Using a Virtual Maze Task to Assess Spatial Short-term Memory in
Sonia C
, Magdalena M
, M.-Carmen Juan
, Elena P
Javier Lluch
and Roberto Viv
Instituto Universitario de Autom
atica e Inform
atica Industrial, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia, Camino de Vera, s/n,
46022 Val
encia, Spain
Departamento de Psicolog
ıa y Sociolog
ıa, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Departamento de Psicolog
ıa Evolutiva y de la Educaci
on, Universidad Aut
onoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Short-term Memory, Spatial Memory, VR HMD, Virtual Reality, Interdisciplinary Projects.
In this paper, we present the Virtual Maze Task that assesses spatial short-term memory in adults involving
physical movement and immersion. For physical movement, we used a real bicycle. For immersion, we used
a VR HMD. We compared the exposure to the task using two different interaction types (physical active vs.
physical inactive conditions). The performance and sensations of the participants were compared in both
conditions. We also compared the performance on the virtual task with classical neuropsychological tests. A
total of 89 adults participated in our study. The participants’ ability to learn a route within the Virtual Maze
Task was tested. Then, the participants assessed their experience scoring the following aspects: interaction and
satisfaction. The data were analyzed and we found no differences in satisfaction and interaction scores between
the physical active and the physical inactive conditions. However, the condition used for interaction affected
the score obtained in the task. There were also significant effects of gender and/or interaction used in other
measures of performance on the task. Finally, the performance on the task correlated with the performance on
other classical neuropsychological tests for the assessment of short-term memory and spatial memory.
The evolution of technology has affected all fields, in-
cluding psychology. This evolution includes improve-
ments in hardware and software for the development
of more immersive experiences. According to several
experts, Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to be-
come one of the top breakthrough technologies of the
next decade (The Farm 51, 2015).
Traditionally, paper and pencil tests and
computerized tests have been used for the assess-
ment of cognitive skills. However, computer-based
environments, especially VR systems for neuropsy-
chological assessment, represent a major advance for
the assessment of cognitive skills in a more ecological
way. Ecological validity refers to the degree to which
test results relate to real-life performance (Chaytor
and Schmitter-Edgecombe, 2003).
With regard to the use of VR applied to psycholo-
gy, some authors highlighted the possibility of using
VR measures for neuropsychological assessment in
research applications as well as in clinical practice
(Negut et al., 2016). The neuropsychological assess-
ment of individual cognitive skills improves our un-
derstanding of individual differences in behavior and
helps us to detect pathology (Lezak, 1995). The study
of Juan et al. (2014) showed the advantages of using
an Augmented Reality application for the assessment
of spatial memory in children. Spatial memory is an
important cognitive skill for survival because it allows
us to find our way in environments and is related to
a wide range of cognitive abilities. Their study fo-
cused on the assessment of short-term memory like
ours, which can be defined as the capacity for holding
a small amount of information in mind in an active
state for a short period of time. The children who
participated in the study were satisfied with the appli-
cation and considered that it was easy to use. In ad-
dition, the application developed by the study, was a
valid tool for assessing the spatial short-term memory
ecologically (Juan et al., 2014).
In real life, the vestibular and visual systems re-
ceive stimuli from the real environment. However,
in VR, vestibular information may not be present or
Cà ˛ardenas-Delgado S., MÃl’ndez-Løspez M., Juan M., PÃl’rez-Hernà ˛andez E., Lluch J. and Vivøs R.
Using a Virtual Maze Task to Assess Spatial Short-term Memory in Adults.
DOI: 10.5220/0006093200460057
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 46-57
ISBN: 978-989-758-224-0
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
be influenced by optical flow patterns that are charac-
teristic of self motion (Hettinger and Riccio, 1992).
In this work, we determine if physical movement (di-
rectly related to the vestibular system) has a signifi-
cant influence on spatial memory.
In this paper, we present the Virtual Maze Task
that assesses spatial short-term memory in healthy
adults involving physical movement and immersion.
For movement, we used a real bicycle. For immer-
sion, we used a VR Head-Mounted Displays (HMD).
Specifically, we used the Oculus Rift DK2. However,
the task will work exactly the same with other brand
of HMD. The objective of the study was to test the
ability of the new task to assess spatial short-term
memory by comparing the participants’ performance
for the developed task with current approaches for
testing spatial short-term memory. Moreover, the new
task includes two types of interaction (physical active
vs. physical inactive). In the physical active condi-
tion, the participant rode a bicycle. In the physical
inactive condition, the participant used a gamepad.
Our VR task is based on egocentric orientation.
The user learns ones body position in space for orien-
tation (i.e., idiothetic information). Kelly et al. (Kelly
and Mcnamara, 2008) also studied how egocentric ex-
perience, intrinsic structure, and extrinsic structure in-
teract in a virtual environment. They found that the
acquisition of spatial knowledge is similar to using
virtual and real environments. In addition, the study
suggested that VR has advantages for studying spatial
memory and allows for the ease of creating different
The primary hypothesis of this work was that the
Virtual Maze Task could evaluate short-term spatial
memory and spatial orientation in adults like the tradi-
tional procedures applied in psychology. The second
hypothesis is that there would be no statistically sig-
nificant difference in the score of the task between
genders. The third hypothesis is that there would be
no statistically significant difference for the score of
the task between the two types of condition. The
fourth hypothesis is that there would be no statisti-
cally significant differences in the satisfaction and in-
teraction of the task between the two types of interac-
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 men-
tions related works. Section 3 focuses on the descrip-
tion of the virtual environment and the software and
hardware used. Section 4 presents the sample, the
measures considered, and the procedure of our study
in detail. Section 5 describes the results. Section 6
presents the discussion. Finally, Section 7 summa-
rizes the study and mentions future lines of work.
With regard to ecological validity, Canty et al. (Canty
et al., 2014) evaluated the sensitivity, convergent va-
lidity and ecological validity of a virtual reality task
for assessing prospective memory (i.e., the Virtual
Reality Shopping Task). The task was tested with
patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury.
They developed a VR shopping center and used a lap-
top screen to visualize the environment. Their results
showed that the task was sensitive and ecologically
measured the time and events based on prospective
memory ability in patients with post-traumatic brain
injury. That work allowed them to prove the bene-
fits of using VR in the assessment and rehabilitation
of memory in individuals with traumatic brain injury.
Plancher et al. (Plancher et al., 2012) used a laptop to
present a three-dimensional view of two urban envi-
ronments inspired by Paris. In addition, a soundtrack
of typical city noises (cars, people, etc.) were added
to give the participants the feeling of being immersed
in each environment. The participants were seated on
a chair, and the virtual environment was projected 150
cm in front of them. The environment was explored
by means of a virtual car using a real steering wheel, a
gas pedal and a brake pedal. The results demonstrated
that complex virtual environments may provide tools
to reflect subjective cognitive deficits in pathological
aging. The study also demonstrated the feasibility of
using VR technology to study the episodic memory
deficits of patients with amnesic mild cognitive im-
pairment and Alzheimer’s disease.
Although most studies use conventional moni-
tors for showing the virtual environment, Parsons and
Rizzo (Parsons and Rizzo, 2008) used a HMD eMagic
Z800 to assess and compare the psychometric proper-
ties between the virtual environment and paper-and-
pencil measures. They created a Virtual Reality Cog-
nitive Performance Assessment Test. Their test fo-
cused on neurocognitive testing using a virtual city
to assess recall of targets delivered within the city.
Their findings revealed that there were significant cor-
relations between the total memory score of their test
and the classical learning and memory tests. In this
line, Nori et al. (Nori et al., 2015) developed a VR
test based on the WalCT, which is a test for assessing
memory for sequences of steps within a real setting
(Piccardi et al., 2008). That test aimed to assess hu-
man navigational ability. They used a HMD eMargin
z800, and a graphic Workstation HP. Participants had
to learn 8-step sequences, which were shown by an
avatar. Their results showed that there were no differ-
ences between the real version and the virtual version
of the same test. They also indicated that the virtual
test was a good tool for studying the brain networks
Using a Virtual Maze Task to Assess Spatial Short-term Memory in Adults
involved in sequential topographical learning.
Overall, most of the works have used simple and
static stimuli. In our study, we created a Virtual
Maze Task for assessing spatial short-term memory
in adults. The task includes two types of condi-
tions (physical active and physical inactive) to control
navigation while participants are immersed in the vir-
tual world. The Oculus Rift DK2 was used in our
task. The Oculus Rift has already been used as a
visualization device for different purposes. For exam-
ple, Space Rift that is a VR game, taught children
about the solar system by allowing them to explore
it in a virtual environment (Pe
na and Tobias, 2014).
Space Rift was tested with fifth-grade students. The
students described the game as enjoyable and immer-
sive, although they had problems distinguishing some
of the images due to lack of sharpness.
Other works have compared different versions of
the same virtual environment using the Oculus Rift.
For example, two different virtual roller coasters were
compared, each with different levels of fidelity (Davis
et al., 2015). They found that the more realistic roller
coaster with higher levels of visual flow had a sig-
nificantly greater chance of inducing cybersickness.
Oculus Rift DK2 was used for watching movies in
which two conditions were considered: the observer
condition, in which the participant was observing the
scene as in traditional movies; and the actor condi-
tion, in which the participant was observing from the
perspective of one of the actors and he/she became
part of the plot (Van den Boom et al., 2015). They
only found differences between the two conditions
with regard to spatial presence in favour of the actor
The Oculus Rift has also been compared with dif-
ferent visualization systems. For example, the Ocu-
lus Rift and a high-cost Nvis SX60 HMD were com-
pared, which differ in resolution, field of view, and
inertial properties, among other factors (Young et al.,
2014). They also assessed simulator sickness and
presence. The findings showed that the Oculus Rift
consistently outperformed the Nvis SX60 HMD, but
some people were more subject to simulator sickness
with the Oculus Rift. A nVisor MH60V HMD, the
Oculus Rift DK1, and Samsung Gear VR were used
to learn anatomy with students of medical disciplines
n et al., 2015). Twenty students from the Poz-
nan University of Technology participated in a study
concerning perception. The participants were asked
to select the preferred HMD and interaction method.
Most of them chose the Gear VR in combination
with Kinect and the gamepad as the preferred solu-
tion. Tan et al. (Tan et al., 2015) presented a study
involving 10 participants that played a first-person
shooter game using the Oculus Rift and a traditional
desktop computer-monitor. They concluded that the
participants had heightened experiences, a richer en-
gagement with passive game elements, a higher de-
gree of flow, and a deeper immersion with the Oculus
Rift than on a traditional desktop computer-monitor.
However, they also mentioned the problems of cyber-
sickness and lack of control. Guti
errez-Maldonado et
al. (Guti
errez-Maldonado et al., 2015) developed a
VR system to train diagnostic skills for eating disor-
ders and compared two visualization systems (Ocu-
lus Rift DK1 vs. a laptop with a stereoscopic 15.6-
inch screen). In this study, fifty-two undergraduate
students participated. No differences were found in
either effectiveness or usability with regard to skills
training in psychopathological exploration of eating
disorders through virtual simulations.
The Cincinnati water maze is a commonly accepted
tool for assessing the spatial memory in rodents (see
Figure 1) (Arias et al., 2014). The advantages of using
this maze to detect memory impairments in rodents
have been noted (Vorhees and Makris, 2015). We
created a virtual maze based on the Cincinnati water
maze to assess spatial memory in humans (see Figure
2). The original Cincinnati water maze has nine in-
tersections. Our maze also has nine intersections and
four of these intersections were modified to increase
complexity. The maze has a wall of hedges that are
two meters high and pathways of grass that are two
meters wide (see Figure 3). Different animals were
placed on the route (e.g., a butterfly, a tortoise, a snail
or a bird). These animals helped to learn the route
within the maze. Each animal is placed in different
positions and at different heights. All the animals are
located on the right side of the route. For example, the
Figure 1: Schematic drawing of the Cincinnati Water Maze.
GRAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Virtual environment with the 3D animals. Maze
viewed from above.
butterfly is placed in the second intersection and at the
top of the wall; the snail is placed in the fourth inter-
section and on the route. The positions and heights of
the animals are always the same.
We included a 3D bicycle for the navigation in
the virtual maze. This bicycle is integrated in the
virtual environment as an avatar from a first-person
perspective. The bicycle represents the participant’s
point of view and personifies his/her movements in
the maze. The participant is able to move around
the virtual maze while he/she is observing the ani-
mals. The movements are controlled so that the par-
ticipant only goes forward. The participant can turn
right or left by using the handlebar of the 3D bicycle.
The route is indicated by using arrows. Two types of
arrows are used. The green arrows are used in the
learning stage. The yellow arrows are used in the
testing stage. Therefore, the green arrows are used
to guide the participant from the beginning to the end
of the maze. They show options at each intersection.
The goal of this stage is for the participant to learn
the route. In the testing stage, the yellow arrows only
appear to announce that the user is near an intersec-
tion. These arrows disappear when the participant has
chosen the correct path. The arrows appear again at
the next intersection. If the participant chooses the
wrong way, he/she is automatically placed back at the
starting point, and he/she has to start the testing stage
For the interaction type, two different mechanisms
are integrated. The first type of interaction uses
a gamepad and the participant is seated on a chair
(physical inactive condition). The participant is also
able to move forward and to turn right or left by using
the controller of the gamepad. The participant only
has to stop moving the controller of the gamepad to
stop the 3D bicycle. The second type of interaction
uses a physical bicycle (physical active condition).
Figure 3: View of the virtual maze.
The participant controls the navigation and the 3D
bicycle by using the physical bicycle. When he/she
pedals the physical bicycle, he/she moves forward in
the virtual maze. The participant is also able to con-
trol the turns by using the handlebar. When the par-
ticipant wants to stop the bicycle, he/she only has to
press the brake of the physical bicycle. All of these
effects are also reproduced in the 3D bicycle.
We integrated the Oculus Rift DK2 for the immer-
sion of the participant in our VR maze. The Oculus
Rift DK2 was used in the two conditions (physical ac-
tive and physical inactive). The features of this HMD
greatly contribute to the level of immersion.
3.1 Hardware and Software
The Virtual Maze Task ran on an Intel Core i7 com-
puter, 3.5 GHz processor with 16 GB RAM, an
NVIDIA GeForce GTX-970 with a video card of
4GB, and Windows 8 Operating System. For the
development of the virtual environment, we used
Unity Edition Professional (, ver-
sion 4.6.0f3, as the game engine. Blender, version
2.72, was used to create the 3D models of the animals
that were included in the environment.
The Virtual Maze Task has five scenes that were
created with Unity and programmed with C# and
Javascript. The first scene is for the introduction of
the participant’s data. The person in charge of the ex-
posure introduces the participant’s date of birth and
gender and chooses the type of interaction. Then, the
system assigns a different code to each participant.
The second scene has an option menu for choosing
the stage of assessment and/or to return to the first
scene. The third scene is the Habituation stage. The
fourth scene is the Learning stage. The fifth scene
is the Testing stage. When the participant finishes
a stage, another menu is displayed allowing the par-
ticipant to continue to the next stage until the task is
complete. These stages are explained in Section 4.2.
Two loudspeakers are used to provide messages and
instructions to the participants.
The HMD for the visualization was an Oculus Rift
Using a Virtual Maze Task to Assess Spatial Short-term Memory in Adults
Figure 4: Mechanisms and devices of interaction.
DK2. This device has a resolution of 960 × 1080 per
eye, a field-of-view of 100 nominal, a weight of 0.32
kg, an optical frame rate of 75 Hz, head tracking, and
positional tracking. This device also has an HDMI
connector that needs to be plugged into the HDMI
port of the graphics card of the computer. Video is
sent to the Oculus Rift by this cable. This device
also includes a USB, which carries data and power
to the device, and an audio jack 2.5 mm located on
the side. In addition, this version includes an external
IR camera that tracks the position of the participant’s
head in the 3D space. A detailed description can be
found in (Desai et al., 2014).
To integrate the Oculus Rift with the Virtual Maze
Task, we used the plugins provided by the manufac-
turer (Oculus SDK 0.4.2, Oculus Runtime, and Ocu-
lus Unity Integration Package). Once the OculusUni-
tyIntegration.unitypackage has been imported into
Unity, the following components are available: OVR-
MainMenu, OVRPlayerController, and OVRCamera-
Controller. The Unity MainCamera has to be re-
placed by OVRCamera. The scripts required for the
integration of the Oculus Rift DK2 with the virtual
environment were programmed with C#.
For the interaction type, two different mechanisms
are used. The first mechanism is a Gamepad model
AB-Move BG Revenge (see Figure 4). We used the
functions of the Controller Input Manager of Unity in
order to integrate the gamepad with the Virtual Maze
For the second mechanism of interaction, a GT
mountain bike was used (see Figures 4 and 5). We use
a Bkool roller ( with an ANT+
Bike Cadence Sensor. In fact, Bkool is a smart bicycle
trainer. The Bkool trainer features an advanced cy-
cling simulator and a powerful analysis platform. In
our case, we only use Bkool roller (classical model)
to obtain the cadence, and to fix the rear wheel of
the bicycle (see Figure 5). The model of Bkool used
includes a base for the front tire and a black rubber
mat (1820 × 810 × 6 mm). The rubber mat has a gel
Figure 5: A participant carrying out the task with the bicy-
core that provides the elasticity needed to protect the
floor and ensure the stability of the roller and of the
bike. A fiber plate was placed on the rubber mat so
that the base can rotate easily. In addition, we used
a speed sensor for the bike (MyCiclo Speed Sensor
). This speed sensor was attached to the
chain stay using plastic ties. It uses ANT+
transmission technology. The data received by the
speed sensor is transmitted to the antenna ANT+
wireless receiver (USB ANT+
) that connects to the
computer. The sensations are very real. It allows
real feelings of pedaling and offers high stability. The
noise emitted is low (about 76 dB).
A program with Visual C++ was developed to
manage the speed data received. This program de-
tects which device is connected to synchronize data
transmission between the receiving antenna and the
sensor, and receives speed data.
The accelerometer board 1056 PhidgetSpatial
3/3/3 from Phidgets ( was
used to obtain the rotation of the handlebar of the bi-
cycle. It was connected to the computer via a USB
cable. The dimensions are 36 × 31 × 6 mm. The li-
braries (Phidget21 Libraries Setup) supplied by the
manufacturer were installed to set this accelerome-
ter. A program with Visual C++ was developed in
order to obtain the angles of rotation of the handlebar.
This program also checks that the device is connected,
sends error messages, initializes the accelerometer,
updates data, and obtains the position data in 3D and
the angle in radians.
A script was developed in C#, called Interac-
tion, to control the movement of the avatar from the
data obtained using the two mechanisms of interac-
tion. In the case of interaction using the bicycle, the
script uses information from the speed and rotation
of the handlebar to calculate the rotation angle of the
handlebar “n” degrees relative to the y-axis. It uses
the Quaternion.Euler method. The Transform.Rotate
method is used to activate the rotation of the virtual
GRAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Scheme of the Virtual Maze Task.
bicycle (avatar). The bicycle speed data are used by
the Controller.Move method to activate the forward
movement and displacement of the virtual bicycle in
the environment.
The Input.GetAxis method (“axisName”) was
used in the Interaction. The Input.GetAxis returns
values in the range [-1,+1]. The neutral position is
0. When axisName = “Horizontal” returns ]0,+1] for
the horizontal movement to the right and ]0,-1] for
the horizontal movement to the left. For the vertical
axis, the axisName = “Vertical” and the functionali-
ty is similar. A condition that disables the backward
movement was added so that the user cannot move
in reverse. The values of the horizontal movement of
the gamepad lever are used by the Quaternion.Euler
method to calculate the rotation of the handlebar. The
Transform.Rotate method is used to activate the ro-
tation of the virtual bike (avatar). The values of the
vertical movement of the gamepad lever are used by
the Controller.Move method to activate the forward
movement and the displacement of the virtual bicycle
in the environment. A general scheme of the Virtual
Maze Task can be seen in Figure 6.
All of the participants were informed in writing about
the aims and procedures of the study, and they signed
an informed consent form. They were fully free to
leave the study at any time, and the study was con-
ducted according to the principles stated in the Decla-
ration of Helsinki. The Ethics Committee of the Uni-
versitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia (Spain) approved the
research protocol.
4.1 Participants
University students participated in this study (N=92).
A recruitment campaign was conducted to find the
participants by advertising within the campus facili-
ties. The participants were randomly assigned to one
of the following conditions: physical active condi-
tion (N=47) and physical inactive condition (N=45).
Three participants did not finish the task due to that
they presented symptoms of cybersickness (in physi-
cal active condition were 2 women and physical inac-
tive condition was 1 men). These three participants
were excluded from the sample. Therefore, the to-
tal of participants considered for our study was 89:
physical active condition (N=45) and physical inac-
tive condition (N=44). The 89 participants completed
the task and filled out the questionnaires. The mean
age in the physical active condition was 26.38 ± 3.87
years old and the mean age in the physical inactive
condition was 25.38 ± 4.11 years old. There were
25 women and 20 men in the physical active con-
dition, and 21 women and 23 men in the physical
inactive condition. We determined the handedness
of the participants (Oldfield, 1971). In the physical
active condition, 39 participants were right-handed,
1 participant was left-handed and 5 participants were
ambidextrous. In the physical inactive condition, 34
participants were right-handed, 7 participants were
left-handed, and 3 participants were ambidextrous.
The participants filled out a questionnaire, which pro-
vided information about habits with the aim of con-
trolling variables that could interfere in the interpre-
tation of the results. The participants did not have
habits (drugs and medications) that could influence
our study. Also, they did not have symptoms of sick-
ness before the task, based on the Simulator Sick-
ness Questionnaire (SSQ) (Kennedy and Lane, 1993).
Using a Virtual Maze Task to Assess Spatial Short-term Memory in Adults
The education levels of the participants in the physi-
cal active condition in percentages were the follow-
ing: undergraduate students (42.9%), graduate stu-
dents (23.8%), Master’s students (21.4%), and PhD
students (9.5%). In the physical inactive condi-
tion, the education levels of the participants were:
undergraduate students (27.9%), graduate students
(23.2%), Master’s students (34.9%), and PhD stu-
dents (7.0%).
4.2 Measures and Procedure
In our study, spatial short-term memory was assessed
by testing the participants’ ability to learn a route
within a maze. The virtual maze described in the Sec-
tion 3, was used for this purpose.
The Virtual Maze Task has three stages: habitua-
tion, learning, and testing (see Figure 6). The habitua-
tion stage has an environment with a short route for
approximately one minute. The path has four inter-
sections and a straight road at the end. This is a trial
stage to train participants to handle the system proper-
ly and to check that the Oculus Rift DK2 is properly
positioned on their heads. The learning stage consists
of an environment in which the participant follows
another route with nine intersections and is guided
by green arrows. The participant must learn the path.
The testing stage has yellow arrows that show options
at each intersection. The participant must remember
and follow the same route that was followed in the
learning stage. The participants were immersed in the
virtual maze as if they were riding a bicycle. They
could see the landscape and identify the animals to de-
termine their positions. When the participants make
a mistake in the choice of the direction, the system
shows a warning message and they are automatically
relocated back to the starting position. Each partici-
pant has five attempts to reach the end of the maze.
The time increases with the number of attempts. The
experience lasts around six minutes. The average time
for the interaction with the bike was 6.52 minutes, and
the average time for the interaction with the gamepad
was 5.27 minutes. However, the time could increase
based on the number of attempts.
As measures of performance on the Virtual Maze
Task, we calculated the following: the number of
attempts to successfully complete the path in the
testing stage (VMAttempts), the time for completion
of the testing stage in seconds (VMTime), the num-
ber of participant’s head turns performed at intersec-
tions in which he/she chose a correct direction during
the testing stage (VMHeading), and the score (VM-
Score). The VMScore was obtained by adding the
number of correct directions chosen in each of the
five attempts established to complete the path in the
testing stage. We defined ten points per attempt and a
maximum VMScore of fifty points.
Spatial ability was also assessed with classical
neuropsychological tests. We administered the Corsi
Blocks Task (CBT, forward (CBTF) and backward
(CBTB) versions), which assessed visuospatial short-
term working memory (Kessels et al., 2000). We
also assessed verbal short-term working memory. For
this purpose, we used two verbal span subtests of
the TOMAL battery: Digits Forward (DF) and Digits
Backward (DB) (Reynolds and Bigler, 1994). The
DF is a number recall task that measures low-level
rote recall of a sequence of numbers. The DB task
(a variation of the DF task) consists of a recall of a
sequence of numbers, but in reverse order. For the
assessment of left-right orientation ability, we used a
paper pencil adaptation of the computerized Random
Walker Test (RWT) (Uchiyama et al., 2009). We used
the verbal version of the RWT, which provides ver-
bal instructions, and the participants must judge the
spatially correct direction. The score and the time for
completion were used as measures of performance on
the RWT, we used the acronym RWTS and RWTT,
respectively. We considered the direct scores for the
CBTF, CBTB, the DF and the DB subtests.
The participants were tested individually in two
sessions, which took place on the same day. The
participants were randomly assigned to one of the
following experimental sessions: Session I and Ses-
sion II. In Session I, the participants were assessed
with the Virtual Maze Task, and they then were evalu-
ated with neuropsychological tests. In Session II, the
participants were evaluated with neuropsychological
tests, and they then were assessed with the Virtual
Maze Task. The different steps of the experimental
procedure are shown in Figure 7.
Before starting the testing sessions, each partici-
pant was verbally informed about the exposure ses-
sion, the virtual environment, the Oculus Rift DK2 as
Figure 7: Procedure of the Virtual Maze Task.
GRAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
the visualization device, and the type of interaction
used. Also, each participant completed the handed-
ness questionnaire, the questionnaire about personal
data, and the SSQ. When he/she finished the virtual
task, he/she answered another questionnaire on the in-
teraction and satisfaction (Table 1). We also assessed
the previous experience of the participants with 3D
technology and other technological devices (Table 2).
Table 1: Questionnaire on interaction and satisfaction with
the environment. The questionnaire used a Likert scale
[from 1 to 5 (1 being ‘none’ or extremely low and 5 being
‘very high’)].
#QI Interaction
QI1 The environment was easy to use.
QI2 How natural was the mechanism that con-
trolled movement through the environment?
QI3 How responsive was the environment to ac-
tions that you initiated (or performed)?
QI4 How natural did your interactions with the
3D environment seem?
QI5 How closely were you able to examine ob-
QI6 How well could you examine objects from
multiple viewpoints?
QI7 In general, rate the experience of movement
and interaction with the virtual environment.
#QS Satisfaction
QS1 Would you use this environment another
QS2 How much fun did you have?
QS3 Would you invite your friends to use the en-
QS4 Score the game from 1 to 5.
QS5 My 3D experience compared to other pre-
vious 3D experiences has been ...
Table 2: Questionnaire on previous experiences with 3D
technology and other technological devices. The question-
naire used a Likert scale [from 1 to 5 (1 being ‘none’ or
extremely low and 5 being ‘very high’)].
#QPE Previous experiences
QPE1 I play video games on computer, mobile
phone, ...
QPE2 I perform activities in 3D.
QPE3 I play 3D games.
This section presents the analysis of the data collected
from this study. The statistical program SPSS, ver-
sion 20 (SPSS Inc., USA, 2011) was used to con-
duct all statistical analyses. In order to explore means
and standard deviation, an initial descriptive analysis
was carried out. First, data normality was checked.
Our data fit the normal distribution. Therefore, the
tests used were parametric. A one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was performed to analyze ques-
tionnaire responses regarding interaction and satisfac-
tion outcomes. A two-way ANOVA was conducted
which examined the effect of gender and interaction
on the Virtual Maze Task results. Pearson’s corre-
lations were carried out to explore the relationship
between Virtual Maze Task measures and neuropsy-
chological tests. For all of the tests, a p < .05 deter-
mined significance.
5.1 Interaction and Satisfaction
The responses to each question about interaction (QI)
were averaged to yield a composite score for interac-
tion (7 items, α = .693). We did the same for the ques-
tions about satisfaction (QS) (5 questions, α = .789)
and the questions about previous experiences with 3D
technology and other technological devices (QPE) (3
items, α = .530). As Table 3 shows, no statistically
significant differences were found for any of the in-
teraction and satisfaction questions. Similarly, there
were no differences between the two groups con-
sidering previous experiences.
Table 3: Mean ± Standard Deviation for the composite
score about interaction (QI), satisfaction (QS), and previous
experiences (QPE). One-way ANOVA between the physical
active condition (Bike) and the physical inactive condition
(Gamepad) and r effect size.
Bike Gamepad
QI1-QI7 3.87 ± 0.49 4.08 ± 0.52
QS1-QS5 4.05 ± 0.61 4.12 ± 0.69
QPE1-QPE3 1.74 ± 0.67 1.98 ± 0.72
5.2 Virtual Maze Task Outcomes and
Correlations with
Neuropsychological Tests
A two-way ANOVA (Gender × Interaction) was used
to analyze the measures obtained in the Virtual Maze
Task. The results are shown in Table 4. Men per-
formed a higher number of attempts to complete the
testing stage than women. Also, the participants
who used the bike made more attempts than those
who used the gamepad. There were no differences
between men and women or between conditions as-
signed for the time spent to complete the testing
Using a Virtual Maze Task to Assess Spatial Short-term Memory in Adults
Table 4: Mean ± Standard Deviation for measures obtained in the Virtual Maze Task by men and women in the physical
active condition (Bike) and physical inactive condition (Gamepad). Two-way ANOVA (Gender × Condition). The asterisk
(*) indicates significant differences.
Condition Effect
Bike GamePad Gender Condition Interaction
Measures Men Women Men Women
VMAttempts 2.25 ± 1.74 0.80 ± 1.22 0.78 ± 1.24 0.95 ± 0.74
VMTime 382 ± 136 328 ± 179 290 ± 167 379 ± 130
VMHeading 2.45 ± 1.93 1.08 ± 0.91 0.87 ± 0.92 1.38 ± 1.11
VMScore 44.75 ± 5.68 46.64± 4.34 48.26 ± 2.86 47.00 ± 3.25
stage. The men who used the physical active con-
dition made more head turns. Finally, the participants
who used the physical inactive condition scored better
than those who performed in the physical active con-
The results of the correlations found between
the Virtual Maze Task measures and the perfor-
mance scores on classical neuropsychological tests
are shown in Table 5. There are significant correla-
tions between our task and classical tests.
In our work, the capability of our Virtual Maze Task
was tested to assess spatial short-term memory in
adults. Some applications for assessing spatial memo-
ry in humans have been developed previously (Koen-
ing et al., 2011; C
anovas et al., 2011). These appli-
cations used basic methods of human computer inter-
action. A review of the literature indicates that a task
that incorporates stereoscopy (VR HMD) and physi-
cal movement (ride a bike) for the assessment of spa-
tial short-term memory has not yet been developed.
The significant correlations found between the
performance on our virtual task and classical neu-
ropsychological tests suggest that our task involved
sustained attentional demands and higher working
memory capacity. These results also corroborate our
primary hypothesis. Based on the correlation with the
RWT, egocentric orientation also played a significant
role in the performance of this VR task (Uchiyama
et al., 2009). The positive relation with the DF and
DB could suggest that verbal strategies contributed
to solving the task, helping to verbally memorize
the body turns associated with choice points and the
landmarks (Spiers and Maguire, 2008). The nega-
tive correlation found between the head turns made
at intersections and the score on the task was inter-
esting. This result reinforces the possibility of the ver-
bal strategy being a better strategy than other types,
such as memorizing the body turns. In line with this,
it should be pointed out that the Oculus Rift was a
good tool for the assessment of the position of the
participant’s head in the 3D space, providing us with
valuable information that has not been considered in
other studies with virtual mazes (Werkhoven et al.,
2014; Zancada-Menendez et al., 2015). This informa-
tion helps us to understand the factors that contribute
to learning in complex spatial environments.
Differences in the Virtual Maze Task score were
not statistically significant for gender. This result cor-
roborates our second hypothesis. However, the Vir-
tual Maze Task score showed statistically significant
differences between the two types of conditions, in
favour of the physical inactive condition. This re-
sult does not corroborate the third hypothesis. We
expected that there would be no differences and that
if they had been, they were in favor of the physi-
cal active condition. As mentioned in the introduc-
tion section, the physical movement is directly related
to the vestibular system and we hypothesized that it
would have a positive influence on spatial memory.
However, this influence has not been reflected in the
results. Although unexpected, this result in favour of
the physical inactive condition is in line with the study
of Cutmore et al. (Cutmore et al., 2000), which found
that spatial learning in virtual environments with an
active exposure was not more advantageous than a
passive exposure. Also, the differences for type of in-
teraction show the importance of methodological fac-
tors in the study of spatial memory in humans (An-
dreano and Cahill, 2009). Moreover, our physical
inactive condition can also be performed by people
with reduced mobility (Hill-Briggs et al., 2007).
The participants did not differ in their opinions
GRAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Table 5: The correlation matrix of the Virtual Maze Task and classical neuropsychological test performance scores. The
correlation coefficients (r) that reached significance (p: p-value) are displayed in bold type.
about interaction and satisfaction with the experience
in the Virtual Maze Task. These results corroborate
our fourth hypothesis.
From our point of view, the current HMDs (e.g.,
Oculus Rift) have many possibilities. As men-
tioned in the introduction section, the Oculus Rift
has already been used in psychology. For example,
errez-Maldonado et al. (Guti
et al., 2015) used it for training diagnostic skills in
eating disorders. Based on the results obtained, we
believe that the Oculus Rift and other HMDs have
great potential for psychology, especially for the as-
sessment of spatial short-term memory.
Even though the Oculus Rift has several benefits,
it also has some drawbacks. One of the drawbacks
to our proposal is that the Oculus Rift DK2 needs
a computer connection by wire. The use of a wire-
less VR HMD with the same or greater immersion
features would make a freer system that would allow
the user freedom of movement without fear of stum-
bling upon or becoming tangled in cables. According
to some predictions (The Farm 51, 2015), half a bil-
lion VR headsets will be sold per year by 2025, and
more than 400 hundred million will be wireless VR
HMD. In these predictions, the number of wireless
VR HMD sold in 2016 is more or less the same as the
wired VR HMD. However, this trend is not predicted
to continue. It has been predicted that a hundred mil-
lion of VR HMDs will be sold by 2020. Of these,
less than 20% will be wired VR HMDs. We share
this opinion and think that the wireless VR HMD
would be decisive in the future for many applications.
Another drawback of the Oculus Rift (in general of
the HMDs) is the cybersickness that the HMDs may
induce. As Davis et al. (Davis et al., 2015) indicated,
the more realistic the environment with higher levels
of visual flow, the greater the chance of inducing cy-
bersickness. It would be very interesting to determine
whether the Oculus Rift induces more cybersickness
than other HMDs. Cybersickness is a limitation in
our task. In fact, 3 out of 92 participants in our study
did not finish the task. Therefore, people prone to cy-
bersickness could not use this type of tasks. Another
limitation of our physical active condition is for peo-
ple with mobility problems.
Initially, we used the Wii Remote controller to
obtain the turns of the handlebar of the bicycle.
However, since the Oculus Rift DK2 is used for vi-
sualization, there was a conflict between the two de-
vices that made their simultaneous use impossible due
to that both use infrared sensor. This must be taken
into account in future developments.
We have developed a new Virtual Maze Task to as-
sess spatial short-term memory in adults. We com-
pared the performance of the new task with traditional
neuropsychological procedures, and we measured the
usability and satisfaction of the participants for the
new task. The performance in the Virtual Maze Task
was compared to other tests of spatial and memory
skills. According to a measure of overall execution,
the performance on the new task was better in the
participants who used in the physical inactive condi-
Using a Virtual Maze Task to Assess Spatial Short-term Memory in Adults
tion than in the physical active condition. However,
the usability and satisfaction did not differ between
conditions. These results showed that the type of in-
teraction used is a relevant methodological issue in
studies about cognition that are based on VR tech-
nologies. The Virtual Maze Task could be used as an
entertaining method to assess or train adults in spatial
short-term memory skills.
The Cincinnati water maze has commonly been
used in studies with rodents. In our task, the Cincin-
nati water maze has been visualized using the Ocu-
lus Rift and tested with human adults. Our study and
other previous works (e.g., C
anovas et al., 2011) sup-
port the potential of VR for adapting tasks developed
for animals to humans.
For future work, a study to compare HMDs of
others models and brands, taking into account their
features such as resolution, field-of-view, and latency
can be considered. We would also like to study the
capability of the Virtual Maze Task to detect learning
difficulties in samples of people with academic prob-
lems or neurological disorders. The possibilities of
our task for children could also be studied. In fact,
we are currently testing a different virtual environ-
ment using a large stereo screen with polarization
glasses for the assessment of spatial memory in chil-
dren. However, other devices could also be used, pay-
ing special attention to wireless HMDs, such as Sam-
sung Gear VR. Other types of interaction could be
studied (e.g., gesture interaction).
This work was mainly funded by the Spanish
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
project (TIN2012-37381-C02-01) and co-
financed by the European Regional Development
Fund (FEDER).
Other financial support was received from the
Government of Aragon (Department of Industry
and Innovation), the European Social Fund for
Aragon, and the Government of the Republic of
Ecuador through the Scholarship Program of the
Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Tech-
nology and Innovation (SENESCYT).
We would like to thank the following for their
BKOOL for lending us the Bkool roller.
This work would not have been possible with-
out their collaboration: Mauricio Loacham
Valencia, David Rodr
ıguez Andr
es, and Juan
Fernando Mart
DSIC and ASIC for allowing us to use its fa-
cilities during the testing phase, especially to
Vicente Blasco and Manuel Jim
The users who participated in the study.
The reviewers for their valuable comments.
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Using a Virtual Maze Task to Assess Spatial Short-term Memory in Adults