Fuzzy Ontology-based Spatial Data Warehouse for Context-aware
Search and Recommendation
Hajer Baazaoui-Zghal
Riadi laboratory, University of Manouba, Tunis, Tunisia
Fuzzy Ontology, Spatial Data Warehouse, Context-aware Search.
The need to build a spatial data warehouse over all structured and unstructured data is becoming necessary in
many fields. In addition, contextualized results are considered as key challenges in data warehouses, which
are frequently related to only one context. However, in real life applications, decisional data are shared by
several users having different profiles, which makes contextual awareness essential for decision support. In this
paper, we propose a fuzzy Ontology-based Spatial Data Warehouse for contextual search and recommendation,
composed of 3 main layers: (1) Data layer composed of structred, unstructred and users data, (2) Knowledge
and context-aware layer and (3) Online application layer. The originality of the work described here consists
on integration of uncertain data at different levels of the knowledge layer and having in the same decisional
architecture contextual search and recommendation.
Decision-makers become more and more exigent
face to the exponential growth of storage and large
amounts of structured and unstructured data. In this
context, data warehouses have been introduced to
present solutions for storage, mining and exploration.
Indeed, the decision-makers need a knowledge-based
warehouse taking into account the context. Thus,
integrated approaches based on semantics have been
proposed aiming exploration of users knowledge and
data sources. Nevertheless, several limits have been
observed mainly, related to the lack of contextual-
ization and the integration of uncertain data. A lack
of contextual intelligence in case of search in Data
Warehouse (DW) is remarked and a need for genera-
tion of personalized results is driving the usage of it
in context-aware applications. Context consists of all
aspects linked to the user and domain that may affect
the decision process. Actually data warehouse-based
information systems are faced to several challenges,
like considering users contexts and preferences,
and also considering uncertain data and needs. In
fact, vagueness, uncertainty inherently existing in
spatial data and imprecision of feature values are not
supported by such method. Indeed, fuzzification is
integrated into the case-based reasoning process to
handle such imprecision and uncertainty.
In this paper, we propose an architecture aiming
to assist users during their search for pertinent results
and presenting contextual recommendations. Further-
more, our proposal supports integration of imprecise
Our motivation is that considering input in the pres-
ence of context factors may improve performance and
efficiency of the decision process, which is not eas-
ily detectable with classic data warehousing meth-
ods. Indeed, due to nature of data which is both dy-
namic and uncertain, data should be interpreted dif-
ferently depending on current situation (context). Our
second motivation relies on the linguistic ambiguity
problems, which make crisp ontologies less sufficient
when dealing with uncertain knowledge. So, we pro-
pose to integrate fuzzy logic into ontologies and con-
textualization. We bring three main contributions, the
proposal (1) integrates different data sources, (2) con-
siders contextual and uncertain data, (3) presents con-
textual search and recommendations.
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes our proposal. Section 3 presents
an overview of works related and position our pro-
posal. Finally, Section 3 concludes and proposes di-
rections for future research.
Baazaoui-Zghal, H.
Fuzzy Ontology-based Spatial Data Warehouse for Context-aware Search and Recommendation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006010501610166
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2016) - Volume 2: ICSOFT-PT, pages 161-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-194-6
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: General architecture.
The objective of the work described in this paper is
to propose an architecture that supports both context-
aware search and recommendation based on the ap-
proach of the data warehouses and data marts which
store the relevant data for the decision-makers. We
recall that the main steps of data warehouse design
starting from heterogeneous sources are: conceptual
design, logical design and physical design. The whole
process includes the storage, the analysis and the ex-
ploration within spatial data, with an aim of improv-
ing the process of decision-making. The general ar-
chitecture of our proposal is given by Figure 1, which
shows the workflow for returning answers queries and
generating recommendations. It is composed of three
main layers: (1) Data layer composed of structred, un-
structred and users data, (2) Knowledge and context-
aware layer and (3) Online application layer.
