Federated Cloud Service Broker (FCSB): An Advanced Cloud
Service Intermediator for Public Administrations
Juncal Alonso Ibarra, Leire Orue-Echevarria, Marisa Escalante, Gorka Benguria
and Gorka Echevarria
Tecnalia Research and Innovation, Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edificio 700, 48160 Derio, Bizkaia, Spain
Keywords: SLA, QoS, Cloud Services, Cloud Service Broker, Services Aggregation, Cloud Service Intermediator,
Technical Design.
Abstract: A cloud services brokerage is third-party software that adds value to cloud services on behalf of cloud
service consumers. Their goal is to make the services more specific to a company, or to integrate or
aggregate services, to enhance their security, or to do anything which adds a significant layer of value (i.e.
capabilities) to the original cloud services being offered (Plummer, 2012). There exist several solutions
focused on providing service brokerage of Cloud Service Providers (CSP), mainly VM’s and virtualized
resources, but not of other services offered (e.g. Data Processing as a Service) or SaaS applications which
are certified and legally compliant. This paper proposes a solution for a Federated Cloud Service Broker
(FCSB) overcoming existing challenges in the public sector such as Governance, Interoperability and
portability, SLAs compliance and assessment, Intelligent discovery of cloud services, cross border
interoperability and legislation awareness . The analysis of the existing solutions, and the presentation of the
approach made in (Alonso, et al., 2016) is complemented with a technical design including the main
functionalities and the modules that will implement them.
The digital transformation from product to service
economy means changes in the companies’
operating environment: they need to transform into
service providers from product providers and be able
to flexibly change their role in the value chain and
markets. In order to be able to foster the change, the
companies IT infrastructure needs to be more
flexible. Cloud services enable this to some degree,
but as such create dependency to external partners
for a company. In a world where new players come,
others disappear, and conditions are continuously
changing, how can the companies be sure that the
architectural decisions that were taken in the past
continue to be the best one? The decision on using
one, another, or several approaches simultaneously
is driven by certain evaluation criteria (e.g.
profitability, reliability, performance, security, legal
or even ecological aspects). There are several multi-
cloud solutions available for solving specific
problems, but to date, little attention has been paid to
distributing the cloud risk, and managing multiple
clouds from a single technology platform. Working
with many CSPs means managing multiple
relationships (Alonso, et al., 2016). Most enterprises
are already negotiating multiple contracts with
multiple CSPs and multiple contracts mean multiple
service level agreements, multiple payments,
multiple passwords, multiple data streams, and
multiple providers to check up on. That leads to
questions about how to make those services work
together, or how to unify all the efforts so maximum
effectiveness and efficiency can be obtained. This is
when a Cloud Service Broker (CSB) comes into
play. Gartner defines a cloud services brokerage as a
third-party software that adds value to cloud services
on behalf of cloud service consumers (Gartner,
2016). Their goal is to make the service more
specific to a company, or to integrate or aggregate
services, to enhance their security, or to do anything
which adds a significant layer of value (i.e.
capabilities) to the original cloud services being
offered. Consumers can leverage solutions offered
by CSBs that allow organizations to focus on other
pressing business needs instead (Gartner, 2012).
Ibarra, J., Orue-Echevarria, L., Escalante, M., Benguria, G. and Echevarria, G.
Federated Cloud Service Broker (FCSB): An Advanced Cloud Service Intermediator for Public Administrations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006285003840391
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 356-363
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Existing cloud services shall be made available
dynamically, broadly and cross border, so that
software providers can re-use and combine cloud
services, assembling a dynamic and re-configurable
network of interoperable, legal compliant, quality
assessed (against SLAs) single and composite cloud
1.1 Main Challenges to Be Solved
With so much activity implementing front-end and
back-end applications in public, private and hybrid
clouds, complexity has grown at every level
(business, application, transaction and regulatory)
(Fisher, 2014). To generate meaningful results, it is
envisioned that public administrations (PAs) need to
address key challenges in the next years (Fisher,
2014) (AGID, 2015):
1. Governance: Ensuring that services
deployed in the cloud are protected is critical.
Fostering strong governance programs in place will
protect enterprises and their data.
2. Risk tolerance. Every enterprise should
assess their tolerance for pitfalls such as lost data
and application outages.
3. Regulations. Lobbying for regulations and
standards are predicted to be a key step to ensure
cloud integration.
4. Cross border interoperability. Context-
aware service management and fluid service
integration, assuring data portability, while
guaranteeing proper identity propagation with
service-specific granularity level of information.
5. Matching customer requirements with
cloud service specifications. This implies that the
selected service offerings must match with all
functional and non-functional requirements (NFR)
coming from the customers.
6. Legislation compliance. A big challenge in
this concern is to develop the methods and interfaces
for securing legislation compliance and easy
legislation change propagation in a legislation
heterogeneous environment.
7. Cloud service SLA assessment and
monitoring. Monitor and control the diverse
properties of utilized services, composite or stand-
alone, at real-time, especially when SLA conditions
are not fulfilled (e.g. elasticity, data localisation).
8. Seamless change of provider. Enable to
seamlessly change the service provider including all
services, dependencies and associated data to avoid
vendor lock-in and to be able to quickly react in
situations like bankruptcy of the cloud provider or
any other cases which causes outage of the service.
This paper proposes a solution for a FCSB
overcoming these challenges. The paper is organized
as follows. First, an analysis of the state of the art is
presented, and then it proceeds with the description
of the high level architecture of the solution and the
functionalities to be covered. It also presents the
different deployment options and technologies to be
used, as well other relevant aspects considered
(portability, standards, resilience and performance).
The paper finishes with a set of conclusions and
next steps to follow.
A cloud service broker has several main goals:
To hide the heterogeneity of cloud APIs.
To add improved functionality that helps to
get a unified view of all the clouds used and
all the resources in them.
To offer a repository of cloud services or
cloud marketplaces
In the following section, the current solutions to
cover these main goals are presented. The solutions
presented can be classified as commercial cloud
services market place, Open Source services market
place and Government cloud marketplaces.
Moreover, some solutions developed in different
research projects are presented.
2.1 Analysis of Current Solutions
Among the commercial and open source cloud
services market place the following solutions are
AWS (Amazon, 2015) Marketplace
includes developer tools, software
infrastructure, business software, and
Desktop applications.
HPE Helion (HP, 2015) provides
functionalities for IT spending related to
the contracted cloud services, service
performance, operational configurations
and security features.
IBM (IBM, 2015) marketplace offers
services classified in four different types:
Application, Business Process,
Infrastructure and Platform.
Federated Cloud Service Broker (FCSB): An Advanced Cloud Service Intermediator for Public Administrations
Appcara AppStack (Appcara, 2015) allows
users to easily deploy and manage new
multi-tiered applications or migrate existing
applications running on physical or virtual
servers, into a choice of cloud targets.
Jamcracker Service Delivery Network
(Jamcracker, 2016) enables organizations to
create, deliver, and manage multi-cloud
services and implement a cloud-enabled
business model for offering, delivering,
supporting and billing for cloud services.
Cloud broker (Cloud Broker, 2016)
platform is a middleware and application
store for compute intensive applications in
the cloud.
Juju (Ubuntu, 2015) allows software to be
deployed, integrated and scaled on a wide
choice of cloud services or servers.
At the same time, Government cloud
marketplaces continue to growth in number and
influence. For example, Gov.apps (US Government,
2015) and UK Digital Marketplace (UK
Government, 2016) act as cloud services catalogue.
Also EU funded projects have been working in
this direction:
ARTIST (ARTIST Consortium, 2016) has
developed a benchmarking tool to select the
most suitable cloud provider as part of its
migration tool-suite.
CELAR (European Comision, 2016)
provides automatic, multi-grained resource
allocation for cloud applications.
Mosaic (mOSAIC Consortium, 2016)
offers cloud developers, maintainers and
users to specify the service requirements in
terms of a cloud ontology and communicate
them to the platform via the provided API.
Strategic (Strategic Consortium, 2016)
Service Store acts as a marketplace for
developers that want to publish their
applications for eGovernment.
BEACON (Beacon Consortium, 2016)
defines and implements a federated cloud
network framework that enables the
provision of federated cloud infrastructures,
with special emphasis on intercloud
networking and security issues.
Cloud28+ (Cloud28, 2016) offers a
catalogue of trusted, business cloud
services that matches in-country or cross-
border buyer and regulatory workload
2.2 Key Functionalities Covered by the
Existing Solutions
Most of presented solution are mostly focused on
providing service brokerage of cloud service
providers, mainly VM’s and virtualized resources,
but not of other services offered (e.g. Data
Processing as a Service) or SaaS applications which
are certified and legally compliant.
The Table 1, below, presents how the key
functionalities are covered (F: fully; P: Partially; N:
Not covered).
Table 1: Matrix of the analysed solutions vs. main
Solution name
Change of
service providers
SLA assessment
and monitorin
Legislation of
EU countries
Amazon WS PP
AppStack PF P P
Jamcracker PF P F
Helix Nebula PP P
Cloud Broker PP P
Gov.apps PP
UK Digital
Mosaic PP F
Strategic PP P F
Cloud28+ F P P F P P P
Most of the offering is not targeting the public
sector, where specific challenges may arise (Alonso,
et al., 2016). There does not exist a unified
framework, with a reference architecture covering
specific challenges faced by the PAs such as the
compliance with regulatory aspects, the assessment
of NFP of the cloud services, or the seamless and
secure change of CSP (including cross-border
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
3.1 High Level Architecture
Before the high level architecture is described, it is
needed to detail certain assumptions that were made
during the definition of the technical design. These
are important as some requirements were not
explicitly stated. These assumptions are stated next:
External FSCB with which the proposed
FSCB will interact, are designed following
the same proposed architecture.
When describing federated
processes/components, we have assumed
that external FCSBs are considered as a
The services to be offered by the FCSB to
the PAs, are discovered from the ones
already endorsed in its own service registry
or in the service registry of external FCSBs.
The discovery of cloud services from
external FCSBs will be launched by the
Cloud services from external FCSBs will
be only be discovered in the FCSBs
registered as users in the user registry.
Changes in the legislation will be
monitored outside the FCSB by legal
experts. The changes and updates will be
introduced into the corresponding registry
by those experts.
The user interface (Dashboard) will be
automatically customized for the different
users based on their assigned roles,
accessing only to the allowed actions.
There are seven main components in charge of
implementing the core functions of the FCSB. A
high level description of these components and their
sub-components is presented next (see Figure 1.):
1. Service Management: This core
component is in charge of executing and manag all
the operations related to the services offered by the
FCSB. Functions like cloud services endorsement,
intelligent discovery, or service operation are
covered by this component and the corresponding
sub-components. The sub-modules included in the
Service Management are:
1.a. Service Registry is in charge of registering
all the information related to the services offered by
the FCSB. Information such as: service id, related
provider, legislation covered, SLAs, CSP id, etc. is
stored and updated in the Service Registry.
1.b. Service Registry Governance is responsible
for managing the access and update to the service
1.c. User Service Requests is in charge of
managing the requests from the users when
discovering the services. It gathers and processes the
requirements from the users when discovering
services in the FCSB.
1.d. Service Composition manages the
composition of different services from different/or
the same CSPs, managing the composed CSLA and
other aspects related to the composition.
1.e. Service Operation Management is in charge
of the management of the operation itself, the CSLA
creation monitoring and assessment and the
1.f. Intelligent Service Discovery is the one in
charge of managing the Intelligent Service
Discovery of services in the FCSB as well as the
service benchmarking, that is, the classification of
the services according to the requirements demanded
by the end-user.
2. User Management controls all the
activities related to the different users of the FCSB.
The sub-modules included in the User Management
2.a. Roles Manager manages the activities
related to the roles in the FCSB (creation,
modification, assignment, deletion).
2.b. Policy Manager manages the activities
related to the policies in the FCSB (creation,
modification, assignment, deletion).
2.c. User Manager manages the activities related
to the users in the FCSB (creation, modification,
roles assignment, deletion).
2.d. User Registry stores all the information
associated to the users of the FCSB.
2.e. Authentication Manager performs the
authentication of the users and manages the access
to the different actions/functions of the FCSB for
each user.
3. Service Contract Management is in
charge of executing and manages all the operations
related to Service Contracts in the FCSB. The sub-
modules included in the Service Management are:
3.a. Contract Manager manages mainly two
different types of contracts: The contracts between
the PAs (service consumers) and the FCSB and the
Federated Cloud Service Broker (FCSB): An Advanced Cloud Service Intermediator for Public Administrations
Figure 1: FCSB high level architecture.
contracts between the CSPs (service providers) and
the FCSB.
3.b. Service Contract Registry stores the different
contracts existing in the FCSB.
3.c. CloudBroker Contract manages the contracts
with the PAs and the related actions.
3.d. CSP Contract manages the contracts with
the CSPs.
4. Console is the module in charge of
implementing the interface with the different users
in the FCSB. The sub-modules included in the
Console are:
4.a. Notification and Alert Manager manages the
different alerts and notification shown to the user.
4.b. Dashboard This is the user graphical
interface. It will be customized depending on the
type of user, role and the actions allowed by the
corresponding policy.
4.c. Internationalization allows the
internationalization of the GUI so that the FCSB can
be used in different languages.
5. Interoperability is in charge of
performing the portability between different services
of different or the same CSP and the communication
with the CSPs and with other FCSBs. The sub-
modules included are:
5.a. Portability is responsible for the
coordination and execution of the data portability
between two services.
5.b. Connector Management manages the
different connectors of the different services form
diverse CSPs. This sub-module also manages the
communication with other external FCSBs.
6. Financial Management is in charge of
performing the activities related to the financial
operations with the different users of the FCSB. It
manages the payments to the CSPs and the receipts
to the PAs. The sub-modules included in the
Financial Management module are:
6.a. Accounting is responsible for calculating the
total values for billing PAs for the services users and
paying the CSPs for the services used.
6.b. Billing generates the bills for the users.
7. Regulatory Framework Assessment is
in charge of assessing the compliance of the services
with the different legislations. The sub-modules
included are:
7.a. Regulations Compliance Assessment
manages the core functions with respect to
legislation assessment. It assesses the different
services with respect to the legislation included in
the Law registry of the FCSB.
7.b. Law Registry stores the information of the
different legislations to be considered in the FCSB.
7.c. Regulations Change History stores the
changes suffered by the different legislations (i.e.
updates, new versions, etc.)
7.d. Law Modelling allows the legal experts to
model the different legislations so that the
legislations assessment can be done in the FCSB.
3.2 Main Functionalities
In this section we present the different processes that
will take place in the FCSB. We have classified
them following the cloud service process lifecycle.
Different approaches have been used to define the
lifecycle of a cloud Service. (SLA Ready
Consortium, 2015) (BMC Software, 2010).
In the FCSB, the service will pass through the
following phases and processes:
Service initialization, including cloud
service endorsement into the broker,
(Federated) intelligent discovery of
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
services, (Federated) service contracting,
CSLA provision, users management,
security management and creation of the
aggregated services in the FCSB.
Service operation, including CB CSLA
monitoring, legislation compliance due to
changes in the legislation, data
migration/portability, service metering,
billing to the user, and CP costs estimation.
Service termination: including service
withdrawal and service contract termination
3.3 Deployment Options and
Technologies to Be Used
There are different elements to consider when
deciding the deployment of the presented solution,
and the technologies to be used:
The application architecture and stage
(monolithic, modular, service oriented,
The forecasted demand and its possible
Additional NFRs, such as profitability,
high-availability, scaling, etc.
Taking all the above into account, it is important
to focus the application architecture and
development towards the most flexible result. We
need an application that is capable to be deployed
anyway, anywhere and supported by anyone. And an
application that is prepared to scale and provide
additional NFRs.
To achieve that purpose we envision to:
Implement a micro-cloud approach: split
the application in components and place
each component in a container. This will
allow in the future scaling independently
each component.
Package the code in installable binaries
*.deb, *.rpm, etc.
Use popular technologies: Those with a
significant user base.
Avoid vendor locking: Avoid proprietary
solutions with vendor locking effects. And
in case, there is no alternative, wrap the
vendor locking technology or XaaS.
Split since the beginning those components
that are subject to XaaS, i.e. databases,
notification, storage, etc.
Focus on technologies that can be used by
many instances of the same component:
databases, memcached, object storage,
block storage servers.
Decouple as much as possible also in data:
avoid big databases; differentiate between
static, dynamic and temporal information;
do not share databases among components;
minimize information writing and
centralize that writing in one component.
Besides, during the development we propose to
use a DevOps approach to streamline the
development and systematize the operation and
maintenance activities.
Summarizing the list of technologies proposed to
the implementation of the design contained are:
Mature and highly used programming
languages: Java, Javascript, Python,
Dependency management technologies
such as maven for java, or distutils and
set up tools for python.
Repository (Git or svn) for application
code, configuration, installation binaries
or infrastructure specification.
Package management systems such as
apt-get or yum
Container technologies such as docker,
openshift, cloudfoundry, …
Database for information storage
relational or non-relational
Cache technologies, such as
memcached or redis, technologies when
3.4 Other Aspects of the FCSB
PAs need to be enabled to seamlessly change the
service provider including all services, dependencies
and associated data to avoid vendor lock-in and to be
able to quickly react in situations like bankruptcy of
the cloud provider or any other cases which causes
outage of the service. This imposes to adhere to
existing and established standards, standard
interfaces, paradigms and certifications.
In the proposed technical design the seamless
change of cloud provider, that is, the portability
between two different providers will be supported by
the Intelligent Service Discovery module and the
Interoperability module. These modules, and
therefore, the FCSB will support the following
standards: CDMI (SNIA, 2016) , OCCI (OCCI
Working Group, 2011), TOSCA (OASIS, 2015),
IEEE P2301: P2302 (IEEE, 2016).
For the FCSB to be adopted by European Public
Administrations, the FCSB must be aligned and
comply with EU standards and existing legislation.
Federated Cloud Service Broker (FCSB): An Advanced Cloud Service Intermediator for Public Administrations
Regarding the compliance with the existing
legislation at this first stage the main focus has been
to model and accomplish as much as possible the
following legislation: General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679
(European Comision, 2016)), and the ePrivacy
directive (Directive on Privacy and Electronic
Communication (EUR LEX, 2002) ).
Resilient computing is a form of failover that
distributes redundant implementations of IT
resources across physical locations. IT resources can
be pre-configured so that if one becomes deficient,
processing is automatically handed over to another
redundant implementation. Within cloud computing,
the characteristic of resiliency can refer to redundant
IT resources within the same cloud (but in different
physical locations) or across multiple clouds. Cloud
consumers can increase both the reliability and
availability of their applications by leveraging the
resiliency of cloud-based IT resources
Given the criticality both in terms of availability
and performance, it has been opted for a deployment
architecture in which the FCSB will be replicated in
at least two cloud providers. This will permit to
ensure both the availability and the compliance of
the service with the established SLAs all time. In
order to ensure the compliance of FCSB with all
NFRs, there will be used tools that will be
continuously monitoring specific metrics related to
these requirements, so that when the value of some
of them increases or decreases depending on the
agreed criteria, the needed actions to ensure the
quality of service will be taken.
Another critical aspect for FCSB to be taken up,
the user experience is of great importance. Under
this respect, the following practices have been
considered as critical in the case of FCSB:
Client-Aware Cloud Computing: One way
to ensure that end users have the best
possible experience is to provide cloud
applications that are able to run partially on
the client device itself.
Application Performance Management: The
only real way to monitor the performance
of your cloud-based applications is through
the real experience of end users. Having
full and real-time visibility of the end user
experience and application performance is
essential to preventing a cloud nightmare.
Plan B – Cloud Backup and Alternate
Servers: Another aspect to optimize as
much as possible the execution of
applications, will be the provision of
contingency measures in case of system
failure. There are mechanisms that redirect
the processing to other computing and
storage nodes so that the end user does not
perceive these problems in case they occur.
This paper presents how the authors envision the
design, implementation, functionalities, and features
of the FCSB. The technical design of the FCSB,
presented in this paper, tries to overcome the
specific challenges to be faced by the PAs, such as
governance, risk tolerance, legislation compliance,
regulations, cross border interoperability,
management of the citizens’ requirements, SLAs
assessment, and seamless change of provider.
The next activities include the actual
implementation of the pilot of the technical design
presented. For that, the authors will follow
iterative and incremental approach based on
SCRUM and in alignment with a DevOps
philosophy. The prioritisation of the functionalities
will come from the priority analysis of functional
requirements. A continuous integration environment
accompanied by a source code management will be
set up to ensure the quality of the produced code.
Integration, Quality and Deployment will be
performed continuously following the DevOps
approach, commonly used in the context of cloud-
based applications
The projects leading to this paper (Cloud For
Europe) has received funding from the European
Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for
research, technological development and
demonstration and from European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement No 731533.
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Federated Cloud Service Broker (FCSB): An Advanced Cloud Service Intermediator for Public Administrations