Efficient Social Network Multilingual Classification using
Character, POS n-grams and Dynamic Normalization
Carlos-Emiliano Gonz
, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno
, Azucena Montes Rend
and Gerardo Sierra
Laboratoire Informatique d’Avignon, Universit
e d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, Avignon, France
Ecole Polytechnique de Montr
eal, Montr
eal, Canada
Centro Nacional de Investigaci
on y Desarrollo Tecnol
ogico, Cuernavaca, Mexico
GIL-Instituto de Ingenier
ıa, Universidad Nacional Aut
onoma de M
exico, Ciudad de M
exico, Mexico
Text Mining, Machine Learning, Classification, n-grams, POS, Blogs, Tweets, Social Network.
In this paper we describe a dynamic normalization process applied to social network multilingual documents
(Facebook and Twitter) to improve the performance of the Author profiling task for short texts. After the
normalization process, n-grams of characters and n-grams of POS tags are obtained to extract all the possible
stylistic information encoded in the documents (emoticons, character flooding, capital letters, references to
other users, hyperlinks, hashtags, etc.). Experiments with SVM showed up to 90% of performance.
Social networks are a resource that millions of peo-
ple use to support their relationships with friends and
family (Chang et al., 2015). In June 2016, Face-
reported to have approximately 1.13 billion ac-
tive users per day; while in June, Twitter
reported an
average of 313 million active users per month.
Due to the large amount of information that is
continuously produced in social networks, to iden-
tify certain individual characteristics of users has been
a problem of growing importance for different areas
like forensics, security and marketing (Rangel et al.,
2015); problem that Author profiling aims from an au-
tomatic classification approach with the premise that
depending of the individual characteristics of each
person; such as age, gender or personality, the way
of communicating will be different.
Author profiling is traditionally applied in texts
like literature, documentaries or essays (Argamon
et al., 2003; Argamon et al., 2009); these kind of texts
have a relative long length (Peersman et al., 2011) and
a standard language. By the other hand, documents
produced by social networks users have some charac-
teristics that differ from regular texts and prevents that
Facebook website: http://www.facebook.com
Twitter website: http://www.twitter.com
they can be analyzed in a similar way (Peersman et al.,
2011). Some characteristics that social networks texts
share are their length (significantly shorter that tradi-
tional texts) (Peersman et al., 2011), the large number
of misspellings, the use of non-standard capitalization
and punctuation.
Social networks like Twitter have their own rules
and features that users use to express themselves and
communicate with each other. It is possible to take ad-
vantage of these rules and extract a greater amount of
stylistic information. (Gimpel et al., 2011) introduce
this idea to create a Part of Speech (POS) tagger for
Twitter. In our case, we chose to perform a dynamic
context-dependent normalization. This normalization
allows to group those elements that are capable of
providing stylistic information regardless of its lexi-
cal variability; this phase helps to improve the per-
formance of the classification process. In (Gonz
Gallardo et al., 2016) we presented some preliminary
results of this work, that we will extend with more ex-
periments and further description.
The paper is organized as follows: in section 2
we provide an overview of Author profiling applied
to age, gender and personality traits prediction. In
section 3, a brief presentation of character and POS n-
grams is presented. In section 4 we detail the method-
ology used in the dynamic context-dependent normal-
González-Gallardo, C-E., Torres-Moreno, J-M., Rendón, A. and Sierra, G.
Efficient Social Network Multilingual Classification using Character, POS n-grams and Dynamic Normalization.
DOI: 10.5220/0006052803070314
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 307-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ization. Section 5 presents the datasets used in the
study. The learning model is detailed in section 6.
The different experiments and results are presented in
section 7. Finally, in section 8 we present the conclu-
sions and some future job prospects.
(Koppel et al., 2002) performed a research with a cor-
pus made of 566 documents of the British National
Corpus (BNC)
in which they identified automatically
the gender of the author using function words and
POS n-grams, obtaining a precision of 80% with a
linear separator.
(Doyle and Ke
selj, 2005) constructed a simple
classifier to predict gender in a collection of 495 es-
says of the BAWE corpus
. The classifier consisted
in measuring the distance between the text to classify
and two different profiles (man and woman), being
the smallest one the class that was assign to the text. A
precision of 81% was reported using character, word
and POS n-grams as features.
In (Peersman et al., 2011), the authors collected
1.5 millions of samples of the Netlog social network
to predict the age and gender of the authors. They
used a model created with support vector machines
(SVM) (Vapnik, 1998) taking into account n-grams of
words and characters as features. The reported preci-
sion was of 64.2%.
(Carmona et al., 2015) predicted age, gender and
personality traits of tweets authors using a high lever
representation of features. This representation is
composed of discriminatory features (Second Order
Atribbutes) (Lopez-Monroy et al., 2013) and descrip-
tive features (Latent Semantic Analysis) (Wiemer-
Hastings et al., 2004). For age and gender prediction
in Spanish tweets they obtained a precision of 77.27%
and for personality traits a RMSE value of 0.1297.
In (Grivas et al., 2015), a classification model with
SVM was used to predict age, gender and personality
traits of Spanish tweets while a SVR model was used
to predict personality traits of tweets authors. In this
approach two types of feature groups where consid-
ered: structural and stylometric. Structural features
were extracted form the unprocessed tweets while sty-
lometric features were obtained after html tags, urls,
hashtags and references to other users are removed.
BNC website http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
BAWE corpus website: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/
A precision of 72.73% was reported for age and gen-
der prediction, while a RMSE value of 0.1495 was
obtained for personality traits prediction.
n-grams are sequences of elements of a selected tex-
tual information unit (Manning and Sch
utze, 1999)
that allow the extraction of content and stylistic fea-
tures from text; features that can be used in tasks such
as Automatic Summarization, Automatic Translation
and Text Classification.
The information unit to use changes depending
on the task and the type of features that will be ex-
tracted. For example, in Automatic Translation and
Summarization is common to use word and phrase n-
grams (Torres-Moreno, 2014; Giannakopoulos et al.,
2008; Koehn, 2010). Within Text Classification, for
Plagiarism Detection, Author Identification and Au-
thor Profiling; character, word and POS n-grams are
used (Doyle and Ke
selj, 2005; Stamatatos et al., 2015;
Oberreuter and Vel
asquez, 2013).
The information units selected in this research are
characters and POS tags. With the character n-grams
the goal is to extract as many stylistic elements as pos-
sible: characters frequency, use of suffixes (gender,
number, tense, diminutives, superlatives, etc.), use of
punctuation, use of emoticons, etc (Stamatatos, 2006;
Stamatatos, 2009).
POS n-grams provide information about the struc-
ture of the text: frequency of grammatical elements,
diversity of grammatical structures and the interaction
between grammatical elements. The POS tags were
obtained using the Freeling
POS tagger, which fol-
lows the POS tags proposed by EAGLES
. To fully
control the standardization process and make it in-
dependent of a detector of names, we preferred to
perform a specific normalization for both datasets in-
stead of using the Freeling functionalities (Padr
o and
Stanilovsky, 2012).
The POS tags provided by Freeling have several
levels of detail that provide insight into the different
attributes of a grammatical category depending of the
language that is being analyzed. In our case we used
only the first level of detail that refers to the cate-
gory itself. The example in Table 1 shows the Span-
ish word ”especializaci
on” (specialization), all its at-
tributes and the selected tag.
Freeling website: http://nlp.lsi.upc.edu/freeling/node/1
EAGLES website: http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Part-of-speech tagging of the Spanish word: espe-
Word: ”especializaci
Attribute Code Value Tag
Category N Noun
Type C Common
Gender F Female
Number S Singular N
Case 0 -
Semantic 0 -
Gender 0 -
Grade 0 -
The freedom that social networks users have to en-
code their messages derives in a varied lexicon. To
minimize this variations it is necessary to normal-
ize those elements that are able to provide stylistic
information regardless of its lexical variability (ref-
erences to other users, hyperlinks, hashtags, emoti-
cons, etc). This is what we call Dynamic Context-
dependent Normalization which is separated in two
phases: Text normalization and POS relabeling.