2.1 The Data Layer
The data layer allows manipulation of unstructured
data, structured data as well as user’s data which is
Figure 2: Ontology-based Star Schema.
also considered as input in our proposal as. In a pre-
vious work we have proposed a tool for Spatial Data
Marts Design and Generation (Zghal et al., 2003), the
idea is to create a spatial data warehouse by assem-
bling Spatial Data Marts (SDM). In the current work,
from the global sources which can be represented
through traditional models dedicated to the manage-
ment of the spatial data, we propose at first to build
the ontology-based Star Schema for SDM building.
We recall that ontology is knowledge structure that
represents the concepts, relationships, instances and
properties for a given domain, which has proven their
usefulness to model information systems based on the
semantic and knowledge level. In the currect work,
we define an ontology for the extraction and integra-
tion of data (cf. figure 2). An ontology provides a
conceptual representation of the application domain
(a shared vocabulary). Then, a selection of attributes
from the determined ontological representation and
ICSOFT-PT 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
their correspondence to attributes of the defined star
schema in order to populate a specific instance. The
meta-ontology (cf. Figure 3) allows modeling and
keeping trace about the way the ontology was built;
(3) An ontology SDM is characterized by its multidi-
mensional structure formed by facts, dimensions and
measurements. Dimensions and measurements can be
spatial or nonspatial. We propose to model the hier-
archy dependences as a class called Hierarchy. We
insist here on the importance to keep a history of the
different levels of the hierarchy for dimensions and
measurements given the nature of the spatial data.
The fact corresponds to the topic or subject of analy-
sis and is represented by a class. A measurement can
be numerical when it contains only numerical data
such as the returned monthly one of an area. A mea-
surement can also be spatial: a collection of links to
spatial objects. For example the case of a generaliza-
tion of areas having temperature and precipitations in
the same cell. Thus, measurement forms a collection
of links to the corresponding areas. So, the global
ontology consists of the union of the application on-
tologies, and a set of axioms that define properties re-
quirements. Our proposal uses ontology as a tool to
solve the semantic heterogeneity problem instead of
using metadata only.
Four types of ontologies dimensions can be iden-
tified: non-geometric spatial ontology dimension, ge-
ometric to nongeometric spatial ontology dimension,
entirely geometric ontology dimension and temporal
ontology dimension.
In general the Spatial dimension (cf. Figure 3)
describes the representation of the territory surface,
it could comprise specific members, but that would
restrict the cartographic representation of the data at
one moment given according to only valid territorial
cutting to this moment. For the thematic dimensions,
several logical models has been be defined. The non-
geometric spatial dimension contains nongeometric
data, like nominal data making it possible to locate
a phenomenon in space. Such a dimension can start
with the names of the municipalities and their gen-
eralization can, also be non-geometric. The entirely
geometric dimension is a dimension of which all the
levels and even close generalization are and geomet-
ric. Finally, temporel dimension is an unavoidable el-
ement in any information systems. Temporal dimen-
sion also constitutes strategic information to predict a
future behavior or to explain the causes of the current
state of the things.
Ontologies allows firstly to define the overall in-
tegration schema (global ontology) and the different
sources to be integrated. The sources are mapped to
a local ontology which will describe the data sources
Figure 3: MetaOntology.
Figure 4: Spatial object description.
semantics. Following are the rules to map a database
to ontology:
The database table is mapped to an ontology class.
If a database table is related to another, then the
two tables are mapped to classes with parents-
child relationship. If a database table is related
to two tables, then the table is divided into two
transferred classes.
The primary key is mapped to a data type prop-
erty of the ontology. The foreign key would be
mapped to an object property of the ontology.
The attributes of a table are mapped to properties
of the equivalent class.
Our architecture integrates a reusable metaontol-
ogy which aims to explicitly specify knowledge about
the concepts, relationships, instances and axioms ex-
traction, the learned patterns and frames, and the se-
mantic distance, which is generic and could be used
in other domains.
The metaontology contributes to:
Ameliorate the ontology building process by spec-
ifying the knowledge that could help the designer
to add concepts and relationships,
Keep trace of the knowledge that led to the in-
sertion of each element in the ontology (concepts,
relationships, axioms and instances),
Maintain the clarity and the coherence of the do-
main ontology that is dynamically enriched,
Reuse the knowledge associated to the construc-
tion of each ontology (domain, structure and ser-
vices), It contains knowledge about the represen-
tation of each ontology of our architecture (do-
main, structure and services) and about the ax-
Fuzzy Ontology-based Spatial Data Warehouse for Context-aware Search and Recommendation
The output of the data layer is an ontology-based
Data Warehouse which stores semantics, annotations
along with the mechanisms that allow the execution
of analysis operations over the stored data, so we ob-
tain a new semi-structured repository with all sources
2.2 The Knowledge and Context-aware
This layer is mainly composed of a fuzzy ontology-
based Case-Base Reasoning (CBR) component and
Contextualization component.
Fuzzy Ontology-based CBR Component: We
point out that CBR is a problem-solving method
based on the concept of ”case”, which is the de-
scription of a problem and its solution. The main
idea under CBR consists in storing experiences as
cases and problem-solving processes as instances of
cases. When a new problem is found, the system
uses the relevant past stored cases to interpret or to
solve it. The combination of ontologies (as semantic
background) and CBR mechanism (to enrich the
ontology from search feedback) can improve the
performance of Semantic Web search.
In a previous work we proposed to manage and store
the cases in a crisp ontology (Elloumi-Chaabene
et al., 2011). But crisp ontologies are not able
to support uncertain information. One interesting
solution is to integrate fuzzy logic into ontology to
handle vague and imprecise information. Indeed, this
component converts our crisp case base into a fuzzy
case-base ontology. We apply the methodology for
converting a crisp ontology to a fuzzy ontology pro-
posed (Zghal and Gh
ezala, 2014). The most critical
steps in CBR process are the case representation and
case retrieval. We concentrate on these two main
steps to improve the performance of the knowledge
and contextual process.
A set of all the cases is modelled throw the fuzzy
representation. For each fuzzy case, we calculate the
weighted fuzzy similarity degree between the current
case and all the elements of the fuzzy case set, and
select the most similar ones based on maximum simi-
larity degree. Case attributes could be Fuzzy Property
Attributes, Fuzzy Valued Property Attributes and
Fuzzy Relation Attributes. So, when attributes have
uncertain values we need fuzzy ontology-based CBR.
The case is retrieved in the fuzzy ontology according
to the new problem. the types of records features
including numerical, fuzzy, ordinal, lexical, and
semantic types. The fuzzy types are represented by a
fuzzy ontology, and the semantic types are based on
the SDM ontology. The system converts the query
case crisp concept into a fuzzy semantic ontology,
which passes to the retrieval engine to find the most
similar cases. Cases are stored in a fuzzy ontology as
concept instances.
During retrieval the fuzzy similarity of a case can is
calculated based on a fuzzy membership function for
each feature that specifies the desired similarity for
any possible difference in the feature values.
Contextualization Component: The context is
defined as a set of ontological concepts present in
the items recently selected by the user. A contextual
fuzzification for the personalized spatial ontology
is applied. It begins by extracting the context of
the users query from his profile. Then, a contextual
fuzzification using Babelnet is performed in order
to assign membership values based on the users
interests. Context extraction: We consider the context
to be a concept extracted from the user profile
which is semantically related to the current concept.
In order to determine this concept from a given
profile, a stop word removal, a lemmatization, POS
(Part-Of-Speech) tagging and a matching process
with ontology are firstly executed. The output of this
process is a set of concepts extracted from the user
profile. The most close concept to the concept is
considered as the context. In order for the context
to be the most representative of the concept, we
measure the degree of co-occurrence between these
two concepts, used as an estimation of similarity be-
tween them. Our component computes the similarity
between two concepts in unsupervised manner using
the number of results returned by a specialized search
engine. The research of similar vocabulary based on
text statistics adopts the hypothesis that the context of
a word can provide enough information for the word
definition. Therefore, the candidate concept which
has the higher hit counts with the current concept is
considered as the context. The particularity of this
extraction method lies in the exploitation of concepts
that appear the most in a given corpus which helps
extracting relevant concepts the users query and
his profile. The contextual fuzzification is mainly
based on the fuzzification process of an existing crisp
ontology is usually performed using a fuzzification
function. The proposed fuzzification function relies
on the context ctx in order to favor related concepts to
the profile and the concept. The membership value of
the relation between a given concept and the current
concept, namely contextualized concept.
Fuzzy Ontology Profile: We adopted in this
work the ontological structure for the user profile
ICSOFT-PT 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
representation. The idea is to define individual
ontologies which could be composed later into the
same fuzzy ontology.
The formal Fuzzy Profile Ontology structure is
defined as follows:
f uz
= {C, R, A}, where C is a set of fuzzy concepts,
R is the set of fuzzy relations and A is a set of Axioms
expressed in a logical language.
Let us consider an ontology set C={ O1, O2,... On},
where O1,O2,...,On are fuzzy profile ontologies.
It is important to note that these fuzzy ontologies are
proposed to generate more contextual results.
The proposed fuzzy ontology allows the manage-
ment of the :
The historic of user manipulations is represented
and the associated dates are also stored in the pro-
posed fuzzy ontology.
the users’ interactions with the system in order to
implicitly extract information about his interests
and preferences. It is composed of the requested
concepts in the made searches and the relations
between them. For each concept, the last search’s
date is also recorded.
The positive preferences, which represents the
desired concepts and the relations between
them, are stored in the same ontology. The user
interests are represented by the concepts which
are considered relevant in previous search and
the relations between them.
The negative preferences, which represents the
undesired concepts and the relations between
them are also stored in the same ontology. Stor-
ing the concepts which are considered irrele-
vant in previous search and the relations be-
tween them, allow the IR system to avoid re-
turning results containing these concepts.
Contextual User Profile Building: The contextual
user profile building step is designed to extract con-
cepts and relations and assign to them membership
values in order to enrich the proposed profile ontol-
ogy with fuzzy concepts and relations. A knowledge
extraction step is firstly done by analyzing results in
order to extract concepts and relations (both taxo-
nomic and semantic) from resulted documents (both
relevant and irrelevant document groups). Then, a
contextual fuzzification process is applied in order
to assign membership values to each concept and
relation. Our contextualized concept fuzzification
method favors the most appearing concepts. It also
favors the concepts that appear with the right context
since it relies on the sum of weights of the concept
and its context. Therefore the memberships values
of contextualized concepts are higher than the ones
without their context.
Recommendation Component: this component
uses the records of previous similar experiences to
generate suggested or create new items when no
existing ones meet the needs or preferences of the
user. In a previous work a comparative study (Haddad
et al., 2015) concerning the proposed approaches of
recommendation has shown that Content-Based Fil-
tering (CBF) have the better results when considering
a quality measure. In our architecture the CBF engine
is mainly used to adapt the recommendations to the
preferences of the users and ensure a degree of diver-
sity and novelty in the suggested recommendations.
The user preferences are represented as vectors, the
intensity of the interest of user for a given concept (a
class or an instance) in a the ontology is measured
taking into account its positive or negative status
described in the previous section.
2.3 The Online Application Layer
The application layer provides results of the previ-
ous components to the user during decision support
process. The search process begins when the user
submits a query or when recommendation is gener-
ated by the knowledge layer. In order to show that
our proposal can have a great interest for contextual
search and recommendation, the architecture has been
implemented. From more technical point of view
the frameworks that have been employed in the im-
plementation of the fuzzy ontology-based CBR are
mainly PostgreSQL, PostGIS and Java-based proto-
type using Fuzzy Owl (Bobillo et al., 2013)(for man-
aging fuzzy ontologies).
Different proposals have been made regarding how
to represent a conceptual multidimensional schema to
model data warehouses and data marts. Different cat-
egorization of data models and comparisons of several
multidimensional data models are proposed in the lit-
erature, where the main identified levels were: con-
ceptual, logical, physical and formal.
On the one hand, extensions were made to make ap-
propriate the analysis and the algorithms to specifici-
ties of the handled spatial data . On the other hand,
several context models have been proposed to support
Fuzzy Ontology-based Spatial Data Warehouse for Context-aware Search and Recommendation
users context (Khouri et al., 2013),...
Recent works proposed to describe data sources by
using global and local ontologies, for more seman-
tic data warehouses (Bellatreche et al., 2013) (Cuz-
zocrea and Simitsis, 2012). Indeed, several limits
have been observed, mainly related to the lack of inte-
gration of: uncertain data for decision support, users
preferences, and their contexts and preferences. Crisp
ontologies are not capable to support uncertain in-
formation and integration of fuzzy logic into ontol-
ogy to handle vague and imprecise information has
proven its usefulness. Moreover, Case Based Rea-
soning is an important field which has been applied
to various problems (Elloumi-Chaabene et al., 2011).
To the best of our knowledge among existing works,
this is the first time that context, CBR and ontologies
are integrated together in a decision support system
which consider uncertain data at different levels (data
sources, semantics and cases)
In this paper, we proposed a Fuzzy Ontology-based
Spatial Data Warehouse for contextual search and rec-
ommendation. Our proposal takes place through three
main layers: Data layer, Knowledge and context-
aware layer and Online application layer. Unlike
many previous decision support approaches, the orig-
inality of this work is that it takes into account im-
precise data at two different levels: fuzzy profile on-
tology and fuzzy ontology-based CBR. The architec-
ture has been implemented and an evaluation of the
retrieval tasks is currently conducted.
Bellatreche, L., Khouri, S., and Berkani, N. (2013). Seman-
tic data warehouse design: From ETL to deployment
a la carte. In Database Systems for Advanced Applica-
tions, 18th International Conference, DASFAA 2013,
Wuhan, China, April 22-25, 2013. Proceedings, Part
II, pages 64–83.
Bobillo, F., Delgado, M., and G
omez-Romero, J. (2013).
Reasoning in fuzzy OWL 2 with delorean. In Un-
certainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web II, Inter-
national Workshops URSW 2008-2010 Held at ISWC
and UniDL 2010 Held at FLoC, Revised Selected Pa-
pers, pages 119–138.
Cuzzocrea, A. and Simitsis, A. (2012). Searching seman-
tic data warehouses: models, issues, architectures. In
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Se-
mantic Search over the Web, Istanbul, Turkey, August
27, 2012, page 6.
Elloumi-Chaabene, M., Mustapha, N. B., Zghal, H. B.,
Moreno, A., and S
anchez, D. (2011). Semantic-based
composition of modular ontologies applied to web
query reformulation. In ICSOFT 2011 - Proceedings
of the 6th International Conference on Software and
Data Technologies, Volume 1, Seville, Spain, 18-21
July, 2011, pages 305–308.
Haddad, M. R., Zghal, H. B., Ziou, D., and Gh
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H. B. (2015). Towards a generic architecture for rec-
ommenders benchmarking. In ICAART 2015 - Pro-
ceedings of the International Conference on Agents
and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2, Lisbon, Portu-
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Database and Expert Systems Applications - 24th In-
ternational Conference, DEXA 2013, Prague, Czech
Republic, August 26-29, 2013. Proceedings, Part II,
pages 458–465.
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CASME: A CASE tool for spatial data marts design
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Warehouses 2003, Proceedings of the 5th Intl. Work-
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ICSOFT-PT 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends