Testing Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems: State of the Practice
Bruno Lima
and João Pascoal Faria
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
INESC TEC, FEUP campus, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Software Testing, Distributed Systems, Heterogeneous Systems, Systems of Systems, State of the Practice.
In a growing number of domains, such as health-care and transportation, several independent systems, forming
a heterogeneous and distributed system of systems, are involved in the provisioning of end-to-end services to
users. Testing such systems, running over interconnected mobile and cloud-based platforms, is particularly
important and challenging, with little support being provided by current tools. In order to assess the current
state of the practice regarding the testing of distributed and heterogeneous systems (DHS) and identify op-
portunities and priorities for research and innovation initiatives, we conducted an exploratory survey that was
responded by 147 software testing professionals that attended industry-oriented software testing conferences,
and present the main results in this paper. The survey allowed us to assess the relevance of DHS in software
testing practice, the most important features to be tested in DHS, the current status of test automation and tool
sourcing for testing DHS, and the most desired features in test automation solutions for DHS. We expect that
the results presented in the paper are of interest to researchers, tool vendors and service providers in this field.
Due to the increasing ubiquity, complexity, critical-
ity and need for assurance of software based sys-
tems (Boehm, 2011), testing is a fundamental lifecy-
cle activity, with a huge economic impact if not per-
formed adequately (Tassey, 2002). Such trends, com-
bined with the needs for shorter delivery times and
reduced costs, demand for the continuous improve-
ment of software testing methods and tools, in order
to make testing activities more effective and efficient.
Nowadays software is not more like simple appli-
cations but has evolved to large and complex system
of systems (DoD, 2008). A system of systems con-
sists of a set of small independent systems that to-
gether form a new system. The system of systems
can be a combination of hardware components (sen-
sors, mobile devices, servers, etc.) and software sys-
tems used to create big systems or ecosystems that
can offer multiple different services. Currently, sys-
tems of systems capture a great interest from the soft-
ware engineering research community. These type
of systems are present in different domain like e-
health (AAL4ALL, 2015) or transportation (Torens
and Ebrecht, 2010).
Testing these distributed and heterogeneous soft-
ware systems or systems of systems, running over
interconnected mobile and cloud based platforms, is
particularly important and challenging. Some of the
challenges are: the difficulty to test the system as
a whole due to the number and diversity of individ-
ual components; the difficulty to coordinate and syn-
chronize the test participants and interactions, due to
the distributed nature of the system; the difficulty to
test the components individually, because of the de-
pendencies on other components. Because of that,
the attention from the research community increased,
however, the issues addressed and solutions proposed
have been primarily evaluated from the academic per-
spective, and not the viewpoint of the practitioner.
Hence, the main objective of this paper is to ex-
plore the viewpoint of practitioners with respect to
the testing of distributed and heterogeneous systems
(DHS), in order to assess the current state of the prac-
tice and identify opportunities and priorities for re-
search and innovation initiatives. For that purpose, we
conducted an exploratory survey that was responded
by 147 software testing professionals that attended
industry-oriented software testing conferences, and
present the main results in this paper. Besides intro-
ductory questions for characterizing the respondents
and contextualizing their responses, the survey con-
tained several questions with the aim of assessing the
practical relevance of testing DHS, the importance of
testing several features of DHS, the current level of
test automation and tool sourcing, and the desired fea-
Lima, B. and Faria, J.
Testing Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems: State of the Practice.
DOI: 10.5220/0005989100690078
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2016) - Volume 1: ICSOFT-EA, pages 69-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-194-6
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
tures in test automation solutions for DHS. We expect
that the results presented in the paper are of interest to
researchers, tool vendors and service providers in the
software testing field.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 presents the research method used to conduct
the survey. Section 3 presents the results, which are
further discussed in Section 4. Section 5 describes
the related work. Section 5 concludes the paper and
points out future work.
The research method used in this work is the explana-
tory survey. Explanatory surveys aim at making ex-
planatory claims about the population. For example,
when studying how developers use a certain inspec-
tion technique (Wohlin et al., 2003).
2.1 Goal
The main goal of this work is to explore the testing of
DHS from the point of view of industry practitioners,
in order to assess the current state of the practice and
identify opportunities and priorities for research and
innovation initiatives.
More precisely, we aim at responding to the fol-
lowing research questions:
RQ1: How relevant are DHS in the software test-
ing practice?
RQ2: What are the most important features to be
tested in DHS?
RQ3: What is the current status of test automation
and tool sourcing for testing DHS?
RQ4: What are the most desired features in test
automation solutions for DHS?
2.2 Survey Distribution and Sampling
Since our main goal was to collect the point of view
of industry practitioners that were involved in the test-
ing of DHS, we shared the survey to the participants
of two industry-oriented conferences in the software
testing area: TESTING Portugal 2015
and User Con-
ference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT)
. In total we distributed 250 surveys and we ob-
tained 167 answers. From these 167 answers, only
147 were complete and valid. Most of the invalid an-
swers were related with respondents that did not com-
plete the survey.
2.3 Survey Organization
The survey was composed of two main parts. The first
part was an introduction, where we explained the goal
of the survey and define the term "Distributed and
Heterogeneous Systems" in the context of this survey.
In the context of this survey we define a Distributed
and Heterogeneous System as a set of small indepen-
dent systems that together form a new distributed sys-
tem, combining hardware components and software
systems, possibly involving mobile and cloud-based
The second part of the questions is divided in
three different groups. The first group is related with
the professional characterization of the participants.
Here, the survey participant needs to explain:
what is his main responsibility in his current po-
sition (e.g., software testing, software developer,
project manager);
how many years he is in the current position;
how many years he has been working in software
how many years he has been working with dis-
tributed and heterogeneous systems (related with
The second group contains questions about the
company characterization. This group has questions
to identify:
the industry sector;
the company size;
the role(s) under which the company conducts
software tests (as developer, as customer/user, as
independent test service provider, and/or as sys-
tem integrator);
the test levels performed by the company.
Regarding the last question, we asked the partici-
pants about the test levels normally considered in in-
dustrial practice (ISTQB, 2016a):
unit (or component) testing - the testing of indi-
vidual software components;
integration testing - testing performed to expose
defects in the interfaces and in the interactions be-
tween integrated components or systems;
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
system testing - testing an integrated system to
verify that it meets specified requirements;
acceptance testing - formal testing with respect to
user needs, requirements, and business processes
conducted to determine whether or not a system
satisfies the acceptance criteria and to enable the
user, customers or other authorized entity to de-
termine whether or not to accept the system.
The questions in the first two groups are useful for
characterizing the respondents and confirming their
relevance for the purposes of the survey. The last
question in the first group is also important for an-
swering RQ1.
The last group contains the questions related with
the testing of DHS and the main research questions
underlying the survey:
in what role(s) does the company conduct soft-
ware tests for DHS, if any (related with RQ1);
how important is the testing of several specific
features of DHS (related with RQ2);
what is the current status of test automation for
DHS (manual testing, automatic test execution
and/or automatic test generation) (related with
what is the current status of tool sourcing for test-
ing DHS (commercial-off-the-shelf or developed
in-house) (related with RQ3);
what are the most desired features in test automa-
tion solutions for DHS (relate with RQ4);
how useful would be an automatic test generation
solution based on interaction models as input (re-
late with RQ4).
In the second question above (features to be
tested), we asked the participants about features that
are characteristic of DHS and raise significant testing
interactions between the system and the environ-
ment - distributed systems usually have several
points of interaction (ports) with the environment
(users or external systems) that are themselves
distributed, complicating test coordination (Hi-
erons, 2014);
interactions between components of the system -
monitoring the interactions between components
of the system under test (SUT) is important not
only in the context of integration testing, but also
in the context of system and acceptance testing,
to facilitate fault localization, however such inter-
actions are often obfuscated by middleware or are
even encrypted, being difficult to intercept and in-
terpret at an appropriate level of abstraction;
parallelism and concurrency - components of
DHS almost always exhibit some sort of paral-
lelism and concurrency, which can be the source
of subtle errors (race conditions, etc.) that are dif-
ficult to detect and replicate (West et al., 2012);
timing constraints - in many DHS, several sorts of
timing constraints (behaviors triggered by time-
outs, response time limits, etc.) are imposed on
interactions between components of the system or
between the system and the environment, requir-
ing the application of advanced test case genera-
tion and execution techniques (Kim et al., 2014)
and the simulation of realistic operational condi-
tions in the test environment;
nondeterministic behaviors - nondeterminism
may occur for various reasons in complex DHS,
requiring adaptive test strategies (Petrenko and
Yevtushenko, 2011) in which the next test action
depends on the observed behavior of the SUT;
multiple platforms - different components of a
DHS may run on different platforms (operating
systems, devices, browsers, etc.) and the same
component may be deployed on different plat-
forms, requiring complex testing infrastructures.
As for the most desired features in test automa-
tion solutions for DHS, besides the support for multi-
ple platforms, we asked the participants about the test
activities that can be fully or partially automated:
support for automatic test case execution - this is
the most widespread test automation facet in gen-
eral, so we expect to be a popular desired feature
for DHS;
support for automatic test case generation - this
provides the highest level of test automation, and
some model-based testing (MBT) techniques and
tools (Utting and Legeard, 2007) are attracting
increasing interest from industry, but the need
to build behavioral models of the SUT, together
with limitations still existent in the techniques
and tools (Dias Neto et al., 2007), hinder a wider
support for test coverage analysis - test cover-
age analysis is better known in the context of
white-box testing (using code coverage metrics)
but can also be employed in the context of gray-
box or black-box testing (e.g., using model cover-
age metrics);
support for automatic test stub generation - test
stubs are need in the context of unit (component)
testing, to simulate other components on which
the component under test depends, and, under
some conditions, may be automatically generated
Testing Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems: State of the Practice
from specifications or models (Faria and Paiva,
Our final question was intended to evaluate the re-
ceptiveness of the participants to a type of input mod-
els - interaction models such as the ones depicted by
UML sequence diagrams (OMG, 2015) - that are par-
ticularly well suited for generating test cases for the
most relevant features of DHS (asked in the second
question). In fact, UML 2 sequence diagrams provide
a convenient means to specify the messages that are
exchanged between components and actors of DHS
under specific scenarios, and express parallelism, syn-
chronization and time constraints, among other fea-
tures (Lima and Faria, 2016).
3.1 Participants Characterization
Before drawing conclusions on the main questions of
this survey it is important realize the profile of the
survey participants. The results show that most of the
people (70%) that responded this survey work in soft-
ware testing, verification & validation (see Figure 1)
and 41% are in the current position for more than five
years (see Figure 2).
Software/ testing,/verification/ &/
Software/ developer, architect/ or/
analys t
Figure 1: Current Position.
How$long$have$you$ been$workin g$in$
Les s*than*1*year
Between* 1*and *2 *years
Between* 2*and *5 *years
Figure 2: Time in Current Position.
Regarding the experience in software testing, the
results show (see Figure 3 and 4) that the majority of
the survey participants have more than 5 years of ex-
perience in software testing in general and 40% have
more than 5 years of experience with DHS.
How$long$have$you$ been$working$
with$softwar e$testin g?
I've+ never+ worked+with+ software+testing
Les s+than+1+year
Between+ 1+and+2+years
Between+ 2+and+5+years
Figure 3: Time in Software Testing.
How$long$hav e$you $been$working $with $
I've+ never+ worked
Les s +than +1+year
Between+ 1+and+2+years
Between+ 2+and+5+years
Figure 4: Time in Software Testing of DHS.
3.2 Company Characterization
The companies surveyed worked in a large range of
industry sectors. The results represented in Figure 5
identify more than 10 different industry sectors.
We also analyzed the size of the companies ac-
cording to their number of collaborators. Most of the
companies are large companies, 37% have between
100 and 1,000 collaborators and 45% have more than
1,000 collaborators (Figure 6).