Text normalization
The goal of this phase is to avoid the lexical vari-
ability that is present when a user tends to do cer-
tain actions in their texts; for example tagging an-
other user or creating a link to a website. In the
Twitter case, references to other users are defined
The amount of values that can be assigned to
the label username is potentially infinite (depend-
ing on the number of users available to the so-
cial network). To avoid such variability, the
Dynamic Context-dependent Normalization stan-
dardize this element in order to highlight the in-
tention: make a reference to a user. So, the tweet
I was just watching ‘‘update 10.’’
@MKBHD http://t.co/P9Dn7t8zSl
will be normalized to
I was just watching ‘‘update 10.’’
@us http://t.co/P9Dn7t8zSl
Hyperlinks have a similar behavior: the number
of links to Internet sites is also potentially infinite.
The important fact is that a reference to an exter-
nal site is being implemented; so all text strings
that match the pattern:
are normalized. Following with the previous ex-
ample, the tweet
I was just watching ‘‘update 10.’’
@us http://t.co/P9Dn7t8zSl
will be normalized to
I was just watching ‘‘update 10.’’
@us htt
POS relabeling
All these lexical variations provide important
grammatical information that must be preserved,
but conventional POS taggers are unable to main-
tain. Therefore, it is necessary to relabel certain
elements to keep their interaction with the rest of
the POS tags of the text.
Using Freeling to tag the previous example and
taking into account only the categories of the POS
tag, the sequence obtained is
As it can be seen, the reference to the user and the
link to the site is lost and it is no possible to know
how those elements interact with the rest of the
tags. To overcome this limitation, references to
other users, hyperlinks and hashtags are relabeled
so that they have their own special tag dealing to
the next sequence:
Figure 1 shows a general architecture of the system.
*Dynamic context-dependent
Figure 1: General architecture of classification system.
Efficient Social Network Multilingual Classification using Character, POS n-grams and Dynamic Normalization
In order to test various contexts, we used corpora from
two social networks: Twitter and Facebook.
The multilingual corpus PAN-CLEF2015 (Twit-
ter) is labeled by gender, age and personality traits;
whereas the multilingual corpus PAN-CLEF2016
(Twitter) is just labeled by gender and age. The
Mexican Spanish corpus “Comments of Mexico City
through time” (Facebook) is only labeled by gender.
5.1 PAN-CLEF2015
The PAN-CLEF2015 corpus
(Rangel et al., 2005)
is conformed by 324 samples distributed in four lan-
guages: Spanish, English, Italian and Dutch. A larger
description of the corpus can be seen in (Gonz
Gallardo et al., 2016).
5.2 PAN-CLEF2016 s
The multilingual PAN-CLEF2016 s corpus is a set of
the training corpus for the Author Profiling task of
PAN 2016.
It is conformed by 935 samples labeled
by age and gender which are distributed in three lan-
guages: Spanish, English and Dutch. For our experi-
ments, only the gender label was considered.
Table 2 shows the distribution of gender samples
per language.
Table 2: PAN-CLEF2016 s, distribution of samples by gen-
Female Male
Spanish 52% 48%
English 52% 48%
Dutch 50% 50%
5.3 Comments of Mexico City through
time (CCDMX)
The CCDMX corpus consists of 5 979 Mexican Span-
ish comments from the Facebook page Mexico City
through time
. In this Facebook page, pictures of
Mexico City are posted so that people can share their
memories and anecdotes. The average length of each
comment is 110 characters.
PAN challenge’s website: http://pan.webis.de/
The corpus is downloadable at the Website:
Website of the blog: http://www.facebook.com/
The CCDMX corpus was manually annotated by
bachelor’s linguistic students of the Group of Linguis-
tic Engineering (GIL) of the UNAM in 2014
. It is
only labeled by gender, being slightly higher the num-
ber of comments that belong to the “Men” class (see
table 3).
Table 3: CCDMX, distribution of samples by gender.
Comments Percentage
Female 2573 43%
Male 3406 57%
Total of comments 5 979 100%
For the experiments we used support vector machines
(SVM) (Vapnik, 1998), a classical model of super-
vised learning, which has proven to be robust and ef-
ficient in various NLP tasks.
In particular, to perform experiments we use the
Python package Scikit-learn
(Pedregosa et al., 2011)
using a linear kernel (LinearSVC), which produced
empirically the best results.
6.1 Features
The character and POS n-gram windows used were
generated with a unit length of 1 to 3.
