3D Video Multiple Description Coding Considering Region of Interest
Ehsan Rahimi and Chris Joslin
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr., Ottawa, ON, Canada
{ehsan.rahimi, chris.joslin}@carleton.ca
Multimedia Communication, 3D Video, Colorful 2D Image, Gray Scale Depth Map Image, Multiple
Description Coding, Error Prone Environment, Packet Failure, Spatial Decimation, Compression Efficiency.
3D video is becoming a most favorable video and attracting researcher’s mind to provide robust methods of
streaming since packet failure has always been the inseparable characteristic of wired or wireless networks.
This paper aims to provide a new multiple description coding for 3D video considering objects existed in the
scene. To this end, a low complex algorithm for realizing objects in 3D scene will provided and then a non-
identical decimation method with respect to objects will be utilized to produce descriptions of MDC approach.
Also, in point of depth map image, a new non-identical MDC algorithm will be be introduced to stream depth
map image saving bandwidth without affecting the quality of decoded video in the receiver side.
Todays, multimedia communication including broad-
cast TV, video conference, TV on demand, etc are
one of the most favorable methods of communica-
tion among public. Due to accessibility of the multi-
media communication ubiquitously, multimedia con-
sumers and consequently, demands for bandwidth in
the last 5 years have been increased dramatically so
that current communication technologies cannot keep
up with such huge demands. For example, accord-
ing to CBCnews (2015) downloading of video content
from Netflix in North America has been doubled in
ve years (from 35% in 2010 to 70% in 2015)(CBC-
news, 2015); however the video traffic is exponen-
tially increasing, the linear rate of the increment in
the video traffic load (being twice in next five years)
is difficult for operators to support due to physical re-
strictions of the communication systems. To make the
matter of insufficient resource to stream video worse,
3D videos are now becoming more and more popu-
lar among public and video marketing. In addition,
according to CTVnews (2016), Cineplex , Canada’s
largest chain of movie theatres, has announced the
new multi screen service in Toronto, Edmonton, and
Vancouver (CTVnews, 2016). With the new type of
display observers are provided 270 degree of space by
one screen in the front and two side screens. To rep-
resent 3D video on client’s device, depth information
needs to be transmitted toward receivers in addition to
the color 2D video. Hence, need for higher bandwidth
to provide multimedia services are more highlighted
in near future.
Smolic and Kimata defined 3D video as ”geomet-
rically calibrated and temporally synchronized video
data” (Smolic and Kimata, 2003a); Which means that
more memory and bandwidth are required to store or
stream 3D video, respectively. Even though, the tech-
nology for producing memory has been developed in
the last decade, it is still a challenge to save the enor-
mous volume of 3D video data effectively. More im-
portantly, There are some restrictions to stream im-
mersive videos. There are still quite a few challenges
to stream 2D HD, or Ultra HD video dynamically, ef-
ficiently, and reliably. Since, there is no 3D video
coding standard specifically and the main core of cur-
rent 3D video encoding methods relies on 2D video
coding standards highly, those 2D video challenges
can also be applicable for 3D video transmission.
As described by MPEG-3DAV (Hewage, 2014;
Smolic and Kimata, 2003b), 3D videos can be repre-
sented in three ways: panoramic video, stereoscopic
video, and multiview video. It can be said that stereo-
scopic videos are a subset of multiview videos as they
capture only two adjacent views just as human vision-
ary system. Therefore, stereoscopic video needs less
bandwidth, processing power and storage than mul-
tiview video and is more common compared to the
other two representations.
Stereoscopic video can be generated in three
ways: dual camera configuration, 3D/Depth-range
cameras, 2D to 3D conversion algorithms (Hewage,
Rahimi E. and Joslin C.
3D Video Multiple Description Coding Considering Region of Interest.
DOI: 10.5220/0006151802080215
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 208-215
ISBN: 978-989-758-225-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2014; Meesters et al., 2004). This paper mainly fo-
cuses on the color image plus depth map representa-
tion which can be derived from either left and right
views or depth cameras.
One of the major problems that occur when de-
livering videos to users is packet failure. This hap-
pens during video streaming in wired and wireless
networks. Basically, wireless networks suffer from
unreliability due to the noise and interference that ex-
ist in the environment. In wired networks error can
occur because of packet loss, corruption, and large
packet delay. Therefore, it can be said that packet fail-
ure is common for wired or wireless networks, how-
ever the variances of the error for various channels
are different. Such errors may generally produce un-
acceptable impacts on the delivered video and reduce
the quality of experience. To avoid such disappoint-
ment by users, error resilient methods of streaming
need to be applied by transmitters. In communica-
tion systems there are usually three methods to tackle
packet failure: Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ),
Forward Error Correction (FEC), Error Resilient Cod-
ing (ERC). The ARQ approach requires a network
with feedback capability, so it is not beneficial for
real-time or broadcast applications. FEC methods are
designed to cope with a specific amount of error and
this makes them impractical in environments that the
variance of noise fluctuates and exceed the accept-
able threshold. As can be understood from the term
”error resilient coding”, it produces an error robust
video stream which is done in the source layer. By
an ERC method, redundancy bits are added to the
stream to enhance its resistance against packetcorrup-
tion. There are quite a few methods that redundancy
can be introduced to the stream such as Reversible
Variable Length Coding (RVLC), Intra refreshment,
Flexible Macrobloc Ordering (FMO), layered Cod-
ing (LC), Multiple Description Coding (MDC), etc.
Among these methods, RVLC used in H.263 suffers
from the low coding efficiency and Intra refreshment
and FMO (used in H.264) are beneficial for the chan-
nels with low variance of noise. In layered coding,
the layers are not separately decodable and the per-
formance depends on receiving the lower layers with-
out error. Therefore, this method is also less advan-
tageous for the error prone environment. For channel
with large noise power, multiple description coding
is more beneficial. MDC avoids packet failure hap-
pens in the network by creating multiple complimen-
tary and separately-decodable descriptions.
Using MDC, a video stream is partitioned into
several separately decodable descriptions and trans-
mitted. In contrast to the error resiliency aspect
of the MDC technique, each description needs to
include header independently (in order to be sepa-
rately decodable) and this reduces coding efficiency.
MDC also affects performance of Differential Pulse
Code Modulation (DPCM) in the hybrid video encod-
ing algorithm used by all current video coding stan-
dards. DPCM in the hybrid video encoding algorithm
tends to eliminate neighbor pixels’ dependency, while
MDC deteriorate correlation of neighbor pixels. For
example, in a spatial MDC approach a frame is par-
titioned into distinct subimages so that two neighbor
pixels are not assigned to a same subimage necessar-
ily. Compared to its drawbacks, by the MDC tech-
nique if enough resource (such as bandwidth) is not
available, a subset of all descriptions can be received
and decoded; Also when an error occurs in a descrip-
tions, it may be fixed using other error free descrip-
tions. For error prone environment, these two advan-
tages outweigh the disadvantages and make MDC a
powerful strategy of video streaming for peer to peer
communications, cooperative network, or heteroge-
neous network (Kazemi, 2012; Padmanabhan et al.,
DifferentMDC approachescan be classified based
on the type of data which is divided among descrip-
tions. It can be temporal, spatial, frequency, or com-
pressed type or it can be a hybrid approach. For exam-
ple, by a temporal MDC approach with two descrip-
tions, one description can include only odd frames
while the other description includes just even frames.
With a spatial MDC, each video frames is partitioned
into several subimages with lower resolution, briefly.
Frequency MDC tends to divide frequency compo-
nents of video frames among descriptions.
However, multiple description coding approach
for 2D videos has been investigated throughly, more
investigation is required to apply MDC to 3D video
specifically. For 3D video, since there is one more di-
mension (depth) we have more degree of freedom in
order to partition video data. This paper aims to in-
troduce a new 3D spatial MDC considering objects of
the scene.
This paper is organized as follows: a background
of spatial multiple description coding is provided in
the Section 2 and challenge and opportunities will be
discussed. Afterward, the proposed system model de-
scribed in Section 3. Finally, some simulation result
will be provided and argued in Section 4.
The first aspect of a single video description that can
be considered for the purpose of MDC can be the
spatial domain. This way, each video frame is parti-
3D Video Multiple Description Coding Considering Region of Interest
tioned by poly phase subsampling (PSS) into several
images with a lower resolution called subimages (Shi-
rani et al., 2001; Gallant et al., 2001; Kazemi, 2012).
Each description is encoded separately and sent to the
receiver. Two types of decoders, called the central de-
coder and the side decoder, are utilized by receiver to
decode the received data stream. Based on availability
of the descriptions in the receiver, the central or side
decoder decodes the received video descriptions. If
decoder receives all descriptions, the central decoder
decodes the received data stream; otherwise, the side
decoder will be used, however it may produce some
distortion. The central decoder combines all descrip-
tions and reconstructs original image but side decoder
tries to interpolate image using available descriptions.
Although, the central decoder provides a better qual-
ity of resolution, the side decoder can provide a bet-
ter quality of experience if current rate is not enough
to support all descriptions or transmission channel is
so noisy that some descriptions may receive unsuc-
cessfully. Such advantage is achieved at the expense
of compression efficiency because pixel subsampling
deteriorates pixel correlation and also each descrip-
tion must have its header data. This means some re-
dundancy can be added without any advantage to im-
prove side quality.
It is worth of mentioning that with a simple spa-
tial MDC, there is no precise adjustment tools over re-
dundancy to control side quality(Shirani et al., 2001;
Gallant et al., 2001; Kazemi, 2012). This means that
there is no way to increase redundancy specifically to
improve resistivity against noise. For example, it is
impossible to make three, six, or seven symmetric de-
To improve MDC performance, Tillo and Olmo
introduced a new MDC algorithm called ”least pre-
dictable vector directional multiple descriptions cod-
ing”(Tillo and Olmo, 2007). This approach basically
copies the least predictable part of the frame in all
descriptions. The simulation result shows that this
method improves side quality compared to previous
simple PSS approach although the new method pro-
vides more redundancy. They also argued that this
algorithm is more complex as it needs to detect least
predictable data.
In another work, Shirani presented a non-linear
PSS approach and analysed its performance in case of
missing one or more descriptions (Shirani, 2006). Ac-
cording to Shirani’s work, some pixels (called region
of interest (ROI)) are sampled with greater rate than
those are not important based on an exponential equa-
tion. On the other hand, descriptions include more
information regarding the ROI and this enhances the
side quality in the side decoder. Since the human vi-
sionary system is more sensitive to objects rather than
pixels, this method can provide better performance
in point of subjective assessment, significantly. Al-
though, this method provides a better subjective eval-
uation, his paper hasnot discussed how to obtain the
ROI. This problem is more sensible for applications
involving with fast video content.
To extend the MDC algorithm for 3D video, it
also needs to apply MDC approach to the depth map
image. Clearly, the depth map image mainly con-
tains depth information of scene objects. Because of
the nature of real objects, depth information of 3D
scenes rarely contain high frequency contents. Hence
depth information can be compressed effectively and
consequently bandwidth and disk space will be saved
much more comparedto dual camera capturing (Fehn,
2004; Hewage, 2014). In another research done by
Karim et al. (Karim et al., 2008), a new MDC algo-
rithm has been introduced for 3D video. They carried
out their experiments using color plus depth map im-
age representation. To save bandwidth, they showed
that the down sampled version of depth map image
is enough for an acceptable reconstruction in the de-
coder. To this end, they used a down sampled version
of depth map image in their investigation on scalable
video coding. They compared the quality of the re-
constructed 3D videos using the original depth map
image and the down sampled version of the depth map
image and concluded that decimation of the depth
map image does not cause a considerable degrada-
tion in the decoded 3D video. They also checked the
result for a scalable multiple description coding ap-
proach and observe the same result. Therefore, down
sampling of the depth map image does not affect the
quality of reconstructed image and this is because, the
depth map image rarely includes high frequency con-
tents and also the depth values of adjacent pixels are
usually similar. This fact that the depth values of pix-
els for an object are very closed to each other has been
used in the research, done by Liu et al. (Liu et al.,
2015), and the variance of the depth values are uti-
lized to do ”texture block partitioning”.
This paper combines the facts used by Tillo
and Olmo (Tillo and Olmo, 2007), Shirani (Shirani,
2006), Karim et al. (Karim et al., 2008), and Liu et al.
(Liu et al., 2015) and introduce a new MDC method
for 3D videos. More explanation about the proposed
method will be provided in the next section.
This section describes the proposed method for 3D
video multiple description coding. Figure 1 shows an
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
overview of this method. As can be seen in this fig-
ure, first 3D raw frames are split into 2D color frames
and gray scale depth map frames. Then the region
of interest is identified from the depth map image.
The process of extracting the ROI will be described
in the next part of this section. After detecting the
important pixels (ROI), both color and depth frames
are partitioned separately into four subimages using
poly phase subsampling. Afterward, two opposite al-
gorithms are used for color and depth map subim-
ages. For the color image, the whole resolution of
color pixel values for interesting components will be
added to the stream in order to increase the resolution
of the ROI; this helps to recover the ROI perfectly
in cased of missing descriptions. For the depth map
subimages, a contrary procedure is applied. As dis-
cussed earlier, depth values of pixels for an object are
very similar and there is no need to stream depth in-
formation of all pixels of an object. Since the ROI
identification algorithm detects objects as the ROI,
a decimated version of the ROI in each depth map
subimage is enough to recover an acceptable recon-
struction of the original depth map image for the ROI.
Instead, as the non-important parts of the subimages
contain very different depth values, they need to be
streamed in original resolution to have a proper recon-
struction in case of packet loss. In other words, more
bits are assigned to those blocks of depth map image
that have diverse depth pixel values because pixels of
these blocks cannot be estimated from adjacent pixels
in the decoder.
As discussed in the previous section, Karim et al.
showed that the depth map image can be de decimated
without causing significant distortion in the decoder
(Karim et al., 2008). It can be said that the proposed
method uses this (concluded from Karim et al. work)
and enhances its performance by changing the iden-
tical decimation to a non-identical decimation of the
depth map image. Since the depth values of important
pixels are very closed to each other compared to the
remainder of the depth map image, the non-identical
decimation algorithm would provide less error in the
decoder having only one description (with an objec-
tive assessment like PSNR or SSIM as can be seen
by simulation results). For the subjective assessment,
the proposed method can provide much better perfor-
mance since the human visionary system is more sen-
sitive to objects rather than pixels and also the fact
that the new method focus on objects.
One important issue in this process is its require-
ment to a low complexity operation to realize inter-
esting objects. In other words, it is very crucial to
find ROI in real time as some applications dealing
with live video (such as video conferencing) and since
complex operations cause delay, a complicated al-
gorithm is impractical for the real time applications.
Therefore, the need for a low complexity ROI identifi-
cation algorithm is highlighted in the new method. To
this end, we utilize the ratio of the standard deviation
σ to the mean µ, also knownas coefficient of variation
(CoV), in a block wise manner:
, (1)
where c
is CoV. σ and µ are the standard deviation
and mean of a block in the depth map image. Indeed,
CoV shows the normalized variation of pixel values.
The CoV ratio is applied on depth map image in a
block wise manner and it can be argued that if the
CoV of a block is very big, the block is related to sev-
eral objects since depth values of pixels for an object
are usually similar. Also, if it is very small (close to
zero) it is related to an absolutely straight (vertically
flat) objects (we are not looking for); If the CoV ra-
tio of a block is around 1, the block is probably re-
lated to an interesting object. It can be justified that in
terms of the depth values the important objects usu-
ally contain low frequency contents, neither zero nor
high frequency contents.
The algorithm identifying objects is as follows
(see Figure 2):for the first step, the entire depth map
frame is considered as one block. The CoV ratio
of the block is calculated and checked to determine
whether it is around 1 or not. If not, the block is parti-
tioned into four equal-size blocks and then each block
is consider as a new block. This hierarchical process
continues until there are no more blocks with the CoV
ratio greater than 1 (3 is used for the simulation). In
this algorithm it is assumed that the minimum accept-
able size of a block is 2 × 2 pixels. As an example,
this process has been depicted in Figure 3. Numbers
inside blocks in this figure represent typical CoV val-
ues. For this figure, it also has been assumed that
the resolution of the depth map image is 16× 16 pix-
els and the highlighted blocks include the important
pixels that the proposed algorithm is looking for. As
can be seen in 3, CoV values of highlighted blocks
are around 1 while others are much larger than 1; but
since the minimum acceptable size of a block is 2×2,
the algorithm does not continues the hierarchical di-
vision algorithm for those blocks which have a large
CoV values.
As an example, Figure 4 shows the performance
of ROI identification algorithm for the videos ”Inter-
view” and ”Orbi”. As can be seen in this image, inter-
esting objects have been identified very well. Further
performance evaluations are shown in the next sec-
3D Video Multiple Description Coding Considering Region of Interest
Figure 1: Block diagram of the proposed method.
Figure 2: The algorithm of identifying important pixels.
For evaluation of the proposed method, this paper car-
ried out tests using two stereoscopic test sequences
with the format of DVD-Video PAL (720 × 576),
called ”Interview” and ”Orbi” videos. The chroma
and depth subsampling format is 4: 2: 2: 4 (the last
4 shows that the resolution of the depth map image
is the same as the Y image or in other words the to-
tal frame resolution is 1440 × 576 ). Each video is
Figure 3: Hierarchical division to identify ROI.
90 frames and the frame rate is 30 frames per second
(fps). I frames are repeated every 16 frames and only
P frames are used between I frames. The new method
is implemented using H.264/AVC reference software,
JM 19.0 (Institut, 2015). As described in the previ-
ous section, the hierarchical division ROI identifica-
tion algorithm halves both width and height in each
iteration to make smaller blocks. Therefore, as the
width of the depth map frame (720 = 2
× 3
× 5) is
not dividable after the 4th iteration, to have better res-
olution we assumed that the width of depth map frame
for the ROI identification algorithm is 768 (= 2
× 3)
(we add zeros to the left side of the depth map im-
age). With the same argument, the height of the depth
map frame has been assumed to be 512 (= 2
× 2).
Therefore, the acceptable minimum size of block in
the hierarchical division ROI identification algorithm
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: A sample performance of ROI identification: (a) Original 2D video (video ”Interview”). (b) Detected ROI (video
”Interview”). (c) Original 2D video (video ”Orbi”). (b) Detected ROI (video ”Orbi”).
after eight iterations is 2× 3 (this means that the min-
imum block size after 8th iteration in the hierarchical
division algorithm is 6 pixels (see Table 1)).
As mentioned earlier, Figure 4 shows the original
2D video frames (the 87th frame of video ”Interview”
and the 1st frame of video ”Orbi” ) and their identified
ROI. Detecting pixels related to the hands of objects
in the video ”Interview” during handshaking (moving
objects) can show acceptable performance of the al-
gorithm for realizing ROI. This figure also shows a
good performance for the second test sequence, i.e.
video ”Orbi”. As can be seen objects in this video has
been identified very well by the proposed algorithm.
Table 1 shows the number of blocks with differ-
ent sizes after hierarchical division algorithm. As can
be seen, there is one block with the size of 24576
(= 128 × 192). This means that about 6% of en-
tire depth map image is excluded of being partitioned
more and stopped after the second iteration. Consid-
Table 1: Number of block after hierarchical division algo-
Blocks’ size Number of Blocks percent(%)
6 3188 4.86
24 1099 6.70
96 514 12.55
384 213 20.80
1536 49 19.14
6144 19 29.69
24576 1 6.25
ering the second large block size in Table 1, i.e. 6144
(= 64× 96), it can be said that the hierarchical divi-
sion process will be stopped for more than one third
of the entire depth map image after the third iteration.
This result can show that the algorithm does not have
high load of calculation and it is not so complex.
Table 2 shows the number of blocks with different
CoV values. As can be seen by this table, about 36%
of the depth map image have CoV values less than 1.
On the other hand, more than one third of the depth
map image have very closed depth values. This can
be the reason that decimation of the depth map image
does not affect its quality when it is reconstructed in
the decoder; as discussed earlier, Karim et al. showed
by simulation results that the decimation of depth map
image does not cause any considerable degradation in
the decoder (Karim et al., 2008). Table 2 also shows
that about 96% of the depth map image have the CoV
values less than 3. The fact that about 96% of the
depth map image have similar depth value and there
is no need to be sent with the original resolution, can
justify why the non-identical decimation is more ad-
vantageous than the identical decimation. This means
that only about 4% of the depth map image need to be
encoded with the original resolution and the remain-
der can be decimated to save bandwidth or storage.
In Figure 5 and 6, PSNR and SSIM measurements
of the color 2D video using the proposed method and
the basic Poly phase SubSampling MDC (PSS-MDC)
are compared. For both graphs, it has been assumed
that the decoder receives only one description among
3D Video Multiple Description Coding Considering Region of Interest
Table 2: Number of block with different Cov values after hierarchical division algorithm.
Blocks’ size Percent of blocks
6 24 96 384 1536 6144 24576 with specific CoV(%)
1 799 471 228 90 24 17 1 60.64
1 3 833 627 286 123 25 2 0 36.98
3 10 602 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.92
10 20 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.42
20 03 320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.49
30 40 171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.26
40 50 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02
50 60 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.003
60 70 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02
70 80 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.07
80 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.17
Percent of blocks
with specific size(%) 4.86 6.70 12.55 20.80 19.14 29.69 6.25
four descriptions. As can be seen by the first fig-
ure, more than 1 dB improvement for the video ”In-
terview” and more than 2 dB for the video ”Orbi”
with a same rate can be achieved by the proposed
MDC method. Regarding to SSIM, the proposed
method provides about 0.3 improvement for the high
rate streaming. It should be noted that since human
visionary system is more sensitive to objects rather
than pixels, subjective assessment can highlight more
the improved performance of the proposed algorithm
compared to the previous methods.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Rate (Mb/s)
Proposed method-Interview Basic PSS-Interview
Proposed method-Orbi Basic PSS-Orbi
Figure 5: PSNR assessment of color image.
When it comes to the assessment of the proposed
method for the depth map image, it shows the better
performance more clearly. As can be seen in Figure 7
and 8, the improvementbetween the proposed method
and the PSS subsampling is larger than the improve-
ment achieved in the assessment of the color image.
For the PSNR evaluation of the depth map image, the
proposed method outperforms about 8 dB for the se-
quence ”interview” and about 9 dB for the sequence
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Rate (Mb/s)
Proposed method-Interview Basic PSS-Interview
Proposed method-Orbi Basic PSS-Orbi
Figure 6: SSIM evaluation of color image.
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2
Rate (Mb/s)
Proposed method-Interview Basic PSS-Interview
Proposed method-Orbi Basic PSS-Orbi
Figure 7: PSNR evaluation of depth map image.
”Orbi”. About the SSIM assessment, the proposed
method outweighs about 0.01 compared to PSS sum-
sampling method.
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2
Rate (Mb/s)
Proposed method-Interview Basic PSS-Interview
Proposed method-Orbi Basic PSS-Orbi
Figure 8: SSIM evaluation of depth map image.
Multimedia streaming suffers from packet failure in
the network due to the packet loss, packet corrup-
tion, and large packet delay. An appropriate solu-
tion against packet failure in the error prone envi-
ronment can be multiple description coding (MDC).
With MDC, one video description is partitioned into
several separately decodable descriptions. Missing a
descriptions during transmission, decoder is capable
to estimate the lost description from other error free
description. To improve the basic spatial partition-
ing MDC algorithm and also be applicable for 3D
videos, a non identical decimation algorithm for the
stereoscopic videos has been provided in this paper.
Such algorithm works based on objects existing in the
scene and assigns more bandwidth to those region of
interest. Since human eyes are more sensitive to ob-
jects rather than pixels, the proposed algorithm pro-
vides better performance than PSS MDC. In point of
depth map image, the proposed algorithm enhance the
current basic decimation to non identical decimation.
As shown earlier, most parts of the depth map have
similar depth value and therefore decimation in those
part can save bandwidth or storage without degrading
in quality considerably. Therefore, by the new algo-
rithm,those parts of the depth map image that have
large variances is encoded with the original resolu-
The authors would like to acknowledge that this re-
search was supported by NSERC Strategic Project
Grant: ”Hi-Fit: High Fidelity Telepresence over Best-
Effort Networks”.
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