Summarization of Spontaneous Speech using Automatic Speech
Recognition and a Speech Prosody based Tokenizer
Gy¨orgy Szasz´ak
, M´at´e
Akos T¨undik
and Andr´as Beke
Dept. of Telecommunications and Media Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
2 Magyar tud´osok krt., 1117 Budapest, Hungary
Dept. of Phonetics, Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
33 Bencz´ur utca, 1068 Budapest, Hungary
Audio, Speech, Summarization, Tokenization, Speech Recognition, Latent Semantic Indexing.
This paper addresses speech summarization of highly spontaneous speech. The audio signal is transcribed us-
ing an Automatic Speech Recognizer, which operates at relatively high word error rates due to the complexity
of the recognition task and high spontaneity of speech. An analysis is carried out to assess the propagation
of speech recognition errors into syntactic parsing. We also propose an automatic, speech prosody based au-
dio tokenization approach and compare it to human performance. The so obtained sentence-like tokens are
analysed by the syntactic parser to help ranking based on thematic terms and sentence position. The thematic
term is expressed in two ways: TF-IDF and Latent Semantic Indexing. The sentence scores are calculated as
a linear combination of the thematic term score and a positional score. The summary is generated from the
top 10 candidates. Results show that prosody based tokenization reaches human average performance and that
speech recognition errors propagate moderately into syntactic parsing (POS tagging and dependency parsing).
Nouns prove to be quite error resistant. Audio summarization shows 0.62 recall and 0.79 precision by an
F-measure of 0.68, compared to human reference. A subjective test is also carried out on a Likert-scale. All
results apply to spontaneous Hungarian.
Speech is a vocalized form of the language which is
the most natural and effective method of communica-
tion between human beings. Speech can be processed
automatically in several application domains, includ-
ing speech recognition, speech-to-speech translation,
speech synthesis, spoken term detection, speech sum-
marization etc. These application areas use success-
fully automatic methods to extract or transform the
information carried by the speech signal. However,
the most often formal, or at least standard speaking
styles are supported and required by these applica-
tions. The treatment of spontaneous speech consti-
tutes a big challenge in spoken language technology,
because it violates standards and assumptions valid
for formal speaking style or written language and
hence constitutes a much more complex challenge in
terms of modelling and processing algorithms.
Automatic summarization is used to extract the
most relevant information from various sources: text
or speech. Speech is often transcribed and summa-
rization is carried out on text, but the automatically
transcribed text contains several linguistically incor-
rect words or structures resulting both from the spon-
taneity of speech and/or speech recognition errors. To
sum up, spontaneous speech is “ill-formed” and very
different from written text: it is characterized by dis-
fluencies, filled pauses, repetitions, repairs and frag-
mented words, but behind this variable acoustic prop-
erty, syntax can also deviate from standard.
Another challenge originates in the automatic
speech recognition step. Speech recognition errors
propagate further into the text-based analysis phase.
Whereas word error rates in spoken dictation can be
as low as some percents, the recognition of sponta-
neous speech is a hard task due to the extreme variable
acoustics (including environmental noise, especially
overlapping speech) and poor coverage by the lan-
guage model and resulting high perplexities (Szarvas
et al., 2000). To overcome these difficulties, often
lattices or confusion networks are used instead of 1-
best ASR hypotheses (Hakkani-T¨ur et al., 2006). In
the current paper we are also interested in the as-
Szaszák, G., Tündik, M. and Beke, A.
Summarization of Spontaneous Speech using Automatic Speech Recognition and a Speech Prosody based Tokenizer.
DOI: 10.5220/0006044802210227
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 221-227
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sessment of speech recognition error propagation into
text based syntactic parsing POS-tagging and de-
pendency analysis. Since POS-tagging and especially
nouns play an important role in summarization, the
primary interest is to see how these are affected by
speech recognition errors.
A possible approach of summarizing written text
is to extract important sentences from a document
based on keywords or cue phrases. Automatic sen-
tence segmentation (tokenization) is crucial before
such a sentence based extractive summarization (Liu
and Xie, 2008). The difficulty comes not only from
incomplete structure (often identifying a sentence is
already problematic) and recognition errors, but also
from missing punctuation marks, which would be
fundamental for syntactic parsing and POS-tagging.
Speech prosody is known to help in speech segmenta-
tion and speaker or topic segmentation tasks (Shriberg
et al., 2000). In current work we propose and eval-
uate a prosody based automatic tokenizer which re-
covers intonational phrases (IP) and use these as sen-
tence like units in further analysis. Summarization
will also be compared to a baseline version using to-
kens available from human annotation. The baseline
tokenization relies on acoustic (silence) and syntactic-
semantic interpretation by the human annotators.
In the easier approach, speech summarization is
made equivalent to summarizing text transcripts of
speech, i.e., no speech-related features are used after
the speech-to-text conversion took place. However,
the transcribed speech can be used to summarize the
text (Christensen et al., 2004). Textual features ap-
plied for analysis include the position of the sentence
within the whole text, similarity to the overall story,
the number of named entities, semantic similarity be-
tween nouns estimated by using WordNets (Gurevych
and Strube, 2004) etc.
Other research showed that using speech-related
features beside textual-based features can improve
the performance of summarization (Maskey and
Hirschberg, 2005). Prosodic features such as speak-
ing rate; minimuma, maximuma, mean, and slope of
fundamental frequency and those of energy and ut-
terance duration can also be exploited. Some ap-
proaches prepare the summary directly from speech,
relying on speech samples taken from the spoken doc-
ument (Maskey and Hirschberg, 2006).
This paper is organized as follows: first the auto-
matic speech recognizer is presented with analysis of
error propagation into subsequent processing phases.
Thereafter the prosody based tokenization approach
is presented. Following sections describe the summa-
rization approach. Finally, results are presented and
discussed, and conclusions are drawn.
Traditional Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
systems only deal with speech-to-text transformation,
however, it becomes more important to analyse the
speech content and extract the meaning of the given
utterance. The related research field is called Spo-
ken Language Understanding. Nowadays, an increas-
ing proportion of the available data are audio record-
ings, so it becomes more emphasized to find proper
solutions in this field. There are two possibilities to
analyse the speech content; information can be recov-
ered directly from the speech signal or using parsers
after the speech-to-text conversion (automatic speech
recognition). This latter option also entails the poten-
tial to use analytic tools, parsers available for written
language. However, as mentioned in the introduction,
a crucial problem can be error propagation – of word
insertions, deletions and confusions from the speech
recognition phase.
Our first interest is to get a picture about ASR er-
ror propagationinto subsequent analysis steps. We se-
lect 535 sentences randomly from a Hungarian televi-
sion broadcast news speech corpus, and perform ASR
with a real-time close captioning system described
in (Tarj´an et al., 2014). ASR in our case yields close
to 35% Word Error Rate (WER). Please note that the
system presented in (Tarj´an et al., 2014) is much more
accurate (best WER=10.5%) , we deliberately choose
an operating point with higher WER to approximate a
behaviour for spontaneousspeech. Punctuation marks
are restored manually for this experiment.
Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging and syntactic
parsing is then performed with the magyarl
toolkit (Zsibrita et al., 2013) both on ASR output and
the reference text (containing the correct transcrip-
tions). Both outputs are transformed into a separate
vector space model (bag of words). Error propagation
is estimated based on similarity measures between the
two models, with or without respect to word order. In
the latter model, the dogs hate cats and cats hate dogs
short documents would behave identically. Although
meaning is obviously different, both forms are rele-
vant for queries containing dog or cat. In our case, not
word, but POS and dependency tags are compared, by
forming uni- and bi-grams of them sequentially.
We use cosine similarity to compare the parses
(for N dimensional vectors a and b):
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(a,b) =
The cosine similarity of POS-unigrams and POS-
bigrams was found 0.90 and 0.77 respectively for un-
igrams and bigrams formed from bag-of-words for
POS tags of the ASR output and true transcripton,
which are quite high despite the ASR errors. Like-
wise, the result for the dependency labels shows high
correspondence between parses on ASR output and
true transcription; cosine similarity is 0.89, the stan-
dard Labeled Attachment Score and Unlabeled At-
tachment Score metrics (Green, 2011) (these are de-
fined only for sentences with same length) gave 80%
and 87% accuracy. Moreover,the root of the sentence,
which is usually the verb, hits 90% accuracy.
Taking the true transcription as reference we also
calculate POS-tag error rates analogously to word er-
ror rate (instead of words we regard POS-tags). POS-
tag error rate is found to be 22% by 35% WER.
Checking this selectively for nouns only, POS-tag er-
ror rate is even lower: 12%.
These results tell us good news about ASR error
propagation into subsequent analysis steps: POS-tags
and especially nouns are less sensitive to ASR er-
rors. Checking further for correlation between WER
and similarity between parses of ASR output and
true transcription, we can confirm that this is close
to linear (see Figure 1). This means that by higher
WER of the ASR, similarity between true transcrip-
tion and ASR output based parses can be expected to
degrade linearly proportional to WER (see (T¨undik
and Szasz´ak, 2016) for a similar experiment in Hun-
garian), i.e. there is no breakdown point in WER
beyond which parsing performance would drop more
drastically than does the WER.
2.1 ASR for Summarization
For the summarization experiments, we use different
ASR acoustic models (tuned for spontaneous speech)
trained on 160 interviews from BEA (Hungarian lan-
guage), accounting for 120 hours of speech (the in-
terviewer discarded) with the Kaldi toolkit. 3 hid-
den layer DNN acoustic models are trained with 2048
neurons per layer and tanh non-linearity. Input data is
9x spliced MFCC13 + CMVN +LDA/MLLT. A tri-
gram language model is also trained on transcripts
of the 160 interviews after text normalization, with
Kneser-Ney smoothing. Dictionaries are obtained us-
ing a rule-based phonetizer (spoken Hungarian is very
Figure 1: Cosine similarity for POS-tags between true and
ASR transcriptions depending on WER. A linear regression
line is also plotted.
close to the written form and hence, a rule based
phonetizer is available).
Word Error Rate (WER) was found around 44%
for the spontaneous ASR task. This relative high
WER is justified by the high spontaneity of speech.
A speech segmentation tool which recovers auto-
matically phonological phrases (PP) was presented
in (Szasz´ak and Beke, 2012). A PP is defined as
a prosodic unit of speech, characterized by a sin-
gle stress and corresponds often to a group of words
belonging syntactically together. The speech seg-
mentation system is based on Hidden Markov Mod-
els (HMM), which model each possible type (7 alto-
gether) of PPs based on input features such as fun-
damental frequency of speech (F0) and speech sig-
nal energy. In segmentation mode, a Viterbi align-
ment is performed to recover the most likely under-
lying PP structure. The PP alignment is conceived in
such a manner that it encodes upper level intonational
phrase (IP) constraints (as IP starter and ending PPs,
as well as silence are modelled separately), and hence
is de facto capable of yielding an IP segmentation,
capturing silence, but also silence markers (often not
physically realized as real silence, but giving a per-
ceptually equivalent impression of a short silence in
human listener). The algorithm is described in detail
in (Szasz´ak and Beke, 2012), in this work we use it to
obtain sentence-like tokenswhich are then fed into the
ASR. We use this IP tokenizer in an operating point
with high precision ( 96% on read speech) and lower
recall ( 80% on read speech) as we consider less prob-
lematic missing a token boundary(merge 2 sentences)
Summarization of Spontaneous Speech using Automatic Speech Recognition and a Speech Prosody based Tokenizer
than inserting false ones (splitting the sentence into 2
The performance of prosody based tokenization is
compared to tokenization obtained from human anno-
tation. Results are presented in section 5.
After the tokenization for sentence-like intonational
phrase units and automatic speech recognition took
place, text summarization is split into three main
modules. The first module preprocesses the out-
put of the ASR, the second module is responsible
for sentence ranking, and the final module generates
the summary. This summarization approach is based
on (Sarkar, 2012), but we modify the thematic term
calculation method. The overall scheme of the sys-
tem is depicted in Fig. 2.
Input speech
Feature extraction
Stop word
Sentence ranking
Output summary
Figure 2: Block scheme of the speech summarization sys-
4.1 Pre-processing
Stop words are removed from the tokens and stem-
ming is performed. Stop-words are collected into a
list, which contains (i) all words tagged as fillers by
the ASR (speaker noise) and (ii) a predefined set of
non-content words such as articles, conjunctions etc.
Hungarian is a highly agglutinating language,
with a very rich morphology,and consequently,gram-
matical relations are expressed less by the word order
but rather by case endings (suffixes). The magyarl
toolkit (Zsibrita et al., 2013) was used for the stem-
ming and POS-tagging of the Hungarian text. Stem-
ming is very important and often ambiguous due to
the mentioned rich morphology. Thereafter, the POS-
tagger module was applied to determine a word as
corresponding to a part-of-speech. The words are fil-
tered to keep only nouns, which are considered to be
the most relevant in summarization.
4.2 Textual Feature Extraction
In order to rank sentences based on their importance,
some textual features are extracted:
4.2.1 TF-IDF
(Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) re-
flects the importance of a sentence and is generally
measured by the number of keywords present in it.
TF-IDF is a useful heuristic for ranking the words ac-
cording to their importance in the text. The impor-
tance value of a sentence is computed as the sum of
TF-IDF values of its constituent words (in this work:
nouns) divided by the sum of all TF-IDF values found
in the text. TF shows how frequently a term occurs in
a document divided by the length of the document,
whereas IDF shows how important a term is. In raw
word frequency each word is equally important, but,
of course, not all equally frequent words are equally
meaningful. For this reason it can be calculated using
the following equation:
IDF(t) = ln
C(all documents)
C(documents containing term t)
where C(.) is the counting operator. TF-IDF weight-
ing is the combination of the definitions of term fre-
quency and inverse document frequency, to produce
a composite weight for each term in each document,
calculated as a dot product:
TF-IDF = TF IDF. (3)
4.2.2 Latent Semantic Analysis
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) exploits context to
try to identify words which have similar meaning.
LSA is able to reflect both word and sentence impor-
tance. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is used
to assess semantic similarity.
LSA based summarization needs the calculation
of the following data (Landauer et al., 1998):
Represent the input data in the form of a matrix,
where columns contain sentences and rows con-
tain words. In each cell, a measure reflecting the
importance of the given word in the given sen-
tence is stored. This matrix is often called input
matrix (A).
Use SVD to capture relationships among words
and sentences. In order to do this, the input matrix
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
is decomposed into 3 constituents (sub-matrices):
A = UΣVT, (4)
where A is the input matrix U represents the de-
scription of the original rows of the input matrix
as a vector of extracted concepts, Σ is a diago-
nal matrix containing scaling values sorted in de-
scending order, and V represents the description
of the original columns of input matrix as a vector
of the extracted concepts (Landauer et al., 1998).
The final step is the sentence selection for the
4.2.3 Positional Value
The a priori assumption that the more meaningful sen-
tences can be found at the beginning of the document
is generally true. This is even more the case for spon-
taneous narratives, which are the target of our summa-
rization experiments, as the interviewer usually asks
the participants to tell something about their life, job,
hobbies. People tend to answer with keywords, then
they go into details with those keywords recalled. For
the calculation of the positional value, the following
equitation was used (Sarkar, 2012):
= 1/
k (5)
where the P
is the positional score of k
4.2.4 Sentence Length
Sentences are of different length (they contain more
or less words) in documents. Usually a short sen-
tence is less informative than a longer one and hence,
readers or listeners are more prone to select a longer
sentence than a short one when asked to find good
summarizing sentences in documents (Sarkar, 2012).
However, a too long sentence may contain redun-
dant information. The idea is then to eliminate or
de-weight sentences which are too short or too long
(compared to an average). If a sentence is too short or
too long, it is assigned a ranking score of 0.
4.2.5 Sentence Ranking
The ranking score RS
is calculated as the linear com-
bination of the so-called thematic term based score S
and positional score P
. The final score of a sentence
k is:
+ βP
, ifL
& L
0 otherwise,
where α is the lower, β is the upper cut-off for the
sentence position (0 α,β 1) and L
is the lower
and L
is the upper cut-off on the sentence length
(Sarkar, 2012).
4.3 Summary Generation
The last step is to generate the summary itself. In this
process, the N-top ranked sentences are selected from
the text. In current work N = 10, so the final text
summary contains the top 10 sentences.
For the summarization experiments, we use 4 inter-
views from the BEA Hungarian Spontaneous Speech
database (Neuberger et al., 2014), all excluded form
the ASR’s acoustic and language model training. Par-
ticipants talk about their jobs, family, and hobbies.
Three of the speakers are male and one of them is fe-
male. All speakers are native Hungarian, living in Bu-
dapest (aged between 30 and 60). The total material
is 28 minutes long (average duration was 7 minutes
per participant) and is highly spontaneous.
5.1 Metrics
The most commonly used information retrieval eval-
uation metrics are precision (PRC) and recall (RCL),
which are appropriate to measure summarization per-
formance as well (Nenkova, 2006). Beside recall and
precision, we use the F
The challenge of evaluation consists rather in
choosing or obtaining a reference summary. For this
research we decided to obtain a set of human made
summaries, whereby 10 participants were asked to se-
lect up to 10 sentences that they find to be the most
informative for a given document (presented also in
spoken and in written form). Participants used 6.8
sentences on average for their summaries. For each
narrative, a set of reference sentences was created:
sentences chosen by at least 1/3 of the participants
were added to the reference summary. Overlap among
human preferred sentences was ranging from 10% to
100%, with an average overlap of 28%. Sentences
are appended to the summaries in the order of their
appearance in the original text. When using this ref-
erence set for the evaluation of the automatic sum-
maries, we filter stop words, fillers (ASR output) from
the latter and require at least a 2/3 overlap ratio for
the content words. We will refer to this evaluation
approach as soft comparison.
An automatic evaluation tool is also considered to
obtain more objective measures. The most commonly
used automatic evaluation method is ROUGE (Lin,
Summarization of Spontaneous Speech using Automatic Speech Recognition and a Speech Prosody based Tokenizer
2004). However, ROUGE performs strict string com-
parison and hence recall and precision are commonly
lower with this approach (Nenkova, 2006). We will
refer to this evaluation approach as hard comparison.
5.2 Results
Text summarization was then run with 3 setups re-
garding pre-processing (how the text was obtained
and tokenized):
OT-H: Use the original transcribed text as seg-
mented by the human annotators into sentence-
like units.
ASR-H: Use the human annotated tokens and
ASR to obtain the text.
ASR-IP: Tokenize the input based on IP bound-
ary detection from speech and use ASR transcrip-
Summary generation is tested for all the 3 setups with
both TF-IDF and LSA approaches to calculate the
thematic term S
in Equation (6). Results are shown
in Table 1 for soft comparison, and Table 2 for hard
Table 1: Recall (RCL), precision (PRC) and F
– soft com-
Soft comparison
Setup Method RCL [%] PRC [%] F
TF-IDF 0.51 0.76 0.61
LSA 0.36 0.71 0.46
TF-IDF 0.51 0.80 0.61
LSA 0.49 0.77 0.56
TF-IDF 0.62 0.79 0.68
LSA 0.59 0.78 0.65
Table 2: Recall (RCL), precision (PRC) and F
– hard com-
Hard comparison (ROUGE)
Setup Method RCL [%] PRC [%] F
TF-IDF 0.36 0.28 0.32
LSA 0.36 0.30 0.32
TF-IDF 0.34 0.29 0.31
LSA 0.39 0.27 0.32
TF-IDF 0.33 0.28 0.30
LSA 0.33 0.32 0.32
Overall results are in accordance with published
values for similar tasks (Campr and Jeˇzek, 2015).
When switching to the ASR transcription, there is
no significant difference in performance regarding the
soft comparison, but we notice a decrease (rel. 8%)
in the hard one (comparing OT-H and ASR-IP ap-
proaches). This is due to ASR errors, however, keep-
ing in mind the high WER for spontaneous speech,
this decrease is rather modest. Indeed, it seems that
content words and stems are less vulnerable to ASR
errors, which is in accordance with our findings pre-
sented in Section 2.
An important outcome of the experiments is that
the automatic, IP detection based prosodic tokeniza-
tion gave almost the same performance as the human
annotation based one (in soft comparison it is even
better). We believe that these good results with IP to-
kenization are obtained thanks to the better and more
infrmation drivenstructurization of speech parts when
relying on prosody (acoustics).
5.3 Subjective Assessment of
In a separate evaluation step, volunteers were asked to
evaluate the system generated summaries on a Likert
scale. Thereby they got the system generated sum-
mary as is and had to rate it according to the question
“How well does the system summarize the narrative
content in your opinion?”. The Likert scale was rang-
ing from 1 to 5: “Poor, Moderate, Acceptable, Good,
Excellent”. Results of the evaluation are shown in
Fig. 3. Mean Opinion score was 3.2. Regarding re-
dundancy (“How redundant is the summary in your
opinion?”) MOS value was found to be 2.8.
Error bars: +/- 1 SD
Figure 3: Likert scale distribution of human judgements.
This paper addressed speech summarization for
highly spontaneous Hungarian. The ASR transcrip-
tion and tokenization are sensitive and not yet solved
steps in audio summarization. Therefore the authors
consider that the proposed IP detection based tok-
enization is an important contribution, especially as
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
it proved to be as successful as the available human
one when embedded into speech summarization. An-
other basic contribution comes from the estimation of
the ASR transcription error propagation into subse-
quent text processing, at least in terms of evaluating
the similarity of POS and dependency tag sequences
between human and ASR made transcriptions. Re-
sults showed that POS tags and selectively nouns are
less sensitive to ASR errors (POS tag error rate was
2/3 of WER, whereas nouns get confused by another
part-of-speech even less frequently). Given the high
degree of spontaneity of the speech and also the heavy
agglutinating property of Hungarian, we believe the
obtained results are promising as they are comparable
to results published for other languages. The over-
all best results were 62% recall and 79% precision
= 0.68). Subjective rating of the summaries gave
3.2 mean opinion score.
The authors would like to thank the support of the
Hungarian National Innovation Office (NKFIH) un-
der contract IDs PD-112598 and PD-108762.
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Summarization of Spontaneous Speech using Automatic Speech Recognition and a Speech Prosody based Tokenizer