Thus, for example, the word “self-defense” is
represented by the following character n-grams:
{s, e, l, f, -, d, e, f, e, n, s, e, s, se, el, lf, f-, -d, de, ef,
fe, en, ns, se, e , se, sel, elf, lf-, f-d, -de, def, efe, fen,
ens, nse, se }
And the normalize tweet @us @us You owe me
one, Cam! which POS sequence is REF@USERNAME
REF@USERNAME N V P N F N F”, is represented by
the POS n-grams:
F N, F N F}
The best results were obtained using a linear fre-
quency scale in all cases except from the POS n-
grams for Spanish texts, in which the logarithmic
Website of the corpus: http://corpus.unam.mx
Scikit-learn is downloadable at the Website:
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(1 + number o f occurrences)
is applied. In figure 2 is possible to see the linearized
POS 2-grams values of the PAN-CLEF2015 training
Figure 2: Linearized frequencies of the Spanish PAN-
CLEF2015 corpus.
6.2 Experimental Protocol
Four experiments were performed with the PAN-
CLEF2015 corpus; one for each language. 70% of
the samples was used for training the learning model
and the remaining 30% was used during evaluation
Regard to the PAN-CLEF2016 s corpus,three ex-
periments were performed; one for Dutch, one for En-
glish and another one for Spanish. We used the train-
ing model created with the PAN-CLEF2015 corpus
and applied it to this corpus. All the samples avail-
able in the PAN-CLEF2016 s corpus were used as test
samples for gender classification.
Three experiments were performed with the
CCDMX corpus.
First, all the comments were used as test samples
using the learning model generated with the Span-
ish training samples of the PAN-CLEF2015 cor-
For the second experiment, samples of 50 com-
ments were created. Thus 121 samples were
tested using the same learning model of the first
Finally, the third experiment was a sum of various
micro experiments. For each micro experiment a
different sample size was tested: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,
24, 32, 41, 50, 57 and 64 comments per sample.
70% of the samples were used to train the learning
model and 30% to test it.
In order to evaluate the performance of the model in
all the datasets, a group of classical measures was im-
plemented. Accuracy (A), Precision (P), Recall (R)
and F-score (F) (Manning and Sch
utze, 1999) were
used to evaluate gender and age prediction. In rela-
tion to the personality traits prediction in the PAN-
CLEF2015 corpus, the Root Mean Squared Error
(RMSE) measure was used.
7.1 PAN-CLEF2015 Corpus
Tables 4 to 7 show the results obtained from the PAN-
CLEF2015 corpus for Spanish and English.
Evaluation measures reports practically 100% in
gender classification for Italian and Dutch (Gonz
Gallardo et al., 2016). This is probably because the
number of existing samples for both languages was
very small. We think it would be worth trying with a
larger amount of data to validate the results in these
two languages.
Table 4: PAN-CLEF2015; gender and age results (Spanish).
Gender P R F A
Male 0.929 0.867 0.897
Female 0.875 0.930 0.902
Age P R F A
18-24 0.750 1 0.857
25-34 0.750 0.875 0.807
35-49 1 0.667 0.800
>50 1 0.500 0.667
Table 5: PAN-CLEF2015; personality traits results (Span-
Trait RMSE
E 0.106
N 0.128
A 0.158
C 0.164
O 0.138
Mean 0.139
Table 6: PAN-CLEF2015; gender and age results (English).
Gender P R F A
Male 0.826 0.826 0.826
Female 0.826 0.826 0.826
Age P R F A
18-24 0.895 0.944 0.919
25-34 0.789 0.833 0.810
35-49 0.800 0.667 0.727
>50 1 0.750 0.857
Efficient Social Network Multilingual Classification using Character, POS n-grams and Dynamic Normalization
Table 7: PAN-CLEF2015; personality traits results (En-
Trait RMSE
E 0.182
N 0.182
A 0.150
C 0.123
O 0.162
Mean 0.160
7.2 PAN-CLEF2016 s Corpus
As it can be see in tables 8 to 10, the performance
of the experiments is low in all three languages.
We think this is caused by the difference that ex-
ists in the size of the samples used to train the
model (PAN-CLEF2015 corpus) and the size of the
PAN-CLEF2016 s corpus samples. Another possi-
ble reason is that the quantity of noise in the PAN-
CLEF2016 s corpus was to much to be handled by the
trained models; thus creating mistaken predictions.
Table 8: PAN-CLEF2016 s; gender results (Spanish).
Gender P R F A
Male 0.494 0.967 0.654
Female 0.700 0.071 0.130
Table 9: PAN-CLEF2016 s; gender results (English).
Gender P R F A
Male 0.578 0.531 0.554
Female 0.594 0.638 0.615
Number of samples: 382.
Table 10: PAN-CLEF2016 s; gender results (Dutch).
Gender P R F A
Male 0.774 0.251 0.379
Female 0.553 0.927 0.693
7.3 CCDMX Corpus
The first experiment (E1) performed with this corpus
aimed to discover how much impact had the differ-
ence between the training and test samples. The train-
ing phase was done with 70% of the samples from the
PAN -CLEF2015 corpus (Spanish). Remember that a
sample of this corpus is a group of about 100 tweets.
Table 11 shows the results of the 5 979 samples
that were tested.
Table 11: CCDMX, E1 results.
Male 0.598 0.631 0.614
Female 0.474 0.439 0.456
In the second experiment (E2) we chose to gen-
erate samples of 50 comments, size that represent a
reasonable compromise between number of samples
and number of characters per sample (about 5K char-
A total of 121 samples were tested with the learn-
ing model of E1. The results are slightly better that
E1 but the domain difference seems to affect greatly
the system performance (Table 12).
Table 12: CCDMX; E2 results.
Male 0.657 0.942 0.774
Female 0.818 0.346 0.486
A third experiment (E3) was done with this cor-
pus; eleven micro experiments with different number
of comments per sample were performed: 1, 2, 4, 8,
16, 24, 32, 41, 50, 57, 64. This was done to measure
the impact of the sample size variation in the perfor-
mance of the algorithm.
Figures 3 to 6 show the performance of E3 (ac-
curacy, precision, recall and F-score). As it can be
seen, something curious happens when the sample is
of 50 comments length. At that point the general per-
formance drops about 8%. This is due to an statistical
effect that the data shows with the residual sample.
For both male and female, a residual sample of 22
comments is present. It is necessary to mention that
this effect does not affect the general results of E3,
which shows to be consistent with the rest of the ex-
     
Figure 3: CCDMX; Accuracy.
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
     
Figure 4: CCDMX; Precision.
     
Figure 5: CCDMX; Recall.
     
Figure 6: CCDMX; F-score.
Character and POS n-grams have shown to be a use-
ful resource for the extraction of stylistic features in
short texts. With character n-grams it was possible to
extract emoticons, punctuation exaggeration (charac-
ter flooding), use of capital letters and different kinds
of emotional information encoded in tweets and com-
ments. The interaction between the special elements
of the social networks, like references to users, hash-
tags or links, and the rest of the POS tags were cap-
tured with the POS n-grams after. Also, for Spanish
and English it was possible to capture the most rep-
resentative series of two and three grammatical ele-
ments; for the Italian and Dutch we were able to cap-
ture the most common grammatical elements. The
Dynamic Context-dependent Normalization showed
to be effective in the different domains (Facebook and
Twitter), but also showed to have problems when a
cross domain evaluation was performed. The poor re-
sults obtained in E1 reflect that it is important to keep
the ratio size between train and test samples. E2 re-
sults show that the change of domain greatly affects
the prediction capacity of the system; fact that E3 and
the results obtained with the PAN-CLEF2016 s cor-
pus reinforce. A proposal for future work is to repeat
E3 applying cross validation. This will show a better
distribution of the training and test samples eliminat-
ing the possibility of a biased result. Also, this prob-
ably balance the 50 comments samples and improves
its performance. An interesting development for fu-
ture work would be to apply the algorithm presented
in this article to comments of multimedia sources to
separate in an automatic way the different sectors of
opinion makers.
This project was partially financed by the project:
exico No. 215179 Caracterizaci
on de
huellas textuales para el an
alisis forense. We also ap-
preciate the financing of the european project CHIS-
TERA CALL - ANR: Access Multilingual Informa-
tion opinionS (AMIS), (France - Europe).
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KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval