eform and Development of Basic Telecom Service Industry in China
and Its Evaluation: A Perspective of Technological Progress
Xuchen Lin
, Tingjie Lu
and Xia Chen
School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 10 Xi Tu Cheng Road,
Beijing, China
Keywords: Telecom Service Industry, Reform, Evaluation.
Abstract: Basic telecommunications service industry has become one of the most essential basic industries, it reflects
a country’s competitiveness and innovative capacity. China has the largest telecommunications market over
the world, but compared with the development level of the telecommunications industry in most other
countries, China’s telecommunications technologies are relatively low and the comprehensive development
level of Chinese basic telecommunications service industry is also relatively poor. The purpose of this paper
is to carry on a comprehensive combing to the reform and development of the basic telecom service industry
in China, and evaluate the results of the reforms from a perspective of technological progress. In the last
part of this paper, we provide several policy suggestions to the next step of telecommunications regulation
in China.
With the strategic significance and natural
monopoly, the basic telecommunications service
industry has been subject to strict regulations by
nearly all the countries in the world since its initial
formation. However, as the telecommunications
technologies have advanced significantly in recent
decades, basic telecom service industry has been
integrated into the daily life of the public nowadays,
and its natural monopoly is disappearing gradually
(Crawford, 2013). Therefore, since the 1980s, the
world has started an upsurge of regulation reforms in
the telecom industry.
Since the Reform and Opening-up in 1978,
China has actively seized the opportunities brought
by emerging technologies, which made China
achieve outstanding economic performance in the
past three decades. China's annual per capita GDP
increase rate achieved more than 8% in the past 38
years (1978-2015), it has transformed itself from a
backward agricultural country into the world's
second largest economy. In the year of 2014, the
total volume of telecommunications service of
Chinese basic telecommunications industry achieved
1814.95 billion RMB (Association, 2015). However,
the informatization index of China was only 0.4351
in 2014, it was ranked 88th in the world and below
the average value of 0.5494, which is in marked
contrast to China’s economic status in the
international community (Zhang, 2015). Starting
from 2014, the basic telecom service industry in
China has happened a series of regulation events,
including the introduction of virtual telecom
operators, the intention of the fourth restructuring
and further relaxing price regulation. All of which
indicate that Chinese government has formed the
idea of relaxing regulations in the telecom industry.
However, the gap between Chinese telecom industry
and that of developed countries is still wide, based
on this, this paper carries on a comprehensive
combing to the reform and development of the basic
telecom service industry in China, especially the
industry restructuring of telecom business, then
summarize current situation of the basic telecom
service industry in China and evaluate the results of
the reforms from a perspective of technological
progress, finally provides several policy suggestions
to the next step of telecommunications regulation.
Since 1994 when China Unicom was founded,
the structural regulations have been the seemingly
effective regulatory means of Chinese telecom
regulators. Under the infulence of structuralism and
overseas telecom restructuring experience, the
development and reform of the basic telecom
Lin X., Chen X. and Lu T.
Reform and Development of Basic Telecom Service Industry in China and Its Evaluation: A Perspective of Technological Progress.
DOI: 10.5220/0006443700580062
In ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV (ISME 2016), pages 58-62
ISBN: 978-989-758-208-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
industry in China mainly depend on introducing
market rivals by splitting and restructuring the
telecom operators expecting to form a marketing
structure of effective competition. The changes of
Chinese basic telecom service industy have attracted
many researchers’ attention. Gao and Lyytinen
studied the evolution of the regulation reform of
Chinese telecom industry, and discovered that
China’s telecom reform was a “try firstly and
implement afterwards” reform which was carried out
in the macro background of Chinese economic
reform, while other countries carried out regulation
reform firstly and then the regulations guided the
market reform. China’s telecom regulation was
relatively poor, which put a restriction on the
development of the telecom market development
(Gao and Lyytinen, 2000). Loo also studied the
development of the telecom industry in China, and
indicated the reform of Chinese telecom industry
was the result of the balance between various factors
(Loo, 2004). Li did a research on the regulation
situation of Chinese telecom industry and its efforts
on anti-monopoly, by analysing the difference of the
modes of telecom industry regulation between China
and OECD countries, he indicated independent
regulation institution plays a critical role in the
regulation reforms (Li, 2011).
2.1 Natural Monopoly Regulation
Period (before 1994)
Before 1994, China’s basic telecom service industry
was in the condition of “integrated government
function and enterprise management”, Chinese
government was not only the operator of the telecom
industry, but also the manager of the industry. In the
early formation of Chinese telecom industry, the
investment was totally from the government, so the
industry form a monopoly condition which
integrated with natural monopoly and administrative
monopoly. In fact, the posts and telecommunications
industry during this period had not formed the
marketing management, the posts and
telecommunications services were just national
facilities which served the information transmission
between party, government, and military institutions
at all levels, there was little opportunity for
individual consumers to have direct access to
telecom services. After the Reform and Opening-up
in 1978, Chinese economy developed rapidly, while
the low telecom technologies and the poor service
level became the bottleneck of restricting economic
growth. Therefore, Chinese government set out
policies of giving priority of developing telecom
industry. According to the characteristics of the
high-tech, high input for telecom industry,
government carry out diversified investment,
surrendering part of the profits to the telecom
industry, higher prices and other policies to make
sure the financial support for the telecom
infrastructure construction and technical upgrading.
However, the rapid development of Chinese
telecom industry over this period was not a benign
process of economic growth, but seizing high profits
to obtain high development speed using monopoly
position, which could not be persistent in the market
economy. With the notable expansion of market and
huge increase of demand, the inherent problems of
“integrated government function and enterprise
management” became increasingly serious, the
operational efficiency of telecom industry during
this period was quite low and its technical progress
rate did not improve notably.
2.2 Introduction of Preliminary
Competition, Separation of
Government and Enterprise (1994-
For a long time, the poor quality of telecom services
and high price were complained by consumers, and
the constraint of telecom industry on economic
development failed to be mitigated, Chinese
government started to carry out real implementation
of structural adjustment measures on the
telecommunications market. In July 1994, China
Unicom was founded, and it was the second telecom
operator which ran basic telecom services. After
China Unicom participated in the competition of
basic telecom service industry, the pace of technical
progress was accelerated, and the efficiency of the
telecom market was improved, primarily manifested
as: (1) the price level of telecommunication services
dropped sharply; (2) because the telecom industry
was no longer an absolute monopoly business
structure, telecom operators were forced to
continuously improve their service level; (3)
technological progress made terminal and phone
number separated, the sale of telecom terminals no
longer needed to bundle with network resources.
Reform and Development of Basic Telecom Service Industry in China and Its Evaluation: A Perspective of Technological
Reform and Development of Basic Telecom Service Industry in China and Its Evaluation: A Perspective of Technological Progress
The foundation of China Unicom made Chinese
basic telecom service industry transform from
monopoly to preliminary competition. However,
“integrated government function and enterprise
management” hampered the industry development,
so separating government function and enterprise
management became an inevitable choice. In 1998,
Chinese telecom industry separated government
function and enterprise management and lifted
restrictions gradually. During this period, although
the industry developed rapidly through introducing
competition, China Unicom was not comparable
with China Telecom in terms of the size of assets
and market share, the market structure and nature of
monopoly of telecom industry did not changed
essentially. Specifically, the paging service and
mobile communication developed rapidly in China
over this period, but the development of China
Unicom’s mobile service was relatively slow, the
market share of China Unicom only accounted for
5% of the whole mobile communication market,
which means it could not pose a credible threat on
China Telecom. So it was inevitable to plan to split
and restructure the telecom operators.
2.3 First Splitting and Restructuring,
Monopoly to Competition
Transformation (1999-2001)
In 1999, Chinese Ministry of Information Industry
decided to implement the splitting and restructuring
of Chinese telecom operators. The original China
Telecom was split into China Telecom, China
Mobile and China Satcom. And the splitting was a
kind of services splitting, the paging service of
original China Telecom was integrated into China
Unicom, the mobile communication and satellite
communication services left in charge of China
Mobile and China Satcom respectively. Besides,
China Netcom, China Railcom, China Jicom entered
the telecom market one after another. Chinese
telecom industry formed the competitive situation of
seven telecom operators. The business focus of all
operators during this period are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: The business distribution of telecom operators
Telecom operator
Business focus
China Telecom
Fixed networks and personal
handyphone system (PHS)
China Mobile GSM network
China Unicom
Full-service (fixed networks,
GSM, CDMA, etc.)
China Netcom
Fixed networks and personal
handyphone system (PHS)
China Jicom Fixed networks
China Railcom
Communication service along the
national railway network
China Satcom
Communication and broadcasting
services in satellite space segment
2.4 Second Splitting and Restructuring,
Further Breaking the Monopoly
The purpose of the first splitting and restructuring in
1999 is to carry out fair competition between
multiple operators in Chinese telecom market, but
China Telecom still had absolute advantage in the
services of fixed line telephone, long-distance
telephone and internet. So in order to form effective
market structure, Chinese government split China
Telecom again in 2002, this time the splitting was a
kind of region splitting, namely, China Telecom was
north-south split into new China Telecom and China
Netcom (Netcom serving the Northern provinces;
Telecom serving the southern provinces).
After this splitting and restructuring, there were
at least two operators in the basic telecom services
of international, long-distance, local, mobile, data
and line rental, forming the duopoly market
However, the splitting and restructuring this time
left large problems, which foreshadowed the
unbalanced market development in a few years.
There were two main reasons: (1) the splitting this
time was a restructuring that is according to the
scope of region, it was still service exclusive
operation or region exclusive operation in main
telecom areas including long-distance telephone,
fixed line telephone and mobile telephone services,
which meant that it did not form effective
competition essentially; (2) the policymakers
neglected the factor of technological progress, and
did not consider the rapid expansion of the scale of
mobile communication market, which leaded to the
unique outshining and market dominance of China
Mobile in the next few years.
ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV
ISME 2016 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
2.5 Third Splitting and Restructuring,
Three Islands of Stability (After
With the rapid development and popularity of
mobile communication technologies, and due to the
factor of the issuance of third-generation mobile
licenses, the original telecom market structure was
forced to make new adjustments. In 2008, the
operating revenue of China Mobile accounted for
nearly 50% of the whole market, and the net profit
of China Mobile was almost twice the sum of the
figure for China Unicom, China Netcom and China
Telecom. In order to break the imbalance of market
due to the dominance of China Mobile, making use
of the opportunity of issuing third-generation mobile
licenses, Chinese government restructured the
telecom market once again. China Telecom acquired
the CDMA network of China Unicom, China
Unicom merged with China Netcom to form the new
China Unicom, the basic telecom service of China
Satcom was incorporated into China Telecom, China
Railcom was incorporated into China Mobile. Six
telecom operators were restructured into three
operators, namely China Mobile, China Telecom
and China Unicom. Each operator got one 3G
license, each one adopted different 3G technologies,
and full-service operation mode was carried out.
This new kind of splitting and restructuring and full-
service operation mode is to strengthen the
competition and avoid the continuation of the market
dominance of China Mobile. However, eight years
has passed so far, there is no essential change in the
competition structure in terms of market share.
China Mobile still command a strong dominance in
terms of the number of new users and total revenue.
As is shown in Table 2 and Figure 1, the total
revenue and EBITDA profit of China Mobile are
both exceed the sum of the figure for China Telecom
and China Unicom, the number of 4G users of China
Mobile is approximately three times the sum of
other two operators.
Table 2: The comparison of three telecom operators in
terms of the state of operation in 2015
4G user
240.03 312
94.11 58.5
87.78 44.16
Data source: the annual reports of three operators in 2015
Figure 1: The comparison of three telecom operators in
terms of the total revenue in 2015
This paper analyses the development process of
Chinese basic telecom service industry, studies the
evolution route of regulation of Chinese telecom
industry, and comments on the structural regulations
of the industry. Through summarizing the reform
process of Chinese telecom industry, it is easy to
discover that until 2008 when the third splitting and
restructuring was implemented, the main tool of
market regulation is directly changing the industry
structure by administrative means, in the hope of
creating a balanced market competition structure and
realizing effective competition. We believe all
previous regulations of Chinese basic telecom
service industry is a kind of structural regulation
with the following characteristics: (1) telecom
enterprises maintain state-owned enterprise
character all the time; (2) the regulation institution
of telecom industry is non-independent, the
regulation system is multiparty regulation; (3) the
Reform and Development of Basic Telecom Service Industry in China and Its Evaluation: A Perspective of Technological
Reform and Development of Basic Telecom Service Industry in China and Its Evaluation: A Perspective of Technological Progress
incentive regulation adopted is price-cap regulation
which is the single incentive regulation; (4) strictly
limiting private capital to enter the telecom industry,
there is no real withdrawal mechanism; (5) lacking
endogenous technological innovation incentive.
In fact, the adjustment of market industry is not
only the only means of creating effective
competition. Government can improve and create a
favourable regulatory environment to encourage
technological innovation. Through technological
innovation, the costs of telecom services can be
decreased, and the telecom industry can be boosted
to develop in the direction of the higher level of
technologies. Based on this, from the perspective of
latest theory of government regulation, we propose
several policy suggestions to the next step of
telecommunications regulation in China:
y Set up perfect legal system of telecom industry.
During the reform of telecom industry
regulations, China has not promulgated
specialized telecom laws for so long, it is
difficult to adapt to the rapidly ever-changing
industrial environment by still using the
“Telecommunications Regulations” issued in
y Set up independent regulation institution.
Establishing independent regulation institution
is the main method of telecom regulation in
most countries. Independent regulation
institution has stronger specialized knowledge,
which can be beneficial to maintaining fair and
independent regulatory status and reducing the
transaction costs.
y Carry out the separation of network
management and service provision. The
separation of network management and service
provision is the development trend boosted by
technological innovation and economic law, it
can promote competition, avoid excessive
investment and repeated construction.
y Propel the reform on the mixed ownership of
Chinese state-owned telecom enterprises,
introduce the multiple capitals. The three
telecom operators in China at present have
gone public, but they still maintain the
dominance of state-owned shares, and still
adopt the state-owned management pattern now.
The basic telecom service industry has the
industrial characteristic of technology-driven
and innovation-driven, but the nature of state-
owned enterprise is the main reason for
restricting the technological innovation of
telecom enterprises.
This paper was supported by Major Program of the
National Social Science Foundation of China under
Grant No.15ZDB154.
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ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV
ISME 2016 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering