Requirements Engineering: More Is Not Necessarily Better
Gonzalo Génova
Departamento de Informática, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain
Keywords: Requirements Engineering, Software Development Process, Software Economics.
Abstract: We show that documenting requirements (and, in general, requirements engineering) is profitable for the
project, but not as profitable as to consider that “the more, the better”.
We often hear among practitioners the statement that
“documenting a project is a necessary evil”, or “the
lesser evil”. What lies behind this statement? To
answer this question, first let's recall something we
already know: the software development process,
including its classical activities (analysis, design,
implementation, testing, etc.), is not a linear process,
but rather a cyclic one.
In particular, it should be revealing to find out
that a project does not end when it is delivered, but
when it is retired. Indeed, if we think that a software
project has no future after delivery, then it is
reasonable to think that documentation is a lesser
evil. An evil you have to pass through in order to
avoid big failures or, in the worst case, to meet
bureaucratically with a standard process. If the
project ends when it is delivered, then it is best to
devote minimal effort to document it, because
documenting is a bad investment without a future.
We think the real benefit of project
documentation (starting with requirements),
considered as an essential part of software
engineering, can be seen only if we focus our look
on software maintenance activities. A good
documentation will make software maintenance not
only possible: it can make it extremely profitable.
Maintenance not only fully justifies the
documentation of projects; maintenance also gives
the right measure of effort that should be devoted
for project documentation to be maximally
Documentation is then a must for all the
activities in the software development process, and
in particular for requirements engineering. A
classical study by James Martin (1984) showed that
more than a half of the defects found in software
projects are attributed to requirements problems and
over 80% of rework effort is spent on requirements
related defects (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Distribution of defects and efforts to repair
defects in software projects.
But beware: stating that requirements
engineering can be very profitable does not imply
that the more effort is devoted, the bigger benefit
will be obtained.
Is it true that the more effort is dedicated to
requirements engineering (RE), the greater the
benefit for a software project?
Génova, G.
Requirements Engineering: More Is Not Necessarily Better.
DOI: 10.5220/0006099200650068
In Proceedings of the 7th Inter national Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY 2016), pages 65-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-202-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Let’s try to answer this question in an intuitive
manner. Suppose a retired engineer accomplishes the
RE activities in a given project, for free. What would
the cost of the project be, in terms of the RE effort?
Let’s represent the total cost of the project as a
function of the effort invested in requirements
engineering (see the blue curve in Figure 2).
Figure 2: Project cost as a function of the effort devoted to
requirements engineering, when RE effort is not included.
In general terms, the more effort this generous
engineer gives, the lower the cost of the project,
since it contributes to improve the performance of
other activities. Therefore, it will be a monotonically
decreasing function.
The decreasing rhythm need not be as regular
and smooth as it is depicted in Figure 2. The
function could have “bumps” as in Figure 3,
meaning that certain increments in the amount of RE
effort are not so productive as others.
Figure 3: Project cost as a function of the effort devoted to
requirements engineering, irregular decreasing rhythm.
However, if we consider the extreme cases, we
can assert that:
(a) As we approach zero RE effort, the total cost
of the project increases enormously, tending
to infinity. The situation of zero RE effort is
certainly unrealistic: it means nothing (really
nothing) is done to understand the project
requirements; it is like trying to satisfy the
requirements by pure chance. This situation is
unrealistic, because any feedback received in
a simple process of trial and error is an
elementary form of requirements engineering.
But, anyway, this fiction helps to state that
zero RE effort makes the total cost tend to
(b) Obviously, the total cost of the project will
never become zero, no matter how much we
increase the RE effort, because there are
other costs involved. Therefore, we have a
monotonically decreasing function with a
lower bound.
However, it is not generally true that RE is free.
In fact, that would be a very strange case. Because
we cannot take RE effort for free any longer, let’s
represent its cost also graphically. Since the
horizontal axis represents precisely the effort
invested in RE, then the plot is a straight line (see
the green curve in Figure 4).
Figure 4: Cost of Requirements Engineering considered as
directly proportional to RE effort.
If we now add the cost of the project without RE
(the blue curve) to the cost of RE (the green straight
line), we obtain the total cost of the project (see the
red curve in Figure 5). Without a precise
mathematical analysis, it is clear that this is a
function with an absolute minimum.
Figure 5: Project cost as a function of the effort devoted to
requirements engineering, now including RE effort.
That is, the effort invested in RE initially entails
savings in the total cost of the project, but there is a
point beyond which the savings becomes waste:
more effort in requirements engineering does not
reduce the total cost, but increases it!
SKY 2016 - 7th International Workshop on Software Knowledge
Of course, the same rasoning can be applied to
any other activity of software engineering: analysis,
architecture, design, testing... In other words, any
software development process should be kept in the
region of savings through moderate effort in each of
the engineering activities, without actually crossing
the optimum point, so that the benefit of investing
effort in each activity (in particular, requirements
engineering) is perceived. Overexertion, perhaps due
to being too formalistic or exhaustive, comes to
undermine the progress of the project.
Our intuition has in fact partial empirical support. In
March 2001 a project was initiated within the
International Council on Systems Engineering
(INCOSE) to collect and analyze data that would
quantify the value of systems engineering (Honour,
2004). Their analysis showed, within the limitations
of their research, that the ratio actual cost / planned
cost was minimal for a 15-20% of systems
engineering effort against the total project effort (see
Figure 6).
Figure 6: Cost performance as a function of systems
engineering (SE) effort (Honour, 2004).
The most usual SE budgets in the projects they
analyzed were around 3-8%, leading to frequent cost
overruns. In this context, recommending 15-20% is
always seen as “the more, the better”. Few projects
spent above 20% of the budget in SE, since that is
not the usual tendency among practitioners. In any
case, the data were enough to establish that the
minimum was below 20% of total project effort.
Summing up, these results do not fully support
our thesis, even though they provide a good
empirical indication that we are right.
4.1 Investment in Prototypes
When seeking an optimal level of effort to be spent
on a prototype, Eric Braude explains that, as the
expenditure on a prototype increases, its usefulness
increases, but so does its drain on the project’s
budget. As a result, there is a point at which the
payoff is optimal, and some point beyond which
funds are being squandered (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Payoff from building prototypes, adapted from
(Braude, 2001, p. 162).
However, Braude does not give a detailed
explanation of the shape of this curve. Trying to
explain it was the driving force that inspired the
present paper.
4.2 Brooks’ Law
Frederick Brooks states in his famous and influential
The mythical man-month (Brooks, 1975) that adding
more human resources to a project may well delay
the schedule, instead of speeding it up. The bearing
of a child takes nine months, no matter how many
women are assigned.
The effect is somewhat similar, More is not
necessarily Better, but the causes are different. In
the case of Brooks’ Law the schedule’s worsening is
mainly due to overhead in communication among
workers and limited divisibility of tasks, both of
which make men and months not to be
interchangeable. In our case the misuse of budget is
due to the fact that benefit increases slower than
effort in the waste region.
4.3 Pareto’s Law
The 80/20 rule is usually stated as “80% of the
benefit is obtained with 20% of the effort”, “80% of
Requirements Engineering: More Is Not Necessarily Better
the effects come from 20% of the causes”, or some
variant of these. The law was first observed by
Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto in the late 19th
century, regarding distribution of wealth. This rule
of thumb has been empirically observed in many
natural phenomena that follow a particular
configuration of the power law distribution
(Newman, 2004).
The function depicted in Figure 2 might follow a
Pareto distribution, but in general we should not
expect a perfect mathematical relationship between
project cost and RE effort.
4.4 Production Functions
In economics, a production function relates the
achievable output of a system to the level of inputs
consumed (Boehm, 1981). A production function is
nondecreasing and nonnegative. Typically (though
not necessarily), a production function will be S-
shaped with three major segments (see Figure 8):
(a) An investment segment, in which inputs
are consumed without a great deal of
resuting output.
(b) A high payoff segment, in which
relatively small incremental inputs result
in relatively large increments in output.
(c) A diminishing returns segment, in which
additional inputs produce relatively little
increase in output.
The last segment represents software gold-plating,
i.e. features which make the job bigger and more
expensive, but which turn out to provide little help
to the user or maintainer when put into practice.
Figure 8: A typical production function for software
product features, adapted from (Boehm, 2001, p. 162).
Production functions are closely related to our thesis
that More is not necessarily Better. Only, as we have
argued before when discussing Figure 2, investment
in RE has a strong impact (big slope) just from the
start. As for the third segment, RE can also become
gold-plating: one can always do more RE for a
project, and no doubt it will improve the technical
quality of the product, but the payoff will be
progressively lower.
4.5 Logistic Functions
Production functions are related to the logistic
function (Kingsland, 1995) discovered by Pierre
François Verhulst in the mid-19th century, in
relation to population growth in a context of
competence for resources: the initial stage of growth
is approximately exponential when resources appear
to be unlimited, but then the growth slows as
saturation begins, and finally growth stops when
resources are exhausted.
As we have seen, our thesis that more is not
necessarily better” is a well-known property of
economical systems. However, we think it is worth
to recall it because this principle is not so well
known by software engineering practitioners. Both
extremes are bad: the one that does not recognize the
value of requirements engineering, and the other that
wastes resources in being too formalistic or
exhaustive. Unfortunately, the frustrating results of
overexertion could increase the diffidence of
practitioners towards “big theories” in requirements
Boehm, B.W., 1981. Software Engineering Economics.
Braude, E.J., 2001. Software Engineering. An Object-
Oriented Perspective. John Wiley and Sons.
Brooks, F.P., 1975. The mythical man-month, Essays on
software engineering. Addison-Wesley.
Honour, E.C., 2004. Understanding the Value of Systems
Engineering. INCOSE International Symposium
Kingsland, S.E., 1995. Modeling nature: episodes in the
history of population ecology. University of Chicago
Martin, J., 1984. An Information Systems Manifesto.
Prentice Hall.
Newman, M.E.J., 2005. Power laws, Pareto distributions
and Zipf's law. Contemporary Physics. 46(5):323351.
SKY 2016 - 7th International Workshop on Software Knowledge