of
the composition transaction via TC to build the pre-
Contract with the client. The pre-Contract (with the
client) is the publication of the booked services. Com-
poser (CP) is responsible for the composition of ser-
vices based on the Try- Cancel/Confirm (TCC) pat-
tern for web service (Pardon and Pautasso, 2014). It
receives a complex description of services from BB.
It divides a complex service into basic services. It re-
quests TC to book and acquire the resources. Trans-
action Coordinator (TC) works as a Service Coor-
dinator. It opens the atomic transactions with Try-
Cancel/Confirm pattern to build the composition. In
the end, it handles commit or abort the transaction.
It receives the URL of the services via CP and or-
chestrates the operations to complete the transaction
of the composition. To improve the scalability of the
COAeB, we provide two scalable agents to interface
with clients and providers, BB and PB. In accordance
with the e-Contract lifecycle, they are also responsible
for preparing the agreements with client and provider
3.2 Agents Relationship
Agents use operations to perform the activities. Oper-
ations follow request-response pattern in COAeB. An
operation is decomposed into sequences of more fun-
damental send-receive-reply messages. The agents’
relationship is characterized by exchanged messages
that are grouped as interactions. The interactions are
designed to perform an allowed sequence of business
activities. The main purpose is to define a workflow
and discipline the sequence of business activities to
respect the e-Contract lifecycle. Through allowed in-
teractions, the agents perform activities to match the
rfp with published services, producing an electronic
agreement. An agreement creates a binding between
the parties and provides a guarantee of service deliv-
Let us consider an operation as a subset of a trans-
action. A transaction is an atomic unit of database
access that is either completed or not executed at all
(Ceri and Pelagatti, 1984). In terms of a transaction’s
duration, it can be short or long. The short-running
transaction can be part of a long-running transac-
tion. The WS-Transaction specification distinguishes
an atomic transaction from a Business Activity (BA)
(OASIS, 2012). BA is characterized for long-running
transactions. The atomic transaction is committed
and made visible before a long-running BA can be
completed. Our approach considers each e-Contract
lifecycle phase as a BA, and the operational request-
response pattern as a single Atomic Transaction to
perform the activities. As mentioned, the transac-
tions performed into BB and PB change their inter-
nal states to build the agreement. Both are an arti-
fact repository, BB supports the agreement structure
on the client side and PB supports the agreement on
the provider side. The rfp is used to build a draft on
the client side. In contrast, PB supports the publica-
tion of services, i.e., the draft is built from service de-
scriptions. Besides the activities association, PB and
BB are scalable agents. The internal states of BB and
PB are updated in their replicas to increase scalabil-
ity and availability within the architecture. It expands
services to client and providers avoiding the system
The service acquisition is performed in two phases
(2PC). In the first phase a prewrite (pw) operation
holds the services. COAeB has a mechanism to
match the rfp with published services offered in a pre-
Contract format called matchmaking activity. If the
whole demand was matched, then the coordinator re-
ceives all confirmations. Thus, the acquisition can be
completed in the second phase of the protocol.
The online requests (rfi and rfq) also are used in
the negotiation phase. The rfi is used to invite new
publications and rfq to modify some attributes of a
service that as previously published.
In this section, we present three possible flows of mes-
sages exchanged by the agents considering the set of
services capabilities stored in the service registry. We
propose a hypothetical scenario to illustrate the inter-
actions in COAeB.
Supposing a client of the proposed application is
an engineer that works for a company located in Vir-
ginia, US. He receives the following task: train new
employees in a subsidiary located in California for
six months. The engineer, a client of our approach,
decides to buy several airline tickets to visit his fam-
ily in Virginia every weekend. For him to visit every
weekend, he will need 6x4, or 24 round trips in to-
tal. He includes the taxi service to-from airport in
(VA) and (CA). He will need 4 taxis per round trip
flight. We can also include an economic hotel to stay
at weekdays. The RFP demand is a composition of
flight ticket, taxi, and hotel service. The client can
use his mobile device to access the application and
send the rfp to start the proposal.
Based on the characteristics previously listed, we
design three possible ways, at different flow of mes-
sages to reach the agreement that reflects the result of
the matchmaking activity:
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
i. Published service fully matches the rfp without
additional external requests.
ii. Published service can partially match the rfp. The
rfi is used to invite new publications.
iii. Published services fully match the rfp, but the
client can negotiate some attributes of service ex-
ploited in the pre-Contract. The rfq is used to start
the negotiation phase.
The next subsection details these three ways. The
sequence determines adjacent interactions. Interac-
tion n starts only if the interaction n-1 is completed.
4.0.1 The First Case: Previous Publications of
Services Fully Match the rfp
The sequence illustrated in Figure 6 (1 to 6) and Fig-
ure 7 (7 to 10) and described in the following steps::
1. The client sends a complex service description via
a rfp interaction.
2. BB receives the rfp, builds the draft, and forwards
a complex service description to CP.
3. CP splits the service description into basic ser-
vices. It uses the compose interaction to send re-
sulting set of the services to TC.
4. Prewrite operation starts 2PC. TC requests PB
to hold the appropriate resources held via a pre-
Contract publication with providers.
5. After receiving the confirmations, TC orders t
BB to prepare the pre-Contract with the services
6. BB notifies the client that the pre-Contract is pub-
lished and is ready to be signed.
Figure 6: Previous publications fully match the rfp.
7. The client uses sign to confirm the agreement. It
waits for the confirmation message from the BB.
8. The e-Contract with the client is stored in BB.
Then, BB notifies TC that the agreement is estab-
9. Write operation starts the second phase of the
2PC, global commitment.
10. PB forwards the write message to all providers
to avoid the agreement’s cancellation. After the
providers’ confirmation, PB builds the e-Contract
with providers and notifies the providers that the
agreement has been reached.
Step 7 occurs only if all the sequential operations
1-6 are completed.
Figure 7: Previous publications fully match the rfp.
In our hypothetical scenario, previous publication
of services match the rfp with the hotel, flight, and
taxi services. The complex service is divided in basic
services by CP.
4.0.2 The Second Case: Existing Previous
Publication Partially Match the rfp
1. Client sends the rfp to BB.
2. BB receives the client’s demands and forwards a
complex service description to CP.
3. CP splits the demand into basic services and sends
the request to TC via compose interaction.
4. TC starts 2PC. The composition result partially
contemplates the rfp. The result is obtained from
all responses in the first phase of 2PC.
At this point, the flow of messages can follow two
ways: PB sends the rfi to the providers and waits for
responses to fully match the rfp or BB publishes the
pre-Contract on the client side and after the client sig-
nature, PB sends the rfi.
5. PB uses rfi to elicit changes in P1’s.
6. P1 publishes new pre-Contract as well as, holds
the resources offered.
7. PB forwards the resources held to TC, as the re-
sponse of the first phase of 2PC. At this moment,
all operations of the composition transaction are
ready to commit. Now, the rfp fully matches pub-
lished services.
8. TC forwards the result of the transaction to BB
(publish interaction) then it prepares the pre-
Contract for the client.
9. BB notifies the client to sign the pre-Contract. The
approach solution includes a timeout as limitation
to confirm the services acquisition.
Client-oriented Architecture for e-Business
With client signature, the sequence follows step 7
as presented in the first scenario.
In this second scenario, the flight ticket is not
available after step 4. PB sends the rfi to invite P1
to publish a pre-Contract for an airline ticket with the
attributes required on, step 5. After confirmation, PB
sends the response to TC to continue with the primary
flow. An alternative configuration is detailed below:
4. TC uses composition and receives some ready re-
sponses that partially matches the rfp, the first
phase of 2PC.
5. Even so, TC sends publish to BB.
6. BB prepares the pre-Contract with the client as if
it was a full match the rfp and notifies the client.
7. The client signs to confirm; BB holds the confir-
mation to give PB time to obtain resources. This
time is determined by the timeout.
8. BB forwards the client confirmation to PB.
9. PB uses rfi to invite new publications.
The confirmation of step 7 is the agreement con-
firmation message. This message is sent only if newly
published services fully match the rfp. Otherwise, the
e-Contract is discarded.
4.0.3 Third Case: The Client Wants to Negotiate
a Service Attribute
The third case starts after the publication of the pre-
Contract on the client side, i.e., after notify between
BB and client (step 7 of in the first case). The pub-
lished pre-Contract fully matches rfp, but some ser-
vices attributes do not satisfy the client. The approach
is designed to allow negotiation. The negotiation pe-
riod is set by a timeout in the pre-Contract.
The sequence described below begins with the
publication of the pre-Contract with client in BB:
1. The client uses negotiate to request some modifi-
cation in the published pre-Contract.
2. BB receives the client demands and notifies PB to
identify potential providers to forward the request
to them.
3. PB uses rfq to elicit pre-Contract updates by send-
ing the rfq to appropriate providers.
4. If P1 can meet the client’s demands it responds
by sending a new publication, otherwise remains
silent and the timeout is reached.
5. PB forwards the info to BB via publish interac-
6. BB notifies C1 to sign the agreement.
If the provider agrees to the modification, then it
needs to configure the service to be offered and lock
the resources negotiated. Two situations can occur at
this point. First, the provider updates the pre-Contract
according to client. PB notifies the BB that some
modification occurred after the negotiation. BB re-
quests the client signature. After that point, it fol-
lows the step 7 of the first case. Another possibility
can occur because a new priority is given to a client’s
demand, i.e., its prewrite receives a new timestamp
order. Held resources are released and can be used
to match other incomplete agreements. In our engi-
neer’s case, it corresponds to the hotel, flight and taxi
matching rfp services. At this point, client is be able
to start the negotiation of claims attributes.
4.0.4 The Operation Phase: Order, Consult or
In all cases, once the agreement is reached, BB
and PB are responsible for receiving the client and
provider demands in terms of agreement use. The
agents can search the e-Contracts to control the rules
agreed upon after receiving any request from the par-
ties. In our approach, the operation phase represents
the use of the e-Contract such as a warranty period. In
this phase, the client can check the parameters agreed
upon. Penalties can be established if rules are not ful-
filled by the provider in terms of the service agreed
upon. The client uses the order interaction with BB
when the service can be delivery on demand.
1. BB verifies the e-Contract clause and sends the
request to PB
2. PB stores the individual e-Contracts with
providers and sends the request to the respective
It is important to mention that the end of the ne-
gotiation phase allows the client to order the services.
Internal agents work as mediators between the parties
until the agreement’s validity ends.
Let us illustrate the operation phase of our practi-
cal example, now the client can update its package or
can order extra services always considering the agree-
ment terms.
4.0.5 Combining Services via COAeB
Before introducing the composition of service in
COAeB, it is necessary to describe the mechanism
to produce files, called artifacts during the phases of
the e-Contract lifecycle. First, the main file, that de-
fines the agreement structure, is the template. It is the
skeleton of the e-Contract. The different specializa-
tion of the agents BB and PB imposes the creation of
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
two types of template. Besides the template, the logi-
cal structure to support the building of the agreement
with the client is different from the providers.
Let us consider the agreement on the client side.
The e-Contract is built based on the rfp. The rfp is en-
capsulated within a template published in BB. Thus,
it becomes a draft. The draft is a service descrip-
tion without an owner or a set of services needed to
be matched with published services. Any client can
use the draft to publish its demand. To differ from an
agreement with providers, let us identify the agree-
ment on the client side with number one,”1x”.
To differentiate, the artifacts produced from tem-
plate number two are identified by the additional in-
formation 2y. Figure 8 illustrates the arrangement
of the e-Contract lifecycle for the COAeB architec-
ture. The agreements are created concurrently on the
client and provider sides to combines services. The e-
Contract lifecycle of Agreement 1 is in white and the
e-Contract lifecycle of Agreement 2 is in gray. The
rfp starts a lifecycle of Agreement 1, and the rfi starts
the lifecycle of Agreement 2. There is a mutual de-
pendency between Agreements 1 and 2. Acronyms
are used in the e-Contract lifecycle of Agreement 2.
Figure 8: An arrangement of the e-Contract lifecycle that
produces concurrent agreements with clients and providers.
The artifacts are built concurrently until the first
dependence appears in the publication phase of agree-
ment 1. Typically, draft 1x must be associated to
two or more pre-Contracts 2y to reach its publication
phase. If the requirements are met, draft 1x becomes
pre-Contract 1x, as shown in Figure 8. The configura-
tion phase of Agreement 1 is linked to its publication
phase through the first phases of agreement 2.
The dependency creation is a part of the compo-
sition technique. Before completing the composition
of the service process, the negotiation phase of both
agreements occurs. The rfq (dotted lines from Ne to
Co) can be used for conclude Agreement 2y during its
negotiation phase, as shown in Figure 8.
Considering the first dependency, the condition
Table 1: Combine services by arrangement of Agreements
on the client and provider side.
Lifecycle 1 Lifecycle 2
1: template 1 template 2
2: draft 1x draft 2y,2t,2u,2v
3: pre-Contract 2y,2t,2u,2v
4: PSL={2y,2t,2u,2v}
5: pre-Contract 1x (p2y,p2u)
6: pre-Contract 1x (2y,2u)={e
7: e-Contract 2y(e
8: e-Contract 2u(e
9: PAL={e
x (e2y,e2u)}
10: PAL={ } PSL={2t,2v}
to start the publication phase of Agreement 1 is that
there is one or more type 2 agreements in publica-
tion phase as the reference. The second dependency
concludes the negotiation phase of Agreement 2. The
condition to start the operation phase of Agreement 2
is the signature of e-Contract 1x by the client. Arrows
link Ne to Op of the lifecycle to support the produc-
tion of Agreement 2 are inside the operation phase of
the lifecycle to produce Agreement 1.
Let us formalize a relationship of dependency be-
tween Agreements (1) and (2). The first dependency
appears from Agreement (1) to Agreement (2). We
can illustrate P1x (P21, P22, P23,...,P2n) as the re-
lationship of dependency to reach the publication of
a Pre-Contract (1x). The second dependency can be
represented by E2y (E1x). To reach an e-Contract
(2y) it is necessary to match it to an e-Contract (1x).
The composition of service process starts at the first
dependency and is completed when the e-Contract
(2y) is published. Each e-Contract (2y) matches just
one e-Contract (1x); on the other hand, a Pre-Contract
(1x) is matched to several Pre-Contract (2y). The
dependency creates a bond between two agreements
and, consequently links the client to providers. The
period in which there is a mutual dependency is used
to explore the negotiation of the attributes of the ser-
The Public Source List (PSL) is stored in PB. It
is a public list available for all thrust suppliers. It
stores pre-Contracts type 2. PSL is verified in the
matchmaking activity, and it is updated in two cases.
First, when a pre-Contract publication occurs, and
second, once the composition process is completed.
In terms of scalability, every time an update in PSL
is performed, all active PBs must be replicated. In
terms of scalability, every time an update in PSL is
performed, all active PBs must be replicated. There-
Client-oriented Architecture for e-Business
fore, PAL is a private list available only to the inter-
ested parties involved in the agreement. It saves (1)
e-Contracts. BB stores the Private Agreement List
(PAL). All (1) e-Contracts save (2) e-Contracts in-
formation. Thus, PAL is a repository of e-Contracts
while PSL is a repository of pre-Contracts. Both lists,
PSL and PAL, are verified during the composition
process. Tuples saved in the PSL are moved to PAL
after the matchmaking activity has been completed,
and an (1) Agreement has been reached.
The composition process consists of three activi-
ties listed below:
i. Service identification breaks a complex service
described in rfp into basic services. It works when
the first dependency appears; a draft 1 is produced
to be matched by published services stored in PB.
ii. Matchmaking receives the client demand,
searches for (2) pre-Contracts in PSL with related
requirements and creates the first bond between
(1) and (2) agreements.
iii. Service composition is divided into two phases.
The composition uses 2PC protocol to complete
the (1) and (2) agreements efficiently. The ser-
vices held via pre-Contract publication need to be
booked during the first phase of the composition.
The second phase completes the composition pro-
cess and stores the (1) e-Contracts in PAL.
Figure 9: Mutual dependency between agreement 1 and
agreement 2.
By following the steps 1-10 presented in Table 1,
it is possible to summarize the arrangement of life-
cycles from agreements 1 and 2, shown in Figure 8.
Starting in the proposal phase, steps 1-2, the drafts
type 1 and 2 are instantiated concurrently from their
templates. Step 3 illustrates the production a of a
set from the pre-Contracts type 2. Step 4 shows the
pre-Contracts as the elements of the PSL set. Note
that these pre-Contracts can be composed to attend
the requirement of the pre-Contract 1x. The negoti-
ation starts during the step 6, i.e., the client can pro-
pose changes in the pre-Contracts 2y and 2u, and after
that the e-Contract e1x is produced. The steps 7-8 il-
lustrate the dependency to reach the e-Contracts 2y
and 2u. The step 9 presents the PAL list updated and
step 10 the pre-Contracts available in the PSL, pre-
Contracts 2t and 2v.
Based on e-Contract lifecycle, the Client-Oriented
Architecture uses broker mechanism to combine ser-
vices in the distributed environment. The goal of
the Client-Oriented approach is to combine services
to match client needs following e-Contract lifecycle
methodology. The architecture and logical design of
the approach propose a simple way to standardize and
meet the business rules focused on client needs. The
great advantage of the Client-Oriented architecture is
its capacity to adapt the usage patterns by extending
the capabilities of protocols and architectures.
The great limitation is the use of the Template.
The Template’s objective is include the semantic nec-
essary to express the agreement terms. The Template
structure limits the scope of the e-Contract and needs
to be produced and updated manually.
Future work includes server failures, network par-
titions or disconnected operations. About the evolu-
tion of the approach, enable the customers can pro-
pose a composition based in the historical cache.
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