Towards Effective SysML Model Reuse
Roy Mendieta, Jose Luis de la Vara, Juan Llorens and Jose María Álvarez-Rodríguez
Computer Science and Engineering Department, Carlos III University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Systems Modeling Language, SysML, Model Reuse, Knowledge Reuse, RSHP, CAKE.
Abstract: The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is spreading very fast. Most modelling tool vendors support it and
practitioners have adopted it for Systems Engineering. The number of SysML models is growing, increasing
the need for and the potential benefit from platforms that allow a user to reuse the knowledge represented in
the models. However, SysML model reuse remains challenging. Each tool has its own implementation of
SysML, hindering reuse between tools. The search capabilities of most tools are also very limited and finding
reusable models can be difficult. This paper presents our vision and initial work towards enabling an effective
reuse of the knowledge contained in SysML models. The proposed solution is based on a universal
information representation model called RSHP and on existing technology for indexing and retrieval. The
solution has been used to index models of all SysML diagram types and preliminary validated with
requirements diagrams. The results from the validation show that the solution has very high precision and
recall. This makes us confident that the solution can be a suitable means for effective SysML model reuse.
Since the OMG (Object Management Group)
proposed SysML (Systems Modeling Language)
(OMG, 2016) to unify different ways of modelling
systems, it has been established as a recognized
standard. SysML is intended to facilitate the
application of Model-Based Systems Engineering, to
create a cohesive and consistent process (Friedenthal,
et al., 2014). The language includes nine types of
diagrams: block definition, internal block, package,
use case, requirements, activity, sequence, state
machine, and parametric diagram.
SysML supports the specification, analysis and
validation of a wide range of systems and systems-of-
systems (OMG, 2015). SysML can be used to model
different systems, both hardware and software ones,
at a high level of abstraction. In addition, SysML is
spreading very fast and most of the leading modelling
tool vendors such as IBM, No Magic, PTC, and Sparx
support it (Bombieri et al., 2013).
As a result, the amount of information represented
in SysML models is increasing, thus the amount of
knowledge that could be reused. This situation
increases the need for platforms that allow a user to
search for, select, and thus reuse models effectively
and efficiently, which is expected to lead to higher
productivity and quality in system modelling
(Marincic et al., 2013).
However, SysML model reuse still needs several
improvements in practice. Each tool vendor makes its
own implementation of SysML, thus reuse between
tools is hindered (IBM, 2013). The search capabilities
of most tools are also limited. For example, based on
our experience, MagicDraw does not support natural
language-based search within a model. Papyrus and
Rhapsody require the use of regular expressions so
that search results are not too imprecise. This impacts
usability. Finally, despite the widespread use of
SysML and that it already is nine years old, very few
publications have dealt with the reuse of the
knowledge represented in its models.
We aim to answer the following question: How
can the knowledge contained in SysML models be
reused effectively? We are working on a modelling
tool-independent solution that uses RSHP, a universal
information representation model (Llorens, et al.,
2004), and CAKE (Computer-Aided Knowledge
Environment) (Silva, 2005), an ontology-based
framework for information indexing and retrieval.
The solution is called SYSML2RSHP. We have
used it to index models from the literature (Holt, Jon
and Perry, 2008) for all the types of SysML diagrams.
Next, we have conducted a preliminary validation
with 44 SysML requirements diagrams and used 25
Mendieta R., de la Vara J., Llorens J. and à ˛Alvarez-Rodrà guez J.
Towards Effective SysML Model Reuse.
DOI: 10.5220/0006267605360541
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2017), pages 536-541
ISBN: 978-989-758-210-3
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
queries to study the effectiveness of the solution in
model finding, i.e., how well the solution is doing at
finding relevant items for a query (Croft et al., 2010).
All the models have been created with Papyrus.
The main contributions of this paper are: (1) the
definition of a conceptual architecture that allows
semantic interpretation of the information in SysML
models; (2) the presentation of an initial solution for
SysML model reuse based on RSHP and CAKE, and;
(3) the demonstration that the precision and recall of
the solution can be good or excellent.
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2
presents the background. Section 3 describes the
proposed solution and Section 4 its preliminary
validation. Section 5 summarises our conclusions.
This section describes the main basis for our work,
including a review of the related work.
2.1 RSHP
RSHP (Llorens, et al., 2004) is a universal
information representation model. It allows a user to
handle all kinds of artefacts (text, diagrams, etc.)
using the same schema. It is thus possible to
generalize the management of the different artefacts.
The main elements of the model (Figure 1) are:
1. Artifact is defined as a knowledge container and
described by Relationships, e.g. a diagram node;
an Artifact can be represented through only
Knowledge Elements or through other Artifacts.
2. Term represents a semantic concept in a natural
language, e.g. the terms “system” and “sensor”.
3. Knowledge Element is the smallest knowledge
unit and is related to the occurrence of a Term,
e.g. the Term “sensor” in an Artifact.
4. Relationship (RSHP) is the core component of a
model. It is used as a descriptor of all types of
Artifacts information and to connect Knowledge
Elements, e.g. to indicate that a “sensor” is part
of a “system”.
5. Metaproperty represents metadata about an
Artifact through key and value pairs, e.g.
“version” and “2.0” for a “system”.
6. RSHP Semantics depict the meaning of a Term
or Relationship, e.g. “component” for “sensor”.
2.2 CAKE
CAKE (Silva, 2005) is a framework of tools,
applications, and methodologies to identify, classify,
Figure 1: The RSHP representation model using UML.
organise, and reuse knowledge. The framework aims
to allow a user to manage any kind of “knowledge
assets”. It uses RSHP as base information
representation model.
Among its main functionalities, CAKE support
information indexing and retrieval. Indexing of an
artefact’s information (i.e., the knowledge
represented in it) is performed according to the
information types and structure in RSHP. CAKE also
uses ontologies as reference knowledge bases from
which further knowledge can be derived. This is
especially important for retrieval. The use ontologies
allow CAKE to e.g. exploit synonyms for information
search. The terms in a RSHP model are part of the
2.3 Related Work
Reuse has always been an important area amongst
system and software companies in order to increase
their productivity and the quality of their products
(Robles et al., 2012). Prior work includes approaches
for model reuse, e.g. for UML models ( Robles et al.,
2012) (Adamu and Zainoon, 2016)
Regarding publications that has dealt with SysML
model reuse, (Jobe and Johnson, 2008) propose the
reuse of engineering analysis models through a
specific framework. Unlike the solution proposed in
this paper, this framework requires the design of
SysML models under specific taxonomies, which
constrains how the models can be created. Therefore,
reuse becomes less flexible and less applicable, thus
not effective enough.
(Favaro et al., 2012) developed an approach based
on the use of semantic wiki technology to enable
users to specify structured, semantically-rich
requirements associated with canonical system
designs specified with SysML. This proposal is not
Towards Effective SysML Model Reuse
oriented to all kinds of SysML diagrams, thus its
reuse support is limited.
(Bombieri et al., 2013) propose an integrated
methodology to abstract already existing
heterogeneous information about chips into
equivalent SysML behavioural models. This work
strongly focused on chip information and cannot be
directly applied to domains.
Prior work has also presented approaches for
reuse based on RSHP. (Gallego et al., 2015)
addressed the storage and reuse of physical system
models represented with Modelica, whereas (Llorens
et al. , 2004) dealt with UML models represented with
XMI. In both cases, the authors propose a mapping
between the language under consideration and RSHP.
Although these publications are a basis for the
solution presented in this paper and made us
confident that a RSHP-based reuse solution for
SysML was feasible, their insights are not directly
applicable to SysML models because of SysML’s
different nature and specific reuse challenges.
In summary, none of the above publications
provides a general and thus fully effective solution to
SysML model reuse.
SYSML2RSHP can transform SysML models into
RSHP models. It has been developed in Visual Studio
2010 and uses the CAKE framework as supporting
technology. The tool performs the processes of
indexing and retrieval of information, which can be
used to analyse its reuse capabilities. Currently, the
solution can interpret SysML models created with
Papyrus. Nonetheless, it aims to be tool-independent
and thus support the interpretation of SysML models
created with any modelling tool.
Figure 2 shows the conceptual architecture based
on which the technological solution for indexing and
retrieval of SysML models was developed. The
architecture has the following main elements:
SysML Tool (Papyrus): tool with which a
SysML model is created.
XML Converter: a component that interprets
the various implementations of the XMI
standard made by the developers of SysML
tools and convert them into a XML generic
Indexer: Component that performs the
conversion of SysML model information in
the generic structure into RSHP.
CAKE: the component that supports the
storage and retrieval of model information.
SysML Models (Knowledge) Database:
repository where information about the
indexed SysML models is stored.
Figure 2: Conceptual architecture.
The solution was developed with the following
technologies: (1) XSLT platform for transformation
of the information in Papyrus SysML models into the
XML generic structure (see Figure 3); (2) a class
library developed in Visual Studio .Net 2010 to parse
the generic structure and map it to RSHP elements,
and; (3) the CAKE framework for RSHP model
storage and for retrieval.
SysML models are converted to the structure
shown in Figure 3. For Papyrus, the information is
interpreted directly from .uml files. These files
contain more detailed information than .xmi ones.
The same conversion process can be applied to
models created with other tools. A key aspect that
make SYSML2RSHP tool-independent is the use of
intermediate XML generic files.
Figure 3: XML generic schema structure based on model,
nodes and relationships.
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Once a SysML model is represented with the
XML generic format, the process of indexing the
SysML information as a RSHP model starts. It is a
transformation of the generic objects obtained from
the previous conversion process into a set of RSHP
artifacts, relationships and properties. The mapping
for the transformation is presented in Table 1.
SYSML2RSHP can index the nine types of SysML
diagrams. We confirmed it by indexing a model of
each SysML diagram type, selected from (Holt, Jon
and Perry, 2008).
Table 1: Equivalence between generic objects and elements
of the RSHP Model.
Generic Object RSHP Object
Model RSHP Artifact
Relation RSHP
Relation Type RSHP Semantics
Node RSHP Artifact
Node Property Attribute RSHP Metaproperty
Regarding the information retrieval process, it
can be defined as the process of returning SysML
models (or references to them) that present a
similarity with a query. The CAKE framework
contains information retrieval routines that use the
information stored in a knowledge repository in
Microsoft Access. This retrieval process is based on
graph pattern matching. To make use of these
routines, the queries must be represented in the form
of RSHP elements.
The retrieval process can be performed in two
different ways:
Natural language query: a query in natural
language (e.g. a sentence) is indexed and then
related models are searched.
Partial diagram query: instead of a query in
natural language, a model file is selected; this
model is then indexed with the SYSML2RHP
indexer and finally compared to others in the
knowledge database.
The validation is presented using the schema
proposed by (Juristo and Moreno, 2001), where
experimentation is divided into four main activities:
definition of the objectives of the experimentation,
design of the experiment, execution of the
experiment, and analysis of the results.
4.1 Objectives
The following objective was defined for the
validation: To study the effectiveness of the proposed
solution in finding reusable SysML models (i.e.
suitable for reuse) from a model repository.
4.2 Design
The metrics used to validate the solution are:
Precision: fraction of retrieved information that
is relevant.
Recall: fraction of relevant information that is
F1: a combination of precision and recall.
We also use the levels of "goodness" for precision
and recall defined in (Hayes et al., 2005) as a
reference to analyse these metrics. The levels are:
Precision: above 20% it is acceptable, good
above 30%, and excellent above 50%.
Recall: above 60% it is acceptable, good above
70%, and excellent above 80%.
We used the following data and formulas to
calculate the metrics (Croft et al., 2010):
True Positives (TP), i.e. retrieved and relevant
False Positives (FP), i.e. retrieved but irrelevant
True Negatives (TN), i.e. not retrieved and
irrelevant items.
False Negatives (FN), not retrieved but relevant
 + 
 + 
2  
 + 
We created 44 SysML models for validation.
They are based on existing requirements diagrams
from several sources (Friedenthal et al., 2014) (OMG,
2016). We selected 11 diagrams and made three
variations of each by removing elements, adding
elements, and changing terms for synonyms.
We also designed a set of 25 queries to evaluate
the retrieval capabilities of the solution. The queries
are listed in Table 2. These queries were designed
considering functional aspects common to several of
the models, the components of the models, and the
terminology of the models.
Towards Effective SysML Model Reuse
After creating the queries, the relevant items to be
retrieved were defined. This allowed us to calculate
the metrics.
Table 2: Queries for validation.
No Query Search String
Q1 System availability
Maximum rate of failure
e Traffic flow
stem to
stem usin
remote control com
stem usin
stem with a statistical data com
stem Performance Re
uirements of S
stem Usabilit
stem with Simulation Com
stem Restrictions Re
stem that uses Sensors
Gather and Inter
ret Information Module
tive Control
in transaction
Manual Control
Intruders detection
Time Validation
uter res
onse time
stem validation cards
Tasks and scenarios
Traffic mana
ement based on the re
hores automatic o
Q25 Control standard
4.3 Execution
We used models created with Papyrus for execution.
Table 3 presents the results. Out of the 25 queries:
The precision and the recall are at least good
for all the queries, and excellent on average.
The precision is good for 8 queries (32%), and
excellent for 17 (68%); it is perfect (1,00) for
13 queries (52%).
The recall is good for 3 queries (12%) and
excellent for 22 (88%); it is perfect (1,00) for
20 queries (80%).
F1 is perfect (1,00) for 10 queries (40%).
4.4 Analysis
It is clear to us that SYSML2RSHP can be a great
solution to make SysML reuse effective. The level of
precision and recall has been excellent for the vast
majority of the queries. This is especially important
for recall. The results suggest that a user would be
able to find almost all the models that could be reused
for a given purpose (query in the validation). We
consider that it is more important to find all the
reusable models that retrieving models that are not
reusable actually. A user could discard the non-
reusable models. The very promising percentage of
perfect F1 and its high average also suggest that
SYSML2RSHP can enable effective reuse with
reduced additional effort to discard models that are
not reusable actually.
We think that the good results of the validation
are, to a large extent, a consequence of CAKE
capabilities, e.g. to process and analyse natural
language. The framework performs an information
harmonisation process and can interpret synonyms
using an ontology. Nonetheless, a suitable indexing is
also necessary, and a specific indexing approach has
been defined for SYSML2RSHP. We conjecture that
the results might vary with different indexing
strategies, e.g. only transforming models into RSHP
The current validation is preliminary and has
limitations. For example, only requirements diagrams
have been used. Nonetheless, we regard these
limitations as minor for the current, initial status of
our work. We will address them in future validations,
once the solution is also further developed.
Table 3: Precision, Recall and F1 for each query.
Precision Recall F1
Q1 0,45 0,94
Q2 1,00 0,83
Q3 0,67 1,00
Q4 1,00 1,00
Q5 1,00 0,75
Q6 0,36 1,00
Q7 1,00 1,00
Q8 0,33 1,00
Q9 0,38 1,00
Q10 1,00 1,00
Q11 0,50 1,00
Q12 0,50 1,00 0,67
Q13 0,36 1,00
Q14 1,00 0,73
Q15 0,75 1,00
Q16 1,00 1,00
Q17 1,00 1,00
Q18 1,00 1,00
Q19 0,70 1,00
Q20 1,00 1,00
Q21 1,00 1,00
Q22 1,00 1,00
Q23 0,78 1,00 0,88
Q24 1,00 1,00
Q25 0,43 0,75 0,55
Average 0,77 0,96 0,82
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
The state of the art and the state of the practice related
to knowledge reuse from SysML models reflect that
several issues have not been solved yet. Although
there are solutions that can support SysML model
reuse, the solutions can be ineffective, mostly as a
result of usability and applicability limitations.
We have introduced SYSML2RSHP, a new
solution for indexing and retrieval of SysML models.
The implementation of the solution is based on the
RSHP information representation model and the
CAKE framework. SysML models created with
Papyrus have been converted into a XML generic
structure, next indexed according to RSHP, and
finally stored through CAKE, which also supports
model retrieval.
We argue that the proposed solution is a very
promising alternative towards effective SysML
model reuse. In the preliminary validation, the level
of precision and recall of all the queries is good or
excellent. F1 is perfect for 40% of the queries and
above 0.8 on average. SYSML2RSHP is the first step
towards a mature platform for modelling tool-
independent SysML model reuse.
The most immediate pieces of future of work are
the improvement, further development, and further
validation of SYSML2RSHP. It must be shown that
it can index models created in modelling tools other
than Papyrus, e.g. MagicDraw and Rhapsody, and the
search capabilities of the different tools should be
compared. With the ability to index information from
SysML models, another possible line of future
research is the analysis of SysML model quality, e.g.
completeness and consistency. This would also allow
a user to select and reuse SysML models taking their
quality into account.
The research leading to this paper has received
funding from the AMASS project (H2020-ECSEL
grant agreement no 692474; Spain's MINECO ref.
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Towards Effective SysML Model Reuse