The answers to ’In what role(s) does your com-
pany conducts software test, if any?’ show that half
of the companies performs tests to the software devel-
oped by themselves (Figure 7).
Regarding the types of test levels performed, we
realize from the answers (Figure 8) that the unit test-
ing level is the less performed and the other three
levels (integration, system and acceptance) are per-
formed with the same frequency.
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
)# $)# %)# !)# ')#
*+,-. /0123456-782-9:0;<4:6
,0786 F10575<18
=85:057<8A:85H,130<6 A
work ing?
[Multiple#answers#were#allowe d]
Figure 5: Industry Sectors.
Les s *than*10 *collab orators
Between* 10*and*99*co llaborators
Between* 100*and*1000*collaborators
More*than*1000 *collaborators
Figure 6: Company Size.
0% 20% 40% 60%
In#what#role(s )#does#yo u r#company#
conducts #software#test,#if#any ?
Figure 7: Company Roles.
Unit)tes ting
Integration) testing
System )te sting
60% 65% 70% 75% 80%
Which%s oftware%test%levels%are%performed%
in%your% company ,% if%any?
Figure 8: Test Levels.
3.3 Distributed and Heterogeneous
Systems Testing
Focusing now on the main questions of this survey,
specifically related to the testing of DHS, the answers
to ’In what role(s) does your company conducts soft-
ware test (for DHS), if any?’ show that a vast majority
of 90% of the companies (all but 10%) conducts tests
for DHS in at least one role, with 42% of the com-
panies performing tests for DHS developed by them-
selves (Figure 9).
Figure 9: Test Roles DHS.
We also tied to understand what kinds of levels are
most commonly used in the testing of such systems.
Regarding the responses obtained (Figure 10), there is
a higher emphasis on system testing (71%) followed
by integration testing (65%). Only 8% of the respon-
dents did not mention any test level for DHS.
Testing Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems: State of the Practice
Figure 10: Test Levels DHS.
Regarding the most important features that need
to be tested in DHS, the results in Figure 11 show that
the feature that was considered the most important
to be tested was ’Interactions between components
of the system’ (with 76% of responses high or very
high), followed by ’Interactions between the system
and the environment’ (71%) and ’Multiple platforms’
(66%). All the features have been considered of ’very
high’ or ’high’ importance by a majority of respon-
dents (50% or more).
Regarding the level of test automation for DHS,
the results presented in Figure 12 show that 75% of
the tests follow some automated process, however
only 16% are fully automatic, which is lower than the
25% who claim to perform only manual testing.
For people who responded that there is at least
some automatic process, we asked what kind of tool
they use. With this question we can understand the
level of effort required to automate the testing pro-
cess. Looking at the results (Figure 13) we realize
that only 31% use a commercial tool to automate the
process, and the majority, 69%, use a tool developed
in-house, reusable or not in different SUTs.
Regarding the desired features of a test automation
solution for DHS, the results presented in Figure 15
show that the most important features (based in the
percentage of responses high or very high) in an auto-
mated testing tool for DHS are ’Support for automatic
test case execution’ (75%) and ’Support for multiple
platforms’ (71%).
As a possible solution to test DHS, we asked the
participants in this survey if they would find useful
a tool to test these systems that use only a model
of interactions (UML sequence diagram) as an entry
model. The results (Figure 14) show that 86% con-
sider useful a tool with these characteristics.
3.4 Multivariate Analysis
For questions specifically related to the opinion of the
participants, a multivariate analysis was held with the
aim to determine whether the participants’ responses
depend on their current function (Software testing,
verification & validation versus all the others).
The results of the chi-square test for independence
show that there is no statistically significant associa-
tion (for a 95% significance level) between the cur-
rent function (Software testing, verification & valida-
tion versus all others) and the answers to the questions
shown in Figures 11, 15 or 14.
4.1 Relevance of Respondents
The results presented in the previous section show
that this survey met the original purpose with regard
to their target audience, since 70% of respondents’
primary responsibility is related to ’Software testing,
verification & validation’. With regard to their expe-
rience, the results showed that they are not only peo-
ple who are mostly in their current position for sev-
eral years, as work with software testing in general
and specifically with DHS. With respect to the type
of companies, the results show that this survey cov-
ers companies with diverse activity sectors and also
large companies (45% have more than 1000 collabo-
rators) which provides a great support to the conclu-
sions reached.
Concerning the main conclusions we can draw
from the results, they are next organized according to
the initial research questions.
4.2 RQ1: How Relevant are DHS in the
Software Testing Practice?
The results (Figure 9) show that a vast majority of ap-
proximately 90% of the companies surveyed (all with
software testing activities in general) conducts tests
for DHS, in at least one role and at least one test level,
hence confirming the high relevance of DHS in soft-
ware testing practice.
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
&" !&" %&" #&" $&" '&" )&" +&" (&" *&" !&&"
,-./012.34-56 7/.8//-6 .9/65:5./;61-<6.9/6/-=304-;/-.
,-./012.34-56 7/.8//-6 24;>4-/-.56 4?6 .9/65:5./;6
@101AA/A35;6 1-<624 -2 B00 /-2:
C3;/624-5.01 3-.5
D4-6 </./0;3-35.326 7/91= 3405
EBA.3>A/6 >A1.?40;5
Please&rate& the&degree& of&importance&of&testing& each& of&the& following&features&of&distributed&and&
=/0:65;1AA 5;1AA ;/<3B; 93F9 =/0:693F9
Figure 11: Features.
What%is %the%level% o f%test%automatio n%
for%these% systems?
Automatic+test+generation+ (with+
Automatic+test+generation+ and+
Figure 12: Automation Level.
If#you #selected#"Au tomatic#test#..."#in#
the#previous#question ,#what#ty pe#o f#
tools#are#us ed ?
'()(*+,(-./-/,0(-12345+67 (10++*81
'()(*+,(-./-/,0(-12345+67 (10++*81
63-(910(7 01A<=>7 B
C+::(9D2/*1+ ;;405(475(*;10++*
Figure 13: Automation Tool.
4.3 RQ2: What are the Most Important
Features to be Tested in DHS?
Regarding the most important features that need to be
tested in DHS, the results in Figure 11 show that the
feature that was considered the most important to be
tested was ’Interactions between components of the
system’ (with 76% of responses high or very high),
If-there-was-a-too l- that-could-test-a-distributed-
and-heterogeneous-system-us ing-only - a-model-of-
interactions- (UML-sequence- diagram)-as-an-entry-
Figure 14: New Tool.
followed by ’Interactions between the system and the
environment’ (71%) and ’Multiple platforms’ (66%).
Nevertheless, all the features inquired were con-
sidered of high or very high importance by a majority
of respondents (50% or more).
4.4 RQ3: What is the Current Status of
Test Automation and Tool Sourcing
for Testing DHS?
The results show that the current level of test automa-
tion for DHS is still very low, and there is large room
for improvement, since 25% of companies in the sur-
vey claim that they only perform manual tests, against
only 16% who claim to test DHS with a full automatic
Testing Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems: State of the Practice
)" !)" $)" %)" #)" ')" ()" *)" &)" +)" !))"
,-../012 3/024-1/54167218912749828:87-16/;
,-../012 3/024-1/5416721891274982<8;80416/;
,-../012 3/02189127/=804<824;4>?969
,-../012 3/024-1/5416721891291-@2 <8;80416/;
,-../012 3/025->16.>82 .>413/059
Please&rate& the&degree& of&importance&of&each&of&the& following&features& of&a&test& automation&solution&
for&distributed&and& heterogeneous&systems:
=80?2954>> 954>> 58A6-5 B6<B =80?2B6<B
Figure 15: Tool Features.
If we look for companies that have some type of
automation in its testing process, we realize that the
automation process is requiring a high effort in the
creation / adaptation of own tools, because only 31%
of companies claim to use a commercial tool to test
these types of systems.
4.5 RQ4: What are the Most Desired
Features in Test Automation
Solutions for DHS?
Regarding the conclusions that can be drawn for fu-
ture work, particularly at the level of creating tools
that can reduce the effort required to test DHS, look-
ing at Figure 15, we realize that companies identify as
key aspects of a tool to test such systems the ability to
automate test execution (75% of responses with high
or very high importancte) and the support for multiple
platforms (71%).
Nevertheless, all the features inquired were con-
sidered of medium, high or very high importance by
a large majority of respondents (83% or more).
The comparison of the degree of importance at-
tributed to automatic test case execution (96% of the
responses mentioning a medium, high or very high
importance in Figure 15) with the current status (78%
of companies applying automatic text execution in
Figure 12), show that there is a significant gap yet
to be filled between the current status and the desired
status of automatic test case execution.
The gap is even bigger regarding automatic test
case generation, with 83% of the responses mention-
ing a medium, high or very high importance in Fig-
ure 15, and only 23% of the companies currently ap-
plying automatic text generation in Figure 12.
We realized even by the Figure 14, that companies
are highly receptive to a test tool that has only a model
of interactions as an input model for automatic test
case generation and execution.
We only found in literature one survey (Ghazi et al.,
2015) that discuss some aspects related to the test-
ing of heterogeneous systems. The survey conducted
by (Ghazi et al., 2015) explored the testing of hetero-
geneous systems with respect to the usage and per-
ceived usefulness of testing techniques used for het-
erogeneous systems from the point of view of in-
dustry practitioners in the context of practitioners in-
volved in heterogeneous system development report-
ing their experience on heterogeneous system testing.
For achieving this goal the authors tried to answer two
research questions:
RQ1: Which testing techniques are used to evalu-
ate heterogeneous systems?
RQ2: How do practitioners perceive the identified
techniques with respect to a set of outcome vari-
The authors concluded that the most frequently
used technique is exploratory manual testing, fol-
lowed by combinatorial and search-based testing, and
that the most positively perceived technique for test-
ing heterogeneous systems was manual exploratory
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
testing. Our work has a different objective of the
survey conducted by Ghazi. The Ghazi main goal
was to identify testing techniques, our aim is to un-
derstand how distributed systems and heterogeneous
are tested in companies realizing which test levels are
performed and which are the automation levels for
testing these systems. The Ghazi survey also involved
a much smaller number of participants (27).
As regards the general software testing in the lit-
erature there are many surveys, however as the main
aim of our work is to analyze the state of practice,
we analyze surveys carried out in the industry by rec-
ognized standardization bodies as ISTQB (ISTQB,
2016a). The most recent survey of this organiza-
tion (ISTQB, 2016b) conducted over more than 3,000
people from 89 countries, although it has a different
purpose of our work because is related to the soft-
ware test in general, provides results that meet the re-
sults presented in this article, namely that there are
still significant improvement opportunities in test au-
tomation (was considered in this study the area with
highest improvement potential).
In order to assess the current state of the practice re-
garding the testing of DHS and identify opportuni-
ties and priorities for research and innovation initia-
tives, we conducted an exploratory survey that was
responded by 147 software testing professionals that
attended industry-oriented software testing confer-
The survey allowed us to confirm the high rele-
vance of DHS in software testing practice, confirm
and prioritize the relevance of testing features charac-
teristics of DHS, confirm the existence of a significant
gap between the current and the desired status of test
automation for DHS, and confirm and prioritize the
relevance of test automation features for DHS. We ex-
pect that the results presented in the paper are of inter-
est to researchers, tool vendors and service providers
in this field.
As future work, we intend to develop techniques
and tools to support the automatic test generation and
execution of test cases for DHS, based on UML se-
quence diagrams.
This research work was performed in scope of the
project NanoSTIMA. Project “NanoSTIMA: Macro-
to-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Mul-
timodal Health Monitoring and Analytics/NORTE-
01-0145-FEDER-000016” is financed by the North
Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE
2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership
Agreement, and through the European Regional De-
velopment Fund (ERDF).
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ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications